Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100018-1
1. Our office developed the following information
concerning the National Intelligence Publications as
they effect our Records Storage Program:
a. We now have about 8,000 cubic feet of
extra copies of NIS's stored in the
Agency Archives and Records Center at
b, We find the NIS is divided into 108
areas and almost every area has about 27
c. At present one complete set of the NIS
is 95 cubic feet in volume (that is it
requires about 95 linear feet of shelf
space or 48 safe drawers).
d. During the year approximately 250 separate
NIS printing jobs are completed with 375
to 500 copies printed each time. (From
93,750 to 125,000 copies).
e. Printing Services completes the original
distribution of 250 to 275 copies and
sends 125 copies of each job to the Records
Center for supplemental distribution. (P5D
(Distributes from 62,500 to 93,750 copies.)
f. The copies received for storage total
about 31,250 copies per year.
g. During FY 1967 the Records Center received
7,500 requests concerning the NIS and
distributed 23,700 supplemental copies.
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Approved For Release 2007/10/23 : CIA-RDP72-00450R000100100018-1
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h. When our supply drops to 25 copies we
notify OBGI and in about half of the
cases they reprint some 125 to 225
additional copies for probable supple-
mental distribution. They estimate their
reprint cost to be about $100,000.
2. Paragraphs ld. and e. above are based on 25X1
estimates from Mr. Chief, Production
Division, OBGI/DDI. a remainder are statistics we
developed from our Archives and Records Center operations.
Please call if we can be of any further assistance in
your study. 25X1