Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 1999/P/02"
to a
&791300970A000100 p0g5
To doter-nine the scope, length,, and responsibility for drafting
of a Progress Report on 65C t) and NSCIIr's 1-15.
1. The last previous report on NNSC SO was submitted by XI on
23 April 1952, coverin the calendar year 1951. .chile there has
been no specific requirartent expressed by N SG for a similar report
on calendar 1.952, it is reasonable to assume that one would be
2. The previous report dealt specifically, with 50 by
nom. It did not mention the , ID' a by nee, but did deal broadly
with cutters fallizig under t* c n. It was approximately a
spaced pages in length and covered the fcllowinZ eneral cate;ories
of eventes (1) organizational changes (carrying out of NBC 50,
estinatos prodrara, formation of the E IC, etc.); (2) specific CIA
programs pursuant to Aye direction (t, 26/5, 36/1, 66/1, and 10/5),
(3) unsolved problems (the relationship between intelli ence and
planni ,, security, etc. )3 (b) progress on covert intell.ik encce
collection and its relations p to other operations; ( ) a con-
cluding general statea_ nt on the capabilities of the in
community to answer the ultimate questions for which it was re--
3. The responsibility for this report was scattered.
first draft was done by Mr. , as . .ilCI, the basis 25X1 Aga
of lengthy contributions by all offices. This was re-written and
shortened by '.-Mr. , and final still further drastically 25X1 A9a
shortened by I himself with Mrs. assistance. 25X1 A9a
4. Since this report, !-.1 has submitted to a coordinated
IAC report an the progress of all int tligence pro riu , for
135, and has also submitted individual progress reports on ?ABC
66/1, 86/1, and 123 (adopted in 162). (State has responsibility
under *3C 2A/5, while 10/ waa covered by a li ited-distribution
contribution to the NBC 135 operation.) The NBC secretariat has
indicated that it will request a general semi-annual updating of
NBC 135, covering the period July- ecember 1952. In the normal
Approved For Release 1999/09
11. I-B00=970A000100050003-5
Approved For AkIe 1999/14DSEC P79B0097g4000100050003-5
course, there should also be Progress resorts on the individual CIA
projects for N SC, spaced accordin to need; none is now pressing
from this standpoint, either Leeauee recently submitted (86/i and
123) or because still in es by yo (66/1).
5. Y or efficient hand
determAnaation of lens th and
to last year's, ;here would
tions, and the paper could
offices for co:= ent and addi
there should be above all
ope. If the report is to 1
need of lengthy office contribu-
d and then sent around to
on. I attach a list of possible
topics for such a report. It, on the other hand, i v Is felt the
a longer report is wanted -- along the lines desired by 'i?.
last year -- then a n ,re elaborate procedure will be necessary.
should also be ascertained whether the report will stick to
d leave the rest of the intelligence cos unity to be covered
by the USC 135 report.
6. Once these are determined, responsibility should b
in a single individual or pair of individual in judgm.rt. 25X1A9a
The obvious candidates are the :?eber- teesa