Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
Draft Outline of DDA's State of the Directorate Address
Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts
An unexpected - and now apparently permanent - interface
between CIA and the American public.
Results -
DDA shift of resources:
At first - 5 people, part time.
In 6 months - staff in DDA
Information Review Group in OS
.At present - 1 time, all told, in DDA alone.
Requesters: (See Vu-Graph)
Since February 1975, 12,500 requesters, of whom about
10,000 sent in serious requests which could be searched
and answered.
- Serious scholars and researchers, working
through National Archives and the Presidential
Libraries under Executive Order 11652 and the
Freedom of Information Act.
- People asking for information on Subjects (Bay
of Pigs, UFO's, Lee Harvey Oswald) under the
Freedom of Information Act.
- People wanting That File You Got on Me.
Responses: (See Vu-Graph)
(6289) 63% We have no record of you in our files.
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
- We have a record, but must deny some or
all of it in order to protect sources and
methods, or other peoples' privacy.
- We have a record, and here it is in full.
- Please be patient, we're working on it.
Requesters' Responses: (See Vu-Graph)
Of the 1781 to whom we have had to deny information
- Have accepted our decision without
- Have appealed our decision to the CIA
Information Review Committee.
- Have decided to sue. (This last group
is 1/2 of 1% of the original requesters.)
The enforced review of our holdings has shown that:
1. Many should never have been gathered.
2. Many are outdated and should have been destroyed
long ago. (Several of our requesters are demanding
that we destroy our records on them.)
3. Once the moratorium imposed by the Senate Select
Committee has been lifted, and destruction schedules
have been agreed upon with National Archives, much
of our holdings SHOULD be destroyed, if only to
preclude future embarrassment.
The steady growth of our requests and responses is forcing
us to set up ways of determining what we have released, and to
whom. We are in the process of establishing a computer control
of both items.
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
Total received: 12,492
Total logged for
search and response: 9,931
2.4% (238) - Scholars and researchers under Executive
Order 11652 and the Freedom of Information
13.3% (1320) - Requests for information on Subjects under
the Freedom of Information Act.
84.3% (8342) Requests for That File You Got on Me.
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
Of 1781 requesters whose request has been denied, either
in whole or in part:
[1701] 64 % - have accepted our decision.
[ 549] 33 % - have appealed our decision to the CIA
Information Review Committee.
[ 57] 3.3% - have decided to sue. (These 57 represent
1/2 of 1% of the original requesters.)
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2
- We have no record o
- We have a record, but must deny you the information
in whole or in part in order to protect sources and
[ 642]
- We have a record on you, and here it is, in full.
- Please be patient, we haven't finished yet. (Backlog.)
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP79-00498A000300030012-2