Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100130047-9
San Jose, Calif.
7 February 1978
audience of new op
STANFORD -- The director of the agency
that once was the target, of campus demon-
..strations received warm applause here.
-CIA Director Stansfield Turner, claiming
an 6istaric new sense of openness in Ameri-
.can intelligence opera-
tions, went before an
audience of Stanford
University - students
Monday night. and laid
himself open to a bar-
rage of tough. ques-
He was asked about
current covert activi-
ties by the CIA, the
training of secret po-
lice in South Africa
and Iran, and illegal
domestic spying.
Using a variety of k
blunt talk and glib wit,
Turner rebuffed. all
charges against the
. - . And he got strong - ; -
applause for a partial defense of CIA activi-
ty in Chile under the Allende regime when
he told an abrasive. questioner .
"What you think went on there and what I
think went on there .are.. two,.different
It was an unusual speech before a. college
audience by the head of the super-secret spy
agency, but one apparently. designed to pro-
mote the CIA's new image of openness
-Turner spent a half hourbefore the esti-
mated crowd of 2,000 at Kresge Auditorium
on campus outlining what--'he, has done in 10
months as head of. the CIA to change the
agency's image::'
have been under-
He said four big changes
The first, said .Turner, was to."shift thee:
product of intelligence" so that the-Soviet
Union's military secrets are no longer a sole
object of spying by `United. States agents. :.;
Today, said Turner, CIA agents are after!
military, economic, and political informa-
tion on nearly all of the -,150 countries
around the globe.
. ` "Today - we need to know what goes on
around the world and cover a' wider range o
topics and broader areas than ever before,"
said Turner.
"Our attitude toward interfering-in inter-
nal affairs also is changed. I don't say we
should eschew political action when it is in
the interest of the United States, but I do-
say it is better controlled," Turner said.
He said there has been much less emphas-
is placed on political action by CIA agents.
A second change, said Turner, is what h
called, "the production line."
He said the American spy has been the
basic element in intelligence gathering for
"Now, we have advanced technical de-
vices to collect that information," said Turn-1
er. He said agents now must emphasize why
things are happening in other countries and ?
? what tomorrow will bring.
A third major change, he said, is "`ppen-
ne ss:"
He said the CIA today ? must submit its
plans, to. unprecedented numbers of over
sight committees atthe federal level
Turner said he personally must subject
the CIA's programs to the scrutiny of the
"President, vice president, and eight'com= .
mittees of Congress as well as the National.
Security Council."4 ~..
Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100130047-9