Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved Fo elease 2004/01/15: CIA-RDP79T009 102400 Wat3
Central Intelligence Bulletin
iid. Z/
State Department review completed 19 March 1973
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975A024000100001-3
25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO24000100001-3
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO24000100001-3
Approved Fojtelease 2004 1]M1F-RDP79T009-Z024000100001-3
No. 0067/73
19 March 1973
Central Intelligence Bulletin
CAMBODIA: Calm restored in Phnom Penh. (.Page 1)
SOUTH VIETNAM: Communist attacks. (Page 3)
CHILE: Trouble in the government coalition. (Page 4)
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO24000100001-3
Approved F Release 2004/W1ISDP79T009ii 024000100001-3
CAMBODIA: Phnom Penh is calm following the
bombing of the presidential palace on Saturday and
brief student disorders earlier in the day.
The Khmer insurgents marked the third anniver-
sary of Sihanouk's ouster yesterday by lightly
shelling the outskirts of Phnom Penh, but no other
significant action was reported. The state of
emergency declared by President Lon Nol on 17 March
remains in effect, as does a dusk-to-dawn curfew.
The government has also suspended publication of
all privately owned newspapers until further notice
and is keeping the city's security forces on maximum
There is confusion over the identity and mo-
tives of the Cambodian Air Force officer responsible
for the bombing of the presidential palace. He was
recently expelled from flight training for discipli-
nary reasons, but there is no evidence linking him
and the insurgents. The government claims the pilot
is the husband of one of Sihanouk's daughters, al-
though the US Embassy has no information to confirm
this. Several relatives of Sihanouk in the Phnom
Penh area have been arrested, and a number of other
members of the royal family have been removed from
their military positions.
The attack on the palace was preceded by vio-
lence that broke out during a mass meeting of stu-
dents and teachers called to decide whether protests
against the government's economic policies should
be continued. Following a scuffle between some
students and soldiers, several grenades exploded,
killing at least two students and injuring many
others. Popular reaction to the incident so far
has been mild, but additional student and teacher
demonstrations are planned for later this week.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975A024000100001-3
Approved For Release 2004/916RCIRDP79T00975A024000100001-3
304 - - 106 \\ ' 108 110
-,Song Bo River
'Capital Special Zone
Gulf of
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO240001000 11-3-3
Approved Fo F ,elease 2004/01 0E P79T0097 024000100001-3
SOUTH VIETNAM: Sharp fighting occurred early r
in the weekend north of Saigon and northwest of
Hue, but it has since slackened somewhat.
Communist troops launched strong attacks
against a government outpost at Rach Bap and a
base camp at Lai Khe in Binh Duong Province. These
attacks have now eased, but the Communists are ap-
plying heavy military pressure farther north against
a Ranger camp at Tonle Cham in Tay Ninh Province.
The Rangers have been unable to get fresh supplies
or to evacuate their wounded because of heavy Com-
munist ground fire, but they still have control of
the camp. The Communist delegates on the Four
Power Joint Military Commission so far have suc-
cessfully prevented any investigation of the fight-
ing by the Commission, according to the US Embassy.
Northwest of Hue, Communist units increased
their ground and artillery attacks along the Song
Bo River corridor. South Vietnamese control of
this area has hindered Communist infiltration and
resupply into the lowlands from their mountain
bases. Although fighting has subsided in the past
24 hours, renewed clashes are likely.
19 Mar 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin 3
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975A024000100001-3
Approved For ft ease 2004/ CgVC DP79T0097 4000100001-3
CHILE: Bitter infighting in the government
coalition is detracting from its good election
The basic struggle is between some Socialist
Party leaders, who are increasingly determined to
radicalize the Chilean revolution, and the more
cautious Communists, who are convinced they must
root out extremism in order to protect their in-
Strong personal rivalries are also involved;
so is President Allende's instinct for survival
that keeps him playing both sides, although he
leans toward the Communist rationale as safer.
Allende hopes that, with his help, fellow Socialists
who share his preference for tactical moderation
will be able to recapture his party's leadership.
The Socialists and Communists are now focusing
on a highly publicized split in a coalition mini-
party nearly extinguished in the election on 4
March. One faction of the party is manipulated by
the Communists, the other by the Socialists; both
seem intent on making all government supporters
make a choice.
The larger aim of the struggle is to determine
who will control the Allende administration during
its last three years. The Communists reportedly
want to force the extremists from the coalition.
The extremists suspect the Communists are also pre-
paring the groundwork for cooperation with the op-
position Christian Democrats.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Approvea r e as - -
Approved For_Zglease 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T0097;p24000100001-3
Approved For Release 2004/01/15 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO24000100001-3