Approver Re A~
11 August 1969
Morning Meeting of 11 August 1969
*The Director noted receipt of a requirement outlining the topics
on which he is expected to brief during the course of his visit to Cali-
fornia. DD/I noted that he expects will have the necessary
briefing materials available for the Director's review by noon today.
DD/I asked what support the Director desires during the course of his
stay in California. The Director noted that he will be met by an Office
of Security
IDD/I asked
whether he would like the full text of the PDB, and the Director asked
that, if required, the DD/I simply flag for him Othose portions
of it which require some special attention. The Director noted that he
will depart for Los Angeles at noon on 13 August and will return the
evening of 14 August. General Cushman noted that he will depart the
morning of 12 August I land will return to Washington
during the day of 14 August.
*Godfrey briefed on the continuing lull in Soviet military air activity.
He noted the biggest puzzle is that the standdown has now continued
through 10 August. In response to the Director's question DD/S&T
Godfrey called attention to Finnish President Kekkonen's visit
with Kosygin
In response to the Director's question D/ONE stated he is not
certain who caused the changes to be made in NIE 11 / 13 -69 but
Approved Fore
11/2 : CIA-RDP80R01284A0018
F fl^ S
Approveder F el'ease 2btY/11/23 :
conjectured that it was State (see Morning Meeting Minutes of 8
August). DD/I pointed to the Soviets and Chinese having signed a
protocol settling their River dispute as an indication that they can reach
agreement when it serves the best purposes of each.
*DD/S reported that power surges connected with the electrical
storms over the weekend caused a temporary breakdown in OCS and
the Signal Center. The Director asked DD/S to determine why they
were excavating this morning in the vicinity of the Printing Services
Carver noted increased enemy activity in Vietnam and highlighted
reports suggesting some intensified activity during the period 15-20
August, with other reports alleging some large-scale final battle being
Carver called attention to a cable in from Vientiane reporting
that,the Laotians had taken into custody almost the entire North Vietnamese
Station there. DD/P briefed on the comic details of the NVN's ill-advised
c ounte r s u r v e i l lane e.
Maury noted that Senator Mansfield is going to Djakarta and that,
if he follows past practices, he will not ask for a special briefing.
Maury called attention to the item in the Sunday Washington Post
on the expurgated testimony before the House Armed Services Com-
In response to the Director's question Maury doubted that Senator
Jackson is in town.
Warner for Houston pointed to the current Green Beret investiga-
tion in Saigon and to General Cushman's having advised Russ Blandford
that we were not involved in a command relationship with this activity.
General Cushman briefed on his conversation with Ed Braswell, and the
Director asked that he meet today with appropriate Executive Committee
members in order to determine what further action should be taken.
el I T /11/
Approver ReleaENO00W u2. CI
Bross noted that Mr. Morrison in Robert Froehlke's office has
indicated that they would like additional details on the ARDF/Laos.
The Director asked Bross to see what he can do in the interests of
clarifying this matter with Mr. Froehlke.
DD/S&T noted that he will have an "issue" paper ready today on
the principal problems that will come up during the course of the
15 August NRO Executive Committee Meeting.
Goodwin called attention to the Sulzberger column in the Sunday
New York Times on The Game of Nations by Miles Copeland. Goodwin
noted that Walter Pforzheimer has ordered copies of the book, and
the Director asked that the order be cut in half.
L. K. White
Approved For ReIegP09C1 -RDP80R01284A00180 110064-6 2
Abrove Fo e ~se"2~U5/T1f2'3 Nq&roafi
By C. L. SULZBERGER loane Secretary of State
PARIS-It is an open secret
that Washington has been up
to the elbows in Middle Eastern
plots and counterplots, but the
degree of involvement and
specific details are now for the
first time exposed in a book
just published in London.
This is called "The Game of
Nations," by Miles Copeland,
an American management con-
sultant, at one time employed
by the State Department, who
helped in organizing the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency.
Copeland, an excellent Arab-
ist, has spent years in the Mid-
dle East where he has impres-
sive contacts, starting with.
.Nasser. Among U.S. activities
in that area he describes the
nothm , . asser sent.a'personal
warning to Roosevelt that he
was about to make an arms ac-
cord with Russia. Roosevelt
and Copeland flew to Cairo.
When they found they
couldn't change Nasser's mind,
Roosevelt suggested`-, Cairo
should announce the weapons
were coming from Czechoslo-
vakia - "the idea being that
this wouldn't sound so?heretical
since the Czechs were also a
major source of arms for the
red Germans.
To Improve Relations.,
Copeland says: "A certain well-
Nasser asked for limited
known major general of the
Even so Washington, kept at-
American military aid-up to
American Army" played a part
tempting to restore good rela-
$40 million. Copeland observes:
tions. Copeland . writes: "In
in this affair. "As I will show later on, it was
Copeland's most fascinating
1962, before supplying the
the State Department's delay in
revelations concern the Nasser
Israelis with Hawk antiaircraft
granting this comparatively
revolution in Egypt. According
missiles, President Kennedy
small amount whicn caused
to him Washington decided in
cleared' the matter with Nasser
Nasser to turn to the Soviets-
Putsches in Syria by explaining it to him and
1952 that "Egypt was the place
Under Major (later Colonel)
with the result that he got many
to start" an attempt to produce
getting him to agree that, under
Stephen Meade, the U.S. spon-
times over the $40 million
forward looking, pro-American
the circumstances of the mo-
1949 coup d'etat of
which he originally asked
Arab governments.
ment, we could not do other-
Syria which be-
from us."
That February Roosevelt
sored the In August 1953 Roosevelt Vise."
gan the ceaseless putsches that
ed a "Moslem Billy Graham" atives of Nasser's conspiracy.runner of the C.I.A.).
Husni Zaim in was sent on a secret mission
tried to organize a "peaceful
marked the coun-
have since Everybody knows the ensu-
revolution" under the umbrella
try's political life and produced
(says Copeland) to try and end mg story, marked by contin-
King Farouk. In March-
Soviet control. of four
increasing the impasse between Egypt and uing war in the Middle East
months" before Nasser's
American specialists promot
Britain on Suez base negotia- and a steady growth of Soviet
coup-Roosevelt met represent-
tions. In November 1954 two influence. As Nasser once rue-
to mobilize Islam against Corn- inc plan to change things U.S. colonels, Albert Gerhardt fully confessed to Copeland:
munrsm and sent "a wild-eyed under Farouk was drpped. and Wilbur Eveland, discussed "The genius of you Americans
Iraqi holy man" on a tour of American officials and Nas- an arms deal with Nasser "for is that you never made clear-
Arab countries. Copeland con- ser's representatives reached "a internal security purposes." cut stupid moves, only 'com li-
eludes "The project did no private understanding that the A tentative military agree- Gated stupid moves which
harm." _ ,,., _
Dulles to supervise " Operation
Ajax" in August 1953, physical-
ly ousting the Mossadegh Gov-
ernment of Iran and restoring
the Shah.
An American military attache
helped arrange for a Nazi of-
ficer, Lieut. Gen. Wilhelm
Farmbacher, to assist Nasser
in training his army. American
officials were instrumental in
getting to Cairo the famous
Otto Skorzeny, an S.S. officer,
and during his short Egyptian
stay Skorzeny brought in
"about a h
OI~S138 ~64-6
in Egypt. In.July Nasalized
power (with no American as-
sistance) and Nasser's right
hand man, Ali Sabri, immedi-
ately informed Ambassador
Jefferson Caffery that Nasser
wanted "friendly relations"
with Washington.
Copeland says Caffery ar-
ranged with Nasser "fur the
loan to the Egyptian Govern-
ment of perhaps the leading
practitioner of 'black' and 'grey'
propaganda in the Western
world, Paul Linebarger, a for-
mer expert for the O.A.S. (fore-
Kermit (Kim) Roosevftppl[p Y~e 1 ~ for ~W r/ 5n~2 inen ar `~~[~i ~ ~$ ~~ a ~ r at the possi-
C.LA. Middle East expert, was wouldn't exist for man P~ r5iri IT th y he some-
y years" when Washington had done thing to them we are missing."
or Release 2005/11/23J. 1PI JI$LWF&284A001800110064-6
7'GEN: HUNN: Yes, sir.
RIVERS: Vie have enough room for,
allies. We don't need any more room
for them. Advice-giving allies, that is
the kind I am balking about.
The Greeks
will need Mr. Sheridan.
COUNSEL: Not tomorrow.
'R,IVEHS: Tney 'cllan't. I was terrill- .,, I'd'anaa: vv amv nuns va naauc ao uaa~~
~N THE INTEREST of national se- ?,_,_,_ I? __ VTTAWAC? nranlr.~s,?
curuy, the douse Hrmeu aurvwu - - RIVERS: That sounds pretty good, I
Son Military Construe- people had such know-how, They sure
Subcommittee .:~
, surprised me' and a lot of other people am a Greek myself. Do you know what
tion meets behind closed doors when- whom I know. "'philos" means? You come here pretty,',
ever it discusses sensitive defense no- well recommended.
m tivities with` admirals, generals and r+0
14 .. _ ? - '! - - - .1,` FLIAKAS: Thank, you. It, means;?
cret cle
p se
Only those rv to
V, and a "nand to know". can Het in. and United States Said When the cva'
i l 1
ommi tee Sa ed
er? peel
.' ___tl
ut Japa
. ! ,.. .. ` . t': a public service, therefore, here are ! RIVERS: You know what the Presi-' RIVERS: I will tell you one thing,
,key excerpts from the censored bran-' I
dent of the United States said when :! just get 'it in your head right now. iP
script of a recent hearing released by the committee saved the' diary?. He there is any country getting by without
S..the House Armed Services Committee.,, said the President of the United States' ".'paying their share, It Is Japan.
The principals are Committee Chair-'
L. Mendel Rivers (DS.C.),'`Rep ?,'.could command-how many people do They are getting. defense at practi
than L we have on board the Navy, 900,000? sally nothing under these treaties 1 1;1 - .11
Durward G. Hall, (R?Mo.); who is also a ` ADM. CALVERTr Yes -;j. sir,, ~aboutj ,They'are,contributing nothing under.
r pght n, and.a number of Pentagon ! 900,000. :.,'these treaties., Now they wants Oki
strairaight men. ; RIVERS: About 900,000 men in the !': nawa. ,They think they, can get this a
committee is going to'.'
but he couldn't command 400 j back ...This
1h many.. cows do ? you have over),(; try to see if we, can't keep that island.
Together We Can Defend o
-haro The Japs. didn't exactly give; it to' us,.'
ra aauur vale vlrvao ~, JLulvl. VaYL V ttuuut '24U. nTVT+T]a. n;,,,94- an na,t hares nnrl lof;.I~ .R.TVF.RS- T said his rernrd didn't ~uc There is no country more affluent at~
d? US Iedu 6U111CliliI16 yua~aU111C anVVYcau ?;i ?~?v .??? '"? ??" ""?"`? ???"?? "?'--/? ??"^ i'
find out and put In the. headlines. You !,they are really building it. I will say4,::,; The only. Amer can that has been'
though, it is the most powerful i.;.: over there in?rece recent' times that talked;
; this
ive us all this information ?so
if you need, any defending, we will de Lice cream .I have ever tasted. It really, y .hard to these .people Is Secretary:
l Stans
and he told them what Christ
ed h the ceam in' it We will nave to
0 fn you.asr.. r VAI VVTT T V- 'V- o,r - ItrnmP over and Pat some s Imetime:,'?.~:. told John on ,the e Isle of Patmos? YoU,t
RIVERS: We like to know. about,', 6H h a ITLl? 0,1AC11Ua11, JAC WILL LC11.;V4 Wal"t'k
t hat was.
these things. Don't you think so, Doc
,Determining the Number You don't have to'go over there with
Fathers. your hat In your hand. They've got the;
HALL: 'Exactly, Mr. Chairman: We., 0f Expectant g
1 oon t want to be detectives up berg, , 'HALL:" Do they have a waiting room,, 'meat. They are the No. 2 nation one
but we do want to have enough Earth ,:'far prospective fathers to loiter in
arth i
. iand confidence in the services that this ;.'while their wives 'are in labor?
electronics, and. everything else, is no
r`committee has notoriously supported. , ADM. ETTER: Yes' sir, there is aI' longer. seennd-class stuff. it is first
n; t
;au, J
: 11 y
HALL. it is not jiKe ine one in yUur r
h : 6
one of their radios: A fellow gave Mme a
't t
. 1,~ sister service; they don
t have to sit Westinghouse the other day, I opened?~
!17 HALL: Without~us having to detect,,: out on ? the stairway while -waiting? it ups it, was' made in Japan, or Hong?
labor: varium for, animal experimentation It
RIVERS I don't think 'I have ever ;? HALL: Old Navy logic . ! is not for the security dogs. 4E
more impressed than I was with GEN. DAL
i RYMPLI/: No, sir, .this is
the way the Belgians went about con
1 a boardinghouse for test animals. }
truction. Comparing them with the ,No Room in the Shelter RIVERS: What is that word?
klother people I have seen, like for inst-,!', GEN. HUNN: This is probably the., L HALL: Vivarium. That means keep-
i ance the French, in- France, those best designed facility in the entire]
ing them in a healthy life for expert -
:`Belgians did a terrific job at Brussels. a United States as far. as protection` mental purposes with complete' es
f.I. never saw such prefab work. I. never '1, against nuclear.effects are concerned.! tlietic control.
saw such fas>r contraction In my life RIVERS: We, don't want any space RIVERS: Like a great American';
l_v.7j* nAT.RVMPT.R Thav didn'tL.f- ilt.. vu. ihnva annnah far that nn 1:. .. . - - - 4
Approve ar Release 2005/11/23 :.CIA-RDP80 284A001800110064-6
t' that' has many more civil rig an T!
P, : have. You see how knowledgeable 'he,~
(Hall). is on this committee?
GEN. DALRYMPLE: I didn't knowl,
' what the word meant either, sir: ? !~
Shared Kitchens Must Be
McNaniara's Thinking
about a kitchenette, but 'I don't think'
this way ? of saving money is going tot
pay oft in the tong run. i Know what it
':means to cook. I can cook as good as
'in the community is going to smell it
~,particufariy the fellow who shares that
`kitchenette with you. If a fellow wantsy
to sleep ,; late. and you are cooking ha
and eggs. the aroma gets all over both,
apartments..I just think you ought to;
be realistic about it.,,This is some "of j
fMcNamara's computer systems analy,1~
+ odera e-I'og in Charleston
,anywhere withouta ,lighted runway,I!
,,.:would rather be in Florida than Sem-
bach,. Germany. I would rather ei'en'; beA
Charleston. We don't have too much of3
it. now, don't misunderstand:. me, We
make'us appre-
just have enough to
s'?.eiate w#iat they have over in'England...j i
''Clarifying the Question
if you can help us. Do you understands
}Tithe question? '
`:stand the question.
'RIVERS: We''don't:want the "federal;
i}? overnment to be the only peopleaz
i the . cgmmunity controlling pollution IV
S` other people are polluting with thel
.;;same sort of pollution. Do,- you under
;1VlA w: SCHOENIAN. Y,es, 4
Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80R01284A001800110064-6