Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP80SO1268A000400020036-9
On 9 March 1978 I received a call from Dave Barrett, at the
Department of Justice. Mr. Barrett called to tell me that the transcript
of Attorney General Bell's testimony before the House Judiciary
Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights was received by
Justice and was available for my review. I told Mr. Barrett I would
try to arrange a morning early next week to review the testimony. I
asked Mr. Barrett if he knew off hand whether Justice had drafted an
amendment to the Federal Tort Claims Act, as they said they would,
to insulate U.S. Government employees overseas from personal liability
for constitutional torts. Mr. Barrett said that while he is not personally
involved in the matter, he believes that the amendment is still. in the
drafting /negotiating phase and nothing to date has been proposed. He
suggested I contact Mike Dolan, at Justice, with regard to the issue.
I called the Senate Judiciary Committee to request information
regarding the Committee's plans to hold hearings on an FBI charter
sometime in April (14 Congressional Monitor 7, 6 March 1978). I
was put in touch with David Dixon on the staff, and he informed me
that the staff hopes to have something scheduled for 20-21 April.. No
witnesses to date have been scheduled but the Committee would like
to start off with Mr. Webster. While the hearings to be scheduled
will be basically "background" hearings, the staff may, according to
Mr. Dixon, have a bill or at least guidelines prepared before the
hearings. Mr. Dixon said he would be glad to talk with me further as
things develop with regard to the hearings and indicated that if .he is not
available I might ask for Bill Westfal.
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP80SO1268A000400020036-9
Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP80SO1268A000400020036-9
Tuesday -'7 March 1978
to Elliot Maxwell, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and Walt
Sheridan, on the staff of the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific
Research, Senate Committee on Human Resources, the unclassified
loth release of the BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE documents.
2. (Unclassified - JMS) LIAISON House Select Committee on
Assassinations staffers visited Headquarters to review Agency material.
:3. (Unclassified - PLC) LIAISON Met with Michael Goldsmith,
Bob Genzman;, Howard Leap, all of the House Select Committee on
Assassinations staff conducting the Kennedy phase of the investigation,
who raised several problems they are having with a number Of requests.
(See Memorandatu to Don Gregg, SA/DO/O.)
4. (Unclassified - JEC) LEGISLATION Received a call from Bob
Carlstrom, OMB, concerning my request for amendments to the Federal
Tort Cla.irnsj Act proposed by the Department of Justice in November 1977.
Mr. Carlstrom said he had no record of any such amendments and assumed
the Justice letter referring to them was in error and actually meant
September 1977 amendments.
5. Williams, bn the
(Unclassified - ME) LIAISON Ms. Diane
House Government Operations Committee staff, called to request a copy
of the ,Freedom of Information Act Annual Report to the Congress for
the Year 1977" which was sent to Thomas O'Neill, Speaker of the House.
After checking with I informed Diane that I would send
her a copy.
6. (Unclassified - ELS) HEARING Attended a House Permanent
A b
Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on the FY 1979
(See Memorandum for the Record.)
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Approved For Release 2006/02/07 CIA-RDP80S01268A000400020036-9