Approved For Release 2004UW/jl ' t: SWS-RDP88- 1315R000300540009 4
Minutemen Could Give Lessons.
To James Bond in Super Secrecy
? By James C. Hyatt
4 Special to Th? Washington Poet
. HOUSTON-For techniques
of super secrecy, James Bond
ruight take lessons from the
." a finutemen," the ultra - right-
i$ts training for the day "when
.4mericans will once again
fight in the streets for their
lives and their liberty.
A recent letter to their home
office, P.O. Box 68, Norborne,
11Mo., brought this packet:
? ?A plain outer envelope,
postmarked f r o m Richmond,
lMlo., with no return address.
pective members. the Minute-
men advise:
"Newspapers and television
have pictured the Minutemen
as a bunch of crackpots run-
ning around shooting off their
guns without any idea of why
they were doing it. This is
exactly the type of person we
don't want in our organization.
"We fully expect that we
will have to fight in one way
or another before victory is
? Use mall boxes or post of-i
fices "where you are not'.
? Avoid telephone calls to
headquarters or other mem-i
berg. "Prepare telephone;
codes ahead of time for future'
? In recruiting neW mem-
bers, "make sure he is not an
infiltrator, before you identify
yourself as a member of the
uILa , V ...? ..H. - SAVUV Days.
L11 L111a UL
glers, playboys or lukewarm "Our' diplomatic war against
conservatives. If. you join the communism has already been
Minutemen, there might easily lost by bunglers or traitors
come a ? time that your life within our own Government...
' ? An inner assortment of
material wrapped. in a heavy
gray sheet of mimeograph pa-
rer to prevent "your mail
from being read by infrared
A membership application
f;o r m, "Classification: SE-
CRET," 'and a return stamped
envelope addressed to "Biolab
Corporation,. Norborne, Mo."
. On a letterhead marked with
the outline of a 1776 Minute-
man with long rifle in one
band, Robert B. DePugh, Na-
tional Coordinator, advised by
form letter:
" , . . Our members have
Jong ago learned the futility
of trying to 'wake people up'
and of writing to disinterested
congressmen. We are the only
organization in America that
fs actively fighting communism
right now.
"This is not a job for ama-
teurs. It requires not only ded-
fcation to the cause of liberty
but the willingness to study
and train until we reach a de-
would depend on how com- ". A pro?American ? Gov-
pletely some other member ernment could no longer be
had learned his job:" established by normal political
Dues are $2 per month. means.
"Every member will be ex- lo. the minority vote
pected to buy his own gun, blocks (sic), controlled labor
ammunition and other equip- unions, and corrupt political
ment." machines so completely mon-'
In "practical security mess- opolize the American political
ures," new applicants are told: scene that there is no chance
? "Use deceptive measures,". for the average American citi-
by subscribing to left wing pe- zen to regain control of his
riodicals or getting on "peace own destiny at the ballot box.".
movement" mailing lists. "This They turned to guerrilla
will keep the postal inspectors training, the history said, be-
guessing as to which side you cause guerrillas "can fight on
are really on." Search this for years,' even for genera-
left-wing literature "for names tions. Guerrilla bands can
and addresses of fellow travel- fight in the cities, country, for-
ers.and forwarding this infor? ests, swamps, deserts or moun-
mation for our Central Intel- tains. They are, everywhere
ligence files." and yet. nowhere, They strike
? Use two envelopes in send- without warning and vanish
ing mail. Avoid a return ad- without . a trace. They take
dress on the outer envelope. away with them the arms, food
Use opaque material between and ammunition' they will
envelopes to avoid infrared need to fight again another
cameras.:, ~. +: o aeY ....3: is daY~"m h ,;.,. ? s s i~.: wi aG
gree of skill by which our,
members can compete with the
Communists on their o w n'
By sending in the applica-
tion and $5, applicants may
expect to be accepted as "pro-
visional members." Full mem-
bers must complete a "corre-
spondence training course in
the scientific principles of
underground warfare." : J
,:-JR lray@AtFegaro it lRp, 004/10/13: CIA-RDP88-01315R000300540009-4