Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2k&'- tA- DP78-03568A000100290012-6
7 August 1950
SUBJECT : Reclassification of Position - Type Press Helper
1. It is requested that the position of Type Press Helper,
,Slot No.. 20_tDocvmentation Branch, OAD, presently occupied by 25X1
2. Additional duties and responsibilities have been dele-
gated to this position since it was originally set up and it is
believed that this position now merits a higher classification.
3. This request is made with a view to promoting 5X1
to the higher level awarded, since he has proved himself capable,
reliable, and efficient in the performance of his normal duties
the assumption of additional responsibilities.
past experience in work closely related to the type
of endeavor carried on by the'rocumentation Bran has enabled
him to assist, when necessary, in the solution of problems other
than those directly concerned with his own assignment.
4. In view of the above considerations, it is recommended
that the subject position be reclassified and, when this is ac-
complished, thatl -1 be promoted to the grade allotted.
Chef, 0
Approved For Release 2007/03/02 CIA-R?P78-03568AO00100290012-6