Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901R0004001
(11~' nq~- 8 APRIL 1-931
an 'D a cl
Special to The New YorkkTimes
WASHINGTON, April 7- I've Director
of Central Intelligence, William J..Casev,
told-a House subcommittee today that be
believed President Reagan would give
his "full cooperation" to measures to im-
prove procedures to provide false identi-
t ies for covert intelligence agents.
Mr. Casey also said that a bill that
would apply criminal penalties to persons
who disclosed the identities of covert
agents was.the ton legislative priority of
the Central Intelligence Agency. The bill, 1 to IMDrove the cover arrarw. menus For
sometime; called the agents identities C.I.A. case officers wbooc>erate under so-'
protection bill, failed to reach the floors called "shallow cover" in United States
of Congress last year because-Of the press embassies abroad would be to cerrnit
of pre-adjournment business, but it is be- them to assume the title of "Forei !
lieved to have strong support in both the Service Officer," even" if they were not
House and the Senate. ? - bona fide :members of that group of civil
Mr. Casey, who was appearing before servants.
preted to give Congressional authoriza-4 t a State Department Biographic- regis-
tionto the President to order the Peace 1; ter-oidentifymany C.I.A.officers.
Corps,theInteniationa corrtmunicatio:s~' The disclosure of such identities, or
Agency and the United States Agency fora; purported identities, by groups and indi-
International Development, all of whichvizuals who believe that clandestine i.-have enjoyed administrative immunityl tel'igence and covert operations by the
from use by the intelligence agency,, to C.I.A. are "wrong" has infuriated Many
provide ",cover" for covert agents. members of Congress. The bill before the
Another step the President could take ;I House subcommittee today is aimed at
stopping this practice. It would punish
Government., officials and former offi-
c:~.'s who used official knowledge to
' "nay-penances."
The most legally vexing and controver-
sial part of the proposed legislation Would
apply criminal sanctions to necofficials
even if they do not use classified material
but merely deduce the identities.- A peed.
in2 Senate bill would punish those.-Who
disclose such identities "with reason to
believe" it would impair United States in-
telligence work. The House measure uses
a more subjective standard of "intent to !
impair or impede."
Richard K. Willard, counsel to `the At_
torney General for intelligence policy,
testified that the Justice Department
prefers the Senate wording because of al
belief that prosecutions would be easier.;,,!
The Democratic leader of the House
Jim Wright of, -Texas.. said that he
,strongly- supported the bill and did not
i agree with critics who have questioned
its constitutionality. The Repuiblican:
:leader, Robert H. Michel of Illinois, fur-
..?. i
the Subcommittee on Legislation of the .i . Since the early 1950's the Foreign Serv- .
House Intelligence Committee, was not ice has insisted successfully that persons,
as'.~ed to amplify and did not offer ampli- serving abroad in embassies, including
fication of his remark about the Presi- many C.I.A. agents, who were not soon-
dent's likely cooperation on measures to ally full members of the Foreign Service
protect the secrecy of agents of the C.I:A. be designated as Foreign Service Re-
andother intelligence agencies. is serve- officers;: This designation has
However, the Intelligence Oversight:! helped - along with ambiguous or uni-
-Act, passed last year,, could be .inter. j ma native job titles --rson?- 'url
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901R00040019002
tit Whi )rilINUIUI'i ru i
8 April 1981
House Democratic and Republican. leaders yester-f
day joined in un .ng.: swift passage- of a bill that
would make it a crime to disclose the names of CIAO
or other undercover U.S. intelligence operatives;
working abroad:
In an opening hearing on the bill by the House
Intelligence Committee, Majority . Leader Jim
Wright (D-Tex) said he hopes the proposal won't
.fall by the wayside as it did last-year when "some
I people found- reason to drag their feet." He pro-
test .i that the country has tolerated "abusive dis-
closure ... by rogue agents". long enough. ,
Minority Leader Robert H. Michel (R.-Ill.) voiced
his agreement in prepared testimony promising
strong bipartisan support,
The measure would make it a felony to disclose
details identifying covert agents even if the informa-
tion comes from public documeriL. It was held up
last year amid debate over its constitutionality and
efforts to exempt some revelations such as those
that might be involved in news reports of inteii
Bence fauns or abuses.
CIA Director William . J: Casey emphasized the
Reagan administration's support for an undiluted
bill, galling it a priority item in the president's pro-
gram "to enhance the nation's intelligence capabili-
Casey said "a coterie of Americans" devoted to
the destruction of U.S. intelligence agencies has
caused `untold damage" by naming names of CIA
officers throughout the world- He asserted that the
1975 slaying in,Athens of CIA station chief Richard'
Welch and incidents within the last year in Jamaica
and Mozambique could be attributed to unauthor-
zed disclosures.
Justice Department representative Richard K i
Willard, who followed Casey to the microphone, f
asked that the bill be amended to criminalize "at-
tempts" by past or present government officials and
contractors to make unauthorized disclosures. Pre-
cutors, he suggested, should not have to wait "until
the identities have actually been disclosed to the
Rep. Wyche Fowler (D-Ga.) balked at that idea
and suggested it might do little more than cloud the
prospects for the bill.
"I can conceptualize as a two-bit- lawyer an at-
tempt to murder or an attempt to commit rape, but
I have trouble with an attempt to make a revels-.
Lion," Fowler said. "Until somebody speaks, we don't,
know what they're going to say."
In' addition to U.S. intelligence officers, infor-
mants and "sources of operational assistance"
.abroad, the bill also proscribes disclosure of the.
names. of undercover FBI counterintelligence or
counterterrorist agents in this country.
Rep. John Ashbrcok (R-Ohio) said he thinks false
or mistaken identifications of individuals as U.S.
secret agents should be outlawed, too. Casey agreed
that this would be "appropriate," although he said it
`might be more difficult to prove the requisite crru-i
nal "intent to impair or impede the foreign intalli-
gence activities of the United States." -
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
Top Priority
CIA Director William Casey tells a
House subcommittee here yesterday
that his agency would like to see pas-
sage of a bill that would apply crim-
inal penalties to persons. whoa
disclose the identities of covert in.
telligence agents. Sometimes called
the agents' identities protection bill,
the proposal failed to reach the
House and Senate floors last year be-
cause of th-e press of pre-
adjournment business. Casey said
ved For Releas ?P49(',F 00040019
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
2 April 1981
ash Keeplngr.Low Profile as Stand-In
for Reagan
'By Lee Lescaze
Washington Post staff Writer
As a stand-in' for President Reagan
without presidential powers, Vice
President Bush is attempting to keep
a low public profile while being nei-
ther: brash nor timid in. the top-level
meetings over which he now is pre-
And it was easy to keep that low
profile yesterday. Reagan had planned
to spend the day in Springfield, Ill.,
addressing the state legislature, so
there' were no presidential events
which Bush had to add to his sched-
ule. He went through an unremark-
able series of appointments including
a lunch with CIA Director William J.
Casey and a meeting with former Irish
Foreign Minister ' Garret Fitzgerald,
the leader of the opposition Fine Gael
An earlier vice president, Richard
M. Nixon, described becoming a
stand-in as one of his six crises. After
President Eisenhower had a heart at-
tack Sept. 24, 1955, Nixon wrote later
in his book "Six Crises" that he real-
ized, "Every word, every action of
mine would be more important now
than anything I had ever said or done
before because of their effect upon the
people of the United States, our allies
and our potential enemies."
"My problem, what I had to do,
was to provide leadership without ap-
pearing to lead," Nixon wrote, noting
that it would be dangerous for him to
make any move that might be inter-
preted as an attempt td usurp the
powers of the presidency.
Bush aims at achieving the same
balance, according to White House
sources, but he is having a far easier
time than Nixon.
decided to keep it that way.
For" one thing, Bush is generally
trusted by the Reagan inner circle.
Most important, White House Chief
of Staff James A. Baker III was
Bush's 1980 campaign manager before
joining the Reagan-Bush campaign. In
addition, presidential counselor Edwin
Meese III was one who adovcated
early on that Reagan should choose
Bush as his running mate.
"Bush is performing extremely well.
He's filling in for the president with-
out being brash or overly assertive. I
speak for everybody here," Baker said
As a symbol of his role while
Reagan remains hospitalized, Bush
.presided at his first Cabinet meeting
Tuesday sitting in his usual chair and
leaving Reagan's chair vacant.
However, Bush has not been so
deferential as to be reluctant to take
charge when needed, one White
House aide said. At the Cabinet meet-
ing he reportedly broke in on the dis-
cussion at a couple of points to call
for additional staff work.
Bush? also canceled all his travel
plans through the end of next week to
remain in Washington for at least the
early days of Reagan's- recovery. U.N.-
Ambassador Jeane J. Kirkpatrick will
substitute for Bush at a Geneva con-
ference on African refugees, White
House deputy press secretary Larry-
Speakes announced.
Nixon reported that "I did my best
during this period to avoid meeting
the press," and Bush seems eager to
follow that example. In normal times
the vice president moves around alone
without the group of reporters that
always trails after the' president. Bush
requested Bush to describe his Tues-
day,visit to Reagan in the hcspital for!
cameras, he chose 'o do it in a formal!
setting with the visiting prime min-
ister of the Netherlands instead of
making his staterrent in the White
House press room where reporters
would undoubtedly have attempted to
as I
k him questions.
"What the vice :)resident wants toi
do is conduct his schedule in a normal
fashion and assum,! what is necessary
of the president's r:=sponsibilities while)
keeping very close ,) the senior White
house staff," Pet-r Teeley, Bush's
press secretary, sail;.
Bush had been : itting in on almost
every major meeting the first two
months of the Reagan administration!
so the absence of the president - has
not meant a dra.,tic change in his
schedule. In cont-ast to yesterday,
however, today wi l he busy. It will' include the regular Thursday Cabinet'
meeting, a sessior with Republican
members of the House Ways and
Means Committee who are vital. to
the chances of passage of Reagan's tax
package and a me?cing with Poland's
deputy prime m mister Mieczyslaw
The vice president allowed reporters
to see him only once, yesterday at a
brief session in the Roosevelt Room
during.which he said he is not used to
such intense interest from the media.
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i#or Release l2MUODO> liaOi-FDB81-00901 R00040019
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
U 'l t Lt tVZb-y
Approved For Release 2006/02/07; C1
de abrit de 1981.
M. R. N," 206.839.
Chile: $ 50.
Recargo ftete 1.1, 2..' y 12.` Re?Kirn S 5.
1")1 H.ECTORA:
Veronica Lopez Helfmann.
Monica Coma.ndari Kaiser.
Luis Alvarez Baltierra.
I atricia Moscoso Pinto.
Elizabeth Subercaseaux.
Soledad Miranda Ibarra.
Anclre Jouffe Louis.
Tiernan Grez Tellez.
Fernando Rodas Pinocbet.
Eduardo Donoso Castro.
Maria Angelica Lamas L.
Guillermo Ramirea Salinas.
]3eatriz Guinez.
Maria Loreto Arriagada.
Ahnirante Pastenes 329.
Casilla 6147 - Santiago - CFIILE.
Telefono 258630.
Telex - SGO - 260 por COSAS.
Veronica Lopez I-Telfmann.
Christian Plaetner-Moller.
Juan Jorquera Medina.
Maria Jose Paz Riesco.
Rafael Gutierrez Pincher.
Lilian Mondino Gatica.
Impresa por la Empress
k dltora Naclonal
Gabrieea Mi rtrai,
que actua solo coma impresora.
Distribuida en Chile por
Editorial Lord Cochrane S. A.
Distrtbuidor en Argentina:
Eximerica SACIF.
Mexico 1751. 4?' A y B, Bs. As.
Capital C. P. Santoro.
Distribuldor en Paraguay:
Agencia de Revistas "Lobos".
Periodleidad: qui cenali.
Publlcxcinn afiliada aal Instituto
Sierificatior de Circulation.,
Washington: Eugenio Gutierrez.
Paris: Arturo Tagle.
Nueva York: Guy Burgas.
California: Yenny Nun y
Guillermo Vio.
Viena: Ricardo Gardeweg.
Buenos Aires: Daniel Giacornetto.
Loudres: Loreto Herrnan.
Roma: Eugenio Llona.
Gamma Press.
I)actrary Press.
dtondadori Press.
Europa Press.
Conocido el atentado pers, rrudo en In persona del Pre
los Estados Unidos, Ronala Reagan, el equipo de Revisi
se reuniti en lornta extraord u'tria el lanes 30 de marzo en
se paute6 una edicion espec -u1_ de manera de estar pres noticia que conmovici al mu rda. Esperar in edicion regal
ahril prcixirnn parecio fuera le contexto. Es asi como se e.
inmediatarnente contactos + on Washington, Paris y Ron
principales servicios inform itivos y con importantes pers
dmbito national, pars hate- passible este esfuerzo perioc
cu bnino In not-he del manes i l . Se recihieron declaracion
notas exclusrvas que, unidr .s a no analisis internaciona
tema, con!It uran esta edit grin extraordinaria. Se cons
vez, a los principales avisaa rres de COSAS, quienes rea:
positivamente ante la idea , colahoraron de inmediato.
mos, en estas pdtginas. nu stro trabajo periodistico a
Es quizei la unica oportunich.d en que Nancy Reagan no
junto a su esposo, el iente de Estados Unidos. i
Primera Dama es una de las . ausas principale.s de que Re alcanzado el poder, apova -rdalo en forma impresiona
conquista de sus metas pal, '+rsts. Paginas 16 y 17.
Las declaraciones de Reagas ltucla escasos dias fueron pr
rias, al seRalctrenfdticarnent: lat responsabilidades depot
colaboradores inmediatos. ieorge Bush, Alexander H
chard Allen. Asi planteada I , ernergencia, el Vicepreside
no tituheo en erigirse coma aheza del gohierno nortean
luego de an breve momento de tension planteado por H
Casa Blanca. Pero In pugna rluedci en suspenso. Pdginas
El embajador de Chile ante las organismos internacior
trega an sorprendente y re) elndor enfoque sobre la via
Estados Uttidos. En entrevis a exclusiva realizada porM.A
el diplomatico chileno plans en gite curiosarnente en in Iv
EE:UU. todos los atentadn, politicos han lido obras inc
de desequilibrados mentale: l'ciginas 14 y 15.
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
tante grande, to CiA asegur+r (A (w los sovietieos no
tratarian de hacernos In t oerra y ganarnos. Y
ahoraque, porasidecirlo,e,peramosesussucesos,
para consolarnos, deciara que no pueoen estar
seguros de poder transportarlos. Es verdad que
los Estados Unidosque posren los medios mas po-
derosos, los mas sofsticado" para power informa-
cit n,se hanequivocadoron t una, China, Vietnam,
Irin y Afganistan".
Bill Casey no ve ciertamen e it la CIA de color de
rosa. Pero como el ha co urcido el periodo he-
roico. sane que puede re? UL-itar el respeto que
sentian los americanos po sit servicio de infor-
maciones "Es", dice el, '-cl mejor vivero de
hombres del mundo". Pero coino todos los tecni-
cos. deben ser mandados v sus trabajos com-
prendidos e interpretados- "1)urante In Segunda
Guerra Mundial, medios tecni-os sobrepasaban Ias
posibilidades de los hombre-, pero k- esencial como
aqui sucede es unir los hik -.. hirer on mosaico y
despues llegar al juicio", ho-: precisado Bill Casey,
"La information se ha transformado en una acti-
vidad peyorativa. Es necesrrrio recordar lo que es
masconocido en Francia qurr en la 13atalla de Ingla-
terra, Ins profesores de las Ciniversidades de Ox-
ford y Cambridge han on ml rutty impor-
tante en el analisis y descifr-a rn rento de los cod igos v.
de las intentions del enemigo".
Bill Casey dice sobre es' r que la inlbrmacioa
tiene un rol decisivo en t r equilibrio tan diticii
entre las opciones politica v las posihiiidades de
una nation. Anticipar it i,, acontecintientos,
comprencier sus razones. t reventrtodas las aber-
turas diplornaticas y miiita es daran la (lave de [as
relaciones internacionales drl proximo decenio.
"Un kervicio de informacs ryes eurcaz es mas nece-
sark- ho-, U rK antes, que di- ponLamos de una supe-
rioridad militar evidente" Y agrega "Yo tengo el
rol de preparar Las estimacronr_s que refieian Coda
In gams de situations pre- isinles, para que. aq ue
Ilos que deciden lo itagan, dandole los medios de
afrontar In realidad sin pre)uicitis ni utopias. No
hate mucbn, en 1962, los t.rntactos sobre los rrtisi-
les sovieticosen Cuba, los t,rewrrativos de las divi-
sions sovieticas para entrar en Checoslovaquia,
aquelk-s de (os arabes anti el ataque de Israel en
1973 ban sido 'obscurecid, is' pirr.juicios a priori,
pretendkrsdo que no era i aiornatrk de creer que
estos prepara(ivos no tuvr-ran otro objetivo qne
mantener la paz".
vision Lade Casey, ahora que su pais reincide una vez mas en on trauma que se arrastra for Hobs: el atentado
niembro del Comite de Control de Ar-
;. Fue aqui donde le correspondio veri--
mpiimiento de los acuerdos de SALT'..
bros del Congreso, democratas y repu-
aben que Casey admite el derecho par-
- a investigar lo que hate fa CIA, pero
La CiA no debe actuar jamas lejos de la
-1 Presidente. Son las autoridades politi-
w deciden si una intervencitirt es necesa-
por ejemplo, comp to (!icinros en Italia
eara influir en el electorado. Nosotros
de acuerdo a los intereses superiores de
is Unidos".
haber respetado esta impeniosa obliga-
-servicios americanos estan muy confu-
1970. Casey es la persona indicada para
K;IA la confianza perdida y de hacer
zier al pueblo norteamericano el lugar
ocupar para la seguridad del pais.
rpov, el equivalente ruso de Caseyno
supuesto este tipo de problerna_s que
arreglar con la opinion de su pais. Pero el honor
de las dernocracias es asociar al pueblo con sus
medios de delensa.
l)espues de la Ilegada al poder de "esos hombres
que decian ser los mas inteligentes" de el equipo
Kennedy hasta la administration de Carter, los
Estados Unidos no ban dejado de equivocarse en
sus juicios sobre el mundo. El senador Wallop
del estado de Wyoming, ha descrito la situation
tai Comm rl la vc n:firiendo c L, 'dill Ctsc}': "Es
(radicional desear al candidato a un. puesto como el
gyre va a ocupar usted k-s mayores exit.os. Yo k
desearia buena suerte, usted se hate cargo de una
agencia que no estu a In altura de In importancia de
on pais que no para de cr-eter. Un colega mio ha
dicho que era on verdadero peligro para In seguri-
dad national, por las apr-eciaciones errdneas que ha
entregado desde i-ace quince ants. Cuando los so-
vietitos comenzaban et mas grande aprovisiona-
mierno estrafegico de iodos los tiempos. La CIA
diio quc era Iwo probable que quisieran tener mas
misiles garc nosotros. Cuando tuvieron In misma
cantidad, In CIA afirm( i que era pa'o probable q w,
tuvleran una mayor cantidad como pare strperar-
los, cuando ios superaron y por una cantidad has-
Undo esta unido en el mu rd,) de hoy, Casey se-
nala que hay una eorrelac an entre Io economico
y lo militar y que hacer ve- Its consecuencias do
una decision pacifica en r,. preparativos de un
eventual enemigo es tamben parte de sus tuncio-
nes. "I.os rusos es verdad q,a. ion vertladems rnaes-
trosen In ulilizacitrn de is fuF?na v la dehilidad do krs
demas". Peroescuchando; Hill Casey, ieyendo los
deseos de Ins senadores. v -t ~cando las cosas no-
tables que dicen de eI sus it rneas y aquelios que no
lo son,perr que de (o.ias neneras to estinian, yo
pienso: "decididament , esta se, Andru-
pov tiene on adversario a su medida". ' es sin
duda para el futuro un el-memo reconfortantc.
para que Lantos emit res ,rtes cumetidos scan
ahora evrtndos, los contli r,,, alciados y mocha,
guerras evrtadas,si cada ur,a ate los protagonistas
huhiera mejor comprendi r ) conocido a su ad-
versario C-on Casey creo ;ur cl Presidenlede lus
Estados Unidos sere verd. irrarnente inlormado.
Su politics sera decidida ..:(,it los ojos ahiertos.
Condition necesaria par evitar has tot mental
que amenazan de nuevo rnundo. Li vuelta de
Bill Casty ungran voter oil (I(.- hi ()-S.S.,c,, sill
duda el mutivo de esra e'
Sin ernbar go, Casey nor r:i, inla-rmt:r sots e C l
atentado. su mision alto 1 cf, hussar si en su,,
origenes existe una consr,r-cion contra el t'resi-
i,- 6,
dente de Its Estados In
Approved ForRefease 2006/02/07: C1A RDP9t=D0901 R000400190026-9
- Apt=o-a--Fer- e4ease~0~/02/A7 -CI Rf~P9r1-OII9(L1R l D40D19QQ29-9
-1i1 ncnnhre cohm con los tiltirnos acontecimien-
tos nri, Iclevancia que nunca. Hill Casey era
Ilit,Ia f:-cha recicate an ilustre desconocido para
La l;ran rna,a ciudadana de los Fstados Unidos.
Para :+tros, p:tra la ininoria, un talento, tin hoin-
hr-e dueno de todos los atributos posibles a sena-
lar. Para o,tentar ei cargo que ocupa: la direccitn
de la ('I:\.
Y sera precisamente ese organismo tail contro-
vcrtido y d ifariado cl encargado de llevar a cabx)
as investiraciones mas exhaustivas de to que
l>asara a los arc-hivos de la posterioridad Como el
caw Reagan
\lain Griot terev, tin ex comhatiente de las fuer-
rasde liheracionde Franciadirigidas porCharles
de Gaulle. conociu a Bill Casey c uando este era eI
jcfe de la O.S.S. (Overseas Secret Service) nor-
tcarneric;tna para Europa. Fue en los ultimos me-
tes de 194, ' Griotterey iba a ser lanzado "a
degas"' ohre Francia cuando le presentaron it
Bill Casey. quien at.itorizu is misibn que iha it
cmprender Griotterey.
-Aqui to traigo a Casey, me el capitan Binder
-ctenta (;ricrtterey-; el quiere abrazarte para que
tungas macho exito en la aventura que vas a em-
Y asi continua el relato:
--Este Bill Casey, tie mis anos juveniles,que yo
habia vuelto a encontraren Washington nombrado
p or Ronald Reagan, su amigo, como director de la
('IA, miemhro por prime.ra-vez del gabinete, paur-
ticipando en to que nosotros llamamos en Francia
El Consejo Lie llinist:ros.
"Nuestros ultimos encuentros tuvieron lugar en
1945, cuando la guerra IJegaba a su tin. Una vez
fue en DiilOn. luego en Berlin y Londres. Y pasa-
ron luego muchos aims hasta que viaje a Was-
hington v comparti su rnismo hotel. Desayu-
na.bamosjuntosevocando el paso del tiempo y los
anos que separan la victoria tie 1945 y el mundo
dificil de los anos 80. Comprendi, durance estas
conversaciones. por que Reagan habia elegido
para un cargo tan dificil a t--: hombre tipico de
John Le Carre (F:1 espia que saliii del frio)".
Bill Case' es conternporineo del Presidente de
los I?stados Unidos. Tiene la tendencia a escu-
char a su interlocutor con los Ojos entrecerrados,
y la sensaciun de un hombre viejo que se tiene de
pronto cainhia subitamente cuando habla. En-
tonces asoma an joven lleno tie entusiasmo e
iniciativa. Conociendo su pasado. recorde el hu-
mor de Reagan cuando me dijo: "` Usted sabe que
soy an poco sordo de un oido, su amigo Casey
sera nil oido y mi ojo". Casey es un hombre que
sal-)e ver y oil. que conoce las !leyes y la forma
Como aplicarlas.
--1.".stedes estan rnejor preparados que nadie para
cumplir con estas funciones. Jamas cometerhn
errores sicoiogieos-seiialO ei senador Biden rec ien-
temente,rel5riendose a una CIA dirigida por Ca-
hi los anos cuarenta la gente se referia a Casey
~omo "ese joven genio de 30 anos". Coino yo,
rrauchos han guardado el recuerdo de su extrana
perspicacia clue le permitia adivinar los pensa-
rni,ntos rn,t , escondidos del enernigo, de los alia-
dos, en fin. de todos Para prevenir cualquier in-
?errcion. A pesarde que Francia no estuvo dentro
de sus rnayores preocupaciones, era uno de los
pocos norteainericanos que comprendian el corn-
portamiento del general De Gaulle.. El se reia de
mi nacionalismo, Pero decfa: "Yo seria como us-
let] en su lugar". Su nominacion e n el puestode la
CIA no. sorprendio al comite de informaciones del
Seriado. Los cargos que ocupo anteriormente
le permitieron adquirir una experiencia quejunto
a su profunda naturaleza, hacen de el un perso-
i:,tc formidable por su conocimiento tie los asun-
tos politicos y econcimicos del mundo. Director
clcl Banco de Exportaciones e lmportaciones,
Suh,ecretario de Asuntos Economicos, Presi--
derite de taCownisiondeOperaciones Bursatilesy
L;ti"1'KH;Y'15"1',\ h: 11 I,L'Si\A Dh: I. 1IG-\ItO" PXRA REVISI"
El director de In CIA., Bill Caseydesayuna con su aInito Alain GrioUenr= tutor del articulo e.xclresivo p
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
?:a amigo Alain Griottereyt actor del articulo excltsivo Para COSAS.
Approved For Release 200
A' Nina dif cit miswn lade Casey, ala>ra que su pals rein iaie una ve:! mas en un trauma qu
tambien miembro del Comito de Control de
mamentos. Fue aqui donde le correspondio r-
ficar el cumplimiento de los acuerdos de SA
Los miembros del Congreso, .fem6c:ratas y r pi
blicanos,saben que Casey udinite el derecho
lamentario a investigarlo clue 'hace la CIA, "r;o
replica: "La CIA no debe actuar jamas lejos le a
mirada ddi Presidents. Son ia, atitoridades p ik~ l-
eas las que deciden si una iiricrvenci6n es ne* ?~-r-
ria, conio por ejemplo, Como lo hicimos en a' a
en 1948 para influir en el electorado. Ni .. ii-.;is
actuamos de acuerdo a Jos intereses superiors ; .ie
Jos Estados Unidos".
Y por no haber respetado esra imperiosa oh sgt-
ci6n, los servicios americancos estan muy et m11-
sos desde 1970. Casey es la persona indicada ,ara
dar a ]a CIA la conflanza perdida y de F.ic.-r
comprender at pueblo norteamericano el I :gar
que debe ocupar para la seguridad del pais
M. Andropov, el equivalent.- rust) de Case , io
tiene por supuesto este tipo de problemas !,e
7: CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
arreglar con la-opini
de las democracias
medios de detensa.
I)espues de la Ilegad
que decian serlos in
Kennedy hasta It
Estados Unictos no I
sus juicios sobre el
del estado de Wyon
tai corno el la ve re
traditional desear at
que va a ocupar us
desearia buena suers
agencia que no esta a
tin pais que no para
dicho que era un ver
dad nacional,por las:
entregado desde hac7
vieticos comenzabar,
rniento estratiwico d
dijo que era poco pro
misiles que nosotro,
cantidad, to CIA afir
tuvieran una mayor
Jos, cuando Jos super
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 CIA-RDP91--00901 R000400190026-9
!'U}Ili l() E.NTRAORD1N -R1()
M:. It. N.? 206.839.
Chile: $ 50.
Itecargo Clete 1 .4, 2." y 12.4 Region S 5.
Veronica LCipez Helfmarm.
Monica Comandari Kaiser.
Luis Alvarez Baltierra.
Patricia Mo:ycoso Pinto.
Elizabeth Subercaseauuc.
Sole Vdad Miranda Ibarrz.
Andre Jouffe Louis.
I fernAn Grez 'rellez.
Fernando Rotas Pinochet.
F(yrfX;I AFI.1:
Eduardo Donoso Castro.
Maria Angelica Lamas L.
Guillermo Ramirez Salinas.
I3eatriz Guinez.
Maria Loreto Arriagada.
Afrnirante Pastenes 329.
Casilla 6147 - Santiago - CHILE..
Telefono 258630,
Telex - SGO - 260
por COSAS.
Veronica Lopez I-Celfmann.
Christian Plaetner-Moller.
Juan Jorquera Medina.
Maria Jose Paz Riesco.
Rafael Gutierrez Pinochet.
Lilisna Monclino C:etica.
Impress por la Empresa,
Gabriela iMistral.
que aetiia solo ccnno Impresora.
Distribuicls en Cbsie por
Editorial Lord Cochrane S. A.
Distrlbuidor en Argentina:
A:sirneri+ca SAC:IF.
3Mxlce. 1751. 4? A y B, Be. As.
Capital C. P.. Santoro.
Distribuldor en Paraguay:
Agencia de lievistas "Lobos'".
I'eriodiciclad: quin,cenal.
Publieacion afiliada al Instituto
Verificador de Clrculaiclon.
W ashington: Eugenio Gutierrez.
P,iris: Arturo Tagle.
Nueva York: Guy Burgos.
California: Yenny Nun y
Guillermo Vio.
View,: Ricardo Garde",,.
Buenos Mires: Daniel Giacornetto.
I.ondres: Loreto Herman.
Roma: Eugenio Llona.
Gamma Pre,?sv.
IT.rchary Press.
',londa orf Pre f.
Europa Press.
Conocido c?i =tterttado per rado en la persona del Pre,
los Estado.t Unidos, Ronala agan, el equipo de Revist
se reunici en lnrma extraord, ?trio el lanes 30 de rnarzo en
se pauteo una edicitin espee ,t. elf, manera de estarprese
noticia que cunmovit al mut.1?- Esperar In edicicirt regult
abril pr6rirnc, parecio_fuera c . ante.rro_ Es asi corno see
inmediatamerrte contacto:c t ,er Washington, Paris y Rum
principales servicios infi,r'n ti i, us v con importantes? pers,
timbito national, para bare pttsible este esfuerzo period
culrninei la ruche del marte c 1 Se recibieron declarac ion,
notas exclustvas que, urticltrs rt an andlisis internaciona
tema, conli,uran esta edit ;n extraordinaria. Se contt
vez, a los principales avisact Trev de COSAS, quienes rear
positivamente ante In idea =daboraron de inmediato.
mos, en esvct, pciginas, nu. ;-o trabujo periodistico it
Es quiza la tinrca oportunidn .'t ?n que Nancy Reagan no I
junto a sit ,,;noso, el Pre?a, i- e tie Estados Unidos. F
Primera Datrru es una de la:t c .=alas principales de que Rea,
alcanzado ,?l /under, aptry,i; iolo en frrrna impresionar
conquista ca us metal p, i, r:s- Pdginas 16 v 17.
Las dec?laratit-nes de Reagan 1- -la escasos diasfueron pre
rias, al senafar cvtfdticarnente 'a responsabilidades de pod
colaboradores inrnediatos, (,-arge Bush. Alexander Hta
chard Allen_ Asi planteada It. ernergencia, el Vicepreside:
no titubeci en erigirse corno ( thpza del gobierno norteam
luego de an breve montenty fe tens in planteado por Ha
Casa J3ianca. Pero in pugne, t;. d6 en suspenso. Pdginas
El embajador de Chile ante u,s orgarnsmo_s internacion
trega on sorprendente y rev. odor enfoque sobre la viol
Estados Unidos. En entrevisr, t !rrsiva rc'alizada por'rfal
el diplomtitico chileno plant, r, titre curiosamente en In hi
EE:UU. todos los atentadf,v r'iticos han sido obras ind
de desequiltryrtdos tnentctlrec :~,inas 1.1 v 15.
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
. 4- a e-lease 2 /A2IG7 :CIA-RDP91=449Q1E?46OD400I9002R 9
1, )u nonahrr cobra con los ultimos acontecimien-
los mas relevancia que nunc.a. Rill Casey era
lu to techa reciente on ilustre clesconocido para
In gran nuasa ciudadana de Los Fstados Unidos.
Nara otros, para in minoria, un talento, tin hom-
hre dueno de todos los atrihutos posibles a sena-
lar. pant ostentar el cargo que ocupa: la direcci6n
Lie in CIA.
Y sera precisamente ese organismo tan contro-
vertido y d ifarnado. el encargado de lie var a cabo
ins investigaciones mas exhaustivas de 10 que
pasar,i it Los archivos de in posterioridad coma ei
"caso Reagan".
Alain Griotterey. on ex coinhatienle de las fuer-
/as de liheracion de Francia dirigidas por Charles
dc- Gaulle, conociti it Hill Casey cuando este era el
fete de la O.S.S. (Overseas Secret Service) nor-
tcamericana para Europa. Fue en Los ultimos me-
ses de 1943 y Griotterey iba it ser Ianzado "a
ciegas" sohre Francia cuando le presentaron a
Hill Casey, quien autoriz6 Ia mision que iba a
emprender Griotterey.
-Aqui to traigo a Casey, me dijo el capitan Binder
--t rrenta Griotterey--; al quiere ahrazarte para que
tengas macho exito en la aventtara que vas a em-
Y asi continua el relato:
--Este Bill Casey, de mis anos juveniles,que yo
habia vuelto ;t encontrar en Washington notnbrado
Ix)r Ronald Reagan, sa amigo, como director de la
CIA, rniembru por primera'vez clef gahinete, par-
ticipando en lo que nosolros llamamos en Francia
El Consejo de \linistros.
"Nuestros ultimos encuentros tuvieron Lugar en
1945, cuando la guerra llegaba it su tin. Una vez
foe en Dillon. luego en Berlin y Londres. Y pasa-
ron luego ranchos anon hasta que viaje a Was-
hington y cornpar'ti su inismo hotel. Desay_ u-
nahamos juntos evocando el Paso del tiempo y Los
:anus que separan In victoria de 1945 y el mrrndo
dificil de los aiios 80. Comprendi. durante estas
convcrsaciorres, por que. Reagan hahia clegido
para on cargo tan diiicii a on hombre tipico de
John Lc Carr-e (LI espia que salliri (lei frig)"
Bill Casey cs conteanpor.
origenes e':tstc tina consp ion contra ei Presi-
dente de la-, Estados Uni? r;
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901R0004001
OiYP.AGE r? 1 APRIL 1081.
S Robert I~enzner r r7 ' , ? I next few years, despite the Reagan economi
Friedman would. overhaul. Fed_-. policy if' he
Reserv were chairman. Here is his prescript ior.- for sue-
cess in. controlling the money supply.
he would make banks figur their. re-
1 }' ago Friedman charges this."means the money
supply this week is:out?of-control."Friedman.
maintains that' Volcker abstained -frrim -?a:.,.ti
ffled '`said Friedman:--- :: - ?
He paints out that- the'February to?:May,
1980,'period showed an unprececlented'decline
in money supply. This was' followed bv`a com-
plete,-turn-around,., Ma}xthrough -October .1980
when " the rate of increase was greaterjhan in
t-? ny other five-rrionth period.';
The diminutive Friedman's conclusion;'If the
Fed:doesn't get turned around. inflation twill
move-up to a 25 percent rate sometime in the
Third;' Friedmanwould appease the bile .
hanks by paying them the present TreasurV-bill
rate, on their excess reserves:. This. v-ould-givve
ble money policy: But his record shows: fluctu
lations-rnore:erratic than any comparable time
Globe Staff '
teetold 'neGlobe lass a t ha riea
policy of budget cuts and less taxes...
serves on current deposit level Since-banks re-
vote of the Fed Board last-"September-to make
this.importarit change in policy.
Second, Friedman would establish the.Fed's
discount rate, the charge pmde for money lent
to member banks; automatic. penalty `rate-
of the current Treasury bill rate plus thr per- !
cent.. Tliis would raise the cost of borrowing
from the'F ed above the market
The economist, who now.te aches at the Hoo-
ver Institution on War.- Revolution and Peace on
Stanford University's campus, claims the. pre-
sent- Fed Board' won't raise::the discount rate
permanently "because theydon't want -to give
up their power="Government bureauc":acies,'
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000400190026-9
Approved For Release
/A'',-RDP91-00901 R0004001
APRIL 1981
William Joseph Casey
by Louis Wolf
On December 11, 1980 President-elect Reagan an-
nounced his selection of William Joseph Casey to suceed
Admiral Stansfield Turner as Director of Central Intelli-
gence. The announcement trumpeted a message to the
American people and to peoples and governments around
the globe of the much-heightened priority the new adminis-
tration would give to the intelligence apparatus.
It is essential to review Casey's controversial career in
light of the central role he is expected to assume in the
Reagan-Bush administration. He is in fact the first DCI to
be made a member of the President's Cabinet. Nearly every
press report would have readers believe. that Casey's con-
nection with intelligence was confined to his World War 11
service in the Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor
of the CIA. As we shall demonstrate, this is not the case.
William Joseph Casey was born 67 years ago in New
York City. During his teens, he was nicknamed "Cyclone"
by schoolmates because of his volatile temperament. After
earning a Bachelor of Science degree at Fordham Universi-
ty and a law degree at St. John's Univeristy, he was admit-
ted to the New York Bar in 1938, a year after he joined the
Research Institute of America. In 1942, General William
"Wild Bill" Donovan recruited him into, the OSS under
cover of the U.S. Naval Reserve when it became apparent
that Casey's poor eyesight would disqualify him from ac-
tive sea duty. At 29, he became chief of the OSS secret
intelligence branch in the Western Europe sector, and from
his London office, coordinated several hundred men in-
volved with the war's most sensitive intelligence and sabot-
age missions in Germany and France.
After the war, he worked closely with General Donovan
and some of his OSS colleagues in the formation of the
CIA. He is known to have argued strongly for the institu-
tionalization of covert action as the moving force of U.S.
postwar intelligence. He proudly claims a role in helping to
establish how the CIA would be organized and function.
Casey also applied his intelligence experience to the
Marshall Plan, the postwar economic recovery program
for Western Europe which was central to the U.S. strategy
of limiting the influence of the socialist and communist
unions and political leaders. Casey was a key advisor to the
Plan during the early 1950s.
Still with the Research Institute of America, Casey also
lectured at the New York Institute on Federal Taxation,
Business Planning, a subsidiary of the Prentice-Hall pub-
lishing company. He stayed there for seventeen years and
carved out a niche for himself as an author and editor of
various manuals for business people and lawyers. Am_)ng
the 30-plus publications that would earn him millions were
such evocative titles as: "How to Build and Preserve Execu-
tive Wealth"and "How to Raise Money to Make Money."
During his unsuccessful 1966 campaign for a congressional
seat, he bragged: "I've made all the money in business that
my family could ever spend."
It was one of the Casey tax manuals that stirred up a
hornet's nest. In 1964, a lawyer-author who had submitted
a book manuscript to Prentice-Hall brought a plagiarism
suit against Casey upon realizing that 2V2 pages of text
from the work, which the firm had already rejected, found
their way into the text of one of Casey's manuals. His
deposition was taken; the transcript shows that he swore at
the author's lawyer, now dead, and threatened in a string of
expletives to "kick your ass out of here." The j udge in tite
case has since stated that plagiarism had indeed been com-
mitted. Even Casey has admitted there was plagiarism, but
alleged that his subordinates were to blame for it though he
was editor of the manual. While Casey represented that the
judge had ordered the record sealed on his own initiative,
the judge told Congress it was Casey's lawyers who had
done so "for the purpose of expunging the verdict and the
record of the trial and possible attendant publicity."
enterin f tdh h w s t a fi"
g~ e covet t MU%a .&Q?q -'h P91-0090 90O 6- .
rich. He g n prac icing aw in an m 3; h W
Street orientation took shape as he joined the Institute for
William Casey