Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/A/81 F GIR4;&)#7?-OT0 4tA000100100016-0 ~
(This Notice Expires 31 March 1974C)
LN 20- 14 y
LN 20- December 1975
1. The following is a listing of Logistics jobs overseas, and at 0
scheduled to rotate in calendar year 1976. Logistics careerists currently
overseas are also being notified-`
2. As in the past, selection of candidates will be based on Qgualifica-
tions, experience, ranking, and career development. There is a significant
reduction in jobs available compared to those listed a year ago. It, there-
fore, means that competition for this diminished number of opportunities will
be more Intense than in the past. It should be remembered that panels are
charged with the responsibility of recommending the best qualified candidate
for each position from among all of our careerists, not necessarily a selec-
tion limited only from among those who applied. 2.os-i.ti ns generally,w 1l be
f lAed at, or one grade below, _t a grade ofthyvacancy,
25X1A 3. AnyoneInterested in making application should contact
no later than 19 December 1975 on extension 2657.
Michael J. Malanick
Director of Logistics
V I f4-
r NF
Approved For Release 20D~1'T/01 idA-RDP781-O Ob4A000100100016-0