Approved For Release 2006/08/14: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500190012-2
Accessioning - This procedure implies the retirement of non-current records
f sm an operating activity to the Center, thus releasing much needed filing
equipment and occasionally valuable space for further use. The physical
transfer Is initiated by the area records officer who prepares Form 60-S2,
*Records Retirement Request,, in quadruplicate. He then packages and labels
the records storage boxes, assigns box numbers$ and compiles the list of
records being retired,
The Center. s pp es boxes and labels, provides the vehicle and personnel
transportation and renders other assistance upon request. The accession-
affected, a receipted 'Copy of Form 60-;>2 is returned to the Area Records
officer for subsequent reference.
storage "' Upon u g?ri lat,c~f`reccsrde~in the 4 APti mn the reverse osideoof Form
V ai'C'?t di0.1 ,d u ,M s.w*ex c . .... ---- -r -
-52. One copy of the fora is filed numerically by job number and another
copy by the office of primary interest. Thus a two-fold reference source
is provided. The fourth copy is used to support the Disposal Schedule
Tickler File ('See WP J)
~ce to meet the needs of office:; of interest
ference scrvi
p a because availaYM.ility of stored records for subsequent reference is
on request
tion u
essential, Servicing includes extracting
records, and transferring records hack to the office of origin.cference
servicing is more efficient when the job number can be furnished.
Information from the records is sometimes furnished via telephone. The
courier force is used to deliver records called for by an office of origin.
Normally,, a request for the loan of records is processed within eight working.,
hours. Thus a set of records recaeated in the rorning will be delivered in
the afternoon. In exceptional cases where tine is a matter of importance a
record may be obtained on a priority basis throuth the mediiwa of a special
A reference search area equipped with microfilm readers is provided in
the Center where files or film are made available to the searcher.
Greening - 5:creening of records is the detailed process of examining,
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yz , and eea
oea'1 as appropriate. chile the records analysts and area records officers
sometimes necessary
it 3
rate in establishing disposition schedules,
Approved For Release 2006/08/14: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500190012-2
Approved For Release WWt4 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500190012-2
to perfo the actual screening in the Center. To date, screening has been
held in abeyance due to several factors such as tho selection and training
of area records officers and center personnel for the immediate work, in-
sufficient space in the forcer interim center to accept records from office
of origin, the completion of a physical move to a larger interim center and
incompletion of inventory, appraisal and preparation of control and disposi-
tion schedules in various offices. in this respect,, experience to date has
required the installation' of new filing systems in some offices before proper
scheduling could be accomplished.
tisposal - iaril.arly, disposal procedure has been held to a minimum for the
reasons cited above. The venter is prepared, however, to implement the
records program by physical, destruction of files for which disposal action
has been authorized.
Record will at no time be destroyed without the concurrence of the area
records officer concerned. 7%) effect disposal, Fora 36-145, "notification
of Disposal Action" is :fir:: cared. The records authorized for disposal and the
authority for the destruction thereof are reflected on this fora. r=hen pre-
pared, the form is forwarded to.the area records officer for final review and
Supplemental ristr
published Reports - Requests for published, reports are received at the Center
*ia leepf one or memoranda and referred to the Reference Service Section.
intra-agency requests are received directly from various offices. inter-
agency requests are received through W/CD. The operations in the unit in-
clude searching for the requested material, packaging it properly and dis-
patching it to the recuestor with courier receipt.
Information R!2orts - Requests for information reports are received at the
i i er v awe .ep one or memoranda and referred to the Reference Service Sec-
tion. The operations in the unit include pulling the "Vaster Copy" of the
requested report from file, determining the type of master, i.e. ozalid,
photocopy or ditto, selecting and starting the duplicating equipment required
for the type of master, running the necessary quantity (.Average is four items
per request), stopping equipment, enclosing information report copiee in
envelope, dispatching sealed envelope with courier receipt and
*Master copy.,,
Six employees, in all., have received on-the-job training in operating
the duplicating equipment. Thus, ample provisions have been made for sub-
stitution of operators.
Responsibility for security of the reproduced report copies rests with
the receiving office.
Approved For Release 2006/08/14: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500190012-2
Approved For Release 2006/08/14: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500190012-2
Initial Distribution - Initial distribution of regulations, notices and other
essuances begin s An the receipt of a distribution control list from 't .
The material is received directly from the Reproduction Plante Operations
include addressing envelopes, sorting, counting and enveloping the according to the control list, and dispatching the sealed envelopes with
courier receipt.
Approved For Release 2006/08/14: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500190012-2