Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 20Q2/09/04: ClA-RDP80B01676R#200030042-3
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
SUBJECT: Proted'ures for Monitoring the Flow of
Cabe Traffic
REFERENCE: Action Memorandum No. A-359 dated
28 January 1964
1. Pursuant to the referent Action Memorandum. I have had a
review made of the feasibility of establishing procedures for method-
ically cutting back on cable traffic. I am convinced that the im-
position of quotas is not the way to attack the problem, yet that
would be the one specific manner in which an arbitrary reduction
could be achieved. I agree fully with the desire expressed in the
Action Memorandum that we should avoid haphazard cuts that could
in the end prove more costly to the Agency. I have. within the past
several weeks, impressed fully on the operating components of the
Clandestine Services the great need for rnaximam economy in the use
of cables, consistent with our operating needs.
2. As a result of my instructions, all field stations have been
made aware of the importance of exercising greater discretion in
using cable communications, especially where teletape or regular
dispatch would suffice. In consultation with the Office of Comm unifications,
it has been made clear to me that the imposition of an arbitrary
on the length of cables could easily be self-defeating, since the problem
in the office of Communications is the number of cables, rather than
their length. The time consuming aspect focuses on the processing of
each cable, irrespective of its word content, so that if we were to
limit the length of cables arbitrarily, we might well find that we were
unwittingly causing the number to increase. a clearly undesirable
iri d F'rA1ease 2002/09/04 CIA-RDP80B01676R000200030042-3
Approved or Rele
3. I have instructed our staff elements and our division chiefs
to make a continuing check on our use of cables and to take steps to
correct any situations which reflect an inadequate understanding of
the need for maximum economy consistent with operational require-
ments. I am particularly urging that cables not be used for admini-
strative and similar matters excepting in emergency situations. I
believe that the problem can best be dealt with by this means of
continuous, daily attention. If this does not work out after a reason-
able trial period, we will turn to other devices.
Richard Helms
Deputy Director for Plans
cc: DDCI
Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA=RDPp0B01676R000200030042-3