Approved For Release 2000/
0773A00.0100010008-3 I LLEG I B
PdB~gORA?~iDUM FQR, Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT Uffice of Personnel. Report - 6veek Ending
9 May I~75
Ma az~ne: Une Sandra Stencel of Ske tic
3. Ske tic
Ma. azine as een p~iv^n n Recruitment Division Mr. uermer's
~nd the office of
over the past two months. a was most. persistent
questions with re and to our recruiting practices.
n er
Qn ~ i~iay
we received frt~m a special issue of the magazine,
which devotes the ent re a ition to ?'SPYIAtG.'" ~"Have the CIA
and FBI Cons Too Fsr?" "Should We Clamp Down on the Intelligence
Community?~") The articles are written by Philip Agee, I. F.
Stone, Tad Szuluc, and speeches of hir. Colby and
are quoted, among others. t?ne section identifies nine recru~tzng
offices of CIA and explains the procedures of applying. Ske tic
is a new publication, we understand, and is published bi-r~on__-..
by the Forum for Contemporary History, Inc., Santa Barbara,
California. Ms. Stencel is listed. as a senior editor.
Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP8
Approved For Release 2000//'~~~: :.;~~F~~0773y4000100010008-3
4. Retirement Activity: Requests for estimates targeted
on 30 June an l my are Qn t31e increase. There is also a
definite interest in retiring i:E the availability of discontinued
service and involuntary retirement options are offered,. but
the level of this is not as intense ~~s in previous periods.
As of 8 1~iay, the number of persons actually signed up to retire
between now and 3l July is as f+a3l~ws;
Civil Service 25
S. Summer Intern Recap; ;Fifty?-four Summer Interns are
in process. rty-eig t are now fully cleared. The first
four are now on duty. Three m?~re will enter on duty during
the week of 12 ?day.
6. Co-op Program;
a. our Associate Coordinator, visited
13rexel University on ay. Eleven co-op applicants were inter-
viewed and. three were requested to complete applications,
b. The second Co-op Newsletter was distributed to
our co-op students and offices on 2 i~~ay.
7. U~~sswa__rd Moba2it~; ~Ve now have two fully c~.eared Upward
Mobility canes ates for this year's class and another 48 candi-
dates in process for security. and medical clearance. Based on
feedback from the Security and Medical staffs, this group "looks
better -- has fewer problems" .than previous groups..
8. Re ulation Chan es: W,e forwarded to Regulations 25X1A
Control Bran~or pu cation ,a revision of to
bring it in line with ~ieadquart~ars regulations regarding
leave far maternity purposes.
9. Handbook 3~istrihuti.on; The Handbook for users of
PERSIGN P ase w is escrx e.s the data elements in PERSIGN,
were received from the printers this weal: and have been dis-
tributed to users,
l0. Sin Ie Ceiling: Two of the numerous programs required
to convert our personnel systems to a single ceiling have
been checked out and found. to be correct.
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Approved For Release
~, (
~a~l~v~..~ ~~A- P80-0077~A000100010008-3
11. Hire the Handica ed Pra;ram: The Rehabilitation
Cc-unselor ram t e D str ct a Co3um is Rehabilitation Center
referred an applicant to us several ~~anths ~.go who was severely
crippled by cerebral palsy, fie has been .in rehabilitation for
art extended period and is now able to perfor~a a number of tasks
again. We referxed him to NPIC far a courier joh but learned
that they also had a machine operator's job (reproduction}
w~iich they wanted to fill and which they felt t,~ould be com-
pYetely safe far him. NPIC is in the process of arranging
are interview and, if all goes well, we will put him in process
art a 3fl-hour per-week contract basis. -
12. OPP Review: Eighty.-five employees reviewed their
Official e~'rsonn~+Fo3.ders in April.
13. Position Tianagement:
a, In the survey of ?JCS, work continued in the
A~~plications.Division.and the Operations Division..
b. The OC Officer-in-Charge study covering positions
a?t small field stations throughout the world was transmitted
to thv Director of Communications and has been accepted.
14, Rehixed Annuitant: The following rehired annuitant
case was approve or t e Directorate of Administration:
-- Office of Training --
independent Contractor -- one-tim:e service.
15. incentive Awards, Six representativQS of the Agency
attended an Awards workshop an Z ?4ay 175. The pra-
gram was conducted by the National Capital Chapter, National
Association of &uggestion Systems, and the CSC Federal Incentive
Systems- Office.
16. Dn ineer_in~ Students: ]:ntexesting items from the day
issue of Ong nearing ucation N~:ws:
a. Freshman engineexing enrollment is up
ZZ percent.
Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-Ud7`~3A000100010008-3
Approved For Relea~e,~ ~ ~/~ .. I -RDP80-00773A000100010008-3
y~F; ~ ~u.~~ ~; ~ ~:
b. Young women engineers have surpassed
their male classmates 3.n many areas:
{l).Almost 6Q~ of the women had
attained a 2,75 average, while only
S0~ of the men had attained such grades;
(2~ 33~ of women engineers earned
more than $17,t?04 in I9?1 compared to
24~~ of the men in that salary bracket;
(3} 99.4 of women e~1$ineers are
married, compared to 8~}, ~&~ of tt~e men
and 77,5 of~other women college graduates.
Coming Events
1, Work dealing with the preparation of age and. grade
trends in the DDA will be conciud:ed,
2, We plan to finalise a training program to teach the
Agency's telephone aper$tors, th? Lacat?r Control Officer,
and other selected personnel how to use the new GE fierminex
I2flfl terminal in conjunction with the CP/CMS system used to
produce updated Flexoline strips needed for cover, mail and
telephone operations.
3, The May Personnel Officers' Meeting will he held in
the Aud~,torium on l4 May 1~?5,
F, Vd', M. Janney
Director 4f Personnel
Orin; ~ 1 -
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0-D/Pexs : : bkf (~ Aiay ? S)
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