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  1. New Developments in Soviet Conventional Ground Force Equipment, CIA/DI/OSR Intelligence Report, December 1971.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a60876 Attachment Size 1972-01-10.pdf 1.9 MB ... technology required is beyond their current capability. APPROVED FOR RELEASE TO P RET HISTORICAL COLLECTION ... in regimental strength to tank divisions, suggesting that it was a specialized antitank weapon. Since then, ...

  2. /specialCollection/nwcda1/5/BISHOP, ROBERT/BISHOP, ROBERT_0101.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 51966ece993294098d50b3a0 Attachment Size BISHOP, ROBERT_0101.pdf 3.29 MB ... has been my most valuable man in Bucharest as he knows how to collect material from other Germans and how to prepare ...

  3. /specialCollection/nwcda2/41/SCHULZE-BOYSEN, HARRO/SCHULZE-BOYSEN, HARRO_0016.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697ed993294098d50ce8a Attachment Size SCHULZE-BOYSEN, HARRO_0016.pdf 5.94 MB ... in this memorandum are two items of special CI interest, albeit speculative in nature:- The SAEFKOW group ... Q):1-,7)77* on all 2.rents, end cv..::n in;the •a.!. Mcse men supplied valuable informItion, and collected ...

  4. /specialCollection/nwcda2/52/OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 4/OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 4_0069.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697ee993294098d50d1ce Attachment Size OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 4_0069.pdf 8.36 MB ... had been,burned. I think--documents in regard to the Swiss Logation, have been collected ... as a part of the Tr.at7? A. Yes 7Irst Mr, MA'$X1I*P tried to Øt a speciAL protocol attached to t) Pact ...

  5. /specialCollection/nwcda3/70/LCPROWL VOL. 4/LCPROWL VOL. 4_0054.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c267993294098d50e89c Attachment Size LCPROWL VOL. 4_0054.pdf 4.48 MB ... some 2,000 questionnaires have been collected." (1606 CFRFG, 15 October 1951). The next progress report, ... with respect to such state- ments as: (2) Identity A was selected as leader of a special group of 10 men ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b76993294098d50f3be Attachment Size OBOPUS BG FIEND VOL. 1 (COUNTRY PLAN ALBANIA)_0029.pdf 4.06 MB ... have collected are Italy, Egypt, Greece, and the U.S. With the exception of those in the US, the amigrees ... in this adventure, as well as Albanian. obstruction of the work of the UN Special Commission on the Balkans, ...

  7. /specialCollection/nwcda5/119/DURCANSKY, FERDINAND VOL. 2/DURCANSKY, FERDINAND VOL. 2_0028.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b26993294098d5110ae Attachment Size DURCANSKY, FERDINAND VOL. 2_0028.pdf 2.96 MB ... and the Slovak League of America (S.LA) declined to sluure with him funds collected from Slovak nationals abroad, ... ZIPPER would probably keep him "as (a) special connection for possible future ...

  8. Reorganization of Soviet Ground Forces in East Germany, CIA/DI/SOVA Intelligence Assessment, August 1983.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a605a5 Attachment Size 1983-08-01b.pdf 1.95 MB ... tkk4y Directorate of "_Nret Intelligence IAPPROVED FOR HR70-14 RELEASE- HISTORICAL COLLECTION ... and indirect fire support available specialized roles in reconnaissance, command and to the MRB commander ... the BTR-70 will replace the BTR-60 in all the GSFG MRRs or be retained for specialized duties V | Tank ...

  9. Warsaw Pact Air Power: Forces for Use in Central Europe, CIA/DI/OSR Intelligence Report, December 1973.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a60593 Attachment Size 1973-12-01b.pdf 2.56 MB ... )O r, 7O:1-4--- APPROVED FOR RELEASE- G HISTORICAL COLLECTION jDIVISION HR70-14- DATE: 07-18-2012 ... and special purpose units--under a designated front headquarters. The tactical air strength of a given front ... designed for specialized missions. In current US pro- grams aircraft are being developed specifically ...

  10. Czechoslovakia: The Problem of Soviet Control, CIA/DI/SRS Esau XLIV Intelligence Memorandum, 16 January 1970.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6089d Attachment Size 1970-01-16.pdf 5.48 MB ... analyst in charge was James Ogle. f, an Kerry Ki-af Chief, D4/I Special Re arch Vtaff OPCRE y FIN, TOnP E_ ... the presence_of advisers,-espec-ially in the.. ministries of interior and national defense; the special role ...

  11. Capabilities of the Soviet Theater Forces, NIE 11-14-62, disseminated December 1962.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6095b Attachment Size 1962-12-05.pdf 2.24 MB ... A PPROVED FOR RELEASE- HISTORICAL COLLECTION DIVISION DATE:.06-18-20 12NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE NUMBER ... It appears that, as part of the effort to insure central control, special units have been created throughout ...

  12. /specialCollection/nwcda1/4/BERGMANIS, HARIJS/BERGMANIS, HARIJS_0007.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 51966eca993294098d50a99d Attachment Size BERGMANIS, HARIJS_0007.pdf 7.23 MB ... were collected, ULDIS and BERKIS asked for tickets to Riga. The conductress said that they had requested tickets ... of passengers in Jelgava who wanted to go to Riga and only those passengers who had special papers (travel ...

  13. /specialCollection/nwcda4/97/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 33 (OPERATIONS)/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 33 (OPERATIONS)_0023.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b7c993294098d510349 Attachment Size AERODYNAMIC VOL. 33 (OPERATIONS)_0023.pdf 6.86 MB ... and rehabilitated by a Special Comhistion of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (about 15 people) who came ...

  14. /specialCollection/nwcda7/184/WIRSING, GISELHER/WIRSING, GISELHER_0006.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bded6993294098d51506d Attachment Size WIRSING, GISELHER_0006.pdf 4.83 MB ... a special mission, Lll efforts to have him and Admiral. KOSMIA received by HITLER vere un- • availing. ... collecting processes (Erfassung). Being exclusively concerned. miththe evaluation (yerwertung) ...

  15. /specialCollection/nwcda8/195/GERMAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (WWII), VOL. 4/GERMAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (WWII), VOL. 4_0002.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd819993294098d515d1c Attachment Size GERMAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (WWII), VOL. 4_0002.pdf 8.82 MB ... and collecting the aesets of he section, and stated that I considered him responsible for the activities ...

  16. /specialCollection/nwcda8/195/GERMAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (WWII), VOL. 4/GERMAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (WWII), VOL. 4_0002.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81e993294098d5166e2 Attachment Size GERMAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (WWII), VOL. 4_0002.pdf 8.82 MB ... and collecting the aesets of he section, and stated that I considered him responsible for the activities ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6aaa Attachment Size esau-35.pdf 9.92 MB ... and having a special, private vested interest in militant struggle against the United States. Part 11 traces the growing ... s igh tedness, modesty, and r e l i a n c e upon collective l eade r sh ip. Hoc 'I& ...

  18. Soviet and East European General Purpose Forces, NIE 11-14-68, 12 December 1968.

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f999326091c6a6081b Attachment Size 1968-12-12.pdf 2.3 MB ... APPROVED RELEASE AS SANITIZED SORECEALSE- COLLECTION DIVISION DATE: 06-18-2012 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ... ing auxiliaries, not only with merchant shipping, but also with ships designed to provide specialized ... items consist of combat and special purpose equipment which has no civilian equivalent. The other 1,400 ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81c993294098d516433 Attachment Size INTERROGATION REPORTS (DI SEARCH)_0002.pdf 42.31 MB ... HEIMAO,DARMST'ADT for a socallod special treatment (SONDERBEHANDLUNG). KOMMISAR WANGEMANN:was in chargo ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd821993294098d516df9 Attachment Size INTERROGATION REPORTS (DI SEARCH)_0002.pdf 42.31 MB ... HEIMAO,DARMST'ADT for a socallod special treatment (SONDERBEHANDLUNG). KOMMISAR WANGEMANN:was in chargo ...
