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Soviet Approach to Force Reductions in Europe, NIE 11/20-73, 11 January 1973.
SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a6059b Attachment Size 1973-01-11.pdf 1.52 MB ... PPROVED FOR RELEASE- HISTORICAL COLLECTION DIVISION HR70-14- DATE: 06-18-2012 CIA HISTORICAL R1EEW ... of Internatiornal Securiy Affairs. Atom'ic cneroy Comnossior The Special Assistant to the Secretary ... the dangers of "special relationship" with Western Europe "ideological disarmament"-is one ...
/specialCollection/nwcda2/44/VAJTA, FERENC/VAJTA, FERENC_0025.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697e2993294098d50b527 Attachment Size VAJTA, FERENC_0025.pdf 3.78 MB ... to collect all the politicians of Eastern European countries who, in the judgment of French services, ... on October 13, created a special bureau in Vienna to counteract the "man hunt" ... important exiles to Paris. It also contacts Hungarian socialists. Paris creates a special Eastern Eurorean ...
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c266993294098d50e4f8 Attachment Size CATOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANS VOL. 1_0032.pdf 3.81 MB ... only against their referential targets. (For example, the Deputy PDQUICK Resident specializes in the Christian Democratic Party, ... and Agricultural Sections plus a complement of administrative and support personnel. The Embassy collects political ... on the diplomat, we hope to S'ECRET RYBAT • SECRET RYBAT- 3- 1, call upont, who specializes in the recruitment ...
/specialCollection/nwcda3/53/OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 1/OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 1_0006.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 5197c267993294098d50e7b2 Attachment Size OSS- SSU- CIG EARLY CIA DOCUMENTS VOL. 1_0006.pdf 3.45 MB ... leanterie Rest 42, in COTTBUS. Feb 1916- Taken ill with double pneumonia and was sent to a special ... and was forced to leave the Gestapo after that Ft0;1" period, and to continue at the Schupo. (See special ... as SD-V-Mann. Subject was informed that his duties would consist of collecting infolmation about the political ...
/specialCollection/nwcda5/120/EICHMANN, ADOLF VOL. 2/EICHMANN, ADOLF VOL. 2_0058.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b30993294098d5122f3 Attachment Size EICHMANN, ADOLF VOL. 2_0058.pdf 3.67 MB ... ")ordia:-Dinarie, special talents 'meg Otrating;i. speeeli'maiiing;:"Prganiz. ing memb ership • ninth ... the collection of Jewish art. objects and coins, he began,to study Hebrew'.. Under: 'rite symbol ... icihalk•:,up • only 45,47.6 Vidtima.: of:-. 1-iis:special' squads • diming f ive:moriths ...
/specialCollection/nwcda5/129/GOETTSCH, WERNER/GOETTSCH, WERNER_0008.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b22993294098d510865 Attachment Size GOETTSCH, WERNER_0008.pdf 8.99 MB ... as a resa-troh collection within which:Nary book a' pa rphlet had t) he classed as a doctraent and idr.w.C. ... very Sad. ho entire collection was moved once to the branch buildin:• or the:33111.;asencu:ber Strasse 12. ... of the collection. 34.;rem 43 on:a r...s th. heads of sub-Copts (Ref eron ten) also la:.•Jily responsible ...
/specialCollection/nwcda8/205/JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)/JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)_0006.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81a993294098d515f0c Attachment Size JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)_0006.pdf 10.85 MB ... C"!C72 4!ts_z_t2, and Ids then assirtent, JIICUCIII F inkashs. TlIj wore) aided in the collection ... to in outstations and it has boon found that the athiotor,OK6MODD, collects item of military and naval Intolligamm, ... collects itoma of information properly bolonging to tho Air Direetorato and the Armemonts pdainistration ...
/specialCollection/nwcda8/205/JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)/JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)_0006.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519cd81f993294098d5168d2 Attachment Size JAPANESE IN EUROPE (WWII)_0006.pdf 10.85 MB ... C"!C72 4!ts_z_t2, and Ids then assirtent, JIICUCIII F inkashs. TlIj wore) aided in the collection ... to in outstations and it has boon found that the athiotor,OK6MODD, collects item of military and naval Intolligamm, ... collects itoma of information properly bolonging to tho Air Direetorato and the Armemonts pdainistration ...
SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6ab4 Attachment Size esau-02.pdf 1.35 MB ... was not suited to production relations under socialism and changed to collective farms." Such views ... cooperatives," which represented t h e amalgamation of 20 t o 30 of t he existing collectives. The best ... a special issue in mid-June marking the anniversary of Y m * s "contradickionst* speech, which a n u- ...
Factors in the Fall of Khrushchev and the Behavior of the New Soviet Regime, CIA/DI/FBIS Radio Propaganda Report, 22 October 1964
SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a6069e Attachment Size 1964-10-22.pdf 1 MB ... REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONA[ARCHIVES_IN VPPRO ED FO (131dISSV'1D U COLLECT[ON DIVISION CON TIAL ... editorial's stress on collective leadership as "the main task" of the party, while implicitly ... leaders. Special attention is called to the final report contained in the above collation, Radio Propaganda ...
I-22 Soviet Bloc’s Facsimile NATO, DCI Allen Dulles’ Briefing for the National Security Council, attached to the Agenda for 9 June 1955 NSC meeting.
SPECIALCOLLECTION CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces 5166d4f899326091c6a605b3 Attachment Size 1955-06-06.pdf 1.31 MB ... APPROVED FOR RELEASE HR70-14 HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS DIVISION M,agry HR-70-14 Copy No. 32 4-18-2012 ... to Konev. B. Treaty does not create special role for Soviet Marshal Rokossovski (Polish Defense Minister ... alternative resolution calling on democracies to "improve their efforts to obtain collective security ...
/specialCollection/nwcda2/43/SVEICS, VIDVUDS/SVEICS, VIDVUDS_0032.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697e6993294098d50be00 Attachment Size SVEICS, VIDVUDS_0032.pdf 3.41 MB ... collects various data a/mi s information regarding currant • conditions in Latvia, economic conditions ... for its work. On its side the organization odfild, besides collecting intelligence, promise ... into the Oaf of Riga in a specially built motor. boat. The boat is very law and develops a speed of 27 knots, ...
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697e8993294098d50c27c Attachment Size STUDIES IN INTELLIGENCE JAPANESE- RELATED ARTICLES_0004.pdf 2.58 MB ... of clandestine and special operations units.. Detachment 101's first chief Carl F. Lifter, was the stuff ... skeptical, Majors said, 'Well, Colonel, somebody might have been trying to collect the price ... Colonel, somebody might have been trying to collect the price on your head." Though I admitted ...
/specialCollection/nwcda5/110/BORMANN, MARTIN VOL. 1/BORMANN, MARTIN VOL. 1_0047.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b27993294098d5111d3 Attachment Size BORMANN, MARTIN VOL. 1_0047.pdf 1.73 MB ... thousand arms collected, but that AGNESINA, (MSGA-213, etc.) is making him difficulties through jealousy ... that he, BULLO, has arrived at collecting this quantity, and not the police. In any case BULLO says ... which were difficult to get, such as special steel, ball bearings, etc. I said I understood perfectly-- things ...
/specialCollection/nwcda5/110/BORMANN, MARTIN VOL. 2/BORMANN, MARTIN VOL. 2_0024.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519a6b27993294098d511140 Attachment Size BORMANN, MARTIN VOL. 2_0024.pdf 1.39 MB ... to the report of Special Agent David R. Evans, Jr.,.dated and captioned as above, at New York. NY T-1 and NY T-2 ... to help collect material and knew nothing of the events that the subject was involved in. Miss BETZ ... that has been printed in book form or newspapers and has'nt been collected. There is no person who had anything ...
/specialCollection/nwcda6/141/JUNG, LUDWIG/JUNG, LUDWIG_0002.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f94993294098d5129d5 Attachment Size JUNG, LUDWIG_0002.pdf 4.31 MB ... 1 — 02 Collection Branch. 6- osI 10- DAD 6- Maslen III Si Region IV 2 Region VIII 2- Region XII 1- 513 KC ... and int,Iligonce orgnnisations of special intorust. Theo, include the fudern1 and steto tgcncios for the Protection ... activities were..krnaxard, undisciplined, and uncontrolled; inferastIon collected vas unrellalle ...
/specialCollection/nwcda6/132/HAZNERS, VILIS VOL. 1/HAZNERS, VILIS VOL. 1_0046.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519b7f96993294098d512d53 Attachment Size HAZNERS, VILIS VOL. 1_0046.pdf 5.36 MB ... Post Office. "Daugavae Vanagi n during past year between mid-october and mid-December collected ... funds to send $40,000 in packages to Iatvia. One half of this man was collected in the United States. ... Regiment and in a signal cOniiiulyof,. the Vidzeme Division (in Riga). ' He specialized ...
/specialCollection/nwcda7/181/URBAN, JOSEF VOL. 2/URBAN, JOSEF VOL. 2_0013.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519bded9993294098d5154f6 Attachment Size URBAN, JOSEF VOL. 2_0013.pdf 3.08 MB ... had to appear with illustration.) that 'OMR possessed a large. collection of photographs which included ... organisation) had. pined a routed on EICIEtill os bead of 1200•000 whit* I Was supposed to collect sines ... special attention. Thus he never mde am attempt to pay for male when en were together or Men he sane ...
/specialCollection/nwcda2/30/MARBACH, KARL HEINZ/MARBACH, KARL HEINZ_0040.pdf
SPECIALCOLLECTION Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act 519697e7993294098d50c08f Attachment Size MARBACH, KARL HEINZ_0040.pdf 10.14 MB ... because he was too drunk and which was there tcke made by his wife, all calle'Were Mute collect The purpose ... Priedrieh l the firm collected the oar in Mi4Wovenber 1953. /a/ Rinse. ICS Vodoral Oftelnal ‘fieft Berlin, ... to my to the Reetehue and to collect. intorlasition on positions of the Oevietis. e had the address of a US-officer ...
SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6abb Attachment Size caesar-08.pdf 1.69 MB ... newspaper) on 21 March, had th i s t o my: amalgemation 09 small collective farms, 8- copprsdes have ma& ... of very important, urgent prob- lema In the ephere of agriculture.!Fhls was done t o undennlne the collective farm ... reported3y the task was entrusted t o a special c Maleukm I s I d.irect ion. told in the form of a Soviet ...