Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83MOO914R002800030003-0
March 23, 1981
From: - Joe Holmes Cdr
1. There are a number of producers who are fed up with the
anti-hero material coming out of Hollywood and asked my help
in getting cooperation from the administration to do pro-hero
movies and tv series. They believe the right kind of material,
would bring young people to being more patriotic and restore
pride in the Armed Forces. The bottom line is a desire to
stimulate enlistments in the services:
Obviously this would be very helpful in maintaining the
volunteer military. I also suspect, after watching the re-
action of young people to you in the campaign, that the time
is now right....young j
would be Sgt. Benavidez..
I will be meeting with a s-ill group of producers (in-.
eliding Jack Webb) in the next. ten days and will then have
a better understanding of how we can be helpful.
2. After your presentation of the Medal of Honor to Sgt.
Benav_ dez, I contacted two -prof _cers with a cassette of the
ceremony which I had filmed, ani a suggested script. My
objective was a movie of the week based on the exploits of
Benavidez in winning the award. There is now a possibility
of either (1) a Movie of the sek, A.C. Lyles, Producer
(2) a new TV series narrated by Bob Stack featuring a Medal
of Honor winner each week. a lead story on the series
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