Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2006/12/19: CIA-RDP88-01315R000400250013-0
27 August 1977
'Dialogue Sought,
In CIA Proe
By John Jacobs
Wa3hin;ton Post Start writer
Georgetown University said yest:er
day "it seems promising" that univer-
sity lawyers can meet next week with
r-,Fos?grh 1. Gesehickter, a George-
town professor emeritus, who helped
the- CIA with its MK-ULTRA mind'
confz?ol experiments.
,The 76 year-old pathologist and can-1
cer researcher established the Ges-'
chickter Fund for Medical Research,
through which the CIA funneled
money to fund IVIK-ULTRA projects
in.the 1950s and 1960's. He has been
unavailable for comment since his
name surfaced a month ago in connec-
tion with the CIA. A Senate subcom-
rrittee has subpoenaed him to testify.
The university, which last week re-
ceived official notification that it was
n,lrt of the CIA program, is investigat-
ing the matter. It has received 70
pages of CIA documents, which an of-
ficial said confirm press'reports that
the CIA funneled $375,000 through. tk e
GeBehicktec Fund toward construction
of a new medical wing at the hospital.
The agency wanted to use one si::tai of the space there for experiments in
chemical and biological warfare.
In another development, Chancellor
Maurice Mitchell -of Denver Univer-
sity confirmed that his university was
notified by the CIA that it was one of
the 86 institutions CIA Director Stans-
field Turner said were used, know-
ingly or not, in MK-ULTRA.
Other universities that have pub-
licly acknowledged similar letters
from the CIA in the last few weeks
include the Univ r i y f_:itIaryland,
Geor^e-M .~iztgton University, Har-
vard, Stanford, Columbia, Princeton,
.Ohio State and 'the University of
Pennsylvania. GAP has receiv`ef'docu
ments from the CIA about its role but
has refused to release them.
Dr. Wilbur C. NI.iller, now president
of Drake University ,in Ohio, taught in
the psychology department,at Denver,
in 199x. He said a Dr. L. T. Miller.
headed the department then and died
in the late '50s. Wilbur Miller said he
didn't know of any CIA-related, re-
search there, "but I vaguely. remem-
ter something about hypnosis.".MK
ULTRA was interested in hypnosis
and LSD for offensive purposes and,
for protecting CIA agents from brain-
washing and interrogation by hostile
governments:' ,
Other documents the CIA made
public Thursday describe a 19660 'MIK-
'.1LTRA project to study voting rec
orris of, registered voters in a l
`,friendly foreign nation".,,The re. :1
search proposal, which was approved
with a budget of $7,490, expected to
study 25,000 voters; who were eligible
if they were male homeowner_,
],cast 30 years old.: .