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  1. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-08-31a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b687c Attachment Size 1978-08-31a.pdf 1.4 MB ... for 1966. I I- n the defenses of a US carrier strike force The reviewer offers specific if sketchy I 1. 2, ... Report Page 3 of 13 Pages DATE OF DATE INFO. Serf?, 1966 31 August 1978 MEIN,-Tep-liCRSZ. COUNTRY USSR ... of an article which appeared in Issue No, 1 (77) for 1966 of the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication ...

  2. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-09-22a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b687b Attachment Size 1978-09-22a.pdf 1.25 MB ... and map scales involved in map supply are discussed. This article appeared in Issue No,- 3 (79) for 1966 ... Page 3 of 14 Pages COUNTRYUSSR DATE OF INFO. Late 1966 DAN. 22 September 1978 TOD Er",,ET SUBJECT ... The following report is a translation from Russian of an article which appeared in Issue No. 3 (79) for 1966 ...

  3. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-05-10a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b692b Attachment Size 1977-05-10a.pdf 1.15 MB ... 2 (78) for 1966. r I Page 1 of 12 Pages Page 2 of 12 Paget TOP Distribution: The Director of Central ... Intelligence Information Special Report Page 3 of 12 Pages DATE 10 May 1977 COUNTRY USSR DATE OF INFO. Mid-1966 ... 2 (78) for 1966 of the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles of the Journal ...

  4. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-08-30a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b68bb Attachment Size 1978-08-30a.pdf 1016.03 KB ... 1 (77) for 1966... 1 I reparation based on the SECRET USSR t 1 e special characteristics ... Information Special Report Page 3 of 12 Pages COUNTRY USSR DATE OF DATE Iwo. Early 1966 30 August 1978 SUBJECT ... report is a translation from Russian of an article which appeared in Issue No, 1 (77) for 1966 ...

  5. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-01-19b.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b68a4 Attachment Size 1978-01-19b.pdf 1.07 MB ... calculations on nuclear' weapons use. "'his article appeared in Issue No. 1 (77) for 1966 ... OF DATE19- January 1978 Wa Early 1966 SUBJECT SOURCE MILITARY THOUGHT (USSR): Operational Calculations ... of an article which appeared in Issue No. 1 (77) for 1966 of the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication ...

  6. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1974/1974-02-05.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6802 Attachment Size 1974-02-05.pdf 1.07 MB ... a r t l c l e describes the shortcomings of Sovfet naval a i r defenses, us ing examples from a.-. ". 1966 Black Sea ... This article describes the shortcomings. of Soviet awl sitclefuLes, using examples from a 1966 Black Sea ... of the fleet in it. In mid-1966,' in the Red Banner. Black. Sea Fleet, a command-staff exercise ...

  7. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1974/1974-08-08.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b6817 Attachment Size 1974-08-08.pdf 928.94 KB ... of all branches of the armed forces. This article appeared in Issue No. 3 (79) for 1966. ' 2. ... Intelligence Director of Weapons Intelligence COUNTRY USSR DATE OF INFO. Late 1966.,■■•••■ T CRET Intelligence ... The following report is a translation frmn Russian of an article which appeared in Issue No. 3 (79) for 1966 ...

  8. /specialCollection/BerlinWall/1961-Summer/1961-07-21c.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION The Berlin Wall Collection: A City Torn Apart: Building of the Berlin Wall 5076e8f8993247d4d82b63dd Attachment Size 1961-07-21c.pdf 1.21 MB 1961-Summer ... equlprnent, training, and rnanning levels of these forces, as you have recorrrrnended in your 1966 goals-- ...

  9. /specialCollection/CzechInvasion/5-IntelligenceReports/1969-01-07.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Strategic Warning and the Role of Intelligence: Lessons Learned From The 1968 Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia 5076e93d993247d4d82b665c Attachment Size 1969-01-07.pdf 521.36 KB ... Prices) Million 1966 US Dollars Reserve Mobilization 77 324 Ground Force Units 24 78 Airlift: Resupply ...

  10. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1978/1978-02-22a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b68ce Attachment Size 1978-02-22a.pdf 790.07 KB ... Requirements in Support of Rocket Troops and Artillery" in Issue No. 1 (77) for 1966); General Sapkov ...

  11. /specialCollection/cgi/1946/10- October 1946/Review_of_Transfer_of_WDC_15_Oct_1946.PDF

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Creating Global Intelligence 50dde103993247d4d8392205 Attachment Size Review_of_Transfer_of_WDC_15_Oct_1946.PDF 711.17 KB ... RINALDI, FA. ans. SAHLHEHG, H.W. albs. ICOS Enclosure 11 October 1966Op-31046-.1eAlltshinjtom Document ...

  12. Air Asia Company Ltd. Accident to N1386N on 25 November 1968

    Air America: Upholding the Airmen's Bond 5033ccd3993245e65b81464e Attachment Size c05274902.pdf 587.85 KB /specialCollection/AirAmerica/c05274902.pdf ... 15 3 d(?VolIshirt? SGUZXT I liaferanca ay l e t t o r of 17 Dcc,e:abor 1966 (CLC-60-178) parqraph 5. ...

  13. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1957/1957-03-12a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c97 Attachment Size 1957-03-12a.pdf 7.22 MB ... through 1966.1 FOREWORD This estimate supersedes NIE 11-6-54, Soviet Capabilities and Probable Pro- grams ... through 1966, the production quantities and time-phasing presented in Annex A represent only a possible Soviet ... available for operational employment. Sometime be- tween 1963 and 1966, the USSR could probably ...

  14. /specialCollection/MissileGap/1961/1961-06-07a.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION What was the Missile Gap? 5076dee2993247d4d82b5c3d Attachment Size 1961-06-07a.pdf 9.26 MB ... themselves have not yet come to a definite decision as to force goals for 1965-1966.T (Paras. 36, 41, 47, 118) 5. Medium ... would be about 850 operational ICBM launchers in mid-1964, 1.150 in 1965, and around 1,450 In 1966. For a full ... to at least a limited degree in 1963-1966. In Soviet eyes, the early deployment of antimissile defenses ...

  15. /specialCollection/CzechInvasion/7-Miscellaneous/1969-03-12.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Strategic Warning and the Role of Intelligence: Lessons Learned From The 1968 Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia 5076e93d993247d4d82b6524 Attachment Size 1969-03-12.pdf 1.13 MB ... was here a l s o i n 1966--Chancellor 1 make it impossible, o r d i f f i c u l t, t o negot ia te a nonprol i fe ra t ion ... t r e a t y became clear only i n December 1966 as a r e s u l t of f u r t h e r talks with the Soviets. ... Erhard--I t h ink it was i n 1966. The Pres iden t s o r t o f He was faced with,. M: L: M: L: M: L: M: L: ...


    SPECIALCOLLECTION The CAESAR, POLO, and ESAU Papers 5077054e993247d4d82b6ae8 Attachment Size caesar-47.pdf 2.13 MB ...

  17. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-05-24.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6942 Attachment Size 1977-05-24.pdf 960.56 KB ... Report Page 3 ofp.ages.ry,4 COUNTRY ussR DATE OF INFO. Early 1966 DATE 24 May 1977 SUBJECT MILITARY ... for 1966 of the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication Collection of Articles of the Journal ...

  18. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-03-16.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6924 Attachment Size 1977-03-16.pdf 724.39 KB ... 16 March 1977 Early 1966 TOP 9ECRET COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT MILITARY THOUGHT (USSR): Reconnaissance ... of an article which appeared in Issue No. 1 (77) for 1966 of the SECRET USSR Ministry of Defense publication ...

  19. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1976/1976-06-11.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e965993247d4d82b67da Attachment Size 1976-06-11.pdf 1.17 MB ... TS5CRET TOP Intelligence Information Special Report Page 3 of 13 Pages CDUNMIUSSR DATE OF INR1 Early 1966 ... in Issue No. 1. (77) for 1966 of the SECRET USSR Ministry, of Defense publication Collection of Articles ...

  20. /specialCollection/SovietandWarsawPact/1977/1977-07-26.pdf

    SPECIALCOLLECTION Soviet and Warsaw Pact Military Journals 5076e966993247d4d82b6948 Attachment Size 1977-07-26.pdf 1.2 MB ... OF DAVE 26 July 1977 INFO. Early 1966 SUBJECT MILITARY THZUGHT (USSR) The Question of a Combined Front ... which appeared in Issue No. 1 (77) for 1966 of the SECRET USSR Manistry of Defense publication Collection ...
