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  1. /specialCollection/nwcda4/101/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 44 CONTACT REPORTS/AERODYNAMIC VOL. 44 CONTACT REPORTS_0032.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a2b79993294098d50fb76 Attachment Size AERODYNAMIC VOL. 44 CONTACT REPORTS_0032.pdf 3.08 MB ... arts in Ukraine, Subject pointed to the long overdue need for a special journal of linguistics ... sabotage on collective farms and in factories, absenteeism, higher wage demands, premium wages, etc. Along ...

  2. /specialCollection/nwcda7/177/STEIMLE, EUGEN/STEIMLE, EUGEN_0011.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bded7993294098d515248 Attachment Size STEIMLE, EUGEN_0011.pdf 6.28 MB ... '..''''(. otage) and vriaA/FARsivArt r-e..?...7. 0/ZEPPELIN.... ' • /....: Collection of-foreign ... • '0":to').Q22Egt.i.AXtMLiZdt. Sabotage.:This Orune 1144 t13:4 earl,y in 1943 under BED=Nr*tor special,!,•• •sabotage ...

  3. /specialCollection/nwcda7/175/SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 3/SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 3_0001.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bdedb993294098d5159b6 Attachment Size SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 3_0001.pdf 2.15 MB ... Germans. ACtually, tbeee elders had only collected Money among the villagers in order'to6throw a big ... to Jordan. A special dedree ooncerri- bag this matter was!Aimed. In Amman I went to the local Circapsian ...

  4. /specialCollection/nwcda7/175/SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 3/SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 3_0078.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bdedb993294098d5159a8 Attachment Size SOOBZOKOV, TSCHERIM VOL. 3_0078.pdf 5.66 MB ... them and determine whether any of the collection might contain specific documents I am seeking. I are,herewith ... '55/118.1 '--r: Perm. 1-2/12 ' 5-6/47:, • 1 —....4. 0 5447N.1/ 4 i 0-. / y_y-- Special Services-- ...

  5. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1958/1958-12-23.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5caf Attachment Size 1958-12-23.pdf 13.26 MB ... Special Weapon Developments 31 Nuclear Weapons 31 Guided Missiles 33 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile 33 ... crises, and in the developing crisis over Berlin. 3. The Soviet leaders probably decided that the special ... matures and becomes more complex, as the needs of society come to be met by more specialized ...

  6. /specialCollection/nwcda8/198/WHAT THE GERMANS ARE SAYING/WHAT THE GERMANS ARE SAYING_0001.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd819993294098d515ce5 Attachment Size WHAT THE GERMANS ARE SAYING_0001.pdf 22.91 MB ... TOP SECRI SOURCE: Forty-eight old German Lt. Colonel, former C.O. of Prisoner of War Collecting Poi:It ...

  7. /specialCollection/nwcda8/198/WHAT THE GERMANS ARE SAYING/WHAT THE GERMANS ARE SAYING_0001.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81e993294098d5166ab Attachment Size WHAT THE GERMANS ARE SAYING_0001.pdf 22.91 MB ... TOP SECRI SOURCE: Forty-eight old German Lt. Colonel, former C.O. of Prisoner of War Collecting Poi:It ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6a6e Attachment Size polo-28.pdf 5.4 MB ... j u s t what its name i m p l i e d: a special group charged w i t h t h e conduct of t h e C u l t u r a l Revolu ...

  9. /specialCollection/nwcda7/177/STEIMLE, EUGEN/STEIMLE, EUGEN_0035.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bded7993294098d515262 Attachment Size STEIMLE, EUGEN_0035.pdf 20.99 MB ...

  10. 1993-07-01b- National Intelligence Estimate 93-23/II: Combatant Forces In The Former Yugoslavia 01-Jul-93

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Bosnia, Intelligence, and the Clinton Presidency 5235e80d993294098d517532 Attachment Size 1993-07-01b.pdf 3.56 MB ... War and Doctrine bers of trained and specialized personnel. Belgrade's Air Force is superior ... on Yugoslavia as best they can. Emphasis on NCO and. training schools, coupled with special pay and allowance, ... "specialists"-probably any invasion to infantry operations and puni- special forces troops-to the Krajina. tive ...

  11. CAT VOL 3

    SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA's Clandestine Services: Histories of Civil Air Transport 52371fe2993294098d51762c Attachment Size CAT VOL 3.pdf 4.34 MB ... into a i special harness that was tightly worn by the individ­ ual who was to be picked up. The aircraft, coming ... was not in any way i~volved. Downey and Fecteau were labelled as i "Special agents-of the· Central Intelligence ... that have just come to light I are as follows: a. A special Report- PP, PM to the DCI via the DDP from AC/FE, ...

  12. /specialCollection/Wizards/osi_pdf/long_range_monograph1.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Original Wizards of Langley 5077050b993247d4d82b6a25 Attachment Size long_range_monograph1.pdf 3.98 MB ...

  13. /specialCollection/Wizards/osi_pdf/long_range_soviet.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Original Wizards of Langley 5077050b993247d4d82b6a0e Attachment Size long_range_soviet.pdf 3.98 MB ...

  14. /specialCollection/nwcda7/161/PEKELSKY, VLADIMIR VOL. 2/PEKELSKY, VLADIMIR VOL. 2_0024.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bdeda993294098d5157fd Attachment Size PEKELSKY, VLADIMIR VOL. 2_0024.pdf 12.45 MB ... the'Caumunists with special emphasis on liberating CSR from Cor.nunist dominAion. (22 1948, B-3), b. Coope17-tion ... B0LSEVISEL1 PERSEK ',INCH who will also have a special stamp on their identif ati rm car. (8:)-ch 1950, ...

  15. /specialCollection/nwcda3/61/AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 1/AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 1_0015.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c26a993294098d50eefa Attachment Size AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 1_0015.pdf 7.7 MB ... DonBas, Kiev, Briyansk, Smolensk, Minsk and the USSR/Polish border for the collection of fresh ... a mintier of the C A t t '\4artiF, but there VW no special 19fori to be done on that account. a. Tho ...

  16. /specialCollection/nwcda3/61/AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 3/AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 3_0001.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c269993294098d50ee5d Attachment Size AESAURUS AENOBLE VOL. 3_0001.pdf 7.51 MB ... where they are, how many there are, what special documents are needed for access to them, what special papers ... and packages were carried for the DZ on their person in a specially constructed duckoloth belt. However, due ...

  17. /specialCollection/nwcda5/119/DURCANSKY, FERDINAND VOL. 2/DURCANSKY, FERDINAND VOL. 2_0030.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b26993294098d511092 Attachment Size DURCANSKY, FERDINAND VOL. 2_0030.pdf 5.53 MB ... for die formation of CzechoLSlovakia had to promise a special position to Slovakia. According ... after a discussion with Wilson; that, in the establish- ment of the new State. Slovakia should enjoy a special ... of self-determination for the Slovak Nation and therefore for the Independence of Slovakia. No special powers ...

  18. /specialCollection/nwcda6/138/HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 6/HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 6_0107.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f9b993294098d51362a Attachment Size HOETTL, WILHELM VOL. 6_0107.pdf 3.93 MB ... news magazines and dailies let their special correspondents feed thew the most increeiole detail, ... collections? Perhao:: because th.: death c)lumns of ELropaan ticws wexo. to be sure, set in motion by Hitler ... special s quads entered; they woro gas masks and rubber boots, and were equipped with water- hoses. Thu ...

  19. /specialCollection/nwcda2/27/LAUNAGS, FREDS VOL. 1/LAUNAGS, FREDS VOL. 1_0015.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697ec993294098d50cbb8 Attachment Size LAUNAGS, FREDS VOL. 1_0015.pdf 26.11 MB ... from Jelgava to Security d t:r.,7.arz7-7- his parents in Riga gave Hahn the opportunity to collect ... up a safe house addre on Kr. Barone wis also recruited for this assiwnment, In the collection o Street ...

  20. /specialCollection/nwcda6/153/MALAXA, NICOLAI VOL. 4/MALAXA, NICOLAI VOL. 4_0031.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f93993294098d5127bf Attachment Size MALAXA, NICOLAI VOL. 4_0031.pdf 12.5 MB ... to this document, the state could not permit the entrepreneur to "collect provoking bent its to the detriment ... special authorization of asr centrel services and without instruct/ma from private persons. •3. ... of a good managing of State orders and of a wise social valley we must ssot allow the enterpriser to collect ...
