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Calls 7
In I
ut 4
Thursday - 31 July 1969
3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Spoke with Angela Jakobowski, in the
office of Representative John V. Tunney (D. , Calif. ), concerning their 30 July
1969 referral of for possible employment and asked if they25X1
really wanted us to consider the case in light of the statement i
letter that he would like to try any kind of work ". . . with an exception od (sic)
intelligence work." Miss Jakobowski said that the case had been referred to us
at the suggestion of AID and State, but that obviously it was her oversight and
she will seek to get a clarification from as to whether he would object
to consideration for intelligence work. She asked that we hold the referral
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Thursday - 31 July 1969
Page 2
4. (Confidential - JGO) Received a call from Mr. Jay Sourwine,
Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, who asked if there
would be any objection if the Subcommittee were to invite
to come to this country to talk to the Subcommittee. I thanked Mr.
for his call and advised that I would relay his query.
5. (Secret - JGO) In response to his request met with Represen-
tative Olin Teague (D., Texas), Chairman, House Veterans' Affairs
Committee, who advised that information he has received through Army
and Air Force channels, among others, has interested him in the possibility
of ransoming American POW's through South Vietnam contacts. He had
requested such information as can be provided at this time concerning
existent programs in this area.
6. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. A. L. Tarabochia, Senate
Internal Secur Subcommittee, and delivered to him some of the material
received fromit The furnishing of
this material was agreed upon in the meeting of 25 July.
8. (Confidential - JMM) Called Senator James O. Eastland's secretary
Mrs. Allen and made an appointment for the Director to see the Senator on
Monday, 4 August, at 10:30 in the Senator's office, Room 2241 New Senate.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Thursday - 31 July 1969
9. (Secret - JMD) Made an appointment for Mr. Maury and
Mr. Steve Lukasik, Deputy Director of ARPA, to meet with Mr. Carl
Marcy, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff tomorrow morning
to discuss a sensitive Agency project 25X6
10. (Secret JMM) Accompanied Carl Duckett, DDS&T, who
briefed the Subcommittee on National Security and Scientific Development
of House Foreign Affairs Committee, on the Soviet MRV program, verifica-
tion problems in the event of arms limitations agreement, etc. Those
present were Chairman Clement J. Zablocki, Representative Donald M.
Fraser and Representative Jonathan Bingham. Mr. John Sullivan, of the
Subcommittee staff, was also present. See Memo for Record for details.
11. (Unclassified - JMM) George Murphy, Joint Committee on
Atomic Energy staff, called to ask whether the facts regarding ChiCom
nuclear tests, as published in Secretary Laird's "white paper" statement
of 22 May 1969, were still valid. After checking with Dr. Chamberlain,
OSI, I called Murphy back to confirm that there had been no subsequent
developments and Laird's statement remained accurate.
~.~ Legislative Counsel
Ex /Dir- Compt
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Calls 9
In I
ut 2
Wednesday - 30 July 1969
1. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. William Harrison, BOB, called
requesting the Agency's position on the proposed amendments to the Military
Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims Act. I told him that the Agency was
in favor of raising the monetary ceiling and had so indicated to BOB in a letter
dated 2 May 1969. I also told him that we had received a similar call from
BOB about six weeks ago and had told the caller that if they could not locate
our original letter we would be pleased to send a copy and the caller said she
would let us know. I agreed to send a copy of the letter so that it could be
on record in their file.
3. (Unclassified - LLM) In keeping with th
Representative John O. Marsh (D., Va.), met with
a GSA gu transferring to assignment at the Headquarters
Buildin . Security, offered ing possible to facilitate25x1
25X1 consi eration by this Agency. as appreciative, 25X1
although he is still somewhat put out because GSA had apparently lost the
papers he had prepared several months ago for this same purpose. This closes
out the case with Marsh's office, at least for the time being.
4. (Confidential - JGO) Talked to Mr. George Murphy, Deputy
Director, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, as a followup to his call
on Monday and confirmed that in a press conference of 14 March 1969 the
President had indicated that the Soviets have 67 missile ABM sites deployed
around Moscow. (See Journal item of 28 July.)
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 30 July 1969
5. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Miss Alice
Wahler, assistant to Representative William Cramer (R., Fla.), who
is interested in employment opportunities overseas in the broadcast
field for a young constituent friend of Representative Cramer. Since
the young man, although ostensibly well qualified in the broadcast field,
has little or no college training, I advised that he probably would have
difficulty in locating overseas employment with the Federal Government
in any capacity other than broadcasting but that we would be pleased to
provide employment forms for the constituent's use. Miss Wahler thanked
me but indicated that she did not believe it would be necessary to forward
the forms at this time.
7. (Inter
representative of
and advised that the A enc will be following up later in the fall on t e
earlier meeting with
and I did not see anything further he need do at the present time. also
advised that due to vacation schedules and the absence of any present
Agency needs my best estimate is that it would be a month before he may
expect further contact by the Agency.
8. (Secret - JGO) The transcript of the Director's appearance
before the House Armed Services Committee on 29 July was forwarded
for the Committee's use and returned to the Agency for safekeeping at
the end of the day.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Wednesday - 30 July 1969
9. (Secret - JGO) Talked to Mr. John Clarke, OPPB, who
advised that the Bureau of the Budget has not cleared the reserve
withdrawal letter pending review by BOB General Counsel. Mr. Clarke
expects clearance within the next day or two.
11. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked to Miss Lois G. Myers, on
the staff of the Position Classification Subcommittee of the House Post Office
and Civil Service Committee, who advised that the Subcommittee is considering
hearings in the fall on Chairman Hanley's bill to revise the position classifi-
cation systems of the Federal Government. Only a short hearing will be held
next week. Two witnesses, Mr. Hampton of the Civil Service Commission
and Mr. Jones of the Bureau of the Budget, have been invited to appear on 5 25X1
and 6 August. The calendar is so filled from that date until recess that no
time is available for further hearings until the fall. Journal (See
item of
24 July 1969. )
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
DD / S
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Tuesday - 29 July 1969
2. (Unclassified - LLM) Mrs. Gloria Bryan, in the office of
Re-Dresentative John O. Marsh (D. , Va. ), called on behalf of
I a GSA guard who wants to be transferred to guard duty at
CIA Headquarters and whose application for this posi Jan has arently
been lost by GSA. Based on information provided by Office of
Security, and at the request of Representative Marsh, I agreed to meet with
omorrow at 2 o'clock to explain the procedures to be followed
in seeking this transfer. Deputy Chief, Building Security
Branch, will sit in with us. 25X1
3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Miss Marion Ball, Legislative
Liaison, USIA, called in connection with a request from the office of Rep-
resentative John Brademas (D. , Ind.), for a subscription to the FBIS Middle
East Daily Report for Howard J. Dooley who is writing his doctoral dissertation
at the University of Notre Dame on the Suez Crisis. After touching base with
office and FBIS, I advised Miss Ball that this report was STAT
for "official use only" and she said she would try to close out the inquiry on
that basis.
Later, Miss Sue McCloud, in the office of Representative John Brademas
(D. , Ind.) called to ask if we published the Middle East Daily Report and whether
it was available. I said we would be pleased to make it available to the
Congressman, which prompted her to ask if it could be made available to a
private person. -I explained the "official use only" nature of the report and the
availability of some of its contents through the Library of Congress in the
White Book. Later Mss McCloud called to advise that the Congressman would
be writing us concerning this request. SECRET
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 29 July 1969
House Appropriations
5. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mrs. Mary McLaughlin, Senate
Foreign Relations Committee staff, who advised the Committee does still
need the transcripts of the Director's briefing of 23 June on a daily basis.
I also received from her a copy of the Committee's hearing schedule for
this week.
6. (Confidential - JGO) Conversations with various Committee
personnel after the Director's briefing of the House Armed Services
Committee today indicated that the briefing was not only well received
but considered by some as one of the most interesting and capable pre-
sentations that has been given to the Committee.
25X1 7. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied the Director and Messrs. Duckett,
Bruce Clark, Carver andio a briefing of the full House Armed
Services Committee on the su sect of Soviet and ChiCom military forces.
See Memo for the Record and transcript.
8. (Secret - JMM) Briefed Robert Michaels,
Committee staff,
showed no particular concern
Briefed Mr. Michaels
relations and the Soviet naval
Page 2
or curiosity.
on recent developments regarding Sino-Soviet
visit to Cuba.
Mr. Michaels said he had in mind the Director's request for a date
with Chairman Mahon but had been unable to confirm a time with the Chairman.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Tuesday - 29 July 1969
9. (Secret - JMM) Met with Senator J. W. Fulbright regarding
his 17 July query to Secretary Laird concerning a sensitive installation
in I reminded the Senator that Carl Duckett had briefed him
on this on 7 May. He recalled the briefing and said he understood the
sensitivity of the matter and would deal with it accordingly, but he could
not remember what had spurred his inquiry or even the fact that he had
signed the letter to Secretary Laird in this connection. He suggested I
take the matter up with Carl Marcy, Chief of Staff of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.
I met with Carl Marcy and told him in very general terms of the
nature and sensitivity of the project and asked his cooperation in protecting
its security. He too was vague on the background of the Senator's query
to Laird, but said he recalled that Fulbright had "gotten some inquiries
from somebody I Iregarding the installation. Marcy also
recalled "having heard something about this" from Joe Wolf in the State
Department. Marcy said he would look into it further and assured me
that he would cooperate in maintaini
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
Item 3 - FBIS
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SECRET Calls 70
Monday - 28 July 1969
1. (Unclassified - JMM) On Saturday, 26 July, Dorothy Fosdick,
Staff Director of the Subcommittee on National Security and International
Operations, said that during the Senate ABM debate on 25 July Senator Fulbright
had claimed that U. S. defense spending exceeded by 25 or 30 percent
that of the Soviet Union. Miss Fosdick said Senator Jackson would like to
be briefed on this subject. I said I was sure we could arrange this, but
thought possibly Senator Jackson had been present at one of our earlier
presentations regarding Soviet and U. S. military expenditures. She said
if the Senator wanted to pursue the matter she would let me know. 25X1
2. (Secret - JMM) Met with Senator Stuart S min ton in response
to his query regarding our Also present
was Mr. Pat Holt, Consultant of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Senator Symington asked if I preferred to deal with the matter orally. I
said I did because it was a sensitive matter which could be properly dealt
with Symington said this was perfectly all right
with him but the questions contained in his letter to us were formulated by
Messrs. Pincus and Paul, staff investigators of his Subcommittee, and
it would be much more useful for us to brief them upon their return from
their Far East trip than to br
ief th t
r. He said for this reason he
did not think it necessary fo
to come over and
although he asked that his persona gree ings be conveyed tol
It was agreed that we would meet with Pincus and Paul to clear up the
matter soon after their return (date still undetermined).
3. (Confidential - JMM) Attempted to call Chairman Rivers, House
Armed Services Committee, regarding Representative Clement Zablocki's
request that we testify concerning the Soviet MIRV program before Zablocki's
Subcommittee on National Security of House Foreign Affairs Committee. Since
Rivers was not available I referred the question to Mr. Blandford who called
back later to say that he had taken the matter up with Rivers who would neither
approve nor disapprove our complying with Zablocki's request, but would
recommend that we take up the problem with Speaker McCormack since it
raised a jurisdictional question.
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S tl -
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Monday - 28 July 1969
4. (Confidential - JMM) Discussed with Boyd Crawford, Staff
Administrator, House Foreign Affairs Committee, Representative Zablocki's
request for a briefing of his Subcommittee on National Security regarding
the Soviet MIRV program. Crawford checked with Chairman Morgan who
agreed with our suggestion that the briefing be done by Mr. Duckett on an
"unofficial" basis with no transcript or publicity. I thereupon met with
Representative Zablocki and Subcommittee Staff Consultant Jack Sullivan,
who agreed to this procedure and explained details which they wanted covered.
(See Memo for the Record)
5. (Secret - JMM) At the Director's request, called Robert
Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, to make a date for the
Director to meet with Chairman Mahon later this week. Michaels will call
6. (Confidential - JGO) Received a call from Mr. Al Tarabochia,
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee staff, who advised that he had learned
from Cuban sources that on 14 July a band of Bolivians in the Concha Bamba
area are alleged to have killed and then burned the man who gave away Che
Guevara. It is also alleged that one Pampa, who was supposed to have
escaped back to Cuba through Chile, was also involved. After checking
with WH I advised that the guide who led the Bolivian army to Che Guevara
has been reported by the Bolivian press as having been executed by
Bolivian communists. 25X1
25X1 Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from
a representative of th
who advised that his company had heard nothing more from
Agency representatives and inquired whether there is anything further he
might do. I thanked for his call and advised that I would
relay his inquiry.
8. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked to Mr. Earl Morgan, House
Armed Services Committee staff, and confirmed the 10:00 a.m. scheduling
for the DCI briefing on Tuesday, 29 July.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Monday - 28 July 1969
9. (Secret - JGO) Received a call from Mr. George Murphy,
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy staff, who inquired whether the CIA
has testified in secret session or otherwise that "the Russians are not
proceeding with deployment of the ABM" as stated by Senator J. W.
Fulbright (D., Ark.) in floor debate on Friday, 25 July 1969. He advised
further that one of his members had raised a question whether this meant
that the Russians were cutting back on the number deployed and he himself
found no such inference in Senator Fulbright's statements. I agreed that
the Agency had not indicated any cutback in the program. This appeared to
satisfy Mr. Murphy on the point. In closing the conversation he stated
that it is his understanding that the President had indicated 67 launchers
at a briefing on 14 March and that he would appreciate verification of this
unclassified item. He does not need a classified response.
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
-Legislative Counsel
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C ails
Friday - 25 July 1969
1. (Secret - JGO) Talked to Mr. John R. Blandford, Chief
Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who advised that the
Chairman will want a transcript of the Director's briefing of the full
Committee on Tuesday. It was agreed that due to the content of the
briefing, however, the Agency should maintain control of the transcript
as in the past.
3. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from Mr. Robert
Fleming, assistant to Representative Claude Pepper (D., Fla.), who is
seeking information for a constituent and friend of Representative Pepper
concerning the possible establishment of a transmitter in the Miami area
beamed at Castro's Cuba. I referred Mr. Fleming to Mr. Jack Leahy, in
the office of the Assistant Secretary of State, Legislative Affairs, as the
appropriate source of information for an open response from Representa-
tive Pepper. Mr. Leahy has been advised.
4. (Confidential - JMM) Jack Sullivan, Staff Consultant, Subcommittee
on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments, House Foreign Affairs
Committee, called to say that Subcommittee Chairman Clement Zabl,-)cki wished
the Director to testify before the Subcommittee on Soviet MIRV testing on either
Tuesday, 29 July, or Thursday, 31 July. I said Tuesday was out of the question
because of the Director's appearance before the House Armed Services Committee
but I would call back regarding Thursday. I said we normally preferred such
Subcommittee briefings to be cleared with the Chairman of the full Committee
and asked whether Chairman Morgan had been consulted on this. Sullivan said
this had not been done, but reluctantly agreed to take the matter up with Boyd
Crawford, Staff Administrator for the full Committee.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday - 25 July 1969
5. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Boyd Crawford, Staff Administrator
of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, regarding the call we received from
Jack Sullivan, Staff Consultant, Subcommittee on National Security Policy
and Scientific Development of House Foreign Affairs Committee, asking that
the Director brief Representative Zablocki's Subcommittee on the Soviet MIRV
program. After checking with Chairman Morgan, Crawford advised that the
Chairman endorsed Zablocki's request for a briefing. (See Memo for the
Record for details. )
6. (Confidential - JMM) Called Frank Slatinshek, Assistant Chief
Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and informed him of the request
to appear before the Zablocki Subcommittee. Slatinshek said he personally
couldn't see how we could avoid complying, but thought Chairman Rivers and
Chief Counsel Blandford should be informed in advance in case they have any
strong objections. Since Rivers and Blandford were out of town for the weekend,
Slatinshek agreed with my suggestion that we explain to Crawford that we
normally discuss sensitive matters of this kind only before, or with the
concurrence of, our parent Subcommittees and that therefore we want to
check it out with Chairman Rivers before making a firm commitment.
7. (Secret - JMM) Mrs. Laird, Secretary to Senator Stuart Symington,
called on behalf of the Senator to say he wanted to see me at 2:15 on Monday
28 July. (Mrs. Laird was not clear on whether this had to do with the briefing
the Senator had requested o.
8. (Unclassified - GLC) Mr. Goodwin advised that according to a
television report on hearings conducted by a Subcommittee where both
Senators Tydings and Mathias were present, it was stated that some of the
pollutions of the Potomac River was being blamed on the CIA and the Pentagon.
This apparently was a statement by a witness.
9. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Jay Sourwine, on the staff of the
Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, FBIS material containing the
statements of officials of some of the lesser known Bloc countries at the
Communist Party Conference. I also left with Sourwine classified and
unclassified material on Soviet leaderships. Iwas quite specific with Sourwine
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Friday - 25 July 1969
10. (Secret - GLC) Mr. Bruce Clarke joined DOD representatives
in the Senate Armed Services Committee hearings room to conduct a security
review of part of the record of the secret Senate sessions on the ABM on
17 July.
11. (Confidential - GLC) Mr. John Clarke, OPPB, received a call
from Jim Clark, in the Bureau of the Budget, saying that Pamela Turner, on
the staff of Senator Edward J. Gurney (R., Fla. ), called and asked who
reviewed the budget of Radio Free Europe. Miss Turner also called OLC
and left a message raising the same question. After consultation with
talk with him. This appears to close out the ?mafter at least fnr fhP mnmant
of the CA Staff, it was agreed that the Bureau of the
Budget would inform Miss Turner that Radio Free Europe was a private
corporation and that she s hould direct her queries to the Radio Free Europe
offices in New York. Meanwhile OLC would talk with Miss Turner and make
it clear to her that if Senator Gurney had a personal interest in this we would
be glad to talk with him privately. Miss Turner called back a few moments
later and said Senator Gurney had told her that he thought she should not press
the Radio Free Europe question. Therefore, she was canceling her call. I
thanked Miss Turner and asked her to tell the Senator that we appreciated his
consideration and should he desire anything from us on this we would be glad to
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Calls 5
In 1
Out 2
Thursday - 24 July 1969
1. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Talked to Miss Elizabeth Peacock,
on the staff of Representative Leonor K. Sullivan (D., Mo. ), concerning
Reresentative Sullivan's inquiry of 16 July concerning "CIA checking on
oyalty. " Advised Miss Peacock that the Agency is not
involved in loyalty checks on aliens. Also advised that the Department of
Army would be the appropriate agency if Representative Sullivan desired to
make further inquiry into the matter. Miss Peacock stated her appreciation
for the assistance provided in this case and advised that no written response
to Representative Sullivan's letter would be necessary.
2. (Confidential - JGO) Talked to Mr. General Counsel,
NSA, and brought him up-to-date on the Director's appearance before the
Ervin Subcommittee on S. 782. I Inoted that he had been in contact
with Mr. Bray, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee staff, during
the week and that there appears to be no change in the situation in that
3. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Received a call from
General Counsel, NSA, who advised that Chairman James Hanley, House
Post Office and Civil Service Subcommittee on Position Classification, had
forwarded a letter to General Carter advising that he is introducing legis-
lation to bring all agencies of the Government under a sin le position classi-
fication system and is soliciting NSA's comments. I Iwas interested
in whether the Agency had received a similar letter. After checking I advised
that so far no such letter had been received.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Thursday - 24 July 1969
5. (Secret - GLC) Met with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appro-
priations Committee, and worked out with him language to be used in our
letter to the Committee covering withdrawals from the reserves (which will
be on a month to month basis pending action on the regular appropriations
bill) for the Radios. A. draft of this language has been forwarded to OPPB.
Woodruff asked if we could provide him with a blind memorandum
on Soviet chemical and bacteriological warfare.
I briefed Braswell on our hearing before Senator Ervin's Constitutional
Rights Subcommittee on S. 782.
Braswell and I discussed the status of the ABM debate and he expressed
the opinion that the ABM issue would come to a vote next week. In this
connection Braswell said that he had been given the responsibility for sanitizing
the record of the secret session of the Senate on the ABM and said that he might
be in touch with DOD and ourselves on this. Later in the day Braswell called
and said that if we wished to have the first crack at sanitizing the record of
the secret session we could do so. He would like to get started on this some
time tomorrow and in view of the ground rules imposed this year would like
the security review to be done in the Committee offices. I told him I would be
back in touch with him in the morning on this.
I mentioned the fact that the Daniels bill passed the House yesterday
and indicated that we were delaying action on our retirement amendments, for
the present at least, until we see what action the Congress takes on this.
Braswell repeated his previous expression of opinion that the bill will be
changed substantially in the Senate. He added, however, that any action taken
on the Daniels bill should be reflected through amendments to the CIA Retire-
ment and Disability System.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Thursday - 24 July 1969
Page 3
7. (Confidential - GLC) Hand-carried to Representative Dante B.
Fascell (D. , Fla.) some suggested language for inclusion in the report of
his Subcommittee on Legal and Monetary Affairs of the House Government
Operations Committee as he had requested. Mr. Fascell thanked me for
my "pursuit" of this matter.
9. (Unclassified - CD) The office of Senator Wallace F. Bennett
(R. , Utah), called requesting two copies of the CIA phone directory for
their use. I told them that the directory is classified. They understood
and thanked me.
.,Legislative Counsel
Ex/Dir-C ompt
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Calls 10
ut 4
Wednesday - 23 July 1969
2. (Unclassified - JMM) In response to his request, met with
Representative P n D. Mass.) who brought up,for the second
time, the case o who
claims major role in pro-Allied activities in Hungary during World War II
and seeks a job with Radio Free Europe.(See Journal of 10 June 1969. )
3. (Secret - JMM) Discussed separately with Representative Philbin,
Russ Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and Frank
Slatinshek, Assistant Chief Counsel, plans for the 29 July 1969 briefing
of the full House Armed Services Committee. All agreed that the primary
emphasis should be on matters related to the Safeguard controversy, i. e. ,
Soviet ICBM, ABM, MRV, and SLBM programs. We should also briefly
cover recent developments in ChiCom strategic capabilities and "trouble
spots" such as the Middle East and Vietnam. Mr. Blandford and Mr. Slatinshek
said the session would probably run from 10:00 A. M. to about 1:00 P. M. and
they thought an afternoon session unlikely. They suggested that the Director
have brief backup material in the event of questions on other matters of
current interest such as Korea, Cuba and Eastern Europe.
4. (Confidential - JMM) Called Mrs. Laird, in the office of Senator
Stuart Symin ton to say that we planned to respond to the Senator's 1 July letter
re ardin ith an oral briefing by 25X1
I Iwas not avai this week and wondered
whether early next week would be satisfactory. Mrs. Laird said she would
check with the Senator and advise.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 23 July 1969
Page 2
5. (Secret - JMM) Briefed Frank Slatinshek, Assistant Chief
Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, on:
b. reasons for our strong skepticism regarding
General Sejna's Reader's Digest allegations concerning Soviet
complicity in the Pueblo matter. (I left with Slatinshek a blind
memo on this explaining it was solely for the background informa-
tion of himself and Chairman' Pike. )
6. (Confidential - GLC) Representative Dante B. Fascell
(D., Fla.) and advised him that as not connected with the Agency 25X1
although he has frequently led. people to e ieve that this is the case. Fascell
thanked me for letting him know this and said this made it easier for him to
deal with
7. (Unclassified - GLC) Mr. Day, in the office of Representative
W.S. Stuckey (D., Ga. ), called and requested a list of Agency publications
or samples of such publications. I told Mr. Day that we did not publish
unclassified material as such except for items like our CIA pamphlet and
personnel brochure, which I offered to him. He thanked me and said he would
appreciate receiving copies of these two items. 25X1
8. (Secret - GLC) C /CA Staff, called in response to
J. Sourwine's Chief Counsel, Senate u committee on Internal Security,
inquiry and advised again that the Agency had no connection with the Southern
Students Organizing Committee.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Wednesday - 23 July 1969
10. (Secret - GLC) Talked with Bill Woodruff, Senate Appropriations
Committee staff, and Bob Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff,
about the matter of funding of the Radios pending the approval of our appropriation.
They advised that it was their feeling that this should be accomplished by month
to month contingency withdrawals from the reserves. These withdrawals would
be replaced when action is taken on our appropriations. Mr. John Clarke, OPPB,
has been advised and we will draft appropriate language to accomplish this.
11. (Secret - GLC) Met with Senator Jose h D. T din s . , Md.) and
advised him of the sensitive connection of Dwith the 25X1
Agency. The Senator has taken a personal interest in and offered
to be of assistance to him. The Senator appreciated our contacting him, adding
that he had no idea of 0 possible connection with us. I told him that
his interest had been appreciated by who would probably be in touch 25X1
with him in the near future. 25X1
12. (Secret - GLC) Made arrangements for J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel,
Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, an his associates in the
Subcommittee staff to have a conference with f tomorrow
25X1 afternoon. F77 I WH Division, and I will also be present. 25X1
13. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Lawrence Baskir, Staff Director,
Senator Ervin's Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, and received from
him a copy of the transcript of the Director's appearance before the Subcom-
mittee on Tuesday, 22 July. It was agreed, unless other considerations are
interposed later by Chairman Ervin, that this copy will be retained by the
Agency and at such time as corrections are completed they will be transferred
to the Subcommittee's master copy. No deadline was set for return of Agency
corrections. On the matter of deadline, Mr. Baskir noted partially in jest
that "since the Agency is obviously reluctant to publish the hearing" he would
not set a date on his own authority.
I talked to Mr. Baskir later in the day concerning the classification of
the transcript. Mr. Baskir advised that he would stamp the Subcommittee's
copy "Confidential" and treat it as classified material. He also advised that
he is ordering additional copies for the Subcommittee and will try to provide
two additional copies for Agency use.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Wednesday - 23 July 1969
14. (Unclassified - JGO) Received a call from Mr. Don DeKieffen,
Senate Republican Policy Committee, concerning back copies of the FBIS
Daily Report for March, April and May. After checking with FBIS advised
Mr. DeKieffen that copies are not retained for more than a month. He
expressed his appreciation for the return call and advised that he was sure
he could obtain them from one of his members who does maintain a file of
FBIS reports.
was a member of OSS.
mation that
F --1 P A; 4
15. (Confidential - JGO) In response to his request of yesterday,
advised Mr. Vincent Augliere, Staff Director, House Foreign Operations
and Government Information Subcommittee, that is not
associated in anyway with the Agency. Advised or the Chairman's infor-
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
Item #11 -
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SECRET In alls
Out 0
Tuesday - 22 July 1969
1. (Confidential - GLC) J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee, called to advise that in his latest advance reort `''^'
talks at great length about information provided by 25x1
Sourwine commented that the way this fellow was talking to the press
it appeared that there won't be much left for the Internal Security Subcommittee.
I told him that I hoped to have something for him concerning today 25X1
or tomorrow.
2. (Unclassified - GLC) Joanna Daily, on the staff of Representative
Paul McCloskey (R., Calif.), called and requested unclassified information
on Guatemala. I referred Miss Daily to the Library of Congress and the
Department of State.
3. (Confidential - JMM) On Saturday, 19 July, tried to call Senator
Henry M. Jackson regarding Senator Cooper's request for information on
Y-class submarines but found the Senator was on the west coast and would
not return until Monday evening.
4. (Confidential - JMM) On Saturday evening, 19 July, discussed
with Miss Fosdick, Staff Director of Subcommittee on National Security and
International Operations, possible press speculation about material we had
provided Senator Jackson re Soviet leadership situation. It was agreed that
we would answer any queries by saying that as a member of the CIA Subcommittee
the Senator is occasionally briefed by Agency representatives on current intelli-
gence matters but public statements by the Senator on Soviet leadership or any
other matters are entirely his own and are not to be considered as necessarily
reflecting Agency views. See Memo for Record.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Tuesday - 22 July 1969
9. (Secret - JGO) In response to his call of Friday evening met
with Mr. Vincent Augliere, Staff Director, House Foreign Operations and
Government Information Subcommittee. Mr. Augliere advised that
Chairman Moss is interested in following up on information he has received
Mr. Augliere noted that the Chairman had advised him that
::::::::::4ad a certain involvement in a recent Haiti plot and is known
to deal ins ecialized munitions. The Chairman's single question is whether
as any association with the Agency. If he does, the matter
advised that I would relay the request and be back in touch with him.
will be dropped. If he does not, the Chairman's present plans are to pursue
the matter further. I thanked Mr. Augliere for the Chairman's courtesy and
>_egislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goidwin
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25X1 A
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Tuesday - 22 July 1969
5. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied the Director, Colonel White,
and Mr. Houston to an appearance before Senator Ervin's Subcommittee on
Constitutional Rights re S. 782.
6. (Confidential - JMM) Joined Messrs. DIA) and
Robert Wiser (DOD/OSD/DDR&E) in briefing Senator John Sherman Cooper
on Soviet Y-class submarine production in response to his queries to the
Director and Secretary of Defense. See Memo for the Record.
7. (Confidential - JGO) I talked to Senator Roman Hruska (R., Nebr. )
after he left Senator Ervin's Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights. He
characterized the situation as a toughy. It was his observation that Senator
Ervin has his ideas and he is firm in them. He noted that Senator Ervin is
highly reputed in the Senate and that he will be given credit when the bill goes
back to the floor for having looked into the matter very thoroughly. Senator
Hruska does not believe that Senator Ervin will change his position and does
not believe that there is any real possibility of amendment on the floor of the
Senate. On the meritshe noted that the provisions of this bill pose a real
problem and, as in thel he personally is in agreement that the
employer should be the judge of the employee's conduct. In parting he
suggested if we had any further ideas to come by to see him. I thanked the
Senator for his consideration.
8. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. B. B. Bray, Associate Staff
Director, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, and advised
him that the Director had appeared before Senator Ervin's Subcommittee on
Constitutional Rights this morning. Mr. Bray advised that Representative
David Henderson's (D. , N. C.) bill is available on the back burner whenever
he decides to put it in the hopper. Mr. Bray does not have a copy but once
again advised that should it be needed it will provide adequately for the
Agency's needs. He gave the impression that he feels it is good that the
Agency is continuing to note its opposition to S. 782 in the Senate and that
this might well be helpful if the matter does come to issue again in the House.
Mr. Bray also advised that the Manpower and Civil Service Subcom-
mittee had unanimously reported the court leave bill in executive session
this morning and that in all probability it will be going before the full
Committee on Thursday.
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Calls 13
In 0
Friday - 18 July 1969
2. (Unclassified - GLC) Talked with Mr. Lawrence Baskir, Staff
Director of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, and made arrange-
ments for the Director's appearance before the Subcommittee in executive
session at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday morning in Room 2228, New Senate Office
Building. (See Memo for the Record.)
3. (Confidential - GLC) Met with Senator James Eastland (D., Miss.
to advise him that Senator Ervin had agreed to let the Director appear before
the Constitutional Rights Subcommittee on S. 782. The Senator appreciated
our keeping him informed and commented "that you can get anything you want
from the full Committee. " I asked if he thought this would be the case even
if the Subcommittee was against us and he answered yes. He said all we
needed to do was have Senator John McClellan (D., Ark.) propose an amend-
ment. Senator Eastland stated again that he was completely with us on this.
I told him we would keep him informed.
4. (Secret - GLC) Advised Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate
Appropriations Committee, of Senator Ervin's decision to let the Director
appear before the Constitutional Rights Subcommittee on S. 782 next Tuesday.
I also advised Woodruff that the Director was seeing Senator Russell on
Senator Symington's letter of 1 July and the recent withdrawal letter.
5. (Secret - GLC) Advised Ed Braswell, on the staff of the Senate
Armed Services Committee, of Senator Ervin's decision to let the Director
appear before the Constitutional Rights Subcommittee on S. 782 next Tuesday.
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Friday - 18 July 1969
6. (Confidential - GLC) Advised Mr. Joseph Owens, on the staff
of Senator Robert Byrd (D., W. Va. ), of Senator Ervin's decision to let
the Director appear before the Constitutional Rights Subcommittee on S. 782.
Owens said he had been advised of this this morning and would be sure to
notify Senator Byrd.
7. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director
of the Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations,
additional material on the Communist Party Conference. This included
statements made by some of the lesser known Communist leaders.
I took this opportunity to mention to Miss Fosdick that we had
received information to the effect that some members of the press had
indicated that the Agency provided Senator Jackson with confidential material
on the Soviet leadership and that not all of this information was included in
the Senator's speech. Miss Fosdick reacted to this by indicating that this
was very closely held by them and expressed concern that the classified
information provided the Senator might also be given to opponents of the ABM.
Mr. Maury and I assured her that this information would be handled with anyone
else in the same manner that it was handled with them, i. e., on a classified
9. (Confidential - JMM) Jason Berman, in the office of Senator
Birch Bayh, called to say the Senator would like to have our suggestions for
questions we would like him to ask at our upcoming appearance before the
Ervin Subcommittee regarding S. 782. After consulting with the Executive
Director and OGC, I called Berman back to say we would welcome questions
bringing out statistics on our successful recruitment program, attrition rates,
employee complaints and security damage resulting from past involvement
in litigation.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Friday - 18 July 1969
10. (Confidential - JMM) Bill Miller, in the office of Senator John
Sherman Cooper, called to say the Senator had a letter for the Director to
which an answer was desired by Tuesday morning, 22 July, and wanted us
to pick it up. I suggested that the Senator (who lives in the next block from
me) bring it home and I would pick it up this evening which was agreed.
I picked up the letter to the Director from Senator Cooper requesting
information on Soviet Y-class submarine production. See Memo for Record.
11. (Unclassified - LLM) Spoke withi ogistics,
concerning Representative Henry S. Reuss' Conservation and Natural
Resources Subcommittee survey on air pollution by Federal installations
which requires an Agency report by 1 August. I ladvised that GSA 25X1
in its report to the Subcommittee will include all information requested on
Agency installations. It was previously agreed with Gerald Schatz of the
Subcommittee staff that if this transpired duplicate reporting from the Agency
would not be required. An appropriate letter has been prepared.
13. (Unclassified - LLM) Mary Lou Hahn, in the office of Representative
Samuel S. Stratton, called on behalf of ho has a B. A. and M. A.
in psychology and French and is interested in Federal ern id we
appreciate the Congressman's interest and suggested that all
Personnel, directly to arrange a convenient time
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Friday - 18 July 1969
14. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Spoke with Robert Hull, Department
of State, concerning the Daniels bill's prospects and the impact on the CIA
and Foreign Service retirement systems. Representative Wayne L. Hays
(D. , Ohio), Chairman, Subcommittee on State Department Organization and
Foreign Operations, has promised to introduce a bill and hold hearings if
and when the Daniels bill starts to move again.
.Legislative Counsel
Ex-Dir/Compt O/DDCI
Mr. Houston
Item 12 ~
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Calls 2
Thursday - 17 July 1969
1. (Unclassified - JGO) Received a call from. Mr. Michael
Schell, in the office of Representative Samuel Stratton (D., N.Y.),
who inquired whether the CIA retirement system is the same as the
Civil Service system and whether amendments to the Civil Service
Retirement Act would affect the Agency's program. I explained some
of the similarities: and differences between the two systems and advised
that amendments to the Civil Service Retirement Act would not affect the
Agency's system unless specifically stated in the amending legislation.
Mr. Schell was quite appreciative but did not advise the reason for his
egislative Counsel
Ex-Dir /Compt
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
DD IS 25X1
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Calls 7
Wednesday - 16 July 1969
1. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Mr. Ed Hartung, Minority
Counsel to the Senate Appropriations Committee, a copy of an intelligence
report entitled The Technological Gap-- The USSR versus the. U. S. and
Western Europe. This was provided in response to a request Mr. Hartung
made to the Air Force. Hartung said he was preparing a letter and was
hopeful that this report would be helpful in providing him with background
information. Should he decide to draw on any information contained in the
report., he will submit his letter to us in advance for security review.
2. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Jay Sourwine, on the staff
of the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, about his request of
yesterday which was based on a newspaper column by Paul Scott. I told
Sourwine that, since Senator Jackson was a member of our Subcommittee,
he had access to a substantial amount of Agency information but it appeared
that in his speech on the Senate floor the other day he had drawn principally
on unclassified material which we had. provided him on members of the
Politburo. I told Sourwine we would be happy to provide him with this
information. Sourwine said he had just returned from lunch with Paul Scott,
who informed him that there was much more information in the Agency
report used by Jackson than he had used in his column. Scott told Sourwine
that information on the preeminence of Suslov was contained in the Agency
material but had not been used by Jackson.
Mr. Sourwine said he would like to make the usual request for
access to 'if and when he might be available tc the
Committee. " He added that, since Castro had talked to the Christian Science
Monitor, he assumed that he could talk with the Subcommittee. I told
Sourwine I would check on this and call him back.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 16 July 1969
3. (Confidential - JMM) Senator Birch Bayh (D. , Ind.) breakfasted
at Headquarters with the Director and Messrs. R. Jack Smith, Carl Duckett,
Cord Meyer and me. While driving the Senator to Headquarters, I reviewed
the background of the Ervin bill, and during breakfast Bayh commented
favorably on the draft statement for the Subcommittee meeting on 22 July.
The Director gave the Senator a general orientation briefing regarding the
intelligence aspects of the Safeguard debate, etc. Mr. Duckett then answered
the Senator's questions regarding Soviet weapons and Mr. Smith regarding
the estimating process. The Senator appreciated the briefings and promised
to do what he could in connection with the Ervin bill. He said he and his wife
were visiting the USSR in August, and he accepted our suggestion for a
defensive briefing prior to his departure. He would also appreciate some
ideas on what Soviet personalities he might try to see, and what subjects
to discuss with them.
4. (Unclassified - JMM) I I General Counsel, NSA, called
to say he had heard we were appearing next week before the Ervin Subcommittee
and wondered whether we planned to speak in behalf of the whole community.
I said the Director's statement was still in preparation but I was sure that
he would make a strong pitch on behalf of the community, particularly
including NSA, as well as CIA. I Isaid he would send over a statement 25X1
which he had prepared earlier tor eneral Carter's use in case we
should want to draw on some of it. I agreed to keel reformed on how 25X1
the matter develops.
5. (Secret - JMM) Briefed Representative John Culver (D. , Iowa)
regarding an African visitor in whom he had been interested, and concerning
whom he had grilled State Department officials. (See Memo for the Record. )
6. (Secret - JMM) Assistant Secretary of State Joseph Palmer
called to ask about the above meeting with Representative Culver and
seemed reasonably satisfied with what I told him. (See Memo for the Record.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Wednesday - 16 July 1969
7. (Secret - JMM) Accompanied Messrs. Duckett, Bruce Clarke
to brief Senators Henry M. Jackson, John Tower and Peter
Dominick, and Senate Committee staff members Ed Braswell and Dorothy
Fosdick, on Soviet and ChiCom strategic weapons, the Sino/Soviet situation,
Eastern Europe and the Israeli nuclear program. In response to Jackson's
request, Messrs. Duckett and Clarke will prepare fact sheets for delivery
to the Senator tomorrow morning for use in the Safeguard debate in executive
session. The Senator was clearly reminded of the security hazards of
discussing the above matters in large groups, even in executive session.
We told him that any written material involved such as the fact sheets must
be classified "Top Secret Sensitive. " He assured us he would keep this much
in mind. Jackson and the others seemed genuinely appreciative of our
8. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mrs. Woolbert, in the office of
Representative Otis Pike (D., N.Y.), called in an effort to locate an
FBIS take on a North Korean statement detailing the sailing orders of the
Pueblo. This material had been earlier provided to Congressman Pike in
connection with the Special Subcommittee on U.S.S. Pueblo, House Armed
Services Committee. With the aid of Mr. FBIS, the item
was identified and arrangements were made to once again provide it to STATSPEC
Congressman Pike in the form of the two-volume study entitled "North
Korean Authoritative Statements."
9. (Internal Use Only - LLM) In response to his earlier call to
I I spoke to Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, Special Subcommittee
on U. b. S. Pueblo, House Armed Services Committee, and informed him
that we had identified the North Korean statement concerning the Pueblo's
sailing orders which was of interest to Chairman Pike. Slatinshek said the
material previously supplied by the Agency to Congressman Pike which
contained this statement was not available to him and it was agreed that we
would send it directly to Congressman Pike and provide Mr. Slatinshek his
own copy. Mr. Slatinshek also asked if we could provide him with North
Korean takes of 8 January and 11 January 1968 dealing specifically with
"U.S. Provocation," and this was done.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 16 July 1969
Page 4
11. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. Jay Sourwine, Subcommittee
on Internal Security staff, Senate Judiciary Committee, called and asked
whether he could have duplicate copies of the material we had sent to him
on the Moscow International Conference of Communists and Workers
Parties of 5 to 17 June, explaining that they had inadvertently incorporated
the material into Subcommittee files and it was beyond retrieval. I said
we would be happy to comply if the material is still available.
12. (Confidential - RJK) Delivered to Mrs. Maybelle Woolbert,
in the office of Representative Otis Pike (D., N. Y.), at her request an
FBIS package entitled "North Korean Authoritative Statements."
13. (Confidential - RJK) Delivered to Mr. Frank Slatinshek,
Assistant Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, two FBIS
packages, a two-volume study entitled "North Korean Authoritative
Statements, " and texts of two KCNA broadcasts on the Pueblo.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5
Wednesday - 16 July 1969
14. (Confidential - RJK) Received a call from FBIS staff which
had received a request from Mr. James Gallagher, Research Analyst,
House Internal Security Committee, for the June 18 and 19 Soviet Union
Daily Reports. I advised FBIS we would obtain these and provide them
to Mr. Gallagher. 25X1
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
Item #10 ~
DD / I
Legislative Counsel
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Tuesday - 15 July 1969
2. (Unclassified - GLC) Mrs. Maybelle Woolbert, Administrative
Assistant to Representative Otis Pike (R. , N. Y. ), called to try to locate
some FBIS material on the Pueblo which had been made available to
Representative Pike some time ago and had been returned to us. Mr. Pike
was in a hearing and she was somewhat vague as to just what the Congressman
wanted. An additional copy of the FBIS material previously sent to the
Congressman was sent to Mrs. Woolbert by courier.
3. (Unclassified - GLC) Jay Sourwine, on the staff of the Senate
Subcommittee on Internal Security, called to say that in his column, the
Scott report which will be printed in tomorrow's newspaper, Paul Scott
has indicated that Senator Jackson's timely warning on the Soviet leadership
was based on confidential information provided him by the Agency. Sourwine
said that he did not know whether this information was reliable but would like
to have a copy of any material which we might have provided Senator Jackson
in this area. I told Sourwine I would be back in touch with him on this.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesday - 15 July 1969
Page 2
5. (Secret - GLC) Met with Representative Dante Fascell (D. , Fla. )
in response to his request to discuss the letter we had received. from the
Library of Congress regarding information on Agency investigators and the
training given tothem.(See Memo for the Record for details.) 25X1
Mr. Fascell took this opportunity to talk about Fascell
has the impression that is connected with the Agency in some way. He
said he did not want this confirmed or denied but would like to know anything
that we could tell him about I am looking into this.
6. (Confidential - JMM) Talked to Ken BeLieu, Deputy Assistant
to the President for Congressional Relations, regarding the Ervin bill, S. 782,
and the possibility of his contacting Subcommittee members on our behalf.
He seemed to think word from the White House might be effective in the
cases of Senators Hruska, Thurmond and Byrd (W., Va.) and indicated he
would call them.
7. (Confidential - JMM) Talked to Dale Grubb, Special Assistant
to the President, regarding the Ervin bill and explained our problem, and
told him we had been in touch with Ken BeLieu but would appreciate any
follow-up action on Grubb's part. I suggested he might get the background
papers we had previously given BeLieu and call me if he had any further
questions. He indicated appreciation of our problem and a willingness to assist.
8. (Secret - JMM) Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director, Subcommittee on
National Security and International Operations of Senate Government Operations
Committee, called to say Senator Jackson and "3 or 4 other members!" of the
Armed Services Committee who are carrying the ball in the Safeguard debate
in executive session, would like an up-to-date briefing on the world situation
and on Soviet strategic weapons at 2:30 P. M. tomorrow. She said she and
Ed Braswell, Chief of Staff, Senate Armed Services Committee, would also
attend and also possibly one officer from John Foster's office in Defense--Bob
Wiser. After checking with the Director, I called her and confirmed that
we could provide the briefing (Messrs. Duckett, Bruce Clarke and
but would appreciate her excluding the Defense representative, which she
said could easily be done.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Tuesday - 15 July 1969
9. (Confidential - LLM) Mr. Lloyd Salvetti, Administrative Assistant
to Representative Hastings Keith (R. , Mass. ), called to say that an executive
hearing was being scheduled for Thursday before the House Interstate and
Foreign Commerce Committee involving former CBS employees in recent
acts against Haiti. Salvetti said the fact of the hearings was being closely
held, but that there had been some suggestion that the Agency was somewhat
involved. Based on the advice of WH Division, I told
Salvetti that he could assure the Congressman, for his own use, that the Agency
was in no way involved. 25X1
As a followup to the Headquarters visit of Representative Keith on
10 July 1969, I advised Salvetti that had never been 25X1
an Agency employee.
10. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Delivered to Miss Joy Tupper, in the
office of Representative Robert V. Denney (R. , Neb.), in response to the
C.niiaressman's specific request, a closeout letter on the case of one John
ho it is alleged has been misrepresenting himself as an
Agency employee. Miss Tupper appreciates that the letter is for their records
only, but that in their closeout letter to the interested constituent there would
be no problem in making reference to contact with appropriate officials and the
11. (Unclassified - LLM) Spoke with a member of Senator B. Everett
and was advised that Polly T. Robertson, who was absent from the office,
handles the case and that a closeout letter to Senator Jordan referencing the
fact that I as unable to keep his scheduled appointment would be
Jordan's (D. , N. C.) office concerning the application of
appreciated. 25X1
legislative Counsel
Ex-Dir/Compt O/DDCI
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin 25X1
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Calls 10
In 0
Monday - 14 July 1969
1. (Secret - LLM) In response to his earlier inquiry and based
on the advice of SA/DDP, I called Jack Buttram, Press
Secretary to Senator a annin (R., Ariz.), and told him that the
Agency was in no way involved with Pacific Architects and Engineers,
A. P. O. 960, Saigon. I stressed that we were passing on this information
solely for the personal use of Senator Fannin.
2. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Mr. Leon Hampton, in the office
of Senator Marlow Cook (R., Ky.), called on behalf of of
who has an aerial mapping firm and is interested in
overseas opportunities for his firm and specifically mentioned Indonesia.
Hampton said that AID was surveying possible opportunities. I told
Hampton that we would be pleased to consider the matter but that I was
sure we had no interest. Under these circumstances Hampton said he
would not pursue the matter further with us.
3. (Unclassified - JMM) Miss Sosnick, in the office of Representative
John Culver, called to ask if my meeting with the Congressman could be
changed from Thursday to Wednesday, 16 July at 1:00 P. M. This date was
4. (Confidential - JMM) Dorothy Fosdick, Subcommittee on National
Security and International Operations of Senate Government Operations Committee,
said that Senator Jackson was back from the west coast and would like an early
briefing to bring him up-to-date on Soviet strategic weapons, Soviet leadership 25X1
situation, Middle East, East Europe, Vietnam, etc. She will call to make a
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Monday 14 July 1969
5. (Confidential - JMM) Colonel James Brower, OSD/L&L, called
to say that Senator John Stennis had requested some revisions and updating
of material recently provided him by Secretary Laird. Brower said the
original version had been coordinated with the Agency and he wanted to be sure
that the revised version now in preparation was consistent with Agency views.
He therefore would appreciate our immediately going over this material
for this purpose. The material was sent to Mr. Bruce Clarke, OSR, for
6. (Confidential - JMM) Called both Ken BeLieu and Dale Grubb,
White House Congressional Liaison, to make an appointment to discuss with
them the Ervin bill but neither was available -- left word for them to call
back but heard nothing by end of the day.
7. (Confidential - GLC) George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, called and asked if we could check with our
people and determine whether there had been any FOBs tested b the Soviets
in recent weeks or months. After checking with FMSAC,
I advised Murphy that the Soviets had not tested FOBs at all this year.
8. (Unclassified - GLC) In response to her request of yesterday,
I provided Miss Peggy MacDonald, in the office of Senator Henry Jackson,
the Agency telephone number for
is a University of Washington student working with the Agency during the 25X1
9. (Unclassified - GLC) James Lucier, on the staff of Senator
Strom Thurmond (R. , S. Car. ), called and asked if we had a copy of the
National Security Act,as amended, to make available to him. I told Lucier
we did not have a copy of the Act with amendments to date and he has decided
to make a xerox copy from the Code.
10. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Colonel Everett Harper, on the
,taff of the reparedness Subcommittee, a copy of the latest
I Idated 7. July.
11. (Secret - GLC) Met with Mr. Ed Hartung, on the staff of the
Senate Appropriations Committee, and gave him a security briefing on special
clearances and obtained his signature on the appropriate secrecy oaths.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Monday - 14 July 1969
Page 3
12. (Secret - GLC) Met with Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the
Senate Appropriations Committee, and talked with him about Senator
Symington's letter to the Director posing ten questions regarding sensitive
intelligence activities Woodruff suggested three possibilities for
handling our response with Symington. (See Memorandum for the Record
for details.)
Left with Mr. Woodruff a letter from the Director dated 11 July
1969 covering a withdrawal from the reserve. Woodruff requested some
additional information on this and I told him I would be back in touch with him.
Woodruff said he would. be talking with Bob Michaels, of the House
Appropriations Committee staff, on Thursday about the Radios and other
matters and would be in touch with us following that meeting.
I mentioned to Woodruff that we would be in touch with him shortly
to brief him on some developments in the communications field.
I ~rjeferi Woodruff on Soviet activity along the Chinese border in
the Far East,
13. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to the Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy two copies o One for the Joint Committee and one to
be held in their vault for te Senate Preparedness Subcommittee.
Mr. George Murphy, of the Committee staff, expressed an interest
in a book entitled: Red Orchestra and asked if we might have access to a copy
of it.
I also left with them a copy of the latest
dated 7 July.
14. (Secret - GLC) Talked with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, on the staff of
the House Armed Services Committee, about his inquiry on the Reader's Digest
article by General Sejna. I told Slatinshek that Sejna's statements quoting
Grechko on the Pueblo matter have been examined very carefully and for a
number of reasons we are of the opinion that Sejna's allegations were a
creation of his own. I added that this was being considered by USIB and we
would be back in touch on this in a few days.
Talked with Mr. Slatinshek and Mr. Blandford about the scope of
the Director's briefing of the full House Armed Services Committee which is
tentatively scheduled for the week of 28 July. Mr. Blandford felt this should
be a complete briefing on the Soviet and Chinese threat.(This is being passed
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Monday - 14 July 1969
Page 4
15. (Secret - GLC) Talked with Bob Michaels, on the staff of the
House Appropriations Committee, about the Director's withdrawal letter
of 11 July 1969. Michaels also requested additional information on this item
which I will obtain for him.1
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
DD / I
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Calls 8
SECRET Out 0 1
Friday - 11 July 1969
1. (Secret - GLC) Talked with Bill Woodruff, on the staff of
the Senate Appropriations Committee, and advised him that the special
clearances for Guy McConnell have been approved. I also urged Woodruff
to get together with Bob Michaels, on the staff of the House Appropriations
Committee, at his earliest opportunity to discuss the procedure to be
followed concerning the funding of the Radios.
2. (Confidential - GLC) Called Winston Bryant, on the staff of
Senator John McClellan (D., Ark. ), to advise him of Senator Ervin's
decision to allow the Agency to appear before the Constitutional Rights
Subcommittee in executive session on S. 782. I told Bryant the appearance
has been scheduled for the 22nd of July at 10:30 a. m. and expressed our
sincere hope that Senator McClellan would attend.
3. (Confidential - GLC) Advised Oneta Stockstill, on the staff
of the House Armed Services Committee, that the week of 28 July appeared
to be the best time for the Director to brief the full House Armed Services
Committee. Mrs. Stockstill said she will pass this on and be back in touch
with us with a suggested date.
4. (Unclassified - GLC) Senator Joseph Tydings' (D. , Md.) office
called and suggested that I see the Senator at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, 17 July.
This has to do with our interest in approaching the Senator regarding an
Agency employee with whom he has been in contact.
5. (Confidential - GLC) Mr. Houston advised that OGC had been
in touch with the Library of Congress on the inquiry which originated with
Representative Dante B. Fascell's (D. , Fla. ) Subcommittee on Legal and
Monetary Affairs of the House Operations Committee. OGC has taken care
of this item and there is no further need for contact with the Congressman.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Friday - 11 July 1969
6. (Unclassified - GLC) Peggy MacDonald, on the staff of
Senator Henry Jackson (D. , Wash. ), called to say that the son of a friend
of the Senator's is suppose to be working at the Agency in the "summer intern
program. " The Senator would like to make contact with him. His name
is I told Miss MacDonald I would check on this
and be back in touch with her.
7. (Secret - JMM) Called Miss Sosnick, in the office of Representative
John Culver, who said the Congressman would not be available to see me
until Thursday, 17 July at 2:00 P. M. for a fill-in on a visitor from Africa
in whom the Congressman is interested.
Called Assistant Secretary of State Palmer to inform him of the
above, explaining that I planned to tell Mr. Culver that the visitor was
travelling as a private citizen and merely visited the Agency for a courtesy
call and a discussion of routine matters of common concern. Palmer said
this was contrary to his understanding. I asked if he had any suggestions.
He didn't offer any but said he might be back in touch with me after discussing
the matter within the Department.
8. (Secret - LLM) Met with Representative Emilio Q. Daddario
(D. , Conn.) concerning He was grateful for the information
and our assessment of personal situation. He will see if he
can line up some kind of job which will qualify I or social security
payments and said he would want to let us know of the outcome, although he
realizes the Agency is not involved and should not be responsible.
9. (Unclassified - LLM) Met with Miss Joy Tupper, in the office of
Representative Robert V. Denney (R. , Neb. concerning the "CIA credentials"
that a constituent alleges is being used byl to pass himself
off as a CIA employee; thanked her for sending a picture of the credentials
to us; and told her that we were forwarding to the FBI what they had sent us
and that it would be the Bureau's responsibility to investigate. Miss Tupper
said the Congressman would like a closeout letter from the Agency on this.
c c:
Ex-Dir/Compt ODDCI
Mr. Goodwin ~ T-Tomqfon
Legislative Counsel
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Calls 5
In 2
Out 1
Thursday - 10 July 1969
1. (Confidential - LLM) Representative Hastings Keith (R., Mass.)
and his Administrative Assistant, Lloyd Salvetti,
approximately an hour and a half for a briefing byl
If OCI, on Soviet leadership. See Memorandum for the Record.
2. (Confidential - LLM) Accompanied OCI, to
the office of Representative Ogden Reid (R. , N. Y.) for a briefing on the
Middle East. All went well. See Memorandum for the Record.
3. (Unclassified - JMM) Arranged with Fran Voorde, Secretary
to Senator Birch Bayh, to pick the Senator up at 0730 on Monday, 14 July,
for an 8:00 breakfast at Headquarters with the Director. Miss Voorde said
the Senator would probably want a briefing on the SS-9, MIRY, etc.
4. (Confidential - JMM) Called Representative John C. Culver
(D. , Iowa) to say I understood he had expressipd to State Department officers
an interest in a Washington visitor from an Af rioan. country, and that I would
be glad to come over and try to answer his questions. He said he appreciated
my call and asked that I make arrangements with his secretary, Miss Sosnick,
for an appointment next week.
5. (Confidential - GLC) Oneta Stockstill, on the staff of the House
Armed Services Committee, called and said Chairman Rivers would like a
briefing on SS-9s sometime during the last week in July or the first week in
August. She asked if we would check the Director's schedule and let her know
when the Director might be available.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Thursday - 10 July 1969
6. (Unclassified - GLC) Received a call from Mr. Daniel Cohen,
on the staff of Representative Abner J. Mikva (D. , Ill. ). Cohen said he
would like any regulations or written material that we could give them on
the Agency's security classification guidelines. He referred to the
"Eisenhower Executive Order" as the benchmark on this. He said they
had received copies of the State Department and DOD regulations and would
like to have anything which we could provide them. I told Cohen that I was
quite certain that anything we had on this was classified in and of itself I
would check on it and be back in touch with him.
I called Mr. John Leahy, in the State Department Liaison Office,
about this. He said Congressman Mikva had queried the Department and he
would have someone in their office advise me as to the nature of the response.
Legislative Counsel
Ex/ Dir-Comet
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Calls 8
Wednesday - 9 July 1969
1. (Confidential - LLM) In response to her earlier call, arranged
with Carol Tuchmann, Administrative Assistant to Representative Ogden R. 25X1
Reid (R. , N. Y. ), for a briefing of the Congressman at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow
on the Middle East in his office. ill be the briefing officer.
Later, based upon information from
2. (Unclassified - LLM) Joy Tupper, in the office of Representative
Robert V. Denney (R. , Neb. ), called to advise of a complaint they hadr"Ljymd
from a constituent that an employee of the Agency was also head of the
Security and Personnel, I informed Miss Tupper that was 25X1
not an Agency employee and she said she would discuss this matter further with
the Congressman and possibly forward all the details to us for such action as
we may wish to take on the charged misrepresentation.
3. (Unclassified - LLM) Mr. Boyd, in the office of Representative
James T. Broyhill (R. , N. C. ), called referring to the fact that the Agency
had been the target for certain student demonstrations on university campuses and
asked if it would be possible for an Agency representative to appear with the
Congressman on a television program being taped for the district. I explained
the Agency's no comment policy and the wide-spread agreement in the Executive
and Legislative Branches that the Agency should stay out of the limelight, which
he appeared to appreciate and he withdrew the request.
4. (Unclassified - LLM) A caller who identified himself as
called on behalf of himself 25x1
concerning employment possibilities and the relationship between draft deferment
and ncy employment. I disabused him on the draft question and suggested
he call Personnel, for an appointment to discuss employment
5. (Unclassified - LLM) Confirmed with Lloyd Salvetti, Administrative
Assistant to Representative Hastings Keith (R. , Mass.), the arrangements with
Representative Keith's planned visit to Headquarters tomorrow morning.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 9 July 1969
6. (Unclassified - GLC) Talked with Mr. Kronfeld, on the staff of
Representative Robert Leggett (D. , Calif. ), regarding the Congressman's
request for a briefing on SS-9s. f told him that the Agency had definite
guidelines from Chairman Rivers and. did not normally provide individual
briefings. I added that,since the Chairman had. expressed an interest in a
briefing of the full Committee on this subject, we had contacted him regarding
Leggett's request. The Chairman does not want the Agency to provide
individual briefings on this and suggested that Mr. Leggett receive his
briefing at an in-depth presentation before the full Committee in the near
future. Kronfeld discussed this further with Mr. Leggett and subsequently
advised that we could ignore Mr. Leggett's request, since he is taking it up
with the Chairman.
7. (Confidential - GLC) Advised Dean Pohlenz, on the staff of Senator
Roman L. Hruska (R. , Neb. ), that Senator Ervin had. agreed to let the Director
appear before the Constitutional Rights Subcommittee in executive session
to explain the Agency's problems concerning S. 782. Pohlenz expressed
pleasure and surprise that Ervin had made this move. He said Senator Hruska
had talked with Senator Ervin about this and found Ervin "really dug in on this. "
Pohlenz said that he gathered that if Ervin had his way he would completely
abolish the Agency. I told him this did not surprise me. In response to my
question, Pohlenz said. Senator Hruska would be in town on the 22nd and expected
that the Senator would attend the hearings.
8. (Secret - GLC) Contacted Senator Joseph Tydings' (D. , Md.) office
to arrange an appointment to see the Senator on a sensitive Agency personnel
matter. The Senator's staff will be in touch with me.
9. (Unclassified - GLC) Dropped by the office of Representative
Glenard Lipscomb (R. , Calif.) and found that he will be involved in committee
meetings for the next few days and left word. that we had been by to see him.
10. (Secret - GLC) Met with Mr. John R. Blandford, on the staff of the
House Armed Services Committee, and briefed him on the latest developments
in the Sino-Soviet situation, scheduled visit of Soviet warships to Cuba, and the
intensive air action in the Middle East.
In connection with a request from Representative Leggett for a briefing
on SS-9s, Blandford said that he had no specific date in mind for a briefing of
the full Armed Services Committee.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Wednesday - 9 July 1969
11. (Secret - GLC) In the absence of Representative Dante B. Fascell
(D. , Fla. ), I talked with Mr. Michael Finley, of his staff, regarding the letter
from the Library of Congress for information concerning Agency investigative
personnel. I explained to Finley that our General Counsel's office was advising
the Library of Congress that we would not be responding to their request which
was being made as a result of a requirement on Congressman Fascell's Sub-
committee on Legal and Monetary Affairs of the House Operations Committee.
I asked Finley, however, to assure Mr. Fascell that we would be glad to discuss
this matter with him personally if he desired anything from the Agency. I also
asked for an opportunity to speak with Mr. Fascell about this at his earliest
convenience. I left with Mr. Finley a copy of the Library of Congress letter to us.
12. (Secret - GLC) Met with William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate
Appropriations Committee, and briefed him on the latest information on Soviet
ICBMs as well as the latest developments in the Sino-Soviet situation, scheduled
visit of Soviet warships to Cuba, and the intensive air action in the Middle East.
I also talked with Woodruff regarding our conversations with Robert
Michaels, of the House Appropriations Committee staff, on RFE and RDC. (See
Memorandum for the Record for details. )
13. (Secret - GLC) Met with Robert Michaels, on the staff of the House
Appropriations Committee, and advised him of my conversation with Bill Woodruff
on the subject of the Radios and RDC. Michaels agreed it would be desirable for
him to get together with Woodruff on this. I indicated that we would be perfectly
happy to get together with them jointly or separately whichever they wished.
14. (Confidential - GLC) Picked up from the Subcommittee on National
Security and International Operations, an advance copy of the speech which
Senator Henry Jackson (D. , Wash.) will be giving on the floor today and. which
includes considerable information on Soviet leadership.
Legislative Counsel
Ex-Dir Compt ODDCI
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
DD /I DD /S DD /S &T
Item 2 -
Item 11 -
e curit
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ECRET I Calls 4
Out 2
Tuesday - 8 July 1969
1. (Confidential - JMD) Mr. Houston advised that he had received
a call from Marcia McNaughton, on the staff of Senator Ervin's Constitutional
Rights Subcommittee, who said that Senator Ervin has agreed to hear the
Agency, in executive session, regarding S. 782 on either 22 or 23 July.
Mr. Houston said he would pass this information to the Director and
would be back in touch with her on 10 July to confirm a date.
2. (Confidential - JMD) Mary McLaughlin, Senate Foreign Relations
Committee staff, called and asked that the transcript of the Director's
testimony before the Gore Subcommittee of 23 April 1969 be forwarded to
the Committee for their use during the day. The Committee's copy of this
transcript was sent to Mrs. McLaughlin and returned at the end of the day.
The Committee will need the transcript for the next several days.
3. (Confidential - JMM) Called Senator McClellan and told him of
the word that Senator Ervin had reluctantly agreed to hear us regarding
S. 782 in executive session on 22 or 23 July. I thanked Senator McClellan
for his support in this matter and urged him if possible to be present, which
he said he would try to do.
4. (Confidential -GLC) Talked with Representative David H. Henderson
(D. , N. Car.) to advise him that Senator Ervin had agreed to allow the Director
to appear before his Subcommittee in executive session to state the Agency's
problems on the Senator's bill, S. 782. Mr. Henderson said he was glad we
were being given this opportunity to state our views and. said if he could do
anything to help us to please let him know.
5. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with Larry Conrad, Chief Counsel,
Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments, to advise him that Senator
Ervin had agreed to allow the Director to appear before his Subcommittee in
executive session to state the Agency's problems on the Senator's bill, S. 782.
Conrad said he did not see how the Senator could. have done otherwise and not
be subject to severe criticism. He asked if we would provide him with any
information that Senator Birch Bayh could use in this session in order to be
of assistance to us. I told Conrad I would be back in touch and thanked him
for his offer.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Tuesday - 8 July 1969
6. (Secret - GLC) At the request of Senator John Stennis
(D. , Miss. ), Messrs. Carl Duckett, Bruce Clarke and I met with the
Senator and reviewed with him the DOD work sheets which had been
prepared for his use in handling the defense appropriations procure-
ment bill. Admiral Lowrence, Deputy Director, DIA., and Colonel James
Brower, OSD Legislative Liaison Officer, were also present. (See Memo
for the Record for details. )
7. (Unclassified - GLC) James Kronfeld, Legislative Counsel
in the office of Representative Robert Leggett (D. , Calif. ), called regarding
the Congressman's letter requesting a briefing on SS-9s. I told Kronfeld
I was looking into this and would be in touch with him tomorrow.
8. (Confidential - GLC) Talked. with Frank Slatinshek, on the
staff of the House Armed Services Committee, regarding Congressman
Leggett's request for a briefing on SS-9s. Slatinshek took this up with
Chairman Rivers and said the Chairman wanted to have a full briefing of
the House Armed. Services Committee on this in the near future and. suggested
that Mr. Leggett get his briefing at that time. Slatinshek was well aware of
the problem which would be created by requests from individual members
for personal briefings.
Ex/ Dir- Compt
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
S I%
,egislative Counsel
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Calls 7
In 1
Monday - 7 July 1969
2. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Miss Brotka, in the office of Senator
George Murphy (R. , calif. ), called regarding the status of
and I advised her of our letters to the Senator and td hated 3 July 25X1
(which apparently have not been received by either party) to the effect that
we have reviewed the situation once again and find no suitable vacancy.
Miss Brotka thanked us for this information and indicated tha
is "persistent" and we may hear from I again.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Monday - 7 July 1969
4. (Confidential - JMM) Talked with Representative David N.
Henderson regarding the Ervin bill, S. 782. See Memo for Record for
5. (Unclassified - JMM) Discussed the Ervin bill problem with
Mr. Sam Papich, FBI. See Memo for the Record for details.
6. (Unclassified - JMM Re resentative David Henderson inquired
about Agency opportunities for - we are sending a
brochure and have suggested that if is actively interested
he should supply us with biographic data.
8. (Secret - GLC) Ben Gilleas, on the staff of the Senate Pre-
paredness Subcommittee, called and asked for a "classified rundown" on
the Soviet tactical air force. He has figures which were given to him by us
more than a year ago and indicated that Senator John Stennis D. , Miss.
wanted him to bring these up-to-date this afternoon. Mr.
of OSR and I met with Gilleas and provided the requested information.
9. (Secret - GLC) David Martin, on the staff of Senator Thomas
Dodd. (D. , Conn. called and asked whether we had any information to
report on the atter. I advised him that we were still checking
on this, but it appears that has no direct descendants
who might be approached. in connection wi the Downey case.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Monday - 7 July 1969
10. (Confidential - GLC) Obtained from Art Kuhl, on the staff
of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a copy of the galley proofs
of the sanitized version of the Laird/Helms testimony before the Com-
mittee on 23 June. This was reviewed by Mr. Bruce Clarke and as a
result of that review and our request to Kuhl, a specific reference to
the number of Soviet A.BM's on page 37 of the nrnnfs was
a less specific reference.
Legislative Counsel
Ex- Di r / C ompt
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Calls 3
ut 5
Thursday - 3 July 1969
1. (Secret - GLC) Hand carried to Dorothy Fosdick, Staff 25X1
Director, Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International
Operations, a classified paper prepared by SB Division on "Re ression
of Intellectuals in the Soviet Union" and material prepared by
on "Policies and Personalities in the Soviet Politburo."
2. (Secret - GLC) Bill Spell, on the staff of Senator John C.
Stennis (D. , Miss. ), called and requested a copy of the transcript of the
joint appearances of Secretary Laird and Mr. Helms before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee on the ABM. He said he had made a similar
request to the Department of Defense but learned that the transcript had
been returned to the Foreign Relations Committee. After a number of
conversations between DOD, Spell, and ourselves, Spell withdrew this
3. (Secret - GLC) After an unsuccessful attempt yesterday, I
met with James Gehrig, Staff Director of the Senate Space Committee,
today and alerted him to the possibility of a Soviet lunar shot sometime
within the next week. I directed his attention to an item in this morning's
Wall Street Journal on this subject and said it was
4. (Secret - JGO) The four Committee copies of the DCI/Laird
testimony of June 23 before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were
forwarded to the Committee for their use during the day and returned to
the Agency for safekeeping. The transcripts will be returned to the
Committee on Monday.
5. (Secret - JMM) Picked up from Mr. Bill Spell, in the office of
Senator John Stennis, a letter to the Director from the Senator and a copy
of the Senator's letter to Secretary of Defense Laird on the subject of
the Soviet ICBM threat.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Thursday - 3 July 1969
6. (Secret - JGO) Received a call from Miss Varney Porter,
Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, who is doing the final editing
of the changes in the transcript of the DCI/Laird testimony of 23 June.
Miss Porter indicated that in lines 22 through 26, page 167 of the tran-
script, Department of Defense advised that the statement made at that
point by the Chairman could be retained in the published statement pro-
vided the quotation marks at the beginning and end of the statement were
removed. Agency security review had requested deletion of the entire
statement. Miss Porter indicated, that as far as she knew this is the only
point of inconsistency in the security deletions requested by the Agency
and DOD. After review Miss Porter was advised that the Chairman's
statement might be retained in the published statement provided the
quotation marks were removed. Miss Porter was most appreciative.
During the conversation Miss Porter indicated. that the transcripts
will be going to the Government Printing Office this evening but that the
galley proofs are not expected back before Monday morning. A copy of
the galleys will be made available for Agency review.
7. (Confidential - JMM) Met with Senator John L. McClellan
regarding the Ervin bill (S. 782). See Memo for the Record for details.
8. (Secret - JMM) Mrs. Virginia Laird, Secretary to Senator
Stuart Symington, informed me that the Senator's request for information
on concern only Agency involvements,
but a similar query is being sent to Defense Department.
cc: JOHN M. MAURY Ex/Dir-Compt Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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Calls 4
Tuesday - 1 July 1969
4. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Lloyd Salvetti, Administrative Assistant
to Representative Hastings Keith (R. , Mass. ), called apologizing that they had
to cancel their planned 1 July visit to Agency Headquarters and asked if we
could reschedule the visit for 10 July for about an hour starting at 8:30 a. m.
I told him I thought we could arrange this, but I would call back and confirm.
OCI, will not be available and we are checking
on the availability of Mr. or a briefing on Soviet leadership. 25X1
5. (Secret - GLC) Chris Gikas, in the Office of Security, called
about an Agency employee in a sensitive position who has been contacted by
Senator Joseph Tydings (D. , Md.) about job Opportunities which may be avail-
able to this individual. I also talked with of TSD, about this.
We will probably contact Senator Tydings and alert him to the individual's
sensitive association with the Agency.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Tuesday - 1 July 1969
6. (Confidential - GLC) Don Henderson, on the staff of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, called a few minutes before going into the
hearings on the nomination of John Richardson to be Assistant Secretary
of State for Education and Cultural Affairs./-
7. (Secret - GLC) In response to a query from George Murphy, on
the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, as to whether there had
been any change in the information given the Joint Committee in the February
briefing with regard to the ABM situation, I briefed Murphy on the most
recent information on Soviet ICBMs. (Murphy is taking an active role in
working with Senators who are supporting the Sentinel program. )
Murphy is expecting to travel to Europe in August. In connection
with this, he would like to know whether we have any information concerning
the Soviet nuclear reactor agreement with Finland. I told. him I would look
into this and be in touch with him.
Murphy asked for such information as the Agency might have on
the cases of several individuals of foreign birth who will be participating in
AEC ro rams in the United States
8. (Secret - JGO) The four Committee copies of the DCI/Laird
testimony of June 23 before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee were
.forwarded to the Committee for use of the members and staff during the
day and returned to the Agency at the close of business for safekeeping.
The transcripts will be returned to the Committee tomorrow morning.
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Tuesday - 1 July 1969
9. (Secret - JGO) Delivered to Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Senate Foreign
Relations Committee staff, for his review and for review by Mr. James
Lowenstein, Committee Consultant, the Agency's corrected copy of the
DCI/Laird testimony of June 23. When the transcript was picked up later
in the afternoon, Mr. Kuhl advised that the Chairman planned to forward a
corrected Committee print to the GPO as soon as possible during the evening
after receipt of the Department of Defense security corrections. While I
was talking with Mr. Kuhl, Senator Albert Gore (D., Tenn.) dropped by
Mr. Kuhl's desk to inquire whether the Department of Defense corrections,
which had been promised by noon, had been received.
10. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appro-
priations Committee staff, who advised that Kenneth Sprankle, Clerk and
Staff Director of the Committee, has been contacted by the Department of
Defense concerning clearing Mr. Peter Murphy of the Committee staff for
compartmented information. Pending the outcome of the DOD/Sprankle
liaison, Mr. Michaels sees no need for Agency action concerning
Mr. Murphy's clearance.
Mr. Michaels also advised that the Chairman's schedule of
Committee activities does not contemplate an Agency Subcommittee
meeting before the August recess. The Chairman has given no final
word on the subject.
11. (Confidential - JGO) In response to his earlier request, I
advised Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations Committee staff, that
the Agency had had no association with the Iranian research project conducted
by Research and Analysis Corporation of McLean or the follow.-on project
being conducted by Research Triangle Institute of Durham, North Carolina.
See Journal item of 20 June 1969.
12. (Secret - JGO) I returned to Mr. Robert Michaels, House
Appropriations Committee staff, the copy of the jacket distribution slip
relating to the GPO distribution of printed hearings of the Safeguard ABM
System and advised that the five copies set forth thereon for CIA is the
standing Agency order for copies of Defense Subcommittee hearings. The
other item relating to CIA was included by GPO at their own initiative.
Mr. Michaels thanked me for the information and indicated no further action
is desired in this matter. See Journal item of 13 June 1969.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Tuesday - 1 July 1969
13. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House
Appropriations Committee staff, who provided copies of the Committee
internal correspondence relating to a North Korean warfare training film
that ostensibly has been shown to some members of the Congress. Infor-
mation received from the Department of Defense indicates that the film did
not come from the Department but may have been procured by a member
directly from the Korean Embassy. Mr. Michaels indicated that several
members of the Defense Subcommittee are interested in the matter and would
appreciate any light that we can shed on this.
14. (Secret - JGO) Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropriations
Committee staff, was briefed on the following items:
a. Soviet missile inventory and Agency review of inventory
b. Soviet overtures to Western nations concerning recognition
of Communist China;
construction of additional Soviet space facility;
Soviet naval construction of three new fleet units;
contemplated Soviet space activities;
g. indicators of Soviet concern over the Chinese pro em.
15. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. John R. Blandford, House Armed
Services Committee staff, who requested a listing by types of fuel, whether
solid or liquid, of the various ICBM's in the Soviet inventory. I briefed
Mr. Blandford on the following items:
a. Soviet concern over the Chinese problem;
b. sibility of the Soviet space launch;
c. testing and evaluation of land-
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5
Tuesday - 1 July 1969
16. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, House
Armed Services Committee, who asked whether we could provide any
additional information concerning a news report of a GE scientist who
was traveling through the Soviet Union and was hospitalized in Bukhara,
Russia as a cholera suspect.
I briefed Mr. Slatinshek on the following items:
a. Soviet missile inventory and Agency review of inventory
b. Soviet overtures to Western nations concerning recognition
of Communist China;
c. construction of additional Soviet space facility;
d. Soviet naval construction of three new fleet units;
e. contemplated Soviet space activities;
f, testing and evaluation of land
based IRBM's;
indicators of Soviet co
egislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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SECRET I alls i
Out 8
Wednesday - 2 July 1969
1. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Arthur Kuhl, Senate Foreign
Relations Committee staff, who advised that the corrected transcript
and a covering memorandum forwarded by the Defense Department
were received Tuesday evening, but the content of the memorandum
coupled with Secretary Laird's request that the memorandum be included
in the published transcript required determination by the Chairman which
is delaying sending the transcript to the printers. It is Mr. Kuhl's feeling
at this point that if galley proofs can be obtained by the end of the day on
Thursday the Chairman will probably request corrections by Monday and
forward them to the printers on Monday. Since this matter is rather
indefinite at this moment, however, he advised that he would call me in
the morning or as soon as definite information is available during the day.
2. (Secret - JGO) The four Committee copies of the transcript
of the DCI/Laird testimony of June 23 before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee were forwarded to the Committee for their use and returned to
the Agency for safekeeping at the close of business. The transcripts will
be returned to the Committee for their use on Thursday morning, 3 July.
3. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Confirmed with Lloyd Salvetti, Adminis-
trative Assistant to Representative Hastings Keith (R. , Mass. ), the proposed
visit to Headquarters on 10 July 1969 at 8:30 a. m.
will also attend the session.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2
Wednesday - 2 July 1969
5. (Unclassified - LLM) Mr. Noel Byle, in the office of Representative
John Brademas (D. , Ind. ), called on behalf of a Notre Dame student interested
in a film and other material on the Agency. Mr. Byle feels we can satisfactorily
handle this by sending the standard brochure on the Agency.
6. (Confidential - GLC) Hand carried to Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel,
Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, a paper on the recent Communist
party conference.
7. (Confidential - GLC) Hand carried to Dorothy Fosdick, Staff
Director, Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations,
selected FBIS materials on the recent Communist party conference.
8. (Unclassified - GLC) Hand carried to the office of Representative
Glenard Lipscomb (R. , Calif.) a condolence note from General Cushman to the
Congressman concerning the death of Mr. Lipscomb's father.
9. (Secret - GLC) Picked up from Virginia Laird, Personal Secretary
to Senator Stuart Symington (D. , Mo. ), a letter from the Sena
requesting numerous questions regarding Agency activities
Legislative Counsel
Mr. Houston
Mr. Goodwin
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