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  2. /specialCollection/DCI/Intell & Miscellaneous Papers FOIA/Misc-007.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Intelligence, Policy, and Politics: The DCI, the White House, and Congress 5166d49399326091c6a604de Attachment Size Misc-007.pdf 233.64 KB ... overseas. During that time, the DCIs participated in or oversaw several vital contributions that  intelligence made to US national security: strategic warning, clandestine collection ... collect foreign secrets, and no power to bring about a consensus among agencies. Maybe that is  why Souers, when asked not long after his appointment, "What do  you want to do?"  ...  DCI really did not "direct" something called "central intelligence." He was responsible for  coordinating national collection and analysis, but he lacked the authority to do so, faced  formidable competitors in other agencies, and had no constituency to support him. He had to  ...

  3. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1976/1976-03-30a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b67b1 Attachment Size 1976-03-30a.pdf 1.51 MB ... "HCXJm (USSR): Military District XIT Defense Exercises 1. The encl6sed Intelligence Infomation Special ... Pages..1"P••GFC,RZ.T COUNTRYUssR ••■ **10)NtET Copy # TOP S Intelligence Information Special Report Page 3 of 17 Pages ... which appeared in Issue No. 1 (77) for 1966 of the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection ...

  4. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1973/1973-05-30.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6716 Attachment Size 1973-05-30.pdf 1.35 MB ... Information Special Report 18 part of a series now in preparatidn based on the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense ... publication Collection of Articles of the Journal "Military Thought." This article by the Comman- ... Information Special Report SUBJECT COUNTRY USSR DATE OF Late 1970 INFO. DATE 30 May 1971 DIRECTORATE ...

  5. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1973/1973-07-13a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6712 Attachment Size 1973-07-13a.pdf 1.34 MB ... Intelligence Information Special Report SUBJECT MILITARY THOUGHT (USSR): Combat with Enemy Air Defense Means ... Collection of Articles of the Journal "Military Thought." The authors of this article ... that airborne operations are likely to fail without special measures to protect EfahspoEt aircraft from air ...

  6. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1973/1973-06-13.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b66fe Attachment Size 1973-06-13.pdf 1.33 MB ... of e National Air Defense System 1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report is part of a series now ... in preparation based on the SECRET USSR Ministry of' Defense publication Collection of Articles ... SUBJECT 1001189883 UNCLASSIFIED-3- Intelligence Information Special Report kqq.'!COMMENT: END ...

  7. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-03-01.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6916 Attachment Size 1977-03-01.pdf 3.13 MB ... Actions of a Front Air Army in Support of a Tank Army 1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special ... Collection of Articles of the Jouxnal 'Military Thought". This article is an extensive review ... TO ECRET TOP CRET Intelligence Information Special Report Page 3 of 18 Pages COUNTRY USSR DATE OF INFO. ...

  8. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-11-30h.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b68e0 Attachment Size 1978-11-30h.pdf 1.44 MB ... Director for Operations S W C X 1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report is part of a series ... now in preparation based on the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles ... November 1978 SUBJECT TOP ECRET ens-- •- TOr Sb..ji Intelligence Information Special Report Page 3 of 16 ...

  9. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-11-22d.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b68d6 Attachment Size 1978-11-22d.pdf 1.3 MB ... in an OffensiGe Operation of a Combined-Arms Army 1. The enclosed Intelligence Infomation Special Report i s part ... of a series now in preparation based on the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles ... Page 2 of 16 Pages CRET COUNTRY USSR DATE OF INFO. Mid-1963 Intelligence Information Special Report ...

  10. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-11-02b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b68be Attachment Size 1978-11-02b.pdf 2.04 MB ... Special Report Page 3 of 23 Pages COUNTRY um DATE OF Iwo. Mid-1965 [JAM 2 November 1978 1.2mtens.: ... of the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles of the Journal "Military ... in cases where this is necessary. • Although combat against enemy nuclear means arose and Acquired special ...

  11. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1975/1975-09-03.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b685c Attachment Size 1975-09-03.pdf 1.92 MB ... of Interior in the Initial Period of War 1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report is part ... of a series now in preparation based an the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles ... 19.2.4eC116- Intelligence Information Special Report Page 3 of 14 Pages COUNTRY USSR DATE CW DATE • 3 September ...

  12. /specialCollection/nwcda8/205/JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)/JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)_0004.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81a993294098d515f0f Attachment Size JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)_0004.pdf 3.94 MB ... out as due to Russian slowness in granting a wise. l!earmhile, he is busy collecting information ... is.Stlefian &trait% loth have lived in Ruud* and speak the i.enguage. 4 Ate- For the collection of milli* ... without delay. The agents In charge of this special duty are mainly the above-mentioned IHMIOTO and Itr. ...

  13. /specialCollection/nwcda8/205/JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)/JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)_0004.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81f993294098d5168d5 Attachment Size JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)_0004.pdf 3.94 MB ... out as due to Russian slowness in granting a wise. l!earmhile, he is busy collecting information ... is.Stlefian &trait% loth have lived in Ruud* and speak the i.enguage. 4 Ate- For the collection of milli* ... without delay. The agents In charge of this special duty are mainly the above-mentioned IHMIOTO and Itr. ...

  14. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1962/1962-05-07a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6a04 Attachment Size 1962-05-07a.pdf 3.5 MB ... 0 C MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: TACTICAL MISSILE AND ARTILLERY COLLECTION ... Infor- mation Collection of Missile Units and Artillery. This publication was formerly called Information ... Collection of the Artillery and was renamed to include the term Missile Units" sometime before mid-1960. ...

  15. /specialCollection/DCI/Hillenkoetter FOIA/1948/1948-10-25.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Intelligence, Policy, and Politics: The DCI, the White House, and Congress 5166d49399326091c6a604b0 Attachment Size 1948-10-25.pdf 1.83 MB ... IAPPROVED FOR RELEASE---- HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS DIVISION IHR70-14 I-CDATE042-2012- HR70-14 25 ... DeLoach. Col. Galloway, reference revision of Special Funds Regulations. Called on ID, and Col. Levine, ID. ... understanding of project. Mr. Wisner, OPC, reference revision of Special Funds Regulations. Reference ...

  16. /specialCollection/DCI/Hillenkoetter FOIA/1947/1947-10-24b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Intelligence, Policy, and Politics: The DCI, the White House, and Congress 5166d49399326091c6a60473 Attachment Size 1947-10-24b.pdf 2.61 MB ... PPROVED FOR RELEASE- ISiOAICAL COLLECTIONS IVI"SION R70-14 DA:04-26-2012. 24 October 1947 Mr. ... with representa- tives from P&O Army, G-2, ONI, CIA (General Wright) present. Mr. Dean Rusk, head, Special ... that the paper to be presented to the Special Ad oc ommi ee of SANACC rill not be written until late ...

  17. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-02-10.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b691a Attachment Size 1977-02-10.pdf 1.6 MB ... Operqtion-- I 1, The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report is part of a series now in preparation ... based on the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles of the Journal ... under which they are conducted. The author describes the objectives, nature and special features of an engagement when a tank army ...

  18. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-04-18a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b694d Attachment Size 1977-04-18a.pdf 2.03 MB ... ~ t i O n B e t w e e n \ 1. The enclosed Intelligence Infomation Special Report is part of a series now in preparation based ... on the SEm USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles of the Journal "Military ... Late 1966 SUBJECT DATE 18 April g37 TOP SECRET Intelligence Information Special Report Page 3 of 21 ...

  19. /specialCollection/nwcda3/76/QRPLUMB VOL. 4 (DEVELOPMENT AND PLANS, 1982-88)/QRPLUMB VOL. 4 (DEVELOPMENT AND PLANS, 1982-88)_0005.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c264993294098d50e0ff Attachment Size QRPLUMB VOL. 4 (DEVELOPMENT AND PLANS, 1982-88)_0005.pdf 2.45 MB ... INTENDED SOLELY FOR COL- LECTION PER SEC 662 OF FOR ASSIST. ACT...... NOT INTENDED. •SOLELY FOR COLLECTION ... 662 OF FOR ASSIST. ACT WHERE ACTIVITY IS NOT INTENDED FOR COLLECTION CONCURRENCES OF DIVISIONS ... of the ZPUHVR. Its literary camouflage was created specially, in accordance with the plans of the imperi- alist ...

  20. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1962/1962-09-20a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b697a Attachment Size 1962-09-20a.pdf 2.82 MB ... from the SECRET Collection of Articles of the Journal "Military Thought" published by the Ministry ... Colonel B. Mikhaylov. This article appeared in Issue 6 (61) of 1961 of a special version of the Soviet ... obolochka) and have a specially secure entrance, as well as equipment for convexsion from the mobile ...
