Journal of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers
Intelligence Committees Are Necessary Buffers
Between Politicians and Community Says Boren
Senator David L. Boren (D - Okla.), Chairman of the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, recalled his
meeting recently with the President of a Central
American country.
"I want to ask you a question," he quoted the
Central American leader. "What is America's Central
American policy?" Continued the national official, "I've
had a call from your president, I've had a call from your
Secretary of State, urging me to speak out, and I have
been speaking out. I have also had visits from two of
your most influential members of Congress who have
great impact on the amount of economic aid that my
country receives, and they tell me that if I continue to
be an apologist for the Contra forces and continue to
criticize the Sandinistas in such a harsh way, that I am
going to find a lack of support for the economic aid to
my country if this continues."
Speaking before the March 28th meeting of the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers at Ft. Myer,
Virginia, Senator Boren viewed this as "a tragedy."
"Even worse," he said, "was the fact that in all honesty
I could not give him an answer in terms of his own
national interest and his own survival."
Senator Boren saw this as a pressing need for the
United States to return to a unified foreign policy, not a
Republican foreign policy, a Democratic foreign policy,
a congressional foreign policy and a presidential
foreign policy as seems to be the case today.
"We are trying to do that in our own small way in
the Intelligence Committee. We hope that we can
achieve it not only for the sake of national security
issues with which we deal but also that we can set an
"We have worked very hard ... to try to build this
kind of consensus, to rebuild the trust which I think has
been built and to make the intelligence oversight
committees a constructive force." "If we can do that,"
the speaker continued, "in these most sensitive of
national security areas, we can begin to do it in a bi-
partisan way across the board - and we must do it."
The Committee, Senator Boren said, is attempting
to be a buffer between the Intelligence Community and
the political side, "so that the Community will not be
abused and caught in political situations when you
have policy shifts or changes in opinion in which they
really end up suffering the damage in a very unfair
He also noted the Committee's efforts to avoid
over-reaction to recent events. "I've tried to say again
and again that as we looked at the Iran-Contra matter
we did not find systematic involvement of the
Intelligence Community. We did not find systematic
involvement, for example, in the Central Intelligence
Agency. We found some individual involvement, but we
have to be very careful that we do not overreact to
right them."
[The full text of Senator Boren's remarks appears in this issue.]
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Francis Hamit Christopher Marlowe Play
Premieres at Hollywood's Globe Theater
Was Christopher Marlowe, the author "Doctor Faustus"
and other plays, also a secret agent? AFIO's Francis Hamit
thinks so.
"Marlowe was definitely engaged in some sort of
espionage early in his career. He had some difficulty
obtaining his Masters degree from Cambridge in 1587
because he had studied in a monastery in Rhiems and was
suspected of being a trained Catholic agent. Suddenly the
University proctors get a letter from Queen Elizabeth's Privy
Council virtually ordering them to grant the degree and
admitting that Marlowe was sent to France in the Queen's
Hamit, who has contributed articles on spies and spying
to the Encyclopedia Britannica and other publications, said
that "Once I began to look into it, it became readily
apparent that Marlowe had to have had more involvement
than this with the early British secret service. One is struck
by the high number of his friends who were connected with
the secret service and, indeed, his patron was Thomas
Walsingham, the brother of Queen Elizabeth's intelligence
chief. His business agent, Ingram Frizer, has also been
identified as a secret agent. It was Frizer who, in the
company of Marlowe and two other agents, is alleged to
have stabbed Marlowe at an tavern used as a safe house.
Frizer claimed self-defense, but a doctor who analyzed the
coroner's report two hundred years later claims the wound
could not have been fatal. Even Marlowe's death is another
Building on his research, Hamit has reconstructed the
secret life of Christopher Marlowe and turned it into a play
to have its World Premiere at the Globe Playhouse, West
Hollywood, CA, in June. "Of course, it's mostly theory and
interpretation; the theory of the play rather than solid,
documented fact in every instance, but I am comfortable
with it," Hamit said.
"What I did," the playwright said, "was to apply the
intelligence process to the known facts. The resulting play is
as much about that process as it is about Kit Marlowe."
As a courtesy of the author, members presenting their
AFIO membership cards at the box office will receive a $2
discount per ticket.
"From the Intelligence Bookshelf"
does not appear in this issue.
The book reviews will resume
in the next issue.
COL Paul F. AUSTIN, (USA-Ret.)
Crossville, Tennessee
Ms. Nancy C. FOGARTY
Washington, D.C.
Arlington, Virginia
Honolulu, Hawaii
COL William L. KERVICK, (USA-Ret.)
Manassas, Virginia
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Longwood, Florida
Rochester, Massachusetts
David Packard Endows
Charitable Causes
David Packard, a member of AFIO's Honorary Board of
Directors, has endowed some $2 billion to a group of
charitable causes in a commitment shared with his late wife
and their four children.
The bequest involves virtually all his stock in the
Hewlett-Packard Company, which he and William Hewlett
began in a garage forty-nine years ago with a capitalization
of $598.
"We decided early on this was what we wanted, and
worked twenty-five years to get to the point where we could
do it," Packard told the New York Times.
Mrs. Packard, who passed away a year ago was deeply
involved in child health care concerns, and a substantial
portion of the grant will be devoted to protecting infants and
children at high risk of developing health problems. She will
also be remembered in a planned children's hospital, to be
named for her, to which she and her husband had already
made a major contribution.
Other causes to benefit deal with support of family
planning in Third World countries, a fellowship to encourage
young science and engineering professors to remain in
research-and teaching, the underwater exploration program
of the Monterey Bay Area Research Institute and a support
program for education, family and youth problems.
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Notes From National
At this time when so many members have just
completed their income tax returns, we would like to offer a
suggestion that might be useful for those members who
itemize their tax deductions. Contributions to AFIO are
deductible as charitable contributions since AFIO has been
designated tax exempt by the IRS under section 501 (c)(3).
This information may be useful for any members who might
be updating their wills and would consider a bequest to
AFIO. Some members have sent donations to the AFIO
Education Fund in memory of colleagues who were
intelligence professionals. AFIO appreciates all donations
Mr. Roberto BELLO
New York, New York
Charlottesville, Virginia
Mr. Joseph R. BEYRLE, Sr.
Muskegon, Michigan
Mr. Richard M. BISSELL, Jr.
Farmington, Connecticut
On a sad note we regret to inform you that Charlotta P.
"Sherry" Engrav, who has been AFIO's Corporate Secretary
for the past ten years, has had to take up residence at a
nursing home because of ill health. If any members would
care to cheer her up, cards may be sent in care of her
daughter, Mrs. Alfred A. Gerich, P. 0. Box 686, Indian Head,
MD 20640.
The recruitment of new members continues at a good
pace. Our most productive member has been our president,
Don Harvey, who since taking office has recruited over
thirty new members, including several life members, to
AFIO. It would be nice if others could match the president's
Our Academic Assistance Program continues to grow
and we encourage our chapters and individual members to
contact the universities in their areas or their own alma
maters to determine if courses on intelligence are being
offered. If so, have the professor contact AFIO to participate
in our program. Many of the professors have asked if we
could provide visiting lecturers for their courses. If you are
interested, please send us your background information
and we will maintain a list of those who are available to
respond to such requests. The professors themselves are
amazed at the interest expressed by students for courses
on intelligence. We believe that serving as a lecturer at such
a course is a good way to counteract the anti-intelligence
recruitments efforts on some campuses.
We have received several complaints from members
who have received commercial mail solicitations based on
their address listed in the AFIO Membership Directory. We
do not give permission to anyone to use our Directory or
membership list and urge the chapters to be very careful
with their rosters.
Mr. Richard M. CUMMINGS
Bridgehampton, New York
LTC Henry L. DuRANT, (AUS-Ret.)
Columbia, South Carolina
Mr. Edward S. FEENEY
Baltimore, Maryland
Ms. Marian E. GAUMOND
Fairfax, Virginia
Euclid, Ohio
Mr. William H. HOFFMAN
Fort Pierce, Florida
Spec George LeLESZ (USA-Ret.)
Bronx, New York
Mr. Cedomir MARKOVIC
Arlington, Virginia
Enterprise, Alabama
Mr. Malcolm C. THOMAS
Springhill, Florida
Mr. Homer H. THROOP
Woodbridge, Virginia
Florida's Suncoast Chapter
in appreciation to Edward F. Sayle
in support of
AFIO's Academic Assistance Program
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Remarks of
Senator David L. Boren
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
before the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers
March 28, 1988
I am so honored to be here with this group today. I
appreciate, more than I can say, the contribution that you
have all made to our country. I couldn't help but reflect as I
sat here with this distinguished group, your officers of this
association, and reflect upon the fact that there are three
recipients of the presidential medal for national intelligence
service just seated here at this one table. And, to reflect
upon the combined service of everyone in this room is,
indeed, an inspiring thing for me.
This has been quite a time to inherit the chairmanship of
the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. I had been on
the committee for only two years, as some of you might
know, when I inherited the chairmanship by sort of a quirk
of fate. Our party regained control of the Senate and I found
the intelligence committee was composed of chairmen of
other committees. And, under our rules, since no one can
be chairman of more than one committee, that meant with
Senator Hollings going to Commerce, Senator Bentsen
going to Finance, Senator Nunn going to Armed Services,
and Senator Eagleton retiring, that I jumped from sixth out
of seventh in seniority to the chairmanship, attempting to
preside over this committee of chairmen of all other
committees. I keep the gavel in front of me. You know, you
look around at Hollings, Nunn and Bentsen, and you don't
dare rap the gavel. I realized right off that I would have to try
to govern by consensus. It's been a very interesting
I was still in shock over the fact that I was going to
become chairman and I thought to myself we'll have a
couple of months to really get things organized. You'll recall
that only two days later the Iran-Contra matter broke and I
realized that was going to be in my lap. In fact, my wife and
I had the car packed, and we were in the driveway getting
ready to go to our home in Oklahoma on a vacation that I'd
cancelled three years in a row. (She was getting a little
impatient about that.) The phone rang; I heard it from
outside on the driveway and said I had better go get that. I
was notified that I had to come back.
We had that, and then, of course, we had the problem of
embassy security. We've had all sorts of other things the
committee's had to look at over the past year: our broader
authority over verification, and various other things we're
now involved with. And, beside that, I still had all my
responsibilities on other committees. I was sort of glad for
1987 to end. The Finance Committee met and reorganized
and made me chairman of the energy taxation subcommittee.
All of you know of all the disasters we've had in the energy
business. If that wasn't enough, the Agriculture Committee
met and on the day that it was announced that the farm
credit system was seven billion dollars in the red they made
me chairman of the farm credit subcommittee. So I had all
those blessing put upon me at the same time as I was
inheriting the chairmanship of the intelligence committee.
You have to maintain a sense of humor, as all of you
know, to get through situations like these. The President has
told me that's what has saved him on a number of
occasions. He was telling us recently that when he and
Gorbachev had the summit meeting - he had a group of us
down for breakfast the day after Mr. Gorbachev left, to give
us a briefing on what had gone on - he said that he had to
resort to a sense of humor to get through some of the most
delicate parts of those conversations. I think it must have
been about the time they were on SDI, and things got pretty
testy, and he said he decided to find out if Gorbachev had a
sense of humor, because he is a very serious person, as
you know. So, he decided to tell a joke that was making the
rounds that he was sure Gorbachev had not heard yet
because it involved Gorbachev.
According to the story, Gorbachev, while announcing all
of his reforms in Moscow, had also announced that he was
going to crack down on speeding. It didn't matter who it
was, if it was the KGB, if they were caught speeding they
were to be taken to the local police station. They were to
make an example, of whoever it was. Well, as these things
happen (I remember from experience I had as governor
when I was cracking down on speeding, a similar
experience), Gorbachev was at his country dacha one
weekend and had a very important Monday morning
meeting at the Kremlin. He had slept through the alarm
clock and was very late. He realized they were going to
have to speed to get to the meeting on time. Of course, the
big car was waiting in the driveway. He came out and
remembered this order he had given, so he said to his
driver, "We're going to have to speed. You better just scoot
over to the passenger side and I'll drive because we're
really going to push hard to get there."
So, they're speeding down the road and, of course,
there were two Soviet police officers alongside the road.
They give chase and pull the car over. One of the policemen
is an old veteran and the other is a young rookie. So,
naturally, the veteran says to the rookie, "You go up and
put whoever is in that big car under arrest, and remember if
it's the head of the general staff, the head of the KGB, it
doesn't matter. 'You're supposed to put him under arrest.
No excuses." So, the young officer goes up to the car and
he talks for a long, long time, and finally he came back. The
other officer said, "Did you tell them they were under
arrest?" He said, "No, no, I just couldn't do it." The veteran
asked "Why not?" He said, "Well, the man in that car is just
too important to put under arrest." The older policeman
said there were no limits, "We have our orders." He said,
"You just don't understand, that man is too important." The
veteran asked "Well, who was that man anyway?" The
rookie replied, "I don't know who in the world he was, but
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he said his driver was Gorbachev."
The President said Gorbachev did have a sense of
humor; he slapped his knee.
But, sometimes we have to have a sense of humor to
get through these situations.
I think we are in a very critical time for our country. Of
course, every speaker always says we are at one of these
watersheds in the history of our country, one of those
crucial periods where the decisions we make are going to
affect us for a long time to come. But, I think we genuinely
are. I think we can say that without any exaggeration. I
heard a speaker not too long ago - if you are listening to
speakers in audiences as yours, even now, your mind
begins to wander and sometimes it's three or four
sentences later that you pick up on what someone has said
- and the speaker said we of the United States have had an
unbroken chain of progress. A part of the American dream
that we have taken for granted is that every succeeding
generation will be a little better off than the preceding
generation, better off in economic terms, better off in terms
of quality of life, better off in terms of personal and national
security, that our country has been a little stronger and
occupies a greater role in world affairs than was true in
preceding generations. And, he said, with the things that are
now happening, both in the realm of international policy,
diplomacy and, certainly, in the area of economic strength
of our country, we are the first generation that stands a risk
of passing on a diminished heritage to the next generation.
That really didn't settle with me for a moment, I really
wasn't listening closely, and then all of a sudden I realized
what he had said. My first response, I suppose, was one of
anger and denial. That certainly could not be true. It's not
going to happen to our country. How could he make a
pessimistic statement like that? Again, I think that if we are
honest with ourselves, we have to say it's a possibility, not
an inevitability or something that can't be avoided if we take
the right steps, and take them quickly, to avoid the path on
which we are headed. There is a crucial period, a very
crucial period for our country. We are not exerting
consistent influence on world affairs as we should. We are
eroding our economic strength. I noticed in the Washington
Post last week - I don't know how many of you noticed it,
I don't believe it even was on the front page; I believe it was
a squib on the bottom of a business page - a three
paragraph story with a tiny headline that pointed out that,
for the first time, Japanese per capita income had
surpassed American per capita income. And, I thought to
myself, of the things that grab the headlines, why in the
world wasn't that a screaming headline all across the front
pages of the newspapers across the country so that it could
wake us up?
These are signs of the times. And, if there is anything
that we need at this particular point of time in Congress, in
our political leadership and in our society, , it's consensus
building. I suppose that if I have any ambition as a Senator it
is to try to be a bridge-builder right now, a builder of bridges
between the branches of government, between those that
are in the legislative branch. We have too much division.
The greatest need we have, for example, in foreign policy
right now, is to rebuild that old fashioned national spirit of
bi-partisanship that typified American policy for years and
years, that was torn asunder by Vietnam and has not been
rebuilt since we went through the trauma of the Vietnamese
experience. Time and time again, and all of you have had
this experience, in talking with leaders of other countries - I
just got back from a series of meetings with Senator Pell
and Senator Nunn and Senator Byrd and we met with the
five prime ministers and presidents of the NATO countries,
had long, very frank, very private, candid discussions with
them - and with business leaders of other countries, you
hear it time and time again: "What in the world is happening
to the United States? Where are you headed? What is your
I sat down in early January with the president of one of
the Central American countries. I had just been to the five
countries in the region and had a long visit with Cardinal
Abando Bravo, who is an exceptional man, a very
courageous man. I was talking with the president of one of
the neighboring countries, I won't embarrass him by saying
which one. This was shortly before the meeting with the five
presidents. We were hoping that the presidents of the
surrounding countries would speak out and call the hand of
the Sandinista regime, point out what they were not doing
to comply with the peace process and point it out in a very
blunt fashion because we knew that Congress was
watching very, very closely and that there were going to be
those in Congress that would take a reading in terms of
future support to the Contra forces depending on what
those five presidents said. And, this president just looked at
me - we had talked for quite a while and no one else was
there - and he said "I want to ask you a question." He said,
"What is America's Central American policy? What is the
Central American policy of your country?"
He said, "I've had a call from your president, I've had a
call from your Secretary of State, urging me to speak out,
urging me to speak out about what's going on in
Nicaragua," he said, "and I have been speaking out." But,
he said "I have also had visits from two of your most
influential members of Congress who have great impact on
the amount of economic aid that my country receives, and
they tell me that if I continue to be an apologist for the
Contra forces and continue to criticize the Sandinistas in
such a harsh way, that I am going to find a lack of support
for the economic aid to my country if this continues." He
said, "Then I get signals being sent to me from Nicaragua to
the effect that I am going to see my own guerrilla forces
armed with anti-aircraft missiles, and that the Cubans are
wanting to give them already, and that they are going to
cease holding them back if I don't stop criticizing them to
the degree that I have."
And he said, "I don't know if you are going to stay in this
region or if you are going to get out of this region. I don't
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know whether the Congress is going try up with this foreign
policy or the president's going to try up with his. I have to
know, because," he said, "I'm going to have to live here in
this region with a severe military force on my borders, with a
guerrilla movement in my own country, and I need to know
what kind of accommodations I'm going to have to make."
"I need to know," he said, "Senator, what is America's
foreign policy in this region?"
And, what a tragedy. Even worse was the fact that in all
honesty I could not give him an answer in terms of his own
national interest and his own survival. I could tell him what I
hoped would happen. I could tell what I hoped we would
do. And, I could tell him that I hoped we would keep our
commitments. But, from his own experience, he would have
reason to doubt anything that I could tell him in that area. It
is absolutely destroying the credibility of the United States
of America, not only with our adversaries who test us unduly
because they know we are so uncertain as to our direction.
Look what's happened to us in the Middle East. Look what's
happened to us - and thank God we have been able to
show our resolve - in the Persian Gulf in this situation. If we
reversed gears again we would have been totally without a
shred of credibility left in that entire crucial region.
All around the world it is happening to us. When Ithink
back of the time when Eisenhower was President and Sam
Rayburn was Speaker of the House and Lyndon Johnson
was the majority leader of the Senate and Everett Dirksen
was the minority leader, time and time again there was the
great example of them meeting down at the White House.
We know from some recent books about Mr. Rayburn that
have just come out, that they had some very hard
arguments, sometimes, behind closed doors. He and
Eisenhower really butted heads at times, but when they
came out that side entrance of the White House and they
met the national and international media, they said "Here is
what American foreign policy is." They didn't say this is
Republican foreign policy or Democratic foreign policy or
congressional foreign policy or presidential foreign policy.
They said, "This is America's foreign policy and you can
count on it. Our adversaries know what to expect. Our
friends know that if they stick with us, we are going to stick
with them."
We've got to get back to that in this country. There is no
more pressing need.
And, we're trying to do that, trying to do that in our own
small way in the Intelligence Committee. We hope that we
can achieve it not only for the sake of national security
issues with which we deal but also that we can set an
example. I can tell you in all honesty that Senator Cohen,
Republican of Maine, who serves as my vice chairman, and
I serve really as co-chairmen of that committee. There are
no decisions made without the two of us discussing it
together. In fact, we don't even go on radio or television
interview shows without us discussing it together. We
always try to go together. If they won't invite both of us to
go, we discuss how we're going to answer questions with
each other, before we go, to make sure we don't get into a
situation where one group in the committee is played off
against the other by the press so they can learn more by
trying to stir up some sort of controversy. As we all know,
that's what happens. And so we plan it out in advance when
we go on these kinds of programs.
I can't tell you in terms of our staff how many
Republicans are on that staff and how many Democrats are
on that staff. We have a professional staff; we do not have it
divided along partisan lines and we no longer have a
majority and a minority staff. We have one unified staff for
the Intelligence Committee and that's how we're trying to
operate. We're trying to rebuild that trust.
As was said as I watched the unfolding of what we
looked at in the Iran-Contra matter, what was very clear to
me was that we didn't have an absence of rules and
regulations, we had an absence of trust. And, to have trust
on both sides means that both sides must meet their
responsibilities. It means the Executive Branch must stop
using the leak, factions within the Executive Branch, as a
way to defeat policy decisions with which they don't agree.
And it means that Congress must absolutely prove itself
trustworthy to keep the secrets that Congress is going to be
able to expect to be given, the kind of information that is
necessary for executive oversight. So we adopted tough
new rules.
As you know, these rules have been enforced. We first
ruled that not a single member of our committee can take
any classified documents out of the space. I was going to
make sure that if there were going to be leaks, they'd at
least have to be from memory. If they want to read classified
documents now, and I've imposed the same rule upon
myself - Senator Byrd and Senator Dole also follow the rule
- they come to the Intelligence Committee space to read
the documents. i think this is a good discipline. It's a good
discipline partly because you remember where you have
read that information. It sticks with you as something that is
not meant to be discussed. And, I think this creates a
climate in which discipline is improved.
We don't even allow notes to be taken out of the room
now. In classified briefings, members take notes; we have
our own individual sealed file folder to which only the
individual member of the committee has access. We keep
all our notes, even visitors, even those that are coming in to
provide us with information, all notes of all briefings are now
maintained under lock and key in our committee space. We
have more highly compartmentalized our own staff to make
sure that information is kept on a need-to-know basis. Our
staff member that is tracking one program doesn't know
anything about another program that a different staff
member is helping us track.
We have also, I think most importantly of all, laid down
the rule that not only any staff member, but any member,
any Senator, that is found guilty of revealing sensitive
information in the custody of the committee will be
immediately asked to resign. Senator Cohen and I went to
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Senator Byrd and Senator Dole to get their backing since
they appoint the members of this committee. For that rule
they have given us their whole-hearted support and we have
been enforcing it. Believe me, it has caused a peer attitude
now within the committee. Members are watching members
very, very closely. We count as a matter of pride that
instead of seeing who can grab the most headlines with
how much sensational information they can give out, it has
now become a matter of peer pride within the committee
that we have been able to keep the custody of this
information, absolutely keep it from leaking out of our
committee. Judge Webster and Mr. Gates told me just a
couple of weeks ago that from their own tracking of it that,
since we have imposed these new rules just about thirteen
months ago, there has not even been an allegation of a leak
out of the Senate Intelligence Committee. And, I just hope
that particular record can keep on going.
And so we have tried to make this relationship a
constructive one. I appreciate, as I said, the contribution
this made. The Intelligence Committee can provide the kind
of oversight that is necessary in order to give our
government the flexibility that it needs to conduct covert
operations. We all know that we have to have the flexibility
to utilize that tool. It is not a substitute for declared foreign
policy, but it must be available to us in appropriate
situations, particularly where third countries simply cannot
afford to be involved with us in common purpose unless
their involvement is maintained on a confidential or a
deniable basis. We have to have that tool. In order to
convince the rest of Congress - it's a very tough tight-rope
that I have to walk - I have to show that our oversight is
aggressive enough, systematic enough and thorough
enough to be able to assure my colleagues that distrust
covert action, some of them, that we're doing our job.
Otherwise, if the Intelligence Committee were totally a
rubber stamp, not at all providing systematic oversight,
there would be great push in Congress to do away with the
flexibility of using covert action at all. We have to guard
against that. We must maintain that flexibility and, therefore,
we have to show our oversight is systematic.
We are now reviewing every single Finding on a
quarterly basis, every single Finding in force. I think this is a
great step forward. We have worked with the President.
Now, the National Security Council makes a similar, parallel,
review as does the Intelligence Community. Every three
months we review all Findings in force, even those
programs that are inactive at this point, to make sure they
are still needed. This kind of discipline has been very good
for all of us. It means that on a quarterly basis we are very
candid in exchanging views with each other. And, I think it's
a very constructive process. There are times when we will
spot something or we will see some pitfall or we will see
some problem with a program, particularly if it ever became
publicly known and known to the rest of the members of
Congress, where it would cause difficulty, where it would do
damage, where we have been able to give that kind of
constructive advice and modifications are made. We are
trying to create an atmosphere where we have total candor,
total trust, total confidentiality for sensitive information and
at the same time can operate with the theory that two heads
are better than one. From different perspectives we will see
different elements of it; we will make this a constructive
We have also tried to be forceful advocates for the
budgetary needs of the Intelligence Community. Serving on
the Agriculture Committee, I can tell you that we would not
have the farm program we have today, as generous as it is,
were it not for the fact we have an Agriculture Committee.
The Intelligence Committees, if they are properly organized,
can be forceful advocates for the real needs of the
Intelligence Community from a budgetary point of view.
I am very pleased we have had retreats of our
committee together with the leadership in the Intelligence
Community. We have regular budget hearings. In the past,
two or three Senators would go to budget hearings; last
year we averaged thirteen out of fifteen members in
attendance at all the budgetary hearings that we had. The
members became educated and they became advocates of
the budgetary need. Some of you probably noticed that just
last week, with our report on INF to the Foreign Relations
Committee, for example, I was able to report our committee
unanimously. By the way, nearly all of our votes have been
unanimous; the most split we have been is ten to five and
that was not along party lines; I think we've had two votes
thirteen to two, and the rest have been fifteen to nothing.
That's pretty good on a committee that spans from
Cranston and Metzenbaum to Hecht and Hatch. That's an
adequate challenge to bring those together, but we have
been able to do that.
We were able to ask unanimously for a supplemental
appropriation, outside of the budget agreement, over and
above what is given to the Defense Department and the
Intelligence Community for the improvement of our National
Technical Means. I think it absolutely critical. If you look at
what happens with INF, we are at the very edge, perhaps
already at the edge or beyond the edge of our technical
capabilities to monitor what we need to monitor.
If you impose the START agreement on top of it, with the
additional complexity, with the fact that the Soviets would
have a much greater reason to cheat under the START
agreement than they would under INF - it's very unlikely
they are going to hide a couple hundred intermediate
missiles someplace and have a situation where they can't
test them, and ten thousand legal long-range missiles that
they can simply retarget - but, if you get to the START
situation where that number is greatly reduced and they
have trouble meeting their targets, the incentive to cheat will
be much greater and, of course, they're certainly not going
to hide them on locations where we have the right to on-site
locations, on declared locations. So, the whole burden for
assessing the verification of any kind of START agreement
superimposed on INF will be on our National Technical
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Means. vice chairmen of the two intelligence committees.
We simply do not have the capability at the present time I was still troubled by that. Members of the committee
to deal with that kind of challenge - certainly not be able to teased me; They said it was the former governor coming
meet that kind of challenge and still meet all the other out in me. But, I was still troubled by that and yet I realized
intelligence needs that we have in other trouble spots that if we didn't have some sort of accountability we would
around the world. It is imperative; we are working very hard come under this great pressure to try to take action against
right now to try and get a total bi-partisan consensus. all covert activities. So, I offered an amendment that we
The President has signed on. I finally went to the could reduce that notice down to only four people, just the
President personally after I was getting a lot of lip-service Speaker and minority leader and the two leaders of the
from DoD and the Intelligence Community. DoD was saying Senate, even leaving out the chairmen and vice-chairmen of
we're going to have the best informed force that ever lost the two intelligence committees, because I felt that, after all,
because we'll hardly be able to afford ammunition. they were the only people elected by the entire Congress
Intelligence was saying we're going to have the greatest and there had been very rare situations in our history, if
Technical Means with no analysts to be able to pay for or to ever, that those four individuals would not have been
even read the results. Everyone was for doing something, trustworthy. You could still have a flook and have a
but no one wanted to pay for it. So, I finally went to the chairman or a vice-chairman of one of the two intelligence
President and made a personal appeal for his support for a committees that might not fit the definition of being totally
supplemental appropriation over and above what is in the worthy of that kind of trust. So, we tried to strike a balance -
intelligence budget or the military budget, totally outside the very, very difficult to do.
budget agreement. Another thing we did, the original bill had in it that any
I'm very hopeful we're going to be able to do that and third country that was being helpful in a Finding would have
for the sake of our national security we need to do it. I to be named in the Finding, in writing. I saw right off that
would certainly urge your help and your support in this would be a real problem with intelligence services of other
process with members of the Congress that you know, with countries and governments of other countries if they had to
members of the Administration that you know, to continue be named in this way. We pulled that out of the bill, for
to help us to push this supplemental appropriation forward. example, and no longer require that. We will work out our
We're trying to work also, to be advocates, for personnel own procedures as we have in the past, usually notification
improvements, for incentives to keep our best people in the of just two or three key people where other countries are
Intelligence Community and, in short, we're trying to be a involved, and sometimes even the identity, of course, is not
positive force. We're also trying to be a buffer between the listed.
Community, and the professionals in the Community, and We tried to put in all the protections possible to make it
the political side of things so that the Community will not be clear that the committees should not have to be told
abused and caught in political situations when you have information that would compromise sensitive sources and
policy shifts or changes of opinion in which they really end methods. We simply have no reason to know the individual
up suffering the damage in a very unfair way. identity of persons or other resources that are being used.
We're also trying to avoid over-reaction to what we've We tried to stop an overreaction. That's not easy to do with
been through over the last year. I've tried to say again and the kind of situation through which we've passed.
again that as we looked at the Iran-Contra matter we did not We've also, I think, stopped the idea of creating a single
find systematic involvement of the Intelligence Community; intelligence committee. I know that's a controversial one
We did not find systematic involvement, for example, in the and I hope I'm not blinded or biased by the fact that if we
Central Intelligence Agency. We found some individual combine them who knows who the chairman would be and
involvement, but we have to be very careful that we do not some of us
sit owould e F out
uncof a job. Committee, e sl see the Joint
overreact to right them. about. There is legislation, Senate Bill 1721, that has passed the Economic Committee, for example, and I've watched the
Senate now with an overwhelming vote that tightens the work of other joint committees. Have you ever seen a joint
way we issue Findings. It was not without controversy. It committee that was powerful? The joint House-Senate
was a bill that was troubling to me in the beginning. I made committees just simply are not. They simply cannot
some very substantial modifications in that bill and, in fact, maintain their own jurisdiction and, believe me, we have to
that was one of those in which we had the most division in fight to maintain our jurisdiction all the time. The Foreign
the Committee. I finally prevailed on one point, for example. Relations Committee wants part of what we're working on.
The bill provides that the President will notify Congressional The Judiciary Committee, most recently with the FBI matter,
committees within forty-eight hours after the issuance of a wants to hold hearings on things we're working on. The
Finding. It does say that in situations of extreme sensitivity Government Operations Committee wants GAO audits of all
that he can keep that notification to only eight people: the the Intelligence Community work.
majority and minority leaders of the Senate, the Speaker of We constantly have to fight to maintain the jurisdiction
the House, the minority leader and the two chairmen and of the Intelligence Committee and to make sure that we
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don't get back into the situation again were we have scores
of committees around the Congress being furnished with
highly sensitive information. I'm convinced that the first
thing that would happen if we had a joint committee is that
the House committees and the Senate committees would
begin to try and invade the jurisdiction of the joint
committee. It is just much harder for another Senate
committee to invade the jurisdiction of colleagues who sit
on that Senate committee than it is for them to invade the
jurisdiction of a joint committee. I'm afraid that instead of
reducing the number of people who would know the
secrets, instead of reducing the number of people involved
on the intelligence side, that if we went to a joint committee
what we would end up with four or five years down the road
is the situation we had several years ago where all of these
other committees were insisting on common jurisdiction
and information that they simply should not have.
We have worked very hard in the kinds of times in which
we are operating to try to build this kind of consensus, to
rebuild the trust which I think has been rebuilt and to make
the intelligence oversight committees a constructive force,
and to say to the Congress: Here are the most sensitive of
all issues, issues like verification of arms control, issues like
embassy security, issues like those we looked at in the
Intelligence Committee in the Iran-Contra matter, and
others. And, here's a committee that spans this kind of
political spectrum, eight Democrats and seven Republicans,
as I said from Cranston and Metzenbaum to Hatch and
Hecht, and yet on all of these major items we have been
either been fifteen to nothing or fourteen to one. It shows it
can be done. It shows we can rebuild that kind of
consensus. If we can do that in these most sensitive of
national security areas, we can begin to do it in a bi-partisan
way across the board, and we must do it. We must form a
consensus, not only on issues of national security, but we
must also form a consensus as we meet our economic
challenges as well.
I'm going to conclude with just one point on the
economic side. As I mentioned, as we think, very seriously,
about what we are handing on to the next generation, if we
don't play our role right, if we don't know what our role is,
and that's the frustration I have, as I said, sometimes in
meetings with my colleagues in Congress and, as I said,
sometimes in meetings in the White House. We have five
hundred thirty-five people in Congress who all think they
should be Commander-in-Chief, Secretary of State, Director
of Central Intelligence. We also have, at times, people in the
White House that don't understand that while the President
may initiate foreign policy decisions, and sure he must,
especially to be able to have the flexibilty to act in an
emergency, that Congress in the long run must appropriate
the money and issue support for the policy in order to
sustain it.
Each side must understand its own role and work
together. And we have to do it on the economic front as
well. I saw one statistic the other day that really brought it
home. We talked about the erosion of our economic
strength in this country. The writer said that in 1980, we
were a net creditor nation and it had taken four generations
to build up the surplus balance that we had in terms of our
trade balance and our investment balance with the rest of
the world. By early 1985, just four years later, we had
become a debtor nation. We are now the largest debtor
nation, as you all know, in the world. We're in a situation
where by the year 2000 we will either have to find a way to
double our exports in the world market or cut our imports in
half if we are simply going to be able to pay the interest on
the external debt we built up.
He said, to put it in perspective, here is what has
happened: What it took four generations of Americans to
build up, we wiped out by living beyond our means in only
four years. Now you think about that. I heard someone the
other day, in a talk, in which he recalled what he'd asked his
high school world history teacher. He'd asked her why was
it that the United States was so unique, why had we
achieved so much. Other countries have similar populations,
similar natural resources, at least to some degree, why have
we developed in such a unique way, why have we been so
fortunate, why we exert the leadership role we have in the
world today and enjoy the prosperity we have. She gave
him an answer I thought was a marvelous answer. She said,
"Because there's something very special about Americans.
Americans, generation after generation, have always cared
more about their children's future than they care about their
own present."
That really sums it up. I think that is the dream we all
have. We want to take the heritage that is handed on to us,
add something of ourselves to it, something of our own
sacrifice to it, and hand it on enhanced to the next
generation. That's our challenge. That's what we have to do.
We can only do it if we band together, if we unify ourselves,
if we begin to realize in the two branches of government
here in Washington that we all work for the same people,
that we all work for a common purpose and that we are all
going to have to make some common sacrifices together
down the line - appeal to the best instincts of the American
people, that's what leadership is all about -- then I think we
can do it. We've met challenges before. We've come
through with flying colors. This is a difficult one. It hangs in
the balance what we will hand on to the next generation.
But, I think we have the spirit and the determination to keep
that chain of unending progress unbroken.
Thank you.
June 6, 1988
Guest Speaker: Arnaud de Borchgrave
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Mr. Karl B. McLEOD
Beling, Texas
CDR William Benteen BAILEY, (USN-Ret.)
Annandale, Virginia
BrigGen Richard S. BEYEA (USAF-Ret.)
Alexandria, Virginia
Dr. Robert L. BURKE
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Mr. J. Foster COLLINS
McLean, Virginia
Mr. Patrick J. DONLEA
Barrington, Illinois
Dr. Rollie M. DUDIK
Miami, Florida
Mr. Clair E. GEORGE
Bethesda, Maryland
RADM Donald P. HARVEY, (USN-Ret.)
Potomac, Maryland
Mr. Jeremy KUNEN
Sarasota, Florida
Mr. Zura E. KWONG
Elmhurst, New York
New Book Discloses CIA Pentration
It took a trip behind the Iron Curtain, but it was worth it
for Ronald Kessler, the author of Spy vs. Spy: Stalking
Soviet Spies in America. In Czechoslovakia he met with
deported spy Karl Koelcher and his wife who were swapped
for Anatole Scharansky, the famous Soviet dissident. In the
interview, Koecher describes why he devoted his life to the
KGB and how he was able to penetrate the CIA. Kessler
documents the meeting with exclusive photos included in
the book.
In the book, the author also describes the major security
breaches in the NSA and CIA, including the fascinating
interaction between the two agencies. With the cooperation
of the FBI, he takes the reader on an actual FBI capture of a
KGB agent. The book purports to reveal new details about
the Pollard, Pelton and Walker espionage cases. (Scribner,
1988. $19.95)
Mr. Wilbur T. MEASLEY, Jr.
Mount Holly, New Jersey
Dr. James G. MIDDLETON, M.D.
Des Plaines, Illinois
Mr. Milan C. "Mike" MISKOVSKY
Washington, D.C.
CDR Robert L. MOORE, (USN-Ret.)
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Mr. Harold D. REAM
Port Charlotte, Florida
Mr. George C. RODGERS
Medina, Ohio
LTC Lawrence B. ROY (USN-Ret.)
New Castle, Maine
LTC Philip J. RYAN
Fresno, California
Mr. F. Eugene SOMERS
Annapolis, Maryland
Mr. Frederick C. TOWER
Bethesda, Maryland
"Cooler King" Has Escaped Again
COL Jerry Sage, the author of Sage: The Dagger of
OSS and the escapee known as the "Cooler King" in the
book The Great Escape, is now autographing copies of his
new deluxe edition for AFIO members from a new address.
This edition, containing 400 pages and 60 original photos,
includes Sage's behind-the-lines OSS operations, all nine
escape attempts, including details of the final, and
successful, one. The author includes interviews with top
officials of the Lublin Provisional Government and describes
how the Soviets imposed Communism on Poland. Sage's
book has been described as a story of high adventure, faith,
miracles and good humor.
Personally inscribed copies are available for $17.95 from
Jerry Sage, 400 Lakeshore Road, Enterprise, AL 36330.
Jerry asks that you specify the.inscription(s) desired when
ordering copies of the book.
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Control of Covert Operations:
A Constitutional Issue
Rep. Dick Chaney
There is a consensus in Washington after Iran-Contra
that the process for managing legislative-executive relations
on covert operations could be improved. The consensus
quickly breaks down, however, as people begin putting
forward concrete suggestions.
A bill, already passed by the Senate and moving forward
in the House, would require the president under all
conditions, with no exceptions, to notify Congress of covert
operations within 48 hours of their start. It is a typical
example of "never again" thinking by Congress, to make
sure the last disaster will never again repeat itself. Congress
is willing to deprive future presidents of all possible
discretion under conditions Congress cannot possibly
At the heart of the dispute over this bill is a deeper one
over the scope of the president's inherent constitutional
power. I believe the president has the authority, without
statute, to use the resources placed at his disposal to
protect American lives abroad and to serve other important
foreign policy objectives short of war.
Congress does have the power, however, to control the
money and material resources available to the president for
covert actions. Because Congress arguably cannot fulfill its
legislative function on future money bills without information,
some kind of reporting requirement can be understood as a
logical extension of legitimate legislative power.
The constitutional question is: What are the limits to
what Congress may demand as an adjunct to its appropriation
power? Broadly speaking, Congress may not use the
money power to achieve purposes that it would be
unconstitutional for it to achieve directly. It could not place a
condition on the salaries of judges, for example, to prohibit
the judges from spending any time to reach a particular
constitutional conclusion. In the same way, Congress could
not use its clearly constitutional powers over executive
branch resources and procedures to invade an inherently
presidential power.
How does this reasoning apply to the proposed 48-hour
rule? In 1980, Congress revised the intelligence oversight
law to require the president to notify the House and Senate
intelligence committees before beginning any significant,
anticipated intelligence activity. It justified the requirement
on its need for information to fulfill its legislative power to
appropriate money.
There is a line of Supreme Court cases, dating back to
1821, upholding Congress's implied power to demand
information. But what happens if the power to demand
information confronts another implied power held by
another branch that is equally well-grounded on a
constitutional foundation? That was the issue in the
executive privilege case of US v. Nixon. In that case, we
learned that the decision in any particular case must rest on
competing claims of the two branches at odds with each
other. That is how I think the 48-hour rule must be
The 48-hour rule recognizes the president's inherent
power to initiate a covert action - as long as that action is
limited to resources already available to the president. If
Congress ever tries to insist on advance approval, that
would surely be overturned as a legislative veto.
But if the president has the inherent power to initiate
covert actions, then the same rule that gives Congress the
implied power to demand information also gives the
president the implied powers he may need to put his
acknowledged power into effect. In virtually all cases there
is no conflict between the president's power to initiate an
action and requiring the president to notify the intelligence
committees (or a smaller group of leaders) of that operation
in advance. In a few very rare circumstances, however,
there can be a direct conflict.
One good example was the Carter administration's
decision to withhold notification of some Iran hostage
rescue operations. In one case, notification was withheld for
about three months until six Americans could be smuggled
out of the Canadian Embassy in Tehran. In fact, Canada
made withholding notification a condition of its participation.
The Iranian hostage examples show that when notification
has to be withheld may depend not on how much time has
elapsed, but on the character of the operation. There is no
question that when other governments place specific
security requirements on cooperating with the US, the no-
exceptions aspect of the 48-hour rule would be equivalent
to denying the president his inherent power to act.
What is the constitutional justification for the proposed
bill? The best argument, to quote the Senate Intelligence
Committee, is that notification is needed "to provide
Congress with an opportunity to exercise its responsibilities
under the Constitution." The problem is that there is no
legislative power that requires notification under all
conditions during any precisely specified time period. All
Congress needs to know is whether to continue funding on-
going operations.
Who should have the power to decide that notification
would make action impossible? In the rare situation in which
a president believes he must delay notification as a
necessary adjunct to fulfilling his constitutional mandate,
that decision must rest with the president. The president
obviously cannot consult with Congress about whether to
You could argue that failure to notify might, in the
extreme, deprive Congress of this power. Iran-Contra was
such an extreme. But the price of assuring notification
within a specific time period is to make some potentially life-
saving operations impossible. On the scale of risks, there is
more reason to be concerned about depriving the president
of his ability to act than about Congress's alleged inability to
respond. Congress eventually will find out about decisions
of any consequence. When that happens, it has the political
tools to take retribution. President Reagan learned this
dramatically. It is a lesson no future president is likely to
[The foregoing is an excerpt of a longer exposition by Rep.
Chaney, a member of the House Perm. Select Committee
on Intelligence, that appeared in the Wall Street Journal.]
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Intelligence Issues: Leaks
The grave effects of unauthorized disclosures upon US
intelligence and our foreign policy is a problem we had
better begin thinking about with some urgency.
The seriousness and universality of "leaks" are obvious.
Yet many continue to maintain there's no proof that
Congress leaks or that it leaks significantly. And, even when
acknowledging problems with the Executive branch or
Congress, powerful legislative figures habitually object to
virtually every initiative for investigating and punishing these
occurences, while failing to offer alternative solutions .. .
Regardless of claims that Congress must be considered
innocent until proven guilty of security lapses, damage to
the oversight process occurred as soon as a widespread
perception developed that the legislative branch could not
be trusted. This perception has seriously affected Executive
branch cooperation with intelligence oversight committees.
A similar attitude is harbored by allied intelligence services
who decide whether to trade information with US intelligence,
what quality of information they will provide and whether
they will actively cooperate with us in other ways . . .
Congressmen by nature have strong political views,
cater to and depend on the press, and are not imbued with
the security habits of intelligence professionals. Thus, they
naturally fall under suspicion . . . Ex-CIA Director Colby
recalls in his memoirs that every new covert action
disclosed to Congress in 1975 was leaked. "And the'covert'
part of CIA's covert action seemed almost gone." The
notorious laxity of the Church and Pike investigations
tainted the more rigorous Intelligence Committees which
took their place.
No less a journalistic authority on leaks than Daniel
Schorr noted in a Washington Post article " ... that it has
never been suggested that a Member of Congress could be
disciplined other than by Congress itself. This is relevant
because (I don't think that I am baring any great journalistic
secrets) the exposure of covert intelligence questions is
frequently a form of congressional whistle-blowing. A leak
often occurs when a clandestine plan runs into substantial
opposition during a briefing for congressional committees."
Schorr went on to cite a number of specific leaks of
information on Angola, Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador and
Recently, there have been several known and serious
disclosures on each of the Oversight Committees. Those
who nonetheless continue categorically to defend the
committees' records apparently depend upon congressional
courtesy to forestall "name names" rebuttal. In the
congressional Select Committees' final report on the Iran-
Contra affair, the minority report devoted a chapter to the
need to patch leaks. It pointed out the early history of
problems with unauthorized disclosures in Congress and
gave more recent examples of alleged congressional leaks
published in other sources, including use of the threat of
disclosure by several individuals in order to block executive
branch actions of which they disapproved . . .
The situation has been allowed to deteriorate so far that
the task of changing this permissive culture is now
monumental. Success will come very slowly indeed, and will
result only from a persistent and aggressive attack across a
broad front, in both Congress and the executive branch.
Representative Henry Hyde
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
I ? 0
The senatorial leak of the CIA mining operation in
Corinto Harbor blew the best single chance for a non-
communist Nicaragua, and also ignited the distrust that led
to the Boland amendments, the Iran-Contra spectacle, and
the whole debate over covert actions and congressional
notification . .
The CIA briefed Congress 11 times on the mining,
starting in January 1984 ... It was probably inevitable that
this would leak out - other congressmen where also
divulging the news - given a congressional minority hotly
opposed to the whole US policy in Nicaragua ... The leak
was unfortunate enough, but the real scandal was the
Pecksniffianism that followed: The Senate decided the
whole blame lay with the CIA ... Once public, the mining
soon ended. The Contra gains in Nicaragua were quickly
sacrificed. And the ideological left took the opportunity to
gather support for the infamous third Boland amendment,
which prohibited intelligence agencies from running the
Contra aid program ... Naturally, so spectacular a leak, and
especially the congressional reaction to it, was bound to
increase executive branch distrust of Congress ... We see
it as congressional irresponsibility eliciting the predictable
reaction among people with serious business to do and
lives on the line. You can argue over the semantics of the
CIA briefing, but the bottom line is that Congress leaked
and maybe lost the war
Our view of this affair is that congressmen could not
forgive the CIA for notifying them about the mining, forcing
them to explain their acquiescence or deny that they knew.
The Corinto leaks and the diversionary debate about who
knew what when are good arguments against any restrictive
notification requirement. Nor was Corinto the only leak from
the Senate committee. The successors to Messrs. Goldwater
and Moynihan on the intelligence committee were Dave
Durenburger, who is under investigation for leaking that the
US recruits Israelis to spy on Israel, and Patrick Leahy, who
resigned from the committee after admitting that he'd
leaked a preliminary draft of the Iran-Contra report.
It is of course good to build confidence, and the
President may very well want to experiment with the 48-hour
notification of a different intelligence committee headed by
David Boren. But it is quite another thing to promise the
same thing for all future Presidents and all future
Wall Street Journal
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Letters to the Editor
Not Unfriendly Resource Says Armstrong
Editor, Periscope:
I was recently sent a copy of your Periscope article
entitled "Unfriendly Resources For Research On Intelligence
and Whatever" in the Winter 1988 issue. The article
accurately reflects our intention to assemble as non-
partisan and "complete a documentary record of recent
and contemporary policy-making as possible within the
constraints of security classification."
Your choice of a headline for the article, however, leaves
the inaccurate impression that we are "unfriendly" to the
intelligence community. In fact, many former intelligence
officers, including all four living former Directors of Central
Intelligence, support our activity as an effort to accurately
document and demythologize foreign, defense, intelligence
and international economic policy. I can assure you that the
members of your own organization who use our facilities
regularly or seek our assistance to obtain declassification of
materials they wish to use in their work are treated in a
"friendly," courteous and professional manner.
Scott Armstrong
Executive Director
The National Security Archive
Look to White House, Not CIA
Editor, Periscope;
Senator Patrick Leahy, as reported in the Winter issue of
Periscope, has treated us to one of his non sequiturs, in
giving his reasons for proposing that the DCI be given a set
term of years. This is intended to depoliticize CIA by
reducing the degree of White House influence on the DCI.
There are some valid reasons for such a step, just as there
are reasons for having reservations about it.
In any event, Senator Leahy's rationale for his proposal
is as follows: "To avert rogue operations like selling arms to
Iran for hostages and diverting the profits to the Contras, I
have suggested that in the future CIA Directors be named in
the same way as FBI Directors."
Whoa, there, Senator! It was those guys on the
President's staff in the White House who ran those
operations, not CIA or its people. If that is your reason you'd
best get back to the drawing board, because your proposal
doesn't touch the ones you are after. Of course, there are
major constitutional obstacles to legislation that would try to
direct the President how to conduct diplomatic negotiations,
which is what the Iran affair was.
One wonders - given Senator Leahy's proffered
rationale - if the proposal isn't an attempt to demonstrate
that the Congress is able to do something, even if
addressed at the wrong target.
Scott D. Breckinridge
Hale Foundation Seeks Resolution Support
Editor, Periscope:
As you know, "National Intelligence Community Week'
this year is from June 5 through June 12. A joint resolution
has been introduced in the Congress - S.J. Res. 288 in the
Senate and H.J. Res. 487 in the House of Representatives.
The Hale Foundation urges you to inform your members of
the resolution numbers; their help is needed to gain co-
sponsors for the resolutions to get them out of committee
for a floor vote.
As Senator David Boren, Chairman of the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence, said last year in reference to the
same resolution, "We hope that this recogniton will convey
a deep sense of gratitude to the men and women who, with
selfless dedication, devote themselves to our country
through their mostly unrecognized duties in the intelligence
Thank you for your help. Also, please don't forget the
ceremony on June 6, 1988, Nathan Hale's birthday, at the
Hale statue at the Justice Department building - 10:00 a.m.
- to provide time to get to the AFIO luncheon at 11:00.
Lawrence B. Sulc
The Hale Foundation
Reduced Hotel Rates Offered in SF_
Editor, Periscope:
Any AFIO members wishing to stay in my Hotel
Commodore, San Francisco, may enjoy a minimum rate for
our best available rooms if they mention membership or ask
for me or manager Roger Krakow, a veteran Air Force
The Commodore International Hotel is located at 825
Sutter Street, San Francisco, 94109. We suggest reservations
be made at least one week in advance where possible.
Phone (415) 923-6800.
Craig Smith
Arlington Hall Countdown Continues
Editor's Note:
We would like to extend our appreciation to those
members who have written either to add to or correct
inaccuracies in the Periscope report on the history of
Arlington Hall. They have all been passed to local groups
seeking to preserve this "Monument to Intelligence."
Fortunately, the appropriation bill for the Department of
State for this fiscal year prohibits expenditure of funds for
the construction of new Foreign Service Institute facilities on
the site. Unfortunately, the delay is only temporary, and
public appeal to the Congress to save Arlington Hall has
been insufficient to stop the count-down to destruction.
Spring 1988 Periscope
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
William F.
tion Court
6 Pl
MD 20852
3805 Winterset Dr.
7503 Wexford Place
Annandale, VA 22003
Alexandria, VA 22
Christopher J.
COTNER, Mr. Mike R.
GAMBRELL, Mr. James T.
4261 North 31st Place
6822 S. 236th E Ave.
2501 Lazy Hollow,
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
Houston, TX 7
Jack H
DALY, Mr. John L.
GARVER, Mr. Carl P.
32 Duncott Road
1218 S. 12th St
P. 0. Box 2014
FL 33742
Fairport, NY 14450
1st Front
St. Petersburg,
Philadelphia, PA 19147
BrigGen Richard S.
di GENOVA, Mr. Joseph E.
GEIS, Mr. Duane Gregory
5807 Hillburne Way
2118 Shadowbr
7832 Lee Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Houston, TX 770
Alexandria, VA 22308
Robert L.
DITZLER, Dr. Thomas F.
GEORGE, Mr. Clair E.
2409 NE 37 Street
112-4 Powa Place
5026 Allan Roa
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
Kailua, HI 96734
Bethesda, MD 20
VADM Edward A.
DUGGER, Mr. John A.
GIOVINAZZO, Mr. Anthony J.
5813 Rockmere Dr.
3725 Center
4128 Fort Worth PI
Bethesda, MD 20816
Brunswick, OH
Alexandria, VA 22304
Gordon C.
DuRANT, LTC Henry L.
GOLDASICH, Mr. Robert P.
8706 Victoria Rd
1687 Aloha
Springfield, VA 22151
3619 Prentice Ave
Worden, IL 62097
Columbia, SC 29205
William L
EVANS, Mr. John H.
GRAY, Mrs. Lynda B.
134 Buckeye
RD 2, Box 1755
8111 Touchstone
Katy, TX 77450
Arlington, VT 05250
McLean, VA 2
Gregory D.
FEDOR, Mr. William D.
GREEN, Mr. William C.
81 State Street
9607 Westport La.
78 Bay State Roa
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Burke, VA 22015
Boston, MA 0
Harry W.
FERNANDEZ, Mr. Joseph F.
GRIBI, Mr. Edward A. Jr.
1904 Fontana Ave.
9542 Whitecedar Court
51280 Pine Canyon
A 93930
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Vienna, VA 22180
King City, C
Periscope Spring 1988
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
JOHNSON, Mr. Ronald W.
LUKEY, Mr. Todd J
P. 0. Box 508
8989 Omega Court
4121 Reo Coach
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Springfield, VA 22152
N.Las Vegas, NV 89030
HATIN, Mr. Richard L.
JOHNSTON, Mr. Harold E.
LUNT, Mr. Robert G.
27 Lexington Ave
13015 Shadwell Court
6102 Eagle Landing Rd.
Manchester, NH 03104
Woodbridge, VA 22192
Burke, VA 22015
HENRY, Mr. James Murray
JOLLIFF, Mr. Wade A. Jr.
MACKEY, Col Francis J.
4510 Abbott, #46
P. 0. Box 340571
Dallas, TX 75205
Tampa, FL 33694
8002 Garlot Drive
Annandale, VA 22003
HETU, Mr. Herbert E.
JOUBERT, Mr. Richard J.
MARKOVIC, Mr. Cedomir
1111 Michigan Court
12319 Manvel Lane
3111 N. 20th Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Bowie, MD 20715
Arlington, VA 22201
HINTZE, Mr. Grant G.
KENDIG, Mr. Robert E.
MARSHALL, Mr. Brian L.
1835 E. Morten Ave., #201
4201 Cathedral Ave, #115E
2400 Virginia Ave NW
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Washington, DC 20016
Washington, DC 20037
HINZ, CDR Orville C.
KLEIN, Mr. Eugene A.
MARTIN, Mr. John T.
4410 Oglethorpe St., #605
1417 San Rafael NE
1207 Autre Court
Hyattsville, MD 20781
Albuquerque, NM 87122
Rockville, MD 20851
HOWE, Mr. Charles E.
MARTIN, Mr. William D.
7734 Pinyon Road
9306 Triola Lane
Hanover, MD 21076
6450 Queen Anne Terrace
Houston, TX 77036
Falls Church, VA 22044
LAYMAN, Mr. John G.
1619 W. Boise Place
5016 Pershing S.E.
3811 Whitman Road
Chandler, AZ 85224
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Annandale, VA 22003
LONG, Mr. Patrick G.
MAYER, Mr. Charles R.
8502 Cherry Valley La
P.O. Box 267
5809 Helmsdale Lane
Alexandria, VA 22309
Highland City, FL 33846
Alexandria, VA 22310
JESSUP, Mr. Geoffrey D.
305 Montana Wells Rd. N.E.
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
6809 Weaver Avenue
16017 Malcolm Drive
McLean, VA 22101
Laurel, MD 20707
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
McNABB, Col David R.
RING, Mr. J. Daniel
SHAW, LTC Franklin P. Jr.
903 Setter Court
P. 0. Box 60
Seffner, FL 33584
State College, PA 16801
4933 Pommander Walk
Alexandria, VA 22314
McQUIDDY, Mr. John H.
ROBERTS, Mr. Michael B.
515 Westwood Office Park
711 E. 12th Street
P. 0. Box 913
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Tifton, GA 31794
Morrow, GA 30260
ROTH, Mr. James M.
SHUCK, Mr. Kenneth L.
2760 Arnoldson Ave
2C Cameo Lane
16208 Alson Way
San Diego, CA 92122
Circle Pines, MN 55014
Bowie, MD 20716
MURPHY, Mr. Arthur W.
ROUKIS, Mr. George S.
4563 King Edward Court
198 Continental Dr.
2703 Franklin Ct.
Annandale, VA 22003
Manhasset Hills, NY 11040
Alexandria, VA 22302
O'LEARY, Col Paul F.
ROY, LTC Lawrence B.
SINGER, Mr. Robert C.
P. C). Box 25
(USA-Ret), Acad. Hill Rd.,
501 Tulip Avenue
Rochester, NH 03867
RR 1, Box 497
Floral Park, NY 11001
Newcastle, ME 04553
PAGE, Mr. John A.
RUBLEE, Mrs. Edna C.
SNELL, Col Albert W.
7107 Buckingham Dr.
1086 Forest Lakes Dr., #201
Germantown, TN 38138
Naples, FL 33942
6310 Golf Course Square
Alexandria, VA 22307
PAIST, Mr. Paul H.
SAUL, Mr. Joseph H.
3315 3rd, #2
6063-3 Majors Lane
Tillamook, OR 97141
Columbia, MD 21045
7188 Duval Island Dr.
Floral City, FL 32636
PICKRELL, Mr. Daniel J.
SCHULER, Ms. Alison K.
SPENCER, LtCol Paul C.
875 Longview Road
632 Cougar Loop NE
Hillsborough, CA 94010
Albuquerque, NM 87122
509 Adams Lane
Waldorf, MD 20601
RAKESTRAW, Dr. J. William
SEGAL, Mr. Carl G.
STANHOPE, Mr. Robert P.
2666 Reign Street
953 Hemenway Ave N.E.
305 Commercial St., #663
Reston, VA 22071
Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Portland, ME 04101
SEXTON, Mr. Joseph L.
STEVER, Mr. James A.
10211 Waterbury Ct.
12301 Trout Circle
18 Laurelwood Dr.
Manassas, VA 22110
Spring Hill, FL 34609
Milford, OH 45150
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
SURGENER, Mr. Damon M.
5809 Brittany Valley Rd
Louisville, KY 40222
TEEL, Mr. Larry L.
634 Goldsborough Dr.
Rockville, MD 20850
TOWERS, Mr. Frederic C.
8033 Herb Farm Drive
Bethesda, MD 20817
TUTTLE, Mr. Andrew C.
6501 Mecham Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89107
70 Meernaa
Fairfax, CA 94930
WEYMOUTH, Mr. David E.
10116 Masters Dr NE
Albuquerque, NM 81111
WILLIAMS, Mr. Hilleary S.
723 So. Second Ave.
Suite 2
Arcadia, CA 91006
WOOD, Mr. Sidney E. Jr.
1614 Courtland Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22306
11600 Connecticut Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20902
Article VI - Membership
A. There shall be three (3) classes
of members: (1) Full, (2) Associate,
and (3) Life. Full members are eligible
to attend all meetings of members, to
vote at all meetings, and to be an
officer in the Corporation. The
qualifications of Full members and
Associate members are set forth
below, in other paragraphs of this
Article. A Life member is one who is, or
is qualified to be, a Full member or an
Associate member and who pays the
dues established for Life members.
The rights of a Life member are only
those derived from his qualification to
be either a Full member or an
Associate member. An Associate
member or a Life member, based on
his qualification to be an Associate
member, is not eligible to be an officer
of the Corporation or to vote, but may
attend all meetings of the members.
B. Any United States citizen who
has had his or her principal duty in the
intelligence field for the US
Government is eligible to apply for Full
membership in the Corporation.
C. Individuals who may otherwise
qualify for membership by virtue of
previous service but who are presently
employed in a full-time capacity with
an intelligence service of the US
government are not eligible for
D. Members of the Armed Services,
otherwise eligible, who are not
presently serving in a full-time
intelligence assignment are eligible to
apply for Full membership.
E. A United States citizen, not
otherwise eligible for Full membership,
who supports the principles of the
Corporation may make application for
Associate membership.
F. The right to vote and to be an
Officer or Director of the Corporation
will be limited to persons holding Full
membership or Life membership
based on his qualification to be a Full
G. A member will remain in good
standing so long as he pays the
prescribed dues and whose conduct
has not been judged by a majority of
the Directors to be in conflict with the
purposes and principles of the
H. Applications for all classes of
membership, Full, Associate, Life, or
Corporate, and all applications for
renewal, will be submitted to the Board
of Directors for approval.
Members in the News
Addison Bragg, a columnist for
the Billings Gazette and an active
member of AFIO, has been appointed
by Secretary of the Army John 0.
Marsh, Jr., as Civilian Aide to the
Secretary of the Army for Montana. In
his role as Civilian Aide, Bragg will
serve as the Secretary's principal
civilian advisor in the State of
Montana. His activities include
interpreting and relating Army policies
to the citizens of Montana and serving
as a liaison between Montana citizens
and the Department of the Army.
Appointed for two year terms, the
Civilian Aides serve in a volunteE!r
James Flannery, a retired CIA
officer, serves as moderator for "Great
Decisions '88," Elizabeth City, NJ, a
national opinion forum designed ':o
help area residents understand U.S.
foreign policy. The series, which is
held at the College of the Albermarle,
is discussing such issues as Mexico
and the United State, US trade and
global markets and reform in the
Soviet Union.
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AFIO Chapters Active Nationwide
Arizona Chapter. The chapter met for luncheon on
Saturday, January 23rd, at the Aztec Inn, Tuscon. Results of
the election were announced with the 1988 officers being
Robert A. Nugent, president; Donald D. Dagleisch, vice
president; and James W. Browitt, secretary.
The speaker was David McKinley, Director of the Federal
Law Enforcement Training Center at Maran. An interesting
overview of the Center's training program and its mission
were presented.
A representative of the Intelligence Museum Foundation
made a brief presentation of plans for the museum at Fort
Ca[i forma.
San Diego Chapter One. Forty-one members and
guests sat captivated at the January 22nd meeting, as
Michael Bonafield, an editorial writer for the San Diego
Union, explained how Americans and Russians view the
term glasnost. Americans, he said, believe it means
"openness" or a move by the Soviet Union towards a more
"open" society, but that is not what it means to the
Russians. To them, it means "looking at the system,"
perhaps to evaluate it to see if changes are warranted.
Glasnost, according to Bonafield, is not a new term. Peter
the Great used it when he tried to woo Russians away from
traditional ways and to adopt modern concepts emerging in
Western Europe.
There can be no doubt, said Bonafield, that anyone who
looks at the Communist system in the USSR will realize that
changes are desperately needed. The Soviet Union is a
superpower only in military strength. In all other aspects, it
is a third-world country. The poor quality of their manufactured
goods precludes all but 17 percent of them selling on the
world market. Russians will always purchase foreign
products if they can afford them, which few can, rather than
purchase like Soviet products that are so poorly made. To
raise the quality of Russian-made goods, many factories will
have to be closed and modernized. This will result in the
loss of 16 million jobs, and this could spell trouble for
Mikhail Gorbachev. What this means is that such changes
will be slow, very slow, Bonafield warned.
Initial changes are most likely to be cultural; there will be
more openness such as has been suggested by Mayor
Maureen O'Connor in inviting Soviet artists to San Diego
this summer. Whatever changes are made, said Bonafield,
we can be certain the Soviet Union is not going to back
away from Marxism-Leninism. Those Russians favoring
change are found among the technocrats and the young
people, mainly city dwellers. Resisting change are the
entrenched bureaucracy - the Nomenklatura - and the
poorest class of peasants.
The whole Soviet system is a living lie, he said, and
many Russians know this fact. Yet, they have been cowed
by centuries of servility to a point where they are dependent
on a strong central government. Freedom as we know it is
totally alien to most Russians. Gorbachev knows this and
will move very slowly. Those too impetuous will be reined in
as he has done to the Communist Party chief in Moscow, an
old comrade who moved too fast. According to Bonafield,
Mikhail Gorbachev is well aware that what happened to
Nikita Khrushchev could happen to him, so Gorbachev will
be wary.
Members and their guests met at the Mariner Naval
Officers Club, San Diego, on February 26th, to learn of the
training and operation of SEAL (Sea, Air, Land) from
Captain Larry W. Bailey, USN, the commanding officer of
the Naval Special Warfare Center, based at Coronado.
Captain Bailey opened his presentation with an excellently-
crafted film, "Someone Special," that depicted the rigorous
training that SEAL candidates must complete successfully
in order to join this select group.
Following the film, Captain Bailey explained that while
SEAL candidates must be in excellent physical condition
prior to being accepted into the training, throughout the
time they are in training they will "live on the run." They will
run to breakfast,-un to physical training, run to classes, run
to swimming, run the obstacle course and continue to run
for all their waking hours. They will train in groups, work in
groups and, yes, run in groups - SEALS operate as a team.
By the sixth week of training, the SEAL candidates face
"Hell Week." Here they are physically tested to the utmost.
Captain Bailey asserted that this is the toughest training
course given in any of America's military services, although
he will get an argument there from the Army's Special
Forces and from the Air Force's "PJ's." If this is all too
much for the SEAL candidate, Captain Bailey noted, all the
candidate has to say is "I quit," and he's gone.
This training is known as BUDS, an acronym for Basic
Underwater Demolition SEALS. After "Hell Week," the
training continues as the candidates begin to learn what
they will do on their missions: beach reconnaissance, land
warfare, small unit tactics, weapons and explosives,
including underwater demolition techniques. The latter
phase encompasses diving and scuba-diving.
On completion of this training, the newly-graduated
SEALS will be assigned to SEAL teams either in Coronado,
California, or Little Creek, Virginia. Still, their training is not
over; in fact, it is never over. On assignment to SEAL teams
they will enter advanced training and also be required to
attend the Army's airborne course for parachuting. They will
travel to all corners of the world to train in various climates
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and geographical regions.
The life of a SEAL is one of daring and adventure
tempered by their motto: Patience and Awareness to stay
On March 17th, members of the chapter joined with
other reserve and defense organizations to honor General
John W. Vessey, Jr., the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, 1982-1985. The luncheon, "Defense for the Future,"
was co-sponsored by
the chapter.
Slated for the chap-
ter's March 25th meet-
ing was Thomas A.
Hughes, Special Agent
in Charge, of the FBI's
San Diego field office.
On April 22nd, the
chapter was to hear
MajGen Kenneth Burns
(USAF-Ret.) speak on
"Can Democracy Sur-
vive in the Philippines?"
San Francisco Bay
Chapter. The chapter
held its December 16th
meeting at the Tennis
Club, San Francisco.
In spite of the inclement
weather, a group of
about 16 members
gathered for the dinner
meeting at which the
Christmas spirit and wishes for the holidays were celebrated.
Chapter president Bill Green announced the slate of
nominees for officers for 1988. Elections followed, with the
following members elected: Col. E.P Peters, president; Col.
Frederick Speier, first vice president; Earl D. Brodie, second
vice president; Michael J. Rolleri, treasurer; and Peggy Jo
Zemens, secretary. Elected to the board of directors were
Col. Richard D. McCall, Col. G. Russell Wiley, Col. Charles
Hayden, Gonzalo Quesada and Capt. William C. Green.
Following a festive meal, Green introduced the speaker
for the evening, Dan Brigham of VISA USA.
Brigham gave a very entertaining presentation on the
history of credit card fraud and VISA's attempts to
counteract and contain every attempt of counterfeiting and
fraud from the use of stolen or lost cards. He emphasized
that while fraud from lost, stolen and counterfeit cards is
declining partly because of the introduction of new card
design, including microprinting fineline printing, special
embossing characters and holograms, card fraud has
emerged in a new form. The new tactic, fraudulent and
misleading telemarketing and mail-order activities, and
corresponding fraudulently-prepared sales drafts and
laundering or factoring of such fraudulently-prepared sales
drafts, has surfaced in the United States and Canada, and
can be expected to appear elsewhere as new prevention
and enforcement measures begin to be effective.
Brigham discussed VISA's Risk Identification Service,
which identifies merchants that submit disproportionate
numbers of suspicious transactions, and the efforts that
have been made to assist law enforcement officers and
security personnel to coordinate their investigations and to
Ed Earns, 1st vice president; Chuck Venable, president;
Phil Mogen, 2nd vice president; at ceremonies honoring
Tom Smith, the retiring first president of the New Mexico
make fraud by payment
device a federal crime.
This was achieved with
the passage of the
Comprehensive Crime
Control Act of 1984.
The speaker also
discussed the prob-
lems involved in interna-
tional use of VISA cards
and international tele-
marketing fraud prob-
lems. The ultimate solu-
tion to the fraud prob.
lem, Brigham feels, is
electronic authoriza-
tion of all transactions,
coupled with electronic
verification of the iden-
tity of the person using
the card. The best
means available cur.
rently is through thE!
use of Personal Identi -
fication Numbers (PINs)
which should be known only to the card holder. Brigham
highlighted the evening with the discussion of the versatility
of the new VISA SuperSmartm card that requires a PIN to
access the card. Based on the use of a microcomputer
chip, the card prevents fraud by electronically verifying the
identify of the user while preventing credit loss b',
calculating available funds in a credit line or account and
shuts down when the monies are depleted. Beyond this, the
new card will offer other features: a pocket calculator with
keyboard access, a battery-powered clock and calendar, an
electronic note pad, currency conversion and other
multifunction capacities such as managing one's VISA
account, separate corporate expense accounts, one's
checking account and savings account, small-change
funds, and the like. Other new services can include
automated check-in at medical care facilities, on-line access
to complete medical records and insurance claims and
payment of medical expenses.
Brigham entertained the group by passing around a
SuperSmartm card for inspection. Limited testing of the new
card, he said, began in 1987 and plans are being formulated
to begin closely-supervised testing in selected regions of
the world before the new device will be mass marketed to
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card holders.
The session ended with a question and answer period
which also gave members and guests an opportunity to
relate personally their unfortunate experiences with credit
cards and fraud.
The Chapter's January 20th meeting was held at the
Officers Club in the Presidio of San Francisco. Approximately
forty members and guests attended the prime rib dinner
meeting that began with a no host cocktail hour. Following
the Pledge of Allegiance, the newly-elected president of the
chapter, Max Peters, introduced the other new officers and
members and guests were given the opportunity to give a
brief introduction of themselves.
Col. Frederick Speier introduced the speaker for the
evening, Supervisory Special Agent David W. Szadi of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. SSA Szadispoke of Soviet
espionage in the United States and highlighted cases
successfully prosecuted during the "Year of the Spy," 1984-
85. In this, he emphasized the Walker-Whitworth case. Szadi
indicated that this case, in particular, illustrates the need for
early apprehension of persons engaged in espionage. He
stated that the KGB and the GRU are highly sophisticated
organizations which are firmly committed to their collection
goals and targets, spare no personnel and utilize much
money and training. KGB agents and handlers are experts
in spotting and recruiting, he said, and need observe no
laws or rules but their own. Once an espionage operation
goes clandestine, the speaker contended, it makes it more
difficult to detect; damage to national security can become
extensive, as the Walker case illustrates.
A partial list of security compromises was read by SSA
Szadi, impressing on the audience the extent of the damage
done by Walker and his ring of agents over a seventeen
year period. The importance of early detection cannot be
overemphasized, the speaker warned, especially since the
Soviets are increasingly recruiting and meeting their
American operatives overseas where the FBI has difficulty
covering or handling the situation. SSA Szadi circulated
copies of Soviet manuals on agent handling and recruitment,
copies of photographs of sites chose for "dead-drops" and
detailed instructions compiled by Walker for meeting his
contact, much of which were used as evidence in the recent
trials in San Francisco.
SSA Szadi ended his highly informative presentation
with a question and answer session that addressed
compromised Navy communications, locations of embassies
at home and abroad, the involvement of Soviet and Chinese
intelligence in the immigrant communities and counterintelli-
gence against HUMINT that continues to be utilized by
foreign intelligence agents despite modern electronic
technology. His presentation was received with much
enthusiasm by the membership and the discussion
continued long after the adjournment of the meeting.
President Peters presented Szadi with an AFIO memento
and expressed the sense of the membership that he return
at some future time to address the Chapter again.
Slated for the Chapter's February 17th meeting was
Special Agent in Charge Richard McDrew, of the US Secret
Service's San Francisco office. On March 16th the chapter
was to hear Inspector Lloyd Cunningham of the San
Francisco Police Crime Laboratory. The announced speaker
for the April 27th meeting was the Irish Consul-General at
San Francisco.
Suncoast Chapter. Forty-nine members and guests of
the Chapter listened with rapt attention to a talk on "George
Washington, Intelligence Officer," given by Ed Sayle, AFIO's
Periscope editor, at the Officers Club at MacDill AFB,
Tampa, on February 16th. The presentation was well-
received, and everyone learned some new insights into the
background of the "Father of Our Country." We thank Ed
for taking the time to come down to Florida to give us this
stimulating information. Incidentally, Ed and his lovely wife,
Mae, spent a week with Bill Knott, and saw some of the
tourist attractions in the Sunshine State.
President Wendell Poppell advised Ed that the Chapter
is presenting a twenty-five dollar donation to the AFIO
Academic Assistance Fund as a token of appreciation for
his speech.
The Chapter's final luncheon meeting of the 1987-88
season was planned for April 19th, at the MacDill AFB
Officers Club, with COL Mike Pheneger, USA, J-2 for the
Special Operations Command headquartered at MacDill
AFB, telling how intelligence from human and technical
resources is used by the Special Operations Command.
The Chapter also announced it will hold its annual
election of officers at the April 19th meeting.
All AFIO members and their guests are cordially invited
to attend our Chapter luncheons.
New members introduced to the Chapter are: LTC Carl
P. Garver (USAFR-Ret.); COL Jean K. Joyce, (USA-Ret.),
David R. McNabb; Joseph L. Sexton; and Earl J. Will.
Southwest Florida Chapter. The Chapter's Spring
meeting was held at the Palm River Country Club, North
Naples. Following cocktails, the meeting was opened by
chapter president Arnold Lee Glass who led the Pledge of
Allegiance, followed by the invocation delivered by COL
William T. Hornaday (USA-Ret.). After lunch, National
Honorary Board member John Anson Smith gave a run-
down on the quarterly meeting of AFIO's national Board of
Directors meeting, and Herman Bly reported on the
continuing high-level of interest in his informative pamphlet,
American at the Crossroads, especially after its publication
in the April-May-June 1988 issue of Sound Money Investor
Chapter president Glass introduced the guest speaker,
Porter J. Goss, a chapter member and a candidate for the
US House of Representatives. The speaker presented an
extremely interesting and highly informative analysis of the
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future growth of Southwest Florida. Further, in commenting
on current problems in Central America, he recalled his own
experiences while serving on CIA's Central American Desk
from about 1960 to 1966. He voiced his great concern with
the present situation and stated that he felt the United
States was retreating to a position we were in about twenty-
five years ago. He warned that we are in the process of
providing Communism the opportunity to expand in the
''Monroe Doctrine
After a short ques-
tion and answer period,
President Glass closed
the meeting with an
announcement that he
planned to have a
chapter workshop in
the near future to dis-
cuss various topics of
national and interna-
tional interest.
Nevada Chapter.
The Chapter's January
23rd meeting, which
received major cover-
age in the Las Vegas
Sun, featured its pres-
ident, Roger E.
McCarthy, speaking on
a broad spectrum of
intelligence issues. In addition to some twenty-five members
and guests, in the audience were six or seven other
interested persons who had read of the meeting and
appeared to hear the speaker.
McCarthy noted, for example, that with the arrival of the
Soviet scientific team at the Nevada Test Site, there is likely
to be an increased presence of KGB officers ready to gather
intelligence any way they can. "If they can find a person
who is willing to provide it, either to support a drug habit or
other motivations, they will certainly try to get it," he said.
Intelligence, McCarthy cautioned, will need to keep a closer
check on people assigned to sensitive installations,
"watching lifestyles, attitudes and possible newfound riches.
Soft spots have to be identified."
He alerted the audience that despite the "new" Russia
they have been reading about in the media, somehow we
have forgotten what the Soviet Union really is. "Basically,
the KGB is as cynical as ever, just more sophisticated."
Operating here, he said, they will start out modestly, using
whatever cover they choose to be. There are many targets
of interest to them. And, considering the close proximity of
the test site, Nellis AFB and certain sensitive industries,
"They would certainly be interested around here."
The FBI, like the CIA, is not able to do its job in this
regard as effectively nowadays because of partisan politics,
McCarthy noted. This has been especially evident during
the recent Iran-Contra hearings and still more so as the
oversight committees delve into how they expect the FBI to
function internally and the CIA abroad. "The KGB can do in
this country what the FBI can't, and do abroad what the CIA
can't do." As one example of this, the speaker noted that
Ed Sayle, editor of Periscope, recalls our intelligence
heritage for the Suncoast Chapter with "George Washington,
Intelligence Officer." Fielding questions with the speaker is
Wendell Poppell, President of the Chapter.
the KGB is allowed to
work with students,
unions and various in-
ternational organiza-
tions to accomplish its
goals, yet the CIA is
prohibited from doing
McCarthy called for
untying the hands of
the nation's intelligence
services for work in
those areas. He called
for an "equal contest"
between the US and
its adversaries. "No one
is coercing the people.
If they are willing to
work with, for or on
behalf of the United
States, then it should
be appropriate."
The speaker noted
that some intelligence-
gathering compro-
mises are "largely politically motivated." When a foreign
policy embarrassment arises, he said, too often the CIA
becomes the scapegoat, even though it operates only on
orders from above. On the other hand, McCarthy noted, the
KGB has continued its work unfettered and has contributed
to a growing international Soviet influence. "The countries in
the Soviet sphere of influence have grown from 7 to 35
percent of the globe's population."
Within our borders, he noted, the FBI has been
restricted in what it may investigate to those crimes already
committed or threats to the government's existence.
Supposedly, these restrictions protect otherwise presumably
innocent people but, in reality, the effect has been ridiculous
in reducing the number of files that can be kept on people.
"How can the FBI work effectively," the speaker asked.
Some sixty members and guest attended the Chapter's
February 17th meeting to hear CAPT Wendell "Ray" Alcorn,
USN, currently commander of the Naval Air Station, Fallon,
Nevada, and a former POW in North Vietnam for more than
seven years.
In a moving presentation that readily captured the full
attention of the audience, CAPT Alcorn recounted his shoot-
down and capture near Haiphong and the subsequent
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imprisonment, interrogations, life in prison, ill-treatment and
the faith and determination to survive that sustained him
and his fellow captives during their ordeal. He recounted the
isolation of captivity, the methods of communications he
and his fellow prisoners used and the often brutal sessions
of interrogation the prisoners endured. In answer to specific
questions, he described the visit to Hanoi of Jane Fonda in
1972 as having caused additional hardships for the
prisoners who refused to cooperate in the propaganda
ploys staged by the North Vietnamese attendant to Fonda's
visit. He noted that other Hanoi visitors of the period, such
as former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, deserve the
same distain as accorded Fonda. Also in response to a
question, he cited briefly the Cuban interrogators the POWs
encountered in Hanoi and their sadistic methods.
CAPT Alcorn also gave the audience an excellent
portrayal of the important mission of the Fallon installation
and conveyed his obvious delight with his assignment there.
In sum, it was a memorable evening, thanks to a most
inspiring individual.
Among items of Chapter business were the initiation of a
5050 lottery at meetings, acquisition of AFIO letterhead
stationery, the need for volunteers to work on the
Membership and Scholarship committees, the possibility of
holding monthly round-table discussions on topics of
interest to members and guests, and Ralph Briggs'
speaking schedule at the ROA and at the Mormon Chapel
on "Pearl Harbor." Special thanks were given to Jim Archer
for the sound system used at the meeting.
The announced speaker for the Chapter's March 16th
meeting was columnist Reed Irvine of Accuracy in Media
and Accuracy in Academia.
New England
New England Chapter. The Chapter's Winter meeting
was held at the Exeter Inn, Exeter, New Hampshire, with
sixty in attendance, including several new members. A
morning round-table on New England spies included
chapter vice president David O'Connor discussing Job
Kattenanit, a spy in King Philip's War; Kenneth Campbell on
Ethan Allen Hitchcock and the Spy Company during the
Mexican War; and Douglas Wheeler on Dartmouth graduates
and faculty who were intelligence officers. The luncheon
speaker was George J.A. O'Toole, who gave a fascinating
account of some of the myths found in intelligence history
and, in the process, coining a new word to describe the
result, "espionology." George's Encyclopedia of Intelligence
and Espionage is to be published in August.
On March 26th, a regional meeting of the New England
Chapter was held at South Londonderry, Vermont, for
members from Vermont and New Hampshire. In addition,
non-members who had signed up for the forthcoming
intelligence tour to England were invited. The forty in
attendance heard Col. Russell Bowen speak on the
backgrounds of some of the English authors and historians
who will address the tour group in England. The meeting
was particularly successful, with four new members brought
on board.
The tour endorsed by the Chapter has been fully
subscribed. In this regard, the chapter would like to thank
those who brought it to the attention of a number of
professional journals and newsletters which, in turn,
resulted in this successful turnout. We are particularly
indebted to Geoffrey Jones, president of the Veterans of
OSS, who made copies of the tour brochure available at a
recent New York dinner, resulting in several of the OSS
contingent deciding to join the tour.
The Chapter is preparing to purchase a video camera to
enable it to record the various events of the tour and to
videotape the various speakers and round-table discussions
at future Chapter meetings. The intent is to make copies of
such tapes available on loan to other chapters, as well as to
local schools and other interested groups. We hope to build
a videotape library of such material as part of the Chapter's
ongoing educational activities program.
Two members of the Chapter's board have received
commendations for their continued excellent support of
AFIO and this Chapter's activities: David O'Connor of
Boston, who was commended by LTG James Williams of
the MI Corps, and Dan Halpin of Bedford, NH, who was
commended by David Atlee Phillips. Both Dave and Dan
have been responsible for much of the continued success
of the Chapter and, in particular, in its growth through
exceptional success in recruiting new members.
New Mexico
New Mexico Chapter. The Chapter continues to meet
mid-day on the fourth Tuesday of each month. At the
September meeting, President Chuck Venable, on behalf of
the Chapter's Executive Committee, presented a framed
award honoring Tom Smith, who retired recently as Chapter
president. Tom was instrumental in founding the chapter
and served as its first president for two terms. The award
recognized his hard work in that effort, crowned by a
current membership of over sixty. He is now serving as
Membership Chairman, so we can be assured the Chapter
will continue to grow.
Our Executive Committee has been hard hit with
illnesses recently; The first, Herb Conley's stroke, necessitated
his resignation as treasurer, a post now filled by our second
vice-president, Phil Mogen. Our secretary underwent
quintuple heart bypass surgery in January, from which he is
now recovering. Our new Public Relations Committee
chairman is John Kay.
We continue to have interesting speakers at our monthly
meetings. Our July meeting heard John Daly, Senior
Resident Agent here for the Defense Investigative Service.
He noted that investigations for clearances above SECRET
are severely hampered by a prohibition against the personal
interview which has proved so helpful for clearances for
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SECRET and below. This raises the question in the
Chapter's mind if AFIO's members, or the organization
itself, should advocate repeal of the restriction. A Chapter
member, J.R. Runyon, spoke at our August meeting on the
Central American Indian view of politics, both local and in
the US. Our September meeting heard Dick Broder,
Chairman of the New Mexico Vietnam Veterans Leadership
Program, providing a necessary balance to the picture of
Vietnam veterans portrayed currently in the media. The
October meeting heard Professor Paul Jonas, University of
New Mexico, and a former leader of the Petrofi group which
was instrumental in the Hungarian Revolution. He spoke not
only on the philosophical basis of revolution, but also of his
current specialization, the economic situation in Africa. Col.
Harvey Stockman, a former POW in Vietnam and a
consultant on the movie Hanoi Hilton, spoke of his
experiences when assigned to early units of U-2 under CIA
auspices, and about his experiences as a POW in the
"Hanoi Hilton." It was noted that the exceptionally gripping
story of the Americans held in that North Vietnamese prison,
as portrayed in the movie, has been diminished by the
adverse public reaction of dissenters, particularly in the
media. Our January speaker was a former G-2 officer, Dr.
Cortez Williams, a professor at the University of New Mexico
who has specialized on South Africa. He provided us with
one of the most even-handed briefings on the situation
there that any of us had heard.
AFIO "Agent" Leads Hostage Rescue
You may have read about it last November. Six West
Point cadets, following a time-honored ritual of pranks
before the Army-Navy game, kidnapped Bill the Goat 23 and
his offspring, Bill the 24th, mascots at the US Naval
Academy, and spirited them off to a warehouse.
"We first considered getting a court order to retrieve
them," says AFIO member John M. Carbone. "And, if that
failed, by hook or by crook."
After learning from confidential sources where the goats
were being held hostage, Carbone mounted a rescue
mission, accompanied by ten other former veterans of the
US Navy. By that time, however, the hostages had been
moved to West Point for a staged appearance at a pep rally.
Later, they were removed to another warehouse where they
were held until the Commandant of West Point got wind of
the cadet caper and ordered the captives returned. The
West Point cadets, by the way, received just punishment:
They had to clean up the Army mule's stall which still reeked
of goat after it had served as a way-station in the movement
of the "prisoners."
Just What Is Desktop Publishing?
Many readers have commented favorably on the issues
of Periscope since AFIO went to "desktop publishing" with
the Fall 1986 issue. Just as many ask what "desktop
publishing" is.
First of all, it is money not spent on Periscope, about
$800 an issue less than the old way in which the final, edited
copy was sent to a typesetter, typeset, corrected several
times and then pasted up into "dummies" or rough page
layouts. Based on this, the printer did a final "camera-
ready" layout of the issue, layed in the "screened"
photographs, took a picture of the result, "burned" the
printing plates and printed and assembled the issue.
With "desktop publishing" AFIO types the final, edited
copy into the desktop computer (a microcomputer, to be
exact). The type faces to be used and other technical
specifications are included with the text; next, the typeset
columns are assembled into pages on the computer, then
printed out on a laser printer as "camera ready" for delivery
to the printer. (The printer still converts photos into
halftones for insertion in the "camera ready" pages
provided by AFIO.) In this way, AFIO has greater control
over the appearance of the publication, is able to reduce the
time it takes to produce it and eliminates a constant shuttle
of typeset galleys and corrections back and forth to the
typesetter. (One problem one has to face with desktop
publishing: it means we have to take responsibility for any
"typos" that appear, and can no longer blame them on
some distant typesetter who created new errors in
correcting the old ones.)
The key elements in this technical phase of "desktop
publishing" are the desktop computer, the necessary
computer software (Spellbinder Desktop Publisher by
Lexisoft, Inc.) and a laser printer (a Hewlett-Packard Laser
Jet Plus).
In addition to Periscope, AFIO has used its new Hewlett-
Packard microcomputer and "desktop publishing" to
produce the most recent pamphlet in the Intelligence
Profession Series, two issues of the AF/O Academic
Exchange, the cover letter for the News Commentary, some
of the pages in the new Membership Directory, flyers,
certificates, correspondence and the like.
A problem with desktop publishing, as with any
computer software package, is the learning curve, the
length of time it takes to become proficient in evolving from
simple documents such as correspondence to more
complex documents such as Periscope, which involves
learning and experimentation with different type faces, page
layouts and the like. From your letters, we find that it has
been worth the additional effort.
Chapter Officers Please Note: Deadline for Chapter Reports and Photographs
for the Next Issue of Periscope is July 5th.
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From Purpose
the AFIO was organized in 1975 by former intelligence per
President's security agencies. Its purpose is to promote public under-
Desk tional intelligence establishment.
As this issue goes to press, we have good news and
bad news in the academic community and AFIO's relations
with them. The good news is that AFIO's Academic
Exchange has been well received by those professors with
whom we are in contact. Specifically, the second edition of
the Exchange carried a syllabus for a course taught by
Professor Alan R. Booth at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio,
and since that issue was sent, we have received another
syllabus from Professor Charles D. Ameringer, Head of the
Department of History, Penn State University.
We also received a book review from Professor Peter
Charles Unsinger at San Jose State University, San Jose,
California. Both will be published in the next issue of the
Academic Exchange. The requests from the professors
continue to grow. AFIO chapters and members are
encouraged to continue to explore the teaching of courses
related to intelligence at colleges and universities to which
they have access. Please send us their names and
addresses so that we can add to our list.
The down side in the educational world is the organized
opposition to the intelligence community which has most
recently manifested itself in the open protests against CIA
recruitment on campuses. You may recall the publicity
connected with Amy Carter and Abbie Hoffman at the
University of Massachusetts. Colby College in Waterville,
Maine, went through a difficult situation in which the faculty
voted against CIA recruitment on their campus; Recently,
however, the Colby Board of Trustees overruled the faculty
vote and approved the recruitment programs. A Progressive
Student Network held a convention at Rutgers University
last February in order to build a national student organization
to pick up where the Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS) of the Sixties left off.
I mention this situation in hopes that it will inspire you to
join in the development and expansion of the AFIO
Academic Assistance Program.
Currently, there are several pieces of legislation pending
in Congress which affect the intelligence community. AFIO
has presented its views through the efforts of Walter
Pforzheimer and Lawrence Houston.
The health of AFIO continues to be good but, in order to
achieve our goals, we need to recruit more members as well
as the active AFIO participation by our members.
AFIO believes that effective intelligence is the nation's
first line of defense against surprise from abroad, subver-
sion at home and possibly dangerous miscalculation by our
national leaders in the conduct of foreign and defense
policy. AFIO therefore holds that reliable intelligence is es-
sential to the cause of peace.
In pursuing its objectives, AFIO
? Works closely with appropriate committees of the con-
gress regarding legislation affecting the intelligence
agencies, responds to congressional requests for its
views and information on intelligence matters, and is
frequently called upon to testify on specific legislative
? Through its network of local chapters across the
nation, provides speakers for discussion of national
security issues before civic, academic and profes-
sional groups.
? Promotes educational programs explaining the role
and importance of intelligence.
? Provides participants for network and local TV and
radio programs on national security issues.
? Is frequently consulted by scholars, authors, jour-
nalists and TV producers on intelligence matters.
? Monitors media treatment of intelligence and security
issues and, where inaccuracies and distortions occur,
attempts to set the record straight.
? Distributes to its members a quarterly publication with
news, views and book reviews relating to intelligence,
and a quarterly digest of current news commentary.
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building,
6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.
Phone (703) 790-0320.
Officers of AFIO are:
RADM Donald P. Harvey (USN-Ret) ..................... President
Charles A. Briggs ............................................Vice President
Robert J. Novak .......................................................Treasurer
Charlotta P. Engrav ................................................. Secretary
John K. Greaney ...................................... Executive Director
Gretchen Campbell ............................................Administrator
Hans Moses ................................ Editor, News Commentary
Edward F. Sayle .................................... Editor of Periscope
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JCS Chairman Warns Nation Must Match Threat
With Consistent and Rational Defense Polic
"No military leader in our nation desires war,"
Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr. told members of the As-
sociation of Former Intelligence Officers June 8th. "To
keep the peace is the fundamental mission of the
armed forces, and the primary measure of their
success is the ability to deter conflict," he said.
Admiral Crowe, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, stressed that it is imperative the American people
recognize that the nation's military strength under-
writes US foreign and economic policies and is "an in-
dispensable pillar of our liberty." They must also recog-
nize, he said, that the threat is real, diverse and part of
the everyday world.
The speaker warned that the armed forces are only
now in "mid-stream" in the modernization program to
restore capabilities that were dangerously atrophied in
the 1970s. The possibility of a continuing zero or
negative growth defense budget, he said, "would be
disasterous, and I mean that genuinely."
"Frankly," said Admiral Crowe, "such a policy at this
time is not justified by the threat, the political climate or
the military situation." He noted that on four occasions
in the last ninety years the nation has let its defenses
sag, and then was forced into combat dangerously un-
prepared. "In each instance, we paid an exorbitant and
needless price in lives, treasure and instability."
"And make no mistake, the Soviets will use their
power brutally and directly when they feel that the
calculus is in their favor."
The JCS chairman stressed also his recognition
that "intelligence truly is our first line of defense - and
that all Americans have a vital interest in keeping those
ramparts strong." He compared AFIO's efforts to
elevate public understanding of this necessity with his
own responsibility to retain the patience and continu-
ing support of all our citizens for a consistent and
rational defense policy.
"Of course, the nature of the peril we face further
complicates the challenge of educating the public
about defense affairs. You know the threat well, but I
am persuaded that among our citizens there is a
general lack of awareness as to its diverse character."
Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
"Today security challenges wear many faces other
than the galvanizing specter of a nuclear or a major
conventional war with the Soviet Union."
"I'm not arguing that we must match the Soviet
Union or anyone else weapon for weapon, gun for gun
or man for man. We all know - in fact we insist - that
our humane and decent society must do many things
in addition to building its military strength. We under-
stand, therefore, that in a major war or other engage-
ment with the Soviets, we are going to go into battle at
sea, on the land, or in the air outnumbered in both
manpower and equipment."
Rather, said the speaker, the United States must
"find ways to compensate with quality weapons
systems, excellent people, realistic traininq, broad and
responsive logistical support and the help of our Free
World friends and allies."
[The full text of Admiral Crowe's remarks appears
elsewhere in this issue.]
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A conference on intelligence and a wreath-laying
ceremony at the statute of Nathan Hale were the focus of
activities in Washington to commemorate "National
Intelligence Community Week," May 31-June 6.
A resolution, introduced by Senator David Boren,
chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,
and supported by thirty-six other senators, commended the
dedication of intelligence personnel "in difficult and
dangerous circumstances abroad, and in arduous,
intellectually challenging assignments at home." It noted the
essential nature of intelligence to the national security and
urged that efforts be made to foster the understanding and
appreciation of the American people that intelligence is the
first line of defense.
The resolution, adopted by the Senate on May 21, noted
that it was appropriate "to recognize the continuing
contribution of our intelligence officers during the week of
the anniversary of the birth of Nathan Hale, an early patriot,
hero, and practitioner of American intelligence who
symbolizes the selfless dedication of our Nation's
intelligence personnel."
In a message of support, President Reagan noted: "No
one better symbolizes love of country than Captain Nathan
Hale, a hero and intelligence officer in the War of
Independence. His legacy of patriotism is perpetuated by
the dedicated men and women serving with our intelligence
agencies. They can take much pride and satisfaction in their
vital work."
He commended organizations like the Hale Foundation,
sponsor of the week's activities, for helping to remind
Americans that "vigilance against the enemies of our Nation
is an essential part of safeguarding the freedoms we enjoy."
"I salute everyone involved in paying tribute to our
intelligence community and Captain Nathan Hale, and I
wish you all my very best. God bless you, and God bless
America," the President said.
On Capitol Hill, a conference, which included five AFIO
members as panelists, studied the role of intelligence, and
on Constitution Avenue a wreath was placed at the Nathan
Hale statue adjacent to the Department of Justice.
Meanwhile, in the House of Representatives, the
resolution dealing with "National Intelligence Community
Week" rested quietly on the desks of a subcommittee of the
House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, a repeat
of the subcommittee's performance last year. The
subcommittee, which has responsibility for such
designations in joint resolutions, found inadequate support
by Members of the House to send the the matter to the floor
for a vote.
AFIO's President Raymond Wannall
Speaks At Nathan Hale Commemoration
Conference on Intelligence
On June 2, a conference on intelligence, sponsored by
the Hale Foundation, was held in one of the Senate
committee hearing rooms. Larry Sulc, a member of AFIO's
board of directors and president of the foundation presided.
Among the panelists were AFIO's president and vice
president, W. Raymond Wannall and Dr. Walter
Pforzheimer, and members Donald Jameson and Frank
Honoring Nathan Hale
A wreath-laying ceremony at the statue of Nathan Hale
on June 6, marked the the 232nd anniversary of Captain
Hale's birth. Larry SuIc, again presiding, observed that "We
meet here on the anniversary of his birth to commemorate
Nathan Hale's sacrifice, his example and the lesson to be
drawn. His example: courage, patriotism, character,
dedication. The lesson: the need for a permanent and
professional United States intelligence service fully
supported by the American people."
Joining in remarks was AFIO's president, W. Raymond
Wannall. Also representing AFIO were Maj. Gen. Jack
Thomas (USAF-Ret), chairman of the board of directors,
and Dr. Walter Pforzheimer, vice president. Dr. Pforzheimer
also represented Hale's alma mater, Yale University. The
President's message was read and taps were sounded by
members of the VFW in full dress whites. ^
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Notes From National
We have attempted to find interesting items as inserts
with each issue of Periscope. Our criteria is that the material
must be related to the organization interests of our
membership and, of necessity, that it be furnished free of
charge to AFIO in sufficient quantity to assure each member
gets a copy. Some members have criticized Headquarters
of disseminating partisan political information. We have
scrupulously attempted to avoid this, but it must be
understood that publications we obtain from the
government rarely criticize policies and programs of the
incumbent administration. We believe that the role of AFIO
is to provide its members with information, not only for self-
education, but for possible use in lectures or interviews on
current topics related to the Intelligence Community
One of our members, E.I. Williams, who converted
recently to life membership notes "Hope I can run it out for
10 more years to get on your time. Should have done this
15 years ago." We are pleased to report that our goal of 100
Life Members for this fiscal year, which ends on August 31,
1987, is well within reach and we thank all the members
who have become Life Members. We consider this a firm
endorsement of AFIO and its goals.
We are encouraged by the activities of a number of the
chapters, including Nevada, New England, Ohio and Texas,
in expanding our Academic Assistance Program. They have
been going out and contacting universities and colleges in
their areas, suggesting and offering to help teach courses
on intelligence. One thing that all AFIO members can do is
to write to their own Alma Maters and determine whether or
not courses on intelligence are included in its curricula. You
may wish to suggest that the colleges and universities write
directly to AFIO for more information.
Thomas B. Mackie, an AFIO life member, has donated
$1,000 to the Academic Assistance Fund in memory of Bill
Casey. Tom's donation will permit us to offer copies of
Breaking the Ring, by John Barron, as a fourth book in our
academic assistance effort. We consider this an important
step in the continuing development of the Academic
Assistance Program.
We must again remind our members to advise us of
address changes; The post office will not forward third class
mail to you. Remember, the deadline for the next AFIO
Directory is fast approaching, December 31st.
John K. Greaney
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building,
6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.
Phone (703) 790-0320.
Officers of AFIO are:
W. Raymond Wannall .............................................. President
Dr. Walter L. Pforzheimer .............................. Vice President
Robert J. Novak .......................................................Treasurer
Charlotta P. Engrav ................................................. Secretary
John K. Greaney ...................................... Executive Director
Edward F. Sayle ................................ Editor of PERISCOPE
LtCol Mark E. BERENT, (USAF-Ret)
Remington Virginia
Mr. Ralph D. BLOCK
Houston, Texas
COL Russell J. BOWEN
Arlington, Virginia
Mr. Lester E. BUSH
St. Petersburg, Florida
Novato, California
Mr. Stanley H. GAINES
Falls Church, Virginia
Dr. Fred A. GEARY
East Hartford, Connecticut
Norman, Oklahoma
Mr. David T. HOTTEL
Stafford, Virginia
Mr. William M. KENT
Orangeburg, South Carolina
Mr. Francis P. LAGGAN
Falls Church, Virginia
Spec. George LeLESZ, (USA-Ret)
Bronx, New York
Mr. James J. LOEB
New York, New York
Mr. William John McGINNIS, Jr.
Venice, Florida
Mr. William MACONES
Germantown, Maryland
Col Robert W. NICHOLSON, (USAF-Ret)
Herndon, Virginia
Manassas, Virginia
Mr. Robert H. SHAFFER
Bloomington, Indiana
Washington, D.C.
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William Webster Sworn-In As New DCI
Remarks of the President
On the Swearing-in of William Webster
as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
May 26, 1987
In gathering here today to swear in your new
Director, William Webster, we have come together for
an event that will shape our Nation's history and affect
the course of freedom throughout the world.
The Central Intelligence Agency finds its roots in
the earliest days of the Republic. General George
Washington said that intelligence service demands
those on "whose firmness and fidelity we may safely
rely." And during World War II, dedicated Americans
answered his call - sometimes the ultimate call - in the
Office of Strategic Services. Their creativity and
achievement remain the building blocks for today.
Among those was the late Bill Casey, whose deter-
mination and personal courage in the clandestine
effort against Adolph Hitler meant the difference
between victory and defeat. While the world changed
in the 45 years since OSS was founded, his capacity
for leadership did not, nor did the devotion of the men
and women of our intelligence services.
From the days in the late seventies where we found
America's intelligence capabilities reduced and
demoralized, today our intelligence community
performs a vital role in the struggle against internation-
al terrorism and drug trafficking. It exposes and
counters the huge, menacing apparatus of Soviet
espionage and propaganda and scouts future chal-
Unfortunately, many of your successes can only be
celebrated in private. But those of us in the Executive
Branch and the Congress know about these gallant
efforts and recognize, for example, verifying arms
reduction agreements and the continued expansion of
freedom must rest on a solid intelligence foundation.
Se we have a responsibility to assure the American
people that they have the best intelligence service in
the world, and that is staffed by honorable men and
women who work within the framework of our laws and
shared values.
It has become fashionable in some quarters to act
as if the Central Intelligence Agency were somehow
not completely a part of our own government - as if it
were not constantly working against hostile powers
who threaten the security of the American people. But
our liberty, our way of life, requires external vigilance,
the United States cannot survive in the modern world
without a vigorous intelligence agency capable of
acting swiftly and in secret. So long as I am President,
I will never consent to see our intelligence capability
As Bill Casey said only a short time before his
death, this is not an arena for tender egos or shrink-
ing violets. The clashes and ideas can get rough; no
one's views are protected from challenge. Nor is the
CIA the place for the cynical or the merely curious. It is
instead a place for people who are aware of the world
and who are ready and willing to make a commitment
to serve their country in a challenging environment
where one person can, indeed, make a difference."
William Hedgcock Webster is just such a man. After
service with the naval reserve during two wars, he
began a legal career of extraordinary accomplishment
that would last a quarter of a century, and culminate in
distinguished terms as Judge of the US District Court
for Eastern Missouri and US Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit. In 1978, President Carter appointed him
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The late seventies were a difficult time for the FBI -
and in leaving the bench, Judge Webster was forfeiting
a lifetime post and work that he loved. Even so, he
stated that he looked on the assignment as a "great
adventure." Even so, he asserted his absolute deter-
mination, "To maintain the high standards and tradi-
tions of the FBI." Asked why he was so willingly taking
upon himself so heavy a burden, Judge Webster
answered simply: "I am an old Navy man . . . and I
heard a Bosun's pipe . . .
That remark alone says a great deal about the
Judge. He does not look upon his Nation's call to duty
as something onerous, something to be endured. He
looks upon it instead as something inviting, something
even invigorating - a Bosun's pipe. And during these
past nine years, Judge Webster has done more than
maintain the standards of the FBI. He has raised them.
The Bureau under Judge Webster has for the first
time become expert in drug investigations and white
collar crime. It has made innovative use of high-tech-
nology equipment. And I have often spoken of the
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Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell administers the oath of office to Judge William H. Webster, the new
Director of Central Intelligence, at ceremonies held at CIA in Langley, Virginia, May 26. Witnessing the
ceremony are President Ronald Reagan, Vice President George Bush, and Deputy Director of CIA Robert
Gates. The Bible is held by Druscilla L. Bush, Judge Webster's daughter. In the audience were members of
the Cabinet, directors of Intelligence Community agencies and services, members of the Congressional
oversight committees, former DCIs and other distinguished guests.
need for dramatic, historic strikes against organized
crime and praised the FBI's brilliant role in this
endeavor. Morale in the FBI has soared - today the
Bureau is a proud institution, thoroughly imbued with a
sense of public service. And confidence in the Bureau
on the part of Congress, the President and - most im-
portant - the American people - this confidence is
strong and vital.
Judge Webster, I know that as you leave the FBI,
you leave behind much that you will miss. And I know
that your colleagues at the Bureau will want to join me
as, on behalf of the American people, I thank you for a
job well done.
Now the Bosun's pipe has sounded.
In becoming the Director today of the Central Intel-
ligence Agency, Judge Webster is stepping up to the
leadership of an institution that by its very nature is a
likely subject of controversy. Yet it is also irreplace-
able. The CIA routinely places demands upon it:;
employees that would elsewhere be deemed out-
rageous. Yet it offers them the satisfaction of keeping
freedom's candle burning.
And now, Judge Webster, we turn over to you the
stewardship of this devoted group of men and women.
Their mission is nothing less than the defense of
liberty. Just consider the Agency s history. And
although the specific undertakings must remain secret,
today this agency uses all its resources to advance the
cause of freedom.
So, Judge Webster, we ask you to maintain this
agency's high standards, as you pleaged to maintain
those of the FBI; we ask you to lead the Central Intel-
ligence Agency on to still greater service to our nation.
And we know that, given your service at the FBI - given
your entire career - in leading this great and vital
institution, you will make it greater ;till. IN
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Remarks of
Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Before the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers
June 8, 1987
It's a pleasure for me - as an old submariner - to be here today, and
to meet with members of the real, silent service. I naturally feel at home
with an Association that has a newsletter called Periscope. But, I have to
admit at the outset that I always look forward to events like this, away
from the rigors of the Pentagon. I've been in this job for over a year and a
half now, and in that time I've relearned the hard lesson that Washington
can be a very tough town.
So it's a pleasure to take refuge in friendly surroundings, if only
briefly. And it's especially gratifying to speak to a group of people who
have given their professional lives to truly selfless service of our country
in a calling that never gets-enough recognition, and whose reputation for
patriotism remains unexcelled.
Throughout my career I have been not just a consumer of
intelligence, but a great admirer of the discipline and its practitioners.
This particularly applies to Bill Casey. I had the privilege of sitting
next to him at National Security Council and National Security Planning
Group meetings for several months. His fine mind and dedication to the
nation's interest were constantly evident. We are indeed indebted to him
for a lifetime of activist patriotism, and for his leadership in the
restoration of important intelligence capabilities in the 1980s. He will be
long remembered by your Community.
I'm confident that Judge Webster's leadership will be equally
distinguished. It's a matter of necessity, really, because from where I sit
now it is clearer than ever that in the troubled world we face, intelligence
truly is our first line of defense - and that all Americans have a vital
interest in keeping those ramparts strong.
The Association of Former Intelligence Officers is well known for its
work in that connection, promoting public understanding of - and
support for - a healthy intelligence establishment. You helped the
community survive the demoralizing debates of the 1970s and
rehabilitate itself in the 1980s. Those who are still on active service no
doubt find your support truly sustaining - and I congratulate you for
those important contributions.
I am especially appreciative of the work you have been able to do in
elevating public understanding of intelligence - because I face a similar
challenge in my own sphere.
What I'd like to do for just a few minutes this afternoon is to review
three particular areas that I believe need special emphasis and better
public understanding: the central role of the Armed Forces in American
life, the spectrum of threats which we currently face, and the current state
of our forces. Then I'd be pleased to take your questions on any subjects
that interest you. Not so parenthetically, I'd be pleased to enlist your
expert help in the communications business. No one is better-equipped
than you to help the public understand the world's realities, and their
security imperatives for the United States.
At a high level of generality, of course, everyone is familiar with some
of the basics about our defense posture. America's national security
goals have never been mysterious or complicated. They have, in fact,
remained essentially unchanged over the last 40 years.
We want to preserve our independence, freedom of action, and
the territorial integrity of the United States.
I We want to promote US and Allied vital interests abroad; and
? We want to shape an international order in which our freedoms
and democratic institutions can prosper.
But what gets lost in translation, for many of our citizens, is the fact
that these words describe what our military strength can do, and does
do, for us every day. Many look at defense only as a shield against direct
attack, but it does a great deal more than that.
Our power underwrites all our commercial transactions with the
international community, our political dealings, our use of the sea lanes,
our ability to communicate with friends overseas, our approaches to arms
control negotiations, our credibility in dealing with mischief makers. It
cements alliances which, in turn, enhance our own security. In fact, our
strength has been an indispensable pillar not only of our own freedom
and affluence but also the prosperity and the liberty of friends and allies
around the globe. That's a fact of international life today.
During my time in NATO, I observed firsthand that our military
contribution to the coalition literally anchors its political unity as well as
furnishing the centerpiece of its defense. Above all, it has given us the
longest period of uninterrupted peace in Western Europe that that
continent has enjoyed in many decades.
When I served as the Commander-in-Chief of US Pacific Forces, a
succession of Asian leaders emphasized to me the importance of a
strong America and the significance of our forward-deployed forces.
Behind the bulwark of our power they have been able to seek economic
prosperity and political maturity in their own fashion and at their own
pace. They constantly stressed that theme to me wherever I went. I have
visited recently in Central and South America and the Middle East.
Leaders in those areas clearly want a powerful America as-a backdrop for
their efforts to build free and functioning societies.
The bottom line is that our military capability provides us a host of
benefits in terms of both national security and foreign policy, every day of
the year.
Of course, the nature of the peril we face further complicates the
challenge of educating the public about defense affairs. You know the
threat well, but I am persuaded that among our citizens there is a general
lack of awareness as to its diverse character. Today security challenges
wear many faces other than the galvanizing specter of a nuclear or a
major conventional war with the Soviet Union.
American interests are threatened on a number of fronts: terrorism
that can occur anywhere on the globe at any time; the manifold activities
of Soviet surrogates who seek to promote instability wherever possible,
for example, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Libya, South Yemen, North Korea; and
proliferating local conflicts in the Third World: Angola, Beirut, Chad, Iran-
Iraq, Cambodia, Afghanistan.
But the American people is not used to thinking of the world - much
less the threat - in such terms. Henry Kissinger - a philosopher and
statesman of some note - once observed that we tend to think of
"peace" and "war" as two entirely separate and incompatible spheres of
activity. The everyday world, of course, is much more blurred than this.
Admiral Jim Watkins, the former Chief of Naval Operations, used the
term "violent peace" to make the point that today even a "peaceful"
world is marked by competition, conflict and strife. Any newspaper
testifies to the fact that he is right.
But in the final analysis, the relative tranquility of our own lives here at
home often numbs us to these various developments. It tends also to
obscure the significance of Soviet activities which are designed not only
to promote Moscow's values, but also to undercut and to limit the
prospects for pluralism wherever the Free World is vulnerable.
The Kremlin understands very well the fundamentally competitive
nature of the international community, and seeks deliberately to take
advantage of it at every turn. And make no mistake, the Soviets will use
their power brutally and directly when they feel that the-calculus is in their
favor. Witness Afghanistan. It has always fascinated me that while most
countries use force against their enemies, leaders in Moscow don't
hesitate to use it against friends, when they see fit to do so, as members
of the Warsaw Pact can testify.
The USSR's burgeoning military capability is well documented, and I
won't belabor the statistics here. Suffice it to say that Moscow's
investment in raw power is unprecedented - also, frankly, it is
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unprovoked - and on sheer momentum alone will carry well into the
1990s, if not longer. Like it or not, that threat is increasing, not
decreasing, every year, in both qualitative and quantitative terms. Former
Secretary of Defense Harold Brown once observed that when we build,
the Soviet Union builds; and, when we stop building, the Soviet Union
builds. The 1980s have shown, not surprisingly, that when we resume
building, the Soviet Union continues to build. Those facts of life pretty
well speak for themselves.
The result is not only an impressive Soviet military apparatus, but also
an expanding proclivity for Moscow to project that power, to foster
instability, to exploit surrogates, to promote terrorism, to support small
but fierce regional conflicts, and to encourage anti-American regimes to
challenge Washington in a variety of ways and places. It is imperative for
Americans to recognize those realities and to confront them squarely. We
ignore them at our peril)
Faced with these diverse and ever-present prospects of harm to
American interests, the Pentagon must build forces that can cope with
the full continuum of challenges.
We do the best we can, with the resources provided us. And I am
convinced that the current state of our armed forces is sound by any
commonsense measure, largely thanks to the substantial improvements
we have made in the last five to six years. With the encouragement of the
Administration and the help of the Congress, the depressing trends of the
1970s have been reversed and we have seen our military capability
improve in every category. One of our most impressive areas of
improvement has been in intelligence collection and analysis. But, above
all, our personnel problems have diminished. Our young people are the
best that I have seen in over 40 years of service. It is probably the
greatest reward of a career in the military to associate with young
American men and women every day. They would give anyone
confidence about the future of our country.
Further, our readiness has improved, and so has our modernization,
our sustainability and our force structure. This remarkable turnaround has
been accomplished by a resurgence of pride and morale at every level. I
see it throughout the world in all our Services. The spirit is the best I've
experienced in my career.
But I likewise believe strongly that we must carry to fruition the
President's modernization programs we undertook at the start of this
decade. Though we have done well in restoring capabilities that had
dangerously atrophied in the 1970s, and the progress thus far is
encouraging, we are only mid-stream in the process and there is much
yet to be done. For example, at the end of this fiscal year:
? Only about 40 percent of our armor units will have the newest M-1
tank, and a quarter of our active mechanized battalions will have the
Bradley Fighting Vehicle,
? A third to a half of our tactical air wings will QQj have received new
fighter bombers,
And only a little over one-third of our submarine force will be
made up of the latest attack units.
I won't dwell on materiel because you are so familiar with our status.
Let me just say I could cite a host of further examples.
Aside from these measures of incompleteness of our progress,
consider all the pressures on us to do more, or to do better - in the realm
of Special Operations Forces, limited intensity conflict, in counter-
terrorism, in drug enforcement and so forth.
In a similar vein, we have new missions and command
responsibilities. Fifteen years ago there was no Central Command. Today
it is a major headquarters which bears the planning responsibility for
possible United States commitments in South Asia, and which would
direct our operations there if we had to project force into the region.
Fifteen years ago there was no Indian Ocean Task Force. We are
currently deployed there 365 days a year. A decade ago our
headquarters in Panama was, to many people, a low priority command.
Now it receives national attention.
These unfulfilled goals and new demands place a high premium on
sustaining public support for defense. The fact is, of course, we are
engaged in a contest that is a marathon not a sprint, but the real question
is not what kind of race it is, but whether we are going to stay the course.
I'm not arguing that we must match the Soviet Union or anyone else
weapon for weapon, gun for gun or man for man. We all know - in fact,
we insist - that our humane and decent society must do many things in
addition to building its military strength. We understand, therefore, that in
a major war or other engagement with the Soviets, we are going to go
into battle at sea, on the land, or in the air outnumbered in both
manpower and equipment.
Military leaders in my generation have learned that that is a fact of
life, and we move on to find ways to compensate with quality weapons
systems, excellent people, realistic training, broad and responsive
logistical support and the help of our Free World friends and allies.
But that makes it a "sporty" course; a package that leaves little
margin for error, and no room for retreat from the challenge in any of
those compensatory areas. The programs of the early 1980s have given
us the right impetus. In my view, America is safer as a result, and the
prospects for what many citizens understand as peace are higher.
But the job simply isn't finished, and the outcome of our budget
agonies in the last couple of cycles left us short of where we need to be.
Moreover, given the current state of the public mind on these matters, I
am convinced that we will probably confront a similar struggle this year.
We may be able to live with one or two points on a flat or descending
appropriations curve, but several years of declining appropriations would
be disasterous and I mean that genuinely.
I can't help but be alarmed by the signal which a continuing zero or
negative growth defense budget would send to both our allies and our
potential opponents. Frankly, such a policy at this time is not justified by
the threat, the political climate or the military situation.
You would think our history would be helpful here. Four times in the
last 90 years we have let our defenses sag and then were forced into
combat dangerously unprepared. In each instance, we paid an exorbitant
and needless price in lives, treasure and instability. Americans seem to
have painfully short memories. I heard a wag say that we remember the
Alamo, we remember the Maine, we remember Pearl Harbor. When we
win, we forget them.
This, of course, is why I put so much stress on communicating
military views, concerns and needs to the civilian community.
No military leader in our nation desires war. To keep the peace is the
fundamental mission of the armed forces, and the primary measure of
their success is the ability to deter conflict. But we must constantly
remind our citizens that freedom is not free. It requires continuous effort,
vigilance and, at all times, sacrifice; the type of sacrifice for which this
Republic is famous.
It is imperative for Americans to recognize:
That our military strength underwrites our foreign and economic
policies and is an indispensable pillar of our liberty,
? That the threat is real, diverse and part of the everyday world,
? And, lastly, that we have some ways to go in improving our armed
forces before we can face the future with genuine confidence.
If deterrence is to continue to work well, we must match the growing
danger with a consistent and rational defense policy geared for the long
run instead of one marked by peaks and valleys which have
characterized so much of our peacetime history.
If the US military is to be successful, it needs good people and good
hardware. But, above all, it needs the patience and continuing support of
all our citizens. Our military is not a separate and distinct community. It is
an integral element of the society it serves and, in the end, it will only be
as good as you want it to be.
Summer 1987 P Approved For Release 2004/1 p/~r '1 . &R-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
ALLER, Mr. George B.
2168 N. Fairway Lane
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
DALGLEISH, Mr. Donald D.
6022 North 59th Place
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
FULLERTON, Mr. Steven P.
1700 E. 13th Street
#22-Y East
Cleveland, OH 44114
ASHER, Mr. Jesse W.
372 E. Maple Street
Dyer, TN 38330
10919 Whisper Ridge
San Antonio, TX 78230
BENZ, Mr. Bill K.
6501 W. Charleston #121
Las Vegas, NV 89102
BOOTH, Mr. Franklin R.
14 Scholl Road
Pottstown, PA 19464
Pearl Harbor, HI 96860
BRETT, Mr. Cecil C.
700 North 9th Street
Monmouth, IL 61462
BRIGGS, Mr. Charles A.
1752 Broadside Lane
Vienna, VA 22180
BRIGGS, Mr. Ralph T.
5224 S. Annie Oakley Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89120
CALLOWAY, Mr. Daniel J.,
Proenza, White et al
2900 Middle Street
Miami, FL 33133
CONNOR, Mr. Robert T.
1610 Starling Drive
Sarasota, FL 33581
COX, George Thomas
382 Sweden Street
Caribou, ME 04736
CRUSOE, Mr. David G.
4009 Arrowood Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89117
CUNNION, Col Francis J.
2708 Virginia St NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
DEKKER, Mr. Clarence E.
5805 Herbert Street
Burke, VA 22015
DeLEEUW, 1 Lt John F.
5341 Castle Road
Abilene, TX 79606
DeSANTIS, Mr. Edward
Pinkerton's Inc.
138 Church Street
New York, NY 10007
DIMLER, Mr. Lewis E.
4824 Ponderosa Dr.
Annandale, VA 22003
DORR, Mr. George W.
2615 Silverdale Court
Silver Spring, MD 20906
DOUNTAS, Mr. Peter J.
P.O. Box 36647
Albuquerque, NM 87176
DUNTLEY, Mr. Seibert 0.
2570 Caminito Porthcawl
La Jolla, CA 92037
EDWARDS, Mr. Charles F.
112 1 /2 Jones Street
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
FALBAUM, Mr. Bertram S.
14909 Jaslow Street
Centreville, VA 22020
FAVORITE, Mr. Jerry M.
10 W. Park Street
Westerville, OH 43081
FLINT, Mr. Howard M.
1481 Bell Road
Chagren Falls, OH 44022
FORDHAM, Mr. Gregory L.
5959 First Landing Way
Burke, VA 22015
FRITZ, Mr. Paul V.
27 Ridgecrest Ter. #12
West Roxbury, MA 02132
P. 0. Box 693
Boulder, CO 80306
GARDNER, Mr. David W.
6990 Mink Hollow Rd.
Highland, MD 20777
GIBBONS, Mr. Francis E.
13720 S.W. 73 Ct.
Miami, FL 33158
1400 S. Joyce Street, #C-113
Arlington, VA 22202
GRAVES, Mr. Hunter Lee
Rt. 1, Box 569
N. Garden, VA 22959
GUZZO, Mr. John R.
34 Russell Road
Albany, NY 12205
GUZZO, Mrs. Nancy A.
34 Russell Road
Albany, NY 12205
HAUSKEN, Col Leonard R.
775 Sycamore Avenue
San Bruno, CA 94066
HAYES, Mr. Hugh D.
3190 70h St. SW
Naples, FL 33999
HELANDER, Mr. Melvin
2908 Wisconsin, N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87110
HENDERSON, Mr. Lindsey P.
111 E. 49th Street
Savannah, GA 31405
HOLBROOK, Mr. Willard A.
724 20th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
HOTTEL, Mr. David T.
110 Leisure Street
Stafford, VA 22554
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
HOWARD, Mr. Frank W.
P. 0. Box 521087
Tulsa, OK 74152
McKECHNIE, Mr. C. Logan
9820 Maine Ave.
Lakeside, CA 92040
RESH, Mr. Ronald E.
416 Hungerford Dr., Suite 316
Rockville, MD 20850
JONES, Mr. J. Nicholas
3239 W. LeMoyne St.
Chicago, IL 60651
KENNEALLY, Mr. Dennis M.
1016 South Wayne St.
Arlington, VA 22204
KIZAK, Mr. Edward J.
216 Melbourne Avenue
Indialantic, FL 32903
KRAMISH, Mr. Arnold
P. 0. Box 2621
Reston, VA 22090
KUHN, Mr. F. Stuart
377 Madrone Avenue
Larkspur, CA 94939
460 E. 79th Street, #15A
New York, NY 10021
LeFEVRE, Mr. Carl A.
421 Barton Run Blvd.
Marlton, NJ 08053
LEWIS, Mr. Robert J.C.K.
14003 Parkvale Road
Rockville, MD 20853
LITTLE, Mr. Arthur F.
9718 St. Andrews Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
LOEB, Mr. James J.
2 Sutton Place South, #15D
New York, NY 10022
LUKE, Mr. James A.
3804 Adams Drive
Wheaton, MD 20902
LUSK, Mr. James R.
1401 Lime Rock Dr.
Round Rock, TX 78681
MacCORMACK, Mr. Robin
483 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02115
McGINTY, Mr. Dan L.
3663 Promentory Street
San Diego, CA 92109
McLEROY, Mr. James D.
5404 Montgomery St NE, #611-A
Albuquerque, NM 87109
McMICHAEL, Mr. John W.
6535 E. 60th Street
Tulsa, OK 74145
MENARD, Mr. Edward J.
1235D Ramsel Court
San Francisco, CA 94129
1169 Laurel Loop NE
Albuquerque, NM 87122
MURRAY, Mr. John M.
707 E. Roy, #5
Seattle, WA 98102
NICKELL, Mr. Daniel B.
14582 Olde Kent Rd.
Centerville, VA 22020
3413 Alabama Ave.
Alexandria, VA 22305
NOORY, Col George G.
3500 Everest Drive
Millcrest Hgts., MD 20748
NORTON, Mr. William F.
217B Cleveland Ave.
Mineola, NY 11501
O'CONNELL, Mr. Edward J.
2016 Westwood Ter.
Vienna, VA 22180
O'CONNOR, Mr. Francis X.
18909 Muncaster Road
Derwood, MD 20855
PRICE, MAJ Donald L.
P. 0. Box 9608
Naples, FL 33941
RAAD, Mr. Antonio
469 Almeda Street
Detroit, MI 49203
RIEDER, Mr. Eugene W.
12320 Melody Turn
Bowie, MD 20715
SCANLON, Mr. John B.
10713 Montgomery Dr.
Manassas, VA 22111
SCHULER, Mr. Richard H.
356 White Oaks Dr.
Albuquerque, NM 87122
SEEGREN, LtCol Norman W.
3702 Prado Place
Fairfax, VA 22031
SINGEL, Mr. Robert D.
1001 Windswept Dr.
Great Falls, VA 22066
SMITH, Ms. Denyse
15 Eleventh Ave South
Naples, FL 33940
SMITH, Mr. William H.
3052 Bel Pre Road, #303
Silver Spring, MD 20906
STEADMAN, Mr Charles R.
9 Greenway Plaza, #806
Houston, TX 77046
STEWART, Mr. James P. (Jack)
1219 Matamoros Street, #501
Laredo, TX 78040
9125 Copper NE, #706
Abuquerque, NM 87123
17110 Wood Bark Road
Spring, TX 77379
WILLIAMS, Mr. Philip R.
292 SE 30th Avenue
Hillsboro, OR 97123
WILLIAMS, Mr Robert A.
720 S. Franklin Street
Olympia, WA 98501
WYNECOOP, LtCol Joseph A.
3832 Hillway Drive
Glendale, CA 91208
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Late James J. Angleton
Lauded For Achievements
Shortly after the last issue of Periscope went to press,
AFIO member James J. Angleton, CIA's former chief of
counterintelligence, passed away. As was noted then, he
had received a belated vindication in the media. With his
death, further tributes were forthcoming to recognize his
Former DCI Richard Helms noted that Angleton was "a
great patriot" who played a pivotal role in developing CIA
capabilities against hostile spying. "James Angleton was to
American counterespionage operations what Thomas
Edison was to the development of electricity," Helms said.
CIA described Angleton as "a lifetime intelligence
professional who gave many years of service to his
N. Scot Miler, a member of AFIO's board of directors
and a former colleague of Angleton, praised him as a
"renaissance man" who attempted to build a national
counterintelligence program in the face of rigid bureaucratic
resistance. "He was a global thinker, who was first to
recognize the dangers of Soviet disinformation," Miler said.
"From 1965 on, he tried to educate people to the fact that
the disinformation was more than just propaganda; it is part
and parcel of the communist program of political, strategic
and military subversion of the West."
Said the Washington Times, "A major character in both
contemporary spy fiction and non-fiction, Mr. Angleton
coined the term 'wilderness of mirrors' in describing the
business of spy vs. spy, where perceptions and deceptions
were not to be accepted at face value."
Senator Malcolm Wallop described Angleton as "the
architect of the best counterintelligence program the United
States ever had." "In the mid-1970's," the senator
continued, "Mr. Angleton went out of fashion, but he lived
long enough to see time and events vindicate him and how
little his accusers understood the difficult and inherently
thankless business of counterintelligence. Today we can be
grateful for the lessons of skepticism and intellectual
honesty for which James Angleton should always be
An editorial in the Washington Times referred to
Angleton as a "living legend," observing that "the suspicion
and secrecy that he deliberately cultivated, and which go
with the profession he had chosen, alienated and frightened
many who knew less but talked more than the cryptic
spymaster-who did not write his memoirs, did not appear
on television, and who cultivated his orchids in very private
retirement." The editorial noted that in the early 1970's
Angleton's "habitual distrust of the Soviets-and of
Westerners who gurgled over them-was out of step with the
times . . . Not until the Reagan administration began to
reconsider the need for counterintelligence ... did the CIA
again redevelop the capacity that Angleton's skills had con-
structed, and even today it still lacks what the United States
should have in this respect."
The Washington Post noted that Angleton's death
occurred shortly before a scheduled meeting with Sen.
David Boren, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, and that "Boren wanted to ask the old master
about American intelligence lapses from Moscow to Tehran.
Angleton would have had a lot to say." Of Angleton,
described as "a great spy ... elegant and eccentric and
deadly," the article observed, "Since American officials got
tired of listening to Angleton, the Soviets were able to listen
to American officials."
Senator James A. McClure, in remarks inserted in the
Congressional Record, observed,
"In the dark days of the early 1970's, our country's intel-
ligence system was under assault. This attack was par-
ticularly shocking because it was spearheaded by Members
of the US Congress, the very individuals charged with
protecting our national security. As a result of this undoing,
we have seen the collapse of friendly governments and the
death of our own agents. To this day, our ability to glean
knowledge of our enemies' machinations has been
seriously crippled.
"The business of intelligence is not simple. It presents
ambiguities to the examination of naive inquisitors. James
Angleton was the epitome of ambiguity and complexity, and
a victim of the purges of the early 1970s. Born in Boise,
Idaho, he was a citizen of the world, and the very symbol of
the mysterious world of counterintelligence. His
death marks the end of a living legend."
Convention To Focus On
Counterintelligence Issues
AFIO's thirteenth annual convention, slated for October
8-10, 1987, at the Sheraton Hotel, Tysons Corner, Virginia,
will bring together a host of authorities in the field of
According to convention chairman Charles V. Brewer,
the first day's session will highlight why the US needs
counterintelligence, with an examination of counterintelli-
gence both within the United States and abroad. The
second day's sessions will begin withexpert commmentary
on American and Allied officials held hostage and how more
effective counterintelligence efforts could preclude or
reduce this type of international crisis. Another session will
concern the need for dialogue between the academic and
intelligence communities
A pool-side barbeque with entertainment is scheduled
for the evening of the 9th. Distinguished speakers will
appear at the daily luncheons and banquet on the evening
of the 9th.
Registration information is enclosed with this issue. ^
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Statement by the President The Central Intelligence Agency
His Nation and all those who love freedom honor today
the name and memory of Bill Casey. In addition to crediting
him with rebuilding America's intelligence capability, history
will note the brilliance of his mind and strategic vision, his
passionate commitment to make personal sacrifices for the
sake of that cause and his country.
Nancy and I have lost a
long-time supporter, a wise
and unselfish counselor and a
good friend. In extending our
condolences to Sophia,
Bernadette and other members
of the family, we pray that the
knowledge of his countrymen's
respect and admiration as well
as the hope inherent in his own
deep religious faith will provide
them comfort and consolation.
America has lost a patriot, and
the cause of freedom an able
Ronald Reagan
"Those who knew Bill
Casey will remember him for
his service to his country in
both war and peace. He was a
man with high ideals and high
energy; a patriot with
warriorlike commitment to
public service, and to the
strength and security of the
United States."
George Bush
The Central Intelligence Agency deeply regrets the
death of former Director William J. Casey. We extend the
sympathy of all employees to Mrs. Casey, their daughter
Bernadette and the rest of Mr. Casey's family.
Mr. Casey believed
strongly that excellent intelligence is
Remarks of,
Judge William H. Webster
Director of Central Intelligence
At the Memorial Service Held at CIA
June 2, 1987
Sophia `[Mrs.Casey], Bernadette [Mr. Casey's
daughter], members of the Casey family, and
members of the intelligence family.
We are here today to honor the memory of a
great man. All of us who knew Bill Casey were very
much aware of how he loved and respected the in-
telligence business, the Central Intelligence Agency,
and all of you who worked for him. And, of course,
that love and respect was reciprocated by all of you
in the fullest possible measure. He was my good
friend We traveled thousands of miles together. I'm
not agolfer, but when I played golf, I liked to play it
with Bill Casey. I was drawn to Bill and Sophia
because they represent my own sense of what
family. is all about.
It is not hard to understand how Bill Casey cap-
tured your loyalty and enthusiasm. He simply com-
pelled: it through his own dedication, optimism and
Spirit. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, in the eulogy
she delivered at Bill Casey's funeral Mass, cited a
quotation that Bill used in one of his last public ad-
dresses. I'd like to share it with all of you now
because I think it captures Bill's special qualities of
courage and conviction:
The Speaker of the House
the nation's first line of
defense. He strove vigorously
and successfully to enhance
the quality and quantity of
information provided to policy-
makers and in that process
brought a high degree of
collegiality and openness to
his dealings with the other
members of the Intelligence
Community. We have benefited
from his leadership and we
shall miss him.
The Attorney General
"I am saddened by his
death, but appreciative of the
contributions he made to the
United States, particularly in
the last seven years."
Edwin W. Meese III
US Attorney General
Fordham University
The Fordham University
Board of Trustees mourns the
passing of our esteemed
Trustee Emeritus. Bill Casey, a
devoted alumnus, had an
abiding interest in Fordham.
His astute counsel and support
will be greatly missed. We
extend deepest sympathy to
the family.
Chairman, SSCI
"Mr. Casey's place in history has been vouchsafed by a "Bill Casey will be remembered for his strong personal
lifetime of service to this nation. He has rendered many commitment to the rebuilding of America's intelligence
significant contributions and should and will be remember- capability."
ed for them."
Rep. Jim Wright Senator David L. Boren
Speaker, Chairman
US House of Representatives Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
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Veterans of OSS
"... One of the greatest and most loyal Americans of
this day and age."
Geoffrey M.T. Jones
President, Veterans of OSS
"It really is the passing of an era ... I think Bill Casey
was sort of a larger-than-life director of the CIA."
Senator Patrick Leahy
Former Vice Chairman
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
"William Casey had a long and distinguished career in
The Congress
". .. a great patriot."
Senator Orrin Hatch
"A man who dedicated his
life to his country in war and
peace. When his country
called, he always answered. I
shudder to think where this
country would be right now
without the indispensible work
of Bill Casey. Let's remember
today who Bill Casey was-a
true American patriot."
Senator Robert Dole
Senate Minority Leader
"The intelligence perform-
ance of this country has
improved tremendously over
the last six years ... (He had
a) distinguished record of
commitment to this country.
Mr. Casey served this nation
with dedication, purpose and
Senator Daniel K. Inouye
Senate Iran-Contra Com.
"I saw many
that others will not
and cannot
see, successes that were made
possible by the dedication and
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win
glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure,
than `to take rank with those poor spirits who neither
enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the..
gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
Although Bill in that speech was quoting Teddy
Roosevelt, he was actually describing his own per-
sonal philosophy and the spirit he began to imbue in
the Central Intelligence Agency the very first day he
took over the helm six years ago.
It's also important to note that this speech and
quotation was not given before one of Bill's typical
audiences not before a gathering of the captains of
Industry, or the elite of the national security estab-
lishment. Bill, rather, was talking to a gathering of
Boy Scouts and his theme was that never in this
nation's history, and I quote Bill here: "have we been
in greater need of Teddy Roosevelt's courage,
realism, and absolutely overwhelming sense of op-
timism about this country and what it can achieve,"
Simply put, Bill Casey loved his country deeply,
worried about its future, and wanted to imbue us -
from the Boy Scouts on up - with his own spirit,
patriotism and commitment. Perhaps the greatest
tribute to Bill's memory that I and all of you can
make is to pledge that we will never squander or see
diminished the legacy and the spirit that Bill Casey
left for us here at the Central Intelligence Agency.
commitment of Bill Casey . . . (He) greatly improved the
quality of intelligence analysis, restored the international
credibility of our intelligence agencies and improved morale
in the agency . . . as historians begin to evaluate the Casey
era, we will see the tremendous impact Bill Casey had on
U.S. foreign and intelligence policy. His contributions, in
service to the nation he loved so much, have made a
substantial, lasting mark."
Senator Dave Durenberger
Former Chairman
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
can be lost by
against a tyrant
government going back to the
OSS in World War II. He was
considered tough, single-
minded, a patriot ..."
Senator Warren Rudman
Vice Chairman
Senate Iran-Contra Com.
"... he was an American
original . . . He had a
distinguished career in my
father's mold at the SEC, and
an uncommon dedication to
public service and his,
president, even if he always
seemed to keep one step
ahead of the posse in
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
"While serving as a
member of the Congress and
of the House Intelligence
Committee, I came to know Bill
Casey as forthright, forthcom-
ing and thoroughly knowledge-
able about his delicate and
critical assignments ... Above
all, he was dedicated to
protecting human rights,
including freedom of religion,
freedom of assembly and
freedom of the press . . . an
American loyal to all that we
revere and hold dear, was
obedient to those higher
callings of human freedom that
of a brave leader in the battle
such as Daniel Ortega."
Robert McClory
Former Member of Congress
Former President Nixon
"He restored the morale and capability of CIA after it
had been badly shattered."
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William J. Casey
A Eulogy delivered by
the Hon_ Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
St. Mary's Church, Roslyn Harbor, New York
May 9, 1987
"Bill Casey is a controversial man," a liberal journalist said to
me last week. You have to face that."
But, of course, I said, he was a bold committed man in an age
rent by controversy.
In Paradise Lost, Dante reserved the lowest run of hell for those
who did not care - for those who, confronted by great questions,
are uninterested; who, faced with great needs, are unmoved; who,
offered great opportunities, feel no challenge; who, endowed with
freedom and power, make no use of it; the kind of man who,
observing a battle between tyrants and those who would be free,
remain indifferent.
Bill Casey was no such man. And, he knew it.
In one of his last public speeches, he quoted Theodore
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs,
even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those
poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they
live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
"A lawyer," Casey once said, "has a ringside seat at the human
comedy." But this lawyer was not content to merely observe his
"Casey is a real warrior," a CIA colleague told me ... because,
one might add, he decided to be.
He had a choice.
Before he was a warrior, Bill Casey was an intellectual, a man
of letters, a bibliophile, prodigious reader, researcher, writer,
"During my entire working life," he wrote, "my activities as-a
lawyer, author, editor have involved the gathering, analysis, and
evaluation of information and applying it to practical purposes."
This penchant for gathering, analyzing and evaluating
intormation made Bill Casey a superb Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency where, insiders understand, his greatest
interest and most outstanding contribution was to strengthen the
skill and confidence of the CIA's analysts.
The same commitment to gathering, analyzing, and evaluating
information led Bill Casey to the conclusion that our violent century
is dangerous for Americans, that the stakes are very high, and that
we no longer have a comfortable margin for error. These views
were the spur to action.
Watching the Soviet Union shoot down KAL-007 on the mere
suspicion that it might have been engaged in espionage (as he put
it), observing the framing and arrest of Nicholas Daniloff (hostage
taking, he called it), Casey concluded that in the Soviet
Government, we are dealing with men who have a "fundamentally
alien and totally unpalatable value system."
He believed on the basis of vast information collected and
reflected on, that the Soviet leadership is "committed to building a
military force that could fight and win a nuclear war."
He was deeply concerned with growing U.S. vulnerability to the
Soviets' highly accurate mobile missiles which "promise to make
deterrence through offensive missiles increasingly uncertain in the
years ahead." He worried about the Soviets' long lead in research
on high laser particle beam weapons, radio frequency and kinetic
energy weapons. He ardently supported SDI against a relentless
Soviet propaganda campaign.
He was also concerned, for both human and strategic reasons,
about the Soviets' "creeping imperialism" in the Third World.
They had, he said, "unleashed the four horsemen of the
Apocalypse - famine, pestilence, war, and death" - in Ethiopia,
Cambodia, Afghanistan, Mozambique - devastating people and
moving relentlessly toward "two primary targets" - the oil fields of
the Middle East (the lifeline of the Western Alliance), and the
Isthmus of Panama, which separates North and South America.
No one welcomed signs of Soviet liberalization more than Bill
Casey. But glasnost has not come to Afghanistan, Nicaragua or to
Soviet Jews.
These people will one day be free from force, Casey believed,
because "the pendulum of history is slowly but surely swinging
away from Soviet Marxism ... toward democracy and free market
"The Soviet Union may have a proven recipe for subversion
and an undiluted willingness to use raw power to shore up its
unpopular clients, but we in the West have an infinitely more
powerful weapon - the promise of long-term prosperity."
"I am high on the free market," Casey told the Washington
Post and many others. Freedom, he believed, worked for him, for
us, and for every people who tried it. It is the alternative and the
antidote to tyranny, stagnation, and starvation.
In addition to doing what we can to support the indigenous
freedom fighters, Casey wrote, we need to bring to bear the West's
technological ingenuity, entrepreneurial talents, and free markets
on the core problems of development and "piece by piece,
technique by technique, country by country" eliminate hunger and
raise Third World living standards.
"All we have to do is muster the courage and resolve to use our
enormous advantages." He had thecourage and resolve. He could
barely stand it when we missed an opportunity to protect the
United State and promote freedom. Bill Casey was a man of
passionate convictions, willing to work long hours, make hard
decisions, and endure criticism.
He dared to take a big step where one was required,
understanding like David Lloyd George, that you can't cross a
chasm with two small jumps. He did not take to unnecessary risks,
and he was not daunted by difficulties or difficult people. He
worried quite a lot about America's growing incapacity to act with
discretion and dispatch.
Most of all, Bill Casey had a passionate commitment to
preserving the independence and freedom of the United States -
from terrorists, nuclear blackmail and isolation. Because he saw
them as directly relevant to American security, developing a
defense against incoming nuclear missiles and supporting
Nicaraguan freedom fighters had special priority for him. There is
no question about it. But they had no more priority than law.
Bill Casey was one smart lawyer who understood politics-and
history as well. He was a savvy, sometimes sassy, always feisty
guy - and a fighter.
Some mean spirited, ill informed comments have been written
and spoken in the last days, reminding us, as Marcus Arelius said,
"There is no man so fortunate that there shall not be by him when
he is dying some who are pleased with what is going to happen."
These unpleasant comments would not have overly disturbed
our friend, "The CIA is (not) the place for tender egos and
shriveling violets." He told a university last fall, "The debates and
clashes of ideas can get rough."
Casey could take the guff required to support unpopular ideas
- like the free market, and controversial causes - like the contras -
because he had studied the evidence and thought through his
He could take the guff and not give up because he had build
his life on solid foundations.
Plato and St. Augustine tell us one knows a man by what he
loves. We know Bill Casey through his loves - of Sophia,
Bernadette, his church, his country, his books, his freedom.
Bill Casey's inspiration was Greek in the cultivation of all his
capacities, Roman in his love of law, Christian in his love of God
and the Church, American in his love of freedom.
He lived his life to the hilt and left it in the spirit of the man who
said, "I am perfectly resigned. I am surrounded by my family. I
have served my country. I have reliance upon God, and am not
afraid of the Devil."
Bill Casey, with his intelligence, courage, wit and zest,
contributed enormously to his family, his country, his president,
and his friends. ^
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Media Reflects on
Casey Achievements
Following the death of William J. Casey, editors across
the country reflected on his contribution to our nation and
our society. Members of AFIO know of his dedication to this
organization, first as a member of the board of directors and
later, as DCI, when he was a frequent speaker at AFIO
educational symposia and meetings. His loss touches us
deeply, and it is perhaps appropriate to let the nation's
editors speak for us, providing that neutral ground that
history demands.
Here are just a few.
"Through a long private career in law and finance and in
tours of mostly high-level public service in intelligence and
economic affairs, he displayed a zeal for action that was
matched by a restless political and intellectual energy. The
broad public knew him as someone who crashed in and out
of the news, leaving a trail of enthusiasms, achievements
and, sometimes, large, troublesome questions and
indiscretions. Others knew him as one who combined
passionate scholarly curiosity with an astounding range of
worldly experience and personal audacity."
Washington Post
11 * .. William Casey served his country and profession
well and honorably. In a time when the reputation and
morale of both had dwindled, he-like the president for
whom he worked-helped bring them back. He should be
remembered with respect."
Washington Times
"William J. Casey was among the last of a very special
breed of 20th Century American, one of 'Wild Bill'
Donovan's boys ... this legendary figure's contribution to
his country's security-over a 45-year period, in war and in
peace-will endure well beyond the Iran affair. As it should."
New York Post
"Casey was a God-fearing man, and he knew that the
beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, before whom,
one confidently believes, those who struggle against the
totalitarians will confidently appear."
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Universal Press Syndicate
". . . like no other public man today. . Bill Casey was
one of the most well-read men in modern American
government. He was gruff and blunt, but he had an
exquisite mind illuminated and ennobled by these walls of
philosophy, literature, history, finance, economics and
more. Now there will be books about him. He was a great
R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
Washington Post
" . . the Casey legacy is a formidible intelligence
service. Without one, we are naked in a modern world."
Ernest B. Furgurson
Chief, Washington Bureau
Baltimore Sun
"an enthusiast, not a zealot; warmhearted, not thin-
skinned; loyally discreet, not secrecy-obsessed.
William Safire
New York Times
"William Casey took that tough, thankless job at a time
in his life when most people are content to sit back and
savor the fruits of a lifetime of work. He didn't take the job
because he needed the money or had an axe to grind. He
took it because he loved his country and believed in the
principles it stands for. He was a dedicated patriot in the
finest sense of the term and served his country well. Hiss
family can be proud of his contributions. as can we all."
Jeff Joseph
Nation's Business Today
"... served his country to the best of his ability, defying
the odds and the critics."
Boston Globe
"He was an authentic American original ... He lived on
the edge. And when he died he was on the edge again."
Chicago Tribune
"Bill Casey's career doesn't need posthumous
vindication, in part because it too was guided by
passionately held beliefs ... He saw it as his primary task to
rebuild the agency he headed so that it would provide the
intelligence services that are vital to national security. He
had his priorities right, and the nation should be grateful for
this and his other services over a long career."
Wall Street Journal
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On the Intelligence Bookshelf . . .
A. Good Book About A Bad Case
Barron, John, Breaking the Ring: The Bizarre Case of
the Walker Family Ring. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin,
JOHN Barron is a professional journalist and he has written a
professional book in detailing the known facts of the Walker
case. However, it is a book written for mass audiences rather than
for intelligence professionals who understandably constitute a
much smaller market. Barron's book is filled with human interest
stories and biographic details on those in the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and the Department of Justic who played key roles
as the case unfolded. In many ways, the book is more about these
people than it is about the Walkers and Jerry Whitworth.
I found the book disappointing. This is not the fault of the
author. The case is disappointing. The Walker case is in every
detail a testimonial to the fact that the United States Government
does not take espionage committed against it very seriously. It is
not willing to take even the smallest measures to prevent our
enemies from having a field day with our secrets. It is as though
no one in the Congress, or the Administration, or the Courts can
really believe that there are bad people in the world who would
destroy our nation. The attack on the USS Stark and the murder of
our Marines in Beirut were tragic affairs, but they did not happen
here in the land of the big PX. No such tragedy has occurred here
for more than a century. The reaction of the Secretaries of the
Navy and Defense to the Walker case was to reduce the number of
security clearances. That same mentality would solve the AIDS
problem by outlawing sex.
John Walker was a Navy enlisted man who specialized in
communications and came to have access to a wide range of
naval cryptographic systems. In 1968, he walked into the Soviet
Embassy in Washington and recruited himself as a Soviet agent.
Until his retirement from the Navy in 1976, Walker passed
material to the Soviet Union; in that same year he recruited Jerry
Whitworth, a Navy Man with perhaps even greater cryptographic
access. Whitworth supplied the Soviets with material through
Walker until his retirement in 1983. Along the way, Walker also
recruited his brother Arthur and son Michael; the latter two are not
known to have had the same access as John Walker and
Whitworth. Barron indicates that there is some evidence of other
recruitments and that Walker has not explained his espionage
activities to the full satisfaction of the investigators.
The case surfaced in 1984. In that year Whitworth started
writing the FBI on the West Coast anonymous confessions and
Walker's divorced wife (who learned of his espionage in 1968)
contacted the FBI on the East Coast. Mrs. Walker's first three
attempts to interest the FBI were abortive, but a carbon copy of
one report found its way to Norfolk where the agent-in-charge
recognized Mrs. Walker's description of Soviet tradecraft and
used his "old boy net" to activate the case since he was afraid
that there was insufficient evidence for formal action. Mrs. Walker
did mention a Jerry Wentworth as involved. This, of course, was
alliteration for Jerry Whitworth.
In May 1985, John Walker, now under surveillance by the FBI,
left Norfolk and went to Montgomery County, Maryland, for an
exchange with the Soviets. He was observed and later arrested
when the FBI retrieved a large number of classified documents he
had cached. The details of the exchange procedure are
interesting and elaborate: Step 1: Walker finds a signal that the
KGB is ready; Step 2: At another location he leaves a signal that
he is ready; Step 3: At a third location he drops his documents;
Step 4: At a fourth location he picks up the KGB package; Step 5:
At a fifth location he finds a signal that the KGB has serviced his
drop; and Step 6: At a sixth location he signals that he has
serviced their drop. Step 7: The absence of the readiness signals
(Steps 1 and 2) by either party indicates either a danger or an
inability to perform and a repeat attempt is automatically
scheduled in one week. If Walker gets no signal that they have his
documents, he retrieves them.
Walker was not observed to carry out Step 1, but he did
implement Step 2 which was to signal to the KGB his readiness to
proceed. Unfortunately, some of the surveillance team retrieved
his signal as evidence, thereby alerting KGB Officer A.G.
Tkachenko that all was not well. He aborted the mission and
departed the area. Walker, throwing caution to the winds, ran
around with a flashlight trying to find the KGB package. Having
no success, he returned to his drop site to retrieve the documents
only to find them gone. He then checked into a local motel where
he was arrested with a gun in hand.
Arthur, Michael and John Walker were tried, convicted, and are
now serving time in the Federal penitentiary system. The
Department of Justice concluded that the case against Jerry
Whitworth was so circumstantial that the testimony of John
Walker was essential to secure a conviction. The Secretary of
Defense authorized negotiations with Waker and he did testify
against Whitworth, who was convicted in July 1986 and is serving
time. What Walker got in return for his testimony is not detailed.
Vitaly Yurchenko is quoted as stating, "It was the greatest
case in KGB history. We deciphered millions of your messages. If
there had been a war we would have won it." In drawing a parallel
as to the damage done, Mr. Barron cites our ability to read
Japanese communications and the British ability to read German
communications during the Second World War. The true impact
of these cryptographic efforts is only now emerging and it is clear
that their contribution to the Allied victory was highly important if
not crucial.
If we had gone to war with the Soviets during the period that
they were reading our communications, they would indeed have
had a tremendous advantage. On June 24th of this year, the
Washington Post carried an article by Jack Anderson which
quotes the Barron book's stating that the Carter Administration
plan for a military operation to follow the failed hostage rescue
mission was thwarted by Soviet troop movements which
obviously reflected knowledge of US plans. Barron devotes an
entire chapter to indications that the Vietnamese and the Soviets
knew in detail about impending US naval and air actions, but no
one did anything.
We did not go to war with the Soviets, so that their advantage
in reading our communications no longer exists. We undoubtedly
have taken measures to change the cryptographic material and
the technology underlying it in light of the Walker case
disclosures. Nevertheless, Soviet possession of such materials
and their technoloqy over such a long period of time must narrow
our options as well as give them important clues as to what our
fixes might be.
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lesson for the Soviet Navy on where and how we track
submarines, and why their boats were so easy to find. Thanks to
technological diversions from Japan and Norway, the Soviets are
reportedly putting these learnings to good use with the result that
we will have to spend billions to restore our ability to track the
Soviet undersea fleet with accuracy.
The Walker case is just another of the many intelligence
disasters which have befallen the United States since the CIA was
dismantled in the mid-1970s. Each succeeding catastrophe is
greeted by howls in the media, smiles by the Soviets, and general
frustraiton and bewilderment by the public. What do we do about
all this?
It strikes your reviewer as sad that despite all the media
coverage of US intelligence during the past decade there has
been little if any meaningful discussion of the substantive issues
involved beyond the immediate headline. Few in the media or in
public life seem to understand what intelligence - and particularly
counterintelligence - is all about.
The core of intelligence throughout history and throughout the
world today consists to two matching halves of intelligence and
counterintelligence. Simply, intelligence consists of finding out
facts about your adversaries so that the policy makers can
formulate actions to counter your threats from a position of
strength. Counterintelligence consists of keeping your
adversaries from doing the same thing to you and forcing you to
operate from a position of weakness.
sensitive cases. If they don't know the cases, they will blunder
around and do more harm than good.
It is not the present organizational setup that is a fault. It is
attitude. No one likes the Cl people because their basic mission is
to rain on peoples' parades. Therefore, the Director of Central
Intelligence and his counterparts must have a chief of
counterintelligence who is both highly competent and highly
trustworthy, and who is not highly ambitious. It is a truism that the
way to the top in the CIA and the way to the top in the FBI is not
via counterintelligence. In recent years, it has not even been via
intelligence. Our masters give lip service to these core pursuits,
but the promotions go to those engaged In the current vogue
among satellite intelligence operations such as pare-military
operations, covert action, counterterrorist activities and
narcotics-related intelligence operations. These activities have a
negative effect on the core activities of intelligence and
counterintelligence In terms of a diversion of effort and
personnel, and in recent days have a pretty negative effort period!
If we are to reconstitute an effective counterintelligence effort
in this nation, it must be reconstituted with clout and its chiefs
must have the private ear of the Directors of Central Intelligence
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A second improvement
would be to attract first-class people to Cl work by compensating
them for their loss of career opportunities along the lines used by
both corporations and the government to retain scientists and the
like without their having to be administrators to reach the top pay
Counterintelligence consists of three components: personnel
security, physical security and counterespionage. Personnel
security is concerned with the protection of people with access to
the protected information. Physical security is concerned with the
protection of facilities containing the protected information from
penetration by technical and physical means.
Personnel and physical security are essentially passive in
nature. Experience has shown for centuries that these measures
alone will ultimately be defeated by a determined and resourceful
enemy, particularly one that has Walkers volunteering to help.
Thus, the third component of counterintelligence -
counterespionage - is concerned with the pentration of the
enemy's intelligence organization to find out who the Walkers and
Whitworths are. Counterespionage operations range from the
detection and arrest of foreign agents and their collaborators to a
wide range of sophisticated techniques aimed at confusing,
diverting or deceiving the enemy.
The plethora of Walker-like cases which Mr. Barron
encapsulates in his book makes clear that the United States has
no counterintelligence capability worthy of the name and that
something must be done about it. No one agrees as to what that
solution is, however.
One school of thought is to create a super counterintelligence
organization with lots of people, its own career service, and
several Congressional oversight committees to keep It honest.
This is a typically American solution to the problem, but what it
typifies is the fact that there is a basic lack of understanding as to
what constitutes counterintelligence.
If the counterintelligence (CI) people are to do their jobs, they
need to know the innermost secrets of each organization. If they
are removed from their present organizations and combined into
some central body they will never have access to the most
Alexander Hamilton noted that "a feeble executive implies a
feeble execution of government. A feeble execution is but another
phrase for a bad execution." US counterintelligence since the
1970s has been pretty feeble.
[Norman Longfellow Smith is an experienced counterintelligence
officer who also served in CIA's Directorates of Intelligence and
Science and Technology.]
Our Fellow !Member end; Colleague
,Association of
Former ;intelligence Officers
General Albert C. Wedemeyer
Summer 1987 P c~p@ Page 17
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Mr. Charles V. BELT
Rockville, Maryland
Brooklyn, New York
Mr. Richard M. BISSELL, Jr.
Farmington, Connecticut
Mr. Peter J. DOUNTAS
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Maj. William J. GROSS, (USAF-Ret)
Centerville, Ohio
Silver Spring, Mayland
Mr. David KELSEY
Clearwater, Florida
Mr. Philip R. WILLIAMS
Hillsboro, Oregon
Major Hector F. UNGER, (USAF-Ret)
Portland, Oregon
Mr. W. Raymond WANNALL
Silver Spring, Maryland
Q Q Academic Assistance Fund a Q
In Memory of James J. Angleton
Mrs. Helen H. KLEYLA
Nags Head, North Carolina
Mr. Newton S. MILER
Placitas, New Mexico
Mr. Henry L. T. KOREN
Boca Grande, Florida
Mr. John R. PANEL
Long Beach, California
Prattville, Arkansas
Mr. Ralph SIPES
Gowrie, Australia
Mr. Russell E. STEVENS, Jr.
Milbridge, Maine
Major General Robert N. TRUBEY, (USA-Ret)
Aptos, California
Springfield, Virginia
In Memory of William J. Casey
Mr. Robert D. BROWN, Jr.
Bethesda, Maryland
MAJ Thomas B. MACKIE, (AUS-Ret)
Chicago, Illinois
Washington, DC
Mr. Edward F. SAYLE
Arlington, Virginia
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OCTOBER 9 & 10, 1987
Sheraton Tysons Corner Hotel?
8661 Leesburg Pike
Tysons Corner, Virginia
(703) 448-1234
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1987 Convention Theme
The theme for the 1987 Convention will be "Counterintelligence." This timely topic will be explored
from the overview of a need for counterintelligence to meet the threat of the KGB. The specific topics
which will be discussed include Foreign Counterintelligence Outside the United States as well as Foreign
Counterintelligence Inside the United States. There will also be discussion of the threat from domestic
subversive groups and a wrap-up of the current reaction to the threat of foreign intelligence operations
against the United States.
The Convention this year will be held at the Sheraton Tysons Corner Hotel. This hotel was opened in
the summer of 1986 and is located at the intersection of Route 7 (Leesburg Pike) and the Dulles Airport
Access Road. The address is: 8661 Leesburg Pike, Tysons Corner, Virginia 22180, Telephone (703) 448-
1234. The hotel has 455 luxury guest rooms and 20 suites. There is an Airport Shuttle which runs
continuously between Washington Dulles International Airport and the hotel; incoming guests need only
pick up the phone at the hotel courtesy phone board. There is an independent airport shuttle service
providing transportation to Washington National Airport. If you have a choice in making your plane
reservations, arriving at Dulles Airport is more convenient to the hotel. For those attendees who will drive,
he hotel has over 500 free parking spaces.
The convention registration will start at 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 8, 1987. The Hospitality Room
will be opened at that time. This year we will use the card system for the Hospitality Room. Each person
will receive a Hospitality Room card upon the payment of $10.00 which may be sent with your Registration
corm. This will entitle the purchaser to drinks in the Hospitality Room during the entire time the Hospitality
"doom is open. This system has been established to preclude money being collected at the time drinks are
served which could cause some problems with the local ABC regulations. The formal convention will
open at 9:00 A.M., Friday, October 9, 1987.
Hotel Registration
Each member intending to stay at the Sheraton Tyson must make his or her own reservation. Please
note that the hotel has a requirement that in order to take advantage cf the special Convention rates, the
reservation must be received by the hotel by SEPTEMBER 25, 1987. The room rates ($68.00 per night,
single or double occupancy) are extremely reasonable for the Washington areaarid we ask you to use the
enclosed card for your reservation. The hotel has it own refund policy and you must deal with them
Convention Registration
The Convention Registration fee is $35.00 for each AFIO member attending the Convention. AFIO
members who have registered for theConvention may bring guests to the social functions if they purchase
tickets in advance. Guests who wish to attend the Convention sessions are requested to pay a
registration fee of $35.00. The social functions are: Friday luncheon, Friday buffet, Saturday luncheon
and Saturday banquet. There will be a late charge of $15 for Convention registrations received after
'zeptember_ $_.1.9$7 making the total $50.00. The AFIO Office will close after Wednesday. October 7. 1987
and all Convention records will then be taken to the hotel. The Convention Registration Desk will be open
from 4:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M. on Thursday. October 8, 1987 and will open again at 7:30 Friday morning.
Refund Policy
Convention registration fees cannot be refunded after September 28. Fees for social events cannot
ire refunded after October 6. For hotel refunds and cancellations AFIO members must notify the hotel
directly: The Sheraton Tyson (703) 448-1234.
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AFIO Convention '87 - Tentative Program
Thurday 8 October
1600-1800 - Convention Registration
1600-2400 - Hospitality Suite Open
Friday 9 October
0730-0830 - Convention Registration
0900-0930 - Formal Opening of Convention
0930-1015 - Need for Counterintelligence
1015-1045 - Coffee Break
1045-1200 - Panel Discussion
1200-1300 - Cash Bar
1300-1430 - Luncheon
1500-1630 - Panel Discussion
1630-2400 - Hospitality Suite Open
1930-2100 - Poolside Buffet
Saturday 10 October
0900-1020 - Panel Discussion
1015-1045 - Coffee Break
1045-1200 - Panel Discussion
1200-1300 - Cash Bar
1300-1430 - Luncheon
1500-1630 - Chapter Reports
1630-1830 - Hospitality Suite Open
1900-2000 - Cash Bars
2000 - Convention Banquet
2200-2400 - Hospitality Suite Open
AFIO 1987 Convention
6723 Whittier Avenue, Suite 303A
McLean, VA 22101
Friday Luncheon
Friday Buffet
$ 8.00*
Saturday Luncheon
Saturday Banquet
Registration Fee
After 8 September
Hospitality Suite
*Price includes tax and gratuity
Make checks payable to: AFIO 1987 CONVENTION
DUL`~ i
Please print your name and those of your guests for the
social functions as you want them to appear on the
Convention Name Tag. Name Tags must be worn to
gain access to any convention function including the
Hospitality Suite.
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Meeting The Challenge
In Public Debate
Mike Speers
In March, I was contacted by a young man who
identified himself as the leader of a student activist group.
He had arranged for a campus appearance by a notorious
anti-intelligence speaker and, because university officials
apparently insisted on a balanced presentation, he wanted
our chapter to provide a speaker to "present the other
I agreed, only on condition that the AFIO representative
(actually the chapter's scholarship fund) would receive the
same speaker's fee as the imported dissident. Imagine my
surprise when I received a university contract in the mail a
week later.
Chapter member Bruce Lawlor, a practicing trial lawyer
in Springfield, Vermont, accepted the challenge, and on
April 13 appeared before approximately 150 students plus a
few professors and the usual activists.
What happened during the following two hours was a
triumph. If you asked Bruce Lawlor how he did what he did,
he probably couldn't tell you. He was just himself, a
committed guy whose career had taught him to speak on
his feet.
After the first few minutes I stopped listening to the
debate and began, instead, to watch Lawlor, his opponent,
and the reactions of the students. It was an education, a
possible lesson in how chapter members can participate in
such a forum without turning it into a "confrontation."
Not once during the ensuing two plus hours did Lawlor
make any personal comments about his opponent, nor did
he try to refute directly some of the outlandish statements
the man made. On the AFIO side, the theme was courtesy,
good humor and the facts. Facts as told first hand by
someone who had "been there" and felt deeply about his
work. His opponent, on the other hand, came across as a
bitter, sincere (by his own lights) and deeply troubled
person. He strayed from the theme of the debate. The more
he talked, the more incoherent he became, and the more far
out the subject matter. To listen to the dissident, one might
have concluded that instead of being a retired mid-level
employee of CIA (as is the case), he had attended most, if
not all, of the National Security Council meetings held
during the Vietnam War.
Lawlor ignored him for the most part, holding his
microphone and walking about the stage, speaking directly
to the students. He spoke authoritatively; he spoke with
conviction, with courtesy and good humor.
During the question and answer period, which lasted
almost an hour, I sensed a change in the audience. Lawlor
sat at the table with his opponent. He was perfectly relaxed,
occasionally taking notes, while his opponent squirmed,
shifted, sometimes made notes and perspired profusely.
The audience was quiet, no anti-intelligence slogans or
placards. The young people were caught up in the whole
thing and sensed they were privy to a very unusual event.
During the question period, 90% of the queries were
directed to Lawlor, who effectively monopolized the whole
period. His opponent, recognizing what was happening
would get up and announce that he wished to comment on
a question directed to Lawlor, but he rarely had the
opportunity. The students kept addressing questions to
Lawlor, who continued to dominate the evening. When the
moderator finally called a halt, Lawlor received a standing
ovation. I heard one of the students comment on Lawlor's
opponent: "Say, did you check that old guy with mutton
Sandinistas Exploit AF.1.0
Membership Directory
Several AFIO members has report ed receiving;
letters and complimentary copies of Sosberania; the
Sandinista propaganda organ, from Freddy Balzan,
director of the;!! Anti-Imperialist Tribunal of Our
America, Managua,,. Nicaragua.
In theletters, Balzan claims that he got the
members' names fromAFIO and encourages them
to send information for use In his publication,
including anonymous contributions. AFIO, of
course, did not provide the list being used by the
Sandinistas, ands continues to restrict its use of our
membership roster to `this organization's mailings
to members.
AFIO also !learned recently that the AFIO
directory has been copied on floppy disks and is
being circulated among unauthorized persons and
Members are reminded of the admonition that
appears on the inside cover of the membership
"Use of this Directory for fund-raisipg political
or commercial purposes is prohibited! It should not
be released to non-members. Please help protect
yourself and other members from undesirable
commercial or other ;exploitation by keeping the
Directory from circulating. Indications that it is
being used for unauthorized purposes should be
reported to the national office."
chop whiskers? What a yo yo." Other comments were in
the same vein.
Some of the lessons we learned from the encounter that
might assist other chapters are:
1. Send a pro to debate a pro. Send someone who is
practiced in speaking on his or her feet and someone who
feels as deeply on the topic of the debate as the other party.
2. Keep things friendly, keep the mood one of courtesy,
no matter what the provocations offered by the opposition.
3. Such a forum can be very useful if you have done
your homework. Above all, seek the opportunity to speak
before young people, no matter how potentially biased the
group. On the other hand, I suspect we should not engage
in debate with young activists. To do so would inevitably
end up in some type of confrontation and, if the audience is
of the same age group as the your opponent, it will almost
always identify with a member of its own peer group.
There is no question that Lawlor's presentation changed
some minds in the most important group of all, students of
college age. At the conclusion of the evening, four students
came up to me and asked if they could attend our next
scheduled chapter meeting. All will be invited to be our
And Bruce Lawlor? He gets a free lunch on me. ^
Summer 1987 Periscope Page 15
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Arizona Chapter. The chapter met for luncheon on May
16 at the Aztec Inn, Tucson. Fourteen members and guests
were in attendance to hear a most informative talk
concerning the mission of the 41st Electronic Combat
Squadron stationed at Davis Monthan AFB.
Slated as speaker for the September meeting in Phoenix
is former congressman Eldon Rudd.
San Diego Chapter One. Charles Wiley of Accuracy in
Media was the guest speaker at the meeting held May 29 at
the Admiral Kidd Club. Wiley reviewed his recent trip to Af-
ghanistan and spoke of the staunch determination of the
Afghans to stay free despite the killings of their people and
the destruction of their towns. The audience was kept in
awe by Wiley's description of his experiences, and the
question and answer period was an active one.
Elections were conducted by former chapter president
Jerry Cerkanowitz. Elected president is William Blank. First
and second vice presidents, respectively are Charles W.
Small, Jr., and Lawrence W. Schultheis. Buford "Bill" Lane
was elected secretary and Raoul Morales will serve as
treasurer. Newly elected members of the board are LtGen
Eugene Tighe, Midge Deamant and F. "Mike" Leaman. They
were sworn in by Don Perry.
The chapter, as in previous years, agreed to host the
Naturalization Ceremony for New Citizens, held July 10.
L.W'. Schultheis chaired the committee of volunters for the
The article about Arlington Hall in the last issue of
Periscope brought back some pleasant memories for
Elisabeth T. Allison of San Diego. She escaped from the
Special Branch in the Pentagon for service with the F
Branch at Arlington Hall and later at Vint Hill Farms. The
only problem with the inside knowledge gained in the
position said the then-Lt. Elisabeth Flanders, was
"sometimes you had to wonder which side anyone was on."
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. Over thirty persons
attended the monthly dinner meeting at the San Francisco
Tennis Club on the evening of May 20. The dinner began
after members and guests mingled at a no host cocktail
hour. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by president William
13i11 Green reminded the audience that he can be
contacted for persons to write or call regarding the home
port of the USS Missouri. Earl Brodie announced that
persons wishing to contribute to the Bill Casey Fund, for
medicine and humanitarian aid to the Contras, may do so
by sending contributions to: The William J. Casey Fund, c/o
Mrs.. William J. Casey, Glenwood Road, Roslyn Harbor,
Long island, NY 11560. The amount of the contribution is
not as important, he said, as the number of persons con-
tributing to the fund.
Col. John Roscoe read cable #051552 sent by
Ambassador Hartman from Moscow in November 1984. In
it, the Ambassador called the security precautions at the
Embassy "counterproductive counterintelligence" and
criticized, in not-so-favorable terms, the personnel involved
in that work. Col. Roscoe also pointed out the irony of the
situation in which the person who was security engineer
officer in Moscow was given the award as Security Engineer
of the Year in 1984.
Following announcements, Bill Green called on Russ
Wiley to introduce the speaker of the evening, Richard D.
McCall. Mr. Wiley read off a very long list of professional ac-
complishments of the speaker, who was Defense Attache
on Cyprus from 1980 to 1984, and for Bulgaria from 1984 to
1987, and whom Wiley had known personally over a period
of thirty years. Mr. McCall has recently retired after over 30
years of service. Noteworthy was the fact that Mr. McCall
was the first person to serve as Defense Attache while a
Reservist, and that he was the first Attache to serve in
Cyprus who was able to speak both Turkish and Greek.
Mr. McCall began his presentation on the defense
attache system with a general description of the strategic
location of Cyprus in relationship to Egypt, Israel and
Turkey, mentioning that it was a former British colony and
still contains two large British military bases. It is also a base
of support for the 6th Fleet and the Marines in Beirut.
Cyprus' population is comprised of both Greeks and Turks
who have been in conflict with each other continually since
the Turkish invasion in 1751. The US has maintained
diplomatic relations with Cyprus since 1960, although the
Turks feel the US favors the Greek population. Since the
Turkish invasion of 1974, a virtual military government has
been in place on Cyprus with the population split into
opposing camps of Turks on 1 /3 of the upper part of the
island and the Greek Cypriots on the remaining 2/3 of it.
Ambassadors to the island usually have had little military
experience and have often failed to realize that the military
on Cyprus is not subservient to the government and has
considerable political power. The Ambassador serves as the
key person in an embassy and his recommendations are
crucial. It he makes the wrong evaluation of a situation, the
political consequences are immense. In addition, it makes
problems for the whole staff of the embassy, which must
work as a team. Such a situation occurred on Cyprus before
the Turkish Cypriot Declaration of Independence in 1983,
when the DIA received conflicting reports from the
American Ambassador and Mr. McCall regarding the
situation. Mr. McCall's analysis and recommendations
proved to be correct, based as they were on an accurate
perception of the role the military would play in Turkish
Cypriot political decisions. Independence was declared and
the US Ambassador eventually was replaced.
Mr. McCall emphasized that ambassadors can learn
much from mii itary attaches, especially if they lack the
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military and linguistic background to assess, fully and
accurately, a given political situation or if they appear to
side with one or the other ethic group. Other problems can
occur, Mr. McCall suggested, when the military attache has
a staff that is greater, and thus more productive, than that of
the ambassador. Such a situation developed in Cyprus
during Mr. McCall's tour there when his enlarged staff was
able to increase intelligence reporting by 400% during that 4
1 /2 year period.
In the fall of 1983, just as his tour on Cyprus was about
to end, Mr. McCall was asked to serve as Military Attache in
Bulgaria, particularly because of his outstanding record in
Cyprus and experience with the Turkish-Greek conflict.
Another factor was his familiarity with the Russian language;
Mr. McCall, with a touch of humor, told of his efforts to
resume fluency in a language he had studied thirty years
earlier. His experience on Cyprus had prepared him for the
undertaking in Bulgaria, which has a population comprised
of 15% Turkish and Greeks within its borders. Bulgaria is a
communist nation which borders on two NATO allies. Its
Slavic population of nine million people once endured 500
years of Turkish rule during the Ottoman Empire. At the
current time, both the Greek and the Turkish populations
are oppressed within Bulgaria. The Islamic Turks refuse to
join the communist party and as a result live as if in an
internal exile.
As Defense Attache in Bulgaria, Mr. McCall was
fortunate to have as his Air Attache an officer who had
served also in Ankara. He described an office of seven
persons in which one-half of that staff were local nationals.
Although he felt a security violation like that recently in
Moscow would not be likely in Bulgaria because of the strict
controls on access of persons to security areas and in-
formation, the possibility of KGB agents or officers among
embassy nationals on the staff remains a continuing
problem. He recommended stopping the use of foreign
nationals on embassy staffs in spite of the increased costs
that would be involved. Mr. McCall described the Bulgarian
situation as unique because although the nation is run by
the communist party and the Politburo, it is a nation that has
long felt the origins of Slavic culture and its culture is
superior to that of the Soviet Union. It is given "little
brother" status by the Soviets, and this it resents. The
Bulgarians have been able to keep Soviet troops out of their
republic and this is an accomplishment. Mr. McCall
described his tour in Bulgaria as interesting and felt he was
fortunate to have had such a staff, well-experienced in
working in a country with much ethnic, religious and
political diversity and conflict.
Concluding the presentation, Mr. McCall answered
several questions on Cyprus and Bulgaria, pointing out the
frequent differences in analysis between that of the
Department of State and the Defense Intelligence Agency,
noting the strength of the Greek lobby in the United States,
and commenting on the deteriorating relations with the
Turks. He feels Andreas Popandreou is not helping the
Greeks on Cyprus because of his anti-American, pro-
Marxist stance in which he equates every American activity
with that of the CIA. Mr. McCall's presentation was
entertaining, enlightening and lively, clearly reflecting the
energy, good humor and intelligence he brought to both
tours as Attache. The chapter's president, Bill Green, used
the occasion to present him with a gift from the
membership, both as a memento and as a token of their
Suncoast Chapter. The annual election of offers was
held April 21, with C. Wendell Poppell elected as president.
William Maury Knott was elected vice president and
Raymond St. Germain will serve as secretary-treasurer.
Diamond Head Chapter. The chapter. in coordination
with the Retired Officers Association, held a luncheon
meeting at the Hale Koa Hotel, Honolulu, on June 24, with
94 members and guests in attendance.
The Honorable Tomas Gomez, Consul General of the
Phillipines, discussed recent elections there, President
Acquino's plans for the future, land reform and the
republic's new constitution.
Col. William J. Bernard was appointed secretary-
treasurer, vice Ed Beidleman, resigned.
Western Montana Chapter. Chapter president Dick
Grant advised that yet another high school, "the largest in
the valley," has been added to Walt Sedoff's yearly
schedule of talks before junior and senior schools. Dick
reports that Walt's appearance before over 250 students
and teachers drew a standing ovation. There were plenty of
questions for Walt to address, and the chapter is pleased
that he has been invited back to speak to another group of
On hearing of the death of former DCI William J. Casey,
the chapter arranged for a flag to be flown at half staff. The
flag is flown from a ridge some 500 feet above the floor of
the Bitterroot Valley and backgrounded by the Sapphire
Nevada Chapter. The June 10th organizational meeting
was held at Sam's Town Hotel and Casino in conjunction
with a noonday lunch. There were eleven attendees at the
Copies of the proposed By-Laws were submitted for
consideration, suggestions and approval
To conduct the affairs of the chapter while additional
membership is enlisted, an interim selection of officers was
made, with Roger E. McCarthy functioning as president pro
tem and Ralph T. Briggs volunteering for the board of
directors. The post of first vice president for programs is
filled by Kirby Lawson, assisted by Bob Olon. The second
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vice president for membership is J.T. Toby Romero, Jr., and
the secretary's function will be undertaken by Francis R.
Sahm, along with responsibilities for publishing an
Intelligence Comments letter. Bill Benz will serve as
treasurer. With this slate of officers in place, the chapter can
now function pursuant to the authority and purpose of
AFIO. December has been designated for the nomination
and election of officers by the full membership, with a
suggested term of office of one year.
Word from Nevada is that Francis R. Sahm, the
chapter's secretary and editor, is recovering very well from
his heart attack of March 10th. He advises that although his
lifestyle is somewhat restricted, "I am now back on the firing
New England
New England Chapter. The chapter has elected its first
board of directors. Named to the governing body are: Dan
Halpin, Eleanore Hoar, Bruce Lawlor, Dave O'Connor, Mike
Speers, Barbara Storer, Al Swenson, MG Ed Thompson,
Patrick Townsend, and Bob Van Beever. The board held its
organizational meeting June 20 to prepare for the quarterly
meeting, June 27, at Norwich, CT. The speaker for the
meeting was Keith Melton, who discussed and exhibited a
portion of his collection of intelligence artifacts.
On May 28, chapter president and vice president, Mike
Speers and Dave O'Connor, were joined by Bob Van
Beever, Richard Palmer and SA Richard Crooks of the FBI's
New Haven office in honoring chapter secretary Dan
Meisenheimer, Jr., for his hard work, generosity and
support of the organization. The event was planned as a
surprise by Speers and Linda Ross, who is employed by
Dan's company, Spectrum. Meisenheimer was presented
with a letter from Vice President George Bush which read:
"As the New England Chapter of AFIO meets, I just want to
send you my warm best wishes and my sincere apprecia-
tion for all you have done to make AFIO so successful. You
do so much for your own community that I don't know how
you find the time to be so constructive in terms of AFIO. But
you have done it, and all your friends respect you for that."
The chapter is pleased to have heard from the
presidents of the Texas Gulf Coast and the Northern Ohio
chapters regarding their plans for future meetings, etc. The
New England Chapter has followed the practice of sending
its meeting announcements to every AFIO chapter in the
hope that should members of other chapters be traveling In
the New England area they might wish to attend one of our
chapter meetings. Now that we are also receiving an-
nouncements from other chapters, it is hoped that some of
our members will be able to visit other chapter functions in
those areas.
New Mexico
New Mexico Chapter. At its monthly meeting, April 28,
the nominating committee, comprised of Newton S. (Scotty)
Miler, Sam J. Papich, Col. Albert R. Bowman and Patrick R.
Harvey, proposed a slate of officers for the coming year.
The vote was carried unanimously and by acclamation.
Charles L. Veneble will serve as president; Edward J.
Eames and Philip Mogen are 1st and 2nd vice presidents.
Col. Hugh Winter was elected as secretary and Herbert L.
Conley was named treasurer.
Outgoing president Thomas J. Smith, who had served
since the chapter was founded two years ago, notes that it
is a very strong chapter. From the original nineteen, current
membership has swelled to fifty-five with additional
membership applications in process. During the two years,
Smith established a good liaison with officers of Kirtland Air
Force Base, where the chapter holds its monthly meeting
on the fourth Tuesday of every month. The base
commander has spoken before the group and has attended
several other meetings. The chapter also enjoys a very
good relationship with the base security and intelligence
Ohio Chapter. The Flag Day meeting was held at the
Hafbrau Haus, Cleveland, with over thirty members,
spouses and guests enjoying the buffet.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, and
in honor of the day each attendee received a porcelain-
faced American Flag lapel pin.
The chapter honored retired CWO Clarence E. Bennett,
vice president of the chapter and "rumored" to the the
second oldest W-4 in the US Army. The previous week
Bennett had been awarded the Legion of Merit for excep-
tionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstand-
ing service in positions of ever-increasing responsibility
during a military career spanning more than forty years and
culminating with his assignment as a counterintelligence
technician with the 342nd Military Intelligence Company. His
unique personal qualities and professional skills enabled
him to serve with praiseworthy fortitude and exemplary
dedication to his duties. He also received a certificate from
the Chief of Military Intelligence, Fort Huachuca, Arizona, for
his outstanding service along with his counterintelligence
badge which has been encased in lucite. The inscription on
it reads: CW-4 Clarence E. Bennett, Special Agent
Counterintelligence 1963-1987.
The guest speaker was SSA Thomas Martin, head of the
Foreign Counterintelligence Unit of the Cleveland office of
the FBI. He discussed the problems of hostile technical
Chapter officers are John L. Lengel, president; John
Smith, first vice president; Clarence Bennett, second vice
president; and Elaine Reusch, secretary-treasurer.
The chapter has made a diligent effort to promote the
AFIO Academic Assistance Program. Several colleges have
shown great interest: Case Western Reserve, John Carroll
and Youngstown Universities. The chapter is contacting a
dozen other colleges and universities to explain that the
mission of AFIO as an educational foundation dedicated to
support of a strong US foreign intelligence capability.
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Texas Chapter. The chapter, of which Fred Rodell is
president, held a dinner meeting, attended by two hundred
people, at the Grand Hotel, Houston, on May 26. The dinner
was addressed by The Honorable Paul Bremmer, Director,
Office of Counter-Terrorism, US Department of State.
The Ambassador was very forthright in explaining the
incipient threat of terrorists to US personnel and
installations world-wide. During the question and answer
period, Amb. Bremmer identified the involvement of 30,000
staffers on Capitol Hill as a major problem in implementing
the foreign policy of the United States.
John Greaney, the executive director of AFIO, who had
come to Houston to select a site for the 1989 AFIO
convention, was also in attendence. He advised that the
Westin Oaks in the Galleria would be the venue of the
convention October 13-14, 1989. ^
In Memorium
Arlington, Virginia
The Honorable William J. CASEY
Long Island, New York
Mr. Ernest Jerome LISSNER
Honolulu, Hawaii
Mr. Vernon E. LONGUET
Houston, Texas
Five AFIO members were honored as "living legends" of
military intelligence July 1, in ceremonies activating the
Military Intelligence Corps under the Army's new regimental
Honored as Honorary Colonel of the new Corps is Lt.
Gen. James A. Williams, (USA-Ret), former Director of the
Defense Intelligence Agency. Named as Distinguished
Members of the Corps are: Dorothe K. Matlack, a pioneer in
the Army's human intelligence efforts; Lt. Gen. William I
Rolya (USA-Ret), the first Commander, INSCOM; Maj. Gen.
Edmund R. Thompson (USA-Ret), a former ACSI and
Deputy Director of DIA; and Col. Norman S. Wells (USA-
Ret), who headed both the Directorates of Intelligence
Systems and Foreign Intelligence in ACSI.
Lt. Gen. Williams will serve a three-year term, then
become a Distinguished Member of the Corps. The
Distinguished Members named will serve indefinitely. The
role of the "living legends" is to perpetuate the history,
traditions and lineage of MI. Most will make frequent visits to
MI units worldwide, speaking at official functions.
Unlike the combat arms branches, which are subdivided
into numbered regiments structured similar to brigades,
under the new regimental system MI will have only one
regimental organization - the MI Corps. All MI soldiers and
civilians worldwide will affilitate with the MI Corps, now
activated at Ft. Huachuca. According to Maj. Gen. Julius
Parker, Jr., Chief of Military Intelligence, "It is a recognition
and celebration of our evolution from a plethora of diverse
and separate intelligence agencies into a cohesive MI
community we enjoy today. In short, it symbolizes that
Army Intelligence has truly arrived."
A special exhibit featuring the photographs and
biographies of the honorees was unveiled at Fort Huachuca
to coincide with the inauguration of the Corps. ^
Ms. Connie G. MARCERON
Bethesda, Maryland
Wahiawa, Hawaii
W. Raymond Wannall, president of AFIO, is the author of
three articles published recently in national publications: "J.
Edgar Hoover Was My Boss," Conservative Digest, June
1987; "The UN's Secret Service," Early Warning, May 1987;
and "New UN Intelligence Group," Information Digest, May
1, 1987. Members desiring single copies of the articles may
obtain them by writing national.
A cover story by Dr. Louis W. Tordella, vice chairman of
AFIO's board of directors, appears in the Summer 1987
issue Cryptolog, the journal of the Naval Cryptologic
Veterans Association. In the article, Dr. Tordella addresses
the controversy concerning the Japanese "winds" message
which would have signaled the Japanese attack on the
United States if, indeed, it was sent.
Articles by Montana Chapter president Dick Grant are a
mainstay of the Montana Legionnaire. In addition to his
columns on foreign affairs and national security, which
appear monthly in the publication, Dick contributes
editorial-type cartoons supportive of the American Legion
Deadline =for Next Issue:
October 15, 1987
Summer 1987 Periscope Page 23
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From the
President's Desk
Just what induced you to
become a member of AFIO?
My introduction to the as-
sociation was in 1980 when I
read an excellent book, The
CIA and the American Ethic:
An Unfinished Debate, co-
authored by Ernest W. Lefever
and Roy Godson. The book
was based on two premises:
"(T)he survival of Western values and free institutions is
gravely threatened from abroad, and to counter these
threats the United States must have a vigorous and wise
foreign policy informed by effective foreign intelligence
Here is what Drs. Lefever and Godson wrote about our
"The Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO)
is the most active and, up to now, the most important or-
ganization within the 'pro-intelligence' forces ... It now has
about 2800 members . . . The leadership and some 150
active members reflect a variety of views about intelligence
and other political issues. What unites them all is the belief
that the public has been given a seriously distorted under-
standing of intelligence and has had little opportunity to get
accurate information. The AFIO has stepped into the
vacuum to defend the intelligence services from the more
extreme attacks and to put the subject into better perspec-
tive for public debate. They do not, however, see their
mission as critiquing, revamping or reforming US intel-
ligence services, which they believe functioned effectively
before the attacks of the early 1970s and would function
equally well today if permitted to do so ... It's principal ac-
tivities are public relations and education. When asked, it
has given testimony at congressional hearings. The AFIO
has responded to about 500 requests for speakers from
high schools and colleges and from the media . . . "
When I read this, I was doing on an individual basis what
so many of you have done - speaking, testifying, submitting
to media interviews - all in support of a strong and respon-
sible national intelligence establishment. And, possibly like
many of you, I decided to join AFIO's crusade. There's no
arguing with the old adage about strength in numbers. We
now have about 3,400 members and considerably more
than 150 active ones.
Since joining, I've learned what prestigious and distin-
guished members we have. Hardly a month goes by that
one or more of our associates is not honored as an out-
standing proponent of effective intelligence operations. On
May 15, 1987, two members carried away top honors at the
awards ceremony of the National Intelligence Study Center.
Scott D. Breckinridge, whose The CIA and the US Intel-
ligence System has proven popular with the scholars sup-
ported by AFIO's Academic Assistance Program, received
the award for "Best Book on Intelligence (US) for 1986."
Edward F. Sayle, editor of Periscope, received the award
for "Best Scholarly Article, 1986." Through the courtesy of
The International Journal of Intelligence and
Counterintelligence, in which the article appeared, a copy
of Ed's article is enclosed with this issue of Periscope.
On June 24, 1987, Life Member John Alex McCone, who
served as DCI from 1961 to 1965, was awarded the Medal of
Freedom by President Reagan in a Rose Garden ceremony
at the White House.
I know that many other members have been cited or
have received awards for their contributions to the intel-
ligence goals sought by our Association. If you or some
member you know has been accorded such an honor which
has not previously been acknowledged, please send us
specifics as to the date received, reason for the award and
by whom conferred, and we shall see that it receives
recognition in a future issue of the Periscope.
Meanwhile, we hope you will invite others who support
our goals to join us. A personal approach to a candidate is
most effective.
I still believe in the old adage.
Ray Wannall
AFIO was organized in 1975 by former intelligence per-
sonnel from the Federal military and civilian intelligence and
security agencies. Its purpose is to promote public under-
standing of, and support for, a strong and responsible na-
tional intelligence establishment.
AFIO believes that effective intelligence is the nation's
first line of defense against surprise from abroad, subver-
sion at home and possibly dangerous miscalculation by our
national leaders in the conduct of foreign and defense
policy. AFIO therefore holds that reliable intelligence is es-
sential to the cause of peace.
In pursuing its objectives, AFIO
9 Works closely with appropriate committees of the
congress regarding legislation affecting the intel-
ligence agencies, responds to congressional requests
for its views and information on intelligence matters,
and is frequently called upon to testify on specific
legislative proposals.
? Through its network of local chapters across the
nation, provides speakers for discussion of national
security issues before civic, academic and profes-
sional groups.
? Promotes educational programs explaining the role
and importance of intelligence.
? Provides participants for network and local TV and
radio programs on national security issues.
? Is frequently consulted by scholars, authors, jour-
nalists and TV producers on intelligence matters.
? Monitors media treatment of intelligence and security
issues and, where inaccuracies and distortions occur,
attempts to set the record straight.
? Distributes to its members a quarterly publication with
news, views and book reviews relating to intelligence,
and a quarterly digest of current news commentary.
Pa.9e 24 Approved For Release 2004/11~eFisMAeRDP88-01315R000100500001-1 Summer 1987
Journal of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers
Amb. Nolan, Head of State's "American Desk,"
Seeks Equity For US Personnel Stationed Abroad
Developing and exploiting leverage in assuring
equity for US diplomatic personnel abroad is the goal
of the State Department's Office of Foreign Missions,
Ambassador James E. Nolan, Jr., the office's director,
told AFIO's luncheon on March 16th.
Amb. Nolan noted that the press often refers to
his activity as the "Office of Tit for Tat," but he prefers
to think of it as the "American Desk" at the
Department of State. He sees the goals of the office
as enhancing the conditions under which Americans
serve abroad and protecting the national security
interests of the US through controls exerted on the
activities of foreign missions and their personnel in
this country.
The Office of Foreign Missions, said Amb. Nolan,
a former FBI agent and a member of AFIO, was
created when Congress and the present
administraiton recognized the imbalance between
conditions abroad and at home and felt the need for
additional tools to redress that imbalance.
Now, because of the office's efforts, the US grants
exemption and privilege to foreign missions solely on
the basis of reciprocity. "I am sure you have seen our
red, white and blue diplomatic license plates." The
licenses are now issued by his office, and the tags
are country coded to assist the FBI and those
responsible for the security of sensitive national
defense installations.
Housing is another measure of equity. The
Soviets and the Bulgarians, for example, are required
to sublet apartments leased by the Department of
State. "While this is a great disappointment to the
Soviets," Amb. Nolan said, "we do not have in our
inventory of apartments any on the top floors of
Northern Virginia high rise buildings, thus, how shall I
describe it, depriving them of the panoramic views
which they have enjoyed so long."
Travel controls have been imposed on those
nations which limit US diplomatic travel. Thus, the
Soviets, Poland, Bulgaria, East Germany and
Czechoslovakia must now purchase their travel
tickets and book their hotel accomodations
Ambassador James E. Nolan, Jr.
Director, Office of Foreign Missions
US Department of State
through the Office of Foreign missions. This also
gives the US a greater advanced, specific knowledge
of each such trip and the capability of dictating the
alteration of the itinerary to meet national security
concerns. To provide support for the office's efforts in
regard to national security, an interagency liaison
group, consisting of the FBI, DIA, the Customs
Service and military counterintelligence elements,
examines all such travel requests on a daily basis
and provides an assessment before the travel is
"We would not have made that progress
the extraordinary support of all elements
Intelligence Community," Amb. Nolan noted.
Webster and Bill Casey have from the
provided me with all that I have asked."
of the
According to the speaker, "We have not achieved
all that we have sought to do and major security and
other problems continue to confront us, but what we
have done, I think, is to formulate the right approach
to these problems and we have begun to use in an
effective way the leverage which is available to us."
[The full text of Amb. Nolan's remarks appears
elsewhere in this issue.]
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Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, 85
AFIO Honorary Board Member
Retired Army General Maxwell D. Taylor, a member of
AFIO's honorary board of directors since 1982, was buried
with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery,
April 23rd. He was 85.
"Throughout his life, Gen. Taylor epitomized what it
means to be a soldier, a diplomat and a scholar," said
Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger, who called
Gen. Taylor "one of the great military men in American
A native of Keytesville, Mo., Gen. Taylor graduated
from the US Military Academy in 1922. He commanded
the 82nd Airborne Division's artillery units in campaigns in
Siciily and on the Italian mainland. Later, he led the 101st
Airborne Division that parachuted into the beaches of
Normandy on D-Day, becoming the first American general
to fight in France in WWII.
In the fall of 1943, Gen. Taylor volunteered for what
was one of the most hazardous cloak-and-dagger
missions of the war. Marshal Badoglio had just secretly
surrendered the Italian forces to the Allies, as told later in
Allen Dulles' The Secret Surrender, but Rome was still
controlled by the anti-Badoglio faction and cordoned off
by German troops. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, then chief of
staff to Gen. Eisenhower and later DCI, needed a high
ranking emissary to slip into Rome and determine the
feasibility and necessity of an airborne landing there. Gen.
Taylor and Col. William T. Gardner landed by small boat at
Gaeta, where they were met by frightened Badoglio
agents. They were warned that should the partisans of
either side discover them on Italian soil, they could be
The two officers drove into Rome, through enemy
lines, only removing their military caps to conceal their
identities. Finding the Italians were unable to provide the
forces to root out the Germans in and around the city,
Gen. Taylor used his radio to call off the Allied airborne
attack and to avoid the almost certain loss of hundreds of
his men's lives. Of the mission, Gen. Eisenhower later
wrote: "The risks he ran were greater than I asked any
other agent or emissary to take during the war; he carried
weighty responsibilities and discharged them with
unerring judgment and every minute was in imminent
danger of discovery."
After the war, Gen. Taylor returned to the United
States and appointment as the superintendent of West
Point. He served subsequently as commander of the
American military government and army forces in Berlin,
and in the closing months of the Korean War as com-
manding general of the Eighth Army. In 1955, he was
named Army chief of staff, serving in that post until retire-
ment in 1959. In 1961, President Kennedy called on Gen.
Taylor to lead an inquiry into the abortive Bay of Pigs
operation. That same year, he was recalled to active duty,
named military representative to President Kennedy, and
asked to be the president's personal watchdog over the
nation's intelligence apparatus. In 1962 he was named
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1964, President
Johnson appointed Gen. Taylor as ambassador to South
Gen. Taylor was the author of That Uncertain Trumpet,
Responsibility and Response, Swords and Plowshares and
Precarious Security.
He is survived by his wife and two sons.
The following members have generously
contributed an amount equal to or
exceeding one year's annual dues.
Anonymous gift in memory of
Mrs. Mary Ella BELL
Charlottesville, Virginia
Mr. Hollis BOWERS
Silver Spring, Maryland
Euclid, Ohio
Holly Hill, Florida
Mr. Hayden B. PEAKE
Alexandria, Virginia
Enterprise, Alabama
Mr. Will S. TEMPLE, Jr.
New Orleans, Lousiana
Huntington Beach, California
Daughter Seeks Information on Father;
Was an Army Cryptographer 40 Years Ago
Carol Hickingbotham Solstad, 6805 S.W. Bainbridge,
Lawton, OK 73505 (405-536-2484) is attempting to resolve a
forty year old mystery, the disappearance of her father in
1947. The father, Lt. Rae Curtis Hickingbotham, Jr., a
decorated WWII veteran of the Burma campaign rejoined the
Army Signal Corps in 1947 and was stationed at Vint Hill
Farms Station, near Warrenton, VA, and at Arlington Hall
Station, Arlington, VA. A CID investigation at the time of his
disappearance was fruitless. Mrs. Solstad asks that anyone
who knew her father or who might have leads to his
disappearance contact her.
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building,
6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.
Phone (703) 790-0320.
Officers of AFIO are:
W. Raymond Wannall ............................................ President
Dr. Walter L. Pforzheimer ............................Vice President
Robert J. Novak ......................................................Treasurer
Charlotta P. Engrav ................................................Secretary
John K. Greaney .................................... Executive Director
Edward F. Sayle ...............................Editor of PERISCOPE
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Notes From National
We are very pleased to announce that Charlie Brewer
has accepted the Chairmanship of the 1987 Convention
Committee. It has been decided that the theme will be
Counterintelligence, certainly a timely subject. Information
about the Convention will be sent with the Summer
Periscope. However, mark the date and place now:
October 9th and 10th, 1987, The Tysons Sheraton, Tysons
Corner, Virginia. For those members familiar with the area,
this new hotel is located at Route 7 and the Dulles Access
The 1987 AFIO Membership Directory was mailed with
the Winter Periscope. Many members who have moved
and not advised us of their new addresses will not receive
their Periscope because the Post Office does not forward
third class mail. For those AFIO members who question
why they are not listed in the 1987 Directory, the criteria is
established when a member joins AFIO; A box on the
application asks whether the individual wants to be listed
in the Directory. A member who wishes to change his or
her category (restricted or non-restricted), should send
AFIO the request in writing so we can put it with the
original application and permit us to change our mailing
The response for conversion to Life membership has
been very encouraging. Since September 1, 1986, the
beginning of the AFIO fiscal year, we have received
seventy-five conversions or new Life members. We hope
to attain a total of 100 for the fiscal year which ends
August 31, 1987. Consider the tax advantage if you
AFIO has continued to be a focal point for the media
as the problems continue to plague the Intelligence
Community. It has been interesting to have had interviews
with reporters from foreign news magazines (Chile and
France) asking about AFIO. We had two taped interviews
with the Christian Science Monitor radio network which
were broadcast over 110 National Public Radio Stations. If
you hear any of these broadcasts, please send us your
Response from the professors who teach courses on
Intelligence has been very encouraging as noted in our
President's column. We would ask our members and
particularly those who belong to Chapters to begin
contacting colleges and universities in their area to
encourage the development of courses on Intelligence for
the 1987 fall semester. Should a professor wish some
help, suggest he or she write to AFIO; We can suggest the
names of other professors teaching similar subjects.
John K. Greaney
^ ^ ^
Publisher Offers Magazine
Discount to AFIO Members
The Journal of Defense and Diplomacy, a monthly with emphasis on
international strategy and security published in McLean, VA, is offering
members of AFIO a 25% subscription discount. The special rate of
$31.50 a year may be obtained by indicating AFIO membership when
ordering from the Journal of Defense and Diplomacy, 6819 Elm Street,
McLean, VA 22101.
Mrs. Mary Ella BELL
Washington, D.C.
Mr. Joseph F CONDON
Albuquerque, New Mexico
The Honorable Hugh S. CUMMING, Jr.
Washington, D.C.
Col Donald L. FALKENSTEIN, (USAF-Ret.)
Fairfax, Virginia
Dr. Horace H. KOESSLER, M.D.
Missoula, Montana
MajGen Edward G. LANSDALE, (USAF-Ret.)
McLean, Virginia
COL Marion R. PANELL, (USA-Ret.)
Seymour, Tennessee
Col Roy C. TUCKER, Jr., (USAF-Ret.)
Alexandria, Virginia
I Didn't Know the Gun Was Loaded
"For more than three months, through the height of revelations about
the Iran arms scandal, US and Iraqi officials have been keeping the lid on
a tale of Middle East intrigue in which a US diplomat to Iraq was caught
taking photographs of a convoy of Soviet arms in Kuwait bound for
Baghdad. Even after he was arrested by Kuwaiti authorities and then
expelled from Iraq, officials in those countries kept the incident quiet. No
official from any of the nations involved will talk on the record but Insight
has pieced together the mystery from background interviews. 'You have
to understand how sensitive this is,' says a high-ranking US military
official. 'This has ramifications for our entire military attache program
around the world."'
Thus begins a two page journey into irresponsibility by senior
editor Richard Mackenzie in a recent issue of Insight magazine. The
intelligence officer is named and his present assignment indicated.
Further, says the publication, he "played a part in the officially
sanctioned supply of US intelligence to Iraq . . "
Just to let the reader know how important the "scoop" is, the
writer notes "Neither Iraqi leaders nor US officials want the incident
made public. The State Department refuses comment, referring
questions to [the man's] military superiors. The Pentagon, in turn,
says only that [the man] was reassigned and is back in Washington.
Kuwait's ambassador to the United States Sheikh Saud Nasir al-
Sabah, claims to have no knowledge of the affair. A spokesman for
Iraq's ambassador to the United States simply says, 'We have no
The story concludes on a new low note, "At about the same time
the Pentagon was still looking for a replacement for [the man]. It
found one In [another named person], who was scheduled to arrive
in Baghdad April 1--presumably sans camera."
Spring 1987 Periscope Page 3
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Arlington Hall: Monument to Intelligence
On June 10, 1942, a guard detail consisting of an
armed second lieutenant and fourteen enlisted men
armed with sawed-off broom handles (rifles were in short
supply) took possession of the Arlington Hall Junior
College for Girls, Arlington, Virginia. For the next forty-five
years the school, renamed Arlington Hall Station, would
be linked inseparably
to the history and
heritage of military in-
telligence and the
service cryptologic or-
The girl's school,
founded in 1927, first
came to government
attention two months
earlier when some
officers were return-
ing to Washington on
Lee Boulevard (now
Washington Boule-
vard) from inspection
of a proposed intel-
ligence monitoring
site, Vint Hill Farm
near Warrenton. It was
ideally located for
their purpose, con-
venient to Washington
and to Vint Hill Farm,
yet sufficiently isolat-
ed from the prying
eyes of enemy agents
and official Washing-
ton. The faculty and
202 students were
evicted, the site was taken by condemnation by the
Secretary of War and ultimately the school trustees were
paid $650,000, or just barely enough to cover the
mortgage. (The War Powers Act of March 27, 1942, had
given the Secretary of War such authority.)
The site was renamed Arlington Hall Station and by
August 1942 the school grounds had been surrounded by
an alarmed double chain-link fence and a badge system
instituted to control access. The following month ground
was broken for temporary buildings to house operational
elements, the enlisted barracks and a cafeteria. By the
end of the war the station's complement was 5,700
civilians, 630 officers, 1,000 WACs and 600 enlisted men.
By August, the Signal Intelligence Service (SIS) and its
operating arm, the 2nd Signal Service Battalion, had com-
pleted its move to Arlington Hall and on a round-the-clock
basis began to meet the intelligence challenges of World
War 11. SIS's commander, in addition to the Arlington Hall
complement, controlled the organization's worldwide
monitoring detachments. SIS was subsequently renamed
the Signal Security Agency.
The analysts of SSA succeeded in breaking and ex-
ploiting the extremely complicated code systems used by
the Imperial Japanese Army. The "breaking of PURPLE" is
credited with shortening the Pacific War by as much as
two years. Their work also provided a window on Hitler's
Europe. Japanese military attaches unwittingly passed
back reams of information about conditions behind Nazi
lines to SSA's analysts. Fortunately, the Japanese were
Arlington Hall, the former Arlington Junior College for
Girls and headquarters of service cryptologic and
intelligence services for over forty-five years, faces dim
future with planned State Department acquisition.
avid note-takers at
German briefings.
SSA shared its know-
ledge of Japanese
systems with its
British counterpart or-
ganization and col-
laborated with it on
the German crypto-
logic problem. The
successful intercepts
in both theaters of war
provided the Allies
with the tactical ad-
vantage of knowing
many of the enemy's
war plans.
In addition to its
work in cracking
enemy codes, the
SSA was also respon-
sible for Army com-
munications security.
It provided the Army
with a wide spectrum
of codes and ciphers
designed to serve all
echelons of com-
mand. One of the
simplest was the M-
138, a strip cipher device which consisted of paper al-
phabets in a metal frame. (To conserve aluminum, some
later models of the device were made out of wood; one
Army officer in the Far East faced charges for burning
cipher devices for fuel.) For tactical use, Arlington Hall fur-
nished the Army with the M-209, a handy mechanical
device acquired from the Swedish inventor Boris Hagelin.
Army and joint-service high level communications were
secured by a highly sophisticated electromechanical
device developed by ace cryptologist William Friedman.
SIGABA, as it was known, was never broken by the
enemy. Only once was SIGABA security threatened: A
truck carrying such a device disappeared around Colmar,
France, in 1945. Fortunately, as it turned out, the French
farmer who stole the truck wanted transport, not its
secrets. The lost SIGABA machine, still in its safe, was
found in a nearby river.
With victory in World War II, in September 1945 the
cryptologic service was reorganized as the Army Security
Agency (ASA), under the operational control of the
Director of Intelligence.
The achievements of ASA during the cold war must, in
the main, remain secret to retain US advantage in the
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secret war of the ether. Yet, only recently was it disclosed
that ASA also broke the Soviet intelligence code used in
1944-45. The exciting story was revealed by Robert J.
Lamphere in his 1986 book The FBI-KGB War. As
Lamphere tells it, during WWII Gen. William J. Donovan,
director of the Office of Stategic Services purchased some
1,500 pages of cryptographic materials from the Finns.
Among the acquired materials was a charred Soviet
codebook found on the battlefield during the Russo-
Finnish war. Secretary
of State Edward Stet-
tinius, much like his
predecessor Secre-
tary Henry Stimson
who believed gentle-
men should not read
other gentlemen's
mail, saw this as an
affront to the Soviets,
then perceived as
allies, and demanded
the cipher materials
be returned to them.
The USSR immedi-
ately changed all of its
codes, but fortunately
the sneaky Gen.
Donovan had made a
copy and provided it
to ASA. Lamphere's
book tells of the
steady flow of leads
which flowed from Ar-
lington Hall to the FBI,
resulting in the arrest,
conviction and, some-
times, execution of
Soviet spies found
working in the government, stationed in the United States
and associated with the intelligence services of our allies.
The creation of a separate US Air Force following the
war resulted in the establishment at Arlington Hall of the
Air Force Security Service. In 1949, the Armed Forces
Security Agency (later the Armed Forces Security Service)
was organized to provide centralized direction of the
cryptologic elements of all three military services. It, too,
was headquartered at Arlington Hall.
In 1952, the Armed Forces Security Service, which
had been controlled by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was
replaced as the central cryptologic agency by the National
Security Agency (NSA) which served at Arlington Hall until
its move to Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland, 1955-58.
As NSA moved its headquarters, Arlington Hall was
quickly filled by a variety of intelligence tenants. Joint Task
Force 7 was the first element to arrive, followed by the in-
telligence elements of five Army technical services,
ACSI's technical intelligence units, the US Air Force Intel-
ligence Command, the US Army Signal Communications
Security Agency and, 1962, the Defense Intelligence
Agency (which in recent years moved to its new analytical
center at Bolling AFB).
After the arrival of DIA, Arlington Hall Station witnessed
only a few additional organizational changes. A major
change was the redesignation of the US Army Security
Agency as the US Army Intelligence Command in January
1977. The new command represented a merger of Army
intelligence functions, with the main headquarters remain-
ing at Arlington Hall.
Arlington Hall's Codebreakers During World War II
US Army Photos
The intelligence
tradition of Arlington
Hall is scheduled to
come to an end in
about eighteen
months when the US
Army Intelligence and
Security Command
moves to its new
facilities, now under
construction at Fort
Belvoir, Virginia. At
that time a small
parcel will be retained
by the Army for the
National Guard; the
remainder of the 100
acres will be trans-
ferred to the Depart-
ment of State for con-
struction of a new
Foreign Service In-
there are strong in-
dications that Ar-
lington Hall, known
officially as Building
One, will not survive
the transfer. A representative of the Department of State
has indicated that its colonial architecture conflicts with
the modern, sylvan setting planned for the FSI and in-
timated that the building will be demolished.
Intelligence veterans are seeking public support for
the preservation of the building and its constructive use as
a continuing monument to the achievements of the men
and women of the service cryptologic and intelligence
agencies which over the past forty-five years have been
headquartered at Arlington Hall. Among proposals heard
currently are its use as a National Cryptologic Museum, a
joint-service National Military Intelligence Museum or a
possible home for the long-proposed National Historical
Intelligence Museum for which hearings have been held
but no site allocated. Supporters of the building's
preservation and use for such a purpose are urged to
communicate their views to their respective senators and
representatives. Only an outpouring of support by intel-
ligence veterans can alter what appears to be a sad end
for a building with a proud heritage.
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Remarks by Ambassador James E. Nolan, Jr.
Director, Office of Foreign Missions
Department of State
before the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers
March 16, 1987
Ladies and gentlemen. It's a great pleasure for me to have the oppor-
tunity today to talk to you about the Office of Foreign Missions and the
work we do to enhance the conditions under which Americans serve
abroad and to protect the national security interests of the United States
through the controls which we exercise over the activities of foreign
missions and their personnel in this country.
The public perception for a long time may have been that those who
represented the United States abroad enjoyed an easy life. Indeed, in
many parts of the world, in years past, it may have been so. I think it is
widely recognized today that is no longer the case. The walls of the
diplomatic lobby of the Department of State which have listed on them
the names of those who have been killed while representing the United
States abroad bear stark witness to that change.
From 1968, when terrorists killed our ambassador to Guatemala, we
have seen our ambassadors killed in Cyprus, Sudan, Lebanon and Af-
ghanistan. By late 1979, mobs had burned our embassies in Libya and in
Pakistan, where four embassy employees were killed. In 1983, seventeen
Americans and sixty-nine Lebanese lost their lives in Beirut. Our military
attache shot and killed in Paris, our consul shot and wounded in
Strasbourg, the shooting of two first-tour communicators in Khartoum
and Sanaa. Life in the foreign service has indeed changed. The
pressures on our personnel and on their families living abroad are now
very heavy and therefore to the degree that by the efforts of the Office of
Foreign Missions we can make their lives safer or easier, we consider it a
task well worth doing.
The report made by Admiral Inman on the security issues facing the
Department of State stressed the urgent need to replace a significant
number of our embassies around the world which were vulnerable to
terrorists attacks or in some other cases were vulnerable to serious
technical attacks. Relocation of an American embassy is a complex,
costly and difficult job. To accomplish that job the United States must
have the interest and support of the host government. In many countries,
that support and assistance is there for the asking. When it is not there, I
believe it can be generated and encouraged by the leverage which exists
when that country has an interest in improving or relocating one of its
own missions in the United States. That we have failed to properly utilize
this leverage in the past is most graphically illustrated by the disparity
which exists today between our embassy construction project in
Moscow and the Soviet embassy site at Mount Alto. If all aspects of con-
struction are not nailed down at the beginning, if all stages of construc-
tion are not so controlled that neither gets ahead of the other, if conces-
sions are made for unrelated political reasons, however well motivated,
the inevitable result is the disparity which exists between those two
projects today.
Thus while the press often likes to refer to the Office of Foreign
Missions as the Office of Tit-For-Tat, what we are engaged in is not a
game in which reciprocity is an end in itself, but rather we are engaged in
a process in which we either develop or exploit leverage to achieve a
specific end. Our approach to these problems is a very realistic one, for
it is unfortunate, but we live in a world in which it is not very often
possible to be generous and openhanded in these matters with the ex-
pectations that other countries will be equally generous and
openhanded towards us when they have already met all the needs of
their missions in the United States.
The Congress and this administration clearly recognized this
imbalance between conditions abroad and at home and further saw that
the LIS government needed additional tools to redress the imbalance.
The Congress also saw a need to establish a focal point within the
Department of State to ensure that reciprocity was an important factor in
our bilateral relationships. The Office of Foreign Missions is that focal
point. So that rather than being the Office of Tit-for-Tat, I prefer another
description of the office which- has also been used by the press, that we
are the American Desk at the Department of State.
One of the first things we did on setting up the new office was to
survey all our posts to Identify the most serious and common problems
confronting them and several major areas were immediately apparent:
--We were paying millions of dollars in a variety of taxes abroad, while
at the same time we were exempting foreign missions and their
personnel from all taxes in the United States.
-There were a large number of countries which limited the number
and sometimes even the models of vehicles which our missions and
personnel could-own, a-number-of countries which imposed substantial
fees for registering our vehicles and often highly taxed or otherwise
severely limited their sale. Diplomatic personnel in the United States
could, however, import any type of vehicle they wished, buy any vehicle
on the open market, sell to any buyer and, of course, register the
vehicles without cost and pay no taxes on purchase or sale.
--In some countries we could not acquire adequate housing for our
people, or land for our missions, while a number of countriesprohibited
the United States, or indeed any foreign ownership of real property.
They, on the other hand, were allowed to buy or lease any property they
wanted on the open market for their missions here.
--In the Soviet Union our personnel have to book their travel through
government offices which constrain their ability to travel. The Soviets
have also imposed a number of arbitrary and unwarranted fees. They
may require that a traveler book a minimum of two nights in a hotel when
he is only staying overnight. There is even the more outrageous practice
of imposing cancellation fees for hotels and common carriers when the
Soviet Foreign Ministry denies permission to travel at the last moment.
--There were countries where it took several months for household
goods of our personnel to be cleared through customs, and where they
insisted on an accompanying detailed inventory.
--There were countries where we could not get either telephones for
our people, or even an adequate number of telephone and teletype lines
for our missions. Here, of course, they had only to call the local
telephone company for whatever service they wished.
Now, four years after the establishment of the Office of Foreign
Missions, I cannot tell you that we have found a cure for all these
problems, but I would like to tell you about some of the steps we have
taken to redress the imbalance.
In the area of taxes, for example, the United States now grants tax
exemption to foreign missions and their personnel in the United States
solely on the basis of reciprocity. Where we enjoy no exemption, none is
granted here. Where we enjoy only a partial exemption, for example, on
purchases which exceed a certain dollar amount, a comparable limited
exemption is given here. Where formerly tax exemptions outside of
Washington, D.C., were granted by state government tax offices, all
exemptions of diplomatic personnel throughout the United States are
now controlled and granted only by my office. Since this program was
instituted, we have beensuccessful in having tax exemptions granted to
our missions in ten countries in which we previously enjoyed no
exemption and there are approximately twenty-five foreign missions in
the United States which no longer have tax exemption.
With regard to motor vehicles, I am sure you will have all seen our
red, white and blue diplomatic license plates. We now register about
15,000 vehicles in some twenty-six states. The license plates are country
coded in order to assist the FBI and those responsible for the security of
sensitive national defense installations. In addition, the registration data
is available on-line through two national computer networks to all law en-
forcement agencies throughout the United States.
The conditions of ownership, the cost of registration and the limita-
tions on resale are reciprocal for each country. While we still face far too
many restrictions abroad, we are making good progress and a substan-
tial number of restrictions on US personnel have been lifted. The Soviet
Union, for example, removed all fees for the registrationof our cars there
immediately after paying the first comparable registration fee here.
With regard to real property, all foreign missions in the United States
are now required to submit to the Office of Foreign Missions for our
review and approval all proposed acquisitions of real property in the
United States by either leaseor purchase. These are properties acquired
in the name of the mission.
Those countries whose activities in the United States are of
continuing counterintelligence concern are, in addition, required to
submit for review and approval all proposed leases by-all the personnel
of their missions, that Is those leases in the individual's own name.
For some missions there are even more stringent controls. For
example, all Soviet and Bulgarian personnel are required to sublet from
my office apartments which are leased by the Department of State. While
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this seems to have come as a great disappointment to the Soviets, we
do not have in our inventory of apartments any on the upper floors of
Northern Virginia high rise buildings, thus, how shall I describe it,
depriving them of the panoramic views which they have enjoyed far too
Additionally, as a matter of departmental policy, we no longer permit
purchase of real property in the US by a foreign mission whose country
does not permit the United States to own real property in their country.
Not only has this program enabled us to resolve a number of long-
standing real estate problems abroad where the issues have been major
acquisitions for our chancery facilities, but it has helped us to acquire
better housing for our people. In Sofia, for example, four of our embassy
apartments were a disgrace, the buildings were in disrepair. I asked our
embassy in Sofia to send me photographs of these four apartments,
which I then showed to the Bulgarian Embassy in Washington. I
explained to them that unless we received new apartments in Sofia, the
next four apartments which they received in Washington would be of
comparable quality to those in the pictures. Indeed, we even showed
them some photographs of some comparable Washington apartment
buildings. Within the month we had four new apartments in Sofia.
Additionally, it is our policy that where we are required to use host
country government entities for the construction or repair of our facilities,
we now require those countries to contract with the Office of Foreign
Missions for all their construction in the United States. Thus we require
the Soviet Embassy to purchase all construction materials for Mt. Alto
through our office. We have also recently completed the renovation of
several apartment buildings for the Chinese Embassy and are under
contract with them to construct a swimming pool and auditorium at their
embassy on Connecticut Avenue.
I am sure that to this group the national security benefits of some of
these programs which I have been discussing are fairly obvious. I would
like to turn now to the area of travel controls where the principal and
overriding objective is protection of national security interests.
To provide support to the Office of Foreign Missions in all national
security aspects of our work and to review all travel requests, we have
established within the office an interagency liaison group. This group,
which is composed of representatives of the FBI, DIA, the Customs
Service, and all the military services' counterintelligence components,
examines each request for travel on a daily basis and makes their
assessment prior to the travel being approved. In my long experience in
counterintelligence, this is the first mechanism for the systematic review
of such travel by all concerned elements of the US Government.
Because the Soviets and others under travel controls must now
actually buy their travel tickets and book their hotel accommodations
through OFM, we have greater advanced specific knowledge of each
trip, as well as the capacity to alter the travel when necessary to meet
national security concerns, or even when necessary to prevent the travel
from occurring.
A little over a year ago, we expanded these travel controls to four
countries in Eastern Europe (Poland, Bulgaria, East Germany and
Czechoslovakia). For the first time it also extended controls to the
nationals of these and certain other countries who are employed at the
United Nations Secretariat.
These UN Secretariat controls were only possible because this ad-
ministration has been blessed with two extraordinary ambassadors to
the UN, Jeanne Kirkpatrick and Dick Walters, both of whom understood
and strongly supported the need for closing the gap, which had existed
far too long, in our controls and not the least because we have a
president who has been committed from the outset of his administration
that counterintelligence concerns be addressed.
There is one other area which I would like to briefly discuss. Because
of the recent driving accident involving the ambassador from Papua, New
Guinea, much attention have been focused on how we monitor
diplomatic driving practices. First, we require all the foreign mission
vehicles which we register to carry liability insurance. We require either
$100,000 combined single limit, $100,000 per person or $300,000 per
accident. This is, of course, much higher than any of the states require
to license a vehicle. The highest state requirement is, I believe, $50,000.
We do this, of course, because of the diplomat's immunity from suit. We
require the insurance carrier of diplomatic vehicles to carry the
Department of State as a party of interest on their policies so that we are
notified of any cancellations of the policy.
In addition, we monitor as closely as we can the driving behavior of
the diplomatic community by asking all police departments to report all
driving violations to us. We assign points for violations in much the same
way as do local jurisdictions and suspend driving privileges if serious
violations occur.
I am particularly concerned about diplomats driving under the
influence of alcohol. In all such cases brought to our attention I have
suspended the diplomat's privilege of driving for the remainder of his tour
in the United States. We had ten such suspensions in the last year and
the rules apply equally to diplomats from all countries.
As the recent accident so tragically illustrates, when injuries are
major and the process of rehabilitation may be lengthy, neither $100,000
or $300,000 is truly adequate compensation. Thus while I think we are
making some progress in this area, we have by no means solved the
problem and we need to perhaps explore better ways to compensate the
innocent victims of such accidents.
Finally, while I have been outlining for you today what we have done,
I must also state that we would not have made that progress without the
extraordinary support of all elements of the Intelligence Community.
Judge Webster and Bill Casey have from the outset provided me with all
that I have asked. Absent the commitment of personnel by Commis-
sioner Van Rabb we would have neither the personnel or the knowledge
to handle diplomatic custom clearances.
The Department of State, once it got over its initial shock at having
and old FBI man come over to establish the office, has seen what the
office can do to help ease the conditions under which our people serve
abroad and is giving its strong support.
We have not achieved all that we have sought to do and major
security and other problems continue to confront us, but what we have
done, I think, is to formulate the right approach to these problems and
we have begun to use in an effective way the leverage which is available
to us.
We have also demonstrated that we can not only address a number
of problems facing the Department of State, but that in finding solutions
for those problems we are in a position to serve the Intelligence
Community interests as well.
Hale Foundation Seeks Support
For "Intelligence Community Week"
The Hale Foundation, whose executive director Larry
SuIc is a member of AFIO's board of directors, is urging
the designation of May 31 through June 6, 1987 as
"Intelligence Community Week." The Foundation's efforts
in 1985 and 1986 secured passage by the US Senate but
failed to gain sufficient sponsors in the House of
Representatives. In both cases, the resolution was
introduced by the chairman and ranking minority member
of the intelligence oversight committees to make clear its
bi-partisan nature.
This year's resolution, designed to recognize the
continuing contribution of the nation's intelligence
officers, is planned to coincide with the anniversary of the
birth of Nathan Hale. It notes, "Whereas the dedication of
the men and women of the Intelligence Community to the
service of their country in difficult and dangerous
circumstances abroad, and in the arduous intellectually
challenging analytical assignments at home, is deserving
of special recognition by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States." The resolution also
acknowledges that "efforts should be made to foster an
understanding and appreciation on the part of the
American people that intelligence is the first line of
national defense and that an effective intelligence
capability is vital to the safety and well-being of the United
The Hale Foundation urges that those supportive of
such a resolution write or call their Congressmen urging
their sponsorship and favorable vote on the resolution.
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On the Intelligence Bookshelf
Naive and FandfuC
Knightley, Phillip, The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and
Spying in the Twentieth Century. New York: W.W. Norton,
AT a time when the threat of nuclear war, international terrorism
and hostage-taking make a good foreign intelligence capability
more important than ever, here comes a book that makes the case,
unconvincingly, that intelligence agencies are of little real value and,
in fact, represent the real danger to a free society.
Phillip Knightley, a British author and journalist for the London
Sunday Times and the BBC, has written what at first appears to be a
well-researched and documented, even scholarly, critique of the CIA,
the KGB and intelligence agencies in general. But, flawed by a
plethora of errors and distortions, it quickly degenerates into an
irrational diatribe against the US Intelligence Community.
There are two main problems with this book: its facts are often
wrong, and so are its opinions and conclusions. But Knightley
doesn't just rehash the old, tired canards about the CIA that have
been written about ad nauseam; he comes up with novel criticisms of
the agency, based less on fact than on his fervid, and some would
say paranoid, imagination.
Consider, for example, Knightley's naive and elaborately fanciful
assessment of how intelligence agencies stand in the way of the
budding friendship between the United States and the Soviet Union:
"The intelligence community has a direct interest in the
continuation of the Cold War. Careers, promotions, pensions, travel
expenses and a largely agreeable and stimulating way of life depend
on it..
"Since it thrives best in times of international tension, it feels
threatened by detente. Its member agencies, normally deadly rivals,
then realize that they probably have more in common with each other
than with the governments who supposedly control them."
According to Knightley, intelligence agencies help assure the
continuation of international tension because they "control the news
they release and ensure its uncritical dissemination through their
own people in the media world." This startling revelation of CIA
moles in the newsrooms of America comes as a surprise to those of
us who daily read and hear harsh criticism of the CIA in the media
and who never realized that a bulwark of this sinister conspiracy is
the Washington Post--which often blows and reports on CIA
operations, but rarely uncritically.
Casting logic aside, Knightley repeats it is the intelligence
agencies' direct interest in the continuation of the Cold War that
provides "a possible explanation for the spate of spy stories .. .
which appear in the media the moment that there is a likelihood of a
thaw in the Cold War." As evidence, he cites the "correlation
between the number of published-spy stories and the state of East-
West relations."
"There were 2,258 stories about espionage in the Washington
Post between 1977 and 1985. A month-by-month breakdown of these
stories shows a distinct increase in their frequency when
international events indicated an improving climate of relations with
the Soviet Union."
The book is so permeated with this kind of nonsensical rhetoric
that it is difficult to take it seriously. Knightley charges, without any
real evidence or truth, "It is no accident that, as intelligence-agencies
have expanded, our civil liberties have contracted." Similarly, in
describing one supposedly improper CIA operation, he cites as
proof of his allegation the fact that CIA director William Casey did not
deny the charge; but Knightley knows full well that the CIA routinely
refuses to comment on such stories.
An the book abounds with contradictions. While contending that
US intelligence is virtually incapable of producing useful, objective
information, he describes at length how the CIA repeatedly,
accurately and courageously warned the policymakers during the
1960s that the United States was not winning the war in Vietnam, at a
time when Lyndon o nson an is a visors considered such
opinions almost treasonous.
Knightley also says that intelligence agencies "have become ...
secret clubs for the elite and privileged;" but in complaining about
the enormity of the size of the American Intelligence Community, he
includes agencies as the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce and
Treasury, and even the Library of Congressl
Glowingly reviewed by Newsweek, Publisher's Weekly, John
Kenneth Galbraith, Harrison Salisbury and even John le Carre (who
at least admits his books are fictions) and offered by Book-of-the-
Month Club and History Book Club--all of whom should know better-
-Kightley's 436 page tome will doubtlessly find a wide and receptive
audience among those misguided souls who believe the CIA
controls the US government and the news media.
While Knightley has garnered an impressive and often interesting
series of anecdotes and "war stories" on the history of espionage,
he appears to know surprisingly little about how such agencies
actually operate and the value they have to decisionmakers,
particularly in maintaining peace and stability in the world. Parts of
the book are quite interesting, but it is a hachet job masquerading as
The author's bias so often drowns out any semblence of
objectivity, accuracy and credibility that, In the end, the valid points
he does make are lost in a miasma of misinformation and rhetoric
that simply overwhelms the reader.
[Lewis Regenstein, a former CIA intelligence officer, writes frequently
on national security affairs.]
Academic Sourcing: A Debate
[Editor's Note: In his review in this publication of Christopher
Andrew's "Her Majesty's Secret Service: The Making of the British
Intelligence Community," Professor Douglas L. Wheeler noted:
"While several earlier books on British intelligence have been
published by Nigel West, they have been too much of a kind of
British intelligence social register, with some reasonably accurate
anecdotes, but no secure documentation or confirmation of same."
West, in response, acknowledged that the criticism was justified, but
"demonstrates the gulf between academics and intelligence
professionals." West indicated his research preference of
concentrating on the personalities involved, rather than their "limited
output of documents," and explained why he does not take each
archival document at face value.
To finalize the published debate on the issue, we present
Professor Wheeler's comments on the West thesis and the
observations of another intelligence author, G. J. A. O'Toole.]
Where is the Gulf Between Academics
and Intelligence Professionals?
Mr. West's rejoinder raises questions and issues which are more
significant than any real or imagined disagreement between two
His major points are that my characterization of his work, while
"entirely justified," in fact "demonstrates the gulf between
academics and intelligence professionals," that he conducted much
documentary research and discovered that there was a shortage of
intelligence documentation because intelligence officers he
interviewed deliberately avoided paper-work, that he did not "take
every archival document completely at face value," and that for these
reasons his books focused on persons and personalities rather than
a limited number of documents. With extensive interviewing and
recording of agents' recollections, Mr. West emphasized people
rather than what documents said.
One statement perplexes this writer: "Instead of taking every
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archival document completely at face value, I had reluctantly
accepted that very occasionally the career officer will find it
necessary to lie, deceive and mislead."
'T'here is something more to this than the notion that "some"
documents, then, in intelligence archives contain deliberately
falsified information: there is an implication that author Christopher
Andrew, and by natural extension, reviewer Douglas Wheeler, were
unaware of this fact.
In response, my opinion is that there is no significant "gulf
between academics and intelligence professionals," that if there is
any gulf at all it is not one based on a different or conflicting set of
historical research methods but on other questions of a lack of
consistent communication and dialogue, different uses of
professional jargon, intentions, goals and, possibly, motives. I find
Mr. West's arguments supporting his reasons for minimal use of
documents, and by extension, documentation of sources and
theses, unconvincing. The careful and skeptical vetting and putting
into perspective of all sources, documents or personal interviews or
whatever source, are accepted professional methods of all writers,
whether intelligence professionals or professional historians. Given
the need to select and the shortage of time and space, just as vital in
an historian's efforts to reconstruct what happened in intelligence
history is checking one source against another in as comprehensive
an approach as possible.
Are there other reasons, then, for Nigel West's allegedly different
approach to documents and historical research methods? Frankly, I
do not possess sufficient evidence to answer this question now but
the question is worth asking. Whatever the historical methods of an
intelligence writer, much will depend on the sources that are
available. If retired intelligence officers will not give interviews, or
write memoirs and if rooms of documents are closed to researchers,
missing or contain, in part, falsified materials, intelligence history and
intelligence studies, whatever the personal and political issues
involved, are that much the poorer.
While Professor Andrew wrote in his preface, (p. xv) "Whitehall
has done what it can to discourage serious study of the making of
the British intelligence community," and the evidence to support this
generalization is beyond dispute, the difficulty of access to
intelligence history sources is a larger question than official
governments' policies regarding public-access-to-archives. The
problem lies also with intelligence studies writers and authors, such
as Mr. West, who hint official or unofficial 'ties' with systems of
intelligence professionals. The handling of sources by intelligence
writers is not simply a matter of different choices of approach or of
official policies; it is also a question of what are the purposes of the
books being written and who is sponsoring them.
This and other questions raised by Mr. West in his rejoinder
deserve a full discussion. If there is a gulf between academics and
intelligence professionals, AFIO's next annual meeting would be a
fine opportunity to probe its frontiers.
But, Can We Ignore Oral History?
In his review of Christopher Andrew's excellent history of British
intelligence, Professor Douglas Wheeler dismissed in a somewhat
cavalier manner Nigel West's several books on the same subject. In
so doing he seemed to imply that works lacking the meticulous
source documentation of Andrew's study are unworthy of scholarly
attention. In his modest rejoinder, West failed to focus on the central
fallacy of the theorem Wheeler seemed to have propounded.
To be sure, detailed source notes enhance enormously the value
of any historical study to the serious reader. But, where the history is
recent and the substance is as sensitive as Intelligence, a writer may
have to choose between the depth and accuracy of his information,
on the one hand, and the freedom to say where he got it, on the
If we must reject every work that fails to conform to the
requirements of a doctoral dissertation, as Professor Wheeler may
have suggested, we must then ignore, for example, "Mole" by
William Hood, one of the most valuable (ana, incidentally, mos:
readable) studies of American intelligence published in recent years.
In the introduction to his book, which lacks any substantive source
notes, Hood wrote "This book is a memoir, the recollection of are
intelligence operation based on the memories o1 some of the people
who were involved in it." It is unnecessary to explain to readers o'
this publication why Hood could not identify those people, or why he!
was unable to say whose memories supported what portions of hi:
Hood's professional background is well-known, of course, bul
other valuable and valid studies of intelligence matters, lacking any
source documentation, are regularly published by writers who
cannot be described as intelligence "insiders. ' David C. Martin's
"Wilderness of Mirrors" comes to mind, and despite the flaws in the
book noted by some critics, few would dismiss it, and certainly none
because it lacks source notes. Joseph C. Goulden's "Death
Merchant" is yet another recent example of a very worthwhile study
set before the public which is devoid of footnotes and bibliography.
In his forward, Martin explained that most of the people he
interviewed "insisted upon anonymity." Goulden identified many of
his sources, but explained why others must remain anonymous.
Sources who demand anonymity do so for various reasons. That
some wish to avoid the consequences of unauthorized disclosure of
classified information is not admirable, but it is also beside the point
considered here. A journalist is prepared to make a pledge of
secrecy in exchange for what he hopes will be complete and
accurate information. When he publishes without naming his
sources he puts his personal and professional reputation on the line.
Academics, on the other hand, limit themselves to the search for
supportable truth; they may be accused of misinterpreting their
sources, but never of having invented them.
The reader of an undocumented work can only assess its
credibility through the reputation of its author. In the case of Nigel
West, his reputation as an authority on British intelligence seems
thoroughly secured, a view apparently held by Christopher Andrew
who cites several of West's books among his sources in support of
the work Professor Wheeler (and I) so much admire.
"Cooler King" Offers Members
Personally-Autographed Copies
Col. Jerry Sage, the author of Sage: The True Story
of the "Cooler King," has advised that he will personally
autograph copies for AFIO members.
Sage's autobiography tells of his capture while on
assignment with OSS behind the lines in North Africa.
After a brutal interrogation, he was sent to the POW
camp Stalag Luft III in Sagan, Germany. There, knowing
that he would have been executed if his OSS identify
became known, he claimed that he was a shot-down
flier. (His true identity was never discovered by his Nazi
captors.) While a prisoner of war, Sage conducted
classes in silent killing with a hand-picked group of
Americans and worked for fifteen months on the three-
tunnel project depicted in the book and movie The
Great Escape. He was in charge of the particularly
difficult assignment of hiding over 200,000 pounds of
golden sand from the Germans.
Members who desire to order autographed copies
should enclose $15.95 plus $2 for mailer and postage,
and give the first and last name of the recipient(s) for
the autograph: Col. Jerry Sage (Ret), 200 Pineview
Drive, Enterprise, AL 36330.
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
5311 Alamosa
Spring, TX 77379
BROWN, Mrs. Mary J.
424 St. Clair Abrams
Tavares, FL 32778
CROWLEY, Mr. Henry E.
1003 Devere Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20903
ALCANTAR, Mr. Ricardo
1179 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126
Ten South Briar Hollow Lane, #52
Houston, TX 77027
ALLEN, Mr. Paul R.
9915 Wealtha Ave.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
ANDERSON, Mr. Thomas D.
3925 Del Monte
Houston, TX 77019
ANDREWS, Mr. Paul L.
5430 N. 17th Street
Arlington, VA 22205
BALOGH, Mr. Laszlo J.
6512 Ventura Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
I3EDELL, Ms. Eugenia
1601 So. Flagler Dr., #111
W. Palm Beach, FL 33401
13EED, Mr. Douglas K.
10942 Whiterim Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854
BITZER, Mr. John W.
601 Rosarita Drive
Fullerton, CA 92635
6 Northwood Drive
Athens, OH 45701
BOSCHAERT, Mr. Michael L.
Academy of Our Lady of Guam
233 Archbishop Flores
Agana, GUAM, 96910
BOWERS, Mr. Hollis
10115 McKenney Ave, #201
Silver Spring, MD 20902
BROWN, COL Theodore
6 Devon Road
Larchmont, NY 10538
BUCKLEY, Mr. Joseph P.
677 S. Brentwood Dr.
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
BURNS, Mr. John F.
3024 N. Tuckahoe St.
Arlington, VA 22213
CACAVAS, Mr. Thomas T.
52 Normandy Drive
Bethpage, NY 11714
CAMP, Mr. Peter
520 E. 20th Street, #6F
New York, NY 10009
CARTER, Richard Bert
2180 Elaine Dr.
Bountiful, UT 84010
CERMAK, Mr. Richard A.
7391 Mountain Park Dr.
Mentor, OH 44060
5823 W. Cornelia Ave
Chicago, IL 60634
CLARKE, Mr. T. Dexter
2020 Gulf Shore Blvd. North,
Naples, FL 33940
CLAYTON, Mr. David W.
38 Kings Highway
Hauppaoge, NY 11788
8122 Dorrcrest Lane
Houston, TX 77070
COOK, RADM Ralph E. (USN-Ret.)
153 Nawiliwili Street
Honolulu, HI 96825
9721 Brimfield Court
Potomac, MD 20854
DALLETT, Mr. Michael F. IV
AERKO International
516 N.E. 34th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
DANA, Col Henry (USAF-Ret.)
P. O. Box 1156
Ruskin, FL 33570
DAVIS, Mr. Robert M.
29 Hiram Road
Framingham, MA 01701
18017 Sky Park Cir., Suite H
Irvine, CA 92714
DENNY, Mr. Michael E.
1642 Boardman
Poland Road
Poland, OH 44514
DUNN, Mr. Edgar M. Jr.
347 So. Ridgewood Ave.
Daytona Beach, FL 32014
EADS, Mr. Robert H.
6050 Cederdale Ct.
Fort Worth, TX 76148
ENGLEKA, Mr. Kenneth E.
13533 Delaney Road
Dale City, VA 22193
FENKER, Mr. Steven M.
31580 Anna Lane
Bay Village, OH 44140
9980 Caminite Chirimolla
San Diego, CA 92131
FERNANDEZ, Mr. Roberto
1059 West 43 PI.
Hialeah, FL 33012
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
FOUNTAIN, Mr. Ernest H.
4431 Q Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20007
FRAZIER, Mr. John F.
JACKSON, Maj Wayne T.
11396 E. Arkansas Ave
Aurora, CO 80012
McMAHON, Mr. William R.
14 Red Cedar Drive
New Milford, CT 06776
McNAMEE, Mr. Shurly L.
6712 Los Trechos
Albuquerque, NM 87109
GAUDIN, Ms. Rena L.
1777 East 34th Street
Lorain, OH 44055
JASIN, Mr. Peter W.
1370 S. Ocean Blvd, #2101
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
JOHNSON, Mr. James W.
9418 Tuba Court
Vienna, VA 22180
4130 3/4 Pixie Ave.
Lakewood, CA 90712
MELVIN, Mr. James C.
7915 Eastridge Dr.
LaMesa, CA 92041
GLASS, Mr. Arnold Lee
82 Johnnycake Drive
Naples, FL 33940
GRAY, Mr. R. Jean
5180 Meadville St.
Excelsior, MN 55331
KALTSAS, Mr. Paul H. Jr.
1560 Cameron Crescent, #2-C
Reston, VA 22090
KING, Mr. Daniel P.
5125 Cumberland Blvd.
MEYERS, Mr. James G.
1174 Main Street, #35
River Edge, NJ 07661
MOGEN, Mr. Bryan J.
Rt. 1, Box 140
Big Stone City, SD 57216
GRIFFITH, Mr. Richard A.
P. O. Box 16
Nichols College
Dudley, MA 01570
GRIGALUS, Mr. Edward P.
11048 Powder Horn Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854
Whitefish Bay, WI 53217
LaFAVER, Mr. Richard N.
1 N. Hornbeam PI.
The Woodlands, TX 77380
LISENBY, Mr. Richard W.
P. O. Box 116
Dunn Loring, VA 22027
MOORE, Mr. Donald E.
505 Crown View Drive
Alexandria, VA 22314
MULLAN, Mr. William J.
3239 London Drive
Yuma, AZ 85364
HARRISON, Mr. William Shaw
120 Skyline Dr., #16
Dracut, MA 01826
LUNDY, Mr. David L.
2132 East 154th St.
Olathe, MO 66062
MULLEN, Mr. Francis M.
24 Indian Rock Road
Niantic, CT 06357
HOFFMAN, LtCol Paul K.
3058 Boca Ciega Dr.
Naples, FL 33962
HUBER, Mr. Ernest F.
4405 Acacia Avenue
Bonita, CA 92002
McBREEN, Mr. John J.
1504 Laurel Hill Road
Vienna, VA 22180
6430 Richmond, #300
Houston, TX 77057
MYERS, MAJ Charles L. (USA-Ret.)
417 Lafayette NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
O'BRIEN, Mr. Francis X.
133 Cdr. Shea Blvd.
Quincy, MA 02171
HURLEY, Mr. John E.
McGEE, Mr. James M.
O'SHEA, Mr. James V.
P. O. Box 512
106 Squires Bend
100 Beekman Street, #18C
Manchester, NM 03105
Stafford, TX 77477
New York, NY 10038
HYINK, LTC James L. (USA-Ret.)
McGINNIS, Mr. Neal
PALEY, LTC Sidney D.
7409 Patricia Dr. NE
631 DeSales Street
1766 East 26th St, PH
Albuquerque, NM 87109
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Brooklyn, NY 11229
JACKSON, Clarence A. Jr.
McGUIRE, Mr. James F.
P. O. Box 391773
2382 Branleigh Part Ct.
P. O. Box 168
Mountain View, CA 94039
Reston, VA 22091
Williamstown, NJ 08094
Spring 1987
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
POSTOVE, Mr. Herman
3001 Veazey Ter. N.W., #1130
Washington, DC 20008
THORNE, Mr. Landon K. III
7350 SW 100 Street
Miami, FL 33156
Article VI - Membership
(AFIO Constitution)
PRUGH, Mrs. Frances B.
11705 Eden Road
Silver Spring, MD 20904
PRUGH, Mr. Thomas A.
11705 Eden Road
Silver Spring, MD 20904
ROSENBERG, Mr. Howard L.
P. 0. Box 7658
Silver Spring, MD 20907
SAGE, COL Jerry M.
200 Pineview Drive
Enterprise, AL 36330
SALVAGGIO, LtCol Marshall,
8050 Fairview Avenue
LaMesa, CA 92041
SCROGHAM, Mr. Timothy G.
Barbers Pt., HI 96862
SENNOTT, Mr. Kevin J.
4601 Lake Road, #51
West Sacramento, CA 95691
SNOW, Mr. Stanley A.
7517 James Drive
Cleveland, OH 44133
SNYDER, Mr. Phillip C.
6 Elfin
Irvine, CA 92714
STORCK, Mr. Robert G.
Rt. 1, Box 35
Chantilly, VA 22021
STORIE, Mr. John A.
6081 East Calle Ojos Verde
Tucson, AZ 85715
THOMAS, Mr. Noel R.
14531 Misty Meadow La.
Houston, TX 77079
TIMON, CWO Robert S.
Box 8419
Honolulu, HI 96830
TYLER, Mr. William H.
3810 Crystel Falls
Missouri City, TX 77459
VALCOURT, Mr. Richard R.
3220 Netherland Ave, #2-0
Bronx, NY 10463
VERR, Mr. Steven R.
3408 S. Harlem Ave.
Riverside, IL 60546
VIAU, Mr. Robert A.
537 N. Gower Street
Los Angeles, CA 90004
WEIXEL, Mr. Joseph C.
7315 Dunston Street
Springfield, VA 22151
25900 Rotunda Dr.
Carmel, CA 93923
WHALEY, Mr. Wesley T.
624 Aspen Ridge Ct.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
413 Oak Hill Avenue
Sheffield, AL 35660
WILSON, Mr. Archer M.
5001 La Fiesta Dr. N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87109
WOOLVERTON, Mr. William H.
366 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017
A. There shall be three (3) classes
of members: (1) Full, (2) Associate, and
(3) Life. Full members are eligible to
attend all meetings of members, to vote
at all meetings, and to be an officer in
the Corporation. The qualifications of
Full members and Associate members
are set forth below, in other paragraphs
of this Article. A Life member is one who
is, or is qualified to be, a Full member or
an Associate member and who pays the
dues established for Life members. The
rights of a Life member are only those
derived from his qualification to be
either a Full member or an Associate
member. An Associate member or a
Life member, based on his qualification
to be an Associate member, is not
eligible to be an officer of the
Corporation or to vote, but may attend
all meetings of the members.
B. Any United States citizen who
has had his or her principal duty in the
intelligence field for the US Government
is eligible to apply for Full membership
in the Corporation.
C. Individuals who may otherwise
qualify for membership by virtue of
previous service but who are presently
employed in a full-time capacity with an
intelligence service of the US
government are not eligible for
D. Members of the Armed Services,
otherwise eligible, who are not
presently serving in a full-time
intelligence assignment are eligible to
apply for Full membership.
E. A United States citizen, not
otherwise eligible for Full membership,
who supports the principles of the
Corporation may make application for
Associate membership.
F. The right to vote and to be an
Officer or Director of the Corporation will
be limited to persons holding Full
membership or Life membership based
on his qualification to be a Full member.
G. A member will remain in good
standing so long as he pays the
prescribed dues and whose conduct
has not been judged by a majority of
the Directors to be in conflict with the
purposes and principles of the
H. Applications for all classes of
membership, Full, Associate, Life, or
Corporate, and all applications for
renewal, will be submitted to the Board
of Directors for approval.
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Vienna, Virginia
Washington, D.C.
Col Herbert J. "Buck" ROGERS, (USAF-Ret.)
San Antonio, Texas
LTC John A. S. BOKOR, (AUS-Ret.)
Herndon, Virginia
LtCol Kenneth BROWN, (USAF-Ret.)
Fredericksburg, Texas
Mr. Thomas R. BROWN III
Vienna, Virginia
Mr. Michie F. TILLEY
Syosset, New York
Mr. Eddie H. WILLNER
Falls Church, Virginia
Boulder, Montana
Mr. Peter CAMP
New York, New York
Mr. Jean-Loup R. COMBEMALE
McLean, Virginia
COL George I. CONNOLLY, Jr., (USA-Ret.)
North Palm Beach, Florida
Miss Laura G. COOLEY
Annandale, Virginia
LTC Clifford F. FRY, (USA-Ret.)
Silver Spring, Maryland
Mr. R. Jean GRAY, Jr.
Excelsior, Minnesota
The Reverend Charles F. GRIECO
Morristown, New Jersey
Mr. Lester T. HANSEN
Marco Island, Florida
Mr. John H. HARPER
Arlington, Virginia
McLean, Virginia
LTC Walter V. KOLON, (AUS-Ret.)
Washington, D.C.
Mr. David S. LUSBY
Silver Spring, Maryland
Col Robert A. NUGENT, (USAF-Ret.)
Tucson, Arizona
Mr. Richard O. PALMER
Harwichport, Massachusetts
Media Calls Security Disarray
Vindication of Cl Chief's Views
According to the Washington Times, "Vindication of
sorts finally caught up with James J. Angleton, former
chief of counter intelligence at the CIA and spook
extraordinaire. Dismissed in 1974 for what was seen as a
paranoid obsession with Soviet espionage, he looks better
and better."
In the intelligence veterans' world, apology, belated
recognition and public vindication, particularly by the
media, are rare words indeed. Thus, for AFIO member
James J. Angleton, the words must be especially salutory.
Continued the newspaper, "While many were
peddling detente, celebrating termination of the Cold War,
and scuttling the nation's intelligence apparatus, Mr.
Angleton demurred--and not always politely. A lifetime
immersion in the dark intricacies of espionage, hostile and
'friendly,' had taught him not to underestimate the extent
of covert deception or the capacity for self-delusion ...
The virtue of Mr. Angleton was that he harbored no
illusions about the will and capacity of the Soviet's for
making mischief and, unlike the technocrats at Langley,
never failed to weigh in the human factor that remains
invisible to high-flying satellites and state-of-the-art
gadgets ... As the Politburo moves against our agents-
agents exposed by ineptitude and worse-and assimilates
the mountain of data its spies have stolen, Mr. Angleton's
reputation gains renewed respect."
The New York Times, with much the same theme,
noted "He shuns the word 'vindication' and is too much of
a patrician to say 'I told you so,'..." Angleton, the paper
noted, refuses to give interviews on intelligence matters
and "will remain silent until he receives executive
permission to speak out on these matters, not only
because of the oath he took as an intelligence officer to
protect Government secrets, but also because they would
cause 'great pain."'
Deadline for Next Issue:
July. '15, 1987
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Vice President Urges Public
To Support Intelligence
Vice President George Bush, speaking at Nashua,
New Hampshire, on March 14th, noted that in an-earlier
speech he had talked of the need for the Strategic
Defense Initiative, "which puts weapons at risk, not
people." In another, he said, he had spoken of the need
to support those fighting for freedom in Central
America. He had used another occasion to brief on the
opportunity of obtaining a verifiable reduction in
intermediate range nuclear missiles. "Our intelligence
system is central to all of these issues," he declared.
"I came here today," the Vice President said, "to
say that as leaders we must be more vocal and public in
supporting the Intelligence Community in our society.
We must make clear that the CIA has an honorable
mission. We must recognize that even in a free and
open society, some things must remain secret. And I
believe we must strongly support legitimate covert
actions that are in our national security interests."
Continuing his remarks, Vice President Bush said:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am genuinely concerned about how our
intelligence system will maintain public approval, unless those of us
in the political arena begin to speak out on its behalf.
"It is essential that we have an Intelligence Community second to
none. Fortunately, the Agency has returned from the devastation it
faced in the 1970s. Its reputation and honor were dismissed. Its
budget was cut 33% in constant dollars and it lost 25% of its
"But rather than seeking to correct the Agency's flaws, critics
simply attacked. I went to the CIA at the tale end of a witch hunt that
laid bare the Agency's innermost workings. I can remember young,
untutored Congressional staffers coming to headquarters and
accusing experienced professionals of not serving the interests of
the country. These were people who had risked their lives for their
"It was a terrible time. The names of agents were exposed. One
result etched in my mind is the brutal murder of our station chief in
Athens, Richard Welch. Two weeks after his name was listed as CIA
in an ugly left-wing publication, two gunmen, armed with automatic
pistols, cut him down at his home in Athens. Other sources, fearing
for their lives, disappeared. Some were killed. It was a time when
many lost sight of how important the Agency was to our national
"I learned-a-great deal when I had the honor of running the CIA,
especially about leading people of purpose and integrity. And from
the day I set foot inside its headquarters, I found it to be an
organization whose motives were clear, and honorable, and in the
national interest.
"It's first priority is to prevent a surprise attack on the United
States. If the CIA had existed in 1941, the surprise at Pearl Harbor
would've been on the Japanese, and I'll tell you how I can say that.
Because taken as a whole, the Army, the Navy and the State
Department had enough information to understand what the
Japanese were doing. But there was no central place for this
information to come together. That place today is the CIA.
"Our main adversaries in 1987 are the Soviets. We have an
excellent understanding of their military capabilities. We know where
their strategic bombers are located. We know how many strategic
missiles the Soviets have. We keep track of their submarines with
reasonable accuracy. The scope of information we have today would
have been astounding in 1941.
"Our intelligence technology is breathtasking--the satellite
photography, the electronic, the acoustical and the seismic
techniques. The American people have no idea how good it really is.
"And what's more, the CIA has some of the nation's brightest
people to analyze this information. I wish you could meet them and
get to know them like I have. The CIA has more PhD.'s than any
other agency in government, enough scholars and scientists to staff
a university. And let me assure you, the professionalism is too high,
the devotion to country too great, to have intelligence estimates
slanted and shaped by political judgments.
"They are-people of principle, many of whom put themselves on
the line to gain information about our enemies. I recall a young
woman of about 35 who was brought into my office one day. She'd
been arrested at a dead letter drop by a hostile intelligence service.
She hadn't been tortured, but she'd been through a tremendous
psychological ordeal. If her cover hadn't been blown, she would've
gone right back. She was risking her life almost every day. No head
table, no applause--a dedicated patriot serving her country to
preserve the freedoms that we often take for granted. This is true
integrity of purpose, and the Agency is full of such people.
"A relatively new priority is collecting information necessary to
thwart terrorist attacks and to interdict drug shipments.
"With our allies' help, from January of 1985 to February of this
year, 55 probable and another 114 possible terrorist attacks were
averted by deterrent action. I am talking about lives what were saved.
..In Turkey, security officers last April arrested Libyan-supported
terrorists who were planning to attack the US Officers' Club in
Ankara after a wedding celebration.
"In Paris, about the same time, officials thwarted a similar attack
planned against citizens in a visa line at the US Consulate.
"In North Africa last year, a Libyan-backed assassination attempt
on an American military attache was foiled.
"If we and our allies hadn't succeeded in cases like these, you
can picture the grisly scenes that would've appeared on the evening
"People often want to know about CIA infiltration of 'terrorist
groups. Quite honestly, we were once able to penetrate these
groups much easier than we can today. They're more sophisticated
in identifying our agents, and they take greater precautions than they
once did. It's harder to get our people placed, because the terrorists
often come from family groups. And once we do get in, it's harder to
get information out.
"Take, for instance, five recruits in the Bekaa Valley who have
been selected by the Hizballah to blow up an American installation.
They are searched. They are isolated in a guarded camp. And they
aren't told until absolutely necessary what their mission is. So, even
if we do have someone in there, it's very hard to maintain contact.
"The CIA is constantly studying developments affecting broader
US security. In recent years, for example, there's been more attention
focused on the Soviets' lag in high technology and their efforts to
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steal ours. We know, for eAaMple, the precise gyros and bearings in Intelligence should be established to reduce the number of people
their heavy missiles were designed in the US. We know the radar in who have access to very secret information. And I also believe the
their AWACS planes is ours. We know that many Soviet Integrated Administration needs to make some examples of leakers in our own
circuits are exact copies of US designs. They even copied the ranks by publicly firing them. And I don't care how high up they are.
"The Soviets use dummy firms--some legal, some illegal--to
purchase Western technology. The CIA has identified some 300
firms in more than 30 countries engaged in technology transfer
"The Agency looks at everything from the effects of AIDS on the
stability of African countries to the consequences In Jamaica of a
reduced demand for bauxite. It is constantly analyzing developments
that might affect our long-range security and that of our friends.
"Now you may wonder where covert action fits into all this?
Covert action gives us the ability to help our friends, or confuse our
adversaries, in those situations where open assistance from the US
would be counterproductive.
"If provides us with a useful foreign policy option that's
somewhere between diplomacy and sending in the Marines. The
world is not a sunlit meadow. The world is not the way we want it to
be, but the way it is. There are dangers out there that must be
addressed, and covert action is sometimes the means to do it. We
seem to think covert action is James Bond and ray guns. Often, it is
quiet support that saves the lives of friends.
"Without doubt, there have been some serious failures in the
past, such as the Bay of Pigs effort. But today, there are very strict
"Every covert action must be approved by the President and
made known to the Congressional oversight committees. And this is
fine, because covert actions make sense only in support of a larger
foreign policy. They make sense only when properly supervised and
properly planned--that was the problem with the NSC running the
Iran initiative. The CIA experts never had a chance to bring their full
range of experience to bear. And the formal NSC policy apparatus
was not properly used. The President has made the changes
necessary to keep the NSC out of operations, but have all NSC
participants totally immersed in policy.
"The quickest way to kill a covert action or any kind of secret
activity is through a leak. And I am telling you point blank--agents
have disappeared, and I'll leave it to your own imagination what
happened to them, soon after stories leaked to the news media.
"Some have been jailed. Leaks have caused other individuals,
who were on the verge of becoming foreign agents for us, to back off
in fear for their lives.
"I don't believe in wholesale use of the polygraph, but when
legitimate national security matters are at stake, I say, 'use it.'
"Ladies and gentlemen, in the foyer of CIA headquarters in
Langley, Virginia, there's a Book of Honor enclosed in a glass case.
It lists those CIA employees who have died in service of their
country. Some are named, but most even after death cannot be
identified. So instead of a name, there is a simple star.
"And in that same foyer Is an inscription that explains why those
individuals gave their lives. It's from the Bible and it says, `And Ye
shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.'
"I can think of no more honorable purpose for a government
agency than truth and freedom. And, as leaders, I think we should be
outspoken and out front in our support of the CIA."
AFIO Used Libel As Economic Weapon
Says Writer Who Lost Suit to Phillips
In a letter to the Columbia Journalism Review,
Donald Freed, one of the authors of Death in
Washington, challenges an article which appeared in
that publication concerning the successful libel action
brought against the authors and publisher by David
Atlee Phillips.
Among Freed's several charges, one states "We
`retracted' what we had written in Death in Washington
because Accuracy in Media and Phillip's Association of
Former Intelligence Officers had used a libel suit as an
economic weapon and we could no longer pay for legal
representation . . ."
Phillips, the founder of AFIO and currently a
member of its Board of Directors, responded in the
publication: " . . . Neither Accuracy in Media nor the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers was
connected with my libel litigation; in the AFIO case, I
resigned as chairman of the board of directors so that I
could act independently."
"We have lost sources and we have lost what we call collection
mechanisms, A few years ago one of the networks reported that we
were intercepting communications between two unfriendly nations,
communications about terrorist activities directed against Americans.
Within a matter of days after the report, the channel was shut off. As
a result of this reduced intelligence, American lives were put at
greater risk.
"Some of our allies have told us they're so concerned about our
ability to keep secrets, they'll no longer provide the same information
they once did, and the information they do provide will not be as
timely. One intelligence service stated that terrorist Information they
were providing would appear in the US press before they could act
upon it.
"The leaks come from the Congressional committees and from
the Executive Branch itself. I believe a Joint Committee on
William F. Potocki MemoriaC Fund
An endowment fund in memory of AFIO member
William F. Potocki has been set up under the Arlington
Hospital Foundation funding program. The fund is
dedicated to the Oncology Department of the hospital
to assist indigent cancer patients or those who lack or
have exhausted their insurance coverage.
Persons wishing to contribute may make their
checks payable to the Arlington Hospital Foundation,
marked "For the William F. Potocki Memorial Fund,"
and forward them to the Foundation at 1701 North
George Mason Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22205
All contributions to the fund are tax deductible
under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
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AFIO Chapters Active Nationwide
Arizona Chapter. The chapter met on January 17th in
the aftermath of a record five inch snowfall. Despite the
weather, the luncheon gathering was a great success,
with twenty persons in attendance. The speaker was
author, ex-FBI agent and fellow AFIO member Robert S.
Lamphere. He spoke of the bureaucratic roadblocks he
encountered during the preparatory stages of writing his
book, The FBI-KGB War.
Officers for the year are Robert A. Nugent, president
and secretary-treasurer; Robert S. Moy, first vice presi-
dent; and John Masterson, second vice president.
On March 21st, the chapter held a joint meeting with
the Roadrunner Chapter of CIRA at the Ramada Inn North,
Phoenix. The thirty attendees engaged in an engrossing
counterintelligence exercise entitled "Operation Definite
Maybe." It was presented by Robert G. Dacey of Wallace,
Piercy & Associates of Phoenix. It was a most enjoyable
event that took many of those in attendance back to the
days when they were still part of the active intelligence en-
vironment. At the conclusion of the three-hour exercise, a
short business meeting and delicious luncheon followed.
San Diego Chapter One. The chapter met on January
23rd at the Admiral Kidd Commissioned Officers' Mess to
hear RADM James D. Ramage (USN-Ret.) speak on U.S.
Navy air operations against the Japanese forces in the
Pacific during WWII. Admiral Ramage is a former vice
president and one of the founders of the Association of
Naval Aviation. Known affectionately throughout the Navy
as "Jig Dog," he served as a highly-commended dive
bomber pilot during those trying times which proved the
importance of carrier-based air operations.
At its February 27th meeting, also held at the Admiral
Kidd Club, the membership heard Yuri Vetokhin, a Soviet
defector and author of Inclined to Escape. Rhetorically, the
speaker asked the fifty members and guests in atten-
dance, "Who are all those well-dressed and happily smil-
ing people you see on TV when a story is being done
about life in the Soviet Union?" They are, he said, mem-
bers of the elite, the new "lords and ladies" of what is sup-
posed to be a classless society.
This Soviet ruling class, known as the "Nomenkla-
tura," constitutes only seven percent of the 246 million
people in the USSR. The others, Vetokhin said, are
"slaves." The Nomenklatura maintains its power through
the KGB, whose officers also are members of the elite.
The easiest way by which a person can become a
member of the Nomenklatura, the speaker noted, is to
born into it. "Like the feudal families of old, the Soviet elite
is self-perpetuating at birth." Outsiders, he observed, no
matter how skilled they may be, find it difficult to join the
The nature of Soviet society is such as to make ever-
yone suspect, Vetokhin said. Everyone is subject to black-
mail or coercion by the KGB because each has at one
time or another broken one of the myriad laws controlling
Soviet society. Informants are recruited by the KGB after
they have been caught in such a violation, the speaker
noted, and are then given the choice of telling on their
fellow citizens or being incarcerated in a gulag.
Although he was a computer scientist, Vetokhirr said
that he had no chance of being accepted into the
Nomenklatura. His primary crime, it seems, was his belief
in God. With no opportunity for freedom and a better life,
Vetokhin determined to escape. Four times he tried and
three times he was caught, resulting in ten years im-
prisonment, including three years in an infamous
psychiatric hospital where he was tortured with drugs.
Eventually, by squeezing out of a porthole and dropping
into the Indian ocean from a "Winter to Summer" cruise
ship, he made good his escape. After a night long swim
he was rescued by an Indonesian ship. The exciting story
of it all is told in his book, Inclined to Escape.
AFIO's past president, LtGen Eugene F. Tighe, Jr., a
new member of the chapter, spoke at the March 27th
meeting. The speaker gave a rich overview of the role of
intelligence in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Afghanis-
tan and projected that experience into the future. He em-
phasized the deep need for historical and language
studies, in addition to mapping, that provide the under-
standing and communication required to interface
properly with countries and cultures such as found in Iran
and throughout Africa. In sharing his view from the top,
LtGen Tighe provided those in attendance with an under-
standing that could not be obtained in any other way.
Slated to speak at the April 24th joint meeting with the
Air Force Association was veteran journalist Charles
San Francisco Chapter. The February meeting was
held at the San Francisco Tennis Club, with 35 in atten-
dance. Elected as officers for the coming year were Bill
Green, president; Earl Brodie, second vice president;
Peggy Jo Zemens, secretary; Jim Quesada, treasurer; and
as members of the board of directors: Russ Wiley, Max
Peters, Tom Dickson, Mike Rolled and Charles Hayden.
The position of first vice president remains vacant. The
chapter also agreed to continue its "chairman of the
month" procedure.
President Bill Green introduced the speaker for the
evening, Dr. A. James Gregor, professor of political
science at the University of California, Berkeley, who
spoke on "The China Connection: US Policy and the
People's Republic of China."
Dr. Gregor's fact-filled presentation concluded that US
policy towards the PRC is ill-conceived and short-sighted,
and only benefits that nation currently. US policy, he said,
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is rooted in President Nixon's ambitions to curtail Soviet
interests in that area, with an assumption that a
strengthened People's Liberation Army would help to
balance the ominous Soviet buildup in the Far East. This,
those policy makers believe, will force the Soviets to be
oriented toward detente.
The facts, he said, are otherwise. The USSR has not
been restrained by the Chinese armed forces. Soviet
military forces are actually directed at the US and
Japanese presence in
Asia. The PRC, Dr.
Gregor noted, is not
an effective security
ally of the US, and is
no more an asset than
in 1975.
Secondly, the
speaker maintained
that US policy has
been built on the
economic myth that
the PRC will even-
tually become more
capitalistic and demo-
cratize. This policy
fails to take into ac-
count the Marxist-
Leninist nature of that
nation. It is Dr.
Gregor's view that the
PRC can be expected
to remain a com-
munist state with little
political liberalization.
US policy, the
speaker said, allows for the provision of advanced
weapons systems that can actually enable the PRC to be a
threat in the Pacific Basin and Asian areas in which this
nation has important military interests or security and
defense treaty commitments. Our policy, he warned, may
eventually result in confusing our relations with other
allied Asian nations. Further, US policy is oriented to
specific interest groups in the US and may create enor-
mous problems for this country in the future. Unfor-
tunately, Dr. Gregor sees only minimal prospects for a
serious China policy.
The meeting concluded with a question and answer
period in which US policy toward the Philippines and the
impact of Congress on US policy were also discussed.
The group's assessment was that the program was very
entertaining, illuminating and thought-provoking.
Announced as speaker for the chapter's March meet-
ing was California Assemblyman Gilbert W. Ferguson.
Southwest Florida Chapter. The chapter's January
28th meeting featured two interesting speakers, Major
General James L. Dozier (USA-Ret) and his wife, Judy.
Their hour long presentation detailed their experiences
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when MG Dozier was kidnapped by Red Brigade terrorists
in Italy in 1981. The presentation included 35mm slides
outlining the terrorists' threats and goals, photos of their
apartment in Verona, Italy, where the kidnapping took
place and pictures of the apartment in suburban Verona
where the general was held prisoner for some six or
seven weeks before being rescued by a highly-profes-
sional Italian police SWAT operation. When the police
seized the apartment, they found a large cache of
Elaine Reusch, chapter secretary, left, and incoming
president John R. Lengel, right, present retiring
president Lewis Fred Lewton with a walnut plaque
honoring his eight years of service as president of the
Northern Ohio Chapter.
firearms, munitions,
explosives, printing
equipment and photo-
graphic gear, all the
trappings of a sophis-
ticated terrorist opera-
tion. There, too, was
the weird tent set-up
in which the general
was held chained to
an iron bunk during
his entire imprison-
ment. included in the
visuals were shots of
the four terrorist prin-
cipals who constituted
the "snatch and
guard" team.
The general and
his wife took turns
detailing their ex-
periences and feeling
during those terror-
filled days, and were
rewarded by the en-
thusiasm of the
The meeting was attended by 39 members and
guests, including the chief of the Bonita bureau of the
Naples Daily News, and Vilius Brazenos, editor of the Lee
Constitution and member of AFIO. The position of the
chapter in the community was also evidenced by others in
attendance, all members of the chapter: the Hon. Edwin J.
Putzell, Jr., Mayor of Naples; Collier County Commissioner
Arnold Lee Glass; and Lee County Commissioner Porter
J. Goss. Also present with his family and a guest was John
Anson Smith, a member of AFIO's Honorary Board of
Chapter president Col. William T. Hornaday (AUS-Ret)
suggests that other chapters interested in hearing MG
and Mrs. Dozier speak of their experience or dedicate a
program to the general's separate presentation on ter-
rorism, may with to contact him directly: MG James L.
Dozier, President, Golden Grove Management Corpora-
tion, P.O. Box 1860, Arcadia, Florida 33821.
The chapter's March 26th meeting featured member
and co-founder Herman O. Bly speaking on "America at
the Crossroads." Bly, who served twenty-eight years in
various aspects of internal and international security, both
in the FBI and the CIA, holds a JD from George
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Washington University and has been recognized by the
Freedoms Foundation for his studies and articles.
Named as new chapter officers are: Arnold Lee Glass,
president; and Donald Toll, secretary. Herman O. Bly con-
tinues as treasurer. Reelected to the executive committee
are Michael Hansinger, William T. Hornaday, Otto F.
Otepka, Donald H. Randell and Robert L. Thomson.
Suncoast Chapter. The featured speaker for the
chapter's February meeting was Richard Ebersole of the
Defense Intelligence Agency, who briefed on the current
thrust of that organization. A special added treat was the
presence of Mrs. Lulu Bower, a guest of Ann McDonough.
Perhaps setting a new record for longevity at an AFIO
function, Mrs. Bower is 103 years old!
Announced speaker at the chapter's April 21st meet-
ing at MacDill AFB was the Hon. John Michael Kelly,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force. Mr. Kelly, a
former Marine, Vietnam correspondent, author and holder
of many key positions in government, has a broad back-
ground of military training and service, including a current
and active commitment to the anti-terrorism effort.
Diamond Head Chapter. Nineteen members and
guests met March 18th at the Hale Koa Hotel, Fort
DeRussy, to hear Gayle Gardner discuss "Agents of
Deception," accompanied by a videotape presentation.
Elected as new chapter officers are LTG Edgar C.
Doleman (USA-Ret), president; MG Rockly Triantafellu
(USAF-Ret), vice president; Edward B. Beidleman,
treasurer; and Col. William J. Bernard (USAF-Ret),
New England
New England Chapter. The chapter held its quarterly
meeting at the Mystic Hilton, Mystic, Connecticut, on
Saturday, April 4th. Some 65 persons attended, including
special guests AFIO president Ray Wannall and his wife,
Trudie. The principal speaker was Captain Douglas Smith,
USN, of the Naval War College, who spoke of the or-
ganization and mission of ONI and some of the security
precautions taken in light of the Walker case. Author John
Barron was also slated to speak on his latest book Break-
ing the Ring but, unfortunately, was forced to cancel at the
last minute.
During the meeting chapter president Mike Speers an-
nounced that several generous contributions have been
received toward the goal of purchasing a video camera to
record the comments of future speakers. It is con-
tempiated that the tapes will be made available to AFIO
and to local groups interested in national security and in-
telligence. Speers also announced that the next meeting
of the chapter will be held at Norwich, Connecticut, on
June 27th. It is hoped that the speaker will be AFIO
member Keith Melton, a collector of the artifacts of intel-
ligence, some of which will be on exhibit at the meeting.
There will also be a major intelligence and military history
book fair.
The chapter continues to grow and now has 130 mem-
bers. It has completed balloting for new by-laws, approved
by a large majority. The next step will be the election in
June of a board of directors. The chapter and its members
continue to support various educational and public events.
Member Bob VanBeever has been the guest speaker at
various functions, including a Masonic meeting, two local
Rotary clubs and the monthly meeting of the Maine Na-
tional Guard. Other events at which chapter members
have appeared or have assisted in organizing include a
continuing series on intelligence at Nichols College,
Dudley, Massacusetts, at which Robert Simmons and Tom
Powers spoke on April 28th, and the intelligence forum
sponsored in part by Gordon Graham at Simon's Rock in
Great Barrington, Massachusetts, in early April. Finally, the
chapter took a challenge and provided a speaker for a
forum conducted on the campus at Middlebury College.
The leader of the local campus activist group asked the
chapter to provide a speaker with a CIA background to
appear with Ralph McGehee, who has made a comfortable
living writing and speaking against the CIA since his
retirement some years ago. President Speers agreed
seek such a speaker, but only on the condition that the
sponsoring group pay the chapter the same fee as being
paid McGehee. This was agreed to and the chapter's
scholarship fund is now richer by $500. A number of chap-
ter members attended to hear our colleague, Bruce
Lawlor, ably handle the task. The whole event went well
and we were proud of Lawlor's presentation to what was
essentially a hostile audience. It soon became evident
that McGehee was far out-classed, and when the debate
ended a group of students, without hostility, continued to
ask Lawlor serious questions about the intelligence
We were pleased to learn that chapter member MG
Edmund Thompson has been invited to serve as one of
the first ten "distinguished members of the Army Military
Intelligence Corps." MG Julius Parker, Jr., Chief, Military
Intelligence, has invited MG Thompson to attend the un-
veiling of the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame, of which
MG Thompson will be a part, in July. MG Parker noted that
MG Thompson, "as one of the foremost architects of
today's intelligence system (has) set a standard of excel-
lence for past, present and future members of our profes-
New Mexico
New Mexico Chapter. The chapter, which celebrated
its second anniversary recently, continues to grow in size.
Membership has tripled in the two years of its existence
and each month sees more applications being submitted.
The chapter meets monthly except December at the
Kirtland Air Force Base Officers' Club (West) on the fourth
Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. There is always a speaker on a
topic pertaining to the intelligence field.
In January, the speaker was Geoffrey Jessup, recently
retired from Merrill Lynch, who has made frequent trips to
China and who is very knowledgeable concerning
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developments there. In February, two speakers were sup-
plied from the KAFB Base Security Office. One gave and
in-depth briefing on the findings of the Stilwell Commis-
sion and the other, an expert in terrorism
countermeasures, gave an up-to-the-minute briefing on ef-
forts by terrorists to attack our military establishments all
over the world.
At the March meeting, Thomas J. Smith, president of
the chapter, made a detailed rebuttal to the continuing
smears and allega-
tions of improper
activities by J. Edgar
Hoover during his
tenure as Director of
the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. At the
April meeting the
scheduled speaker
was Dr. Muriel La-
tham-Pfeifer, who re-
cently returned to the
United States after
serving nine years in
the Middle East. Dr.
Latham-Pfeifer, the
administrator of
Catholic Relief Serv-
ices in Lebanon,
Pakistan, Jordan and
Morocco, was to
speak on the many
problems existing in
the Moslem World.
The chapter has
lost one of its faithful members, Joseph F. Condon, a
retiree from the FBI who passed away January 8th.
Condon, who had once been assigned to the FBI's Intel-
ligence Division in the Central Research Section, did a
great amount of research necessary as background in the
writing of Mr. Hoover's A Study of Communism.
The chapter has announced election of officers at its
April meeting, with the results to appear in the next issue
of Periscope. All members of AFIO who might be visiting
New Mexico are cordially invited to attend the chapter's
New York
Derek Lee Chapter. The winter saw an abundance of
warm, spirited conversation. The chapter sponsored a
series of three meetings, beginning with the long-awaited
appearance of United Nations Ambassador Vernon Wal-
ters. The second featured the director of the Strategic
Defense Initiative, LtGen James Abrahamson. The
chapter's winter session closed with a visit by Acting
Director of Central Intelligence Robert M. Gates.
Quoting Leon Trotsky's 1919 aphorism, "The road to
London and Paris lies through Calcutta," Gates focused
on the importance of a consistent, cohesive American
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policy toward the Third World. He called the fall of Vietnam
a "watershed" in international politics, a watershed that
led directly to the revolutions in Iran and Nicaragua. As a
result of Vietnam's fall, Gates said, the Soviet Union has
been able to "affix itself as a parasite" around the Third
Gates, who addressed the chapter's March meeting at
the University Club, New York City, noted the more than
six billion dollars in aid, mainly military, that the Soviets
AFIO's president, Ray Wannall, greets New England
Chapter members at their quarterly meeting at Mystic,
Connecticut. He and his wife, Trudie, were special guests
at the meeting.
and their Eastern
European allies have
poured into satellite
states Nicaragua and
Angola. But, he said,
the full measure of
Soviet influence in
Third World affairs can
best be taken by the
USSR's nearly ten-
year war commitment
against Afghanistan:
the 120,000 Soviet
troops currently serv-
ing there, the one mil-
lion soldiers who have
served there pre-
viously, and the four
million Afghans forced
into exile.
There is also the
issue of Third World
terrorism and the
background role play-
ed by Moscow. "Let
there be no mistake
or ambiguity about it," said Gates, "the Soviet Union sup-
ports terrorism. Nearly every terrorist group has links to
the Soviet Union or to Soviet client states." As one ex-
ample, he cited the weapons used a year ago when ter-
rorists attacked Columbia's Palace of Justice. They proved
to be US-made M-16s which had been left behind when
the Communists seized South Vietnam.
Gates said Soviet support of terrorism is not surpris-
ing, "considering the role that terrorism played in the
creation of the Soviet state." He quoted Trotsky's maxim,
"It is necessary to kill some people to shatter the morale
of the rest."
To face the Soviet challenge in the Third World, Gates
said America has to come to grips with the use of ter-
rorism as a war, and then to formulate a vigorous, sus-
tainable strategy to counter it. "Our experience shows that
Soviet aggression in the Third World cannot be stopped
by negotiation alone," he said. "It's a classic confrontation
between the Soviet ability to destroy and the American
ability to build."
For Ambassador Walters, the chapter's December
meeting rekindled some warm memories of his four and a
half years at CIA, including a stint as Acting DCI. He told
the crowd of more than 200 AFIO members and guests at
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the Union Club in Manhattan. "I left part of my heart at
He reminded the audience that the most formidable
forces could be felled for lack of intelligence. "Put
earplugs on Joe Louis, and blindfold him, and I'll drop
him." Even though the daily work of the US Intelligence
Community makes the President of the United States "the
best informed man in the world," Ambassador Walters
said American intelligence could be better, particularly if
the press would assume a more reasonable attitude
toward secrecy. "The fact is," said Walters, "you cannot
run an American state with everything above board, in
Macy's window, in this modern world." He asked, "We're
supposed to deal with our adversaries with Marquis de
Queensbury rules when they use brass knuckles?"
The Ambassador also chided the media for practicing
censorship by omission. He recounted how neither the
Washington Post nor the New York Times made mention of
a resolution he introduced in the UN Security Council
taking Cuba to task for supporting international terrorism,
even though that was the first such resolution introduced
in the quarter-century since Castro came to power.
As for the items the media tend to emphasize, such as
human-rights abuses in military-run Chile, the Ambas-
sador said the refugee numbers tell a story of misplaced
priorities: 3,000 political exiles from Pinochet's Chile -
1,400,000 from Castro's Cuba. In fact, he said, the Com-
munist Bloc could easily call itself OREC (the "organiza-
tion of refugee-exporting countries"), noting the 400,000
Hungarian refugees in the '50s and the more than two mil-
lion persons who fled Communist Vietnam in the last
Number comparisons also came up in relation to
Nicaragua and the Soviet Union. To the critics who say the
US drove the Sandinistas into the Soviet camp, Ambas-
sador Walters reminded the audience that the Sandinistas
received 258 million dollars in US aid between 1978 and
January 1981, when it was cut off by the Carter Ad-
ministration, more than twice as much as the US gave the
ousted Nicaraguan dictator Somoza in the seventeen
years he held power.
On the Strategic Defense Initiative, the Ambassador
said, "A lot of people in the US may not believe in SDI, but
Mr. Gorbachev does." With the Soviets having spent ap-
proximately a billion dollars a year on strategic defense re-
search, "it is utterly irresponsible for the US not to be
doing something in response."
LtGen Abrahamson, who addressed the chapter's
January meeting at the Princeton Club, midtown Manhat-
tan, called the Strategic Defense initiative "a challenge to
everybody's conventional thinking." about defense in the
nuclear age.
Abrahamson said if Soviet nuclear strategy is calcu-
lated along roughly the same lines as American strategy,
the threat of mutual retaliation can work indefinitely. But,
he added, if the Soviets are employing a combined
strategy of offense and defense, then the threat of mutual
retaliation may not be a great deterrent. "And the Rus-
sians have understood defense in depth as a military
strategy since the invasion of the Tatars and the two
Napoleanic wars," he said.
General Abrahamson offered several historical ex-
amples of the risk inherent in a military strategy which
rests entirely on offensive capability. The General cited
World War I France and the boast by Marshal Foch that
..we no longer rely on defense, only offense." That
strategy foundered on the widespread use of a relatively
new technology, the railroad, which rushed German
armies to the front faster than ever before.
Further, LtGen Abrahamson raised the issue of the
irrational or accidential nuclear strike. "If deterrance fails,
every [enemy] warhead gets through. If defensive deter-
rance fails, then maybe some would get through." One,
he said, was fail-safe; the other, fail-deadly.
Western Montana Chapter. The chapter held its
spring luncheon at the Missoula Country Club, March
27th. The guest speaker was S/Sgt. Milo McLeod of the
Montana National Guard, who had returned only three
days earlier from duty in Honduras. He explained the in-
country mission, the attitudes of Hondurans toward both
the Contras and the Americans training in their country,
and touched on attitudes in the Panama Canal Zone.
The membership paused for a moment of
remembrance for Horace "Shorty" Koessler, one of AFIO's
newer affiliates and chairman of the board and president
of the Intermountain Lumber Company, who died piloting
his own plane when it crashed in bad winter weather
February 1st in Yellowstone National Park.
A response from the family of the late Lou Rucker was
read, as many of the members were associated with Lou
during his active years. A response to the chapter's "thank
you and get well" telegram to former DCI William J. Casey
was also read.
An up-date review and possible expansion of Walt
Sedoff's high school presentations on intelligence for
1987 and the placement of two intelligence books
(Careers in Secret Intelligence and Teaching Intelligence in
the Mid-80's) in Montana high schools and university
system was discussed.
The chapter, for the first time in its ten-year existence
voted to assess the members in lieu of passing the
chapeau for funds for mailing purposes, etc. The dues will
become effective September 10th.
Cleveland-Northern Ohio Chapter. The chapter held
its seventh annual dinner dance October 31st, 1986, at the
Hermit Club in Cleveland, with seventy-six members and
guests in attendance. The Army color guard presented
the colors and Captain John R. Lengel gave the invoca-
tion. Not surprisingly, since the dance was held on Hal-
loween and because of the affinity of those attending, it
was dubbed "Spooks' Night."
The chapter held a dinner meeting January 18th at
Frekelton's Restaurant, Euclid. Twenty members at-
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tended. Elected as new officers of the chapter are: John
R. Lengel, president; John Smith and Clarence Bennett,
vice presidents; and Elaine Reusch, secretary-treasurer.
The new president, John R. Lengel, was the speaker
at the chapter's February 24th meeting. In a rebuttal to a
charge by the chairman of the House Intelligence Com-
mittee that the Intelligence Community has not rigorously
guarded the nation's most sensitive secrets, he reminded
the audience that seeking a scapegoat is not the way to
strengthen intelligence capabilities.
Despite the arrest in recent years of some 30 people
for spying on the United State and the expulsion of many
Soviet-Bloc spies, any weaknesses still evident should
come as no surprise, he said. In a frightening roll call, he
detailed how the US had systematically dismantled many
of its security defenses and enfeebled the rest. Between
1976 and 1980, Congress cut the number of FBI agents
ten percent, yet the communist nations have been al-
lowed to increase the number of their official personnel
here to more than 4,000, at least a third of which are
professional intelligence officers. In the mid-1970s, Lengel
reminded the audience, Congress recklessly slashed the
number of Defense Department security personnel from
3,000 to 1,740, and some 84,000 incomplete background
investigations piled up. To reduce this backlog, the
Defense Department had no choice but curtail the scope
of its investigations and stop making reinvestigations of
persons holding special top-secret clearance. Such rein-
vestigations, he said, are essential in identifying people
who have bent under life's pressures and become un-
suitable for sensitive positions. Had the Navy taken
another look at John Walker, he suggested investigators
would almost certainly have found out about his spying.
For decades, the speaker noted, the FBI had
monitored extremist groups advocating the overthrow of
the government. Yet, in 1976, Attorney General Edward
Levi laid down guidelines that prevented the FBI from in-
vestigating organizations and their members without
evidence that they were engaging in or were likely to
engage in violent crime. The Levi guidelines so drastically
restricted these and other investigative techniques that
the FBI had great difficulty gathering that preliminary in-
formation necessary to justify a fuller investigation.
"Incredibly, because of the Privacy Act, the FBI cannot
even keep records about publications of any extremist
groups," Lengel said. Further, most state and local law en-
forcement agencies also have stopped gathering intel-
ligence about radicals and subversives and, because of
the Privacy Act, many have refused to share with federal
investigators the criminal records they do maintain. No
one knows exactly how much the overall degradation of
our security system has cost the country, he observed,
adding that the FBI had discovered repeated communist
attempts to subvert government employees while we
relaxed our defenses.
The speaker acknowledged that the present ad-
ministration has repaired some of the damage by reduc-
ing the bloated Soviet-bloc presence in the United States
and has given the FBI additional personnel to cope with
enemy intelligence officers here. Lengel urged that the
administration and the congress restore common-sense
security standards and investigative procedures and
amend the Privacy Act to guarantee confidentiality to
citizens who help federal investigators.
"The real problem in security, as evidenced by recent
events, is the people problem. We have had a major
breakdown in internal discipline. We have discovered in
our serious spy cases that there are people perfectly will-
ing to sell their country, sometimes for very little money.
The loss of sense of responsibility, the loss of loyalty, is a
lack of care. One of the basic problems we have to face up
to, in my opinion, is turning that around. We have to get
back to some of the old-fashioned concepts that include
things like patriotism, and it's going to take a lot of work."
At the meeting the chapter honored the outgoing
president, Lewis Fred Lewton for his outstanding service
as leader of the chapter for the past eight years and his
promotion of AFIO.
The speaker at the March 24th meeting was chapter
member Jack Hacherian who shared his visit to the USSR
last year and gave excellent insight into life there. The
meeting ran over three hours that night.
The chapter usually meets on the fourth Tuesday of
each month at the US Coast Guard Officers' Club,
Cleveland. AFIO visitors to the area are encouraged to
contact chapter president Lengel if they would like to
attend. (Home: 216-826-0294; Business: 216-267-6121).
The chapter has made contact with several colleges
and is eager to pursue the AFIO academic assistance
program. Fourteen of its members attended a lecture at
Eursline College in March to hear Dr. Vladimir N. Sakharov
speak on the KGB. It has also established contact with a
faculty member in another university and hopes to see
him as a guest speaker in the future.
Texas Chapter. Over two-hundred members and
guests attended the chapter's banquet at the Westin
Hotel, January 29th.
The program opened with the presentation of the
colors by the color guard of Lee High School, followed by
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the National
Anthem by the Lee High School Orchestra. The school's
drill team presented an excellent demonstration and all
received a strong round of applause from the attendees.
Vice president Richard C. Partch read the purpose of
the Association and turned the meeting over to chapter
president Fred Rodell who welcomed the guests and in-
troduced the guest speaker, Arkady Shevchenko.
Ambassador Shevchenko delivered an excellent ad-
dress and received numerous interruptions of applause
and two standing ovations. He demonstrated a keen inter-
est in the future of America and, while not caustic to the
Soviet Union, made it clear that there are troubled times in
Russia and that some kind of change must take place.
The final word from the members: "This is the best
meeting we have ever had."
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From the
President's Desk
In this column in the
Winter, 1987, Periscope, a
commitment was made to
continue and to press two
major AFIO programs: Life
Membership and Academic
Assistance. Midway through
my term as President, I wish
to report on the status of
Lste Membership Program
Since the beginning of our fiscal year on September 1,
1986, sixty-nine members have joined us as, or converted
to.. life members. This represents 10.5% of our 658 total
life members as of the first of April, 1987.
The more life members we have, the less it costs to
send dues notices each year and, when literally hundreds
of such notices are saved, this is an appreciable saving in
administrative costs. In addition, the budgetary process
benefits, since yearly pro-rated transfers of income from
the life-membership account to the operating account are
readily calculable in advance. In effect, each life
membership increases AFIO's efficiency and permits the
commitment of more funds to our educational effort.
Academic Assistance Program
As reported in the Winter, 1987, Periscope, with the
generous financial assistance of a life member and his
wife, in 1986 we established this program. Its purpose is
fourfold: (1) to encourage courses of instruction in
universities and colleges on the importance of
intelligence to national survival; (2) to provide support to
the instructors; (3) to furnish academic programs with
course materials; and, (4) to provide continuing research
support, including an AFIO developed and maintained
database of intelligence cases, examples and anecdotes.
The program is well underway. On September 10,
1986, letters were sent to seventy professors across the
country who were documented as teaching courses on
the subject of intelligence in the National Intelligence
Study Center's book, Teaching Intelligence in the Mid-
1980s. An offer was made to these professors to furnish
without cost to them: (1) copies of AFIO's three pamphlets
in its intelligence Profession Series, for use of students
taking intelligence-related courses; and, (2) a copy of
Intelligence and Espionage: An Analytical Bibliography by
George C. Constantinides.
Word of our offer spread. Eventually eighty professors
requested and received, free copies of Mr.
Constantinides' bibliography. Requests for our pamphlets
were slow in coming, possibly because each professor
had already established his or her syllabus for the current
academic year.
On February 2, 1987, the eighty professors who were
known to teach courses on intelligence were advised we
are prepared to furnish a complimentary copy of The CIA
and the US Intelligence System, authored by Scott D.
Breckenridge. In short order we received fifty-five requests
for the book and more are coming in.
We now have on hand copies of Bibliography on Soviet
Intelligence and Security Services by Raymond G. Rocca
and John J. Dziak, which will be offered to participating
university and college professors in the near future.
On the drawing board is a plan to raise $7,500 to
acquire, package and mail 75 sets of the Espionage and
Intelligence Library. This consists of two dozen paperback
Ballantine books. Contributions to this or future phases of
the Academic Assistance Program would, of course, be
most welcomed.
We have experienced enthusiastic support of our
educational efforts. Periscope Editor Ed Sayle and
Executive Director John Greaney enlisted the assistance
of Life Member James E. O'Brien of Palo Alto, California, in
seeking a grant from the Hewlett-Packard Corporation.
This firm, which is headed by former Deputy Secretary of
Defense David Packard, donated a computer and printer,
equipment valued at $12,800. This sincerely appreciated
donation will not only enhance the Academic Assistance
Program but will support the entire educational function
for which AFIO was created and to which it is dedicated.
Thanks to our members and benefactors, AFIO is alive
and healthy.
Ray Wannall
AFIO was organized in 1975 by former intelligence
personnel from the Federal military and civilian intel-
ligence and security agencies. Its purpose is to promote
public understanding of, and support for, a strong and
responsible national intelligence establishment.
AFIO believes that effective intelligence is the nation's
first line of defense against surprise from abroad, subver-
sion at home and possibly dangerous miscalculation by
our national leaders in the conduct of foreign and defense
policy. AFIO therefore holds that reliable intelligence is es-
sential to the cause of peace.
In pursuing its objectives, AFIO
Works closely with appropriate committees of the
congress regarding legislation affecting the intel-
ligence agencies, responds to congressional re-
quests for its views and information on intelligence
matters, and is frequently called upon to testify on
specific legislative proposals.
Through its network of local chapters across the
nation, provides speakers for discussion of national
security issues before civic, academic and profes-
sional groups.
Promotes educational programs explaining the role
and importance of intelligence.
Provides participants for network and local TV and
radio programs on national security issues.
Is frequently consulted by scholars, authors, jour-
nalists and TV producers on intelligence matters.
Monitors media treatment of intelligence and
security issues and, where inaccuracies and distor-
tions occur, attempts to set the record straight.
? Distributes to its members a quarterly publication
with news, views and book reviews relating to intel-
ligence, and a quarterly digest of current news com-
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Journal of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers
FBI Director Says "The Year of Icing The Spy"
Is Result of Renewed Counterintelligence Efforts
Spinning spiderwebs with physical and electronic
surveillance has created a barrier between hostile
agents and our citizens, FBI Director William H.
Webster told an overflow AFIO audience December
8th. By tightening these webs, focusing as the FBI
does on the hostile intelligence agents rather than
our own citizens, the Bureau has met with success in
"dangle" operations, launching double agents and,
perhaps the most valuable, recruitments-in-place, he
Through a combination of Special Agents,
surveillance groups, an expanded corps of language
specialists, a computerized intelligence information
system and a team of intelligence research
specialists, the FBI has been able to focus its efforts,
Director Webster noted. This has paid off in both anti-
terrorist investigations and counter-espionage
programs. "In the past three years, more defendants
have been charged with espionage than the
preceding 18 years," he said, adding that since the
beginning of 1985, the US has expelled over 90
hostile intelligence officers and has arrested 28
persons on espionage charges, 26 of whom have
already been convicted.
The hostile presence is great, Director Webster
said, noting that 80,000 visitors from communist
countries arrive on our shores each year, 20,000
students from communist countries study here and
over 4,000 communist diplomatic and commercial
officers are based here, of which at least one-third
are intelligence agents. They have also adapted their
recruiting techniques to appeal to the worst in human
nature, greed. The new breed of recruits, volunteer
spies motivated by "an attitude that says it's okay to
sell anything if the price is right," are unlike the
ideologically motivated ones of the past, presenting
an increasing challenge to investigation.
The intelligence community, Director Webster
said, must implement more strenuous security
countermeasures; must strive for greater inter-
agency cooperation and sharing of resources and
information; and needs to reach the public. "You
know from your own work with public educational
programs that an informed American public is a
public willing to assist intelligence efforts."
The full text of the FBI Director's presentation
appears on pages 4-6.
William H. Webster
Director of the FBI
FBI Chief Urges AFIO To Address
Secondary School Information Effort
During FBI Director William H. Webster's
presentation he spoke of the Bureau's efforts to edu-
cate employees in defense industries to the threat
posed by hostile intelligence agents, noting that the
FBI's DECA (Development of Counterintelligence
Awareness) Program had already briefed some fif-
teen thousand persons. He commended a similar
effort by the National Security Committee of the
American Bar Association to alert lawyers across the
country to the telltale signs of security weakness.
"They're opinion makers in many ways, and its impor-
tant that they support this effort," he noted.
In further discussion of public education during
the question and answer session, Director Webster
regretted that he could not point to such a program
which specifically deals with secondary education. "I
think we're coming into a real resource problem in
this respect, but perhaps this organization could think
seriously about how the private sector, drawing on
people with the kind of experience represented in
this room, could get the message out, either by per-
sonal appearances or by materials prepared at the
secondary school level for reading."
"I would certainly support it," he said.
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As we explained in the last issue of Periscope, our
Academic Assistance Program has been well received by
those teaching courses on Intelligence whom we have
contacted. To further assist them, we hope to be able to
provide names of AFIO members near their schools. It
would open up the knowledge and skills acquired over
long careers to the benefit of the new generation.
Many professors are in need of assistance in
preparing their course syllabus, in presenting guest
lectures on certain topics and in obtaining knowledgeable
panelists for seminars. If you are interested in supporting
these courses, please let us know the names of the
schools in your area and what type of help you would care
to offer. As the program develops we hope to become
somewhat of a clearing house for those professors who
teach courses related to intelligence.
If you have any experience in having worked with
schools which teach courses related to Intelligence,
please let us know the details so that we may share them
with other AFIO members.
Due to our limited assets, it is necessary to restrict this
program to the College and University level. We are
pleased to report that some of our members have been
addressing the high schools in their areas. This continues
to be worthwhile although we cannot provide AFIO
material for them. We would hope that the Chapters could
take on teaching intelligence as a special project.
National is prepared to provide college students with
free copies of the three pamphlets published by AFIO to
date: The Clandestine Service of the Central Intelligence
Agency by Hans Moses; National Security and The First
Amendment by John S. Warner and The KGB: An
Instrument of Soviet Power by Thomas Polgar. These
pamphlets were made available to AFIO members when
they were printed. Our supply is limited but we recognize
the importance of making them available for students.
1987 National Convention. The thirteenth convention
will be held on October 9th and 10th at the Sheraton
Tysons Corner Hotel. This is a brand new hotel located on
Route 7 and the Dulles Access Road in Tysons Corner,
Summer Luncheon. AFIO will hold a luncheon on
Monday, June 8, 1987, at the Officers' Club, Fort Myer,
Virginia. We are fortunate to have an acceptance from
Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, Department of Defense, to be our speaker.
Members in the Washington area will receive a flyer prior
to the event. Those members who might be in the area
are welcome to come. We ask all attendees to send in
their reservations and payment ($13.00 per person) in
advance. We do not accept payment at the door and the
space is limited to 450. The reservations are on a first
come basis.
AFIO received over 700 ballots in the
election of 1986, the highest number ever cast
for Board elections. The Board consists of
twenty-one members, each elected for a three-
year term. The terms of seven members, John
Davis, Lee Echols, Sam Halpern, Dick Larkin,
Walter Pforzheimer, Gene Tighe and John
Warner, expire this year. They have served
AFIO long and well and although they have not
yet been asked if they are available for
nomination for another term, we urge all our
members to consider nominating additional
active members for the election ballot. We also
ask each Chapter to submit a nominee. The
nominee's written permission, short biographic
summary and small picture must be received
at headquarters by May 1, 1987, in order to
have the ballot printed and mailed with the
Summer Periscope.
Dissenting Voices
"The agency's purpose is not, he contends, to gather
intelligence, but to manipulate information in support of
American foreign policy. In Thailand, Vietnam, Angola, El
Salvador, Grenada, Nicaraguaand elsewhere, the CIA has
fabricated information about Communist subversion to
justify American intervention and the creation of American-
supported regimes, he said. 'I don't think we can long go
on letting the CIA go around the world destroying life,
liberty, happiness . . . and long expect democracy to
survive in this America,' McGehee said."
Ralph McGehee at the University of Louisville,
as reported by the Louisville (KY) Times
"How many Nicaraguan harbors must the CIA mine,
how many assassination squads must it deploy, how
much covert terror must it market before university officials
say they are not in the business of nurturing young people
for those kinds of trades? ... If our government is running
low on finding people with a calling to the CIA, let the
agency use its reputed ingenuity to secure an off-campus
recruitment center. Television commercials are available.
The same ad agencies that gussie military careers as an
idyllic life of service and adventure should be able to
beautify the CIA art of training Nicaraguan contras to rape
women and burn hospitals."
Colman McCarthy, columnist
The Washington Post
Periscope Winter 1987
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A Memorial Day Gathering
of Tigers, Cats and Eagles
by Leon V. LaShomb
Over 240 civilian personnel of four related aviation
companies were killed or missing in Asia, particularly
Southeast Asia, during the period 1946-1975.
Almost totally unknown, except to their families and
friends, these gallant pilots, air crew members and ground
support personnel, gave their lives for their country with
the same finality as their uniformed comrades.
On memorial day weekend, May 30, 1987, survivors of
these companies, with family and friends of the deceased,
will gather at the McDermott Library on the campus of the
University of Texas at Dallas to dedicate a memorial to
their dead. This is the first comprehensive acknowl-
edgement of the many American and foreign civilians who
died for the freedom of others.
The names listed on the memorial are aircrew
members and ground support personnel who were
employed by Air America, Civil Air Transport, Southern Air
Transport and Air Asia, Ltd. All of these companies were
owned wholly or in part by the Pacific Corporation, which
at the time was linked to the Central Intelligence Agency.
Some of the original employees of CAT and Air
America were, like General Chennault, ex-"Flying Tigers"
and WWII veterans of the China campaign. As the
organization grew in size and scope of activities, crew and
support personnel were recruited from all branches of the
military services and from civilian sources. These
individuals were the most highly skilled, adventurous and
patriotic aviation personnel that could be found.
Some were captured, others are still missing, and
many of them died during those difficult operational years
which ended with the final helicopter evacutation flights
from the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon on April 29,
The McDermott Library will host the memorial
gathering and house the archives of this unique group of
participants in one of history's most successful, unusual
and misunderstood aviation enterprises. The CAT/Air
America Collection will be housed in the McDermott
Library's History of Air Collection, alongside the Jimmy
Doolittle Collection and the Womens Air Service Pilots
(WASP) Memorial. Holdings of this internationally
recognized library cover the entire spectrum of aviation
and space development, and every one of its several
million archival items is accessible for public use and
For more information write: Air America Club, Inc., Rt.
1, Box 39B, Marion, TX 78124 or call (512) 625-5914.
AFIO will hold its Spring Luncheon on Monday,
March 16, 1987, in the Koran Room of the Fort Myer
Officers' Club. We are fortunate that The Honorable
James E. Nolan, Jr., Director of the Office of Foreign
Missions, Department of State and a member of AFIO,
will speak on the security of US Embassies abroad.
Mrs. Louise BUSHNELL
New York, New York
LtCol Charles V. B. CUSHMAN, (USAF-Ret)
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Mr. Harry P. BROOKS
Bethesda, Maryland
Mr. Joseph P. BURKE
Silver Spring, Maryland
Col Charles F. DENSFORD, (USAF-Ret)
Pipe Creek, Texas
New Braunfels, Texas
Landover Hills, Maryland
Washington, D.C.
Mr. Richard A. NEWSHAM
Alexandria, Virginia
Mr. Thomas M. PERKINS
Sarasota, Florida
LTC Arthur W. Van SCHOICK, Jr., (USA-Ret)
Miami, Florida
Defector Book Describes
Development of Journalists
Vladimir Kostov, a Bulgarian intelligence officer whose
assignment was focused on Western journalists, served
nine years before to defecting in France in 1978.
In his recent book, Le Parapluie Bulgare (The Bulgarian
Umbrella), (Paris: Stock, 1986) Kostov describes how
Soviet bloc intelligence surveilled and assessed
professional journalists in Paris in the mid-seventies for
active measures purposes, accumulating some four to five
hundred dossiers on as many French and foreign
journalists in that city during 1975-76 alone. So active was
the Bloc effort, Kostov says, that he once began the
recruitment of a journalist only to be waived off because
the greedy journalist had already accepted Soviet
recruitment. Kostov also charges that during the mid-
1960s Bulgarian intelligence controlled the activities of
UPI's correspondent in Sofia.
Winter 1987 Periscope Page 3
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Remarks by William H. Webster
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
before the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers
December 8, 1986
Thank you very much, and thank you, Ray. It's a great pleasure
for me to be here, and I particularly enjoyed your introduction since it
called to my attention that I was described in "Parade" magazine as
the "anonymous Director of the FBI" on Sunday. That's just all a part
of my ability to perform covert operations.
I want to take just a second--I wasn't going to do this--but I'll take
just a second to establish my credentials with you former intelligence
George Washington had a spy by the name of Katie Montgomery
who carried messages in her clothing across the lines in North
Carolina. In each succeeding generation, there has been a Katie in
our family, including my great-aunt, my mother, my daughter and my
I'm not sure that that establishes me here in this room, but it has
worked elsewhere.
I would, however, like to mention Malcolm Forbes' gift to me,
which he also gave to Bill Casey, of a letter from George Washington
to one of his majors. This letter described the usages of tradecraft,
discussed how to write invisible ink messages and indicated that
such a message was in the letter and how to find it. Its a very
interesting letter. Malcolm paid $115,000 for it ... and I was glad to
have a reasonable facsimile of it at no cost to the Bureau.
This letter does show, I think, that from time immemorial,
intelligence has been extremely crucial and so regarded by our
leaders in the field.
Certainly, as we commemorate Pearl Harbor Day today, we
cannot help but think of the crucial importance of getting intelligence
--meaningful intelligence--and having the ability to understand its
meaning and take appropriate action on it. That's certainly true in the
military in time of war; it is equally true in time of peace.
I know it is true in our own terrorism program, as we look back
upon what, I think, in the last eight years has been a proud record of
reducing the number of incidents in this country, as compared with
the rising problem of terrorism throughout the world. When people
ask me, "How were you able to do it? To what do you attribute it?" I
give credit to a lot of things. But I say first and foremost intelligence.
You cannot get there before the bomb goes off unless you have the
intelligence to know that the bomb may go off; where it may go off;
and who will set it off. The construction of that quality of intelligence,
almost from scratch--after the Church and Pike Committee days,
which made that type of intelligence-gathering so unpopular in law
enforcement circles--has made the difference, in my opinion,
between what we face in the United States, and what other countries
in the world have been facing.
And so I, at every opportunity, stress the importance of
intelligence. I would emphasize, too, that intelligence means
something more than just gathering enormous amounts of data
about every aspect of problem areas. It means a focused attention
upon the real problems--the real targets. By pushing our resources in
specific areas--for example, at twenty or so active domestic terrorist
organizations--we'll gain much more than we would by spreading
ourselves as an inveterate intelligence-gatherer of irrelevancy.
Unfocused intelligence gathering only complicates the work of the
analysts, consumes our resources and undercuts our public support
and confidence.
Today, I believe we have the right measure of balance in our
focus, at least in domestic terrorism. But that isn't really what I came
to talk to you about. I want to talk about our role with other
intelligence agencies in counterintelligence.
Today, our citizens are thinking very hard about national security.
They've seen Vladimir lzmaylov of the GRU caught picking up
classified information at a drop site, and they've seen him interdicted
and expelled. They've seen Gennadiy Zakharov, more recently,
arrested and indicted--and they've seen a Soviet reaction to that
indictment that aroused the indignation of the world and terminated
in the expulsion of 80 Soviets from their diplomatic missions in the
United States--80 Soviets whose business it was to engage in
intelligence activity here in the United States. They've also seen
American spies discovered in all our sensitive agencies, as well as in
sensitive industries. In the past-three years alone, more defendants
have been charged with espionage than the preceding 18 years.
These troubled 80s have been a time of success and
disappointment, a time for re-examination and refinement, for all the
members of the intelligence community. I think it's pretty clear that
each agency must continue to improve its responses to the national
intelligence effort and, just as importantly, must work hard to share
information and coordinate the efforts with each other.
As the investigative law enforcement arm of the intelligence
community, the FBI concentrates its efforts on counterintelligence.
We strive both to reduce our nation's vulnerability to hostile efforts
and to neutralize hostile activity through counterespionage. I'd like to
talk to you today about how we're meeting these challenges--and
what further efforts we believe are necessary to protect our national
Our counterintelligence efforts work around a very basic problem.
There are too many hostile intelligence officers, too great a hostile
presence in this country. We have to identify that presence today.
? From 20,000 students from communist-countries who study in
our schools'
? From 90,000 visitors from communist countries who arrive on
our shores each year;
? And from over 4,000 communist diplomatic and commercial
officers who are based in the United States--one-third of whom are
believed, reliably, to be charged with intelligence-gathering activities
by their own governments.
Furthermore, we are observing an increased aggressiveness on
the part of these hostile services to collect our scientific and
technical, our political and our military information. The Soviets, in
particular, have closely focused their efforts: they have specifically
targeted our technology that is used for weapons, weapon systems
and military support equipment. And they have adapted their
recruitment techniques to appeal to the worst in human nature. They
call it the "typical American attitude toward money"--an attitude that
says that it's okay to sell anything if the price is right.
In years past, we have investigated Americans who agreed to spy
for reasons of ideology and personal political conviction. But today,
we are confronted with a new breed--a breed of volunteer spies who
are motivated primarily by their own greed. Their treachery may be
colored by job dissatisfaction or by a desire, occasionally, for
excitement or even revenge. But we come across very few instances
where money isn't changing hands.
Just look at the track record of the 1980s: David Barnett, William
Holden Bell, James Durward Harper, Thomas Cavanagh, the
Walkers, Jerry Whitworth, Ronald Pelton, Jonathan Pollard, Bruce
Ott--all were looking to make a "fast buck." Only one aberration:
Allen John Davies, who recently tried to pass classified documents
to the Soviets to avenge himself on the Air Force. As the indictment
charges, he was angry about an ongoing dispute over just $1,200.
He tried to give away precious military secrets for reasons of spite.
Nevertheless, he certainly wasn't motivated by ideology or
The lack of conviction of this new breed makes it more difficult to
go to the place where we are most likely to find those who would
betray their country. It makes them more difficult to identify as we did
in years past. It represents a tremendous challenge for us.
The question then is: how can-we reduce or control the numbers
of-hostile agents and-potential spies in our country? We do not have
--nor do I think we will ever have--enough personnel to keep track of
everyone who comes into this country with intelligence-gathering
missions, and we certainly don't have enough personnel or
resources to keep track of every citizen. Nor do we want to
investigate the activities of law-abiding citizens without just cause.
In this regard we are different from our competition: we do not
subscribe to the block-control, block-watch concept. We have to
have something more consistent with our open and democratic
society. As our main tactic, therefore, we "spiderweb" known or
suspected intelligence operatives. Spinning our webs with physical
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and electronic surveillance--all electronic surveillance being court
authorized, by the way--we weave a barrier between hostile agents
and our citizens. We hope that the barrier itself will frighten off
potential traitors. But if contact is made, we want to be in a position
to detect the individual who is thinking of selling secret to our
To tighten these webs, focusing as we do on the hostile
intelligence service rather than upon our own citizens, we've
increased the number of our Agents in the field. We've increased our
recruitments-in-place, perhaps the most valuable, most important
and most cost effective of our efforts, We're running double agents
to step in wherever possible with undercover operations. And we're
implementing dangle operations. The dangle technique is unusually
important to us because it serves to keep our enemies off balance.
Because of successful operations like the Dr. Zeha case and the
lzmaylov case, the Soviets are never really sure, these days, when a
volunteer shows up for a real buy, whether they are dealing with a
potential traitor or with someone working for the FBI.
Our number-one resource has always been and, I believe, will
always be, the human intelligence-gathering agent. But today, our
Agents in the field are now supported by improved technologies and
expanded resources that are clearly making a difference in our
overall counterintelligence program.
I We have Special Surveillance Groups that act as the eyes and
ears of our Agents. By conducting physical surveillances and
securing and controlling locations and individuals in undercover
operations, they provide a dimension to investigative operations that
cannot be duplicated by other means. Time and time again, these
specialists have shaped an investigator's suspicion into a
prosecutor's fact.
? We've expanded our corps of language specialists to conduct
technical collection.
? We have a computerized intelligence information system to
help process information and to assist in prosecutions.
? And we have a corps of intelligence research specialists who
analyze the data and piece the fragments of intelligence into
explicable patterns.
I might mention, too, that in our computer efforts we now have a
program well on its way to permitting us to use artificial intelligence
to identify and guide our Intelligence Division operatives in taking on
the more complicated and ambiguous tasks.
All in all, I believe that we have made impressive strides in our
counterintelligence efforts in recent years. And if 1985 was hailed by
the press as The Year of the Spy," 1986 has certainly turned out to
be The Year of Icing the Spy."
Since the beginning of 1984, 28 people have been arrested for
espionage, and 26 convictions have been secured. Allen Davies, of
course, awaits trial. Only Richard Craig Smith, of all those charged,
was acquitted. That's an all-time record since World War II.
Just since the beginning of 1985, our Government has formally or
informally expelled over 90 hostile intelligence officers, based on
information developed by us and by other agencies in the
intelligence community.
I'm particularly satisfied with Zakharov's arrest and expulsion--he
was clearly just beginning to call in his markers so that he could
return triumphantly to Moscow at the end of his tenure, which was
not far away.
Eighty of the total number of expulsions, of course, occurred this
Fall in the wake of Zakharov's arrest. At long last, with these
expulsions, the diplomatic equivalency terms of the Leahy-Cohen
Amendment have been achieved. Even better, the 80 Soviet officers
who left us were the top intelligence officers known to or identified by
us. Their departures will make an enormous hole in Soviet
intelligence-gathering activities in New York, in Washington and in
San Francisco.
And what was our punishment in return? The punishment was the
withdrawal of 260 spies from our embassy in Moscow--another goal
we had set for ourselves that was accelerated, compliments of Mr.
Gorbachev. I know that our officers in Russia are put to unusual
discomfort and stress, but they are bearing up well under it. It will be
a matter of pride for them to have outlived this problem, and we will
have achieved a major effort on both sides of the Atlantic as a result
of what has taken place.
The real proof of our efforts, however, I think is best shown in our
actual investigations. And, today, I'd like to highlight briefly our
Pelton case, because I think it demonstrates so many important
features of today's counterintelligence efforts.
Ronald Pelton worked for 14 years as a communications
specialist in the National Security Agency. Although he didn't have
much education, he was a highly intelligent man with a remarkable
memory for technical data. Over time, he was given more and more
responsibility at NSA, until, in 1978, he wrote a 60-page report on
what the United States knew about Soviet signals intelligence.
The next year, Pelton's life fell to pieces. He declared bankruptcy,
quit the NSA and failed at one get-rich-quick scheme after another.
Thinking he could recoup his losses by selling his last marketable
product--his memory--he called the Soviets. One phone call later, on
January 15, 1980, Pelton entered the Soviet embassy. When he left
three and a half hours later, he had shaved off his beard, was
wearing Soviet work clothes and went out with other men in a van
close to the exit door.
We saw him go in, saw his back side, and we could not identify
his exit. We had knowledge of these events, but they were odd
fragments of information that simply could not be put together in a
larger context. Remember that this was 1980. Importantly, these facts
were retained, and the effort continued.
Then, when Yurchenko defected, we learned that an unnamed
NSA employee had been providing the Soviets with information since
We quickly formed a joint NSA-FBI task force, and we began
pouring over NSA files, looking for possibilities. I believe that there
were some five hundred possibles as we began This effort. Through
an interview with Yurchenko granted by the CIA, we almost
inadvertently learned that the man we wanted had red hair. When we
pushed Yurchenko to describe the exact shade of brown hair that he
had earlier identified, Yurchenko pointed to a red color. And with this
critical piece of information, we made the identification--and
confirmed it when NSA employees identified Pelton's voice on calls
to the Soviet embassy in 1980.
The rest of the case is history. Pelton was arrested November 25,
1985, and was convicted on May 6, 1986. We learned from the
investigation just how critical inter-agency cooperation can be. We
needed CIA access to Yurchenko. We needed NSA cooperation as
much as it needed ours. And, as a sidelight, we also learned the
effectiveness of one of our countermeasure techniques. When the
Soviets asked Pelton to return to NSA as their mole, he said, and I
quote: "I can't. I won't pass the polygraph." Clearly, polygraphing
can act as a great deterrent when used judiciously.
Successful investigations like that of Pelton may demonstrate that
coordinating efforts among members of the intelligence community
can make the system work. But it's legitimate for you to ask, are we
winning overall?
Well, on the balance, I think that the FBI is in a better position
today than it was ten years ago--or even five years ago. But you
know as well as I do that in the counterintelligence business no
service can be expected to "win" every time. After all, our
adversaries are also using well-trained professional intelligence
I believe, however, that we will continue to make headway,
maintaining the present momentum, and will continue to close the
weak links in our national security, so long as we continue to identify
and address issues that do, in fact, relate to our national security.
And right now I can think of several national security issues that
need to be met: issues that concern the internal security of sensitive
agencies; issues that concern inter-agency cooperation; and issues
that concern public awareness of and support for intelligence
operations--a vital part of getting the resources and the authority tc
do what needs to be done.
? First, we can and must implement more strenuous security
countermeasures. And I underscore the tremendous work that
General Dick Stillwell has done in alerting our community to the'
importance of that first critical step.
We must improve screening procedures for employees it
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sensitive areas--not only when they're hired, but during the course of
their employment, and even after they leave the organization.
Further, we must carefully consider procedures and guidelines
for the use of employee drug testing. The FBI, for example, now
routinely tests its incoming Agents--and it is formulating a policy for
random objective testing of its employees. I cannot emphasize too
strongly the security threat posed to us by the employee who uses
drugs. If hostile agents have been quick to seize on Americans'
weakness for financial gain, imagine how quickly they can take
advantage of those dependent on drugs.
0 Second, we must all strive for inter-agency cooperation--
sharing resources and information as necessary to protect our
national security. The FBI's counterintelligence role, for example, is
critical to all intelligence efforts. Collection and analysis cannot
produce reliable results--and covert action cannot be effectively
conducted--unless we know what hostile (and occasionally even
friendly) services might do to turn our intelligence activities to their
advantage. There must be no penetration of our intelligence
gathering apparatus.
Conversely, the FBI depends on the rest of the community for
critical leads. We certainly needed access to the defector Yurchenko
to begin our investigation of Ronald Pelton. I chair an inter-agency
committee called the IGCI, the Inter-Agency Working Group on
Counterintelligence, a part of the SIGI, as you know the Special Inter-
Agency Group on Intelligence chaired by Bill Casey. Again and again
here, I have seen us coming together to devise a central strategy to
deal with counterintelligence problems here and around the world.
0 Third and last, for today's discussion, we need to reach the
publiic. You know from your own work with public educational
programs that an informed American public is a public willing to
assist intelligence efforts.
Several years ago, for example, a student at Columbia
University watched a TV documentary on the KGB and realized, with
horror, that he was quite possibly being recruited by Penyu
Kostadinov, a Bulgarian commercial attache. This student notified
the FBI, and we subsequently arrested Kostadinov for espionage.
I would call for more public programs--and practical ones at
that--that will alert our citizens to the telltale signs of security
weaknesses. I'm proud of the work that Morris Leibman is doing to
alert the lawyers across our country of their importance. They're
opinion makers in many ways, and it's important that they support
this effort. Morris is doing a tremendous job on the National Security
Committee of the American Bar Association.
In our own effort, DECA--the FBI's Development of
Counterintelligence Awareness Program--we educate defense
contractors in standard recruitment techniques. Fifteen thousand
Government contractors have been reached so far. These kinds of
programs will work--and they do work. Jonathan Jay Pollard, the
analyst for the Navy's Anti-Terrorism Alert Center, was caught
because fellow employees noticed and reported that he was
requesting documents outside his need-to-know area. This arrest
wasn't the result of our DECA program, but it illustrates what an alert
and informed employee can do to help the effort. It's our job to get
the employers to incorporate programs that will produce that kind of
There are many ways that I could close this part of the program
today. My own assessment is that we are combining the best of
human intelligence-gathering capabilities with modern scientific
electronic computer analysis and with other devices, too sensitive to
discuss in detail, to keep track of the hostile intelligence presence in
this country--to recognize it, to "spiderweb" it, to make it virtually
impossible for an American traitor to make contact without our
knowing about it.
Again and again, we have seen instances where the Soviets have
refused to meet with people who are trying to meet with them. As you
know, in a couple of those instances in the past two years, we've run
undercover operations against those people, caught them, found out
what they had, made the arrests and made the prosecutions and
convictions. Many of the meetings are taking place in Mexico today
because it is now too difficult to meet in the United States. We want
to keep it that way.
We can only keep it that way if we have the balance between our
resources and their resources. I have argued in public testimony
that, in my opinion, the best way to approach this balance, wherever
possible, is to reduce the Soviet and Soviet-bloc presence in the
United States. I always point out that one-third of this presence, at
least in the diplomatic community, represents hostile intelligence
operatives. It isn't any good to give us an additional Agent to take
care of one additional spy--and I don't need to tell this audience why
it's no good to do it that way. But when we can eliminate one Soviet
spy, we can concentrate our considerable resources on the other
problems that remain. I think the Congress and the administration
are in concert on this issue, and our "spiderweb" approach to
dealing with counterintelligence will become increasingly effective.
These efforts, taken together, are needed to keep our country
As I listened to what Ray had to say this morning, I thought of the
many people who have given their lives for their country, particularly
those at Pearl Harbor. During the Korean War, I was executive officer
of a tanker operating out of Pearl Harbor to the Far East, and we
berthed right across from the "Arizona," which at that time was its
own memorial. It didn't even have-a housing over it. Being there, you
couldn't help but think of the people who had given so much to keep
our country the way it is today.
These same thoughts occurred to me last night at the Kennedy
Center, when the program closed with a tribute to Ray Charles by
the boys and girls of the Florida School for the Blind and the Deaf. A
hundred children must have been on stage--some were using sign
language, and those who could not see were singing; in their own
ways, all were singing "America, The Beautiful." And I think that's our
job--to keep it that way.
The following members have generously
contributed an amount equal to or
exceeding one year's annual dues.
Mr. Douglas K. BEED
Potomac, Maryland
Miss Mildred S. BRANNAN
Falls Church, Virginia
Evanston, Illinois
Mr. Robert L. KEUCH
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Mr. William R. LeBUS
Washington, D.C.
Mr. Christopher POTH
Darien, Connecticut
Mrs. Nancy C. SWAN
Kensington, Maryland
(Donation for Educational Program)
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Intelligence Issues
`?... Congressional oversight has never quite lived up
to its billing as an objective, bipartisan mechanism. The
oversight function has often become just one more
weapon in Washington's continuing struggle over the
control and content of foreign policy . . . Opponents of
covert activity have discovered that by leaking covert
operations into the news, they can create a debilitating
aura of suspicion and illegitimacy around foreign policies
they dislike. Put bluntly the question is, does Congress
want the US to have a covert-action capability or not? If
not, why doesn't it explicitly say so? . . .
"What we now have is the worst possible outcome--
politicized oversight, but a lack of political support to
conduct covert operations. In fairness, Congress isn't
totally to blame for the covert action debacle. Jimmy
Carter and his CIA director, Adm. Stansfield Turner,
played a big part. During the 1970s, CIA covert-action
agents were fired in droves, foreign agents were
abandoned and the CIA's paramilitary operations were
dismantled. The pickup team atmosphere around some
recent operations suggests the US hasn't recovered from
the loss of these specialized skills . . .
"The US needs to regain its covert-action capabilities.
However, intelligence specialists both inside and outside
the government don't see how the US can sustain
successful covert activities as long a Congress is
ambivalent about them.
"When addressing this subject in their frequent TV
appearances, the members invariably argue that they
merely wish to participate in the process so that they can
build the necessary public support once the activities
become known. But what happens to these consensus-
builders in the days after a covert action is leaked and
blown? Somehow the most widely quotated Hill members
suddenly become the familiar arrogance-of-power crowd.
"Before Congress gets too carried away with the
oversight needs of the Hughes-Ryan Amendment of 1974
(section 662 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961), it
ought to face squarely the question of whether it wants
covert activities in any shape or form. Put it to a vote. Stop
temporizing. Congress should vote either to pull the CIA
out of the covert-activity business, or to pull itself out of
the CIA's hair."
Book Guides Travelers:
How Not To Become a Hostage
A group of security consultants with rich experience in
personal protection have authored a new book, The
American Hostage: To Be or Not to Be, as a guide to those
who must live, travel and survive on all continents--with
emphasis on survival.
The authors are Richard Keiser, formerly with the US
Secret Service as head of protective details for presidents
Nixon, Ford and Carter, Herbert F. Saunders, a former
senior official of the CIA, and William J. Mulligan who
spent 27 years abroad with the State Department.
The book may be ordered for $9.50 from Varicon
International, Three Skyline Place, Suite 200, 5201
Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041.
Military Retirees Urged
To Enter Education Field
Secretary of Education William J. Bennett and
Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger have signed
a formal agreement to encourage retired and retiring
military men and women to seek second careers in teach-
ing and school administration.
In citing the need for more good teachers, the
Secretary of Education said, "Many men and women who
served in uniform have developed excellent leadership
and teaching skills. If they will consider turning some of
their experience and knowledge to teaching and ad-
ministration, it would be a good thing for our schools, our
children and our nation. Many retirees are well-versed in
precisely the subject areas in which there sometimes tend
to be teacher shortages, namely science, math and for-
eign languages."
According to Secretary Weinberger, in 1985 more than
half of the officers retiring in their early forties held
master's degrees, 98% had a bachelor's degree and 40%
of the retiring enlisted personnel had some college.
Secretary Bennett noted that many states are now
liberalizing their certification requirements to allow
qualified people other than education school graduates to
enter the teaching profession, and urged that potential
teachers should not be turned away because they lack the
proper credentials. He suggested that school systems
adopt "reasonable tests and provisional certificates" to
assure the retired personnel have the knowledge, skills
and character necessary to teach or administer.
One obstacle yet to be overcome is the teaching es-
tablishment itself. On learning of the proposal, the Nation-
al Education Association responded with a statement
Secretary Bennett thought "remarkably inhospitable."
Similarly, a spokesman for the National Association of
Secondary School Principals reacted, "You don't hire a
shoe salesman to perform heart surgery"
Those interested are asked to write or call for a copy of
A Second Career for You, available from the US Depart-
ment of Education, Office of Public Affairs, Room 2089,
400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 20202; phone
(202) 245-8601.
New Intelligence Journal
Published in Great Britain
Although British intelligence and national security
remains a mysterious and largely taboo subject,
particularly in peacetime, a new intelligence journal
published in Britain, in addition to discussion of the history
of intelligence work, will feature analyses of its
contemporary functions and problems and assess the
influence of intelligence work on foreign policy and
national security.
The publication, Intelligence and National Security,
edited by historian Christopher Andrew, notes that it
recognizes that current intelligence operations require
secrecy as a condition of success and will be content to
limit its focus to lifting the veils which still cover past
intelligence work.
Subscriptions to the publication, which is published
three times a year, may be ordered ($40 for individuals;
$70 for organizations) from Frank Cass, 81 Adams Drive,
Totowa, NJ 07512.
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by Captain Richard Bates, USN (Ret)
On October 24, the Navy and Marine Corps Intel-
ligence Training Center (NMITC) at Dam Neck, Virginia
Beach, Virginia, was dedicated. The principal speaker was
Navy Secretary John Lehman, who also dedicated the
building, appropriately named for Rear Admiral Edwin T.
The concept of the Center was that of Admiral John
Butts in mid-1979 and it became reality through the efforts
of many, particularly Mr. Craig Wilson of the Department of
Defense and Representative G. William Whitehurst in
whose Second Virginia District the Center was built.
The Center brings to one location Navy and Marine
Corps intelligence training previously done at Norfolk,
Quantico, Denver and Key West.
The 113,000 square foot facility is impressive, as was
its dedication. With proper Navy protocol, the Secretary
and other principals were piped aboard. After being intro-
duced by the commanding officer of the Center, Captain
Robert T. Trafton, USN, Secretary Lehman dedicated the
Center, and Mrs. Miriam Layton joined him in cutting the
ribbon officially opening Layton Hall.
The Center's library has been named the G. William
Whitehurst Research Library in appreciation for the con-
gressman's strong support for intelligence and the Navy,
and for his Navy combat service in the Pacific during
World War II. The library was dedicated by Rear Admiral
Thomas R. M. Emery, Commander, Training Command,
US Atlantic Fleet.
The auditorium has been named the Rufus L. Taylor
The Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center at Dam
Neck, Virginia Beach, Virginia. This modern 113,000 square foot
teaching facility brings together in one place training previously
done at Norfolk, Denver, Quantico and Key West. It has been named
for Rear Admiral Edwin T. Layton, USN.
Navy Secretary John F. Lehman, Jr., the principal speaker, also
dedicated Layton Hall. The Commanding Officer of the Center,
Captain Robert T. Trafton, USN, looks on.
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Memorial Auditorium, and for its dedication Rear Admiral
William O. Studeman, USN, the Director of Naval Intel-
ligence, was joined by Mrs. Karin Taylor.
Admiral Inman was on hand to assist Admiral
Studeman dedicate the Bobby R. Inman Quarterdeck.
Finally, a corridor of the Center has been named for
Chief Warrant Officer Solomon Hughey Godwin, USMC.
His wife, Mrs. Haydee Felix, was on hand to assist
Lieutenant General Alfred M. Gray, Jr., USMC, Command-
ing General, Fleet Marine Force Atlantic, in the dedication.
CWO Godwin was captured at Hue after calling friendly
mortar fire on his position as the enemy attacked in force.
He was in Hue as the counterintelligence liaison officer to
the national police headquarters there. He died in captivity
and, because his remains were never recovered, no ap-
propriate military ceremony has been performed until
now. After appropriate remarks, prayers and the playing of
taps, his son, Solomon Hughey Godwin, Jr., received from
Congressman Whitehurst a flag which had flown over the
US Capitol.
After the ceremonies, a reception and tours of Layton
Hall, the Naval Intelligence Professionals (NIP), a new
professional intelligence association, held a luncheon all
the Dam Neck Officers' Club. There Mrs. Layton and Mrs.
Taylor were made honorary life members of NIP, as was
Mrs. Joan Hoare, the widow of Peter Hoare, a British naval
intelligence officer of considerable renown. The luncheon
and presentations were presided over by NIP president
RADM "Mac" Showers.
After the dedication, at a luncheon held by the Naval Intelligence
Professionals (NIP), Admiral "Mac" Showers presents certificates of
honorary life membership to Mrs. Joan Hoare, Mrs. Miriam Layton
and Mrs. Karin Taylor. Admiral Studeman is seated between Mrs.
Taylor and Mrs. Layton. To the left of Mrs. Hoare are Mrs. Showers
and Mrs. Trafton.
Captain Trafton and Admiral Studeman present a momen
Admiral Bobby R. Inman after the dedication bbd a Center's
quarterdeck in Admiral Inman's honor.
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Army CIC Group
Changes Name
The Senior Counter Intelligence Corps Retired, Inc.,
has changed its name to the Army Counter Intelligence
Corps Veterans, Inc. (ACICV). The change became effec-
tive October 9th on approval of the Department of Army
and the State of Florida where it is incorporated.
Organized in 1972 by former counterintelligence per-
sonnel, primarily from the Army, its purpose is to promote
fun and comradeship, be informal, and conduct an annual
reunion. It holds IRS status as a tax-exempt war veterans'
organization, and has been incorporated as a non-profit
organization since 1973.
The group, which prides itself on a one-time member-
ship fee and no dues, has an energetic program for those
eligible. It conducts an annual reunion, the next of which
will be held in August 1987 at San Francisco; publishes a
periodic newsletter for the exchange of information be-
tween members; maintains a file of the names and ad-
dresses of former CIC personnel; conducts an annual
memorial service for deceased members and former CIC
personnel; administers an educational scholarship
program for children and grandchildren of military person-
nel, particularly military intelligence personnel; maintains
the LTC Arthur D. Nicholson, Jr., memorial scholarship
fund for his daughter, Jennifer, now age 9; and en-
courages its members and chapters to participate actively
in community patriotic, veteran, intelligence and anti-com-
munist activities. The group encourages membership of
spouses, widows and widowers of those eligible.
Full membership is available to any US citizen who
served honorably as a member of the Counter Intelligence
Police, the Counter Intelligence Corps, or as a counter in-
telligence specialist in Army intelligence, or who com-
manded or served with such a unit and was honorably dis-
charged or retired. Although the requisite intelligence
service need not have been performed in wartime, mem-
bers must have served in the armed forces during wartime
(ApI, 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918; Dec. 7, 1941 to Dec. 31,
1946; Jun. 25, 1950 to Jan. 31, 1955; or Dec. 22, 1961 to
May 7, 1975). Associate memberships are also available.
Interested persons may write ACICV, Inc., 1567
Heather Way, Kissimmee, FL 32743.
Mid-East Scholar-Agent
Relates Excursions/Incursions
Dr. Donald N. Wilber, who served with OSS in Iran
during WWII and was involved in a CIA covert effort which
culminated in Operation-AJAX, has authored Adventures in
the Middle East: Excursions and Incursions.
In his book, Wilbur tells the fascinating story of his
arduous travels and friendship with people from all walks
of life, ranging from the Shah of Iran and prime ministers
to peasants in Egypt, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
India and Ceylon.
The book is available for $17.95 from the Darwin Press,
Box 2202, Princeton, NJ 08540.
A Retrospective: Secret Iran Maneuvers;
How Quickly We Forget
by Edward F. Sayle
Congressional pique at not being informed of the Reagan administra-
tion's secret overtures to Iran provides endless fodder for the nation's
front pages. The administration contends that it needed secrecy in sway-
ing pragmatic elements in the power struggle for post-Khomeini control
of Iran.
A "gentlemen's agreement" was broken when the President instructed
his aides to remain silent, the legislators charge. The administration
argues that the silence was only temporary and that any leak would have
endangered both the Iranians being courted and the hostages held by
forces sympathetic to, if not controlled by, the Khomeini regime.
Historians, and few others, can point to President George Washing-
ton's refusal to inform Congress of those persons to whom he had paid
ransom and bribes for the release of Americans held hostage by Algiers
almost two-hundred years ago. Six years ago is another thing. Then the
fate of 52 American hostages seized in Iran tugged at the nation's heart-
strings as Ted Koppel gave a daily count of their days in captivity.
The nation recognized and accepted that something dramatic, be it
diplomatic or military, had to be done to break the impasse and bring the
American prisoners home. President Carter carried the burden of what
appeared to be a diminished and powerless presidency as a penalty for
By October 1980, there were reports of an "October surprise," the
release of the hostages in time to assure a presidential triumph at the
polls. It was reported that a secret deal was in the works and that the
hostages would be released in exchange for five planeloads of military
spare parts.
The press claimed to have located the anticipated shipment in a
warehouse at McGuire Air Force Base, and a Pentagon spokesman
made the frank admission the materiel there was indeed intended for
Iran. But, he said, the parts were ones that had been signed over the
Iranians before the hostage crisis began and were stored at McGuire "to
be made available for the Iranians to pick up at their convenience."
John Trattner, spokeman for the Department of State, acknowledged
that the administration intended to resume the shipment of military parts
once the hostages were released. When asked how resumption of such
shipments could be reconciled with the US claim of impartiality in the
war, he stated that "The United States remains impartial in the Iran-Iraq
conflict ... However, we will not allow the current conflict to change the
long-standing position we have had that provides for resuming more or
less commercial relationships with Iran once the hostages have been
Press speculation of the time faded into history like a bad memory
after the ultimate release of the hostages.
The inside story of the Carter Administration's secret efforts to free
the hostages is only now coming to light in the wake of disclosures
about recent initiatives. Gary Sick, a principal White House aide during
the hostage crisis, has acknowledged that the Department of State had
been meeting secretly with a relative of the Ayatollah Khomeini, and
President Carter had sent the Iranians a message offerin "a military
package of about $150 million (including the aircraft spares) that would
be made available upon release of the hostages." The Khomeini
government ignored President Carter's pledge, says Sick, and the
impasse continued.
Adding to the historical background of the earlier crisis is the frank
admission recently ofAdmiral Stansfield Turner, director of the Central In-
telligence Agency under President Carter, that there were three in-
stances where the Congress was kept blind on secret efforts to free the
hostages. Said Turner, 'In all these instances, the information was so
tightly held that had the full Intelligence committees of the Congress
been informed, more people on Capitol Hill would have known about the
operation than inside the CIA! These, in my view, are instances in which,
if we had not been able to postpone notification, we probably would not
have proceeded."
Turner acknowledged the secret "finding" of President Carter which
permitted three specific intelligence operations to free the hostages:
-The CIA, in facilitating the successful escape from Tehran of six
Americans who had hid in the Canadian Embassy, sent a CIA person
into the city, at high risk to his life, to engineer the departure.
CIA personnel, in support of "Desert One" planning, flew a light
plane into the Iranian desert, landing by moonlight to take core samples
to establish if the area would be a suitable landing strip.
Other CIA personnel went repeatedly into hostile Tehran to survey
what the military rescue force would find on their arrival and to purchase
the trucks to transport the raiding party to the beleagured embassy.
"Each such trip;" Turner said, "was a highly risky venture and any hint
that we were doing such a thing through Mehrabad Airport would almost
certainly have caught one of our people in the Iranian noose."
Few would disagree with Admiral Turner that each of these was a
precious instant in which absolute security was paramount, both for the
safety of the intelligence personnel involved and for the hostages them-
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New Members
(New members since the last issue except for those who asked their names be restricted.)
ABBOTT, Mr. Alfred A.
ROTHMAN, Mr. Adolph
P.O. Box 10205
2414 Falls Place Court
9311 Ocala Street
Albuquerque, NM 87184
Falls Church, VA 22043
Silver Spring, MD 20901
AMAZEEN, Col. Charles P. Jr.
KUEHN, Mr. James M.
SHORE, Col. Moyers S. (USA-Ret)
2108 Penfield Lane
10027 Meado Mills Drive
Box 335
Bowie, MD 20716
Cincinnati, OH 45241
San Jon, NM 88434
BRANDT, Ms. Clare
LAUR, Mr. Timothy M.
SMITH, Mr. Frank J.
R.D. 2, Box 237
3769 Colliers Drive
3747 F Street
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Edgewater, MD 21037
Sacramento, CA 95816
CESARE, Mr. Donald J.
LeBUS, Mr. William R.
2720 Alteza Lane
P.O. Box 1046, USSAH
12090 Timberlake Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Washington, D.C. 20317
Cincinnati, OH 45249
CUFFE, Miss Mary C.
STARR, Mr. Edward
222 East 93rd Street, #6F
81 Shady Lane
109 Third Street
New York, NY 10128
Fanwood, NJ 07023
Garden City, NY 11530
DeBRULER, Mr. Wilburn K.
STEWART, Col. Matthew C. (USA-Ret)
10308 Florian Road
7120 Aztec Road N.E.
3789 McKay Creek Drive
Louisville, KY 40223
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Largo, FL 33540
DUPRE, Mr. Robert E.
McRAE, Mr. John A.
TRANTHAM, Mr. James W.
28 Williams Street
54 Livingston Street
P.O. Box 284
Salem, NH 03079
Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201
Quemado, NM 87829
FILBY, Mr. P. William
O'HANLON, Mr. Brendon P.
VALADEZ, Maj. Ramon B. (USMC-Ret)
8944 Madison Street
1173 Tice Place
1633 Babcock Road, #155
Savage, MD 20763
Westfield, NJ 07090
San Antonio, TX 78229
FISHER, Mr. Arthur R.
O'NEILL, Mr. William K.
WAESPY, Mr. Charles M.
69 West Street
8447 Hunters Creek Drive
2719 Daniel Road
Beverly Farms, MA 01915
Houston, TX 77024
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
HENGER, Mr. Charles G.
PENSOTTI, Mr. Sergio P.
WHITE, Mr. Barry E.
50 Business Parkway
10226 Chevy Chase
333 East 55th St., Pent. A
Richardson, TX 75081
Houston, TX 77042
New York, NY 10022
HURFORD, Mr. John B.
QUINN, Mr. Michael W.
220 East 63rd Street, #10A
5840 Cameron Run Drive, #633
1201 N. Inglewood Street
New York, NY 10021
Alexandria, VA 22303
Arlington, VA 22205
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AFIO Greets New Life Members
[This listing does not include those who asked their names be restricted]
Tampa, Florida
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Mr. Warren A. BRADISH
College Park, Georgia
(Mrs. Charles V.)
Bethesda, Maryland
Washington, D.C
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Mitchell S. CWIEK
Escondido, California
Mrs. Mary G. DAWSON II
Foster City, California
Mr Wilburn K. DeBRULER
Louisville, Kentucky
Chevy Chase, Maryland
BrigGen Harry T. HAGAMAN (USMC-Ret)
Arlington, Virginia
New York, New York
LtCol Thaddeus W. KALLINI
San Antonio, Texas
McLean, Virginia
Mr. Terence M. LEE
San Marino, Caifornia
Mr. Matthew C. MacVANE
Boca Raton, Florida
COL James M. McALLAN (USA-Ret)
Falls Church, Virginia
M. Charles J. McCARTHY
Revere, Massachusetts
McCARTHY, Miss Dorothy L
Silver Spring, Maryland
Mr. Thomas J. McKEON
Rockville, Maryland
Mr. John A. McRAE
Brooklyn Heights, New York
CAPT Francis A. E. MICARA (USN-Ret)
Washington, D.C.
Orange, Connecticut
Williamstown, New Jersey
Fort Myers, Florida
Mr. John T. RAUSCH
APO New York, New York
Arlington, Virginia
Mr. Burdette C. SMITH
Longboat Key, Florida
Mr. Raymond C. A. ST. GERMAIN
Redington Shores, Florida
Mrs. Nancy C. SWAN
Kensington, Maryland
Maj Ramon B. VALADEZ (USMC-Ret)
San Antonio, Texas
Col Robert E. WORK (USAF-Ret)
Saratoga, California
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On the Intelligence Bookshelf . . .
Which Half is Accurate?
Richelson, Jeffrey T., The U.S. Intelligence Community.
Cambridge: Ballenger Publishing Company, 1985.
[Editor's Note: Increasingly, writers and authors have grown depend-
ent on electronic databases in conducting research on given topics;
The resultant product, if the writer is not informed or discriminating,
in some cases justifies the old adage about computers: "Garbage In,
Garbage Out." In the review that follows Dr. Winn L. Taplin assesses
carefully the positive and negative factors of an omnibus work which
will no doubt be used widely as a bound database in the academic
DID you know that American intelligence defector Philip Agee and
former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger collaborated on a sec-
tion of "Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe," the book Agee and
Louis Wolf produced in 1978? You weren't aware of that? Well, it's
right there in a footnote on page 296 of Professor Jeffrey T. Richel-
son's "The U.S. Intelligence Community." The footnote reads:
"Philip Agee and Henry Kissinger, 'What Uncle Sam Wants to Know
About You: The KIQ's.'"
It is nonsense, of course, that Agee and Kissinger collaborated.
Richelson is a professor of political science at American University
and he, too, must know that is nonsense. Unfortunately, this error
typifies the carelessness of author and editors that "dogs" Richel-
son's book. Perhaps the publishers were rushing to get it into print,
for Richelson's work is the first book-length description of the
American intelligence community. And that is its greatest value-
bringing together information which is otherwise spread through
government documents, periodicals and topical books. Unfor-
tunately, though the book contains much useful information and is
organized effectively for reference purposes, its value is marred by its
many slip-ups and inaccuracies.
How, for example, is one to be sure of anything in a book on the
American intelligence community that gets some of the basics wrong.
Richelson thoroughly misconstrues the use of that most fundamental
indicator, the Warning Notice. (See p. 317 for this blunder.) In fact,
the author's whole discussion of classification is confused. He con-
tends, for example, that sensitivity indicators actually denote security
classifications "above Top Secret." He apparently bases this er-
roneous interpretation on a second-hand report that in 1964
Secretary of Defense MacNamara referred to codeword information
as "above Top Secret" classification. By accepting this dated and er-
roneous MacNamara comment as a description of practice over
twenty years later, Richelson soon loses himself in a maze of miscon-
ceptions. Basic to his difficulty is his refusal to accept sensitivity in-
dicators for what they are, a means to limit access to certain material.
In a section entitled "Managing the Access to Information," one
sees a more fundamental problem--Richelson's apparent failure to
grasp even the concept that source or content sensitivity might make
it important to limit access to a document even though the substance
of the document might not warrant a high classification. It is not un-
common, for example, for American intelligence to receive a class-
ified foreign document or private comment by a foreign official that
speaks in deprecating terms about some senior US official. The in-
formation must be reported and it must be seen by the appropriate
senior analysts and policy makers. But it makes no sense for such
slanders to receive wide Washington distribution. Sensitivity in-
dicators keep the distribution limited without over-classification of
the document.
In the same way, Richelson does not seem to understand, or per-
haps accept, the idea of "need to know." How else can one explain
his contention concerning a 1944 directive pointing out that a Top
Secret clearance alone is not sufficient for access to certain Top
Secret codeword information? To Richelson, this is evidence that the
codeword indicators must represent an "above Top Secret" class-
ification. Presumably he takes this line of reasoning because he as-
sumes that anyone with a Top Secret clearance has a right of access
to any Top Secret document. Thus, a hard look at this Richelsor
argument really shows confusion over the "need to know" practice it
American intelligence. In addition, if the author's contentions are true
that sensitivity indicators actually denote "above Top Secret" class.
ifications, it would mean that a whole classification structure had tc
be built up by the intelligence community outside the legal anc
regulatory framework that safeguards classified material. This, too, is
Richelson is correct that there is always a tendency to over-class-
ify and he is probably right that unnecessary secrecy "hurts the
chances of keeping truly important secrets secure." But his apparent
answer, less stringent requirements on the individual to respect
classified material, looks like a formula for chaos. The weakness of
the Richelson methodology is shown quite well by one of the more
amusing examples of Richelson's thinking re security. In his denigra-
tion of non-disclosure agreements which provide for pre-publication
review, he complains that they would even be used with persons
who have access to sensitive information "for only a brief period of
time." Thus, Richelson appears to argue that there is less respon-
sibility involved if one has access to sensitive information for only "a
brief period of time" than if he or she has such access over a longer
period. In addition, Richelson implies criticism of efforts to keep offi-
cials who have left government from making uncontrolled use of
sensitive information to which they have become privy during govern-
ment service. And Richelson apparently feels that if you gain access
to classified information while you are outside government, you have
no moral or ethical responsibility to protect it from disclosure. How
else can one explain his inclusion in this book, even when no mean-
ingful substantive purpose is served, of several items which he
claims are classified material? Richelson's actions speak even more
loudly than his words in showing his disdain for the US govern-
ment's classification system. His rationale may amuse some readers,
but knowledgeable ones will just lose further respect for the author's
Looking at Richelson's work more broadly, the aim he sets for
"The U.S. Intelligence Community" is to "provide a comprehensive
and detailed order of battle of the U.S. intelligence community." How
well does he do this? The organizational plan is sound: (1) Unit by
unit descriptions of the organizations that make up the intelligence
community, (2) Explanations of substantive intelligence activities,
and (3) Discussion of management and control issues. All of this is
introduced by an excellent short essay describing the field of intel-
ligence. His writing style is direct. Sentences are short and to the
point. Because the book is jammed with organizational names,
program titles, and statistics, most readers will not take a lot of the
book at one sitting. But when an intelligence term or unit name arises
for owners of Richelson's book, they will undoubtedly turn to it first
for an explanation. His attempt to cover everything has led Richelson
even to identify regional military commands. He has made ingenious
use of the Department of Defense telephone directory and other
open documentation to pin down military intelligence units and or-
ganizational structure. In sum, for finding "what's what" in the
American intelligence world, Richelson's book is the best place to
start looking.
But fundamental problems undermine an overall success for the
book. One of them is something which Richelson could do little
about. Intelligence, by its very nature is a closed field. The conduct
or use of intelligence involves secrecy, and it follows that any outside
observer, even one like Richelson who is a student of intelligence,
would have great difficulty in assembling "a comprehensive and
detailed order of battle." A few authors who have not been intel-
ligence professionals have successfully fathomed and described
specific topics or elements within the intelligence field. David Kahn,
David C. Martin and Thomas Powers come to mind. Many of the
weaknesses described in this review stem from the difficulty which
Richelson, an outsider, has encountered in trying to provide such a
"comprehensive and detailed" description of the entire US intel-
ligence community. Of course, no one with the requisite inside ex-
perience could, or should, attempt the job because of his or her
responsibilities--ethical, legal and professional--to protect both basic
and specific intelligence information.
The second major problem is one which Richelson could have
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controlled. As implied above, there are major weaknesses in his
choice, use and citation of sources. He gives his book an air of
academic validity by including 1,200 footnotes, but carelessness, in-
consistent and inaccurate citations pop up throughout the book.
Note 13 for Chapter 1 reads: "'Director of Central Intelligence
Perspectives for Intelligence 1976-1981,' Covert Action Information
Bulletin 6 (October 1979): 13-24." When the same information is used
in Chapter 2 it is cited as: "Philip Agee, 'How the Director of Central
Intelligence Projected US Intelligence Activities 1976-1981,' Covert
Action Information Bulletin 6 (October 1979): 13-24." Who's being
cited here? The Director of Central Intelligence or Agee, an activist
trying to undermine American intelligence? There is a big difference
and a writer from the American academy who is attempting "a com-
prehensive and detailed order of battle" of the intelligence com-
munity should advise his readers more accurately and effectively
about the basis of his statements. It is beyond the ability or patience
of readers to check more than a small portion of the 1,200 plus foot-
notes. But warned by this early example of misleading inconsistency,
a serious reader who checks Richelson's findings from time to time
will be appalled by the many vagaries found.
But the issue is broader than the faulty mechanics of many cita-
tions. The author makes little attempt to be judicious about whom he
quotes on what issue. A stray news article will receive the same
weight as a serious congressional study or the comments of an intel-
ligence professional who was personally involved in a specific ac-
tivity. Comments by Agee and by former CIA officer John Stockwell,
who regularly denounces American intelligence on college cam-
puses, are consistently taken at face value. But well drawn books by
William Colby, David Phillips and Cord Meyer, for example, are never
cited in Richelson's chapters on "Counterintelligence and Covert Ac-
tion" and "Human and Other Sources." Colby, Phillips and Meyer, of
course, held senior positions at CIA, were deeply involved in these
topics and have written about them. But Richelson looks elsewhere.
True, he draws on some sources who are operationally knowledge-
able, such as Harry Rositzke and William Hood. Much more of his
operational discussion, however, is based on uncritical acceptance
of daily news articles, unreliable or biased sources like Agee and
very dated material from Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks. While
both Marchetti and Marks were in positions in the 1960s that gave
them broad insight into American intelligence, they both left the intel-
ligence community more than 15 years ago and, between them, they
had a total of one year of experience directly in intelligence opera-
tions. Yet, they are the sources on whom Richelson consistently
relies, including on operational topics.
Richelson's sections on counterintelligence and covert action are
weak. He seems cursory and much of what he says is based on
operations and activities of more than two decades ago. His discus-
sion of covert action, for example, is weighted heavily to dated, oft-
told tales: Iran and Guatemala in the 1950s, Cuba and Zaire in the
1960s, Chile in the 1960s and early 1970s, and Angola in the mid-
1970s. The author also makes passing mention of more recent
American support for insurgents or counter-insurgents in several
countries. But his emphasis is on activities that are "boom and
bang," or military in nature, while he brushes very lightly over more
subtle covert action. Counterintelligence is described to a significant
degree in terms of the Nosenko-Golitsin shambles of the 1960s and
the Shadrin case. A lot has happened since those cases and Richel-
son did not seek out the more up-to-date discussions by sources
such as Colby, Phillips and Meyer which could have immeasureably
strengthened him on covert action and counterintelligence in par-
ticular. AFIO's own publication, "The Clandestine Service of the
Central Intelligence Agency," by Hans Moses, is a far sounder short
summary of American intelligence field operations than is Richel-
son's. And, it appeared two years before Richelson's book.
Thus, if he had used more care in his choice of sources, Richel-
son would not, for example, have made such basic errors as con-
tendling that the purpose of "low visibility" or "black" propaganda is
to present "lies" to target audiences. The primary purpose, in fact, is
to get the truth in front of audiences which might not pay attention if
they thought the US government was the source of what they were
reading or hearing. If he had used Moses' booklet as a source,
Richelson could have avoided another error, his bald assumption
that "coercion" is a regularly practiced American recruitment method
in counterintelligence operations. Richelson cites no source for this
contention and, again, he is just plain wrong.
Unfortunately, in at least one instance, there appears to be an
element of deceit in Richelson's use of a source. In what must be the
low point of the book, Richelson twice lists assassination as one of
the nine types of American covert action operations. (In neither place
does he mention that Executive. Order 12333 prohibits assassination,
although he does mention the fact in another context late in the
book.) Both times that Richelson asserts that American intelligence
practices assassination, he cites the Appendix of Marchetti and
Marks' "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence." (That appendix con-
tains the minutes of an off-the-record statement made in 1968 by
Richard Bissell, a former senior CIA operations official.) But in all
three editions of Marchetti and Marks, the Appendix shows Bissell
mentioning only eight types of American covert action operations.
Assassination is just not mentioned! What kind of academic respon-
sibility is this? Has the academic world changed so much that
"making up" false assertions sand crediting them to a source where
they are non-existent is acceptable practice? It almost seems this
way, for on the basis of this book and his more recent writings,
Richelson is now regularly turned to by the media as an expert on the
American intelligence scene. Certainly students and the public
deserve better from "experts" in academe than serious charges
leveled on the basis of a falsified source.
Much of the above has, of necessity, been quite negative. Are
there balancing positive factors? Yes, there are some very definite
pluses. The early chapters of Richelson's book are packed with the
names and brief descriptions of innumerable organizations and of-
fices. The discussion of intelligence analysis, evaluation and report-
ing processes are thorough and generally sound. Richelson has an
excellent comprehension of technical methods of intelligence collec-
tion and he provides a good compilation of the procedures and
various offices involved in this specialty. The discussion of imagery
analysis is very thorough. Richelson includes extensive detail, much
of it from foreign sources, on what heclaims is US intelligence liaison
with other countries.
If anything, Richelson sometimes goes overboard in providing
detail. For example, in a disc.rssion of the allocation of resources,
the author describes the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities
(TIARA) Program. But he goes to such detailed extremes as, "Thus
the Navy's portion of TIARA consists of the following thirty-three
programs:..." And sure enough, the text goes on to name thirty-
three specialized programs one after the other. (As a final example of
citation weaknesses, this list of 33 is credited to an article in
"Aerospace Daily" which the footnote says is titled "Navy's Portion
of TIARA consists of 23 Programs." Whether the publication had 23
or 33 programs enumerated in its article, Richelson ended up with
33.) Most of the many compilations Richelson includes are of much
more value than the Navy's 23(33. A list of several hundred acronyms
used by the US government, with special emphasis on intelligence
functions, is particularly useful. The items included range from such
common terms as SALT to more esoteric ones like TIARA.
Richelson understands the intelligence bureaucracy, has a good
feel for the rivalries in the intelligence community and discusses them
well. The primary impact of his book, and a useful one, is to bring
home dramatically the breadth and complexity of the American intel-
ligence community and the difficulties of managing it. He is par-
ticularly good at showing the structural and political limits under
which the Director of Central Intelligence has struggled in his at-
tempt to meet his statutory responsibility over the community. The
book's many assets mean that Richelson's work will be widely used
on campuses. The conduct of intelligence activities has always been
a part of the international struggle. But foreign relations studies have
tended through the years to analyze international issues without
reference to the role of intelligence. No one can say with any ac-
curacy what proportion of international governmental activity cur-
rently falls in the intelligence field. But it is significant, and it is too
little discussed in the academic arena. Thus, an important contribu-
tion by Richelson is having produced an overall description, though
flawed, of the American intelligence community.
Richelson's final chapter, titled "Issues," points up several fun-
damental intelligence management questions such as the extent to
which the Director of Central Intelligence should exert control over
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the intelligence community. He stimulates one's thinking on other
questions as well, e.g. the acceptability and practicality of covert
action and the extent to which intelligence information and activity
should be classified. Whether one agrees or not with Richelson's
views, and many intelligence professionals will disagree with him, he
concludes his book by saying wisely: "These policy and manage-
ment issues have been with the US intelligence community since its
inception. They are not likely to be resolved anytime soon." The best
parts of Richelson's book may well be the first and last chapters in
which he does some generalizing and synthesizing.
To summarize, Richelson chose the right topic at the right time.
The US government puts a major effort into intelligence activities. In-
telligence has become a profession for many Americans. The field
needs, and is developing, its own scholarship. A sound, overall, un-
classified discussion of the American intelligence effort has been
needed as more and more campuses have brought intelligence ac-
tivities into the context of their international relations studies. Richel-
son's is the first effort at comprehensive coverage of American intel-
ligence. Unfortunately, Richelson has addressed the field as if he
were writing about a basically open topic--say the National Football
League (NFL). If one just compiled everything that the nation's
sports writers and commentators say about it, and organized it with
some logic, one would undoubtedly get a reasonably realistic picture
of the NFL. It appears that in much the same way, Richelson com-
piled article after article, comment after comment about American in-
telligence. He organized the information with consumate logic. But
his methodology was to take material uncritically from all kinds of
sources and patch it together. But what might work for the NFL does
not work for intelligence. It is a secret world, and to build a picture
that carries significant reliability, a more critical methodology must be
used. To be seriously credible, an academic effort in this field must
look behind each source and statement. The writer must ask "Who
said or wrote this? Would he have had the access to know it? What
was his motive in making the statement? Is he trying to sell a position
either for or against American intelligence? Is he trying to make a
headline? What is the era he is talking about? How does that era
relate to current practices of American intelligence?" I am sure that
an Agee or a Stockwell, or even a Seymour Hersh, is on occasion
correct in what he says about American intelligence. But it is un-
sound, as Richelson does, continually to present information from
these and other biased sources or unreliable sources without giving
some warning to the reader.
One retired CIA officer has said, only partly in jest, that the
Richelson book is a tremendous boon to American counter-intel-
ligence because it will be read avidly by the Soviets, but they will not
know which half is accurate. A less colorful, but probably more ac-
curate, summary is that "The U.S. Intelligence Community" is packed
with information--much of it accurate, but far too much inaccurate.
Most persons who use the book will not have the time to ferret out
which is which. Those seriously interested in the field of American in-
telligence are left to wait for the "right" book on this "right" topic, but
until it comes along, Richelson's effort will have to do.
[Dr. Winn L. Taplin teaches "US Intelligence and Foreign Policy" at
the University of Vermont. He is a former career operations officer
with CIA.]
^ ^ ^
Agent of Scientific Intelligence
Kramish, Arnold, The Griffin, Boston: Houghton-
Mifflin, 1986.
T HE Oslo Report, first revealed in 1947 by Prof R.V. Jones, has
achieved a fame matched by few intelligence reports of the
Second World War. It revealed secrets of a strategic nature on
German development or application of new weapons and was left by
an unknown person at the British legation in Oslo in 1939. R.V. Jones
later devoted a chapter and made repeated references to it in his
1979 book. He even included its unnamed source on his list of those
to whom he dedicated his work. Brian Johnson, in the published ex-
panded version of the BBC series on the scientific and technical war,
sets the stage with an introduction entitled "A letter from Oslo." It is
no exaggeration to say no serious subsequent work on the intel-
ligence war treating on its scientific and technical aspects is without
some reference to it.
The strategic value of the Oslo Report is now recognized, some-
thing that R.V. Jones, but not everyone, discerned at the time. It fol-
lows that whoever passed it to the British made an important con-
tribution to the allied victory even if nothing more was provided.
Thus, Arnold Kramish's effort to identify the person responsible for
this intelligence windfall assumes an historical significance and inter-
est beyond the ordinary.
There has been much speculation over the years on the source of
this report. One theory held that it was from a group of anti-Nazi con-
spirators in the Abwehr, probably acting with the blessing of its
chief, Admiral Canaris. After careful investigation, Kramish names
Paul Rosbaud, codenamed the "Griffin," as the person who passed
it. An Austrian, anti-Nazi and science editor of the German publishing
firm Springer Verlag, Rosbaud passed intelligence to the British SIS
throughout the war, according to the author. The importance of this
source is thus of a compound nature, to which must be added the
fact that he is a rare case of an identified intelligence source within
Germany during the course of the entire war.
Of the variety of intelligence Kramish claims Rosbaud forwarded
to London, that which dealt with German atomic research and any
plans for an atomic bomb stands out alongside the Oslo Report in
strategic significance. Rosbaud is said to have Ynformed the British
of the German decision in June, 1942, not to attempt to make an
atomic bomb, shortly after the decision was made. For those reared
on American accounts concerning our uncertainties and worries
about German atomic programs and intentions, uncertainties lasting
the war, this piece of information is an eye-opener.
Kramish is not the first to name Rosbaud as a British or Allied
source. R.V. Jones, in his introduction to the 1983 edition of Samuel
Goudsmit's "Alsos" stated the following: "Our knowledge [concern-
ing any German atomic bomb] was, incidentally. largely due to Paul
Rosbaud, of whom Goudsmit writes so warmly and rightly and whom
we had managed to contact through our intelligence sources in Swit-
This support for his identification is in abbreviated form and
downgraded in the Kramish text. The reason may lie in their con-
tinued differences over the source of the Oslo Report. Similarly, there
was a strong clue given by Goudsmit himself in his 1947 book and
which is not mentioned by Kramish. This was to the effect that Ros-
baud's anti-Nazi feelings and his attempt to keep contact with allied
colleagues via neutral countries was known to all.
Kramish is the first to attempt a systematic, in depth investigation
of Rosbaud's activities, their well-spring and to determine any as-
sociation he may have had with the Oslo Report. Prior to this biog-
raphy by a scientist with an added reputation as a serious writer, we
had only a name and little more. F.H. Hinsley does not, of course,
give a name in the official history of British intelligence in the Second
World War. There is only reference to "reports from a well-placed
writer for a German scientific journal" which probably refers to Ros-
baud. Much concrete evidence of his wartime activities is produced;
an example of this is the testimony provided by his Norwegian com-
munications links with SIS. On the other hand, Kramish has no
equally hard evidence to offer in support of his belief that Rosbaud
was the source of the Oslo Report. For this he relies on deduction
and some intelligence analysis to answer R.V. Jones' firm contention
to him that Rosbaud was not the author of that report. It may turn out
that Kramish is correct on this but he cannot claim, on the basis of
what evidence he has provided here, that the Oslo Report was
"beyond doubt" Rosbaud's first great intelligence contribution.
Not surprisingly, the author's background in nuclear energy
programs and writings in that field are reflected in the space and at-
tention he devotes to what was known from the Allied, and par-
ticularly the British, side of German atomic research work, and of
Rosbaud's contributions to this knowledge. The ease and familiarity
with which he writes on the subject and about the scientific figures
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he discusses add to the value of this treatment. He credits Rosbaud
not only with passing to SIS the 1942 decision not to proceed with
the atomic bomb, but also with the verification SIS needed in the
summer of 1943 for its accurate estimate of German atomic intentions
and programs. In addition, Rosbaud is said to have been the source
of the intelligence that the Germans intended to move heavy water
stocks in Norway to Germany. This resulted in the dramatic and
famous operation which sank the ferry carrying the shipment.
Kramish's manner of presenting some of the information he had
accumulated leaves open, at times, the question of exact attribution
on important matters. This is the case despite his chapter notes and
the care he usually takes to distinguish the known from the specula-
tive by using literary caveats. There is no source attribution for the
claim that Rosbaud passed the 1942 German decision on the atomic
program to SIS in very short order. Nor are we informed whether
Hinsley is the source of the 1943 estimate on the same subject. The
words he italicizes and quotes are from Hinsley but are not identified
as stemming from that official history. Nor does Hinsley attribute the
estimate to SIS. Likewise, we have the example where the reader
does not know the basis of his assertion that Rosbaud's reports on
the damage to Dresden were a valuable supplement to photorecon-
naissance assessments.
Professionals, both active and retired, will note some intriguing
aspects of Rosbaud's wartime activities. Here was a known op-
ponent of the Nazi regime, married to a Jew living in England, whose
mistress' sister was a communist, in touch with foreigners and a
number of resistance groups which he used as his channels to
London, friendly with opponents of Hitler within Germany, yet able to
prosper as a source and to survive the war. Rosbaud defied the
odds and teaches us some new lessons on the inefficiencies of the
vaunted Nazi internal security apparatus which had the reputation of
being unforgiving.
The possibly deeper meaning of Rosbaud's relationship with
German communists seems to warrant further research. Hilde Ben-
jamin, his mistress' sister, was employed in the Soviet trade delega-
tion in Berlin and was married to a-fellow communist who died in a
Nazi concentration camp. Hilde survived the war unscathed and
helped the Russians organize their criminal justice system in Berlin.
Later, she became the minister of justice in the East German govern-
ment. Kramish touches on this relationship and the fact that Ros-
baud was fond of Hildeand her husband, but finds no evidence that
Rosbaud spied for the Russians. Nevertheless, the relationship war-
rants. more exploration because of its tantalizing prospects.
There is, finally, the question of the propriety of making known
the name of any intelligence source or agent, especially one who the
author says after the war stubbornly remained in the shadows rather
than revealing himself. Professionals with their bias would have
preferred the source's wishes honored, content only with the
knowledge that a very brave German citizen served mankind and
democracy well and helped destroy a great tyranny. Others, includ-
ing writers, see things differently and do not wish to miss the chance
to complete the historical record so long after the events and to tell
the fuller, intriguing story. This is what a capable and perceptive
writer like Kramish has tried to do in this biography.
[George C. Constantinides is the author of the award-winning "Intel-
ligence and Espionage: An Analytical Bibliography," which was
selected as the first book in a series to be presented under the
auspices of the AFIO Academic Assistance Program to professors
and instructors of intelligence at the nation's universities.]
I Say, What Was Ole Blunty Up To?
Penrose, Barrie and Simon Freeman, Conspiracy of
Silence: The Secret Life of Anthony Blunt. London: Graf-
ton Books, 1986.
W reading this carefully constructed account of Anthony
YY Blunt's birth, life and death, a vision of Claude Rains in a cinema
classic, wearing a wry smile and cocked kepi came to mind. In the
original context of the film when Rains' furry voice uttered "Round up
the usual suspects." he conveyed an esoteric signal to the audience
that the crime was likely to be insoluble and that there was little merit
in exhausting one's self by continuing the investigation. The authors
seem to have opted to confine their efforts to serving up a reprise of
many attributable quotes from friends, enemies, and others who had
cause to know Blunt. It is objective only when it is conceded that all
journalists attempting history must select the material they favor. The
now familiar versions of the beginnings of Blunt's treason remain
barely illuminated, that is, without the light of analysis or new inter-
pretations by the authors.
Enough has been written and said about the Blunt case to permit
a selective winnowing of the raw materials in support of a tentative
viewpoint. Much energy has been spent in direct interviews and in
the extraction of relevant comments from the many books, letters and
manuscripts on the subject. Official documents are understandably
few and not specifically identified (e.g., documents received under
the US Freedom of Information Act). The presentation is clear and
concise, the selected citations are very utilitarian and the
photographs include many no; published previously. Why then does
Conspiracy of Silence, after 546 pages leave the reader with the
vague impression that the authors might have elected to reserve the
more important disclosures, analysis and conclusions to a sub-
sequent book?
It is more difficult to fault the biographic data of Anthony Blunt's
public life since it is as available as a table of weights and measures.
These data comprise the chrcnology of the man's family, schooling,
war service, writings and honors. Blunt's private life consists of a
catalog of his calculated nay ghtiness, deceptions, sexual liaisons
and adventures, detailed encugh to engage those readers with a
continuing interest in the Cambridge-London demi-mode of the
thirties and forties. With the public and private lives accounted, it is
the "secret life" of the book's sub-title that cannot be found.
In the minds of those who avocationally track the publicized
revelations of Soviet espionage, the authors have spared the reader
their best effort to describe the architecture of the Soviet activities
and personnel that induced Blunt, Burgess, Philby and McLean, as
well as a score of other Britons, to have wrought such devastation
on their homes and country
It seems difficult to imagine an enduring, productive espionage
net in which the operative members had access to exceedingly sig-
nificant data (known to have been communicated to Moscow)
without professional directior and discipline. History suggests that
espionage functionaries of the importance of B, B, P and McL are not
immaculately conceived.
The idea that witnessing hunger, unemployment, the general
strike, social injustice or the conventional motives of then criminal
sex, money and vengeance, in any admixture, might have resulted in
"fully recruited" and professionally-trained Soviet agents in place,
ranks with, but after, the equally romantic notion that babies are still
found under bushes.
The effect of the Cambridge spies must be seen as having given
the USSR a great net advantage. It can be said that the damage to
Britain included a massive loss of public confidence in the internal
and external services since the departure of Burgess and McLean in
1951. Subsequent waves of peeks, leaks-and press speculation have
kept the credibility and confidence level low. The public prints seem
devoted to the thesis that the British services are peopled-by mem-
bers selected on the basis of exaggerated eccentricity, social and
school ties and, most of all, demonstrated poor judgment. The
popular histories (e.g., Andrew and Knightley) of the services tend to
focus on what Mr. Glenncannon would have called the "japes and
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drolleries" of past serving officers. The work of the services tends to
be trivialized, though it is sometimes implied that, in the worst case,
the organizations might serve a useful purpose to the degree that
they accommodate otherwise unemployable men and women.
This perspective has resulted in the depressing spectacle of
British writers and popular historians trashing the reputations of
service personnel, consistent with the model presented in Philby's
testament from Moscow. It is a game that can be played by anyone
with a destructive bent and sad that there are market forces (repre-
senting public tastes?) that make these endeavors rewarding.
The authors, like others writing on espionage-related matters,
have displayed a seeming respect for Soviet sensitivities to the point
of limiting themselves to identifying only four Soviets by name, one
by alias and otherwise discreetly referring to the Soviet operators of
the nets as "controller," "control," "Soviet case officer." "director of
Soviet intelligence in the city," "a Russian," "the Soviets," "the
Soviet service," etc., in the scant thirty points that touch on the truly
"secret life" of the various English villains. The Soviet citizens who
organized and directed the nets were professional NKVD (later KGB)
officers, all of whom had at least one name, lived at a fixed address
and had an ostensible occupation. More importantly, they main-
tained continuity of contact with their British "assets" from the
twenties through the late sixties. To neglect intensive examination of
the Soviet personnel and methodology that made Soviet espionage
prosper in England is to foreclose the search for a rational solution
to the Blunt mystery.
Early in the book (p.119), Leo Long is quoted as saying: "I have
no idea how Blunt was recruited ...;" More than four hundred pages
later, neither does the reader.
[Robert T. Crowley, a member of AFIO's Board of Directors, is the
co-author of the best-selling "The New KGB: Engine of Soviet
Briefly Noted
Knightley, Phillip, The Second Oldest Profession:
The Spy as Bureaucrat, Patriot, Fantasist and Whore.
New York: Norton, 1987.
"Knightley argues that today's spy operations originated in fan-
tasies of fiendish enemy machinations, that they use such fantasies
to perpetuate and enlarge themselves and that many of spydom's
legendary figures and accomplishments were fantasies as well."
Pforzheimer Tells NE Chapter
Of Intelligence Book Collecting
by Elizabeth Bancroft
National Intelligence Book Center, Inc.
More than a hundred people gathered in New Haven
at the December meeting of the New England Chapter
to greet and listen to AFIO's vice president, Dr. Walter
L. Pforzheimer, oft referred to as the "dean of intel-
ligence literature."
Dr. Pforzheimer covered his early days as a collec-
tor of rare books and documents as well as his views of
specific works in the literature of intelligence up to the
present. Commenting first on a monograph by Sherman
Kent, The Need for An Intelligence Literature, published
in 1955, Pforzheimer felt that Kent alone started most
people thinking about writings in this field. By 1955, in-
telligence clearly had become a true discipline and
profession and Sherman Kent felt it essential it have its
own literature. It was a view Professor Pforzheimer
agreed with strongly and which guided him in his years
of pulling together one of the most discriminating col-
lections in this area.
To emphasize the scarcity of intelligence literature
at the beginning of World War II, Pforzheimer explained
that about the only book available on German intel-
ligence was The German Secret Service, by Col. Walter
Nicolai. Though it was subsequently published in an
English translation in London in 1924 (and republished
in this country) it was so scarce during the war that it
became a status symbol to have a copy of it in any form,
photostat, mimeograph or whatever
In an aside on OSS, Dr. Pforzheimer's contact with
them started during WWII when that organization began
to supplement Yale's War Collection with purchases in
Europe. Pforzheimer first bought books on intelligence
to learn more about OSS. "I never meant to collect," he
explained. "I just wanted information." Subsequently,
his field of interest was pushed backwards toward WWI
by bookseller friends. And the famous collection was
well underway.
He cited some notable items in his collection. One
is the well-known letter from George Washington in
which he says: "the necessity of procuring good intel-
ligence is apparent and need not be further urged." It
was with that purchase, Pforzheimer recounted, that he
had become a dedicated collector of the literature of in-
Among the collections within his collection, Dr.
Pforzheimer described "a couple of shelves" alleging
FBI and CIA involvement in the assassination of John F.
Kennedy. He further described a two-shelf collection
dealing with the Soviet purge trials in the 20's and 30's.
These are very scarce, he explained, because they
have been stolen from the libraries by the "party faith-
ful." He also indicated his possession of 19 of the 55
volumes of shredded and reassembled documents
taken by the Iranian "students" from the Teheran Em-
bassy. Although the text is in Farsi, the documents are
reproduced in their original English.
Pforzheimer's many comments about his ex-
periences were filled with fascinating anecdotes and
scholarly good humor--including his purchase of 103
Civil War spy documents which later proved to be
stolen from the National Archives. It was obvious Dr.
Pforzheimer has enjoyed his collecting passion (to the
benefit of scores of others interested in this field) and
he conveyed that passion with pleasure and excite-
Everyone--within and without the Community--felt
grateful that Dr. Pforzheimer took Kent's monograph so
seriously. Those feelings almost made unnecessary his
closing comment: "do something to keep the literature
of intelligence going."
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Chapter Activities
Arizona Chapter. The chapter held its end-of-summer
meeting at the Ramada Inn, Tucson, on September 20th.
Among the twenty-seven in attendance were guests Ralph
E. Berstresser, Earl Jones and David GuMaer of Phoenix.
Jack Kirchener of Phoenix was welcomed to chapter
The guest speaker was Lt. Larry Seligman, com-
mander of the Pima County Sheriff's SWAT team. He ex-
plained potential situations which might require calling the
team into action and stressed liaison the department has
established with activist groups in the county, both
progressive and conservative.
;seventeen members enjoyed a ham buffet at the
chapter's luncheon meeting November 15th at the Airport
Central Inn, Phoenix. Welcomed to membership were Mr.
and Mrs. Ari Kovacevich, Thomas Lancer and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard McBride.
The guest speaker was Robert Dacey, a local
entrepreneur, who has been involved in business
dealings on behalf of a US ally.
The slate of chapter officers for 1987 was decided and
the general locations established for the January (Green
Valley or Tucson) and March (Phoenix) meetings. The
March gettogether promises to be particularly interesting:
an audience participation exercise in counterintelligence.
San Diego Chapter One. The November 21st
meeting was held at the Admiral Kidd Club and featured
chapter member Nick Yantzen's reminiscences of service
with Naval Intelligence during World War II.
The chapter's Christmas party was held December
16thi aboard the Ferry Boat Berkely, San Diego.
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. The October 22nd
meeting opened with a briefing by chapter president Bill
Green on events in the news related to intelligence
Russ Wiley, program chairman for the evening, intro-
duced the guest speaker, Bernard Yo of Accuracy in
Yo discussed the trend in the news media of exposing
secrets related to covert activities and national security
which began with the Pentagon Papers. He noted that
because of First Amendment protection of freedom of
speech, it is difficult to establish controls on leaks to the
press of such national secrets.
He termed "unfortunate," the use of the term "disinfor-
mation" to describe information disseminated by the US
government to influence Libya and Quadaffi. Henceforth,
Yo said, we will no longer be in a strong position to
accuse others of disseminating disinformation.
The speaker voiced the opinion that the news media
remains one of the most dangerous weapons used
against us by our enemies. He assured that he was not
suggesting that the US media is communist or that its
writers are enemy agents. Rather, they are "used" fre-
quently to the detriment of the nation.
He noted, for example, how the media frequently links
events to the CIA, without basis, and the stories are then
parrotted in the European press as factual. In some ways,
this is the result of a consistent tendency in the press to
criticize and report only negative news about the United
States. Another concern is the frequent use of the saber-
rattling term "Star Wars," rather than the correct terms SDI
or Strategic Defense Initiative.
Yo expressed concern about the nation's diminished
military strength and said he felt that it is something about
which all of us should be worried. "The war of words," he
noted, "is the front line." If the US loses that war of words,
we need no longer be concerned about the military, Yo
The speaker observed that although national polls
indicate that liberals constitute less than 12% of the
population, the majority of the members of Congress are,
indeed, liberals. He believes that this is because the
liberal left news media knows how to communicate, to
advocate, in an ideologically-based communication with
its audience, while the average patriotic American is
generally very conservative and doesn't like to make
waves. The situation, Yo said, is now an emergency.
On the world scene, he noted, twenty-five countries
which were recently independent nations have lost their
independence. One person out of three now lives under
communism. The balance will soon be completely tipped,
he said, because of those who believe that the risk of war
to counter it will be too great. Communist nations are
swallowing up more and more people, yet the US media
seems to cover up their misdeeds and the horror stories.
As one example, Yo noted that Samoza at his strongest
had about 1,000 people in his jails; Today, 7,000 political
prisoners are in Sandinista jails, yet we see little in the
press about it.
Yo recalled that in -1939 Moscow advised all com-
munists not to identify themselves as such. Only on
gaining control do so-called "progressive" movements
show willingness to announce their true identity as com-
munists. This, he reminced the audience, has been the
case in both Cuba and Nicaragua.
He invited those interested to join Accuracy in Media,
presently 30,000 strong, and to receive its newsletter. Fol-
lowing a brief question and answer period, the speaker
was presented with a book, air views of San Francisco, by
chapter president Bill Green.
Twenty-five members and guests attended the
November 19th meeting held at the Villa Chartier, San
Mateo. The speaker, introduced by Sue Davis, was Dr.
Angelo Codevilla, a senior fellow with the Hoover Institu-
Dr. Codevilla reviewed developments within the Intel-
ligence Community during the past decade. It is his thesis
that in the mid- 70's a group within the Community formed
an informal alliance with the Church Committee in order to
gain control and to purge "cold warriors" from the various
intelligence organizations. One of the results, he pointed
out, is that three-quarters of the higher-ranking CIA offi-
cials have been forced out. Dr. Codevilla also said that
changing membership on the intelligence oversight com-
mittees has resulted in these bodies urging the Reagan
administration to take a more activist role to reestablish
the former efficiency of the Intelligence Community. He
expressed serious doubts about our agencies' ability to
cope with the problem of information collection, among
others, and particularly the problems which would arise in
the event of war.
A lively question and answer period followed Dr.
Codevilla's presentation.
The chapter's Christmas meeting, held December
10th at the Presidio Army Officers Club, featured an open
forum in a town meeting format. Slated for the January
14th meeting was Prof. Scott Norwood speaking on
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"Soviet Ideology: Creed of an Evil Empire?" for more information.
Southwest Florida Chapter. The chapter's October
30th meeting featured John Anson Smith briefing on the
current status of FBI and CIA counterintelligence
capabilities and the impact of restraining directives issued
by former Attorneys General Levi and Bell.
Planned for the January 28th meeting was a presenta-
tion by Maj. Gen. James L. Dozier (USA-Ret), whose
ordeal as a hostage of the "Red Brigade" captured
national headlines.
Western Montana Chapter. An excellent presenta-
tion, followed by questions and answers, given by Tom
Duffy of Poison, Montana, on the history and current situa-
tion in South Africa was the highlight of the chapter's
winter meeting, November 14th, at the Missoula Country
Club. With such an interesting subject, the chapter
reports, it was too bad they couldn't extend the question
time by another hour. But, unfortunately, the meeting had
to be wrapped up early because of yet another advancing
snow storm.
It was remarkable that after a week-long snowfall and a
fair accumulation of the necessary white stuff (for the next
year's water supply) forty members and guests braved the
elements to make the gathering one of the best to date.
Almost all the chapter members, with the exception of
past president Tom Nicholson, who was under the
weather, and Walt Sedoff, who was busy in Idaho,
attended along with the members of the Western Montana
Military Officers Association (WMMOA) and their wives.
A brief report on the AFIO convention in Orlando was
presented by chapter president Dick Grant, with a
reminder that the 1987 convention will be at Tyson's
Corner in northern Virginia.
During the meeting it was recommended that two pub-
lications, Careers in Secret Operations by Dave Phillips
and Teaching Intelligence in the Mid-1980s by the National
Intelligence Study Center, be placed in as many high
schools as practicable in Montana, starting with schools in
western Montana. As the chapter has no dues require-
ments, the subject of raising money, through dues, etc.,
will be high on the agenda for the Spring meeting.
The '86 membership campaign was so successful
under the leadership of two outstanding AFIO members,
Bo Foster and Bob Ripley, that they have agreed to
continue as key chairmen of their respective teams in al-
ternating responsibility for obtaining speakers, etc., for
future meetings. A toss of the coin by chapter vice-presi-
dent Norm Larum determined the host for the Spring
Two visitors requested AFIO membership forms.
Another membership drive will be initiated in the Spring.
"Woody" and Ellen Woodgate drove 300 miles, repeat
300 miles, roundtrip on icy and snow-packed roads from
Boulder, Montana (south of Helena), to attend the
meeting. The chapter salutes their dedication!
Las Vegas. As Pat McMillen announced at the AFIO
convention, members in Nevada are actively exploring the
possibility of establishing a chapter in the Las Vegas area,
serving Southern Nevada.
Members in the region are urged to contact Roger E.
McCarthy, 649 Arrayo Way, Boulder City, Nevada 89005,
New England
New England Chapter. The chapter held its regular
quarterly meeting on December 6th at the Colony Inn,
New Haven, Conn. The speaker was the acknowledged
dean of intelligence literature, Dr. Walter L. Pforzheimer,
vice-president of AFIO. Seventy-five members and guest
attended, including six Yale students enrolled in intel-
ligence courses and their professors, chapter members
Brad Westerfield and Robin Winks. A number of AFIO
members from other parts of the country were also
present, including author Allan Furst (who won the long
distance award for coming all the way from Bainbridge
Island, Washington); author and former editor of The
Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene, Tom Troy; NISC ex-
ecutive director Hayden Peake and intelligence bibliophile
Col. Russ Bowen. Also attending was SA Peter Crooks of
the New Haven field office of the FBI. The meeting also
featured displays by four chapter members who specialize
in new and out-of-print intelligence and military books:
Elizabeth Bancroft of the National Intelligence Book
Center in Washington; Duane Whitehead of Bellows Falls,
Vermont; Dan Halpin of Bedford, New Hampshire; and Jim
Phillips of Williamstown, New Jersey.
Dr. Pforzheimer's speech was, as anticipated, a unique
tour de force. With his permission, his remarks were
professionally recorded on cassette and will eventually
become available through the National Intelligence Book
Center with a portion of the proceeds accruing to the
Chapter's scholarship fund. [A summary of Dr.
Pforzheimer's remarks appears elsewhere in this issue.]
Chapter president Mike Speers, in his introductory
remarks, noted that "It is not unusual to get Walter and
Yale together, not to get AFIO and Walter together, but it
is a unique event to get Walter, Yale and AFIO together in
one room." The Chapter marked the occasion by present-
ing a check to the Yale Beinecke Library in Dr.
Pforzheimer's honor. The check represents contributions
from both the Chapter and certain Chapter members, as
well as other AFIO friends and admirers of the speaker.
Speers expressed the hope that it would provide seed
money for further contributions and potentially assist Yale
in the publication of a bibliography of the Pforzheimer in-
telligence collection. Members wishing to make individual
contributions to this fund should address such gifts to the
attention of Mr. Ralph Franklin, Director, Beinecke Rare
Book and Manuscript Library, 1603 Yale Station, New
Haven, CT. 06520
Gordon Graham's program at Rimon's Rock of Bard
College has continued throughout the academic year and
will conclude with a panel meeting of all participants in
April. Dave O'Connor has been been well-received as a
guest speaker at the Cambridge Boat Club, Cambridge,
Mass, an adjunct of the Harvard- Tufts-Fletcher academic
community. He continues as a guest lecturer in Lawrence
Martin's program at Boston University and has been
awarded a plaque for serving as a guest speaker for Lions
International, Westwood, Mass.
The chapter has now grown to 125 dues paying
members, with much of the growth coming from word of
mouth recruiting by our members as well as from news of
our activities that appear in Periscope. The next meeting is
tentatively scheduled for April 23rd at either Mystic, Conn.,
or Sturbridge, Mass. The chapter continues to share its
meeting announcements with other AFIO chapters
throughout the country with the hope that members of
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those chapters who may be travelling in New England
may be able to attend.
New York
Derek A. Lee Chapter. The chapter met December
15th at the Union Club, New York City, to hear The
Honorable Vernon A. Walters, United States Permanent
Representative to the United Nations.
Slated for the January 21st meeting at the Princeton
Club, was Lieutenant General James A. Abrahamson
USAF, Director, Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
Northern Ohio Chapter. Former CIA officer John
Horton was guest speaker at the chapter's October 21st
meeting in Cleveland. Because of the speaker's message,
major portions are included here:
You have probably heard what Mark Twain said about good
ideas, new ideas: The ancients stole all our good ideas from us."
The good idea I offer you tonight has to do with history and is no
more original than most ideas that come our way. You may even feel,
as I go on, that I am only offering you the obvious.
That would not be original either, but original or not, I ask you to
consider the matter of history, of passing on what we have learned,
setting the record straight.
Bill Hood, who spoke to you last year, said not long ago when we
were talking about how the CIA has been treated in print, that "the
idiots are writing the history." (I think that's an accurate quote, Bill
Hood at his liverish best.)
Of course, we are told to avoid, as we get older, living too much in
the past. We must be busy in the present, looking forward to new
challenges. At this stage in life we may suspect that "challenge" is a
euphemism for that non-paying volunteer job, some important com-
munity service that we all want to see done just as long as we don't
have to do it ourselves.
So, I'm not issuing any challenges tonight; an invitation, rather.
An invitation to consider history and, to begin with, genealogy.
Despite being told not to dwell on the past, I daresay many of us
here tonight have become interested in family, not only who we are
but who we were.
One of the tricks fate plays on us is infecting us with a lively
interest in our forebears just when our parents or grandparents, the
very ones who would have been worth debriefing on the subject,
have gone on before us. An uncle or a great aunt may have pulled
together the history of begats and we paw through that, trying to put
faces to names, names to faces, wondering what they were like, what
they did every day, those remote persons, more than friends but far
less familiar than the friends around us.
What were they like, these forebears, as persons? Or, finally to
get to my point, what can we say of ourselves now that can help
answer the questions our descendants one day will ask about us?
... My point is that we owe our descendants a better glimpse of
us than they'll get in a photo album. And, selfishly, those of us who
worked in intelligence want our descendants to have a clear picture
of what we did: not a flattering or a romantic picture, but not
someone else's warped propaganda line, either . . .
If the truth does not get out it is because of our own neglect to
speak or to write of what we know. If we don't put our testimony in
the record, other voices--Bill Hood's idiots--will hold the historical
I'm talking now about the history of intelligence work and ad-
dressing, now, in particular, those of you who spent part of your life
in intelligence work.
Remember the Church Committee investigations of the mid-70s?
Maybe the reports that finally came out of the committee were more
balanced than those breathless TV interviews, alive with dreadful im-
plication, of Senator Church or of Congressman Pike. In mild
defense of the committee reports themselves, one might say what
Mark Twain said of a certain composer: "Wagner's music is better
than it sounds."
Even so: who reads those reports, anyway? Many people still,
when they think of the CIA, for example, remember what came out on
TV, the sensational stories in the press, or they half believe the mali-
cious spy fiction that pictures the CIA as a conspiracy against their
own country.
It could be worse. We were trained to keep quiet about our work
and we did until we saw that the others had the floor. AFIO members
--at firsi it was Dave Phillips all by himself--have done much to
restore balance to the history of the agency in particular and to intel-
ligence work in general . . .
History, meaning a careful account of what happened to us, how
we reached decisions, the m stakes we made--perhaps the mistakes
most of all--can help those who come after us. Our successors may
react to our advice the way oir children did. Whether or not they pay
attention to it is another matter and should not discourage us. Some-
times in the CIA we knew the customers weren't reading our intel-
ligence reports, but that wasn't an argument for closing down the
History has other uses than instruction or warning our succes-
sors. There is still a great need to have our experiences in the public
record. None of us here questions the need for good intelligence and
we know that it will continue to be vital in the future. But let's admit
that there are thoughtful people of good will who still have doubts
about the place of intelligence work in our society.
As long as such doubts persist, our government will have to be
constantly justifying the place of intelligence work in foreign or
domestic affairs. (Although when the first dramatic terrorist strike
hits here, we all will ask: "Nhy wasn't it prevented?)
When it comes to going on the public record, I suppose you
know the rules. With the CIA it has to go through the Publications
Review Board. I myself have found the Board reasonable, but I
haven't tried to give away any secrets, either.
If it is clearly still classified, in the case of the CIA, it should go
into the CIA history. There is some fear in the CIA about encouraging
us--as I am doing--to write our experiences even in a classified form
for the History Staff. It is a typical conflict: on one hand an eagerness
to get more into the record about operations or stations or events or
cases that any one of us knew. On the other hand there is fear that
we will get sloppy about it, become careless in handling material that
should remain secret. I suppose other organizations have the same
ambivalent attitude.
One can understand the worry. I would not be talking to you now
if I did not feel the risk small compared to the benefit.
Dave Phillips reminded me that some people just won't write. It
was once said of one of our gifted case officers that he approached
a pen as though it was a copra. Dave said I should tell you: if you
can't or won't write, tape it . . .
I opened by saying that I had nothing original to say and I'll prove
it finally by quoting Bismark to you:
"History is simply a piece of paper covered with print; the main
thing is still to make history, not to write it."
But Oscar Wilde had the last word: "Anyone can make history;
only a great mar can write it."
[Mr. Horton made clear that he was not advocating that any intel-
ligence veteran bound by an oath or contractual obligation of
secrecy avoid procedures for vetting written or spoken material
dealing with intelligence matters. The publication review process, for
example, is there to serve you, to assist you in ensuring that your
product does not inadvertentlj disclose currently classified material.]
Texas Chapter. The chapter's November 11th
meeting was held at the Lyric Building, Houston, with
seventy-five members and guests in attendance.
Chapter president Fred Rodell opened the meeting
with the Pledge of Allegiance, following which Bob Brown,
who furnished the facilities for the meeting, described the
qualifications for membership in AFIO and encouraged
qualified guests to complete applications.
President Rodell introduced the speaker, Sol Sanders,
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noted writer and political analyst. Mr. Sanders has been a
foreign correspondent for such publications as US News
and World Report and Business Week. His latest book is
Mexico: Chaos on Our Doorstep.
The speaker noted the population explosion in Mexico
which had resulted in the doubling of the population by
the end of World War II, a doubling again in the 1980s and
a predicted doubling again in the first decade of the next
He noted the current Mexican economic crisis,
pointing out that when oil went up in 1975 and down in
1980, that country went on a national drunken spree and
borrowed from US banks, literally becoming bankrupt.
Mexico's banks were nationalized, as was 85% of its
industry. It became a battle between the peso and the
Mr. Sanders observed that the deterioration of Mexico
has caused more Mexicans to cross the border, creating
employment problems. He noted that the communists
have made progress with the literate organizations in
Mexico and concluded that "We must have a tougher skin
in dealing with Mexico."
The Undelivered Letter:
A Story of the "Free Press"
Jeffery Kingery of the New England Chapter has
learned that the mail sometimes does not go through.
Especially when the return address is the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers. Shown here is the envelope
of a recent letter to Donna M. Donovan, editor of the
Burlington Free Press, Burlington, Vermont. The envelope
tells the story, the editor refused to accept it!
What frightened the editor about a letter from AFIO's
New England Chapter? To let our readers judge this
unusual behavior of the "free press," Kingery's letter is
repeated below:
"Dear Ms. Donovan:
"By training and personality I am a very
accommodative person, and I practice trying to view
events through other people's eyes. I am at a complete
loss, however, to explain or understand the behavior of
the editors of the Free Press towards the Vermont
Symposium on Intellgence and Foreign Policy. Other than
the $400 ads that we placed with the Free Press the
Symposium received no attention whatsoever. Paging
through the local section of the paper I read about dog
dipping in Jeffersonville, announcements of a visiting
Nicaraguan Transport Minister, and an upcoming
Conference of Women Leaders, but nothing about our
"Dr. Taplin, of Stowe, and I wrote, phoned, and visited
the various offices of the Free Press, the city editor's
office, the editorial director's office, the feature editor's
office, and yet we were unable to obtain even an
announcement in small type in the "What's Happening"
section of the paper.
"Five of our speakers are Vermonters, notable authors,
academics, and intelligence professionals. Three of our
speakers are widely known experts in their field of history,
US foreign affairs, and international relations. We had 120
participants from all over New England. Our participants
were able to comment authoritatively for WCAX TV on
current terrorist attacks, the Daniloff affair, and other
matters of current interest, yet, not a word in the BFP
about any of it. I can't help but believe that the readers of
the Free Press deserve better journalistic standards than
"I am not writing just as an individual, but on behalf of
the New England Chapter of the Association of Former
Intelligence Officers, and organizers of the Vermont
Symposium on Intelligence and Foreign Policy. The goal
of AFIO in these symposia is to promote a free and
informed dialogue on the issues surrounding intelligence
and our country's foreign policy. We would like to win
some cooperation with northern Vermont's biggest and
most widely read daily newspaper towards that end.
Incidentally, we are not interested in confrontation. This is
a personal letter to the editor, not intended for the editorial
Terrifying stuff, what? One can only conclude that Ms.
Donovan and her paper have closed minds when it comes
to the free exchange of ideas and opinions on national
issues. We hope the visiting Nicaraguan Transporl.
Minister and the Sandinista government appreciated the
publicity they seem to have had no trouble in getting from
the so-called Burlington Free Press.
Deadline for.. Next Issue
April 15, 1987
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From the..
A monthly publication I read regularly is Early Warning,
issued by Mid-Atlantic Research Assocates, Inc., P.O. Box
1523, Washington, D.C. 20013. The editors are John
Rees. Robert Moss and Arnaud de Borchgrave (presently
on leave). You may recognize the latter two as co-authors
of those excellent novels on disinformation, The Spike and
The January, 1987 issue of Early Warning contained an
article which particularly caught my eye. It began:
The furor over the US-Iran arms deal is a godsend not
only to the political adversaries of the Reagan
administration, but also to those who would like to weaken
US intelligence. It is not impossible that this was part of
the calculation of those in Teheran who encouraged
secret US-Israeli overtures in the first place, creating an
illusory network of Iranian "moderates" to snare and
subsequently humiliate the US administration in much the
same manner that the first chief of Soviet secret
intelligence hatched a chimerical `anti-Bolshevik
underground' in the notorious `Trust' operation of the early
1920s. Whatever the precise origins . . . the multiple
probes that have been launched could leave the US
intelligence community more demoralized and
eviscerated at the close of the Reagan years than it had
following the `high morality' Carter period."
This calls to mind the anti-intelligence hearings and
probes of the mid-70s which gave birth to AFIO. In the
interim, our members have done much in their writings
and speeches to improve the image of our national
intelligence community. Warning signs being raised now
indicate US intelligence agencies may well be facing
further potholes and pitfalls in the road immediately
ahead. This makes our raison d'etre even more vital.
However, we might well heed the following word of
caution raised by AFIO's Executive Committee:
The events which have come, and will continue to
come, under public scrutiny in Washington, particularly
those relating to Iran and Nicaragua, are obviously of the
keenest interest to all our membership. However, it is of
great importance that AFIO not be seen as prejudging
events, including possible violations of law or proposed
revisions of Intelligence Community statutory authorities,
or taking partisan positions in connection therewith. This
is in no way meant as an attempt to limit the expression of
personal views, but solely to prevent such views as
appearing to represent an AFIO position at this time. Any
public statements by AFIO officers (including chapter
personnel) appearing to speak in their official capacity
should be most circumspect in this regard.
If you have any questions on this matter, please
contact Headquarters.
Ray Wannall
AFIO was organized in 1975 by former intelligence
personnel from the Federal military and civilian intel-
ligence and security agencies. Its purpose is to promote
public understanding o'', and support for, a strong and
responsible national intelligence establishment.
AFIO believes that effective intelligence is the nation's
first line of defense against surprise from abroad, subver-
sion at home and possibly dangerous miscalculation by
our national leaders in the conduct of foreign and defense
policy. AFIO therefore holds that reliable intelligence is es-
sential to the cause of peace.
In pursuing its objectives, AFIO
Works closely with appropriate committees of the
congress regarding legislation affecting the intel-
ligence agencies, responds to congressional re-
quests for its views and information on intelligence
matters, and is frequently called upon to testify on
specific legislative proposals.
Through its network of local chapters across the
nation, provides speakers for discussion of national
security issues before civic, academic and profes-
sional groups.
Promotes educational programs explaining the role
and importance of intelligence.
? Provides participants for network and local TV and
radio programs on national security issues.
Is frequently consulted by scholars, authors, jour-
nalists and TV producers on intelligence matters.
Monitors media treatment of intelligence and
security issues and, where inaccuracies and distor-
tions occur, attempts to set the record straight.
Distributes to its members a quarterly publication
with news, views and book reviews relating to intel-
ligence, and a quarterly digest of current news com-
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building,
6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.
Phone (703) 790-0320.
Officers of AFIO are:
W. Raymond Wannall ............................................ President
Dr. Walter L. Pforzheim er ............................Vice President
Robert J. Novak ......................................................Treasurer
Charlotta P. Engrav ................................................Secretary
John K. Greaney .................................... Executive Director
Edward F. Sayle ...............................Editor of PERISCOPE
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Military Intelligence Rebuilt
Says DIA Director Williams
"The U.S. Intelligence Community today has the
confidence and enjoys the full support of the present
administration," Lt. Gen. James A. Williams, USA, told
the AFIO spring luncheon on April 12th.
A major factor, the DIA Director said, has been the
valuable historical perspective DCI William J. Casey
brings to his management of the Community. "Thanks
in large measure to his efforts, DIA now has an excel-
lent day to day working relationship with its intelligence
organization counterparts. Senior leadership has never
been more cohesive." LG Williams noted.
DIA, he said, has increased significantly the visibil-
ity, objectivity and utility of military intelligence esti-
mates at all levels of government, especially for Con-
gress. In addition, the DCI has tasked DIA with more
such estimates because of a desire to exploit the exper-
tise there. "He wants a product that is not pasteurized,
homogenized or footnoted to death." Within DoD, the
Lt. Gen. James A. Williams
Director of DIA
unified substantive effort carried out by DIA plays an contact on attache military matters. This has had the
integral role in providing the threat estimates and valida- result, he said, of a quantum increase in coverage and
tion to support acquisition of U.S. weapon systems, he quality reporting.
added. In the scientific and technical intelligence area, LG
LG Williams recalled the beginnings of DIA, in Williams noted, there has been a DoD-wide integration
1961, when a small contingent of officers and civilians of requirements, resource allocations and tasking res-
moved into a few hundred feet of borrowed floor space ponsibilities in the production of finished intelligence on
in the Pentagon. Today, its personnel work in four foreign weapons systems.
Washington-area locations and at over ninety attache Since 1977, DIA analysts staff the National Military
and liaison offices abroad. Intelligence Center, the nation's primary alert center for
Phased development of the Agency since that time indications and warning of impending crises. Located in
has seen an amalgamation of service operational intelli- the Pentagon next to the National Military Command
gence support, creation of a consolidated and uniform Center, the DIA unit produces all source current military
scientific intelligence production program and consoli- intelligence for worldwide distribution and produce and
dation of Defense intelligence training and career devel- disseminate terrorist threat warnings. Serving the Intel-
opment. The result, he said, is that today's military ligence Center is DIA's Collection Coordination Facility
intelligence products far exceed in quality, timeliness which facilitates the coordination and tasking of various
and depth that which was provided previously. Duplica- imagery, signals, radar and human collection resources.
tion has been reduced and broad geographical and func- In the fiscal and resource area, LG Williams said,
tional expertise developed. In the process, LG Williams the Director, DIA, serves as program manager of the
said, "The spirit of competitive analysis is continually General Defense Intelligence Program. This gives DoD a
encouraged so that U.S. policymakers are able to con- central planning and management capability to review
sider fully diverse points of view." intelligence objectives and priorities in terms of eco-
Another benefit stemming from the creation of DIA nomic feasibility, costs, risks and benefits. Thus, he
is the Defense Attache System. Since 1965, when DIA added, "An assessment can now be made of the relative
became the single focal point on all attache matters,
chiefs of mission now have access to a single point of (continued on page 2)
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DIA Director
(continued from page 1)
contribution the various intelligence disciplines can make
toward achieving specific objectives and ensure that,
within fiscal restraints, equitable distribution of intelli-
gence resources to the military departments is effected."
During President Reagan's first term, he said, the
Intelligence Community has experienced a rebuilding of
many of the capabilities lost in the 1 970's. New collec-
tion systems have been authorized by Congress and the
budget has enjoyed a rapid growth. An example of this,
said LG Williams, is the Defense Intelligence Analysis
Center, at Bolling-AFB. Dedicated last year, the Center
,"symbolizes a new DIA," bringing together in one modern,
highly efficient facility, DIA's basic research personnel,
its scientific and technical experts and those who develop
defense intelligence estimates. The building also fea-
tures a crisis support center to produce timely intelli-
gence support both to the national level at Washington
and to the operational commander in the field.
The Defense Intelligence College, accredited by the
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools,
offers the nation's only master's degree in strategic
intelligence, and is the focal point of all DoD general
intelligence training and education. Course curriculums
range from management to space.
DIA is also searching for solutions. "it does little
good, for example, to design a new collection resource
to dump volumes of information via a real time data link
to a mobile ground station if the information then has to
be laboriously hand-plotted on a map for the tactical
commander." The long-term search for solutions cen-
ters on an early 1 990's timeframe, and addresses not
only communications hardware shortfalls, but also pro-
cedural, policy and organizational issues and the flow of
intelligence to operational users.
Other priorities include active support of the new
national narcotics border interdiction system, around
the clock monitoring of terrorist-related activities world-
wide and the continuing and exhaustive search for
POW/MIAs in Southeast Asia. Through all this, the
Soviet Union remains the greatest threat to world peace.
To meet this challenge, DIA has initiated new efforts to
address the subject of treaty non-compliance, space,
chemical and biological warfare and technology transfer.
Looking beyond the-1980s, LG Williams sees a sus-
tained transformation of DIA into a strong competitive
center of analysis within the Intelligence Community. It
will be reaching out to even larger audiences as a result
of advances in high technology. For example, through
closed circuit television Defense Attaches will be provid-
ing on-the-spot analytical coverage of crises and com-
mands will be contributing live commentary on daily
events within their theaters. Finished intelligence will
be distributed on a near realtime basis, and fifth genera-
tion computers will see the beginnings of semi-auto-
mated intelligence analysis. Artificial intelligence will be
used to monitor reports, read books and newspapers,
draw information from other data bases, and widen the
DIA analyst's working capabilities.
The future will see more broad-brush intelligence
for national-level consumers and even greater detailed
intelligence to operational force commanders, both in a
near realtime environment. "We will be able to deliver it
to the Secretary of Defense at his desktop or in his car,"
the DIA Director said.
We in AFIO are saddened by the passing of Derek A.
Lee on April 11, 1985. He had served with OSS from
1943 until 1946 and he had been an AFIO Life Member
since 1976. He founded, and was the first President of
the Greater New York Chapter and served as a member
of AFIO Board of Directors from 1978 through 1984. He
was devoted to the goals of AFIO. The family suggests,
for those members wishing to make a memorial contri-
bution, The Apprenticeship, Rockport, Maine 04856.
Please make the following changes in your
Directory on pages 103-104, AFIO CHAP-
Col Robert A. Nugent. USAF(Ret.)
4191 Ave. de Montezuma
Tucson, AZ 85749
(602) 749-2687
Mr. Charles D. Rockhill, Jr.
P.O. Box 9886
Colorado Spring, CO 30932
(303) 632-5120
Suncoast Chapter
Tel: (813) 251-4404
Mr. Thomas J. Smith
12711 Hugh Graham Rd., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111
(505) 293-3676
Mr. L. Fred Lewton
Vice President
28131 Coolidge Drive-
Euclid, OH 44132
(216) 731-2463
Lone Star Chapter
Maj Joel E. Siskovic, USAF
Vice President
6401 Cairo Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
(512) 681-9673
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Taking a leaf from the politician's notebook, the
Executive Director went to visit the three Florida chap-
ters to find out what they thought would be the best
plans for the 1986 location with good highways for the
Floridians and plenty of airlines to choose the best fare
The recommendation that September was too hot
was unanimous and we were able to set the date for
October 17 and 18, 1986. While there are many inter-
esting attractions in the Orlando area, we have to
assume that most of the people who live in Florida will
have visited them at their own convenience. However,
the hotel has agreed to give convention attendees the
special room rates for five days before and five days after
the convention. As soon as you think of Orlando, Disney
World comes to mind and, without a doubt, Epcot Center
is a must place to visit if you have not been there
recently. There are additional interesting things in the
area such as Sea World and the Kennedy Space Center
at Cape Canaveral for visits. We would also consider the
possibility of an AFIO golf day either before or after the
convention if there is enough interest. There appears to
be a group rate with a discount if there are 40 players
signed up.
The most important thing about the convention
being held in Orlando is to have as many possible of the
350 AFIO members in Florida attend the Convention.
The chapters have done quite well with their getting
speakers of interest and using military clubs for their
meetings, but as with all who try to schedule programs,
the availability of good speakers is very limited. National
will try very hard to make the agenda interesting.
We were certainly disappointed about the Naples
Symposium having to be cancelled this year but the
sponsors have agreed to resume the Symposium next
year with the date set for May 5, 1986, in Naples,
Probably the question asked most frequently by
AFIO members is, "When is the next pamphlet coming
off the presses?" Unfortunately, we do not have any in
pipeline at this time and we would welcome any mono-
graphs which members may care to submit. It should be
understood that each author is responsible for getting
the necessary security clearance, if required. AFIO is
interested in pieces which relate to the intelligence pro-
fession and are approximately 10,000 words. They
should also be topics which are suitable for use in col-
lege seminars.
We are pleased with our new IBM PC equipment in
the National Office and Gretchen Campbell has offered
to prepare address labels for chapter mailings, if you will
send a list of the ZIP codes included in your chapter
area. This new equipment prints the labels for the entire
AFIO mailing list in 90 minutes. It is our feeling that this
service might help the chapter get the mailings prepared
easier. We do not think it advisable to try to mail the
notices from National since our third class mailing per-
mit requires a minimum of two hundred pieces per mail-
ing. In that connection we have had reports from some
members that the Periscope takes as long as three
weeks to be delivered, which is beyond our control. If
chapters are interested in selling the AFIO pins to raise
money for the chapter treasury, we will make them
available to the chapters at cost.
The response of members who converted to life
membership has been encouraging. We would like to
remind each regular member that the dues for AFIO are
tax deductible and if a member wishes to make install-
ment payments toward the $250 total, this method is
acceptable so long as the full amount ($250) is paid
within 12 months.
We would like to have members tell us if they are
willing to give talks to civic groups or schools and what
topics they would like to discuss. It would be useful for
the chapters to have such a list and we would also like
to have such a list in National. We do get many inquiries
from the media from all over the country and we would
appreciate being able to suggest a local person for an
interview if we have the information.
To take a phrase from the old radio shows, please
keep your cards and letters coming, because that is how
your organization can grow the way you, the members,
want it.
- -John K. Greaney
The following members have generously contributed an
amount equal to or exceeding one year's annual dues.
CAPT Albert Benjamin, USNR(Ret.)
Charlottesville, VA
Mr. Henry L. Berman is
Audubon, PA
Mr. John W. Bussman
Woodbridge, CT
Lt Col Louis W. Cunningham, USAF(Ret.)
Suttons Bay, MI
Mr. Mike S. Gonakis
Euclid, OH
Mr. H. Gates Lloyd
Haverford, PA
Mr. Newton S. Miler
Placitas, NM
Mr. Robert R. Musselwhite
Holly Hill, FL
Mr. Michie F. Tilley
Greenville, TX
M- Mark Flag Day on Calendar
The Summer meeting of AFIO will be held on
M Fla
Nino 14th at the Rnllinn APR Officers'
M, Dr. Albert D. Wheelon, PFIAB-guest speaker
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On the Intelligence Bookshelf , , , accept the sad fact that Commerce considers itself a spokesman for
business first and the U.S. Government second It is there to promote
Current books of interest to intelligence buffs and
watchers of the world scene. All reviews are by AFIO
members except when otherwise noted.
The Enemy, It Appears, Is Us
The Techno Bandits by Linda Melvern, David Hebditch and Nick
Anning. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1984. $15.95.
This is an important and certainly controversial book. It is tour de
force of the Russian and Communist bloc pirating U.S. and European
advanced technology.
The.authors are British, with experience and talents in investiga-
tive reporting and computer systems. As such, they speak with con-
siderable and unbiased authority on the root causes of the draining of
secret hi tech data and equipment to the East and, most importantly,
examine dispassionately the bureaucratic weaknesses which con-
tinue to permit such loss.
The topic of technological theft from the United States has been
highlighted in the media for some time, with most such reports fin-
gering the KGB as the active thief. This book proves this is not exactly
so and that the KGB has been content to orchestrate its campaign
quite nicely through third country businessmen whose primary con-
cern is to "make a buck." Moscow offers a very sweet deal indeed for
those who wish to take the time and risk to buy and export hi tech
commodities that are banned by the U.S. for export to the Communist
The book itself is quite well written, although at times its great
emphasis on research in the field and its almost stultifying account of
the U.S. Government's internal feuding may tempt one to skip a few
pages. Nonetheless, the anecdotal approach of the authors makes for
fascintating, if unhappy, reading. The most successful and infamous
technobandits are profiled and their successes described. Yet, when
apprehended such people are either set free on technicalities or, at
worst, serve only a few years in prison. The rewards offered by the
Soviets are evidently so great and the sentences of those appre-
hended so minor, as to make the systematic theft of vital hi tech
information and equipment worth the risk. One is reminded of the
Current emphasis on combatting the drug trade and the relatively
minor sentences handed out by local courts to those who have been
proven to be involved.
This book documents the fact, little understood by the American
public, that it is the Soviet's clever use of third world and American
businessmen that provides such technological rewards. It is not the
KGB or even the GRU, operating legally or illegally; it is our own
gullible, or hungry, or simply amoral businessman, who works closely
with an ostensibly clean foreign source to provide whatever he can.
However, the most important and well documented portion of
this book deals not with the mostly successful activities of the
Soviets, but with the abysmal muddle that our own government has
managed to contrive for itself in terms of policing and preventing such
damaging activities. The basic problem appears to be two-fold, one of
which is that the division of responsibilty for monitoring and prevent-
ing such Soviet actions is divided between two U.S. government
entities, the Customs Service and the Department of Commerce. The
two have never been able to sort out their respective responsibilities
and the Commerce Department (which, unlike Customs, lacks the
power of arrest) is shown to have been defending its turf vigorously in
what is rightly perceives as a "growth industry."
The book goes into so much detail about the ensuing bureau-
cratic battle that it sometimes becomes too much for the reader to
follow. It establishes clearly that the absence of cooperation and
coordination between these two federal agencies has harmed our
overall effort in controlling Sovietefforts to steal our sensitive tech-
nology and equipment. The open warfare between Customs and
Commerce detailed in this book makes for unhappy reading. Com-
merce, it seems, considers itself the keeper of The Final Word on
what can and cannot be exported to the Bloc. Customs is in the
business of actually stopping such exports and arresting the techno-
bandits responsible. The Commerce Department is viewed as a self-
protective and hidebound old-line department that perceives Customs
as an interloper which often fails to document its actions with the
requisite quantity of memoranda and justifications. One must also
exports and predisposed, one suspects, to favor the poor, downtrod-
den hi tech firm anxious to make a quick buck.
The second and most immediate problem is the continuing dis-
agreement between all concerned branches of the government as to
exactly what technology is to be denied. It is reported that several
departments, including the DoD and Commerce, have their own
massive lists, described as containing literally thousands of items
many of which can be obtained from our allies without sanction or
which have long since been passed in some manner to the Soviets.
There is a clear need to rationalize this list.
Overall, the message of Techno Bandits can be summed up by
the amusing paraphrase of Admiral Perry's dispatch, "We have met
the enemy and he is us."
During his address to the November 1984 meeting of the New
England Chapter of AFIO, General Eugene Tighe was asked his opin-
ion as to how best to combat the continuing successes of the techno-
bandits. He replied that the first order of business was for the
government to decide exactly what it wished to deny the Soviets by
checking to see what they already possess and what is easily avail-
able from our allies in equivalent technology. Only when the present
list of proscribed items (described by some as exceeding the length of
the New York City telephone directory) is reviewed and reduced can a
rational start be made in tackling this urgent problem. General
Tighe's remarks were made in the context of a question as to whether
he advocated placing the problem with the U.S. intelligence commun-
ity. He indicated in his response that the answer to such a question
would first depend on cleaning our own house and cutting down the
present, massive list of banned items.
The authors make a persuasive case in favor of bureaucratic
change and streamlining. When faced with a similar problem some
years ago, the U.S. Government created the Drug Enforcement
Administration Clearly, some such solution is required in this case.
To continue to permit the Commerce Department to have a role in
combatting the leakage of sensitive technology to the East is analo-
gous to making the Department of Interior the senior partner to the
FBI in domestic counterintelligence. Read this book even though it
will leave you both angry and frustrated.
[Michael F. Speers is co-publisher, with British author Nigel West, of
the forthcoming Intelligence Quarterly to be published simultane-
ously in Britain and the U.S. He is president of the New England
Chapter ofAFIO. ]
A Yarn of Defectors, Spies
and Diplomats
Geneva Accord by John T. Whitman
1985. $14.95
Our fellow AFIO member, John Whitman, has written a good
intelligence novel, Geneva Accord, at just about the right time. Former
DCI Richard Helms says of it, in the dust jacket blurb, "It is a good yarn,
with an intriguing mix of espionage and U.S.-Soviet confrontation."
This reviewer, no admirer of most spy fiction, agrees.
Whitman brings some impressive credentials to the writing of this
book. His thirty year career in CIA was marked by a steady ascendency
up the seniority ladder of analysis of Soviet policy. Perhaps more
important for this novel were the two years he spent, 1977-79, as the
CIA representative at the SALT talks in Geneva. That the author
absorbed well the events of those two years is endorsed (again in a
jacket blurb) by Paul Warnke, former chairman of the U.S. SALT dele-
gation. Warnke writes: "I can attest to its faithfulness in describing the
substance and the personal interactions of arms control negotiations."
And how lucky could Whitman be in bringing out his book in January
1985, a few weeks before the Americans and the Soviets planned to
sit down for another go at it in Geneva? Maybe we should send copies
to the delegates
The hero of this novel is a CIA Soviet analyst named George Inigo
who is rushed to Geneva to replace his murdered predecessor there.
(You'll have to read the book to find out whodunit). Dead bodies can be
lively. Only the other day, this reviewer ran into an old colleague who
happily announced that he was the predecessor who had been mur-
(continued on page 5)
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Michael F. Speers is the U.S. editor of the Intelli-
gence Quarterly, a newsletter which begins publication
HERE AND THERE in April. Emphasizing the international aspects of the
publication, British author Nigel West will serve as the
Dr. Alvin Buckelew, has been selected to receive Commonwealth editor. Included in the first issue are
the George Washington Freedom Foundation Medal for excerpts from David Atlee Phillips' new book and arti-
his publication, "The Reality of Terrorism." He also was cles by James Bamford and Prof. Douglas L. Wheeler.
a featured speaker on terrorism at a session of the For further information write: Intelligence Quarterly,
Model United Nations held in January at San Francisco, P.O. Box 232, Weston, VT. 05161.
and moderated a February seminar, "Spies and Spying,"
sponsored by UCLA extension. Other AFIO members John Patrick Quirk has embarked on a new pub-
speaking at the seminar were Joe Wilson Elliott and G. lishing venture, Foreign Intelligence Press, which will
Wallace Driver. feature books on the intelligence profession. An illus-
Douglas Blaufarb, James Murray Henry, William trated book on CIA is slated to be the first of a series on
Hood, William R. Johnson, John F. Blake, and David international intelligence organizations. Special empha-
Atlee Phillips have agreed to serve on the editorial sis will be placed on books for young people and text-
board of the forthcoming International Journal of /ntelli- books at the high school and university level. For more
gence and Counterintelligence. For more information on information write: Foreign Intelligence Press, 42 Boston
the journal, write IJIC, P.O. Box 183, Stroudsburg, PA Post Road, Guildford, CT 06437.
18390. Thomas N. Moon advises that his book, "The
The Operation Friendship Foundation (600 deKalb Deadliest Colonel," about Col. Carl F. Eifler of OSS has
Pike, P.O. Box 326, King of Prussia, PA. 19406) will been scripted and budgeted for a Hollywood production.
sponsor a "Symposium of Unsung Heroes" at Luxem- Copies of the book are still available from P.O. Box 1831,
bourg City, Luxembourg, August 11-18, to unite mem- Garden Grove, CA 92642.
bers of WWII resistance and underground organizations,
British SOE and OSS. David Atlee Phillips is writing a commemorative
The Alamo Scouts Association will meet at Ann article about Richard Welch, to be published in December
Arbor, MI., June 13-15. For further information contact on the 10th anniversary of Welch's assassination. Pro-
Mayo Stutz (703) 938-8176 or Col. Robert S. Sumner ceeds from the article are earmarked for the Richard S.
(USA-Ret) (813) 876-4667. The Alamo Scouts organi- Welch Memorial Fund at Harvard. Members who have
zation was formed in the Pacific Theater during WWII unclassified anecdotes or reminiscences about Welch
after OSS was excluded from intelligence operations are urged to contact Phillips, P.O. Box 17320, Bethesda,
there. MD. 20817. Phillips would also welcome hearing from
Intelligence Bookshelf
(continued from page 4)
dered in the first chapter of Whitman's book! (This is not a clue.)
Despite the novel's unusual printed disclaimer that "Any resemblance
to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental," old
hands will probably be unable to resist match-ups. It won't get you
very far.
Inigo's life in Geneva is quickly complicated by his falling for an
East German lady scientist, which allows for the usual threads and
beds to be woven into the story. Then a member of the Soviet delega-
tion offers to become a defector-in-place and supply Inigo with the
Soviet fall-back positions on the negotiations. This puts Inigo smack
into the middle of intelligence operations, for which he is not
equipped. The operations are so secret that Inigo can communicate
them only to the DCI. Eventually, the latter tells the President, who
then tells the NSC, which tells ... The operation leaks to the press.
This tends to both complicate and help the plot. Somehow, Inigo
comes through with reasonably flying colors, despite some nasty
brushes with CIA counterintelligence types who not untypically are
concerned with security, moles and CIA employees who sleep with
East German scientists and are in contact with members of the Soviet
This reviewer always divides spy fiction into two categories. Either
the book is carried primarily by one's interest in the characters, or it is
the plot that makes it go. Geneva Accord falls into the latter category.
In this volume, one eagerly waits to turn to the next page to find out
what is going to happen-the sign of a good novel of this genre. The
author's knowledge and the use of the background against which the
story is written, in its descriptions of the SALT negotiating sessions
and the informal get-togethers among the participants, makes for a
good deal more realism than in many other first novels in this field. It is
a good read.
AFIO members of any anecdotes dealing with DCI rela-
tionships with U.S. Presidents and Secretaries of State
or which clarify DCI stance on covert action. He will use
the material in a book-in-progress, "Company Directors
and Covert Action."
AFIO has received an inquiry from 1st Lt. Donald J.
D. Mulkerne (AUS-Ret) seeking to contact the military
intelligence personnel who interrogated three Germans
he captured at Pon-A-Mousson about September 13-
18, 1944. As Mulkerne recalls the incident, he was
returning with the prisoners and met at least six officers
presumed to be MI, who began immediate interrogation
of the Germans. He can be cohtacted at 79 Jordan Blvd.,
Delmar, NY 12054.
Members with OSS experience are being sought to
contribute articles to a special issue of the Journal of
Contemporary History. For further information, contact
David Leland Thomas, 10206 Frederick Avenue, Ken-
sington, MD. 20895.
The widow of a former CIA officer, Yoshio Joseph
Kiyonaga, has written "Remembrances of a CIA Wife,"
which appears in the March issue of Washingtonian
magazine. According to Bina Kiyonaga, "At the start of
each school year, Joe's office would categorize our
children's classmates, listing their parents' jobs, political
affiliations, family connections, club memberships, as
well as any known weaknesses. Then Joe would deter-
mine possible targets and suggest that his children get
to know certain schoolmates well." She doesn't indicate
whether the children were expected to recruit their
classmates. Hollywood is said to be interested in the
has a kind word for intelligence fiction and those who write or read it. ] story.
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AF1O Chapter Activities
Arizona Chapter. The chapter met February 9th at
the Thunder Mountain Inn in Sierra Vista. At the lunch-
eon meeting, the twenty-four members were joined by
eighteen guests. Among them were Major General and
Mrs. Thomas Weinstein, Don Perry of the San Diego
chapter and Lt. Col. Rudolph Levy (Ret). General Wein-
stein, who is commandant of the U.S. Army Intelligence
Training Center, spoke on the mission of the school and
extended an invitation to tour the facility.
Lt. Col. Levy, who has had extensive experience
with worldwide terrorism, presented a very timely and
poignant talk on international terrorism and political
The chapter
April 13th.
Kirkpatrick addressed issues of credibility of the
press, pointing out that newspapers unfortunately have
been lumped into the term "media" alongside television
news. He charged that TV news has become entertain-
ment based on huge profits and that this has generated
a style of reporting quite different from the quality of
journalism exemplified by the New York Times (one of
the speaker's 'favorite" newspapers). He stated that the
press hides behind the First Amendment as readily as
the military invokes "national security" to cover embar-
rassments. Yet, the "dictatorial reign", of newspapers
has ended, and many publications which did not learn
this have ceased to exist. The Examiner accepts this and
is trying to change. Mr. Kirkpatrick characterized his
newspaper as the only newspaper in the Bay Area with
a conscience, citing its coverage of the Oakland drug
Regarding the Examiner's Washington bureau, the
speaker pointed out that it takes a great deal of time,
money and energy to learn what is going on in D.C., and
that one young reporter simply cannot step into such a
task. The Examiner's Washington bureau is very small
and was contrasted with the New York Times' bureau
which hires many specialists, e.g. lawyers to report
solely on the Supreme Court. Mr. Kirkpatrick concluded
that newspapers must stand on their own, apart from
TV, and must hire experts who are schooled in subjects
they are reporting on, especially when writing news
analyses. In that way, he said, the press may regain its
credibilty with the public. Kirkpatrick concluded the
evening by answering some ticklish questions from the
San Diego Chapter. Fifty members and guests at
the chapter's February meeting heard Lt. Joe Riordan
describe his role as an intelligence officer in the U.S.
Coast Guard and as southwest border regional liaison
for the Presidential Task Force on Organized Crime and
Drug Enforcement. An ex-California Highway Patrol
officer, Riordan showed slides depicting drug trafficking
routes, methods of packaging, Coast Guard boarding
activities at sea, and other aspects of the effort. He noted
that U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force reconnaissance
assists the Coast Guard in tracking suspect ships and
aircraft. Other assistance comes from the principal
suppliers of foreign narcotic intelligence: the Treasury
Department, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the
Department of Transportation and the National Security
According to Riordan, much drug traffic originates
from the jungle west coast of Columbia where it is easy
to hide ships in bays and inlets which dot the rugged
coast and along rivers. That part of Columbia is con-
trolled by rebel factions, not the government, he noted.
The smuggling vessels can be anything from an old U.S.
presidential yacht like the recently impounded Potomac
to ocean-going freighters. Often they are older vessels
that can no longer compete for legitimate cargo. One
particular tip-off of a drug carrier, he said, is a small or
old "chamber pot" bristling with radio and multiple navi-
gational system antennas. Some of them may have
$100,000 worth of such equipment, he added.
According to Riordan, Atlantic and Gulf Coast pas-
sages are easier for the Coast Guard to interdict; the
West Coast is the most difficult. (For the West Coast, the
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. The chapter's
January meeting, was held at the Marines' Memorial.
The meeting was called to order by chapter president
Roger McCarthy, and following the pledge of allegiance,
vice president (programs) Ed Rudka offered, in Chinese,
toasts of friendship, health and prosperity to honored
guests Tang Shubei, Consul General of the People's
Republic of China, Liang Wenfend, wife of the consul,
Vice Consul Yan Xiaoming and Xie Dongna, wife of the
vice consul. The invocation preceding the dinner was
offered by the Rev. Ward McCabe.
Al Bukelew then presided over the election of off ic-
ers for 1985. Elected were Roger McCarthy, president;
Ed Rudka, vice president (programs); Tom Dickson, vice
president (membership); Jim Quesada, treasurer; Sue
Davis, secretary; and Harold Christensen, Janet Aitken
and Ricco Alcantar, executive board.
Ed Rudka introduced guest speaker Tang Shubei,
Consul General of the PRC. In his prepared remarks the
Consul offered statistics on his country's imports and
exports and the direction of Sino-US trade. He character-
ized 1984 as a "successful year," citing President Rea-
gan's visit to the PRC and Premier Zhao's visit to the
U.S. The increasing number of visas issued between the
two countries and an unprecedented number of PRC
students studying on American campuses were also
mentioned as signs of improving relations. The Consul
General talked of the PRC's need to set up new enter-
prises, to update old ones, and to exploit energy re-
sources. He indicated that his country has opened its
door to world trade and will never close it again. He
noted that the PRC is seeking relations with all coun-
tries, industrialized and Third World. In this he brought
out that Taiwan is the key problem in Sino-US relations,
mentioning that there are many families seeking a
peaceful settlement through "reunification."
The meeting adjourned after an informal question
and answer session and the final benediction by Father
The February meeting at the Marines' Memorial
featured John A. Kirkpatrick, metropolitan editor of the
San Francisco Examiner, speaking on "The Tyranny of
the Press."
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closest "choke ADDroved For Release 2004/11/01
po t in awaii.) Interestingly, he
observed that the origin of marijuana can usually be
determined by how it is packaged. Smugglers often hit
San Diego harbor on Saturdays when about 8,000 berth-
ings might take place, with the drug merchants often
joining the "beer can races" in an effort to appear legit-
imate. Many smugglers in the Gulf of Mexico, he said,
now are resisting interdiction and a Coast Guard cutter
was recently rammed by one of them. Generally, Rior-
dan said, a Coast Guard cutter will inspect from 30 to 60
ships during a 30-day patrol, adding that it is not unus-
ual to tail a ship by sea and air for weeks. In stopping
uncooperative ships on the high seas, the Coast Guard
will first attempt to foul the smuggler's screws with
cargo nets or pour water down the smoke stack. If that
doesn't work, the cutter will obtain permission from the
Commandant to shoot. Once approval is gained, it will
warn the smuggler in two languages that the cutter is
going to shoot at the rudder and engine room, then lob a
round across the renegade's bow.
The speaker noted that cocaine is much more diffi-
cult to locate in ship searches than is marijuana. The
average cocaine cargo is only about 100 pounds. As a
result the anti-cocaine effort requires intelligence infor-
mation in addition to exacting searches. The route the
narcotic shipments take is sometimes bizzare, Riordan
noted. Sometimes the narcotics come into San Diego by
ship, then are flown by plane to Canada, then brought
back elsewhere on the West Coast by ship or other
means. Some smuggling vessels have off-loaded their
deadly cargo with swimmers or one-man submersibles,
he noted.
The speaker at the chapter's March meeting was
Major Keith D. Young (USAF-Ret). The Australian-born
Young served in intelligence for over thirty years. He
served with the British Purchasing Commission, 1940-
42, before entering the Army. Assigned to intelligence,
the adventurous Aussie served with distinction in WWII,
and after a break in service returned to serve tours in
Korea and Vietnam. He was a key staffer of MAC-V's
political warfare advisory directorate and headed up the
survival, evasion, resistance and escape section (SERE)
of the Seventh Air Force.
Young's talk, "The Fourth Degree," focused on cer-
tain aspects of interrogation, indoctrination and "unin-
Satellite Chapter. When Jerry Parr heard gunshots
ring out on a Washington, D.C., street nearly four years
ago, he shoved President Reagan into a limosine and
barked orders for the driver to head to a nearby hospital.
Parr, a Secret Service agent, had pushed the President
out of the path of all but one of John Hinckley Jr.'s
bullets, and although his split-second reflexes may have
bruised the President, they also helped save his life.
Parr recalled the events vividly before more than
160 members and guests at the chapter's February 8th
dinner meeting held at the Patrick AFB Officer's Club.
"A big part of it is training. We're trained to turn our
bodies toward the noise (of gunfire) and put ourselves
between the shots and the President," he said.
The Secret Service official stressed the unique
aspects of an agent's training: "There is no time to get a
~~~*ea x xa a:;x z
Jerry Parr,
U.S. Secret Service
gun out. Training is the first line of defense." Parr, who
now serves as assistant director for protective research,
recalled that during his 22-year career with the Secret
Service he has headed the White House detail as well
as protected political candidates, foreign dignitaries and
elected officials. Recalling the Hinckley assassination
attempt, Parr noted that "We had Hinckley defeated that
day," but only because agent Thomas McCarthy had
mastered counter-instinctive behavior well enough to
throw himself in front of a bullet. "What he did with his
flesh was, he extended that iron (car) door." Parr noted
that Hinckley's first three shots had struck law enforce-
ment officials.
He discussed the paradox of security in an open
society, the millions of visitors who tour the White
House each year and the uncounted ones halted by
metal detectors and arrested for carrying dangerous
weapons more out of thoughtlessness than deadly
intent. "I think its worth it," he said, "For that reason I
chose to live here and not in totalitarian society."
Parr also noted the threatening letters that arrive by
mail at the White House. Each, he said, has to be inves-
tigated meticulously, with a finding that over 90 percent
of the traceable threats are made by the mentally ill.
Yet, it is the face in the crowd that alerts a Secret
Service agent. "I can't prove this, but there's something
about a face that sets it apart from the rest. Most of the
crowds you work have excited faces, anticipatory faces,
but every now and then you'll catch an eye, and they'll
see something in yours, and there's this mutual knowl-
edge. It's a mystery, this dangerous organism we call
New England
New England Chapter. Mike Speers, president, re-
ports the chapter rolls continue to grow at a very gratify-
ing pace. Starting last June with a core group of eight,
membership now stands at seventy, including two life
members. He advises that invitations to the group's next
quarterly meeting, at the Hilton Hotel, Merrimack, NH,
April 13th, were mailed to all AFIO chapter presidents in
hopes those located in the East could attend or pass the
invitation along to those members who might be visiting
the area at the time.
Recognizing its large geographic spread, the chap-
ter has appointed a number of key persons for each
state. They are: Alan Swenson (Maine), Eric Howes
(Massachusetts), Dan Halpin (New Hampshire) and
Eleanoar Hoar (Connecticut). Mrs. Hoar recently arranged
a successful reception at the Roger Sherman Inn at New
Canan, CT., for active, former and potential members.
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Twenty, including two guest members of the New York
City chapter, attended. Two AFIO members became affil-
iated with the chapter and six new members were
enrolled. Speers credits Mrs. Hoar with a particularly
fine job in organizing the event, which he hopes will be
replicated elsewhere in New England.
Chapter member Winn Taplin is teaching "The Role
of Intelligence in Diplomacy," a full credit course at the
University of Vermont. As evidence that the program
has been well received, initial planning anticipated 12-
15 students; 40 are now attending. Members of the
chapter who have audited the course have come away
impressed. And, when Taplin sustained an eye injury
recently, members filled in for him with what Speers
calls the Speers-Jacobs-Binder-Lawlor "N.E. AFIO dog
and pony show." He believes their efforts were rewarded.
"We became so involved in answering student ques-
tions that we ran half an hour over the allotted three
hour period." Subsequently the chapter purchased and
donated to the class twenty copies of Dave Phillips'
Careers in Secret Operations.
New Mexico
Members of AFIO resident in New Mexico met at
Kirtland AFB on January 19th to discuss forming a state
Adolph Saenz, the organizer of the meeting, wel-
comed the members, noted that this was the first step in
forming a new chapter, and congratulated the twenty-
nine in attendance for supporting the goals of intelli-
gence. Named to develop a slate of candidates for
election to the new chapter's board of directors were
Joe Luna and Sam Papich.
Also welcoming those assembled was Lee Echols
of AFIO's board of directors and George Wiggins, AFIO's
vice president. Wiggins congratulated the group for
being the newest chapter to be formed, and encouraged
them to seek associate members who, although not
veterans of the intelligence profession, support the aims
of AFIO.
In Memoriam
Mr. James K. Arnold
Camp Hill, PA
Mrs. Virginia G. Blatt
Washington, DC
Mr. John B. Coyne
Brunswick, OH
Mr. Henry H. Eldredge
St. Petersburg, FL
Mr. Derek A. Lee
New York, NY
Mr. Thomas E. McCormack
Woodsboro, MD
Mr. James M. McDermott
Silver Spring, MD
Mr. Anthony J. Sforza
South Miami, FL
It was then Echol's turn to entertain the audience
with a sampling of his great stock of one-liners and
humorous stories, a warm-up to his more serious mes-
sage. He recalled that the San Diego chapter started
with only eighteen members, and now has 150. He
urged that the New Mexico chapter seek out those eligi-
ble in the Albuquerque area, actively recruit new mem-
bers, hold monthly meetings, encourage members to
bring their spouses and friends, and exchange minutes
and meeting notices with the Arizona chapter to en-
courage cross-visits. Echols presented Saenz with an
example of approved by-laws for local chapters and
referred the group to the articles of incorporation in the
AFIO handbook.
A month later, February 21, the chapter held its first
meeting. Elected as officers were: Thomas J. Smith,
president; Adolph B. Saenz, vice president; Leonard E.
Sczygiel,secretary; and D. Arthur Byrnes, treasurer.
Cleveland Chapter. The chapter will meet on May
24, 1985, with Bill Hood, president of the Greater New
York Chapter as guest speaker. For further information
contact Fred Lewton, (216) 731-2463.
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building,
6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.
Phone (703) 790-0320.
Officers of AFIO are:
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick ..................... President
Lloyd George Wiggins ............... Vice President
Robert J. Novak ......................... Treasurer
Kicking off the first meeting of the New Mexico Charlotta P. Engrav ...................... Secretary
Chapter are Tom Smith, Sam Papich, Frank Coffee John K. Greaney ................. Executive Director
and Nick Mastrovich Edward F. Sayle ............... Editor of PERISCOPE
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New Life Members
Mr. John Gordon Lanier BARCLAY
Calle Santalo 135
Barcelona, SPAIN 0021
Mr. Lonnie M. BARROW
One Beach Drive, #1506
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
The Honorable Theodore R. BRITTON, Jr.
P.O. Box 23788
Washington, DC 20026
Greenwood, VA 22943
COL Frederick K. HEARN, AUS(Ret.)
2240 Stonewood Court
San Pedro, CA 90732
2145 N. Quebec Street
Arlington, VA 22207
Mr. John D. MacKENZIE, Jr.
2400 N. Taylor Street
Arlington, VA 22207
Dr. James A. MATTISON, Jr.
234 San Miguel Avenue
Salinas, CA 93901
Mr. Peter L. MERKEL
5001 King Richard Drive
Annandale, VA 22003
Mr. John Patrick QUIRK
4 Centre Village
Madison, CT 06443
Mr. George W. RAUCH
1415 9th Avenue E.
Bradenton, FL 33508
Mr. Robert Ruhl SIMMONS
36 Broad Street
Stonington, CT 06378
Mr. Frederick A. VOIGT
5016 25th Street, South
Arlington, VA 22206
Mr. Albert W. ZILAITIS
501 North Palm Avenue
Indialantic, FL 32903
Legislative Notes
Wafter L. Pforzheimer
It is with a touch of sadness, and a mood of remin-
iscence, that we learn of the death of former Senator
John Chandler Gurney of South Dakota on March 9th.
Elected to the Senate in 1939, "Chan" Gurney became
chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee in
1947. It was this committee which held the hearings
and reported out the National Security Act of 1947,
creating the CIA. (The act also created the Secretary of
Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the separate U.S.
Air Force.)
It was early in March 1947 that I first met with
Senator Gurney to discuss the proposed legislation for
CIA. At that time, there was still some question whether
we would propose what we now know as the original
provisions of the National Security Act, or whether we
should go for more detailed legislation by adding the
material which ultimately became the CIA Act of 1949.
The chairman advised that we should stick to the short
version to avoid getting intelligence involved with the
many other controversies which this bill engendered in
its military proposals. We followed his advice.
On March 26th, DCI (Lt. Gen.) Hoyt Vandenberg
and I met with Senator Gurney to discuss the DCI's
forthcoming testimony. Chairman Gurney asked that we
place as much testimony on the record as we could,
assuring us that he would hold for Executive Session
any questions which would raise security problems.
When the DCI testified at the end of April, this is exactly
how it went. General Vandenberg's opening statement
went into the public record, and there were no kick-
backs. In Executive Session he told the committee that
the CIG was engaged in espionage, and that CIA would
continue intelligence operations overseas under the
new legislation before the Congress. Those who still
contend that the Congress did not know of CIA's opera-
tional role just haven't read the record; that early testi-
mony has been officially released. On July 9, the
National Security Act of 1947 was shepherded through
the Senate, just as the chairman had assured during our
meeting in March. "Chan" was a gentle, thoughtful,
wonderful man to work with, and the Intelligence Com-
munity is in his debt.
The esteem with which Senator Gurney was held
by his colleagues reminds me of an incident in 1948
when we were trying to secure passage of what became
the CIA Act of 1949. A Senator rose on the floor and
moved to strike the provision which was to give CIA use
of unvouchered funds; he succeeded. The Senator con-
cerned came off the floor to discuss his move with me.
We exchanged some rather heated words as I pointed
out what his actions would do to intelligence operations
and the lives of our people overseas, and the Senator
began to waver. At this point, sensing what was hap-
pening, Senator Gurney strolled up, put his arm around
the recalcitrant Senator and said, "You can't do this to
me." That was all it took. The Senator returned to the
floor, reversed his position, and moved to restore the
unvouchered funds provision. Just a quiet word from
"Chan" Gurney was all it took.
In later years, his support and able help continued
on a number of occasions when CIA had important and
difficult problems before the Civil Aeronautics Board of
which Senator Gurney became chairman.
We will miss "Chan," but we should pause and
remember what he did to make CIA legislatively possible.
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The following list of new members since the last issue is incomplete in that
it does not include those who requested that their names be kept restricted.
Mr. Fred C. BURTON
Mr. G. Kirk FINCH II
225 Arboles
South Stratford Ct.
140 Dalkeith Glen
El Paso, TX 79932
Windsor, CT 06095
Arnold, MD 21012
Mrs. Marguerite 0. ARMSTRONG
Mr. Alan L. BUTKOW
Mr. Wilson H. FORD
7 Deborah Drive
c/o WBK Ltd.
980 Wilson Street
South Burlington, VT 05401
10169 Judicial Drive
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Fairfax, VA 22030
MAJ Percy Lyn AUSTIN AUS(Ret.)
5800 N. Banana River Blvd
Mr. Douglas CADDY
607 Oak Harbor Drive
Building 2, #222
7322 S.W. Freeway, #610
Houston, TX 77062
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Houston, TX 77074
Col Nathan S. GOLDBERG
COL Frederick T. BARRETT
Mr. Richard L. CASANOVA
323 Pine Needles Drive
603 N. Doheny Drive, #2A
3024 Modella
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Dallas, TX 75229
Ms. Pat E. CLARK
Mr.. Lonnie M. BARROW
871 Paiute Road
P. 0. Box 4247
One Beach Drive, #1506
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Honolulu, HI 96813
St.. Petersburg, FL 33701
CDR William C. COOK
Mr. Gerd HABER
Mr., John J. BARRY
4713 Lillian Drive
2300 Pimmit Drive, #614
249 Nod Hill Road
Alexandria, VA 22310
Falls Church, VA 22043
Wilton, CT 06897
Mr. Thomas R. HAMPSON
Mr. Thomas H. CURRY
680 Hillcrest Boulevard
3212 N. Kenmore Street
Hoffman Estates, IL 60195
17164 Courtney Lane
Arlington, VA 22207
William HE TMAN
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
1004 Morse Drive
Mr.. Joe A. BLACK
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
8507 Honiley
1211 Janneys Lane
San Antonio, TX 78250
Alexandria, VA 22302
Mr. Richard L. HIGGINS
816 E. Mendocino Street
Mr.. Russell 0. BLAISDELL
Mr. Ralph A. de VORE
Altadena, CA 91001
107 Wilderness Drive, #309
3411 Park Royal Drive
Naples, FL 33942
Kingwood, TX 77339
Mr. Donald F. JONES
7207 Northern Lights
Mr. Peter N. BORSI
Mr. Clifford A. DOLAN
San Antonio, TX 78238
111 N. Alder Avenue
6 Thunderbird Park
Sterling, VA 22170
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
Mr. Michael L. BOSCHAERT
Mr. James M. ELLIOTT
4812 Kemper Street
P. 0. Box 1374
6249 Primrose Avenue
Rockville, MD 20853
Imperial Beach, CA 92032
Los Angeles, CA 90068
Mr. William T. BROWN
Mr. Clinton FIELDER
Box 112
2502 Rock Branch Road
11273 SW 174th Terrace
East Glastonbury, CT
Vienna, VA 22180
Miami, FL 33157
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
Mr. Joseph R. LUNA
Mr. Joseph David RENO
Mrs. Lesba L. THOMPSON
142 Rio Vista Place
791 Tremont Street, W-105
1745 Meredith Lane,
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Boston, MA 02118
Clearwater, Fl, 33516
Mr. Peter A. LUPSHA
Mr. Mervyn J. RIKER
617 Dartmouth N.E..
7608 G Sereno Circle
Mr. Arthur S. TORF
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Orlando, FL 32807
P. 0. Box 2586
Norcross, GA 30091
Mr. Francis (Frank) E.
LTG William I. ROLYA
Mr. Frederick A. VOIGT
6614 West 73rd Street
3110 Waterside Lane
5016 25th Street, South
Overland Park, KS 66204
Alexandria, VA 22309
Arlington, VA 22206
Mr. William 0. MALONE
Mr. William J. RYAN
Mr. Robert F. VanBEEVER
89 Crestview Drive
East Hill Road
22 Treadwell Avenue
Portland, ME 04103
Williston, VT 05495
Westport, CT 06880
Mr. Donald J. MEYER
11414 Georgetowne Drive
45-42 220 Street
438 Wolcott Avenue, #4
Potomac, MD 20854
Bayside, NY 11361
Middletown, RI 02840
Mr. John D. MacKENZIE Jr.
Mr. Charles H. SMALL Jr.
2400 N. Taylor Street
P. 0. Box 12232
119 4th Street, SE
Arlington, VA 22207
El Cajon, CA 92022
Washington, DC 20003
Mr. Raymond F. McMULLEN
LTC Harry M. SMITH USA(Ret.)
10411 Dee Lane
838 Manitou Boulevard
Clinton, MD 20735
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
7736 Tauxemont Road
Alexandria, VA 22308
Mr. Louis F. PALUMBO
Col Landgrave T. SMITH
1640 S.W. 54 Terrace
Jr. USAF(Ret.)
Mr. Albert W. ZILAITIS
Plantation, FL 33137
2814 Oakton Manor Court
501 North Palm Avenue
Oakton, VA 22124
Indialantic, FL 32903
Mr. James D. PARRISH Jr.
523 Bayview Drive
Seabrook, TX 77586
200 Fiqueroa NE, #1
Albuquerque, NM 87123
7404 Charlotte Street
Mr. Charles R. STEFFLER
Springfield, VA 22150
P. 0. Box 190
Bellaire, TX 77401
Mr. John Patrick QUIRK
4 Centre Village
Mr. Robert D. STIGER
Madison, CT 06443
One Russell Court
Sterling, VA 22170
Mr.. George W. RAUCH
1415 9th Avenue E.
Mr. Ralph STOVER
Bradenton, FL 33508
560 McNabb Parkway
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
USN (Ret.)
1731 Tarleton Way
Crofton, MD 21114
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From the President's Desk:
From where I sit as I write this in my library at home
in Middleburg, our vista is so peaceful and beautiful that
it is hard to believe there is evil in the world. In the
distance I see the wooded slopes of Mt. Storm rising
three thousand feet above the beautiful Virginia coun-
tryside. Only one house is visible in the intervening five
miles, a building bordered by tall pines and lushgreen
meadows where horses and cattle feed throughout
most of the year. In such beautiful surroundings it might
be difficult to believe how much danger and how many
difficulties engulf this planet we occupy.
But then I scan the floor-to-ceiling bookcases that
cover the major portion of three of the four walls. On the
fourth wall hangs a magnificent map, entitled "1829
General Post Und Strassen Karte Der Osterreichen
The bookcases I face include seven shelves on the
War Between the States, or the Civil War, depending on
what part of this nation you hail from. (My mother was
an unreconstructed rebeland my father a New Yorker.)
The two adjoining bookcases are primarily World War II,
including a complete bound set of the Joint Congres-
sional Committee's Investigation of the Pearl Harbor
attack, published by the Government Printing Office in
1946. Two bookcases are devoted to the Presidents
(Washington to Reagan), one to intelligence, and one to
Communism. Where is the fiction? In bookcases in other
parts of the house. If the books are not enough, there
are three daily newspapers plus numerous other publi-
cations. What do I do when not reading? I write.
This lengthy preamble is simply to set the stage for
saying that the state of the relations between nations is
cause for continued concern. If there was ever a need
for professional intelligence dedicated to producing
prompt and accurate analyses of the dangerous interna-
tional situations it is now. I fervently hope that the intel-
ligence services of the Soviet Union, the Chinese Peoples
Republic, the Eastern European nations, as well as
those in the Middle East, Latin America, and the Atlantic
Alliance are all well-informed and objective. Further, I
hope the policy levels of all governments are directed by
men and women of good will who are proponents of
peace and prosperity and notof death and destruction. It
is now forty years since the end of World War II, but
there should be little consolation that wars have been
limited in size in recent years. The war between Iran and
Iraq has resulted in appalling slaughter, with the major
powers and the United Nations unable to obtain a
cease-fire. The situation in the Middle East continues to
be a powder-keg with everybody playing with matches.
Only the United States and the Soviet Union have the
power to be peace keepers, but there is so much suspi-
cion and distrust between them that we must wonder
how long it will take to build a basis for mutual respect
and trust when Reagan and Gorbachev meet.
What we must do as individuals and collectively for
AFIO is to continue to make the people of the United
States aware of the capabilities and problems of the
United States intelligence agencies. This is not an easy
task. The American people are distrustful of secret
organizations. This concern is heightened by the con-
sistently bad press that CIA receives. Obviously the CIA
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick
President of AFIO
cannot boast of its successes, but its failures-as well as
those of the other intelligence agencies-are certain to
receive headlines. Let's face it. No three letters are cer-
tain to attract such attention as CIA and newsmen know
that their use sells papers. We must also accept the fact
that most of those in the public media regard them-
selves as experts on intelligence matters. And surely we
are aware that what we say will be viewed with scepti-
cism by some.
Please remember that most of the high school and
college teachers now are of a post-World War II vintage.
They are suspicious of all intelligence activities. They
believe the bad things they read about CIA and do not
approve of covert operations, which they consider "dirty
tricks." Collectively they are not knowledgeable about
Soviet activities, and basically don't care. Every new
expose of CIA operations widens the gap and deepens
the gulf of distrust.
There is no panacea for coping with this hostility.
Recognize that it is there, and face it. Within the area of
unclassified information, tell it like it is. There is so much
unclassified information now that a presentation based
on the history and organization of the U.S. intelligence
agencies is-simple and is most useful in the high school
and college audiences. It is also valuable to take along a
list of books and articles that provide objective analyses
of U.S. intelligence activities. It is well to be prepared
with a bibliography of literature on other intelligence
services of the world. And finally, if possible, a brief
analysis of how intelligence fits into policy making is
One point I always stress is that I am proud to have
served in CIA. While some may not approve of such
activities, such work has to be done until we live in a
world devoid of avarice and hatred.
One last suggestion: In addition to the academic
audiences there are many local organizations looking for
speakers. These include the Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis,
Chambers of Commerce and other civic organizations.
Make sure your Mayor and other public officials know
you "Have speech, will travel!"
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DCI Assesses Intelligence in Report to AFIO Convention
Former Intelligence Officers
Infiltrate County
Ned Dolan
The Association of Former Intelligence Officers
(AFIO) held their annual convention at the Rockville
Crowne Plaza, October 19-20. Approximately 275
attended from all over the United States and were
treated to an intensive program, renewed old friend-
ships and swapped stories on local reactions to ques-
tions of intelligence and world affairs.
Leading off was a discussion of reconnaissance,
important to arms treaty verification problems. Speakers
were Arthur Lundahl, the founder of the National Photo
Interpretation Center (NPIC); Dino Brugioni, an early
NPIC worker and currently a consultant; and Lt. Gen.
Eugene Tighe, USAF(Ret), formerly with Air Force
Also covered was the history of overhead recon-
naissance beginning with balloons taking pictures before
the Civil War, to balloon use during that War, to using
aircraft-mounted cameras during both world wars for
(continued on page 4)
There was electricity in the air as DCI William J.
Casey mounted the podium to address AFIO's 10th
annual convention banquet. Unsaid was the increased
media targeting of Casey in the wake of orchestrated
disclosures concerning use in Central America of "that
pamphlet," a retreaded Green Beret training manual of
another time and another Administration.
As one attendee would note later, the sustained
applause was a vote of confidence in the man-an intel-
ligence professional, as well as a courtesy to the head of
the U.S. Intelligence Community. It was an audience of
intelligence veterans familiar with Casey's achievements
in directing European agent operations (SI) for OSS dur-
ing WWII, his role in the struggle to create a peacetime,
centralized intelligence agency, and service on both the
Murphy Commission and the President's Foreign Intelli-
gence Advisory Board. Early AFIO members had recalled
during the pre-banquet reception that Casey had been a
member of the organization's Board of Directors and a
long-time member until "forced" to leave the ranks of
former intelligence officers to become the first Director
of Central Intelligence to achieve Cabinet rank. The
greeting left no doubt that he was among friends who
understood his opening reference to the "turbulence
and winds of the political season." They had been there
The DCI, by way of expressing his humility in
addressing so many old hands, broke the tension by
recalling the story of the fellow who loved to talk about
the Johnstown Flood. So much so, that when he was
received by St. Peter, Peter gathered a crowd to hear the
tale. The man waxed eloquent with his personal "war
story" of how the waters had gathered and came crash-
ing down. "He was just about reaching his finale," said
Casey, "when St. Peter reached over, tapped him on the
shoulder and said, 'By the way, I forgot to tell you that
Noah is in the audience.' "
Casey recalled the President's goal when he was
appointed DCI: reestablish the President's Foreign Intel-
ligence Advisory Board, enact legislation to impose crim-
inal sanctions against disclosing the identities of U.S.
intelligence agents; obtain a measure of relief from the
Freedom of Information Act; and rebuild the intelligence
agencies and improve their technical and clandestine
(continued on page 2)
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Casey Keporis onrIntelllgence4/11/01
(continued from page 1)
collection, analysis, counterintelligence and capabilities
to contribute to the national interest and security in the
international area.
"Just last week the President signed legislation
exempting CIA's operational files from Freedom of Infor-
mation requests," he noted. "The Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board is functioning effectively; Identities legis-
lation has been enacted into law. With the approval of
the 1985 budget, we have in hand the resources
needed to complete over 80 percent of a five-year pro-
gram to rebuild from the 40 percent reduction in funding
and the 50 percent reduction in personnel which the
Intelligence Community suffered during the '70s."
He thanked AFIO for its stout support in this endea-
vor through legislative and media efforts to bring about
public understanding of the proper role of intelligence.
Casey also expressed his appreciation to those AFIO
members who had recommended highly motivated and
qualified young people for employment. Among these
recent recruits, he said, are those who will be the future
leaders of U.S. intelligence.
The DCI observed that the Intelligence Community
"has never been in better shape." The Community has
rebounded from the cuts of the 1970s, a new Headquar-
ters building has been completed for DIA and one is
under construction at CIA. "A bigger budget. Improved
morale. I think we are fit, healthy, and have rededicated
ourselves to the Community-wide exercise of excel-
lence," he said. He assured intelligence veterans who,
like he, had been around at the birth of our national
intelligence service, that in today's service they will find
the familiar commitment and dedication, willingness to
challenge conventional wisdom, sound analysis and
effective collection. Today, as in those early years, Casey
observed, there is a "can do spirit" in the Intelligence
What has changed, he said, is a broadening of the
scope of intelligence targets: "Today, many of this coun-
try's enemies operate mostly underground, dealing with
drugs, terror, and blueprints, as well as weapons and
subversion across international borders and wherever
instability-and revolution can be fermented or generated."
For twenty years, he noted, the world has seen the
Soviets and their proxies spreading "wars of national
liberation" and building bases in Afghanistan, Angola,
Vietnam, Ethiopia, Cuba and Nicaragua from which
further attacks are being made today against Pakistan,
El Salvador, Sudan, Kampuchea and elsewhere. "But
for the last few years there has been a difference.
Whereas in the 1960s and 1970s anti-Western causes
attracted recruits throughout the Third World, the 1980s
have emerged as the decade of guerrillas resisting
Communist regimes. Today in Afghanistan, Angola,
Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Nicaragua, thousands of ordi-
nary people are volunteers in irregular wars against the
Soviet Army or Soviet-supported regimes. More than a
quarter of a million people have taken up arms against
Communist oppression in these countries."
Casey cautioned, however, that the Soviets con-
tinue to exploit opportunities in the Third World. The
KGB and its allied intelligence services, he said, con-
tinue to work together "to steal our technology, to dam-
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age our reputation, to divide us from our friends, to
destabilize, subvert and overthrow governments friendly
to us." He stressed the importance of identifying and
countering the KGB's planted rumors, forgeries, agents
of influence and kept press and radio.
Another measure receiving new focus, said the
DCI, is the development of a worldwide counterterror-
ism network which has thwarted many terrorist attacks
and effected rescue operations throughout the world.
Another concern, he noted, is the steady flow of drugs
into the United States. "Some of the huge amounts of
money being made in drugs are used to finance terror-
ists and revolutionary political groups around the world."
Of enhanced importance, said Casey, is determin-
ing the state of Soviet technology and its potential for
military and strategic surprise. "The Soviets are making
remarkable progress and they are doing it with our
help." Explaining the challenge, he looked back to 1981
when the Agency organized the Technology Transfer
Assessment Center. The Center documented the in-
creased power, accuracy, precision and sophistication of
Soviet weaponry. "All this," he said, "has come from the
acquisition and use of our technology to a much greater
extent than we had ever dreamed." Casey pointed to
some recent successes in the intelligence community's
efforts to block Soviet collection of Western high tech-
nology secrets. "Over the last year and a half well over
150 Soviet agents, most of them engaged in technology
theft, have been arrested or expelled or defected in well
over 20 countries around the world. Successes have
also been achieved in recovering stolen technology,
blocking shipments, and breaking up the technology
smuggling rings."
Intelligence production is up to new levels as well,
noted the DCI. "A great deal was heard about the purg-
ing of the clandestine apparatus in the late 1970s. Less
well known is the massive departure of professionals
from the analytical side of the CIA during that same
period; Nearly half of our analysts left between 1977
and 1981."
The strength of the analytical corps has been re-
stored and the quality of its work improved, he reported.
National estimates have grown from the low point of
only 12 during 1980 to over 50 a year. To this yearly
tally, Casey said, can be added some 25 other major
intelligence assessments, 1,000 major research pro-
jects and a regular stream of publications to aid policy
Unlike the earlier days of intelligence, noted Casey,
today there is a closer scrutiny of intelligence activities.
In the public eye the Agency has maintained its reputa-
tion for integrity, confidentiality, reliability and security-
evidenced by over 150,000 applicants last year-despite
a drumbeat of media criticism.
"With few exceptions," the DCI said, "the highly
publicized charges made against the CIA during the
mid-70s, turned out to be false. The charges were on
the front pages and their refutation buried away so that
few people noted them. This ordeal was terminated by
leaders in the Congress who spoke up and declared that
the Intelligence Community had indeed been libeled and
traduced. Out of this came a Congressional oversight
process that assures that special activities in the cycle of
intelligence are known and scrutinized by elective legis-
lators responsible directly to the people."
ApgIfjd&e'I&e 2004/11/01: ClnrFt[qi61 R%6(9?-Td day. In succes
sion, member's' heard t e genera report, delivered by
AFIO's 10th annual convention was held October
19-20 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Rockville, Maryland.
Close to 300 members, spouses and guests were in
Following opening remarks by Colonel Bruce K.
Baumgardner (USAF-RET), convention chairman, the
gavel was turned over to Major General Richard X. Lar-
kin (USA-Ret), president of AFIO, for opening remarks.
The initial session focused on the "eyes and ears"
of intelligence, with a discussion of reconnaissance
intelligence. Chairing the first panel with Lieutenant
General Eugene F. Tighe, Jr. (USAF-Ret). A fact-filled
slide presentation by Dino A. Brugioni was followed by
an informative interchange between Arthur C. Lundahl,
founder of the National Photo Interpretation Center,
Brugioni and LG Tighe.
The theme continued with a description of Soviet
reconnaissance and space programs by Marcia S. Smith,
a specialist in aerospace systems at the Library of Con-
gress, and a luncheon speech by The Hon. Tidal W.
McCoy, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force and a long-
time member of AFIO. The future of intelligence was the
agenda for the afternoon seminar, which featured
Admiral Thomas H. Moorer (USN-Ret), a member of the
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; Lieute-
nant General James A. Abrahamson, USAF, the Direc-
tor of the Strategic Defensive Initiative Organization,
OSD; and moderator General Richard G. Stillwell (USA-
Ret), Deputy Undersecretary of Defense/Policy.
The evening featured the acclaimed Canadian pro-
duction, "The KGB Connection," graciously rented for
the occasion by Keystone Chapter President Terry Foster.
The annual AFIO business meeting, moderated by
W. Raymond Wannall, Chairman of the Board of Direc-
Important to this relationship, said Casey, is to
maintain public and policymaker confidence in not only
the quality, but in the integrity of intelligence assess-
"For that we depend on the integrity of our analysts
in a process which is designed and operated to assure
that all substantiated points of view are heard, consi-
dered, and reflected in estimates. Nearly all our assess-
ments go to the two Congressional oversight committees
whose members are in a position to detect any bias. All
estimates are reviewed by the chiefs of all the compo-
nents of the Intelligence Community sitting together as
the Board of Estimates. They are encouraged and
charged to provide the judgments developed in their
components, and to stake out dissenting views."
Commenting on a recent estimate which the media
claims to have been slanted, Casey noted that half the
Board held one view, the remainder another. "Each
view was spelled out on the first page of the estimate."
In elaborating, the DCI noted that such assessments are
not carried out in an ivory tower atmosphere. "The
debates and clash of ideas sometimes are rough. No
one's views-from the Director to the newest analyst-
are protected from challenge and criticism. It is not a
place for delicate egos or mediocrity or people with a
special agenda. But out of that process, despite its
imperfections, comes the best, the most comprehensive,
most objective intelligence reporting in the world; And
Wannall; the recently-audited financial report by Robert
J. Novak, AFIO Treasurer; the legislative report, submit-
ted by Dr. Walter L. Pforzheimer; and the Resolutions
Committee recommendations, delivered by its chair-
man, Lawrence R. Houston. Following discussion and
passage of the resolutions, Captain Richard W. Bates
(USN-Ret) explained election procedures and the amend-
ments being submitted to the membership. Final ballots
were cast by members who had not voted by mail.
The luncheon speaker was Representative Henry J.
Hyde (R-III), sponsor of legislation to create a joint com-
mittee for intelligence oversight. Hyde, a former member
of Naval Intelligence, proved to be a fervant supporter of
the intelligence process.
The final intensive seminar session in the after-
noon dealt with the role of intelligence in combating
terrorism. Moderated by Phil Nicolaides of Accuracy in
Media, panel contributors were: noted author and jour-
nalist Arnaud deBorchgrave; David Whipple, National
Intelligence Officer-Counter Terrorism, CIA; Kenneth
Maxwell, Supervisor Agent, FBI; Security consultant
Howard T. Bane; and Joel Lisker, Chief Counsel of the
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Senate Judiciary Com-
The convention concluded with a reception and
banquet. Prior to the banquet attendees were enter-
tained with a concert by the U.S. Air Force Band and
emotional opening ceremonies by the Joint Services
Color Guard. The guest speaker was The Hon. William J.
Casey, Director of Central Intelligence.
The results of the annual elections were announced
by Major General Larkin, who also delivered closing
remarks and an invitation to attend the 11th Annual
Convention to be held in the Washington area 18-19
October 1985.
our critics keep it that way."
The DCI made note of the encouragement, under-
standing and support the Intelligence Community has
received from AFIO. "You have implemented the theme
of your tenth annual convention here, 'The Eyes and
Ears of the Free World,' in so many ways with your
interest and constant encouragement, support for our
recruiting, our legislative deeds, the way you managed
to take the sting out of the news stories when we felt
helplessly maligned-for all that we are most grateful."
Casey's thanks also included a voluntary tasking: "I ask
each of you to exploit any avenue open to you to help
find the superior quality people we need, and to encour-
age them to consider an intelligence career. Here you
can, and have helped us enormously."
He concluded with a personal note. "Finally I would
say that these years as Director of Central Intelligence
have been a rich and gratifying exerience for me. I am
honored to serve with the dedicated officers who are
carrying on a fine tradition of quality, hard work and
commitment that many of you here started. Today as a
nation we are facing up to some hard realities-realities
that a democratic society often finds it difficult to
acknowledge. We have rebuilt our defenses as well as
our intelligence service. These twin pillars, if backed by a
national will to remain prepared, will ensure the peace
and preserve our freedom."
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AFI p~i'a es ounty corer was concerned about recruiting human
(continued from page 1) agents to collect intelligence on intent that can now only
seeking enemy targets, to the U-2 and satellites. Des-
cribing the development of the U-2 for overflying the
USSR, some of the pictures of that era were shown.
Brugioni and Lundahl highlighted the use of photo
reconnaissance for the Cuban missile crisis in which
they both were involved, illustrating the presentation
with photos and adding recollections of meetings with
the President.
Briefly touching on satellite photography, they noted
the different type sensors used for unclassified imaging
that enhance economic information and geologic ex-
Brugioni mentioned the use of photography for his-
torical and disaster evaluation purposes. The latter was
discussed by Tighe citing reconnaissance of Alaska after
the big earthquake. With communications out, SAC was
concerned about their installations. Photo flights were
ordered which were directed to cover non-military areas
as well.
The information from these flights enabled a rapid
assessment to be made of the disaster extent, resulting
in major aid being rapidly sent to the civilian areas by the
Brugioni's historical research has led to writing
articles for many publications, including for the Wash-
ington Post on the Holocaust. He uses unclassified and
unexploited German photography in the archives such
as taken during the Battles of Stalingrad, Leningrad and
Moscow and of Western Europe. Unclassified allied
photography on German preparations for the invasion of
England, of bombing targets like I.G. Farben and of others
also exists.
The session concluded with Marcia Smith of the
Library of Congress presenting a run-down of the Soviet
space program, with information they launch far more
vehicles than we do although their interplanetary effort
has been less successful.
At least 70 percent of their vehicles are military and
others believed combinations. One manned launch was
solely military when it was noted the telemetry used
military rather than civilian channels.
Smith also went into the Soviet anti-satellite (ASAT)
program. Although there has been extensive reporting
on Soviet ASAT testing, only one publication has noted
apparently two different systems are being tested.
The nature of the second is currently unknown, but
has been tested twice in conjunction with the manned
Salyut program. She cited Soviet concern about ASAT
developments because all their military satellites are
readily subject to current ASAT weapons, while our
early warning and communications satellites are pres-
ently invulnerable because they are in geostationary
orbits. Of significance, she noted a Soviet laser system
under development with potential anti-satellite conno-
The afternoon was dedicated to the future of intelli-
gence featuring a panel moderated by Gen Richard
Stilwell, (USA-Ret), Deputy Under Secretary of Defense/
Policy; with Adm Thomas Moorer, (USN-Ret), a member
of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board;
and Lt. Gen James Abramson, USAF, Director of the
Strategic Defense Initiative Organization.
be inferred from technical intelligence systems. He said,
during the Carter presidency, Stansfield Turner elimi-
nated many experienced personnel, substituting young
people just out of college.
These were not persons who command respect
and confidence from foreign leaders with whom contacts
must be made to gain insider information. He noted
many seasoned analytical personnel also departed during
Turner's regime. Moorer described Turner as a highly
educated Navy officer who spent much timeattending
schools-"He was-educated beyond his competence.",
Abrahamson discussed the "Star Wars" program in
detail, stating much is now only conceptual; the end
result can only be envisioned. Considered of importance
is incorporating in it a real time, 24-hour intelligence
surveillance system to allow constant verification of the
status of any potential enemy.
He sees the system as stabilizing, while basing our
defense solely on deterrence as unstable. Many compo-
nents of the perceived system are already being devel-
oped, but integration into a workable defense system is
still to come. This program was also discussed by Fri-
day's luncheon speaker, Assistant Secretary of the Air
Force Tidal McCoy.
Stillwell noted legislative changes being considered
in Congress including in the intelligence committee
structure, in part resulting from recent politicization in
the current committees. It is believed that, to truly work,
intelligence must not be influenced by partisan politics.
Congress is also considering altering the intelli-
gence leadership structure, i.e. to require the Director of
Central Intelligence to be a professional. This topic was
expanded on by Saturday's luncheon speaker, Rep.
Henry Hyde (R-III), who recalled recent disclosure of
intelligence information and the reports of changes in
reports for political purposes. Hyde is a sponsor of such
A made-for-TV movie on the KGB, paid for by ABC
and produced by Canadians but later dropped by ABC,
was shown the evening of the 19th. Running two hours,
it had a tremendous impact on those that saw it, even
though many were familiar with that service.
Current operations of the KGB and associated ser-
vices, particularly the Czech and Cuban, were noted with
defectors from both services discussing their operations.
In particular, a Czech named Bittman who ran the
disinformation section for their service, told of how the
media is used, and cited a publication in which he was
a major author and a story that has been used long
after his defection, e.g. by NBC news, to identify a per-
son as a CIA agent, which Bittman said had been a
false identification.
The former Cuban DGI official told how the Ven-
ceremos brigades invited to Cuba were used to recruit
potential agents, as well as train those already commit-
ted in various acts of sabotage. A former Weather
Underground member confirmed the-story.
A Soviet KGB defector, now in Canada, told of "wet
operations," sabotage and assassination. He had been
sent as an "illegal" to Canada with two purposes, to kill
Igor Gouzenko, a Soviet who defected right after World
War II, and to become emplaced in Edmonton where he
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Convention Adopts Resolutions Concerning Vital Issues
In addition to the resolution to amend the Articles of
Incorporation, discussed separately in this issue, the
Tenth Annual Convention adopted four resolutions. One
expressed the organization's appreciation for the work
of the retiring chairmen of the congressional oversight
committees. The others addressed important national
issues. The adopted resolutions are:
Resolution of Appreciation. Whereas Senator Barry Goldwater
is retiring from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence where he
has served as Member, Vice Chairman, and, since 1981, as Chairman;
Whereas Congressman Edward P. Boland is retiring from the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, of which he has
served as Chairman since the Committee's inception in 1977; and
Whereas both of these distinguished legislators have served with
distinction and with the single-minded purpose of strengthening the
Intelligence Community of the United States through appropriate Con-
gressional oversight and the authorizing and passing of wise legislation;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Association of Former Intel-
ligence Officers in convention assembled on October 20, 1984,
expresses its deep appreciation for their dedicated service to the cause
of Intelligence in America, and awards to each the Association's Certif-
icate of Appreciation.
Resolution on a Congressional Joint Committee on Intelli-
gence. Whereas there has been a steady erosion of the ability ade-
quately to protect classified information relating to intelligence; and
Whereas major steps have been taken in the last decade to
strengthen structures which have oversight of the U.S. Intelligence
Community, in particular by the creation of the Senate Select Commit-
tee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, comprising a total of twenty-nine Members and fifty-nine
staff members; and
Whereas in the interest of security of intelligence information
responsible Members of the Congress have urged the abolition of the
two Congressional intelligence oversight committees and the creation
of a single Joint Intelligence Committee of the Congress, smaller both
in number of Members and staff than the present mechanism;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Association of Former Intel-
ligence Officers in convention assembled on October 20, 1984,
endorses and supports the efforts of those Members of the Senate and
the House of Representatives who are endeavoring to establish one
Congressional Joint Committee on Intelligence in lieu of the two
Select Committees on Intelligence now extant.
Resolution on Amendments to Federal Tort Claims Act.
Whereas the Federal Tort Claims Act, since the 1971 Supreme Court
decision in Bivins vs. Six Unknown Narcotics Agents, now makes
government employees personally liable instead of the government for
actions taken in good faith within the scope of their authority and duty;
Resolution on MIA/POW. Whereas the President of the United
States has reaffirmed the promise of the American people to their
military forces to be cared for and accounted for in battle; and
Whereas full and complete information concerning prisoners of
war, military and civilian personnel missing in action, and the remains
of American personnel participating in the Vietnam War has not been
made available to the United States Government; and
Whereas such lack of accounting continues to cause mental
anguish and deep concern to relatives and to all Americans; and
Whereas principles of international law and simple humanitarian
concepts demand that such information be made available;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Association of Former Intel-
ligence Officers in convention assembled on October 20, 1984, urges
continuing high priority efforts of the Intelligence Community to collect
accurate information concerning the remains of military and civilian
personnel missing in Southeast Asia and the location of any such
personnel still detained against their wills in Southeast Asia, and
further urges the United States Government to take action on this
would be available to sabotage Canadian oil fields in
event of a crisis.
Saturday afternoon saw a discussion of the role of
intelligence in fighting terrorism. The panel for this con-
sisted of David Whipple of CIA; Kenneth Maxwell of the
FBI; Howard Bane, retired from the CIA and now an
industrial consultant; Joel Lisker, Chief Counsel of the
Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism; and
Arnaud DeBorchgrave, author and prize-winning for-
eign correspondent.
The professionals stated the need in any anti-
terrorism campaign to penetrate the terrorist organiza-
tion. This is very difficult and, in the US, is hampered by
restrictions placed on the FBI and local police in follow-
ing apparent dissident organizations before they engage
in terrorism. Later, they become difficult to locate, much
Whereas since 1971 over 2,300 "Bivins" lawsuits, many with
multiple defendants totaling up to 10,000 employees, have been filed,
and less than 20 have resulted in money judgments; and
Whereas in publicly supporting proposed amendments to the Act
the Department of Justice has declared the majority of these suits to
be trivial and vindictive; and
Whereas the current legislation has a chilling and stifling effect
on employees of the Congress, regulatory agencies, investigative
agencies and other Government bodies under its provisions; and
Whereas the proposed legislative amendments would not remove
a citizen's legal recourse if wronged by the Government but would
curb harassing actions, increase legitimate plaintiffs' recoveries by
encouraging settlements by the Government, and reduce the Govern-
ment's litigation costs;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Association of Former Intel-
ligence Officers in convention assembled on October 20, 1984, urges
the Congress to pass legislation which will make the Federal Govern-
ment the sole party defendant instead of the individual employee in
such suits.
less penetrate, and anti-terrorism measures amount to
only counting bodies after the fact. There have been
successes, but they are limited.
The convention ended with a banquet at which the
Director of Central Intelligence, William Casey, spoke.
His speech was an overview of the status of intelligence
in our country, emphasizing changes in CIA.
He stated there had been a need for rebuilding field
collection by humans vis-a-vis the technical, and en-
hancing further the analytical side. There are still prob-
lems in our relations with foreign services, a hangover
from the Church committee which resulted in continued
leaks of not only information but included sources and
methods jeopardizing personnel.
[By permission Wheaton News.]
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Some Results
(Fourth in a three-part series)
by Richard W. Bates,
Member of AFIO's Board of Directors
The results of the voting at the 1984 convention
were gratifying to me. The best thing about the election
was the participation. We received over 400 ballots by
mail. Add to those the ballots cast at the convention and
the grand total was 431, or 10% of the total member-
ship. As I commented at the business session, I believe
that's the highest percentage of membership voting for
any election except the first when all five members met
in Dave Phillips' bedroom.
The changes to the Articles of Incorporation and the
By-Laws carried almost unanimously, 429 to 2. Using
the new authority contained in those changes to allow
the Board to designate length of terms of office, the new
Board took action to establish a proper rotation of the
Elected 198
Terms expires 198
Air Force
Marine Corps
Of the newly elected Board members, the following
will serve until 1987: John Davis, Lee Echols, Sam
Halpern, Dick Larkin, Gene Tighe, Walter Pforzheimer
and John Warner.
Larry Houston, Lou Tordella and Ray Wannall will
serve two year terms until 1986.
Jack Thomas, our new Chairman, will serve one
year until 1985.
The attached chart will give you the status of the
complete Board. Note that in 1985 we will have six
terms expire and seven slots to fill. This is simply the
increase from twenty to twenty-one of the total number
allowed by the new Articles.
For those who voted, the Board appreciates your
Status of the Board of Directors
Please report errors in this tabulation to John Greany.
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John Greaney
Introduces Chapter Reps
Bill Buhl
Central New York Chapter
Andy Ferguson
Suncoast Chapter (FL)
Terry Foster Howard Furst Bill Hood
Keystone Chapter (PA) Orange County Chapter (CA) Greater New York Chapter
Jack Kuritzky
Satellite Chapter (FL)
Eileen Scott
San Diego Chapter (CA)
Fred Lewton
Cleveland Chapter (OH)
Michael Speers
New England Chapter
George Wiggins
Arizona Chapter
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rocee ings
(Right) Listening are Board mem-
bers Dick Bates and Larry Hous-
ton as Walter Pforzheimer, mem-
ber of the Board, delivers the
legislative report
(Below Left) Panelist LG James
Abrahamson with Board mem-
ber Gene Tighe and incoming
Board Chairman Jack Thomas
(Below Right) Outgoing Presi-
dent Dick Larkin presiding
(Left) Reporting on the year's
achievements are Bob Brown,
Treasurer; Ray Wannall, outgoing
Board Chairman; and Sherry
Engrav, Secretary
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(Above) Discussing the future
of intelligence, panelists Gen.
Richard G. Stillwell, Adml.
Thomas H. Moorer and LG
James A. Abrahamson
(Right) Coping with terrorism
are panelists Howard Bane, NIO
David Whipple, SSA Kenneth
Maxwell and Joel Lisker
(Left) Discussing the political
aspects of terrorism are panel
moderator Phil Nicolaides and
author-journalist Arnaud
(Below) Panelists Marcia S.
Smith, Arthur C. Lundahl and
Dino A. Brugioni discuss recon-
naissance intelligence
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Dave Phillips, Gene Tighe and Lyman Kirkpatrick
Sammy Snider congratulates Bruce Baumgardner
John Greaney with DCI William J. Casey
Mrs. John M. Maury and John Davis
Ray Wannall aApd provedl o I eIe st 2004/11/01 :CIA-RA%-UCj1ry5 6Ub''OO%b1erft guest Will Nelson
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Walter L. Pf, rg,~LL L
In 1966/67, the Congress passed what we know
as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This was sup-
plemented by the amendments of 1974. Despite the
exemptions that were included in those statutes to cover
national security information and intelligence sources
and methods, problems arose with the Intelligence
Community. In particular, there was the serious impres-
sion at home and abroad that intelligence source identi-
ties, both from foreign liaison as well as individual
sources, could not be protected properly from exposure
under FOIA.
Beyond this, the time and money spent, particularly
in cases where it was known that the information
searched could not be released under the FOIA exemp-
tions, was very great. In 1981, Senator John Chafee of
Rhode Island, a member of the Senate Select Commit-
tee on Intelligence, said that DDCI Frank Carlucci had
testified that CIA devoted 115 man-years to FOIA, and
that DIA required nine people for ten months on one
FOIA case alone. He added that the FBI was receiving
60 FOIA requests a day, and that CIA needed 4 man-
years, for seventeen months-at a cost of $300,000--to
conduct and review the requests of just one person,
Philip Agee. Most of the requested material proved
As early as 1977, a Senate subcommittee took tes-
timony on the FOIA burden on CIA, with no result. In
1979, the DDCI testified forcefully on the subject before
the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
stating that FOIA "is seriously damaging our ability to do
our job." Several bills were introduced in the 1979-80
timeframe, one of which would have exempted desig-
nated files of all U.S. intelligence agencies, while another
was limited to designated files of CIA only. None
In 1983, DDCI John McMahon testified that CIA
had spent $21,000,000 on FOIA requests since the sta-
tute was enacted, receiving a mere $76,000 in fees for
the material released. In 1983, CIA alone had 56 full-
time positions allocated to FOIA, and had expended 128
man-years involving over 200 people. There have now
been about 300 FOIA court cases against CIA, all but
one of which CIA has won on non-release of requested
information. One case remains in appeal.
In 1981, new legislation was introduced by Senator
John Chafee (R-RI) and Chairman Barry Goldwater (R-
AZ) of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
(SSCI), which would exempt certain files of Government
intelligence agencies from search, review or disclosure
under any provision of law. Testimony was heard from
such witnesses as DDCI Admiral Bobby Inman, NSA
Director Lieutenant General Lincoln Faurer, then Dep-
uty Director of DIA Major General Richard X. Larkin
(who has just completed his second year as President of
AFIO), and AFIO's then President John M. Maury,
accompanied by AFIO Legal Adviser John S. Warner.
The AFIO testimony went further than the pro-
posals before the Committee, in that it urged complete
exemption from the provisions of FOIA for CIA, NSA and
the FBI, and such other intelligence components as the
President might designate. Admiral Inman also urged
total exemption. Unfortunately, this legislation failed of
In 1983, Chairman Goldwater of SSCI introduced a
new bill (S. 1324)to grant certain new FOIA exemptions
for CIA alone. Basically, this bill provides that, with a
view to protecting intelligence sources and methods.
from unauthorized disclosure, operational files of CIA's
Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology
and the Office of Security, if specifically designated by
the DCI, shall be exempt from the provisions of FOIA
which require publication or disclosure, or search or
review in response to FOIA requests.
CIA witnesses appeared in support of this bill
(which also had the support of the ACLU!). Testimony
was presented in support by General Larkin as Presi-
dent of AFIO, accompanied by John Warner and the
writer. AFIO again urged, as it had in 1981, that CIA,
NSA, the FBI, as well as other intelligence components
of the Government designated by the President, be
completely exempted from FOIA. It was obvious that our
proposal fell on deaf ears. In fact, the members of SSCI
made it clear that not even the more limited provisions
of Chairman Goldwater's bill would be extended beyond
CIA. In light of this position, AFIO then endorsed S.
In considering S. 1324, the Committee supported
its provisions, in part to alleviate the length of time
required by CIA for needless search and review in reply
to FOIA requests. By 1983, FOIA requests to CIA were
so heavy that the Agency had almost a three year back-
log in answering. Of the FOIA lawsuits pending against
CIA at that time, about 60% of them would not have
occurred under the provisions of S. 1324.
The Senate passed S. 1324 in November 1983, and
it was sent to the House where Hearings were then held
by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelli-
gence (HPSCI). HPSCI reported out the legislation in a
new bill, H.R. 5164, in May 1984. Under the House
rules, the Government Information, Justice and Agricul-
ture [sic] Subcommittee of the House Committee on
Government Operations requested that the bill be
referred to them as the committee with primary jurisdic-
tion over FOIA. The Chaiman of the Subcommittee,
Representative English (D-OK), had one amendment in
particular, government-wide in its FOIA application,
which he wished to tack on. It provides that no agency
shall rely on any exemption in the Privacy Act to with-
hold from an individual any record which is otherwise
accessible to the individual under FOIA. In other words,
it would bar pleading the Privacy Act under the (b) (3)
FOIA exemption. Since CIA had never entered such a
pleading, it had no problems accepting this or the other
changes made by the House Committee.
In September, after being assured that both CIA
and the SSCI would accept these changes, Representa-
tive English released the bill to the House floor, where it
was passed. The Senate then agreed unanimously to
the House version on 28 September. The President
signed the bill into law on 15 October 1984.
Some relief was now at hand.
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Former CIA General Counsel Notes from the Board Room
Lauds Private Sector Attorneys
The legal ramifications of intelligence activities
have, over the years, been infinitely varied and often of a
novel and perplexing nature. In coping with such prob-
lems, one aspect that has not, I believe, received suit-
able recognition has been the contribution of lawyers in
private practice.
in many instances, it was essential to call on such
outside counsel to protect operational cover and to make
sure that the hand of the U.S. Government did not
show. In my many years as CIA's General Counsel, only
once did I approach a lawyer for help and not receive
instant willingness to be of any possible help.
The examples of those who aided are far too many
to think of listing, but I am reminded of it by the death
recently of one outside lawyer who probably contributed
more help than any other, Henry M. Marx of New York. I
had known Henry before World War II and found that a
telephone call was enough to get his immediate and
imaginative aid.
As an example, years ago we were frustrated in
attempts to get a considerable sum of money out of a
country with blocked currency. Henry was able to make
almost complete recovery through his knowledge of and
contacts in the arbitrage business.
Another example: During one of our first really
large operations, Frank Wisner called me on a Saturday
to warn that the opposition was getting desperate for
funds and might try to draw out money on deposit in this
country. He asked me to do something to prevent it.
My calls found Henry on the West Coast; he recog-
nized the problem and said he was returning to New
York on Sunday. On Monday he called to advise that, in
the name of our client, he had tied up every bank having
the deposits. He had cautioned them that allowing such
withdrawals would be at their financial peril. It worked
The Marx firm was counsel for Radio Free Europe,
whose many problems were handled mainly by Henry's
partner, Dick Greenlee, an OSS veteran. For this and
other services, Greenlee was awarded an intelligence
medal posthumously.
Since both are now dead, I think it is proper to
recognize their outstanding service. This is not in any
way to denigrate the contributions of others like the late
James B. Donovan, who negotiated the Powers-Abel
exchange in East Berlin and the release of the Cuban
prisoners from Cuba after the Bay of Pigs.
Also, and equally important, was the contribution of
the many other outside lawyers whose work cannot yet
be discussed. Of course they were usually paid for their
work-in fact we instructed them to charge their normal
fees-but in many instances they did not charge, or
reduced their fees, out of sheer patriotism.
In any case, without their enthusiastic willingness
to help, their professional skill and their imaginative
handling of the problems we set, CIA would have been
in dire straits on many, many occasions.
There were two Board of Directors meetings held at
the AFIO Convention. The first meeting was convened
on October 19, 1984 at 1700 hours at the Crowne Plaza
Hotel, Rockville, Maryland, with Mr. Ray Wannall,
Chairman, presiding. There were 14 members present
and the 4 absent members were represented by proxy.
The main item of business was discussion and
acceptance of the Resolutions to be presented to the
membership for approval at the Business Session on
Saturday morning.
Mr. Novak, Treasurer, reported conclusion of the
recent audit of AFIO and provided a financial statement
(printed elsewhere in this Periscope). The proposed
budget for Fiscal Year 1984-1985 (September 1 -
August 31) was presented, discussed and approved.
Mr. Wannall informed the Board that the Election
Committee consisted of three members, Captain Robert
Dowd, USN(Ret.), Mrs. Helen Kleyla and Mr. Michael
Speers, with Captain Dowd serving as Chairman.
The meeting was adjourned at 1840 hours.
The second Board meeting was convened at 1600
hours, October 20, with Vice Chairman John F. Blake
presiding. There were 17 members present. The Board
determined the terms to be served by the newly-elected
members according to the formula previously agreed
upon (see election article elsewhere in this Periscope).
The Board elected MajGen Jack E. Thomas, USAF(Ret)
as Chairman of the Board; Dr. Louis W. Tordella, Vice
Chairman; Mr. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, President; Mr.
Lloyd George Wiggins, Vice President; Mrs. Charlotta P.
Engrav, Secretary; and Mr. Robert J. Novak, Treasurer.
The Board also approved retaining Mr. John K.Greaney
as Executive Director and Gretchen A. Campbell as
Administrative Assistant. It was proposed, and the Board
approved, setting the dates for future conventions as the
third Friday and Saturday in October of each year.
The meeting was adjourned at 1705 hours. Submit-
ted by Secretary, Charlotta P. Engrav.
Mark Your Calendar
Guest Speaker:
Syndicated Columnist
and News Analyst
December 7, 1984
Bolling AFB
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g oved ` Reis 21 4/11/01 : CI heroes lying t e exc ange of sto0n commodities and goods
n the Intelp
developed into a massive redistribution system outside the planned
Current books of interest to intelligence buffs and
watchers of the world scene. All reviews are by AF/O
members except when otherwise noted.
/ Documenting Totalitarian Documentation
The Other Establishment, by Thomas B. Smith, Chicago: Regnery-
Gateway, 1984.
Thomas B. Smith has performed a graphic autopsy on the perva-
sive system of personal documentation which enables the Soviet hier-
archs to control the population of the USSR. The text is liberally
supported by photographs of exemplars which are analyzed and pre-
sented in the detailed context of their intended use.
The basic Soviet identity document-the PASPORT, the residence
registration document-the PROPISKA, the work booklet and military
reserve documents-VOYENNYY BILET, combine to put the Soviet
citizen in a web of controls from which there is no extrication.
Although others have alluded to the mechanism, none before Smith
have developed fully the relationships among the documents, the laws
and every Soviet citizen.
Where others have suggested that a long-term objective of the
Soviet state is socialist homogeneity, ethnic categories, e.g. "Jew,"
"Armenian," "Gypsy," etc., are scrupulously noted on each individu-
al's PASPORT, thereby obviating any pretense of non-discrimination
towards the ethnic components of the population. Other categories
include the individual's "social position," as "worker," "student."
peasant," and such.
The enforcement role of the MILITSIYA is set forth with great
clarity as are the regulations regarding the work place which emanate
from the CPSU-controlled All-Union Central Union of Professional
Unions. (Changes in Soviet law which have come into being within the
last year now include information regarding one's "work place" as
classified information within the meaning of newly-defined espionage
The maintenance of current personnel records on this Olympian
scale (i.e., all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, adoptions, etc.)
requires a gargantuan system of vital records organizations, beginning
at the village level and culminating in the central registry in Moscow
(referred to as ZAGS). ZAGS operates under the supervision, read
control, of the MVD in the Ministry of Justice, thereby insuring easy
and prompt intervention in all political and criminal matters at every
Theft, misuse and the forging of these varied documents are
major criminal offenses, some of which can result in "the most severe
penalty," death, being imposed on the malefactor. The severity of
punishments, the labor intensiveness of the document controls, the
extended presence of the MILITSIYA and the MVD, the exhaustive
military record system, the imperatives of the work book and the resi-
dence document make it difficult to regard these population controls
as anything less than absolute.
Despite the wholesale resources devoted to the problem, the sys-
tem is proving itself less effective than thought previously. The princi-
pal source of this startling disclosure is Vitaliy Fedorchuk, former
Chairman of the KGB and more recently the Minister of Justice. Inter-
views with Fedorchuk, in which he concedes the rising tide of crime in
the USSR, have been published in recent months.
The scope of the ZAGS' holdings, the number of police and offi-
cials who check, examine, demand and issue the documents suggest
that only an occasional crime of extreme desperation could occur
within the system. Yet, there is Fedorchuk's admission of a growing
porosity in the hermetic shroud of control documents. The cause of
Fedorchuk's dilemma is a sixty year old technique of corruption
imposed on the populace at the time of Lenin's New Economic Plan of
1924. The central planners of the NEP set unattainable goals in every
area of Soviet economy. Failure to meet, if not exceed, these unreal
objectives, automatically made the citizens into criminals liable to
"white" death in the coercive labor camps or "red" death in the shoot-
ing prisons.
Having long experience with life under despots, various ways of
misrepresenting production were adopted by the citizenry as life-
saving maneuvers. Adulteration (kerosene in lubricating oil), falsifica
tion of weights and measures (rocks in the wheat) and complex barter
Since Lenin, an ever increasing percentage of Soviet citizens owe
their not very elevated standard of living to the existence of economic
corruption which necessarily involves the MILITSIYA, the MVD, plant
managers, housewives and professional blackmarketeers operating to
provide the everyday essentials which are not otherwise available.
The practice of gaining the collusion of the representatives of
authority through bribery is referred to as "tufta." From the Soviet
citizen's perspective, the process of exchanging premiums for the
permissions and products which cannot be had by other means is an
ordinary, daily experience.
Fedorchuk's remarks are reflective of the most serious and
immediate menace to the present day leadership. Tutta at every level
has, for example, made the useful manipulation of Soviet government
statistics impossible. With decades of falsifications compounding
annually in the various ministries, no vestige of reality remains. In the
same way, it must be evident that the laboriously constructed control
document system suffers from the same corruption.
The Other Establishment is a most valuable contribution to the
literature of the USSR, especially since it bears on a little understood
control mechanism which has been in widespread use for many
decades. The book is a detailed exposition of the ways in which links of
paper are forged into chains of control. The Other Establishment is
recommended to the professional reader.
Robert T. Crowley
[Robert T. Crowley is the co-author (with W.R. Corson) of The New
KGB: Engine of Soviet Power to be published in January 1985 by
William Morrow and Company, New York.]
A Flawed Shadow
The Shadow Warriors: OSS and the Origins of the C;A by Bradley F.
Smith. New York: Basic Books, 1983, 507 pp., $20.75
This is a work of considerable scholarship, supported by fifty-two
pages of detailed notes, and a text crammed with factual material
much of which has only recently become available. this apparently
authentic account is spoiled, to my way of thinking, by the failure of
the author to search out and interview the considerable number of
people still available who have personal knowledge of many of the
events involved, and who, to one degree or another, would modify or
correct Smith's written record. How much this would change the
theme of the book is difficult to assess, but I will give some examples
from my own experience.
But first, a sampling of errors in research, such as this statement
on p. 63: "Using special unvouchered funds made possible by the
military appropriations act of 1940-the first time a president had had
this opportunity ..." There is a long history, going back to the First
Congress under President Washington of Congressional approval of
the use of a "secret fund," "contingent fund," or "unvouchered
funds"-now called "confidential funds"-accounted for only by
voucher in the Executive Branch.
At p. 393, the author says that if a question about Donovan's
organization arose on the Hill, the response was not by an official of
OSS, but by JCS officers. In my short stay in the OSS General Coun-
sel's office in the summer of 1944, I went several times to answer Hill
inquiries, and James Donovan, OSS's General Counsel, also did the
same on numerous occasions. Usually no record was kept; Smith is
not the first intelligence historian to deduce the absence of documen-
tation to mean nothing occurred.
Other minor errors of this sort could be mentioned, but more
important to my way of thinking are discrepancies between recollec-
tion and the record as seen by Smith. In this regard, I will speak only
from my own experience. Smith's account of relations with the British
in Greece is rather misleading, although he is correct on high-level
resentment in London of American criticism of British support of royal-
ist pretensions. But relations in the field were a far different thing.
Wartime intelligence liaison with the British in Cairo was close and
free in 1944 and early 1945. Britain's Special Operations Executive
(SOE) controlled access to Greece by sea, but with its cooperation OSS
ran a considerable fleet of caiques to supply its own operations in
Greece. One British mission which had long been operating in the
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Volos-Larissa area was challenged by the Greek ELAS, which made
off with a supply drop. OSS was requested to provide an American
medical officer to replace the Royal Navy medical officer who had
headed the mission. This was done, and it was this officer who set up
the exchange that freed the whole RAF contingent which the ELAS
had captured at Kalamaki Airport. The exchange was negotiated by my
commanding officer from Cairo under written authority of General
Scobie. Further, as the situation got more desperate, the British had to
remove their intelligence teams from up-country, leaving only the OSS
teams to report. This is quite a different picture from the statement by
Smith that the US Government stood aloof from the British operation.
A more important misconception appears in the final chapter on
post-war developments in the intelligence and covert action fields.
Smith argues that Donovan and his cohorts, together with the public-
ity they brought to OSS-exploits, led to the creation of CIA as the
continuance of OSS.
Contrary to Smith's statement, OSS was not a central intelligence
agency-it lacked the coordinating function, the access to all available
information, and the status such an agency must have. The debate in
the Fall of 1945 was over these points. Donovan was at the Nurem-
berg Trials and played little part. The acceptance of the need for a
centralized peace-time organization, and for the idea that it must be
independent, was due largely to the efforts of Ferdinand Eberstad (in
support of Secretary of the Navy Forrestal), and Robert Lovett, Assis-
tant Secretary of War for Air, neither of whom had been in OSS, and
of Gen. John Magruder who had been left in charge of SSU. Intelli-
gence was the sole concern-covert action was not discussed. The
drafting of the directive which set up CIG was largely the work of Rear
Admiral Sidney Souers, a reservist who was Deputy Director of Naval
Intelligence, who had no OSS connection. Even during the develop-
ment and passage of the National Security Act of 1947, which put CIA
in business, there was no serious consideration of covert action,
which was later assigned to CIA in mid-1948 by an NSC Directive.
These misconceptions, which I can attest as being important,
raise a question as to what the memories of others might have to say
about some other of Smith's judgments and conclusions.
Lawrence R. Houston
[Lawrence R. Houston was Theater Counsel, Mediterranean Theater,
OSS, in 1944 and Deputy Director of OSS, Middle East, 1945. He was
General Counsel of CIG in 1946, and from 1947 to 1973 served as
General Counsel of CIA.]
second cannot be passed to the third without permission of the first.
When that permission is forthcoming the information passed to the
third agency is identical to that given to the second. There is no change
in sourcing.
Another area in which the authors seem a bit at sea is disinfor-
mation which they characterize as "a propaganda attack based on lies,
false accusations and doctored facts." This is regrettable because it
dismisses in almost simplistic terms a very sophisticated technique
which the Soviets have honed to a high degree of efficiency. This sort
of definition is rife throughout the literature-and, in my view, is wrong.
Dezinformatsiya is a Bolshevik corruption of a French intelligence term
which means of or about or concerning information, rather than hav-
ing any inherent mis- or false nature. The technique is the reverse of
propaganda which proceeds from a point source to a broad target.
Disinformation operations proceed from a broad base against a single
or small target, such as a prime minister or his cabinet. The technique
involves providing the target with the same theme or "facts" from as
many and as varied sources as possible using both witting and unwit-
ting agents of influence. The idea is to convince the target to take
some action favorable to the operator by control or manipulation of his
data base. There is no requirement that the themes be false or decep-
tive per se. They can be, but they also may be true. If we persist in
limiting our concept of disinformation to crude forgeries we risk failing
to recognize and counter some of the truly sophisticated disinformation.
The authors note that the overall status of counterintelligence
information regarding industrial espionage is in about the same condi-
tion that information on organized crime was a few years ago. There is
little in the way of a central data base. The firms keep most of their
data to themselves while the municipalities and states are reluctant to
share with each other. The Federal Government attempts to protect
defense related work, but much of the high technology is not related to
defense or has not yet been applied to defense related problems. Thus,
the United States, in their view, is ill organized to cope with the very
organized and very determined opponents we face with billions of
dollars at stake. They also note that at least as of 1983 little or nothing
was being done in either research or instruction in the fields of
Commercial intelligence is, of course, as old a commerce itself.
The renewed and modern interest is a function of the increasing inter-
est in high technology. Perhaps the first modern book on the-subject
was Paul I. Slee Smith's Industrial Intelligence and Espionage, pub-
lished in London (1970). There are still only a few serious works in this
field and the book under review willadd a major dimension to the
A Training Manual in Cl and Security Norman Longfellow Smi
industrial Espionage, Intelligence Techniques and Countermeasures
by Norman R. Bottom, Jr., and Robert R.J. Gallati. Stoneham, Mass.:
Butterworth Publishers, 1984, $25.95.
This is a basic training manual for counterintelligence and secur-
ity officers in the private sector. It is well organized, well written,
sophisticated and far superior to anything I have seen in any sector.
fhe authors are experienced. After a career in the Department of
Defense, Dr. Bottom is director of security for a Florida college, and an
AFIO member. Dr. Gallati teaches at Northeastern University after a
career in police work which included a stint as Chief of Detectives of
the New York City Police Department.
The authors examine in some detail the varying types of threat
presented by domestic competitors, foreign competitors, foreign govern-
ments, organized crime and terrorists. They note that this is a no-
holds-barred area in which there is a lot more going on than those not
actually involved would suspect. For example, despite the illegality of
wiretaps in most states, the quantity of electronic surveillance equip-
ment sold would support tens of thousands of taps. The book contains
a very sophisticated chapter on electronic security as well as one on
surveillance and countersurveillance techniques. The authors have
succeeded extremely well in describing these matters in detail, doing
so in a fashion that does not bog the reader down. It is quite readable.
It is an excellent text for the novice, and at the same time the long time
professional will not find it tedious-and may learn a few things as
There are only a few areas discussed with which to take issue.
The authors seem to have misunderstood the third party rule. They
state "one agency cannot pass along information it has been given by a
second agency unless the identity of the original source has been
deleted. The third agency rule makes it virtually impossible to assess
the reliability of the original source." This is a distortion of the rule. The
third agency rule mandates that information given by one agency to a
[Mr. Smith is the author of a paper on counterintelligence organization
published as a part of the Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's
series issued by the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence. He is a
consultant to industry and academia.]
You Can't Tell A Book By Its Cover
The Central Intelligence Agency: History and Documents, Edited by
William N. Leary. University, Alabama: The University of Alabama
Press, 1984. $20.75.
Prof. Leary's earlier book, Perilous Missions: Civil Air Transport
and CIA Covert Operations in Asia, was praised highly ("remarkable
piece of research and interpretive writing ... high degree of accuracy
as to history and facts ... impressive") by Lawrence Houston in the
Summer 1984 issue of Periscope. Thus, when I learned that Leary had
just produced a new volume, The Central Intelligence Agency. History
and Documents, I hastened to buy it. This latter work is living proof
that you can't tell a book by its cover. No one need rush out to buy a
In his introduction, Leary, a professor of history at the University
of Georgia, is guilty of several errors, large and small. In his first
paragraph he notes that "George Washington ... organized a secret
intelligence bureau under Major Benjamin Tallmadge ..." While Tal-
Imadge was a senior intelligence figure under General Washington,
there was no such formalized structure as an "intelligence bureau"--
secret or otherwise-during the American Revolution. Intelligence
was an ad hoc function in that struggle, with most functions being
given to line officers as an additional duty.
In February 1945, OSS Director William J. Donovan's memoran-
dum to President Roosevelt proposing a post-war peactime, central-
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ized intelligence organization was leaked to the press. Leary points the
finger at FBI Director Hoover as the source of the leak, and adds that
"Congressional opponents" of the proposal forced Roosevelt to defer
action. While there were many reasons originally to point to Hoover as
the source, more recent developments indicate that this was probably
not the case. Nor did "Congressional opponents" force the temporary
deferment of action of the plan. This was done by General Marshall,
who felt that delay would be helpful until the hubbub died down. Thus,
action was delayed from February until 5 April 1945, when President
Roosevelt, a week before he died, wrote Donovan to commence
obtaining Cabinet reactions to his proposals.
Professor Leary is in error when he ascribes the establishment of
the Central Intelligence Group in January 1946 to President Truman's
"Executive Order (largely the work of administrative analysts in the
Bureau of the Budget) ..." In the first place, there never was such an
"Executive Order." CIG was created by President Truman's Executive
Letter (or Presidential Directive) to the Secretaries of State, War and
Navy. Secondly, Bureau of Budget personnel had long since failed to
come up with acceptable post-war intelligence plans, and the CIG
proposal had largely been drafted by senior officials in the Pentagon.
Nor, in discussing the National Security Act of 1947, is Leary correct in
citing the provision in that Act authorizing CIA "to perform such other
functions" as the NSC "will from time to time direct" as the "legal
foundation for the later expansion of the CIA's mission, especially in
the area of covert action." In the first place, Leary misquotes the law
when he quotes it as "will from time to time direct." The operative
word in the law is "may," not "will." Secondly, Lawrence Houston, as
General Counsel of CIA, advised the DCI that this particular provision
would not support CIA performance of covert action functions; that the
latter should be performed on Presidential authority backed up by
Congressional appropriations for the particular function.
Leary is also not completely correct when he dates DCI Smith's
major reorganization of CIA in 1952. Actually, Gen. Smith established
the Office of National Estimates in 1950, a few weeks after his taking
office, and created the Office of Current Intelligence in January 1951 .
About the same time he also created the Office of Research and
Reports (ORR, later OER). Smith's merger of OPC and OSO com-
menced by 1951. Nor is Leary on target when he says that these
changes "fixed the basic organizational structure of the CIA for the
next twenty years," for he overlooks the establishment of a fourth
Directorate (Science and Technology) in 1963.
In the last paragraph of his Introduction, Prof. Leary turns, with
warm praise, to the History of the Central Intelligence Agency written
by Anne Karalekas, a staffer for the Church Committee, and published
by that Committee in 1976 in Book IV of their Final Report. Leary
laments that the History has "largely escaped public attention"; he
apparently is unaware that it was also published commercially in 1977
by the Aegean Park Press of Laguna Hills, California. This History was
based on Miss Karalekas' access to CIA's own internal histories, inter-
views with many (then) present and former CIA members, and docu-
ments and statistics supplied by CIA in response to Church Committee
requests. (This reviewer recalls participating in CIA's security review of
the draft with Miss Karalekas). Leary writes (perhaps too strongly) that
the History "is likely to remain the primary source to reliable historical
information on the CIA for many years to come."
While noting that the History was written for the Church Commit-
tee and was "used" by them, Leary does not tell his readers that the
Committee published it in Book IV. Thus, it is with some surprise that
one turns to p. 13 of Leary's text and finds it headed "History of the
Central Intelligence Agency." There is no author given under the title,
and a reader might presume that perhaps Leary himself is the author.
Immediately under the title is the word "Introduction' " In smaller type,
at the bottom of the page, one finds the lengthy footnote. On lines
15.16, if anyone reads the footnote that far, is "This history of the CIA
was prepared for the Select Committee by Anne Karalekas, staff
member." This seems small recognition (if one finds it at all) for the
author whose historical text occupies the next 94 pages of Leary's 190
page book. She gets no recognition on the title page of the book, and
this reviewer finds it very misleading. While the excellence of Miss
Karalekas'text cannot be gainsaid in general, this reviewer has always
found it to be somewhat biased and uneven in some areas, particularly
on the role of clandestine collection and covert action.
Finally, one turns to Leary's "Bibliographical Essay" at the end of
the book. Here the author describes the literature on CIA, relying often
on very weak reeds indeed and showing a distressing lack of critical
acumen in many instances. There are careless errors, such as citing
the Final Report of the Church Committee as consisting of five books,
rather than six, and misspelling Harry Rositzke's name. Worse is his
mishandling of the second Marchetti case. He notes that Marchetti
and Marks combined their talents in producing thtsir ""expose ," The
CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. This reviewer is not certain that
"'talents" is exactly the right word. But then Leary goes on to imply that
CIA in "Obtaining a copy of the manuscript" of that work had some-
how done something surreptitiously, whereas the manuscript was
forwarded to CIA for the authors by their legal counsel. Then stating
that CIA "ordered" Marchetti to delete 339 passages, no note is taken
that this was the original position, and that CIA (as the defendent to
the case) went to court on only 168 deletions, having released the
remainder to the authors. Nor did the District Judge allow the deletion
of only 18 of these passages as Leary says; the correct number was
26. Nowhere does Leary state that the Circuit Court of Appeals rev-
ersed the lower court and allowed all of CIA's deletions, with the
Supreme Court then denying Marchetti's and Marks' request for
But what bothers this reviewer most is Leary's "Essay," mixing
good books (and some articles) with the bad, without telling the reader
on many occasions which is which.
Alas! This could have been a useful book. It isn'i
[Dr. Pforzheimer, the dean of intelligence bibliophiles, served as CIA's
first Legislative Counsel. Later, he founded the CIA's Historical Intelli-
gence Collection and served as its first Curator.]
Other Books of Note
Inside the Green Berets: The First Thirty Years by Col. Charles M.
Simpson III, (USA-Ret), New York: Berkley Books, 1984, $3.50.
Widely-acclaimed when it was first published by Presidio Press last
year, Col. "Bill" Simpson's insider history of the U.S. Army Special
Forces is now available in paperback.
Inside Soviet Military Intelligence by Viktor Suvorov, New York:
MacMillan, 1984, $15.95. The author, a former Red Army officer living
under a secret identity in Great Britain, offers the first published exam-
ination of the GRU in the post-Stalin era. Of particular importance is
his discussion of "Spetsnez," the GRU's roaming terrorist teams-
many of whom are long-time "illegals" operating in the West-
assigned to assassinating Western military and political leaders,
blowing up nuclear centers, attacking NATO command centers, and
destabilizing the West's response capability.
Law and the Grenada Mission by John Norton Moore ($9.95),
Foreign Policy Export Controls Proposals for Change by Raymond J.
Waldmann ($8.45), and The First Amendment and National Security,
seminar proceedings ($11.95). Available from the Center for Law and
National Security, School of Law, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
VA 22901. [The latter should not be confused with the pamphlet by
John S. Warner, which carries the same title, issued by AFIO as the
second in its Intelligence Profession educational series.]
A Footnote to Donald Jamison's
Essay on Soviet Active Measures
Capt. J.E. Dolan (USMC-Ret) in commenting favorably on Donald
F.B. Jameson's book essay, "Are We Finally Waking Up? Soviet Active
Measures and the West," which appeared in the last issue, suggests
some additional readings for members interested in the topic:
Soviet Active Measures, GPO: Hearings before the Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence, House of Representatives, 97th
Congress, 2d Session, July 13, 14, 1982, $8.00.
Soviet Active Measures Against the United States, Alexandria,
Va.: Western Goals Endowment Fund, 1984, $8.00.
AFIO Third Educational Pamphlet
The KGB An Instrument of Soviet Power by Tho-
mas Polgar is available free to all AFIO members.
Advise AFIO Headquarters if you want a copy.
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AFIO Chapter Activities
San Diego Chapter. The chapter's July 27th meet-
ing at the Admiral Kidd Club featured Edwin 0. Learnard
as guest speaker. Learnard, a chapter member and a
member of the Air Commando Association, is a feature
writer, speaker and expert on political-military intelli-
gence matters. He is a WWII prisoner-of-war escapee.
A three-hour moonlight cruise aboard the "Cabrillo"
was the chapter's escape for its August 17th meeting. A
roving accordianist and a prize raffle rounded off the
The chapter's September 28th meeting at the
Admiral Kidd Club had chapter member Phillip Tuteur as
guest speaker. Tuteur, a retired Lt. Col. in the Royal
Artillery and General Staff, has been gassed (no masks
available), taken out to be shot as a German spy, warned
he might have an "accident" aboard the Bremen on its
last trip before WWII and survived to work under Sir
William "Intrepid" Stevenson and "Wild Bill" Donovan
as a member of the World Commerce Corporation. His
talk focused on the Gouzenko case and present-day
Tuteur, a former high ranking British intelligence
officer assigned to Stephenson's WCC cover organiza-
tion in New York, told of how Kim Philby had arranged a
truck breakdown during the transfer of the World Com-
rnerce Corporation's agent records from one location to
another in England. Fortunately, he noted, local citizens
inadvertantly salvaged the records before Philby's agents
could retrieve them. He spoke also of the Gouzenko
defection, in which he played a part. Gouzenko, he said,
thanked the Soviets for instructing him to have a suit
tailored in North America-he had one cut full enough
to accommodate the bulk of the documents he brought
with him at the time of his defection. Tuteur recalled
how Gouzenko had attempted repeatedly to be arrested
by Canadian authorities, but was unsuccessful. Ste-
phenson's group, says Tuteur, effected the rescue and
sequestered him initially in the famed "Camp X" in
The chapter's October meeting at the officers club
featured Gerry Runyan, Intelligence Agent, Intelligence
Department, San Isidro Border Patrol, speaking on trends
in illegal immigration. The speaker, who began his intel-
ligence career in 1957 with the Army Security Agency,
joined the Border Patrol in 1966.
The chapter's recent "census" discloses that it now
has 109 members and that they have been active during
the year: Sixty-one speeches to civic groups, conven-
tions, seminars and universities, and seventy-four pub-
lished articles, most of them letters to the editor-a
worthy challenge to other AFIO chapters.
San Francisco Bay Chapter. The July 25th meet-
ing was held at the Fleet Admiral Nimitz Club. The after-
dinner speakers were Don Nelson, a conservative attor-
ney, and Oliver Jones, an attorney with the ACLU. Their
Officers of the Suncoast Chapter at the AFIO Con-
vention: Brad Skeele, Secretary-Treasurer; Ray St.
Germain, Vice President; Andy Ferguson, President;
Bob Dowd, Past President.
topics were the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
covert action overseas and affirmative action in the CIA.
Jones, in presenting the ACLU view, called for an
open and honest exchange of information, observing
that confidentiality and secrecy can be cover-ups; he
called for Congress to know and approve of all proposed
covert action activity, and stressed the need for racial
and ethnic balance in affirmative action efforts by the
intelligence community.
Nelson advocated that a balance be struck between
national and individual security, voicing the opinion that
FOIA is a tool used by leftist and dissident elements to
obtain information. He cited the loss of cooperation by
allies who feel that any information provided to the U.S.
may be disclosed as a result of an FOIA request, and
alluded to instances where release of such information
had placed the lives of intelligence officers in danger. In
regard to covert action, he suggested that these are sen-
sitive times when it may often be necessary to keep the
public in the dark for a time about such policy moves.
Nelson suggested that affirmative action might neces-
sarily be limited for the protection of the Agency.
To this Mr. Jones responded that FOIA is a protec-
tion against abuse by those in authority, and that the US
is stronger for it. On the issue of covert action he asked
rhetorically, "Who is the master: the CIA or the
Chapter President Roger McCarthy, responding,
noted that the FOIA is a good philosophy-the only prob-
lem is its impact on national security. There have been
leaks, he said, citing the death of a CIA station chief in
Greece. Mr. McCarthy asked his own rhetorical ques-
tion: "Would George Washington have succeeded if his
intelligence efforts had been revealed prematurely?" He
noted also that affirmative action has long been imple-
mented by CIA without any legal requirement, and
urged employment criteria not be diluted by any formal
restrictions- McCarthy suggested that there is no place
for covert action unless it is an extension of accepted
government policy. He concluded by noting the long his-
tory of Congressional oversight of CIA covert action pro-
grams, calling attention to the two committees today
and the procedures for reviewing covert actions. He
opened the floor to spirited debate during which one
member commented that in addition to the govern-
ment's "secret" stamp, perhaps there should be one
labeled "embarrassing."
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At the Chapter's AG~ust 1~t meeting at the imitz to coor ina e c 9 i i s o t - rganizations'
Club the guest speakers were SA James Fox, second in
command of the FBI Olympic Security Detail, and SAIC
Charles Parker of the FBI's Oakland office.
SA Fox noted the total success of Olympic security
efforts-no acts of terrorism marred the event. He cre-
dited this to beefed-up staff, long and careful planning
and close cooperation between local and Federal officials.
SAIC Parker covered the illegal transfer of high
technology equipment and information to other coun-
tries, specifically the Soviet Union and its satellites. The
Soviets, lagging in military high technology, have opted
to steal it from the US, rather than invent it themselves,
often producing exact duplicates of the stolen items.
Where the desired technology is in areas closed to the
Soviets, he said, they frequently use satellite-state
nationals. He pointed to increased US intelligence com-
munity awareness of these dangers and the range of
countermeasures that have resulted, including discus-
sions with high-tech industries to heighten their aware-
ness of espionage. A continuing problem, SAIC Parker
noted, are our nation's scientific publications which are
the source of much information to the Soviets. He added
that our system of justice restricts investigations absent
sufficient evidence to justify a full investigation, citing,
as an example, the need for court approval before wire-
tapping an espionage suspect's telephone.
The guest speaker at the chapter's September 19th
meeting was Anatoly G. Myshkov, Minister Extraordi-
nary and Plenipotentiary, who serves as Consul General
of the USSR in San Francisco. Myshkov's remarks on
Soviet-American relations will be included in the chap-
ter's next report.
Satellite Chapter. May 5th featured a luncheon
meeting of the chapter at the Suntree Country Club, at
which SA Perry Doran, a supervisory special agent,
Federal Bureau of Investigation, was guest speaker.
Officers elected at the meeting were Col. Charles Gray,
President; Col. Charles Williamson, Vice President; and
Eileen Gould, Secretary-Treasurer.
On June 18, friends and acquaintances of General
and Mrs. Jack Thomas gave a dinner in their honor at
Patrick AFB.
The chapter's July 28th meeting was held at the
Patrick AFB Officers Club. Members had a preview
showing of the film, "Peace through Strength," as well
as two Prime Time TV specials: "Countdown for Amer-
ica," demonstrating the surge in Soviet military super-
iority while the US has been cutting back its defenses,
and "Attack on the Americas," which brings into sharp
focus the struggle against communism and terrorism in
Latin America-the high stakes the conflict poses for
the United States.
Southwest Florida Chapter. Donald R. Randell,
chapter president, has agreed to chair an ad hoc com-
mittee to explore the formation of a council comprised of
principal officers of the ROA, TROA, AFA, MOWW and
AFIO chapters in the area. The new group will attempt
activities in order to increase attendance and minimize
conflict in meeting schedules. President Randell hopes
the increased attendance at such meetings will bring
the average costs "down to something do-able."
Officers of the Satellite Chapter: Col. Charles D.
Gray, President; Eileen W. Gould, Secretary; Col.
Charles T. Williamson, Vice President.
Diamond Head Chapter. With deep regret, the
chapter has announced that Edward B. Beidleman has
resigned as secretary-treasurer on the advice of his phy-
sician. It's not just AFIO, says Ted, but all his activities
and responsibilities have to be curtailed for the indefi-
nite future because of a "bum ticker."
Western Montana Chapter. The Montana State
Adjutant General MG James Duffy was the guest
speaker at the mid-summer AFIO meeting held at the
Missoula Country Club. The subject of his talk was to
brief the members and their wives on the status of the
newly organized "Montana State Militia," an organiza-
tion that has been "on the books" for many years. The
Militia is being revitalized and organized state-wide to
take over the state mission of the National Guard in the
event the Guard is ever called to active duty.
The chapter's members have procured a copy of
George Constantinides' book, "Intelligence and Espion-
age: An Analytical Bibliography" for presentation to the
University of Montana library.
Election of officers for 1985 is scheduled for the Fall
New England Chapter. The New England Chapter
held its inaugural meeting on June 23, 1984, in Land-
grove, Vermont. Because of the unexpected favorable
advance publicity, over 68 persons attended, including
wives, local guests and members of the press. James
Bamford was the featured speaker. The chapter elected
Michael Spears of Weston, Vermont, President; Roy
Berkeley of Shaftsbury, Vermont, Vice-President; Peter
Gould of Castleton, New York, Treasurer; and Jeffery
Kingry of Milton, Vermont, Secretary. Subsequently, Mr.
Kingry resigned his post due to the pressures of his
work. Mr. David O'Connor of Boston, was appointed to
serve the remainder of Mr. Kingry's term. The chapter
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assistance in the organization of the chapter and in otes ronl t e
ssi ' Y b h -
g in o
aming t e very valuable advance public-
ity which it enjoyed. Mr. Kingry will continue to serve as
the coordinator of the chapter's educational activities.
At the time of its initial meeting, the chapter was
composed of 28 paid members. Ten new members were
signed up for the AFIO and the chapter at the inaugural
meeting. At this time, the chapter rolls have grown to 35
members with the anticipation that the number will con-
tinue to increase. It has established a goal of 50
members by the end of the year.
The chapter decided that, given its wide geographic
spread (Conn., upper New York state, Maine, N.H., Ver-
mont and Mass.), quarterly meetings will take place in
different parts of New England in order to accommodate
as many members as possible. The next meeting is
scheduled for November 17th in the greater Boston
area. All AFIO members are invited. Inquiries should be
directed to Mr. David O'Connor, 150 St. Botolph St.,
Boston, Mass. 02115.
The chapter president has undertaken seven speak-
ing engagements in the last six months before such
groups as the DAR, local Rotary Clubs and a private
school in Maine. Most importantly, the chapter believes,
is the approval of the University of Vermont of a full
credit course in its Continuing Education Program on
the role of intelligence in diplomacy, to be taught by an
AFIO member, Winn Taplin. Messers Taplin and Kingry
are credited with this breakthrough which the chapter hopes
to replicate in other New England schools.
The 1985 AFIO Membership Directory will be pre-
pared in January with December 31, 1984, as the cut-
off date. If you have moved and not sent a change of
address notice, there is little time left to assure the cor-
rect address will be listed. Also, there may be some
members who wish to change their status of either
being listed or not listed; to assure the Directory reflects
your desires in this regard, we will need such changes
by the same date.
We want to thank the members who helped in our
membership drive-we enrolled over two hundred new
members, ten of them opting for life memberships. As
General Larkin pointed out, we in AFIO need a few good
We are pleased to announce that a supply of new
lapel pins has been delivered, and consider it fortunate
that they can be offered to our members at no increase
in price. Members may order them from Headquarters
for $5.00 each, postage paid. They are American-made
and will be shipped in a plastic box to protect them from
It would be most helpful if chapters would take pic-
tures (black and white closeups) of officers, meetings
and events; we would really like to have some new
faces appear in Periscope. In submitting articles about
your activities, please bear in mind that the publication
is issued with the seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and
Fall. Speaking of writing, we solicit your suggestions of
topics for additional pamphlets in our educational Intel-
ligence Series.
The following members have generously contrib-
uted amount equal to or exceeding one year's annual
Mr. Eugene J. Adams
Eastlake, OH
Mr. Dan D. Halpin, Jr.
Bedford, NH
GEN James F. Collins, USA(Ret.)
Arlington, VA
Mr. Glenn E. Diamond
Minneapolis, MN
Mr. Philip S. Dickson
Bethesda, MD
Mr. Andrew J. Dougherty
Pittsford, NY
Mr. Edward S. Feeney
Baltimore, MD
Mr. Earle B. Gay
New York, NY
COL Richard C. Ham, AUS(Ret.)
San Francisco, CA
COL Arthur R. Herca, USA(Ret.)
Ann Arbor, MI
Mr. Peter Sivess
St. Michaels, MD
LtGen Eugene F. Tighe, Jr., USAF(Ret.)
Springfield, VA
Col George R. Weinbrenner, USAF(Ret.)
San Antonio, TX
Mr. Bruno J. Zemaitis
Santa Maria, CA
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The following list o roved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
g ~~w members since the last issue is incomplete in that it does not include those who requested
that their names be kept restricted.
Mr. Eugene J. ADAMS
Col Alfons L. BROZ
Mr. John H
37371 Lakeshore Blvd.
29 Rid
e Wa
Eastlake, OH 44094
3316 Fallowfield Drive
Greenwich, CT 06830
Falls Church, VA 22042
Dr. Joseph D
42 Broadbridge Road
Mrs. Mary V. BURK
7021 Churchill Road
Bridgeport, CT 06610
18700 Walker's Choice Rd.
McLean, VA 22101
Col Charles P. AMAZEEN Jr.
1901 N. Fort Myer Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
COL William Darien DUNCAN
Mr. A. Roy BURKS
3002 Golf view Driv
Arlington, VA 22209
7201 Warbler Lane
Vero Beach, FL 32960
McLean, VA 22101
Mr. Anthony R. ARBISI
Mr. Leonard E
1.00 Glenwood Avenue
Col William E. BYERTS Jr.
4612 Twinbrook R
Stafford, VA 22554
Fairfax, VA 22032
2309 Notley Ct.
Mr. John G. L. BARCLAY
Calle Santalo 135
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Mr. Duval A. EDWARDS
14819 Willow Bend
Barcelona, SPAIN 08021,
San Antonio, TX 78232
508 Apple Grove Road
Mr. James A. BEAN
141 Via De Tesoros
Silver Spring, MD 20904
7463 N. Teutonia Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Milwaukee, WI 53209
32 Valencia Lane
Mr. Gerald J. BEEMAN
1511 Vista de Oro
Clifton Park, NY 12065
El Paso
TX 79935
4515 Willard Avenue, #2109-S
Chevy Chase
MD 20815
Mr. Sheppard BEIDLER
523 Airline, #603
Col Thomas W
155 W. 68th St. #28E
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
New York, NY 10023
Rte 3, Box 593
LtCol Gordon L. CHIPMAN
OR 97333
Mr. Howard F. BENSON Jr.
8086 S. Niagara Way
220 Central Park South, #61
Mr. Billie J
Englewood, CO 80112
New York, NY 10019
5249 S. Hwy 277, # 112
TX 79606
Mr. George W
12304 Oakwood Drive
805 Battery Creek Road
502 Grandview Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22192
Beaufort, SC 29902
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
Mrs. Barbara P. BOYLE
Mr. Richard H. CLINGER
5101 River Road, #707
122 Holdcroft Lane
2817 Sea Breeze Drive
Bethesda, MD 20816
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Gulfport, FL 33707
Mr. Jean-Loup R. COMBEMALE
Mr. Blair F
Pacific Stars & Stripes,
6819 Elm Street
2629 Roman Driv
Box 2
McLean, VA 22101
PA 16148
APO San Francisco, 96503
Mr. Henry D. CONTE
15555 Huntington Village Lane,
RR # 1
Box 453A
R.D. 2, Box 361
MO 63736
Conestoga, PA 17516
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Mr. Joseph C
Mr. James E. CROKER
2500 Que Street
14004 Shippers Lane
DC 20007
10440 Paramount Blvd.,
Rockville, MD 20853
CA 90241
Mr. Stephen J. GREEN
Mr. Robert I. CURTS
RD 4, Box 3070
5755 W. Ada Lane
VT 05602
Mr. Lawrence E. BROWN
Larkspur, CO 80118
5605 Ventnor Lane
VA 22151
Mr. Edward DeSANTIS
1437 Smith Road
10620 Stebbins Circle, #F
IL 60067
Mrs. Jane E. BROWNE
Houston, TX 77043
3921 Avenida Palo Verde
CA 92002
Dr. Richard R. GRIFFITH
Mr. Glenn E. DIAMOND
Box 16
400 East Minnehaha Parkway
Riverton, VT 05668
Minneapolis, MN 55419
Mr. Dan D. HALPIN Jr.
9 Eastman Avenue
Bedford, NH 03102
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Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
s Murra
Mr. Charles J. McCARTHY
4510 Abb
29 Broadsound Avenue
Dallas, TX 75205
Revere, MA 02151
901 Sixth St. SW,#701A
Washington, DC 20024
Mr. Thomas J. McKEON
2445 S
11012 Earlsgate Lane
Mr. Terry J. POWER
San Diego, CA 92101
Rockville, MD 20852
7 Meadow Lane
Waldorf, MD 20601
rd V
LtCol Richard L. MILLER
LtCol Dwight W. PRA
x 447
512 Killarney Drive
Puyallup, WA 93871
Cheyenne, WY 82009
11 Laurel Drive
Simsbury, CT 06070
Mr. William A. MITCHELL
6202 Winston Drive
Mr. Colin E. QUI
11520 Huebner Road,#105
Bethesda, MD 20817
P. O. Box 361
Northfield, VT 05663
San Antonio, TX 78230
Capt William H. MOORE
mas J
Mr. Gerald RAFTERY
tt Street
60 T
12513 Kings Lake Drive
RFD 2, Box 1
Rockville, MD 20852
Reston, VA 22091
Arlington, VT 052
DR Phili
Mr. Winston J. MORGAN
Mr. Charles R. RAMBO
12018 Los Cerdos Drive
5078 37th Sreet,
7 The Inlet
San Antonio, TX 78233
Arlington, VA
Coronado Cays, CA 92118
Perry ROSS
221 Smith Neck Road
Mr. G
4518 Albion Road
1800 Susquehannock Drive
S. Dartmouth, MA
College Park, MD 20740
McLean, VA 22101
Mr. David H. ROWE
bert C
Mr. Roland E. MORRISON
6041 Munson Hill Road
45-123 Mahalani Circle
Falls Church, VA
CinC, U.S. Central Command
Kaneohe, HI 96744
MacDill AFB, FL 33608
3842 Palo Alto Drive
Mr. Walter M. MORTON
Mr. Steven P. KORN
12318 Hillcrest Drive
Lafayette, CA 94549
P. O. Box 416
Chesterland, OH 44026
Bushkill, PA 18324
Mr. Gordon L. NESS
P. O. Box 7190
407 Cabeza Negra
Box 273
Menlo Park, CA 94026
Rio Rancho, NM
Northwood, NH 03261
LtCol Harlan E. G. OAKES
1215 Pampas Lane
2289 Cartbridge Road
18 Stanford Circle
League City, TX 7
Falls Church, VA 22043
Lompoc (RFD), CA 93436
les T
CWO-4 Larry E. OSBORN,
P. O. Box 918
2703 Keystone Lane, #202
West Dover, VT 0
Vienna, VA 22180
11645 N. 24th Street
AZ 85028
13909 Hayward Place
t Avenue
376 W
Mr. Thomas W. OZGO
El Cajon, CA 92020
12908 Sturbridge Road
Tampa, FL 3362
VA 22191
Mr. Charles W. SAMPEY
Mr. John G. LYLE Jr.
2020 Rhode Island Avenue
ific Avenue
231 P
COL Franklin PARKER Jr.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
McLean, VA 22
203 Oak Glenn
Greenville, TX 75401
Mr. Herbert F. SAUNDERS
3000 Federal Hill Drive
69 Indian Cave Road
VA 22044
Falls Church
Ridgefield, CT 06877
Mr. James S. PATTEN
O. Box 1321
Torrington, CT 06790
1754 Corcoran Street, N.W.
DC 20009
10026 Horseshoe Bend
Houston, TX 77064
158 West Newton St. #3
Boston, MA 02118
4364 40th Street S.
Mr. John A. McCARGAR
St. Petersburg, FL 33711
12235 Indian River Drive
E.Q. Box 19
Apple Valley, CA 92307
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Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315ROO0100500001-1
Mr. Dennis A. SCOVEL
7245 S. Kendall Boulevard
Littleton, CO 80123
Mr. James Craig SHEPPARD
490 Joralemon Street
Belleville, NJ 07109
Mr. Daniel B. SIBBET
4761 Wellesley Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22192
932 Woburn Court
McLean, VA 22102
5008 Dante Avenue
Tampa, FL 33629
39 Harvey Road
Ridgefield, CT 06877
2020 42nd Circle So.
New Port Richey, FL 33552
Mr. Will S. TEMPLE Jr.
2104 Napoleon Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70115
3 Bayberry Avenue
Kennebunk, ME 04043
LtCol William L. THORBURN
3003 Van Ness St. N.W., #916W
Washington, DC 20008
Mr. Adelbert C. von MAUCHER
4611 Monongahela Street
San Diego, CA 92117
Mr. Heinz Henry VOLZ
1303 Linwood Drive
Wharton, TX 77488
MayBelle T. WARNER
4081 E. Pontatoc Canyon
Tucson, AZ 85718
Mr. Tommie L. WATSON
1333 Delafield Place, N.W.
Washington, DC 20011
607 Greenwich Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
5312 Alta Bahia Ct.
San Diego, CA 92109
213 Brentwood Drive, NE
Newark, OH 43055
7815 Duffield
Houston, TX 77071
LtCol Joseph A. WYNECOOP
3832 Hillway Drive
Glendale, CA 91208
Mr. Nicholas YANTSIN
539 Luna Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
In Memoriam
Mr. John T. Buckley
Vienna, VA
Mr. Frank G. Coon
Santa Maria, CA
LTC Daniel J. D'Aiuto, USAR(Ret.)
Sarasota, FL
Mr. Fred L. Dixon
Washington, DC
Mr. William E. Dulin
Alexandria, VA
LCDR John D. Garland, USN(Ret.)
Klamath River, CA
Col George B. Green, USAF(Ret.)
Arlington, VA
Mr. James M. Griffin
Melbourne, FL
Col Frank J. Harrold, Jr., USAF(Ret.)
San Antonio, TX
CPT John Hill, USA(Ret.)
Fullerton, CA
Mr. Richard J. Kuhn
Rockville, MD
Mr. David P. McBride
Leechburg, PA
Mr. Floyd E. McKee
New Rochelle, NY
Mr. Carl W. Nelson, Jr.
Arlington, VA
Mr. Donald C. Peck
Shandon, CA
Mr. Malcolm E. Robinson
Indialantic, FL
Approved For Release 2004/11/OOt: CIA-RDP88-01315ROO0100500001-1
OFF THE WIRE: News in Brief
All the Secrets
Your Money Can Buy
Pst! Want to read a real Jack Anderson "secret?"
You know, the kind the nation's leading muckraker offers up by
the dozen every week: "According to a highly confidential White
House document in my possession ..." "My associate, Lotta Tripe,
has seen top secret government plans ..." Hawking such insider
knowledge is a mainstay on days when something is needed to
spark up an otherwisedull column.
Well, we've got one of the same secrets, and obtained it from
the same source deep within the intelligence community as did
Anderson. Such secrets don't come without cost but, aping Ander-
son and company, we've found the way to latch onto all the secrets
that money can buy and not pay a penny. The trick, you see, is to
request the information under the Freedom of Information Act and
then request that all fees be waived because, as a journalist, you are
seeking the information in the "public interest."
Although one might question seriously whether any Jack Ander-
son column is in the "public interest" or whether the American
taxpayers should be paying the costs of foraging expeditions through
our country's intelligence secrets, that's the way the system works.
Last July, Mr. Anderson's column uncovered "a 14-page
report, 'CIA and the Congress,' which was disseminated in one of
the agency's secret publications." According to Anderson, "my
associate Dale Van Atta has reviewed the report, which was written
by the late John Minor Maury" and found it to be "intended as a sort
of guideline for CIA employees trying to 'handle' Congress." In the
"blistering appraisal," states Anderson, "Maury's disdain for the
people's representatives is laid out right at the start."
This we had to see; after all Mr. Maury once served as President
of AFIO. So we asked for a copy under FOIA. When it finally came,
we found out we weren't the first to get the Confidential item--nor
was Anderson. The magazine article in question was declassified
almost four years before Anderson alluded to it! Nor were we the
only two to share the secret-it has been provided on request to at
least two other writers besides Anderson and your editor.
Included with this issue is a copy of Anderson's secret, just as it
was inserted in the Congressional Record recently by the chairman
of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. We share the view
of Senator Goldwater in introducing it: ". . . As is so often the case,
Jack Anderson has sacrificed fact for fiction, has misrepresented an
honest man's words, and has impugned the honor of an honorable
man in order to make a bigger splash and a better story. I think the
record should be corrected on this matter, especially since the late
John Maury is no longer around to defend himself."
"Challenge" Reports Success
In New Litigation Efforts
"Challenge," founded by David Atlee Phillips to take legal action
against those who have defamed present and former government
employees, has summed up its efforts to date before the courts.
In 1981, Phillips sued the corporation that produces Washing-
tonian magazine, its editor and publisher, and the author of its story
charging that Phillips was case officer for Lee Harvey Oswald at the
time of the Kennedy assassination. The trial judge, on three separate
occasions, dismissed the action, holding that Phillips was a public
official who probably would not be able to prove malice. The Maryland
Court of Appeals upheld these rulings in 1984, probably ending the
That same year, Phillips filed suit against four persons who at a
press conference alleged that he and others engaged in a cover-up of
the assassination of former Chilean Foreign Minister Letelier. Three of
the individuals also collaborated in a book which leveled similar allega-
tions. Numerous discovery processes have followed, with Phillips
answering hundreds of questions, written and oral, yet refusing to
reveal classified information. The defendants have sought to have the
case dismissed based on Phillips' refusal. The trial judge has ordered
in end to the discovery phase and an early 1985 trial is expected.
Ambassador Nathaniel Davis; retired Navy Captain Ray Davis and
Frederick Purdy of the Department of State have filed suit against
those responsible for the book and film, "Missing," which contends
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that Davis and his colleagues engaged in a conspiracy and cover-up in
the case of a young American writer who disappeared in Chile. Dis-
covery proceedings are underway and perhaps half-completed. The
author of the book has moved to have the case.against him dismissed
on the grounds that his only activity had to do with publication of the
book, from which he was relieved because of the statute of limitations.
His motion was granted, but the plaintiffs may appeal the ruling. A
1985 trial date is likely.
David Phillips has recently returned from London, where he was
advised that both substantive and procedural law in England are such
that his prospects for litigation there are promising (The story that
Phillips was Oswald's case officer was first published in London).
Goldwater Defends Hill Security;
Suggests Polygraph for Leaks
Bristling at charges that the Congress cannot keep a secret, Sen.
Barry Goldwater, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelli-
gence, credits the Committee with having "done a very good job of
overseeing the intelligence community, and we have an excellent
record on security over the years. Although some people refer to leaks
from the Oversight Committees, they do not provide one single docu-
mented example. Although they express concern for security, they do
not mention the fact that our committee has the most secure staff
space and hearing room in all of Congress."
Continued Goldwater: "We all know that some members of the
intelligence family are not happy with the problems we have encoun-
tered in our oversight activities this year ... These events probably
resulted in a good deal of bitterness between members of the intelli-
gence community and Members of the Congress. They also resulted in
a good deal of public discussion regarding what has become an overt
covert paramilitary action program. However, this sort of problem can-
not be solved by doing away with the Intelligence Oversight Commit-
tees, or by forming a joint committee, or by accusing our members and
staff of leaks."
Sen. Goldwater summed up his view of the matter: "The bottom
line is that some people in the intelligence community do not like
congressional oversight. That's the beef. But, the fact that they do not
like it does not mean that it is not good for the Nation. If leaks are a
problem, let's identify them, investigate them, and punish those
responsible. Let's institute a program of using the polygraph in Con-
gress and elsewhere when a major leak takes place. Let's consider
other types of security measures, as appropriate."
"But, let's not second guess the Founding Fathers who, after all,
established a Congress with thepower of the purse, simply because
some people in the executive branch do not like to hear from, listen to,
or in any way be held accountable by the elected representatives of the
people of the United States."
Joe Elliot Briefs NCICA
On Electronics Weaknesses
AFIO member Joe Wilson Elliot was the featured speaker at the
38th annual convention of the National Counterintelligence Corps
Association in Las Vegas recently. His focus was on countermeasures
to widespread electronic surveillance, ranging from tapped tele-
phones toclandestine transmitters.
He explained, for example, how electronic countermeasures
can detect a radio-controlled bomb at least 35 feet away and how a
telephone tap can be detected, even if it is some 3,000 feet "down
Elliot is currently writing handbooks for use by security profes-
sionals in confronting the problem in the private sector, as well as in
Museum of Espionage Group
Gains $25,000 State Grant
The Connecticut Department of Economic Development has
announced tentative approval of a $25,000 grant to the Willimantic
Museum Association to aid in the establishment of The Museum of
Espionage [See last issue of Periscope for the group's plans]. The
grant, intended primarily for use in restoring an historically significant
structure to house the Museum, is dependent on the Association
finding a suitable building within the next year.
The Association indicates that several desirable sites are under
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SSCI Chairman,
Goldwater Salutes AFIO
Senator Barry M. Goldwater, Chairman of the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has com-
mended the Association of Former Intelligence Officers
for its efforts in raising public awareness to the impor-
tance of intelligence. As one of his final acts as chair-
man of the oversight committee, before stepping down
to comply with the Senate rule limiting service on the
committee to eight years, Goldwater wrote:
"During the early 1970's it appeared Congress was
going to hamstring the U.S. intelligence services with its
public investigations of alleged abuses within the Intelli-
gence Community. Today, I believe it is possible to say
that the Intelligence Community is recovering very well
from those troubled times. One of the reasons for this
promising outlook is that Congressional oversight of our
intelligence agencies is functioning well. Another rea-
son is that organizations such as the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) have worked hard to
educate the American people to the fact that the Intelli-
gence Community is a vital component of our govern-
"In recent years, I believe we have begun to restore
a sense of trust and confidence between the Intelligence
Community and the Congress. We both share the goal
of getting the best intelligence information possible to
serve our national security and to protect our freedom. I
think that recent years have also witnessed a growing
public awareness of the importance of intelligence that
is timely, relevant and of the highest quality. AFIO has
played an important role in helping this come about. I
commend you all for this, and appreciate what you and
your membership have done for the Nation.
"We Americans have enjoyed freedom for over 200
years. We worked hard for it, many have fought for it,
and some have died for it. It is up to us to decide
whether we can make it last another 200 years. I believe
we can if we realize that freedom and intelligence go
Sen. Malcolm Wallop On The
Proper Role of Intelligence
"The intelligence agency is not a government, it is not a corpora -
tion that operates outside the policy of this Government. It is an arm
of policy. The responsibility for the policy belongs to the Government,
not the executor of it. Nor is policy made for the convenience of its
executors. The Agency is not off concocting some kind of a thing
away and apart, separate from the policies of the Government of the
United States. It is an arm of policy and so it should be."
Beware the Retiree;
Can't Adapt to Today
Former DCI Stansfield Turner, according to William Beecher in
the Boston Globe, told reporters recently that one of the problems the
U.S. Government faces in Central America is the recall to active ser-
vice of "a lot of oldtime employees," some of whom "have not been
able to adapt" to the new restrictions on covert warfare.
Mr. A. Roy Burks
7201 Warbler Lane
McLean, VA 22101
CAPT Leo Erck, USNR(Ret.)
4515 Willard Avenue, 2109-S
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Mr. Gleb B. Grigorovich-Barsky
P.O. Box 631, Toddy Hill Road
Sandy Hook, CT 06482
1 Greenbriar Lane
Amherst, NH 03031
Mr. Dan D. Halpin, Jr.
9 Eastman Avenue
Bedford, NH 03102
Mr. James A. Minogue
Route 1, Box 126A
Bentonville, VA 22610
Mr. Gordon L. Ness
P.O. Box 7190
Menlo Park, CA 94026
Mr. Frank N. Newdeck
4004 Francine Drive
Hatboro, PA 19040
MajGen Douglas J. Peacher, USMCR(Ret.)
1001 Genter Street, #3-I
La Jolla, CA 92037
Mr. Eugene L. Schwasinger
5231 Sunnyside Road
St. Paul, MN 55112
Col Buck Swannack, USMC(Ret.)
5023 Diamond Heights Boulevard
San Francisco, CA 94131
Mr. Malcolm C. Thomas
8124 River Country Drive
Springhill, FL 33526
Ms. Audrey M. Tucker
4631 S. Oxford
Tulas, OK 74135
When Casey Gets His Irish Up
Reagan Lowers the Boom
According to the Washington Post, DCI William J. Casey was
more than upset that White House leaksters had reported Casey's
desire to return to private life. Press speculation of his successor and
predictions of resultant "musical chairs" were front page news for
days. Yet, Casey considered his work was unfinished, and said so
with "studied indirectness" in a letter to the President, the paper
The President moved quickly to squelch the rumors. A White
House spokesman told the press that the President was "quite
pleased with the CIA and its director," and "informed officials" were
quoted as saying the President called Casey to say he would wel-
come the DCI remaining as head of the intelligence community.
According to the Post, the President told Casey, "You're my man at
the CIA as long as I am President."
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From the President's Desk
With the turmoil of the national election past, AFIO
members may wish to devote some attention to the
future of the intelligence community. This is not only
solely the responsibility of Bill Casey as DCI, but cer-
tainly rests on the shoulders of the members of AFIO
who constitute one of the most powerful organizations
concerned with the capabilities of the U.S. intelligence
The fact that there is a powerful person at the top of
the intelligence community in no way lessens the need
for AFIO to constantly exercise a leadership role on
issues of importance. There is always a segment of the
American electorate who view intelligence agencies as
undesirable-if not dangerous. While these people may
never be converted, they can and should be informed of
our objectives.
Further, there are numerous civic organizations
seeking speakers on matters of public interest. As AFIO
members must know, few subjects generate greater
interest than those dealing with intelligence. It is our
responsibility to see that these groups never go without
a qualified speaker when some national question about
the information-base for government policy is at issue.
And let us not forget that the written message is far
more potent than the golden gems that we may produce
in our greatest moments of oratory. A talk to a luncheon
or dinner group may influence as many as several
hundred people, but a printed article may be read by
many times that number. Further, the printed article will
be around a long time to be read and reviewed by editors
and publishers, teachers and students, business lead-
ers, and just plain folks.
If AFIO expects to maintain its well-deserved repu-
tation as an important leader on matters of intelligence
policy, it cannot rest on its laurels, but must continue to
take an aggressive role in all areas. This applies to the
national headquarters and to each and every chapter.
Headline Finds New Charge
To Levy Against CIA
AFIO member Mark Wyatt calls our attention to this
headline in the Salinas Californian last July: "CIA Using
Private Airline toSupply Arms to Revels" Accused in the
past of just about anything wrong in the world, the
Agency is now accused of supporting REVELRY! For
Fourth National Intelligence Symposium
Naples, Florida
Monday, February 25, 1985
For info and tickets write to John Anson Smith
P.O. Box 2717, Naples, Florida 33939
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick
New President of AFIO
August 31,
Annual member dues
$ 69,660
$ 68,933
Life member dues
Industrial member dues
Convention revenue- net
Luncheons revenue - net
Interest - regular
Interest - life memberships
Educational pamphlets
Other revenue
_ 962
Annual directory
Dinners and symposium
Educational pamphlets
Equipment rental
Membership pins
Office expense
Other taxes
Payroll taxes
Periscope and news commentary
Salaries and consultants
Cumulative effect of change in accounting
Proforma amounts assuming the change in life
membership deferrals was applied retroactivel
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building,
6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.
Phone (703) 790-0320.
Officers of AFIO are:
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick ..................... President
Lloyd George Wiggins ................ Vice President
Robert J. Novak ......................... Treasurer
Charlotta P. Engrav ...................... Secretary
John K. Greaney ................. Executive Director
Edward F. Sayle ............... Editor of PERISCOPE
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Intelligence and Deception Successful For D-Day Assault,
Kirkpatrick Tells AFIO
Allied intelligence estimates of the German order-
of-battle expected to confront the landings on Normandy
Beach on June 6, 1944, were ninety percent accurate,
according to Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, an intelligence officer
for the D-Day landings. Speaking at the AFIO Flag Day
luncheon at Bolling AFB, the former CIA official noted
that "There were not many surprises as to what was to
be faced... Only one German brigade was present that
had not been anticipated, and it was pretty quickly
ground up."
In recounting the role of intelligence in the planning
of the assault, Kirkpatrick evaluated the product as
"Quite good; I won't say perfect." One surprise was the
total acceptance by the Germans of the allied deception
plan known as FORTITUDE. The plan, designed to mis-
lead the Germans as to Allied intentions, led them to
wait for "the real thing," the phantom army created by
deception planners. "They were watching for a man
called George Patton," the presumed commander of the
invading force the Germans anticipated elsewhere on
the French coast. "They were watching constantly for
signs of Patton, of signs of a great armored buildup." As
a result, German reserves remained uncommitted dur-
ing the first stages of the invasion in which Allied casu-
alties were "ghastly," according to Kirkpatrick.
Fifty percent of the men landing on Omaha Beach
died, he said, and it was only through "intense heroism"
of the men on the beaches and supporting naval gunfire
that the beachhead was held. "It was far from a sure
thing, it wasn't assumed to be a sure thing either by the
planners or the leaders."
Intelligence collection prior to the landings, the
speaker explained, ranged from determining the opera-
tional status of new, undeployed German weaponry to
the weather. Noting that the initial landings had been
delayed a day due to bad weather, Kirkpatrick gave par-
ticular credit to the British Air Marshal who served as
Eisenhower's weatherman. The officer had predicted a
June 6th break in the bad weather for 24-36 hours only.
"He was absolutely right. It was an incredible weather
prediction; That's exactly what happened."
"Everything had been done," Kirkpatrick explained,
"to discover everything about the Germans that could be
known in advance." He paid tribute to members of the
French resistance, over 25,000 of whom were executed
by the Nazis, and to low-flying aerial reconnaissance
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick
pilots. "We had practically taken pictures of everyone of
One little known factor was the possibility the
Germans would use gas. In anticipation of this, Kirkpa-
trick said, "Every soldier landing on the beaches was
wearing impregnated clothing-clothing which had been
impregnated against gas, was carrying a gas mask and
had been trained to immediately put on that gas mask in
case of attack."
In introducing Mr. Kirkpatrick, former AFIO presi-
dent John F. Blake, paid tribute to the speaker's contri-
butions to intelligence. In addition to his service with CIA
from 1946 to 1965, and his appointment there as the
first Executive Director, Kirkpatrick chaired the Eisen-
hower administration's Departmental Procedures Study
Group which endorsed the centralization of military
intelligence analysis. "He is one of the fathers of DIA,"
Blake noted.
10th Annual Convention
and Election Supplement
Included With This Issue
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Proposed Changes to the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
(Last of a three-part series)
by Richard W. Bates,
Member of AFIO's Board of Directors
Printed separately in this issue of Periscope is a
Resolution adopted unanimously by the full Board of
Directors at their June 14 meeting which proposes
changes to the AFIO Articles of Incorporation. The rea-
soning for each change is discussed in the resolution.
That Resolution must now be accepted by two-thirds of
the votes entitled to be cast by members present or
represented by proxy at an annual or special meeting.
Proposed changes to the By-Laws of the Associa-
tion are also printed in this issue of Periscope. These
changes have been adopted unanimously by the full
Board for implementation after the next convention,
providing the changes to the Articles are accepted by
the membership. The changes must be ratified by a
majority of the members eligible to vote and present or
represented by proxy at an annual or special meeting.
Also included in this Periscope, in the convention
package, is a combination ballot and proxy form. (Only
Full members are eligible to vote.) You are asked to vote
for, or against the Resolution. If you vote for the Resolu-
tion you are then asked to vote for, or against, the
changes to the By-Laws. This ballot is also a proxy
because our Articles of Incorporation require it. Also,
because the By-Laws call for nominations to the Board
from the floor of a convention, we must make provision
for any such nominations. You may authorize someone
at the Convention to change your votes in favor of floor
nominations if you wish.
The general philosophy of the changes is that rules
for our organization should be general in nature. To
unnecessarily restrict the Board of Directors and the
Officers in carrying out their responsibilities is not in
the best interest of the Association. For instance,
detailed policy instructions for Nominating and Resolu-
tion Committees can, and should be made by the
appointing authority and made known to the members
in the pages of Periscope.
Most members who commented on our present
rules either stated, or implied that nominations of Board
members should not be made from the floor of the
Convention. The Board accepted the idea that nomina-
tions should be made prior to the Convention, then a
ballot offered to all Full members to be returned to
Headquarters prior to the Convention. Only the results
of the balloting would be announced at the Convention.
The changes establish this procedure.
A strictly secret ballot was considered. The Board
felt that because of a need for a proxy, an absolutely
secret ballot would be impractical. On the other hand,
how individuals cast their votes need not be public
knowledge. The Board therefore opted for a ballot
which would be authenticated by the Headquarters
staff, then turned over to an Election Committee at the
Most everyone involved suggested doing away
with proxies. But the fact is, we need them. There is a
provision in the revised rules to allow for urgent busi-
ness to be raised at the Convention and voted on. Con-
sider the possibility of a move in Congress, just as the
Convention opens, to do away with the Intelligence
Community. We would not want to wait a year to pass a
Resolution voicing our concern. Without a proxy for
such urgent business, active members who cannot
attend the Convention will have no voice.
The Board opted to fill all eleven vacancies on the
Board at this Convention, then, using the authority of
the revised rules, designate newly-elected members
terms as one. two or three years, based on the number
of votes received. The Board felt that restricting the
number of vacancies to be filled would unduly restrict
the influx of new names to the Board.
Minimum qualifications for Board members and
Officers, like three years in the organization, and re-
strictions on the number of terms they may serve,
were discussed. In the words of our Founder, Dave
Phillips, "...Don't impose restrictions on who can be an
officer or Board member. It's hard enough now to get
people to volunteer to take an active part." John Davis
commented that it would be foolish not to be allowed to
put someone like Bob Inman on the Board just because
he had not been a member two or three years. To make
it mandatory that the Secretary or Treasurer not be
allowed to serve consecutive terms would make con-
tinuity in these vital functions difficult.
Establishing a specific number of nominees like
two for every vacancy, dictating geographic distribution,
and establishing Board positions to be filled according
to previous organizational affiliation were all rejected
because the Board is convinced that this kind of restric-
tion would make filling the Board next to impossible.
Nominating committees can be directed to address the
balance of the Board with regard to former affiliation,
and indeed they have been in every year that I have
been involved. Geographic distribution of the Board
members could create a Board which cannot properly
function. Our Board is a very active one in quarterly
meetings. It could not be so unless a large number
attend each meeting. Travel costs to our members
could prohibit adequate participation in these meetings
and we are not yet rich enough to pay their way.
There are a number of minor changes to the Arti-
cles and By-Laws which should cause little or no dis-
cussion. These include the change in the name of the
registered agent, making the By-Laws consistent with
the Articles of Incorporation, and syntax corrections.
There are some changes which are minor in
nature and inserted at this time to bring the rules in line
Convention for a tally, charging all concerned to assure with actuality or to ease administration of the organiza-
the integrity of individual ballots. tion. These include requiring the Board to act on all new
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
A~p~ 6~~ s`~~ 1t~1t ,o, ss i6nuc6~pc a o18-1
The following changes to the By-Laws of the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers have been adopted unanimously by the
Board of Directors and is submitted to the Membership for ratification.
Change paragraph A.3., of Article Ito read as follows:
3. Provide speakers and writers from the membership of the
Corporation for lectures and discussion groups, panels, and other
forums conducted by the electronic media which involve the conduct
of intelligence as a function of the United States Government.
Rationale. Remove the phrase about public media as this specific
emphasis is not needed.
members and requests for renewals, legitimizing the
use of the By-Laws to determine the size of the Board,
making sure that the new Board elects officers for the
coming year, and removing words and phrases which
were necessary when the Association was founded.
Then there are the major changes which alter the
way we do business in elections and meetings. They
are complex and interlocking. They must be accepted or
rejected as a whole.
The Board decided, again unanimously, that it
would be proper to offer the changes as a single pack-
age requiring a vote for or against rather than voting
article by article, paragraph by paragraph. Also, because
so many of the major changes in the By-Laws depend
upon acceptance of the new Articles of Incorporation,
you are asked to vote for or against them only if you
voted for the changes to the Articles. Indeed, the major
changes to the By-Laws cannot be made unless the
Articles are changed.
It will not be easy to follow the changes recom-
mended unless you compare them carefully with the
existing Articles and By-Laws printed in your 1984
Membership Directory. I suggest you mix yourself a
drink, then take an hour for a paragraph by paragraph
comparison to assure yourself that the Board has
indeed made changes which will give every Full member
a vote on Association issues.
The rules we work by were originally written for
"...a small group of close friends..." as Dave Phillips
put it. Since then the Organization has changed. While I
think we are all still friends, we are no longer a small
group of personal friends. As you read the rules and
make your comparison you will find places where
words are redundant, or which really no longer apply.
The Board realizes this, but opted against further
changes at this time. We have addressed the major
issue-one Member one vote-and a few minor issues
which need quick attention. I will propose to the new
Board, at the Convention, that we appoint a committee
to take a long look at the rules-two years or more-to
come up with a major re-write for some future conven-
tion. All members who wish may participate in that
I trust that this series of articles has been helpful to
you in following the thoughts and actions of your Board
of Directors over the past year with regard to changes
in the way we will do business. After the initial show of
interest, little has come through the mails. I would
appreciate any comments you might have. I will also be
pleased to answer any questions you may have about
these articles, or the changes the Board proposes to our
Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Change paragraph A.6., of Article Ito read as follows:
6. Provide assistance to Congressional Committees and individ-
ual Members of Congress on their request on intelligence matters.
Rationale: Add the phrase, "... on their request ... to empha-
size that AFIO is not a lobbying organization. -
Change paragraph A., of Article II to read as follows:
A. Any adverse actions by the Board of Directors under para-
graph G or H of Article VI of the Articles of Incorporation shall be
taken only after receipt of recommendations from the President.
Rationale: To change paragraph identification to coincide with
changes made in the Articles of Incorporation.
Change paragraph Al, .of Article IV to read as follows:
A. The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than fifteen
(15) nor more than twenty-one (21) members. Directors will be
elected by Full members of the Association. The number of nominees
receiving a plurality of votes cast for the number of vacancies will be
elected. Tie-breaker procedures will be determined by the sitting
Board of Directors.
Rationale: New paragraph A. replaces old paragraph A. 1. It
changes the upper limit of Board membership from twenty to twenty-
one. It removes the requirement for Board members to be elected by
Full members "... voting i n person or by proxy at the National Con-
vention, C o n -
v e n t i o n ,..." " saying now that, "... Directors will be elected by Full
members of the Association. " The election procedures are addressed
in Article VII. Tie-breaker procedures are moved from paragraph A.2.
to this, more appropriate, location.
Remove paragraph A.2., of Article IV.
Rationale: Old paragraph A.2. is removed and its contents moved
to new paragraph A., and new paragraph B. The statement about
Board responsibilities is removed because it appears in the Articles of
Incorporation, Article IX, paragraph A.
Change paragraph B., of Article IV to read as follows:
B. The Board of Directors shall elect its own Chairman. Subject
to the approval of the whole Board, the Chairman shall appoint an
Executive Committee composed of Directors to provide interim advice
and assistance to the President. The Board will supervise and furnish
guidance to the Executive Committee.
Rationale. New paragraph B. consolidates Board organization
into one paragraph from old paragraphs A.2. and B., removes the
restriction of five members to the Executive Committee, and allows
the Chairman to appoint the Executive Committee with the approval
of the whole Board.
Change paragraph C., of Article IV to read as follows:
C. All actions and decisions of the Board shall be by a majority
vote of Directors present, or represented by proxy, at a duly scheduled
meeting of the Board, except that any amendment to these By-Laws
shall be by two-thirds vote of the Directors present at a duly sche-
duled meeting of the Board, and subject to ratification by a majority of
the votes cast by members eligible to vote.
Rationale: New paragraph C. contains most of what appeared in
old paragraph B., concerning voting procedures and By-La w amend-
ments. It changes the requirement for changes to the By-Laws to be
ratified by members present or represented by proxy at a membership
meeting to simply require a majority of votes cast by i ull members.
Add a new paragraph D., to Article IV, as follows
D. The Board of Directors shall designate the term of office of
each of the Directors pursuant to paragraph B of Article IX of the
Articles of Incorporation.
Rationale: New paragraph D. contains most of the words from
old paragraph C. but changes the reference to the Articles to make it
correct with the changes to that document. It also removes the words
about predecessor organizations which seem to have no current
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
Change paragrapV&lYf6U'L6Jd\ROFeRL4114,062004/11/01: CIAAbR$8vVf,11 S d1bb866bt1qd as follows:
A. The officers shall act for the Corporation between meetings of
the Board of Directors within their respective functions. Such officers
shall hold office for a period of one (1) year and, thereafter, until their
successor may be elected. In the event of a death, removal, or resig-
nation of any officer, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall
designate an interim replacement until the next meeting of the Board.
Rationale: Changed to remove words which appear in Article X
of the Articles of Incorporation.
read as follows:
All instruments drawing on Corporation accounts will be signed
by two authorized signatories, as designated by the President.
Rationale: Removes the requirement for the Treasurer and the
President or Vice President to countersign all instruments but requires
that they be countersigned by two authorized to do so.
Change paragraph A., of Article VI to read as follows:
A. In addition to any meeting of the Board of Directors called by
the Chairman, a majority of the Directors may call a meeting. A
quorum for any meeting of the Board shall be at least one half of the
total membership present or represented by proxy at such a meeting.
Rationale: Change to establish a quorum as a percentage of total
membership rather than a specific number. This will minimize
changes required as the size of the Board is changed.
Change paragraph B., of Article VI to read as follows:
B. For any meeting of the members of the Corporation, the
Secretary shall be responsible for providing not less than ten (10) nor
more than fifty (50) days notice of such meetings. A quorum shall be
one hundred (100) full members of the Corporation present or
represented by proxy and eligible to vote in order to transact any
business. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall preside at any
such meeting.
Rationale: A change in syntax. No change in substance.
Change paragraph B., Article VII to read as follows
B. A Resolution Committee, and a Nominating Committee for
the candidacy of members for the Board of Directors, shall be
appointed by the Chairman of the Board. They shall be appointed in
sufficient time to allow for the receipt and consideration of resolu-
tions and nominations from the membership, adequate publicity, and
the distribution and collection of ballots from all Full members prior to
the National Convention.
Rationale: Changes establish certain minimum requirements for
the Nominating and Resolution Committees: i. e.; appointment by the
Chairman of the Board, adequate publicity for committee procedures,
sufficient time for submissions from the membership, adequate pub-
licity for the slate of nominees and proposed resolutions, and for the
distribution and collection of ballots from all Full members prior to the
National Convention at which results are to be announced Removed
is the provision for nominations for Board members from the floor of
the Convention.
Change paragraph C., of Article VII to read as follows:
C. Candidates for election to the Board of Directors will be sub-
mitted to the Nominating Committee. Any Full member may nomi-
nate any other Full member, or his or her self, for candidacy for
election to the Board of Directors. Nominees must signify, in writing
to the chairman of the Nominating Committee, willingness to serve if
Rationale: New paragraph C. establishes procedures for nomi-
nating candidates for membership on the Board of Directors.
Change paragraph D., of Article VII to read as follows:
D. Any member may propose a resolution to be considered for
adoption. The Resolution Committee will forward resolutions with
their recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Board may
accept, or reject proposed resolutions based upon the purpose and
activities of the Association as stated in the Articles of Incorporation
and the By-Laws.
Rationale: Change to paragraph D. establishes procedures for
E. Votes for election to the Board of Directors, Resolutions, and
proposed changes to the By-Laws will be tallied at the appropriate
membership meeting by a three-member Election Committee and the
results announced by its chairman. Ballots will be authenticated by
the member's signature and membership number. The Election
Committee will retain all ballots-after the election until the end of the
Convention and snail not divulge the contents of any ballot unless
required to answer a challenge from the Convention floor.
Rationale: New paragraph E. establishes procedures for all vot-
ing at a National convention or other membership meeting. It incorpo-
rates the provisions of old paragraph C.
Whereas, The Articles of Incorporation of the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, to be amended, require that a resolution
to that effect be adopted by the Board of Directors; and
Whereas, To be adopted, that resolution must be accepted by
two thirds of the votes entitled to be cast by members present or
represented by proxy at an annual or special meeting; and
Whereas, The Board has determined, unanimously, that certain
changes to the Articles of Incorporation are in the best interest of the
Corporation; and
Whereas, Election and voting procedures for the Association
need to be improved and certain minor adjustments made to the
Articles of Incorporation to bring them in line with the realities of
today; therefore,
Resolved, That the changes to the Articles of Incorporation set
forth below be made to become affectiveafter the adjournment of the
1984 Annual Convention.
Rewrite the second paragraph of Article II as follows:
The principal office of the Corporation may be changed upon the
approval of a majority of the Directors. The name of the Corporation's
registered agent is Mr. Robert J. Novak, who is a resident of the State
of Virginia and whose business office is the same as the registered
Office of the Corporation.
Rationale: As Mr. Warner now lives in Arizona, this change of
registered agent i.s required.
Change paragraph B of Article VI to as read as follows:
B. Any United States Citizen who has had his or her principal
duty in the intelligence field for the U.S. Government is eligible to
apply for Full membership in the Corporation.
Rationale: The phrase, ""... subject to the approval of the Direc-
tors ... " is removed The "... eligibility to apply ... "" is not subject to
the approval of the Board. Rather it is the acceptability as a member
that is subject to approval. That is now in new paragraph H., below.
Add a new paragraph, H, to Article VI as follows:
H. Applications for all classes of membership, Full, Associate,
Life, or Corporate, and all applications for renewal, will be submitted
to the Board of Directors for approval.
Rationale: This new paragraph clearly charges the Board of
Directors to consider and approve, or deny, all requests for member-
ship in the Corporation, and all requests for renewal of membership.
While this responsibility was implied before, it was not explicit.
Change paragraph A., of Article IX, as follows:
A. The number of Directors for the Corporation shall be fixed by
the By-Laws but in any case will not be less than three. The Board of
Directors shall have the basic responsibility for the conduct of Corpo-
ration affairs; will determine the basic policies; and will review the
activities of the Corporation.
Rationale: To remove the restriction on the number of members
of the Board of Directors to three members and to legitimize the use
of the By-Laws to establish the number of members the Board may
have. The minimum of three members is required by Virginia State
law. Also to move the statement about elections to an all-new Article
Xlll which addresses all voting procedures.
Delete old Paragraph B., of Article IX.
Rationale: This change moves the amendment procedures to the
all-new Article Xlll which addresses all voting and amendment
submitting resolutions to be considered at a National convention. procedures.
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Insert an al)-new P.
a0&08dt P ees`6lQM04/11/01 : Cl
B. The Board will take action to maintain a proper rotation of its
members each year. As each term is completed replacements will
normally serve for three years. When unexpected vacancies occur,
members will be elected to fill the unexpired term in the next regu-
larly scheduled election. In the event an unexpected vacancy occurs
which will reduce the Board to a total number less than the minimum
required by the By-Laws, the Chairman of the Board shall appoint an
interim member to fill the vacancy until the next regularly scheduled
Rationale. This new paragraph B. consolidates and up-dates the
procedures for filling the Board membership. It removes the manda-
tory three-year term for every elected Board member; allows Board
members to be elected to fill unexpired terms; requires the Board to
take action to maintain a proper rotational balance; and it requires the
Chairman to appoint an interim member if necessary to keep the
Board at or above the minimum number stated in the By-Laws. This
new paragraph B. covers all that is still valid in old paragraph C,
except who may vote for Directors. That issue is covered in paragraph
F., of Article Vl, above.
Delete old pargraph C. of Article IX for the reasons stated in the
above rationale for new paragraph B., of Article IX.
Rewrite Article X as follows:
The Officers of the Corporation shall be: a President, a Vice
President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such others as may be
established by the Board of Directors. Officers shall be elected annu-
ally by the newly elected Board of Directors at the National Conven-
tion and are subject to removal by the Board of Directors. The duties
and responsibilities of the officers shall be prescribed by the Corpora-
tion's By-Laws.
Rationale: Add the words, ""... newly elected... .' to establish
that the new Board will elect the officers for the coming year.
Rewrite paragraph B, of Article XI to read as follows:
B. There shall be an annual meeting of the members of the
Corporation at a National Convention at a time and place approved by
the Board of Directors to transact appropriate business. There may be
other special meetings of the members, as approved by the Board of
Rationale., To remove the phrase ""... to conduct election of a
Board of Directors ... "" to allow for the voting procedures established
in the all-new Article XIII.
Remove old Article XIII as it no longer applies.
Enter an all-new Article XIII of three paragraphs as follows.
Rationale: To consolidate amendment and voting procedures.
A. To amend the Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors
shall adopt a resolution setting forth the proposed amendment, find-
ing that it is in the best interests of the Corporation and directing that
it be submitted to a vote of Full members. The proposed amendment
shall be adopted upon receiving more than two-thirds of the votes
cast. The results will be announced at either an annual or a special
Rationale: Amendment procedures moved from Article IX are
changed only to remove the requirement that the changes be submit-
ted to a vote of members present at an annual or special meeting and
adopted by two-thirds of the members present. Instead, a resolution
for amendment will be voted on by all Full members and carried if
accepted by two-thirds of those votes cast. Changes also remove the
provision in the original Articles for voting by proxy.
B. Voting for all issues will be by ballot disseminated to all Full
members, except that with the approval of a majority of the Directors
present at an annual or special meeting, urgent issues raised at such
a meeting may be voted and approved by a majority of Full members
Rationale: Requires that all Full members be given the opportun-
ity to vote on all issues, except urgent business brought up on the
floor at a special or annual meeting, whether they are present at the
meeting or not.
C. Notice of elections and other balloting, and of special and
annual meetings, shall be given to each member entitled to vote or
attend such a meeting within the time and in the manner provided by
Virginia law for the giving of notice of meetings of members
Rationale.- This paragraph consolidates and expands notification
From the
Director ...
We are pleased to report that we have received 100
new members since the membership drive was launched
in the May issue of Periscope. However, we do need
more help if AFIO is to attain a membership of 4,000 by
the Tenth National Convention on October 19 and 20,
There is a great deal of interest from AFIO members
around the country in forming new chapters, (certainly
our New England members had a great time with Mike
Speers and friends at Langrove, Vermont. on June 23
where approximately fifty members showed up for the
inaugural meeting of the rebirth of the New England
Chapter). An idea which they intend to use because
their Chapter covers a seven-state area, is to ride a cir-
cuit and plan for Chapter meetings in different locations
each quarter. It is hoped that the second meeting of the
New England Chapter will take place in the Boston area
in November after the National Convention. I think one
aspect that helped the New England group get such a
large response was the number of stories which
appeared in the press before the meeting. This was
clearly responsible for the new members coming to the
meeting. There were also ten reporters in attendance
and this resulted in nine different articles describing the
meeting after it took place. The press can be helpful if
properly approached. It is suggested that AFIO's role as
an Education Foundation be emphasized since many
outsiders feel that AFIO is merely a social club.
There appear to be major changes scheduled for
the next session of Congress, which begins in January
1985, with regard to the membership of the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Per-
manent Select Committee on Intelligence It would be
helpful for AFIO members to write letters to their indi-
vidual Congressmen and Senators expressing personal
concern over the importance of selecting qualified can-
didates for these two very important Committees.
Classified Section
Seeking Assistant Vice President-Manager of Inves-
tigations and Loss Recovery. Successful applicant will
be responsible for investigating and recovering losses
resulting from all criminal activities having a negative
impact on the assets of the client bank, and will manage
18 staff members.
Applicant should have several years of experience
skewed to state-of-the-art investigative and loss recov-
ery activities, with extensive background in all catego-
ries of investigation and management. Strong communi-
cations skills, knowledge of the budget process, and
understanding of the criminal justice system are required.
For further information contact: Judith Kirchhoff,
Paul Stafford Associates, Ltd., 222 South Riverside
requirements for all meApprovedt Fgor 1Releaset2U04/11/01 : CIA_WDP$ Wo13L1gk%%% 100500040119142.
pl~b~aaan~e~l AF:IOBard ~Dite to sa
10th Annual Convention
John Joseph Davis, a retired Lieu-
tenant General in the U.S. Army, was
born at Leavenworth, Kansas. He grad-
uated from the U.S. Military Academy in
1931 and was commissioned a 2nd Lt.
of Artillery. Prior to WWII he served in
artillery commands ranging from battery
commander to battalion commander.
During WWII he commanded a 155mm
gun batallion in Gen. Patton's Third Army. After the war he
served as military attache to the Union of South Africa and as
a division artillery commander in Korea. Among his intelli-
gence assignments were: Chief, Plans and Policy Division,
NSA, 1953-55; Director, Foreign Intelligence, Office of the
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, U.S. Army, 1957-
1961; Assistant Director for Production, NSA, 1961-66; and
Assistant Director for Weapons Evaluation and Verification,
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1966-70.
He joined AFIO in January 1978 and has been nominated
for a second term on the Board of Directors.
Lawrence R. Houston received his
BA from Harvard in 1935 and his LL.B
from Virginia Law School in 1939. He
was associated with the law firm of
White and Case, New York City, 1939-
43. Inducted in February 1943, he was
commissioned in the Judge Advocate
General's Department in 1944. He was
assigned as Theater Counsel, Mediter-
ranian Theater, OSS, in September 1944 and served as Dep-
uty Director of OSS, Middle East, from January 1945 to
September 1945. In 1946, Houston was named General
Counsel of the Central Intelligence Group, and from 1947 until
his retirement in 1973 he served as General Counsel of CIA.
He holds the Intelligence Medal of Merit, the Distinguished
Intelligence Medal, the National Security Medal and the Civil
Service League Award.
He joined AFIO in 1976 and serves currently as Legal
Advisor to the Board of Directors.
Lee Echols is AFIO's California
State Chairman. He served as a U.S.
Customs agent for twenty-three years,
and for three years was Chief investiga-
tor for an OSS unit commanded by Col.
Carl F. Eifler (AUS-Ret) with whom
Echols worked later to establish the
California and western AFIO chapters.
Subsequently he served for twelve years
with the CIA in Latin America.
He lectures frequently for AFIO and has written scores of
magazine articles. He is also the author of Dead Aim, a hum-
orous book about his years as a pistol shooting champion.
Samuel Halpern, one of the origi-
nal founders of AFIO in 1975, served
with the OSS, in the U.S. and abroad,
1943-45. He was with the Department
of State, 1945-46, before joining the
Strategic Services Unit in 1946. He
served thereafter with CIG and CIA in a
number of responsible positions. From
1968 until his retirement in 1973, he
was Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director for Plans
(Operations). He attended the National War College, 1965-66.
Halpern waschairman of the first AFIO National Conven-
tion, 1975, and served as a consultant to AFIO on congres-
sional hearings and legislation, 1975-1981. He has also
served on the AFIO Advisory Council, 1979-84, participating in
studies of several topics affecting AFIO, resulting in numerous
recommendations to AFIO's President, Board of Directors and
Executive Committee. Recently he served as a member of
AFIO's Ad Hoc Task Force on Election Procedures and
Richard X. Larkin, a retired Major
General, U.S. Army, was born at Omaha,
Nebraska. He attended Creighton Prep
High School and Creighton University
before entering the U.S. Military Acad-
emy. Commissioned a 2nd Lt. of infantry
in 1952, hesaw combat as a platoon
leader with the 25th Infantry Division in
Korea. Following several years as a
company commander in Korea, the U.S. and in Germany, he
was assigned to the U.S. Military Academy as Associate Pro-
fessor of the Russian Language. During that period he received
his MA from Columbia University.
After service on the Army staff, he commanded an infan-
try battalion of the 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam. Later, after
graduation from the Army War College and service with the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, he returned to the 4th Division in Colo-
rado where he served as Brigade commander; Chief of Staff;
and, finally, as Assistant Division Commander.
In July 1977, he was posted to Moscow for two years as
Defense Attache. On return to Washington he was appointed
Chief of Staff and Director of Collection, DIA. Thereafter he
became Deputy Director, DIA. He holds the National Intelli-
gence Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the DoD's
Distinguished Service Medal, Army Distinguished Service
Medal, Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross
and the Soldier's Medal.
He has served as President of AFIO since October 1982.
Special Notice
Members are reminded that all proposals or
petitions for resolutions must be submitted to the
Resolutions Committee at least 30 days prior to
the annual convention to permit the committee to
give them full consideration. Members of this
year's committee are: Larry Houston, chairman;
Dr. Louis W. Tordella; Dr. Walter L. Pforzheimer;
and John W. Warner.
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
WApIter proved rzbei
For1elease 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-013191 0 t1-1
Walter L. Pforzheimer was born at
Port Chester, N.Y. and graduated from
Yale College in 1935. He received his
J.D. from Yale School of Law in 1938,
and practiced law, specializing in copy-
right law, 1938-42. He enlisted in the
Army in April 1942 and graduated from
Air Corps OCS in December of that year.
He was assigned immediately to the Air
Intelligence School, and has been associated with intelligence
duties continually since that date. He served on the Intelli-
gence Staff of the U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe, 1944-
45. From 1946 to 1974 he was a member of the reserves.
In February 1946 he joined the Central Intelligence Group
and served as CIG/CIA's first Legislative Counsel, 1946-56.
Concurrently, he was Assistant General Counsel. In 1956, he
was named Curator of CIA's newly-established HistoricalIntel-
ligence Collection, in addition to other special assignments. He
retired in 1974, and for the next three years remained a con-
sultant with the Agency's Office of General Counsel. Since
1974 he has been an Adjunct Professor at the Defense Intelli-
gence College, where he lectures and directs a seminar on the
"literature of intelligence."
He served as a member of President-elect Reagan's CIA
transition team, 1980-81, and is a member of the Board of
Directors, National Intelligence Study Center. Dr. Pforzheimer
served as a Trustee of the Yale Library 1937-76, and has been
an Honorary Trustee since that time. Known widely as a rare
book collector, his holdings include what is deemed the best
private collection in America of books and manuscripts dealing
with intelligence services. He holds the Bronze Star, the Intel-
ligence Medal of Merit and the Career Intelligence Medal.
He serves presently as legislative advisor to the Board of
Directors and is nominated for his third term on that Board.
Fred Rodell was born in Germany
and attended schools there and college
in Italy. He emigrated to the United
States during the late 1930's. During
WWII he served in the U.S. Army, first in
the infantry and later in the OSS. At the
end of the War, when the President
appointed OSS Director William J. Don-
ovan as Assistant Chief Prosecutor, Inter-
Eileen Harvey Scott, east president
of the San Diego Chapter has been an
officer since the chapter's inception.
She received the Navy "E" (for excel-
lence) for her role in building mine-
sweepers prior to Pearl Harbor. During
WWII, she spent a year in the ultra-
secret coderoom of the British Ministry
of War Transport, and in 1943 went to
Washington to join the OSS. After completion of the Evalua-
tion School, she was assigned to OSS' New York office, and
was a nominee for the Manhattan Project. After the war she
spent three years in Cuba and eighteen years in Southern
France where she organized and ran tours for .he U.S. Sixth
Fleet when it was in port.
She moved to California in 1976 and has been active in
AFIO ever since.
Lawrence B. Sulc was born in New
Jersey and reared in the Panama Canal
Zone. He is a graduate of Stanford Uni-
versity, and during WWII saw service in
the U.S. Navy. He is a veteran of over
twenty-three years service with the CIA,
and spent six years with the Minority
Staff of the House Committee on Foreign
He also served as Executive Director of the Republican
Study Committee of the House of Representatives. Sulc pres-
ently serves as President of the Nathan Hale Foundation and
the Nathan Hale Institute.
Jack E. Thomas, a retired Major
General, USAF, is a native of Utah and is
an ROTC graduate from the University of
Utah. He holds a PhD in political science
from the University of California (Berke-
ley) and is a graduate of the National
War College. He has served over forty-
two years in intelligence assignments in
the Army Air Corps/U.S. Air Force, the
Office of the Director of Central Intelligence and presently is a
fulltime consultant with the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
for Policy. For the past six years he also has been an Adjunct
Professor at the Defense Intelligence College.
From 1963 to 1969 he was Assistant Chief of Staff, Intel-
ligence, Headquarters, USAF-the longest tour of duty in that
position ever served by any incumbent. Earlier he had been
J-2, U.S. European Command, and Commander of the Air
Force Intelligence Center. During WWII he served two years
with a bomber wing in southern Italy and after V-E day was
with the Allied Control Commission in Berlin. He served four
years at Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe, in the
early 1950's. His decorations include the USAF Distinguished
Service Medal, the Legion of Merit and several medals from
foreign governments.
national Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, Rodell accompanied
him. Rodell served as a member of the U.S. Prosecution Staff
until Donovan left the assignment, at which time Rodell
returned to the U.S. and was honorably discharged. He subse-
quently returned in a civilian capacity to the Prosecution Staff,
and served there until the end of the War Crimes Trials. Since
then he has been engaged in business, both on the domestic
and international level, and for a time was Honorary Consul of
the Republic of Panama in Texas.
He is a member of the National Military Intelligence Asso-
ciation and is a life member of the Veterans of OSS and AFIO.
Since 1980, he has served as president of the Gulf Coast
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
Approved i-or Release 2004/11/01
Eugene F. Tighe, Jr., a retired Lieute-
nant General, USAF, was born in New
Raymer, Colorado. He graduated from
Loyola University, Los Angeles, in 1949
as a distinguished graduate in history.
He completed the Air War College,
Maxwell AFB, and was awarded an
honorary doctor of military science
degree by Norwich University. He en-
listed in the U.S. Army in September 1942, and served in the
U.S. and Australia. In 1944, he graduated from the Artillery
Officer OCS at Camp Columbia, Australia, and was assigned
as an anti-aircraft advisor with the 43rd Bombardment Group,
5th Air Force, serving in New Guinea, Netherlands East Indies,
the Philippines and the Ryukyus. In January 1946 he was
released from active duty and accepted a reserve commission
in the USAF.
He entered on active duty with the U.S. Air Force in
August 1950, serving initially as an intelligence officer with
the 78th Fighter-Interceptor Group. Successively, from 1951 -
55, he served as an intelligence officer with the 8th Fighter-
Bomber Group in Korea, the 436th Bombardment Squadron
and the 7th Bombardment Group. He was Operations Officer
for the 497th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron in Ger-
many, 1955-58, and both organized and served as chief of the
Research center of the 544th Aerospace Reconnaissance
Technical Wing at Off utt AFB. Following graduation from the
Air War College in 1966, he was named Director of Targets,
7th Air Force, Vietnam. In 1967, was transferred to Hq., USAF,
and served as special assistant in the Reconnaissance Division
of the Directorate of Operations until 1969. In that year he was
named Deputy Director of Estimates, and in 1970 became
Director of Estimates. He served later as Director of Intelli-
gence Applications in the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff,
Intelligence. From 1971-72, he was Deputy Chief of Staff,
Intelligence, Pacific Forces, and in April 1972 was named
Director of Intelligence for the command. From 1974-76 he
was Deputy Director, DIA, and for a period was Acting Direc-
tor. Next, he served as Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Air
Command, and as Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, at Air
Force Headquarters. He served an interim assignment as spe-
cial assistant to the Director, DIA, and in September 1977
assumed the post of Director, DIA, from which he retired in
September 1981.
Among his decorations are the Distinguished Service
Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Legion of Merit with three Oak
Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint
Service Commendation Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal
and the Order of National Security Merit awarded by the
Republic of Korea. He was elected to the AFIO Board of Direc-
tors in 1981 and serves as a member of the Executive Commit-
tee. He has been nominated for his second term on the Board.
Louis W. Tordella, a retired Captain,
U.S. Navy, was educated at Loyola Uni-
versity, Chicago, and the University of
Illinois. He saw active duty in the United
States Navy from 1942 to 1946.
He served in cryptologic assign-
ments since 1942, culminating as Dep-
uty Director, NSA, 1958-74 His awards
include the National Security Medal,
presented in 1974.
W. Raymond Wannall was admitted
to the District of Columbia Bar in 1942
and entered the Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation as a Special Agent. During his
career he represented the FBI on the
United States Intelligence Board and was
its spokesman before various congres-
sional committees and other groups.
A former Assistant Director of the
FBI, he headed the Intelligence Division which had responsibil-
ity for FBI coverage of foreign counterintelligence, espionage,
terrorism and domestic intelligence, fields in which he has
specialized for over thirty years.
He is the recipient of the CIA Certificate of Distinction and
awards from three "friendly" intelligence services. He has
served as Chairman of the AFIO Board of Directors since 1982
and has been nominated for a second term on the Board.
John S. Warner, a retired Major
General in the USAFR, was born in
Washington, D.C. After receiving his law
degree, he enlisted in the Air Force and
was commissioned in 1944. He served
in the ETO as a B-17 pilot, was detailed
to OSS in 1945, and joined CIA in 1947.
During his CIA career he served as
Legislative Counsel, Deputy General
Counsel and General Counsel. He joined AFIO upon retire-
ment in 1976 and has served as a member of the Board and
Executive Committee, and was AFIO's legal advisor until' he
left the Washington area to reside in Tucson, Arizona. He is
the author of "National Security and the First Amendment," in
AFIO's Intelligence Pro-fession Series.
He holds an MA in International Affairs (George Washing-
ton University) and-attended the National War College. He has
been nominated for a third term on the Board of Directors.
Lloyd George Wiggins, is a veteran
of long service with the CIA. He has
been an AFIO member since 1978, and
was instrumental in organizing the
Arizona Chapter in 1981. Currently he
serves as the chapter's President.
the Executive Committee since 1978. He has been nominated graphic sketch. The above was prepared by AFIO headquarters based
for a third term on the Board. on our records.
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
Presi4nteO-'f @j tOSO04/11/01: C
Ground-Breaking For New
CIA Headquarters Addition
President Reagan and Vice President Bush led the
May 24th groundbreaking ceremonies for an addition to
CIA's headquarters at Langley, Virginia. The construc-
tion, which is expected to add about 1.1 million square
feet to the facility, is scheduled for completion about
July 1987.
The addition will feature two seven-story towers
connected by a four-story podium containing technical
support facilities [read "computers"] and an employee
services concourse. It will be joined to the west side of
the existing headquarters building. In addition, a three
story parking deck in what is called "West lot" and a
security reception center near the main gate are included
among improvements.
In his prepared remarks the President said:
"When President Eisenhower came to this place a
quarter of a century ago to dedicate the cornerstone of
this building, he spoke of 'undecorated' and 'unsung'
heroes. When I was with you here two years ago, I
mentioned those words, and noted the heroes President
Eisenhower spoke about were you, the men and women
of the Central Intelligence Agency. I return to the CIA
today with exactly the same thought in mind...
"In three and a half years, spectacular changes
have occurred at this Agency. New and vitally important
missions are being performed that a few years ago
many would have said were impractical and unachieva-
ble: Funding and personnel have grown substantially,
the operations and analysis sections have seen enor-
mous increases in productivity and product; morale had
steadily improved; recruiting is highly successful with a
continuing growth in the number of talented young
Americans who want to work at CIA; individual em-
ployees are gaining greater recognition for their work;
and throughout this Agency-as well as in the Congress
and our Nation itself-there is a new recognition of the
urgent importance of the mission of the CIA...
"The changes you have underway at the CIA are a
reflection of a larger renewal among the forces of free-
dom throughout the world. I think many of you realize
that the days of defeatism and weakness are over for
America, and that in contrast to previous times, the
objectives of our foreign policy are being met..."
"When historians look back at all of this I am sure
they will conclude that no one has played a more impor-
tant role in this exciting new era than all of you here at
CIA. Your work, the work of your Director and other top
officials have been an inspiration to your fellow Ameri-
cans and to free people everywhere. I wanted to come
here today not only to dedicate this new building, which
will assist greatly in better coordinating and consolidat-
ing CIA activities, but to pledge to you my continued
support and bring to each and every one of you the
heartfelt thanks of the American people.
"God bless you all."
Among legislative and intelligence community offi-
cials participating in the ceremonies were Sen. John
Chafee; Rep. Frank Wolf; LTG James A. Williams, Direc-
tor of DIA; MG James C. Pfautz, ACSI/USAF; RADM
John Butts, Director of Naval Intelligence; BG Lloyd W.
Smith, Jr., Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, U.S.
Marine Corps; Amb. Vernon A. Walters, former DDCI;
and John F. Blake, former ADDCI. Honored also were
former DCI's John A. MCone, VADM William F. Raborn,
Jr., Amb. Richard McG. Helms, James R. Schlesinger,
William E. Colby and, of course, Vice President George
[See elsewhere in this issue for photographs and a Pre-
sidential tribute to the men and women of intelligence.]
Reagan Notes WWII
Intelligence Tie
President Ronald Reagan, the principal consumer
for U.S. intelligence agencies, has indicated that he was
also one over forty years ago. He made the acknowl-
edgement during a D-Day interview with Walter Cron-
kite, broadcast by CBS.
The President was asked by Cronkite about recent
Soviet charges that the Western allies deliberately
delayed D-Day until the Russians had effectively won
the war and, even then, the landings were virtually
unopposed because of connivance with the Germans.
Reagan was obviously amazed at the question, and
included the early intelligence connection in his response
to the newsman:
"I wonder sometimes when they talk about heated
rhetoric coming from me, doesn't anyone listen to what
they're saying?
"How anyone could say that this was an almost
unopposed landing, we know better. And the evidence is
right here, and the survivors, many of them, are right
"They [the Soviets] had not won the war, and we
had not delayed for any reason of that kind. I have some
reason for saying that because my own war service was
spent in a unit that was directly under Air Corps intelli-
gence, and we had access to all the intelligence infor-
mation about things, even this. And there was an awful
lot of war to be fought."
For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
A Presidential Tribute ti
of Intel!
Without you, our Nation's safety would be mo
The work you do each day is essential to the survival
eyes and ears of the Free World, you are the tripwire ov
their quest for global domination.
"Though it sometimes has been forgotten here in
importance of vital and energetic intelligence operation
tionary War to the breaking of the Japanese code at N
have relied directly on the courage and collective intellei
to you again that the American people are thankful for,
personal sacrifice each of you makes in carrying on you
"You are carrying on a great and noble tradition; an,
annals of America's intelligence services."
Rep. Wolf Sen. Chafee President Reagan Vici
Charles A. Briggs, EXDIR
Vice President George Bush Former DCIJames A. Schlesinger
DCI vApprovec~or Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
Former DDCI Aml
Former DCI Ai
Approved For Release 2004/11
the Men and Women
vulnerable and our security fragile and endangered.
I to the spread of human freedom. You remain the
which the forces of totalitarian rule must stumble in
'ashington, the American people know full well the
From Nathan Hale's covert operation in the Revolu-
Iway in World War II, America's security and safety
of her intelligence personnel. Today, I want to stress
-ur professionalism, for your dedication-and for the
I believe you are adding a brilliant new chapter to the
Ronald Reagan
President of the United States
May 23, 1984
Lt. Gen. James A. Williams, D/DIA
Maj. Gen. James C. Pfautz, ACSCI/USAF
Vernon A. Walters Former DCI John A. McCone Former DD/A - ADDCI John F. Blake
Richard Helms Former DCI VADM William F. Raborn, Jr. Dr. Albert D. Wheelon, Jr., PFIAB
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
lt3t~~Tovar ull00s~1;no punches awhen he tm histhe lreseararcch,
On the Intel 8mQeoB1 1 4E11/01 : CI T hiAcri~tnQedit1,
v-n from h
Current books of interest to intelligence buffs and
watchers of the world scene. All reviews are by AFIO
members except when otherwise noted.
Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's: Elements of Intelligence.
(Revised Edition). Washington, D.C.. National Strategy Information
Center, 1983. $6.95
Intelligence professionals welcomed with relief the beginnings of
the multi-volume Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's, edited by
Roy Godson of the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence. After a
decade-long flood of materials dealing with intelligence-an uneven
lot ranging from the writings of former intelligence officers and con-
gressional oversight documents to FOIA releases-the Consortium
series gained immediate recognition as "must" reading for the Amer-
ican intelligence community and the nation's decision makers.
Relatively recent changes affecting intelligence on the legal and
political scene, an increasingly hostile world and the continued
increase in congressional activism in all aspects of foreign policy,
make this revised edition particularly welcome. One hopes the Con-
sortium will amend and update the other volumes of the series to
coincide with the reshaping of the U.S. intelligence system to meet
the needs of the nation in a difficult world.
The revised edition follows the pattern of the original by treating
separately the four major disciplines of intelligence: analysis, collec-
tion, counterintelligence and covert action. It is a slim volume--
approximately one-third the size of any of the earlier four volumes.
Not counting the introduction and appendices on executive orders
and legislation since 1950, the work totals scarcely 100 pages. Yet, a
remarkable quantity of information on the issues, obstacles, legisla-
tion. reform proposals, and future prospects of each of the major
elements of intelligence is packed into this highly readable volume.
For the revised edition, the Consortium selected outstanding pro-
fessionals to update each of the four elements of intelligence defined
in the original series, and added a chapter on reforms by Dr. Angelo
Codevilla, a recognized academician with experience in both the
Executive and the Congress. The essays are balanced, comprehen-
sive and, with some exception, dispassionate; the objectivity of tone
and content will have great appeal to all with a serious interest in the
intelligence debate.
In his paper on counterintelligence, Newton S. Miler outlines
how actions from 1975 to 1980 severely handicapped the implemen-
tation of Cl activities. He focuses on the dismantling of the centralized
framework of national counterintelligence within CIA. Although we
are seeing a rethinking of the restrictive laws, executive orders and
internal guidelines of that time, Miler is pessimistic. The decentraliza-
tion of counterintelligence, in Miler's view, resulted in the destruction
of the only such component in the intelligence community where
there was a true research and analysis overview of the communist
world. He finds counterintelligence in complete disarray and inade-
quately organized to meet current needs. Miler outlines specific mea-
sures he believes must be implemented to develop an effective
national Cl program.
In 1981, the National Intelligence Study Center presented one of
its four awards for writing excellence on intelligence matters to Hugh
Tovar for his paper, "Strengths and Weaknesses in Past U S. Covert
Action." The NISC awards board had best dust off another medal for
Tovar for his essay in the present volume, He gives an excellent,
detailed account of U.S. covert action since World War II, and offers
an outstanding analysis of the ingredients of their success and fail-
ure. For example, he examines the elements of successful CA opera-
tions in Italy and Greece thirty-five years ago and those conducted in
the Philippines, Iran and Guatemala during the Eisenhower years. In
comparison, he critiques skillfully the uneven record of CA in the
1960's: the U-2 incident, the Bay of Pigs, Laos, and Congo, and Chile.
Tovar dissects the onerous provisions of the Hughes-Ryan
Amendment of 1974 and the incredible Clark-Amendment a year and
a half later which came close to stripping the nation of a covert action
capability. He also evaluates present day procedures which require a
Presidential finding on the importance to the national security of each
"special" operation, and the reporting of such intentions to the over-
sight committees for their prior comment, yet not consent He finds
the procedure with the two committees to be far more secure and
expeditious than in former times. Tovar's analysis is particularly
timely in light of the recent controversy over the extent of CIA brief-
ings on the "firecracker" mining of Nicaraguan harbors and the just-
they are 1) decision makers, planners and operatives must learn to
work together closely from the earliest developmental stages of any
proposed operation and, 2) they must look far enough ahead to
assess the likely consequences of their actions. Tovar seems satisfied
that covert action is adequately founded in the executive power and
remains a viable technique for furthering our national interests.
Beginning in the mid-1970's media attention and congressional
debate focused on allegations of abuses, violations of civil liberties,
misuse of executive authority and intervention in the affairs of sover-
eign foreign states. In this atmosphere the quality of intelligence
analysis and estimates was largely ignored and, where discussed,
generally dismissed as being "inadquate."
In his challenging essay on analysis, former DIA Director Gen-
eral Daniel O. Graham strongly defends competitive analysis. His
theme will not be dear to those in CIA who view the Agency as the
paramount influence in American intelligence. The General admits
that opinions differ widely and are strongly held, yet feels many CIA
analysts tend to believe their own estimates are the only means of
achieving a proper perspective in the face of what is seen as the
military's self-serving analysis. Graham contends that the CIA ana-
lysts have a remarkable record of underestimating the Soviet armed
forces, and looks with some apprehension that their Agency has
gained considerable support for an even greater centralization of the
intelligence community.
The core responsibility of CIA, clandestine collection of foreign
intelligence, is ably handled in a chapter by Samuel Halpern He
recognizes that neither human nor technical intelligence alone can
answer all the nation's needs and emphasizes that collectors and
analysts of both types of information must recognize this interde-
pendence. The result must be recognition that only coordination
achieves their common goals.
Technical intelligence, with its great volume, has freed the
HUMINT collector to concentrate on "intent"-the highest level
intelligence not otherwise obtainable. Halpern warns there will be
an even greater need for such clandestine collection in the 1980's as
an increasing number of countries in the Third World become closed
societies. On another important point, his urging of protection of
intelligence sources and methods extends beyond the obvious; he
points to the need to retain the confidence of allied liaison services
and the domestic business community.
Dr. Codevilla in discussing proposed reforms, observes that few
of the parties interesting themselves in intelligence reform-
politicians, journalists and bureaucrats-have made specific, con-
structive, non-politically motivated suggestions. He leads us through
the period of the battle over the legislative charters for the intelli-
gence agencies beginning in 1980, the Intelligence Identities Protec-
tion Act of 1982, the response to CIA's repeated requests for some
relief from the Freedom of Information Act and the impact of the
re-establishment of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
In reading these essays one cannot escape the conclusion that
the four major disciplines discussed are closely-related and non-
separable, and that the success of any one of them is related to the
effectiveness achieved in the others. It is a disciplined study certain
to attract fresh academic attention and understanding of intelligence.
Mark Wyatt
Perilous Missions. Civil Air Transport and CIA Covert Operations in
Asia by William M. Leary, University: The University of Alabama
Press, 1984. $22 50
I regard this as a remarkable piece of research and interpretive
writing on a complicated and difficult subject. Since the Agency's
part in air operations in the Far East was largely declassified in the
early 1970's a great deal of information was available to the author,
even more came out under the Freedom of Information Act.
To assemble and analyze all this material and to put it in read-
able form was difficult enough, but to do this with such a high
degree of accuracy as to history and facts is most unusual in our
experience with CIA histories.
The way Mr Leary gets the atmosphere, the feelings and the
spirit of the events is impressive. I spotted a few errors which are so
minor as not to be worth mentioning, particularly as they do not
materially affect the basic story. This book can be taken as an excel-
lent picture of the way it was in theperiod covered. It augurs well for
which is to cover Air America.
Leary's next volume
concluded agreement between CIA and the Senate intelligence
committee for full and. eeaarroved ror elease 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-fawrence R. Houston
A Continuing ftNdWor Release 2004/11/01: C
the Intelligencaft
The Foreign Intelligence Book Series, University Publications of
America, Frederick, Maryland, 1983-
In 1981, CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence published
Thomas F. Troy's Donovan and the CIA in a limited unclassified
edition of 2,000 copies. Originally a classified study, it is remarkable
that only about six pages were lost in the declassification procedure.
The demand quickly depleted CIA's stock. A government publication
not protected by copyright, it was republished commercially in 1981
by University Publications of America (UPA).
In January 1982, Troy retired from CIA and began the first of
two projects he had in mind with the same publisher. The first was
to edit a bimonthly newsletter with book reviews on the literature of
intelligence, and in February 1982 the "Foreign Intelligence Literary
Scene," with Troy as editor, made its debut. Meanwhile, Troy turned
his attention to the second project-ferreting out worthwhile intelli-
gence manuscripts to publish and republishing some good out-of-
print intelligence books. The resultant Foreign Intelligence Book
Series (which bears the unfortunate acronym of FIBS) now com-
prises eight volumes. While space does not permit commenting on
all of them, this reviewer invites the reader to a few titles from the
One of special interest is In and Out of Stalin's GRU: A Tatar's
Escape from RedArmy Intelligence by Ismail Akhmedov (UPA, 1984.
$20). It is one of the few books published on the activities of the
GRIJ, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Soviet General Staff. It
tells of Akhmedov's life from his birth in 1904 in Orsk, USSR.
through his youth and career in the GRU (where he rose to the rank
of Lt. Col.), to his defection in Turkey in 1942. A Tatar and devout
Muslim, Akhmedov remained in Turkey until coming to the United
States in 1953. One of the most interesting chapters in the book
describes Akhmedov's lengthy debriefing in Turkey in 1948 by the
British chief of station there-Kim Philby. Despite his intelligence
experience, Akhmedov did not detect any possibility that Philby
might be a Soviet agent, although in hindsight he now writes of
things that might have put him on his guard.
Akhmedov is of particular interest to this reviewer who was
serving as CIA's Legislative Counsel when Akhmedov was debriefed
by CIA on his arrival in America. At that time, the Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee was interested in obtaining testimony about
Soviet intelligence from such defectors. It was determined that
Akhmedov should be the first such witness, and arrangements were
made one evening in my apartment between Akhmedov and Robert
Morris, counsel to the subcommittee. It was an interesting evening
as they outlined the material of which Akhmedov would testify. At
the last minute CIA decided its relationship should not show pub-
licly, the testimony should be given in New York and, for this reason
(I was too well known on the hill), I should not attend. Thirty years
were to pass before I saw Akhmedov again, shortly before this inter-
esting volume was published.
Another book of some importance in the FIBS series is Enigma:
How the German Machine Cipher Was Broken, and How It Was
Read by the A/lies in World War II by Wladyslaw Kozaczuk (UPA,
1984. $24). In 1967, Col. Kozaczuk wrote a book published in War-
saw, the translated title of which was The Battle of Secrets. The
Intelligence Services of Poland and the German Reich, 1922-1939.
It seems not to have made much of a splash, although Britain official
historians characterize it as "the earliest [book] to reveal the fact that
the Enigma had been broken." As Kozaczuk's first book ends with
1939, the detailed story of the British breakthrough into high level
German ciphers was not included, and remained a secret until the
publication of F. W. Winterbotham's The Ultra Secret in 1974. (Nor
can one completely overlook General Gustave Bertrand's book
Enigma, published in Paris in 1973 and the pretext used by Winter-
botham to circumvent application of the UK "D Notice.") Which
brings us to Kozaczuk's second book, also entitled Enigma, published
in Warsaw in 1979, and now issued in English by FIBS. The major
effort of this book is to describe the role of Polish cryptologists in
breaking the early Enigma ciphers.
When the Germans made certain technical advances about
1938, the Poles were stymied and in mid-1939, with war clouds
thickening over Europe, gave both the British and French a copy of
the Enigma machine they had constructed. They also provided wir-
c~months-a tremen-
hfch will leave us ever
thankful to the Poles. It must not be overlooked. Having said this,
however, one cannot help noting that Kozaczuk's writing is perhaps
overbalanced by his desire to give his Polish compatriots more credit
than perhaps they should have, important though their early role was.
It should be recalled that much of the Polish success against the
earlier Enigma was achieved by three brilliant young Polish mathema-
ticians. Kozaczuk seems to have had lengthy conversations with one
of them, Marian Rejewski, in assembling the book and some of
Rejewski's own v~.?ritings on Enigma are presented in the appen-
dices, increasing the value of this volume. The reader should be
warned that much of the latter material is highly technical, replete
with mathematical formulas which, important as they are, are hardly
bedside reading. A final criticism is that Kozaczuk has occasionally
leaned on weak published sources-Winterbotharn in particular.
Having said this, however, I feel that Kozaczuk's Enigma should be
placed on the shelf of important books on the Ultra secret.
An important reprint in the FIBS series is SOE in France.- The
Work of the British Special Operations Executive in France 1940-
1944 by Michael R. D. Foot (UPA, 1984, $29.50). This book was
originally published in London in 1966 as a volume in the official
British series on the history of the World War II. Its publication in
America is long overdue. SOE was the British counterpart (and, of
course, preceded) that section of OSS which worked with resistance
movements in the Axis occupied territories. While this volume is
restricted to SOE in France, there are some useful early sections of
the book which deal briefly with the origins of SOE, communications
and security, all contributing to the excellence of this volume for the
intelligence professional. And it is a good read.
Finally, mention should be made of another FIBS choice, British
Military Intelligence, 1870-1914 by Thomas G. Ferguson (UPA,
1984, $25). Lt. Col. Ferguson is a West Point graduate. a PhD from
Duke University where his doctoral thesis became the book before
us. At the time of publication, Lt. Col. Ferguson was Assistant Chief
of Staff, G-2, of the Third Infantry Division, stationed in Germany.
Most of his military career has been spent in intelligence assign-
ments. Although this reviewer has yet to read it, those who have
read the book find it an excellent treatment of the subject and a good
contribution to the literature and history of intelligence.
Terrorism and the American Response by Alvin H. Buckelew, San
Rafael, CA: Mira Academic Press, 1984. $12.95
Dr. Buckelew's book is a valuable contribution to the public
discussion of how the United States can respond to the terrorist
threat. The author is not simply content to recount anecdotes or
indulge in speculation. His is a serious, well-documented plan for a
governmental structure that will meet the threat. It is designed, as
he tells us, to be "politically feasible"; it does not sacrifice civil liber-
ties; it involves both the highest level of executive authority as well
as the combined skills and resources of many other federal agencies;
and it also brings in the talents of the private sector.
This is not necessarily an endorsement of the specifics of Dr.
Buckelew's model, but it is an endorsement of his approach and
methods. The public discussion of terrorism and the proper means to
combat it has often been sidetracked onto other issues, while con-
crete plans to meet the terrorist threat and provide protection for the
lives and rights of Americans have been neglected. After the bomb-
ing of the U.S. Capitol Building in November, 1983, after the violence
directed against American marines and diplomats in Lebanon and
Kuwait last winter, it is likely that both the Congress and the Ameri-
can people, as well as the executive branch, will be discussing ter-
rorism for some time to come. There is no better place to begin to
understand that threat or to begin the discussion than with a thor-
ough reading of Dr. Buckelew's book, which I hope will lead to a
national debate and fruitful reforms growing out of his recom-
From the foreward by
Senator John P. East
ing diagrams for the "Bombe," an early form of electric calculator [AFIO member Buckelew's text may be ordered by mail from: MIRA
which had been of great value in the Polish decyrption efforts. These Academic Press, P.O. Box 4334, Civic Center Branch San Rafael,
valued gifts from the Polish intelligence service have been character- CA 94913-4334, $14.95 including postage; $15.79 for California
ized by official British so
..a....____ ., -
residents, mcludln post
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-613' NM6966001-1
AFIO chap oAathW 611/01 : CI
Arizona Chapter. The chapter met at Casa Grande
on May 1 9th at which they received a briefing on mis-
sile systems by a representative of Davis-Montham Air
Force Base, Tucson. "National Security and the First
Amendment, the second pamphlet in AFIO's Intelli-
gence Profession Series, was reviewed briefly by its
author, John S. Warner, and members were briefed on
the chapter's resolution, forwarded to AFIO, on election
San Diego Chapter. Thirty members attended the
chapter's April 27th meeting to hear John Andrews
discuss scale-modeling. In his talk, "Security... Real or
Imagined" he used slides to highlight the presumed
""secrets" he had learned through the production of U-2
and SR-71 model kits. The nominating committee,
chaired by Fred Deamont, presented a slate of officers
for consideration at the next meeting.
Fifty-three attended the chapter's May 25th meet-
ing to hear SAC Gary Penrith of the FBI, discuss his
office's involvement in security and protection at the
1984 Los Angeles Olympics. He noted the personnel
drain of this assignment, particularly with the heavy
case load in narcotics, white collar crime, espionage,
bank robberies and the like, carried by the FBI's San
Francisco office.
The chapter's June 22nd meeting featured a talk
by chapter member Wally Driver, a veteran of under-
cover assignments, who spoke on "What it's REALLY
like to be a spy!" Lee Echols, chairman for California,
board of directors, installed the officers elected at the
May meeting. They are: Quinn Matthewson, president;
Jerry Cerkanowicz, first vice president; Fred Allen,
second vice president; John Clapp, treasurer; and Eliza-
beth Allison, secretary. Fred Main and Francis Thornton
were named directors-at-large. Outgoing secretary
Eileen Scott was named chapter public relations officer.
San Francisco Bay Chapter. The March 15th
meeting of the chapter was held at the Moffitt Field
Officers' Club, chaired by its new president, Roger E.
McCarthy. The chapter has agreed to return to monthly
meetings and plans to invite members of the Bay Area
Law Enforcement and Security Council, the Navy League
and ASIS to those featuring major speakers. It was
announced that Dr. Alvin Buckelew, assisted by Harold
Christensen, will spearhead the chapter's speakers'
bureau. At the chapter's May 16th meeting the fea-
tured speaker was Dr. Paul Seabury, a member of the
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. For its
June meeting, the chapter heard Eldridge Cleaver dis-
cuss his escape to Cuba to avoid prosecution, and the
disillusionment with communism and other factors
which convinced him to return to the United States and
surrender himself. Cleaver presently is a candidate for
Congress with a strongly anti-communist platform.
[See feature article elsewhere in this issue.]
Approved For Release 2004/11/01
San Diego chapter officers Quinn Matthewson [left]
and Jerry Cerkanowicz [right] present the watch
officer of the aircraft carrier Constellation with a cer-
tificate of appreciation after the chapter's recent tour
of the ship.
Rocky Mountain Chapter. Members of the chap-
ter participated in a highly successful conference on
"Intelligence: Policy and Process" sponsored by the
U.S. Air Force Academy, June 6th and 7th. Members
participating in the several panel discussions were
Harry Howe Ransom, Stafford Thomas, William Mott,
William Johnson and Robert Molloy.
Suncoast Chapter. At its April meeting, the chap-
ter elected the following officers for the coming year:
LCDR Andrew J. Ferguson (USNR-Ret), President; LT.
Raymond C.A. St. Germain (Ret); and Bradley T. Skeels,
Secretary-Treasurer. The chapter has launched a highly
productive membership drive; in addition, it is culling the
AFIO membership directory for members in the area
who might wish chapter affiliation.
Diamond Head Chapter. The chapter met June
21st at the Camp Smith Officers' Club to receive an
update on the Pacific intelligence community's percep-
tion of Soviet Russia's and Communist China's threat to
the Pacific Basin in particular and the United States in
general. The briefing was given by BG Jimmy C. Petty-
john, Director of Intelligence, PACOM. [Editor's note:
The chapter's meeting notice indicates Hawaiian deli-
cacies were served during the cocktail hour and, appro-
priate to the Pearl of the Pacific, Aloha attire was an
acceptable uniform of the day.]
Greater Chicago Chapter. MAJ Thomas B. Mackie
(AUS-Ret) continues to issue his highly informative
monthly newsletter "Periscope II," featuring chapter
announcements and a varied assortment of news clip-
pings of interest to the membership. The June issue
featured 24 pages.
Vermont Approved For Release 2004/11/01 :rGl "b1jij1 o?*O bA'D`r-'I'eriea
New England Chapter. The inaugural meeting of Better Than Red Sanctuary
the New England Chapter was held June 23rd at the
Village Inn, Langrove, Vermont. Following an organiza-
tional meeting in the morning, guests joined the
members for a luncheon at which the guest speaker
was James Bamford, author of "The Puzzle Palace."
For members staying over after the meeting, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael F. Speers entertained at a late afternoon
cookout and swimming party. It is anticipated that
future meetings will be held on a flexible quarterly basis
at different locations convenient to the membership.
The next meeting is set for November 17, 1984, in the
Boston area.
[Chapters are reminded that the deadline for reports for
the next issue of Periscope is October 1 st. To date, no
chapter has submitted information for the "Chapter
Spotlight" feature announced in the last issue.]
Notes From the Board Room
The AFIO Board of Directors met at 1400 hours at
the Bolling Air Force Base Officers' Club on June 14,
1984, with Mr. Ray Wannall, Chairman, presiding.
Twelve members were present and the six absent
members were represented by proxy.
Col. Bruce Baumgardner, USAF(Ret.) reported on
progress to date in planning for the 1984 Convention
and the Board discussed possible speakers, panelists
and topics. (See Periscope insert for further information.)
Capt. Richard Bates, USN(Ret.) further discussed
changes in the election procedures, changes in the Arti-
cles of Incorporation and By-Laws and presented draft of
proposed Resolution to effect these changes. The Board
discussed and approved the changes and the Resolution
which will be presented to the membership for approval.
The slate of nominees for election to the Board of Direc-
tors, proposed by the Nominating Committee, was dis-
cussed and approved by the Board. Biographic infor-
mation and photos of the nominees will be included in
Mr. Lawrence Houston, Legal Advisor, reported to
the Board that, based on meetings with Fairfax County
officials and a Virginia State legislator, AFIO cannot be
exempted from Fairfax County Gross Receipts taxes and
Personal Property taxes, and that it is not feasible to
seek legislative relief from the State.
The meeting was adjourned at 1545 hours. Submit-
ted by Secretary, Charlotta P. Engrav.
AFIO Speakers' Kit
Third Edition
Only $5
Place Your Order
From Headquarters
Eldridge Cleaver has joined the ranks of those like
Louis Budenz, Elizabeth Bentley and Wittaker Chambers
in exposing the false promise of communism. A former
radical, Cleaver told AFIO's San Francisco Bay Chapter
recently of fleeing the country two days before he was
to begin a prison sentence. His options at the time, he
said, were to go to prison, to go "underground," or to
flee to Communist Cuba. He chose the latter based on
an offer of safe haven and assistance which had been
extended with the approval of Fidel Castro.
On arrival there he was given a hero's reception, a
penthouse, a custom-tailored Castro-style uniform and
a small arsenal-an AK-47 and a sidearm. It was not
long before his illusions were shattered. He recognized
the total suppression of the people, came to understand
why so many Cubans risked their lives to leave. He told
of one Cuban friend who said that if controls on the
population were any less, the only ones who would be
left in Cuba would be Castro and his brother Raoul, Che
Guevara having already left. From freed highjackers he
learned of the severe mistreatment of those in jail, and
from personal observation witnessed the extensive cor-
ruption practiced by Cuban communist officials. His dis-
illusionment led him to seek permission to visit Algeria.
From there he traveled extensively throughout the
Communist Bloc.
One thing he learned from all of them, and the
North Koreans impressed him particularly in this regard,
was the doctrinaire approach of the communist states
and their analysis of the stengths and weaknesses of
non-communist countries, particularly the United States.
He was struck by the plans the communists made to
weaken free-world strengths and to exploit weaknesses
to their own advantage. Cleaver said this was done by
all the major communist countries, some more effec-
tively than others, but all had the common theme of
undermining the United States. He cited the extensive
use of the cultural and press attache systems in com-
munist diplomatic missions abroad, and their success-
ful invasion of the media and the campuses of the
United States.
Cleaver divides the communist world into three
power blocks: the Soviet Union, Communist China and
the Third World. He explained that although they are
not in harmony and each is struggling for supremacy,
all three have one fixation: that only the United States
stands in the way of their individual success.
The speaker credited his children as being the cli-
maxing influence in his decision to return to the United
States and turn himself in. It was an easy choice to
make, he said, knowing that the judicial and prison sys-
tems here were far more just than anything he had
seen in the communist world. From the moment of that
confrontation with his former ideals, said Cleaver, he
wanted to be a supporter of this country rather than an
Cleaver spoke for over an hour and fielded ques-
tions for another forty minutes, covering a wide range
of topics. The audience was long in applause and praise
of his presentation reports one observer.
pproved or a ease /11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
DCI Casey DeA130o$Wi% Release 2004/11/01 : dA 5 09-RMCA`00500001-1
Hi-Tech Espionage Gains Sources and Methods
In a talk recently before the prestigious Commonwealth Club of
California, DCI William J. Casey disclosed the extent of technical
espionage conducted by the USSR in recent years. In part, he said:
"You in this room are the bull's eye in a massive, well-
coordinated and precisely targeted Soviet technology acquisition
program. The ability of the Soviet military- industrial complex to
acquire and assimilate Western technology far exceeds previous
"During the late 1970's, the Soviets got about 30,000 samples
of Western production equipment, weapons and military compo-
nents, and over 400,000 technical documents both classified and
unclassified. The majority was of US origin, with an increasing share
of our technology obtained through Western Europe and Japan. This
truly impressive take was acquired by both legal and illegal means,
including espionage. We estimate that during this period the KGB
and its military equivalent, the GRU, and their surrogates among the
East European intelligence services illegally stole about 70 percent
of the technology most significant to Soviet military equipment and
weapons programs.
"The Soviets had our plans to the C-5A before it flew. The
Soviet trucks which rolled into Afghanistan came from a plant outfit-
ted with $1.5 billion of modern American and European machinery.
The precise gyros and bearings in their latest generation of ICBMs
were designed by us. The radar in their AWACS is ours. Their space
shuttle is a virtual copy of ours. And the list goes on.
"Just how do the Soviets get so much of our technology? First of
all, they comb through our open literature, buy through legal trade
channels, religiously attend our scientific and technological confer-
ences, and send students over here to study. Between 1970 and
1976, the Soviets purchased some $20 billion of Western equip-
ment and machinery, some of which had potential military applica-
tions. In addition to exploiting all open, legal channels, they use
espionage. There are now several thousand Soviet Bloc collection
officers at work primarily in the United States, Western Europe and
Japan. And as I stated before, your firms here in Silicon Valley are at
the very top of the list.
"The Soviets especially pinpoint and target small, highly innova-
tive companies in the computer and microelectronics field, not only
because they are at the leading edge of the technologies that Mos-
cow is most in need of, but also because such firms' security proce-
dures are usually inadequate to protect against penetration by a
determined, hostile intelligence service. They also use sophisticated
international diversion operations. We have identified some 300
firms operating from more than 30 countries engaged in such diver-
sion schemes. And there are probably many more than remain
"With these gains, the Soviets have systematically built a mod-
ern microelectronics industry. For example, the Zelenograd Science
Center, the Soviet equivalent of Silicon Valley, was equipped, liter-
ally from scratch, with Western technology. All Soviet monolithic
integrated circuits are copies of US designs. They even copied the
imperfections contained in some of the US samples!"
Willimantic Plans
Espionage Museum
A Museum of Espionage is currently in the planning stages at
Willimantic, Connecticut. Envisioned as a blending of factual history
and fiction, the founding group indicates much of the "hands-on"
display material will consist primarily of props used in movies and TV
shows and such personal materials as they are able to obtain from
authors and actors working in the genre. It has announced that the
CIA, FBI, NSA and several writers of espionage fiction have expressed
interest in the concept and offered varying degrees of assistance.
Also in planning for the 1985 opening are an espionage giftshop-
bookstore, a comprehensive library, bookclub, newsletter, speakers
on the history and function of the intelligence community, and a
continuing series of classic spy films.
"We cannot guarantee that the museum will become a reality,"
says Michael J. Westerfield, the museum association's secretary.
"To a great extent the success or failure of the Museum of Espion-
age will depend on public support through membership in the
Museum Association," he notes. The address of the Willimantic
Museum Association is P.O. Box 752, Willimantic, CT 06226, and
dues are ten dollars.
A clear understanding of the term "protection of sources and
methods" was reflected in President Reagan's remarks at the recent
CIA ground-breaking ceremony. The President noted:
".. . I want to stress an intelligence agency cannot operate
effectively unless its necessary secrets are maintained even in this,
the most open and free country on earth. We cannot expect you or
your informants to endanger life and work because of carelessness,
sensationalism or unnecessary exposure to risk. Hostile intelligence
activities conducted in this country and directed at U.S. interests
abroad threaten not only our legitimate secrets and our technologi-
cal advantages, but also our privacy and ultimately our freedom. To
the danger of espionage is added 'active measures' designed to sub-
vert and deceive, to 'disinform' the public opinion upon which our
democracies are built.
"One of the greater dangers facing you is also the loss of neces-
sary secrets through unauthorized and illegal disclosures of classi-
fied information. As I said in my memorandum last summer to all
Federal employees, 'the unauthorized disclosure of our Nation's
classified information by those entrusted with its protection is
improper, unethical and plain wrong..."'
Counter Terrorist Key:
Intelligence, Not Concrete
On Jan. 20, 1981, as Ronald Reagan was being sworn in as
40th president of the United States, a small group of protesters
demonstrated outside the FBI headquarters building. It was a peace-
ful, albeit vocal demonstration, one that would have attracted little
more than a passing glance.
But if anyone from the FBI had been looking, he might have
noticed that among the demonstrators was an escaped felon who
had fled from a federal prison in West Virginia some years before
and was still on the wanted list. This demonstrator, Marilyn Jean
Buck, was involved in terrorist activities.
Had she been spotted and arrested on Inauguration Day, per-
haps the Brink's robbery and four deaths nine months later in Nyack,
N.Y., might have.been averted. For Buck, officials believe, had sup-
plied the getaway car and firearms to members of the terrorist
Weather underground organization who had sought to "expropriate"
some $1.6 million from a Brink's armored car in October 1981.
But even if an FBI agent had wanted to monitor who was dem-
onstrating outside his office in 1981, the then binding Levi Guide-
lines on domestic surveillance would have prevented him from doing
While that situation has changed somewhat (Attorney General
William French Smith last year relaxed some restrictions on domes-
tic surveillance), experts say the Brink's incident illustrates the
importance of quality information or intelligence as a rerequisite for
combatting terrorism.
"Intelligence in advance is the key," says Sen. Jeremiah Den-
ton, R-Ala., chairman of the Senate Sub-committee on Security and
"If you know what's going to happen and eliminate potential
targets, that's a step in the right direction."
Adds RAND analyst Dr. Brian Jenkins: "The first line of defense
against terrorism is not a concrete barrier, but intelligence.
Experts, for instance, continue to bemoan problems in intelli-
gence they say have grown out of reform era. These include a reluc-
tance among some FBI agents to engage in domestic security
investigations for fear they may be sued for civil rights violations-
and abandoned by the bureau when it comes to defending them.
There also is a continuing reluctance among Western allies to
share intelligence with the CIA, FBI and other U.S. agencies for fear
that their sources might be compromised through release under the
Freedom of Information Act.
"It is a love-hate relationship," says Yonah Alexander, a terror-
ism expert at Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and
International Studies. "They are sharing some intelligence informa-
tion... [but] they are not giving everything.
-Excerpted from "Accurate Intelligence is
the First Line of Defense," by Ted Agres in
the Washington Times, June 27, 1984
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Times Hon Qp, p.2boat1aio1 : d* Agbko5oo001-1
Member of AFIO Honorary Board Honors Lao War "Legends"
A highly human portrayal of Clare Boothe Luce, a
member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
Board and a member of AFIO's honorary board of direc-
tors, was featured in a recent issue of the Washington
Times. Commenting on two portraits of her by the
French artist Rene Margritte-one a lush pink rose
beside a silver dagger, the other a feather holding up the
Leaning Tower of Pisa-staff writer Kathleen Tyman
notes: "He has captured the paradox that delighted her
friends and enraged her enemies-drive sheathed in
beauty, strength cloaked in gentleness."
Mrs. Luce came to Washington from her home in
Hawaii in 1982 to join President Reagan's PFIAB, on
which she served also during the Nixon and Ford admin-
istrations. Besides doing research and attending meet-
ings of PFIAB, Mrs. Luce is much sought after as a
public speaker. The article notes her versatility: she
trained as an Olympic swimmer, was a photographer,
an actress, a playwright, a congresswoman and the
United States' first woman ambassador. As the alter-
ego of her late husband, publisher Henry Luce of Time,
Inc., she trailblazed the worlds of politics and diplomacy,
says the writer.
The profile of Mrs. Luce also notes that a recent spy
fiction author has used her as a character in an OSS-
vintage plot. In the book, The Talbot Legacy, by Nelson
Demille, Mrs. Luce notes:
"He sets me among the people I've known for many
years like [William] Casey and a number of more famous
spies like [William] Stephenson, who was "Intrepid." It's
really very amusing to find yourself as a background
character in a novel. Every day I come across some cur-
ious reference to myself, generally inaccurate." Then
she adds the tantalizer: "Of course, Stephenson did give
me very briefly a small job..."
A living memorial has been established to commemorate two
Americans whose personal dedication ensured that the United States
would not forget or abandon its courageous allies from the mountains
of northern Laos. The efforts of Edgar "Pop" Buell and Jerry B.
Daniels, both of whom died in Asia, are being continued by the
Hmong/Highlander Development Fund, established by the Wash-
ington-based Indochina Resource Action Center. Intelligence officers
who served in Southeast Asia are familiar with the legends surround-
ing the two honored humanitarians and many, no doubt knew them.
The Fund serves to continue the efforts they began on behalf of Lao
The memorial fund is a private sector initiative to promote the
transition of the traditional highlander skills and strengths into Amer-
ican entrepreneurial development. It makes resources available in
business planning, management and loan packages to Highlander
individuals and groups requiring assistance. Further, it assists them
in securing loans or seed money from commercial lending institu-
tions to begin development of micro-enterprises, with a goal of reduc-
ing the highlanders' welfare dependency and to reestablish the
traditional stability of the tribal members.
From 1954-75, the highland groups from Laos, the Hmong
(Meo), lu Mein (Yao) and Khmu (Lao Thoeng), suffered heavy losses
while supporting U.S. government efforts. Following the communist
takeover in Laos, they faced fatal persecution and more than 150,000
highland Lao took refuge in Thailand. Since 1975, more than 60,000
of them have resettled in the U.S. In the absence of an appropriate
resettlement strategy, the highland peoples were lost amidst more
numerous Asian groups and dispersed across the country. An agri-
cultural people, they were ill-prepared for life in the urban areas
where they were settled initially, and language and skill programs
were generally ineffective. Continued movement of the tribesmen
has been described as the greatest internal migration of a refugee
population recorded in American history.
Contributions to the memorial may be mailed to the Hmong/
Highlander Development Fund, 1424 16th St. N.W., Suite 404,
Washington, D.C. 20036.
The following members have generously contrib-
uted amount equal to or exceeding one year's annual
COL George W. Aldridge, Jr. USA(Ret.)
Houston, TX
New Life Members
Mr. Edward M. Collins
McLean, VA
8530 Oak View Drive
Manassas, VA 22111
P.O. Box 1106
Tiburon, CA 94920
Tower Hill Road
Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
12019 Remington Drive
Wheaton, MD 20902
Mr. Richard C. SHINN
Mr. Miles Copeland
Mr. John R. Freeman
Mechanicsburg, PA
CDR Stephen Lahmann, USN(Ret.)
Coronado, CA
COLA. F. S. MacKenzie, USA(Ret.)
Holmes Beach, FL
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Preston Ransburg
Indianapolis, IN
Eleanor Madge Stein
Tequesta, FL
(In memory of Ab Riddle)
501 Cancha Mr. Joseph J. Tester
Newport Beach, CA 92660 Denver, CO
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Maggie Bowman delights Ambassador Helms, as
Secretary Wisner seems to be saying defensively,
"Well, I don't know about that."
Hard-Hitting Speeches Mark Third
National Intelligence Symposium
There were no illusions at the third annual National
Intelligence Symposium held at Naples, Florida, in late
January. Without hysterics, speaker after speaker
offered careful analysis of the role of the USSR in fos-
tering world subversion and disorder.
The symposium, coordinated by AFIO and spon-
sored by the Nap/es Daily News and Palmer Communi-
cations, drew an enthusiastic audience of over two
hundred fifty and received extensive media coverage.
John Barron, senior editor of Reader's Digest and
author of the best-selling "KGB Today," charged that
the Soviet Union, suffering from wide-scale corruption
and a lack of competitive technology, attempts to secure
its goals by creating world unrest. According to Barron,
the USSR's secret intelligence services have been suc-
cessful in creating such schisms, particularly in Ameri-
can society. They legitimize certain groups, he said,
creating popular pressures that limit the power of US
leaders, he said.
Barron questioned whether the media is fulfilling
its national role as the Fourth Estate, and said some in
the press appear "to be at odds with the mainstream of
public opinion," tilting in favor of those critical of the
government. He urged the audience to pressure those
in the media who do not report issues fairly, and to
demonstrate to the Congress, through the electoral
process, support for the nation's crucial first line of
defense against subversion-US intelligence.
Wisner Briefs AFIO On
Africa Developments
An off-the-record, insider's analysis of recent trends
and developments in Africa brought new, and some-
times frightening, understanding to those in attendance
at AFIO's spring luncheon, April 9th.
The speaker, The Honorable Frank G. Wisner,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs,
interpreted also recent diplomatic moves that have
heralded success for the administration's efforts to
reverse Soviet expansionism and block communist
subversion on the African continent.
At the conclusion of the formal briefing Secretary
Wisner entertained questions from AFIO members
sharing deep familiarity of the African political scene.
His answers were equally frank, though also off-the-
Less guarded here is the reaction of the overflow
crowd at the Bolling AFB Officers' Club to Ambassador
Richard Helms' introduction of the speaker. Polite
response greeted his description of Wisner's long and
honorable government service, but it was Helms' per-
sonal, if nostalgic, assessment of Secretary Wisner as
"a chip off the old block," that released a wave of emo-
tion and sustained applause that was, indeed, "for-
Enclosed with this issue of Periscope are two AFIO
brochures. We would certainly appreciate it if every
member would sign up two new members for AFIO.
Since that is unlikely, we hope to add six hundred new
members by the 10th annual Convention in October,
1984. Six hundred new members would swell our
ranks to four thousand. We have considered this to be a
reasonable target as we borrow from the Marine Corps
recruiting phrase-"AFIO can use a few good members."
Please note that the current brochure lists all the cur-
rent members of the Board of Directors and the Offi-
cers. Please use this current application and sign the
line of recommendation so that we may keep track of
our most active recruiter and acknowledge this member
at the convention.
-John K. Greaney, Executive Director
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Warp by Communist Bloc SAYS AFIO'S BUCKELEW
by Ray Hoffman
Best-selling author and journalist Arnaud de Borch-
grave, blasting the news media for their "faulty memo-
ries with near-zero feedback," highlighted the February
meeting of the Greater New York Chapter of AFIO.
de Borchgrave, whose thinly-veiled fictional ac-
counts of Soviet and Cuban intelligence activity (The
Spike, and Monimbo, both co-authored with Robert
Moss) have dealt heavily with media disinformation,
claims the most influential editors and reporters in both
the printed and broadcast press have deliberately prac-
ticed "censorship by omission," the suppression of
"inconvenient facts" which clash with their pre-
conceived political notions.
de Borchgrave says Grenada offers a case-in-
point. He says the media have virtually ignored the
presence of thousands of documents, captured on
Grenada, detailing the extent of Soviet bloc involve-
ment. That so little has been written or broadcast about
these documents, de Borchgrave says, confirms the
brazen manipulation of the media, Congress and the
various Social Democratic parties of the West by "known
Cuban agents." The former senior Newsweek editor
also decries the almost unreported story of the Miami
grand jury investigation into the connection between
Cuba, the Spanish-language division of the Soviet KGB
and the growing drug trade operating out of south
de Borchgrave also accuses most of his fellow
journalists of having what could end up being a "termi-
nal" case of naivete concerning the Soviet Union. He
says many reporters, even experienced ones, have
developed "very convenient" cases of amnesia when it
comes to dealing with news out of Moscow.
de Borchgrave says the widely-circulated "closet-
liberal" stories about Yuri Andropov, when Andropov
came to power, were only the most recent in a series of
inaccuracies. He cites stories of the time viewing Stalin
as a "moderate" versus the hard-liner Trotsky; that
Malenkov was also described as a moderate; that
Khrushchev was called "a pragmatist who would turn
inward;" that Brezhnev, too, was called a pragmatist;
and that Andropov, besides being a fan of Glenn Miller
and a connoisseur of good Scotch, was "desperate to
get out of Afghanistan."
The media, de Borchgrave says, have missed the
point that we're "dealing not with a man but with a
system; a group of people who consider themselves
militants in an historical movement that existed before
them, and will outlive them." He says the media have
also been taken in by giving too much credibility to
Communist sources, like the allegedly "independent"
Soviet commentator who appears frequently on the
ABC-TV program "Nightline." After all, reminds de
Borchgrave, it was Lenin who called telling the truth a
"petty bourgeois habit." He added, "I wonder if "Night-
line" host Ted Koppel knows that?"
[Ray Hoffman, a professional journalist with the Wall Street
Journal Radio Network, is a member of the Board of Directors
of the Greater New York Chapter. ]
This year raises major challenges to US efforts to
contain terrorism, says AFIO member Alvin H. Buckelew.
Writing in the February issue of Security Management
magazine, he warns that "prudence mandates sweep-
ing changes ... to enhance the ability of US law
enforcement agencies to cope with the anticipated
Buckelew, director of the security management
program at Golden State University, notes that "every-
one recognizes the peril surrounding the 1984 Olym-
pics," but observes that preparations to meet that
threat have been marked by "bureaucratic squabbling."
"The time left to resolve the Los Angeles problem and
to address the larger questions of what the US can do
to minimize the impact of coming domestic terrorism is
dangerously short," he warns.
The article also examines similar threats to the
national political conventions to be held this year, and
details the writer's views of what must be done to close
the gap.
Buckelew's comments on intelligence are particu-
larly noteworthy:
"In the intelligence field, as elsewhere, the US is
currently unable to bring all its resources to bear on the
terrorism problem. Even when key resources are avail-
able, the United States has a naive tendency to under-
estimate the determination of terrorists. The only safe
posture is one that assumes something worse than the
worst scenario is going to occur."
He makes a telling argument for increased coordina-
tion and cooperation between both American and for-
eign intelligence organizations and a sharing of terrorist
information domestically.
"During congressional hearings, the point was
made repeatedly that the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) restricts the flow of intelligence. Many state and
local law enforcement agencies with vital information
regarding terrorist groups refuse to share that informa-
tion with federal agencies for fear of seeing it made
public some day. FOIA needs to be amended by legisla-
tion to improve the flow of intelligence.
"Conversely, the federal government frequently
withholds intelligence from local law enforcement
agencies. The CIA has access to a great deal of informa-
tion regarding the personnel and methods of trans-
national terrorist groups, but is prohibited from conveying
it to state and local law enforcement authorities. New
methods ensuring the CIA-developed information is
transmitted to domestic security forces on a need-to-
know basis would place the US in a better position to
cope with terrorism within the nation," Buckelew urges.
[The issue containing Dr. Buckelew's article may
be ordered directly from Security Management, Suite
1200, 1655 North Ft. Myer Drive, Arlington, Va. 22209,
for $3.00 plus $1.50 for postage and handling.]
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Miss Shelley Lea Bennett
5818 Feagan
Houston, TX 77007
Mr. Conrad E. LaGueux
American Embassy, Manila
APO San Francisco, CA 96528
Mr. Norman S. Meese
P. 0. Box 4324
Agana, GU 96910
Mr. James E. Nolan, Jr.
5112 Brookeway Drive
Bethesda, MD 20816
Mr. Horacio Ortiz
4170 Monaco Drive
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Richard W. Bates
John F. Blake
Ann Caracristi
John J. Davis
Lee Echols
Bobby R. Inman
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick
Derek A. Lee
Walter L. Pforzheimer
David Atlee Phillips
Robert B. Pirie, Jr.
George Scatterday
John Anson Smith
Eugene F. Tighe
Louis W. Tordella
John S. Warner
W. Raymond Wannall
George R. Weinbrenner
*These two seats are vacant due to the resignation of Stanton V.
Phillips and Cecil Byrom.
There are a number of other minor issues which
could be included in any major overhaul of the Articles
and the By-laws and there is the other major issue -
voting procedures. I will discuss these issues in the third
article of this series. By that time we should have a
resolution from the Board which reflects all the sugges-
tions we have received from the membership and the
recommendations of the Advisory Council. That resolu-
tion will be printed, in full, in the next Periscope so that
when members arrive at the 1984 convention they will
be prepared to vote to accept or reject it.
From the
Director ...
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors
has reviewed chapter organization and asked Board
member George Scatterday to prepare a Chapter Man-
ual that would assist in making the chapter procedures
uniform throughout the organization. At the present
time, procedures vary in how and when elections take
place in the chapters as well as for how long a term an
officer will serve. Some chapters have a program of
progression in which an individual is elected to first or
second vice president one year, move up and ultimately
serve as the chapter president in a succeeding year. We
would like to have suggestions from our members.
We still have a problem with chapters listing indi-
viduals as local members when they have been dropped
from the national membership.
It really helps to coordinate chapter activities; this
was done effectively with the Claire Sterling visits. We
look to the chapters as the means of expanding the
AFIO education program in a manner which best suits
their environment.
We sincerely hope that the chapters will take an
active role in the membership drive. Headquarters can
furnish zip-code sorted lists of members if chapters tell
us what zip-codes are included in their respective areas.
We hope all members will make an effort to recruit new
members for AFIO. Our current members are the best
sales people for the growth of the organization.
The second pamphlet of The Intelligence Profession
Series, "National Security and the First Amendment"
by John S. Warner, is now available. The text is invalu-
able for classroom discussion, and it is our feeling
schools and universities should be provided with the
pamphlets at no cost as part of the AFIO Education
Project. (The pamphlet is not designed for high school
audiences unless they are to be used by groups engaged
in debates.) Because of the specialized nature of the
information and to reduce costs, the pamphlet will not
be mass-mailed to all members. Rather, those desiring
single copies for themselves or multiple copies for aca-
demic use should write for them. We will send single
copies by first class mail; bulk mailings will be shipped
via third class.
If you want to take advantage of the Westview
Press offer for a 20% discount on George Constanti-
nides' Intelligence and Espionage, as offered in the last
News Commentary, the publisher asks that you identify
yourself as an AFIO member and include $1.50 for pos-
tage, for a total of $49.50, The book normally sells for
$ 60.00.
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On the Intelligence Bookshelf ...
Current books of interest to intelligence buffs and
watchers of the world scene. All reviews are by AFIO
members except when otherwise noted.
Golitsyn - "Indispensable Reading"
New Lies for Old, by Anatolyi Golitsyn, New York: Dodd, Mead and
Co., 1984. $19.95
The politics of our day confront men of conscience with hard and
sometimes dangerous choices and most severely senior officials of
governments in ideological conflict.
Mr. Golitsyn's defection from the elite of the KGB was a premedi-
tated political act of a high moral order. An act not lacking in great
courage, not to mention a significant lifelong sacrifice. He left the
Soviet Union because he had lost hope in the true purpose and integ-
rity of that government. He was moved by a conviction to warn the
West of the new uses which the communist countries had devised in
stealth for their improved political, intelligence and military potential
and of the new menacing dimensions which these developments
added to the Soviet threat. He knowingly accepted the risk that by
going to the West at the time he did, he might well suffer the fate of
the fabled messenger who brought bad news nobody wanted to hear.
Too much of what he had to tell us about the meaning of the
establishment of the Department of Disinformation within the KGB
and the reach and scope of the communist threat has been over-
looked in the blurred and distorted perspective of detente - the
communist manipulation of disinformation, the deployment of agents
of influence and controlled sources and channels through which
Western foreign policy has been trying to find its way to Africa, the
Middle East, Central America, Asia and Afghanistan.
In the sixties, Mr. Golitsyn, from what he knew from inside the
KGB, conveyed warnings to the western governments. He cited the
Soviet's determination to achieve military superiority; their desire to
obtain credits and loans from the West to finance their industrializa-
tion and military programs; the inherent dangers of detente as well as
the depth of the Soviet-bloc clandestine penetrations in the West.
Most of his views were greeted mistakenly with disbelief, even ridi-
cule at the time. In the two decades since, it is not without signifi-
cance that the grim events of which he gave warning have largely
come to pass. Indeed, they provide all too often the routine grist of the
day's news.
The warning did not go wholly unheard. The original contribution
he has made to the internal security of Western allies has been
recognized by them at the highest level of government.
General Sir John Hackett rightly identifies Anatolyi Golitsyn as,
"The most valuable defector ever to reach the West." I agree. The
judgment was one I reached myself some 23 years ago.
Now, for the first time, Mr. Golitsyn has set forth for wide public
scrutiny his knowledge and analysis of Soviet strategy and in particu-
lar the Soviet manipulations of disinformation as a masking element
in that strategy. His work is based on his unusual access to top secret
files, his wide association with Soviet personnel and the intimate
knowledge of KGB methodology which he acquired during his long
service in that organization.
"New Lies for Old" is indispensable reading for professionals in
intelligence and foreign policy. It is hardly less so for all individuals
concerned with the nature of the world struggle and not least among
them the many who yearn for a painless end to superpower
Mr. Golitsyn's revelations should also be notably instructive for
bankers and industrialists who still carry optimistically on their books
the substantial investments which they made in Soviet bloc
This work is not in itself deliberately controversial. It is-certain to
make controversy, and this should be all to the good in the degree it
succeeds in throwing open a new door of debate in matters affecting
the fates of nations. We all-stand to gain from that.
James Angleton
OSS Training Recalled
History of the Schools and Training Branch, Office of Strategic Ser-
vices, William L. Cassidy (Editor), San Francisco: Kingfisher Press,
1983. $45.00
This is a recently declassified true story of the unbelievable job
done by General William Donovan and his well chosen aides in set-
ting up schools and training programs for a network of thousands of
secret operators throughout the world.
It is even more incredible when it is realized they had no sea-
soned veterans in their program, no experienced, skillful trainers to
form a nucleus for their schools. They did bring a few English Secret
Service men who gave them the expertise of their knowledge, but
mostof the training was accomplished by Americans.
At the insistence of my old friend, Colonel Carl Eifler, I had
gathered up a group of ten men, most of whom I had known most of
my life, and we were preparing for a mission in the Far East. We went
through most of the schools and although a scant few of them
seemed a little amateurish to my boys, especially those who had
worked as Special Agents with Customs in New York and along the
Mexican border, all in all the program was exceptionally good.
The book brought out some nostalgic memories for me and I can
highly recommend it, both to OSS veterans and to anyone interested
in how a world-wide secret network was put together some 40 years
ago. The success of most of the operations proves the training pro-
grams paid off and, as AFIO member Bill Cassidy says on the dust-
cover, this volume is the only surviving record of the special training
programs which spawned the leaders of today's intelligence
Mr. Paul M. Allen
Nevada City, CA
Miss Anita H. Bauckus
Falls Church, VA
Mr. Paul H. Gale
Longboat Key, FL
Dr. Otto E. Guthe
Washington, DC
Mr. Charles F. McCool
San Francisco, CA
Mr. James P. O'Connor
Arlington, VA
LTG W. R. Peers, USA(Ret.)
Kentfield, CA
LtCol Esther Cooke Settle
Arlington, VA
Mrs. Dorothy B. Shanley
Gaithersburg, MD
Col Edward G. Streidl, USAF(Ret.)
Elliottsburg, PA
Mr. Lee O. Teague
Oklahoma City, OK
Col Dan E. Teberg, USAF(Ret.)
Shelton, WA
Col William T. Walsh, USAF(Ret.)
Leesburg, FL
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The following list of new members since the last issue is incomplete in that
it does not include those who requested that their names be kept restricted.
Mr. James
FINDLAY, Mrs. Jean
Two Brattle Street
Watrous Lane
Cambridge, MA 02138
Woodbridge, CT 96525
Greenwood, VA 22943
Mr. John C.
CAMPBELL, Mrs. Gretchen A.
FLA HAVHAN, Mr. Holland S.
6701 Bracken Court
6701 Corner Lane
5 Sandstone Drive
Springfield, VA 22152
McLean, VA 22101
Monument, CO 80132
CW4 Clarence E.
CANE, Mr. Joseph J.
FLINT, Mr. John W.
3264 Alden Drive
501 Fairhill Drive
2 Charlton Street, #15D
Parma, OH 44134
Silver Spring, MD 20904
New York, NY 10014
Miss Shelley Lea
CAVANAUGH, Mr. Dennis H.
5818 Fe4gan
5300 Columbia Pike, #508
TX 77007
Arlington, VA 22204
356 S.W. Creel Road
Palm Bay, FL 32905
Mr. William E.
CHAFFIN, Mr. C. Wayne
Argonne Street
3823 S
6714 Northport
GASS, CAPT Shelby C., Jr.,
CO 80013
Dallas, TX 75230
4085 Tronjo Road
Pensacola, FL 32503
2415 Ala Wai Blvd., #801
711 Grand Circle
Honolulu, HI 96815
GAST, Rev. William L.
FL 33617
Temple Terrace
5230 Burgess Road
CLARK, Mr. Frank "Pete" P.
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
Mr. Robert M., Jr.
Star Route 3, Box 3-T
Suite 240
1502 Au
Techachapi, CA 93561
GREGONIS, Mr.. Albert G.
c/o 114 Keehner Avenue
TX 77057
CONLEY, LTC Richard H.,
Roseville, CA 95678
Mrs. Cochran
Fern Street
1500 S
RD 1, Box 415
GURLEY, Mr. Joseph E.
VA 22202
Halifax, PA 17032
245 Gypsy Lane
Youngstown, OH 44504
Mr. Bobby R.
COONEY, Mr. Edward
2609 Shenandoah Valley Drive
P.O. Box 67
GUTHRIE, MG John S., (Ret.)
AR 72212
Little Rock
Bellevue, NE 58005
1065 Gulfshore Blvd. N., #304
Naples, FL 33940
Mrs. Margaret N.C.
COOPER, Mr. Michael L.
8228 McClelland Place
P.O. Box 70373
HARROLL, Mr. Benjamin R-
VA 22309
Washington, DC 20088
5905 Bark Street
San Diego, CA 92105
Mr. Walter A.
CROWLEY, Mr. Cameron R.
2950 Peralta Oaks Drive
1515 Roanwood Drive
HART, Mr. William J.
CA 94605
Houston, TX 77090
11 Old Lowell Road
Westford, MA 01886
Mr. Mark
da CRUZ, Mr. Francis F.
Royal Oaks Tower
71 E
5927 Oakdale Road
HAYNES, Mr. Jeri C.
TN 37205
McLean, VA 22101
1715 Kirkwood
Houston, TX 77077
Mr. William
DALY, Mr. John L.
6413 Wilcox Court
320 S. 12th Street, #2E
HINDS, CAPT Charles D.,
VA 22310
Philadelphia, PA 19107
4412 Hermitage Road
BRAM, Mr. Bert
DAVIS, Mr. Fred L.
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
2616 Spencer Road
1532 Silver Strand Circle
MD 20815
Palatine, IL 60074
HODGE, Ms. Betty G.
2885 Gulfshore Blvd. N., #203
BREEN, LTC Thomas A.,
DIMODICA, Mr. Mark Robert
Naples, FL 339940
P. O. Box 11175
Grand Avenue
9530 E
Arlington, VA 22210
HOECHTEN, Dr. Harry V.
1205 Victoria Drive
CO 80111
DOCTOR, Mr. Michael S.
Nacogdoches, TX 75961
Miss Elinor L.
7509 88th Avenue, SW
3154 Siron Street
Tacoma, WA 98498
JACOBSEN, Mr. Henning E.
10633 Jonathan Drive
VA 22042
Falls Church
FLOW, Mr. Clifford L.
Orlando, FL 32817
Edmond J.
10700 Fondren Road, #306
416 Commonwealth Avenue, ,#204
Houston, TX 77096
52 Fairway Drive
Box 315
MA 02215
FEHL, Mr. Fred C.
Grantham, NH 03753
P. O. Box 2521
Houston, TX 77001
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JOHNSON, Mr. Thomas L.
McCABE, Mr. Ward
P. 0. Box 817
935 Eden Avenue
3702 W
67th Place
Golden, CO 80402
San Jose, CA 95117
Chicago, IL 60629
JORDAN, Mr. Joe L.
McCANN, Mr. J. Patrick
LtCol Albina H
910 Westheimer Road
4125 West End Road, 4#3
Houston, TX 77006
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
18 Page Farm Road
MA 01770
119 Princeton Avenue
BrigGen Willard W
3217 Wynford Drive
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Fairfax, VA 22031
93B Maro Street
MOTE, COL Marlin E.
NC 28327
P. 0. Box 35637
Houston, TX 77235
Walter D
2077 Amberjack Court
799 Pinellas Point Drive
Reston, VA 22091
NELSON, Mr. Richard H.
St. Petersburg, FL 33705
802 Pin Oak Lane
KAUFMANN, Mr. Walter Jackson
Arlingtron, TX 76012
Col Cortlandt M
11 Ruxview Court
Ruxton, MD 21204
NOLAN, Mr. James E., Jr.
5915 Munson Court
5112 Brookeway Drive
Falls Church
VA 22041
KING, LtCol Raymond A.
Bethesda, MD 20816
2885 Lee Hill Drive
Boulder, CO 80302
OBATA, LTC Benjamin T.,
TWILLMAN, Mr. Donald J.
14412 Oakvale Street
KLAGER, Mr. Roy B., Jr.
5317 Atlee Place
MD 20853
711 Flamingo Drive
Springfield, VA 22151
Apilo Beach, FL 33570
WARNER, Mr. Chester D.
2226 Fulham Court
KLEIN, Mr. Irving
TX 77063
11019 Bellbrook
2742 Picardy Place
Houston, TX 77096
Charlotte, NC 28209
WEBB, Mr. Thomas G.
560 Blackhowk Court
KOCZAK, Mr. Stephen A.
OLECK, Mr. Howard L.
Colorado Springs
CO 80919
2932 Macomb Street, N.W.
1440 Sea Gull Drive, So.
Washington, DC 20008
St. Petersburg, FL 33707
WEISS, LtCol James E.,
KOSLASKY, Mr. Earnest E.
O'NEILL, Mr. Paul J.
3 Paradise Point
5051 Wake Robin
218 Albi Road, #3
VA 23692
Menton, OH 44060
Naples, FL 33962
James F
LANCER, COL Thomas F.,
ORTIZ, Mr. Horacio
1589 Colonial Blvd
4170 Monaco Drive
FL 33901
500 HStreet, S.W.
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Washington, DC 20024
WELKOM, LtCol Jerome G.,
OWENS, Mr. George A.
LEFF, Mr. Barry J.
835 5th Avenue, East
4 Cambridge Ct.
2760 Belmont Canyon Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
Buffalo Grove
IL 60090
Belmont, CA 94002
Ms. Susan R.
LONG, Mr. Chester (Chic) H.
4513 Chesswick Drive
46 Country Club Road
4216 Knowles Avenue
OH 45242
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
Kensington, MD 20895
Dr. Duncan
LUSBY, Mr. David S.
ROBERTS, Mr. John P.
P. 0. Box 28147
12719 Two Farm Drive
404 Townsend Place
TX 78284
San Antonio
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Atlanta, GA 30327
Mr. Nolan 0.
MADDOX, Mr. Dexter A.
ROESELER, Mr. Herbert W.
1742 S. Krameria Way
3970 Mistral Drive
179 Pascack Avenue
CO 80224
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Emerson, NJ 07630
WRIGHT, Mr. John H.
SAENZ, Mr. Adolph B.
Rt. 1
1508 AG Place
Arp, TX 75750
373 N. E. Live Oak Street
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Palm Bay, FL 32905
YIZAR, Mr. Marvin
SAYLE, Mr. Edward F.
1608 Stokes Avenue SW
MALONE, Mr. Charles J.
25 22 N. Upland Street
GA 30310
233 W. I1th Street
Arlington, VA 22207
Deer Park, NY 11729
ZINK, Mr. Philip G.
200 Margaret Lane
Orange, CT 06477
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Media Monitor Taplin Critic Views Intelligence
Prof Harry Howe Ranson of Vanderbilt university, a member of
Scores One for Truth
Media distortion and misinterpretation sometimes
seem to be of epidemic proportions. And, many AFIO
members are among the first to point it out.
Such was the case of Winn L. Taplin of Stowe,
Vermont, after viewing the TV interview of a medical
student returned recently from Grenada. In a letter to
the station, Taplin challenged the interviewer's bias:
"She was quite obviously taking an advocacy role -
clearly attempting to lead her subject to condemn the
American action in Grenada."
He was pleasantly surprised to hear from the
reporter, Sara Matthiessen of WCAX-TV. She wrote, "I
agree with your assessment of the piece I did on Mr.
Giannelli. Though I was not, in fact, playing an advo-
cacy role, it certainly seemed that way."
"Mr. Giannelli and I had spoken on the telephone
the day before the interview. In that conversation he
was very assertive and articulate about his feeling that
the invasion was justified. The questions I formulated
were based on that conversation. My goal was a bal-
anced view, in fact the reverse of the end product: Mr.
Giannelli's unalloyed approval of the invasion vs. some
difficult questions challenging that view. As sometimes
happens, however, his assertiveness died under the
lights of the camera. The result was the impression you
quite rightly came away with, that I was trying to force
his hand."
The reporter told Taplin that she spotted the prob-
lem when the interview was aired, and edited the piece
for subsequent broadcasts.
OFF-THE-WIRE: News in Brief
Intelligence Assessed
Arnold Beichman, a visiting scholar at the Hoover Institution, in
a report assessing the state of U.S. intelligence, credits DCI William
J. Casey with having "done the best job of any CIA director in the
past decade." According to Beichman, "Under Casey, a number of
important steps to rebuild U.S. intelligence have been undertaken
under the continuing scrutiny of two congressional select commit-
tees on intelligence ..." Among the improvements says the writer:
increased funding of intelligence, a return to covert action, an
increase in the number of national estimates sent to intelligence
consumers, returned emphasis on human intelligence resources,
and a rebuilding of "perhaps the most important ingredient in the
intelligence schema-counterintelligence."
Beichman has harsh words for Casey's predecessor. He charges
that former DCI Stansfield Turner "had a low opinion of the agency
he was assigned to administer" with the result that "the United
States and its allies paid the price of poor intelligence, and, most
important, insufficient and even unreliable national estimates ..."
Beichman was critical also of the "revolving door" sequence of
appointments of CIA directors Colby, Schlesinger and Bush, which
he views as "hardly calculated to restore confidence within the
organization." And, of the counterintelligence issue: "The various
congressional investigations of CIA and their repercussions within
CIA led to a wholesale dismantling of Cl a decade ago. Whether or
not Cl has been successfully rebuilt, no one can really know--
probably not even Casey himself-but at least Cl reconstruction is
under way."
But, Beichman is restrained in measuring the long-term effect
of Casey's efforts: "Whether Mr. Casey will ultimately succeed in
leaving an imprint is questionable. Except for Mr. Casey and a few
others he himself brought in, there have been few changes at the
top of the intelligence hierarchy."
AFIO, offered a contrasting assessment in a book review published
in the New York Times recently:
"My own view is that the KGB and the CIA have escalated their
secret operations-the CIA often aping its adversary-in an action-
counteractions process that has overpopulated the world with secret
agents. Operations on both sides often appear to be pointless and
self-defeating. And the world is less safe as malignant fears have
been engendered. If the full story could be known, I believe that
many of these secret activities would seem not tales of moral blind-
ness or personal tragedy, but rather scripts for Marx Brothers
Protecting Sources and Methods
The American Historical Association, which has taken a strong
stand on openness and access to documentary materials, has
adopted a resolution urging that security classification not be permit-
ted beyond 20 years, "except for documents pertaining to cryptology,
intelligence sources and methods and agent operations in regard to
which the classification period should not exceed forty years."
In related matters, AHA also urged that implementation of
National Security Decision Direction 84 be blocked. It claims that a
lifetime publication review obligation for those with access to Sensi-
tive Compartmented Information (SCI) is a "dangerous threat to his-
torians," and would "choke off the flow of information so vital to an
understanding of the nation's history." The historical group has also
urged that all records seized by military intelligence on Grenada "be
temporarily transferred from all U.S. government agencies now hold-
ing them to the National Archives ... pending their return to
Grenada and the Bay Of Pigs
Veteran journalist Charles J. V. Murphy, assessing the role of
the president as commander-in-chief in a cold war situation, has
compared U.S. performance in both the Bay of Pigs and Grenada
episodes. Writing recently in the Security and Intelligence Fund
newsletter, Situation Report, he quoted The Economist of London:
"A great power knows that it is dangerous to be seen to flinch
because its assorted enemies around the world take heart and its
friends' knees knock," and the influential magazine's crediting of the
President with having "rejected the flinch and moved in to achieve a
clearly identified and achievable objective" in Grenada.
Citing his own reportorial experiences at the time of the Bay of
Pigs, Murphy noted, "The trouble at the Bay of Pigs was that the
libretto which the Kennedy men wrote for their Camelot did not call
for anyone to reach for Excalibur." According to Murphy, "a strong
justification for intervention existed. U.S. intelligence possessed
proof that Moscow was moving arms and advisers, both militarily
and ideologically, into Cuba," but that the President was rendered
timid at the knife's edge of decision by a fear of the criticism from
other American states, as well as our more sensitive allies, which
the exposure of the United States' hand was certain to bring."
DeBorchgrave Warns of Cuban Terror
Writer-correspondent Arnaud DeBorchgrave warned a White
House audience recently that the Cuban intelligence service "has
built up some formidable assets in the form of front groups" in the
United States, and is conducting an "intense active measures cam-
paign" to influence public opinion against U.S. foreign policy, espe-
cially toward Central America. "The DGI," he said, "regards internal
security in the U.S. as a joke ... Their agents roam the country
freely, organizing cells and campaigns against U.S. domestic and
foreign policies with total impunity."
He cautioned the White House Outreach Working Group on
Central America that Cuban successes have not been limited solely
to disinformation campaigns. Citing his debriefing of a Cuban DGI
defector, he warned "The DGI has been gradually putting into place
in the U.S. a terrorist infrastructure" to foment riots and chaos.
Sadly, the Cubans are not without support here, DeBorchgrave
noted, adding that political leaders and journalists have accepted
Cuban disinformation, failing to recognize its Soviet and Cuban ori-
gins. He also described the case of Rolando Salup, a third secretary
to the Cuban mission at the UN who was declared personal non
grata last year. Salup, DeBorchgrave said, flew to Washington at
least once a week to "avail himself of the offices of a congressman
on Capitol Hill as a 'safe house' for meetings with his American
contacts and recruited agents."
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AFIO Chapter Activities
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. Newly-elected
chapter officers are: Roger E. McCarthy, president; Col.
Edward J. Rudka, SMR, vice president (programs);
Harold 0. Christensen, vice president (membership); Lt.
Janet Aitken, USNR (ret), secretary; and Ricardo
Alcantar, treasurer. The chapter's January meeting, co-
sponsored by ASIS and the SFPD Eight Ball, featured
author-journalist Claire Sterling.
San Diego Chapter. Howard L. Abrams, special
agent in charge, Naval Investigative Service, was guest
speaker at the February meeting. He explained the
general mission of the 850 NIS agents stationed at 140
posts around the world, and discussed the San Diego
units recent investigations-of espionage, fraud and nar-
cotics (400 narcotics arrests in the last year alone). The
March meeting featured a visit to the USS Counstella-
tion. The chapter's speakers' program is particularly
active. So far this year, Lee Echols has given five talks,
Wally Driver has spoken before three groups on terror-
ism, and Joe Elliot has also joined the speakers' circuit.
The chapter is also considering affiliate membership for
young people, possibly fostering interest in intelligence
Satellite Chapter. The chapter sponsored an infor-
mation and membership booth at the annual Retirees
Day held in March at Patrick Air Force Base, providing
an AFIO presence to an audience estimated at 7,000.
Recently elected as officers were: Col. Charles D. Gray
(USMC-Ret), president; Col. Charles T. Williamson
(USMC-Ret), vice president; Mrs. Eileen W. Gould,
secretary. Elected to the board of directors were Ray-
mond J. Brennan, Col. Stone Christopher (USAF-Ret),
James M. Griffin, and Col. Paul A. III (AUS-Ret).
Diamond Head Chapter. Following last year's
successful luncheon meeting with the Pacific and
Asian Affairs Council, at which Ambassador Vernon A.
Walters, as expected, captured the hearts and minds of
the audience, the chapter is looking for more dignitaries
"just passing through" who might be available. (Con-
tact chapter secretary-treasurer Ted Beidleman at
Wackenhut of Hawaii, 680 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 301,
Honolulu 98813, with any leads.) For its Winter meet-
ing in February, the guest speaker was William C. Ervin,
the FBI's local Special Agent in charge, who spoke on
the role of the FBI in the intelligence community. Thirty
to forty members participate actively in chapter events.
Western Montana Chapter
The chapter shared its April meeting with guests
from the Western Montana Military Officers' Associa-
tion, and heard Walt Sedoff describe the various aspects
of interrogation of Soviet defectors. The chapter has
agreed to purchase a copy of George Constantinides'
Chapter Spotlight
9619 Yupondale Street
Houston, Texas 77080
(713) 932-0226
Fred Rodell
The Gulf Coast Chapter, of which Fred Rodell
is president, has been extremely active in spon-
soring education programs which generate con-
siderable and favorable press coverage, including
TV. One program, for example, featured the
Ambassador to the US from El Salvador, and its
February meeting hosting author Claire Sterling
at the Westin Galleria Hotel had over 400 in
attendance. Her speech captured a seven-minute
segment on ABC News in Houston, and resulted
in many phone calls commending the effort.
Chapter officers have accepted speaking
engagements before several Rotary Clubs and
The Houstonian, a highly influential community
group, and is working with Texas A&M University
to sponsor a seminar on terrorism. The chapter
has also taken on the task of seeking private sec-
tor funding for the event, and has already received
favorable response to invitations from the advisor
on terrorism to the President of France, Scotland
Yard and the Director General of Police, Quebec.
The chapter in on record as offering to spon-
sor a future AFIO national convention.
[Chapters are invited to submit "focus" summar-
ies of their activities; this was culled from several
Gulf Coast Chapter reports.]
intelligence bibliography for presentation to the Univer-
sity of Montana Library, and announces that AFIO
wives will be invited to the summer meeting to hear
Maj. Gen. Jim Duffy, state Adjutant General, describe
the reorganization and revitalization of the Montana
State Militia.
The chapter notes that Walt Sedoff is scheduled to
deliver five talks in one day to the senior class of the
largest high school in Ravalli County. According to Dick
Grant, AFIO chairman in Montana, Walt's presenta-
tions on the need to protect our nation's intelligence
capabilities are "going over big here in Western
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Notes from the Board Room DONATIONS
Thirteen of the 18 members were present, with
those absent represented by proxy, at the AFIO Board of
Directors meeting held April 9, 1984, at the Bolling AFB
Officers' Club.
The chief topics discussed were the 1984 Conven-
tion and the proposed changes in procedures for elect-
ing the Board of Directors.
Col. Bruce Baumgardner (USAF-Ret) chairman of
the convention committee, briefed the Board on the
status of plans for the 1984 Convention (see elsewhere
in this issue), noting that negotiations on rooms, meet-
ing facilities, etc., had been firmed up and a contract
signed with the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Rockville, Maryland.
Capt. Richard Bates (USN-Ret) discussed the pro-
posed changes in election procedures, taking into con-
sideration the recommendations of the Task Force
under Col. Robert Roth (USA-Ret) which had been sent
to Board members before the meeting for their review.
Capt. Bates stated that changes in the Articles of Incor-
poration, Resolutions and changes in the By-laws may
be required to accomplish this. The Board designated
the Executive Committee as the "implementing com-
mittee" to prepare a course of action for consideration
and decision at the next Board meeting, to be held June
14, 1984, with subsequent announcement to the
membership in the next Periscope. The "implementing
committee" is to take under consideration recommen-
dations made by the Task Force as well as individual
It was also announced that the second pamphlet in
the Intelligence Profession Series, "National Security
and the First Amendment," by John S. Warner, is at the
printer and would be available in about three weeks.
The meeting adjourned at 1600 hours. Submitted by
Secretary, Charlotta P. Engrav.
New York
Greater New York Chapter. Veteran journalist
Arnaud DeBorchgrave delivered his forthright message
about Soviet disinformation to over 100 persons at the
February meeting. Bill Hood has assumed the presi-
dency of the chapter and Derek Lee has agreed to serve
as first vice president. Ralph Vollono serves as secretary.
Keystone Chapter. Newly elected as officers at
the chapter's February meeting are: Terry Foster, presi-
dent; Pat Stingley, vice president; and William J. Fry as
secretary-treasurer. Members of the board of directors
are Randy Welch, Dale Hanka, Morris Ragus and
Sammy Snider.
Lone Star Chapter. At its March meeting, held at
the Fort Sam Houston Officers' Club, the chapter
elected its new officers for the 1984-85 year: Stanley
D. Sagan, president; Joel E. Siskovic, vice president;
and William J. Hammond, secretary-treasurer. AFIO
member George Kiefer gave new insights in a talk
about the Fourth Amendment.
CAPT Albert Benjamin, USNR(Ret.)
Charlottesville, VA
Mr. Henry L. Bermanis
Audubon, PA
Ms. Janet E. Boley
Washington, DC
Mr. John W. Bussmann
Woodbridge, CT
Mr. Robert R. Davis
Oakton, VA
CAPT Robert A. Dowd, USN(Ret.)
Longboat Key, FL
Mr. Mike S. Gonakis
Euclid, OH
Mr. Derek A. Lee
New York, NY
Mr. Newton S. Miler
Placitas, NM
San Diego Chapter, AFIO
San Diego, CA
Mr. Michie F. Tilley
Greenville, TX
AFIO Convention Slated
for October 19-20
Col. Bruce K. Baumgardner (USAF-Ret), chairman
of the convention committee, has announced that the
Crowne Plaza, a Holiday Inn in Rockville, Md., has been
selected as the site of AFIO's 10th Annual Convention,
to be held October 19 and 20, 1984. According to
Baumgardner, he and his committee are planning to
make the tenth anniversary event the biggest and best
ever, with full details to be published in the next issue
of Periscope and in special bulletins.
Members of the convention committee are pleased
to note that after examining several proposed meeting
facilities, they succeeded in securing most reasonable
meal prices and favorable room rates ($55 for a single
or double) at the new luxury hotel.
Mark Flag Day on Calendar
Club. Further information will be provided in the
"I meeting announcement to be mailed soon.
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From The President's Desk:
Ours is a heterogenous Association whose charm
is in the diversity and independent thought of its
members, and whose success rests on the relentless,
apolitical, objective championing of the national need
for a competent intelligence capability. The Board of
Directors has the serious responsibility of guiding and
directing the effort of the group from one convention to
the next, and they weigh these responsibilities most
heavily. Please give serious attention to the current
articles on our election process. Much study and effort
has been made to select a system which is acceptable
to all, which is administratable, timely, economical, and
which conforms to our founding Articles. Excellent
suggestions have been made from conventions' floors
and by letter; a Task Force from the former Advisory
Council has exhaustively examined alternatives; Dick
Bates is doing yeoman (!) work in sifting out the best
solution. It's up to you to make it work.
This Easter finds your Capitol boiling with accusa-
tions over the CIA role in Nicaragua's coastal waters.
Somehow lost in the emotion and the headlines is a
single sorry fact, the consequences of which I believe
greatly outweigh the good or evil of the mining or the
extent of our participation. Were not the details of a
highly classified operation consciously (intentionally?)
leaked by a government official who has sworn to
uphold-secrecy, and only by virtue of his oath was he
privy to the information he compromised? Pros and
cons of the operation aside, and leaving the decision on
the appropriate role of the Agency in covert operations
to those with the authority to act and the responsibility
to answer for their actions, this naked violation of con-
fidentially must be considered a most serious obstacle
to the essential trust that must prevail between the
Intelligence Community and the Congressional Over-
sight Committees. Whatever the motivation, if these
travesties of sacred trust continue, oversight cannot,
will not work.
The public dissection of our innermost secrets
must bring joy to the aging occupants of the Kremlin.
Certainly they have little else in which to find comfort.
Chernenko, having recently wrestled to himself the
third crown, of Presidency, has wasted no time in de-
emphasizing the annoying purge on white-collar crime,
Senate Intelligence Committee
Treaty Violation Briefing
Included With This Issue
The seemingly endless tabulation of Soviet violations and cir-
cumventions of arms control treaties drew the attention of the U.S.
Senate recently. In a lengthy briefing of both classified and unclassi-
fied evidence and analysis, the Senate Select Committee on Intelli-
gence gave the issue frightening perspective, noting that U.S.
charges against the Soviets "can be demonstrated with hard and
often conclusive evidence. Soviet explanations have been incom-
plete, and often grossly misleading. And the Soviets have refused to
stop their most flagrant SALT violations."
The sensitivity of the intelligence information on which the
committee's findings are based was emphasized by a rare closed
session of the Congress, lasting almost two hours, which followed
the unclassified presentation.
A reprint of the important public briefing is included with this
bulletin, courtesy of the committee.
for which his colleagues are obviously relieved. Un-
changed is their complete intransigence on arms con-
trol, bleating to the world that the status quo ante
(Soviets-360; NATO-0) must be re-established before
talks will continue.
It's time for them to try a major diversion or distrac-
tion, since they haven't been able to shake off the
blame for walking away from the negotiating table. May
our active colleagues be alert!
We welcome with this edition the new editor of
Periscope, Ed Sayle, and express our sincere apprecia-
tion for the countless hours of professional work that
Harris Greene has devoted. Harris has greatly improved
the quality of our publication (members' opinion as well
as mine) and presents a fine challenge to Ed to con-
tinue the upgrade. Additionally, the entire membership
owes thanks to the Advisory Council whose missions
have now been performed. They filled a critical need in
the growth of our Association, worked unselfishly and
arduously on the important areas they addressed, and
are responsible for many of the ideas which have now
been incorporated into practice.
Classified Section
A new publication, soon to be marketed world-wide,
is seeking correspondents/reporters on a full or part-
time basis. We are particularly interested in people with
middle east and Central-South America experience. A
knowledge of and experience with counter-terrorist
activity and political and economic problems is desir-
able. To apply, send a resume and a letter stating your
desires, to: Jack E. Stephenson, P.O. Box 3644, Boze-
man, Montana 59715.
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers, McLean Office Building,
6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.
Officers of AFIO are:
Maj. Gen. Richard X. Larkin, USA(Ret.) ..... President
Robert D. Brown, Jr .................. Vice President
Robert J. Novak ......................... Treasurer
Charlotta P. Engrav ...................... Secretary
John K. Greaney ................. Executive Director
Edward F. Sayle ............... Editor of PERISCOPE
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At The Fourth National Convention...
On October 1-2 delegates to the Fourth Annual AFIO Convention in Coronado, California elected new members to
the organization's Board of Directors, and the new Board appointed officers for 1978-79. The new AFIO President is
General Robert E. Cushman, Jr., USMC, (Ret.), who replaces Dick Stilwell. General Cushman has served as the 25th
Commandant of the Marine Corps and as Deputy Director of CIA. Mr. Don Huefner, formerly of CIA, was selected
as AFIO's new Vice President, to succeed Steve Hammond. Reappointed to their former positions were Anita
Potocki, Treasurer, and Frances Hoffmeier, Secretary.
The new Board of Directors consists of the following
old and new members:
Chairman, David Atlee Phillips
Executive Committee
General Richard G. Stilwell, USA Ret.
John S. Warner
Walter Pforzheimer
Lieutenant General Marshall S. Carter, USA Ret.
William J. Casey
William E. Colby
Mrs. Helen Priest Deck
Lieutenant General Daniel 0. Graham, USA Ret.
Vice Admiral Frederick J. Harlfinger II, USN Ret.
Derek A. Lee
The Honorable Clare Boothe Luce
The Honorable John M. Maury
Lieutenant General W. Ray Peers, USA Ret.
Donald W. Perry
Stanton V. Phillips
Dr. Louis Tordella
Major General Harold E. Watson, USAF Ret.
Colonel George R. Weinbrenner, USAF Ret.
Speakers at the California reunion, the largest and
most successful AFIO gathering to date, included The
Honorable John Alex McCone, Congressman Bob
Wilson, Professor William Van Cleave, Admiral Ulysses
S. Grant Sharp, General Richard Stilwell, Lyman B.
Kirkpatrick, Jr., and Mr. John Warner, AFIO Legal
During the Convention the Board of Directors floored
the proposal that annual dues be increased from $10 to
$15 per annum. The assmbled delegates voted to make
the increase $20 due to AFIO's growing responsibilities
in the Congressional liaison area and because all dues
and donations to AFIO are now tax-deductible.
Delegates also ratified a decision by the AFIO Board
of Directors to join the newly formed Coalition of Peace
Through Strength. Two AFIO Board members, General
Dick Stilwell and Lieutenant General Danny Graham are
co-sponsors of the Coalition whose stated purposes are
to ensure an adequate defense posture. One of the
planks of the Co lition is the retention of a capable and
effective intellige > tl0n1gQyFi8Wg il>ifV(h1
the U.S. The Coalition includes more than 160 members
of Congress, from both major parties, on its rolls. These
elected representatives and the more than sixty
organizations comprising the Coalition hope to foster a
re-examination of what the U.S. defense posture
should be.
Local newspaper publicity and stories on AP and UPI
resulted from the conclave. The mayor of San Diego,
Pete Wilson, proffered a formal declaration to the con-
vention, naming October 1 and 2 as "Association of
Former Intelligence Officers' Days" in San Diego.
Congratulations are in order for Lee Echols, California
State Chairman, and the enthusiastic and hardworking
volunteers of the San Diego Chapter, under President
Don Perry, who made the convention such a success.
Also contributing were Col. Carl Eifler and his wife,
Margaret, who donated a fine painting which was
auctioned at the reunion.
The Honorable John Alex McCone, former
Director of Central Intelligence, was the
speaker at the final banquet of the 1978 AFIO
(The- photograph is from a videotape
featuring speakers at the convention, and is
as are the
Excerpts from the~FcQecg /& For ReI e~O
It is a privilege to attend this meeting of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and a pleasure and an honor to speak to you this evening. I
am sure you are disappointed that Governor Ronald Reagan could not be with us - I, too, am disappointed for we are meeting in the state whose
destiny he guided most successfully for many years - and, in more recent years - and when not in office - his influence here has been profound.
My life in the world of intelligence was all two short - four years less
a few months - and I must confess that a certain amount of envy and
nostalgia creeps into my mind when I read of men who have had the
privilege of serving for long periods of time - perhaps all of their adult
years. However, I had some added years with you when, as Chairman of
the Atomic Energy Commission and a member of President Eisen-
hower's National Security Council, I enjoyed what may be called a
"peak" into your world. This was sufficient to understand the great
service the men and women of the community contributed to our
national security. Again, at an earlier date, when working closely with
the then Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, I followed with amaze-
ment and admiration the skillful operation that defeated with consum-
mate skill the well-planned Soviet scheme to establish a Communist
beach-head in Guatemala and from there, spawn Communist web that
would engulf all of Latin America.
With these experiences, removed as they were from the center of
intelligence activities, it was no surprise to me that when I entered the
halls of the Central Intelligence Agency and came to know both the
Agency and the entire Intelligence Community, I found an organiza-
tion of men and women of greater competence and of more sincere
dedication of purpose that I had found in any of the several depart-
ments of government I had served.
A Letter to Dick Stilwell...
Dear Dick:
While it is disappointing that the conference report on
the foreign intelligence surveillance bill was approved, it
seems most significant that the vote was relatively close
- 226-176.
The conference report was not as favorable as the
measure as passed by the House. Nevertheless, it is far
superior to the measure as passed earlier by the Senate.
I appreciate your interest and support of the position
which a number of my colleagues and I took on this
measure. It is possible, too, that the provisions of the bill
may be further modified in the charter legislation which
will be before the Congress next year.
The measure still will have to stand the test of con-
stitutionality - with some indications that all or part of
the bill may be held unconstitutional whenever it is tested
in the U.S. Supreme Court.
It has been good to work with you and I appreciate
that opportunity as well as the help which you and the
members of the Association of Former Intelligence
Officers have provided.
With all good wishes.
Robert McClory
Member of Congress
Thus, I agonize - as do each of you - at the unfair and unjustified
criticism directed toward the Community and, most particularly, the
Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation by
some elements of the Congress, by the press and by a small minority of
the public. I do not contend that some criticism is not justified - and
this I will deal with later - but I do resent the sensationalism attached
to one disclosure after another - many of them insignificant - others
distorted and the purpose of the action being condemned, never
disclosed or defended.
It is my firm belief that the practice of seizing upon a few intelligence
operations that, for one reason of another, have drawn criticism from
members of the committees of Congress and then displaying their
displeasure to a news media anxious to dramatize the incident with
shocking headlines and statements, has caused great damage to our
nation's security. Probably the most serious is the creation of a climate
that has given license to the Victor Marchettis and the Phillip Agees to
set aside their sacred vows to their country to preserve secrecy and
unveil - in books written for a modest profit - information more
damaging than that of the most serious defectors. No violation of trust
- no defection to the other side - no damage from the acts of the
Philbys. the McLains or the Claus Fuchs has been more damaging to
our national interest and our security than the work of these few men
who prostitute their principles and make disclosures which place their
close associates of many years in mortal danger. This, they do, for a few
Walter Lippman once wrote that "foreign policy is the shield of the
Republic." A noted historian added, "Intelligence is the thing that gets
the shield in the proper place and at the right time."
That is why some 38 nations throughout the world - and the list
includes all major powers - support an intelligence organization of
one sort or another - some large, some small - but all designed to
provide needed knowledge to those guiding the destiny of the respective
nations. The common characteristic of all of these organizations is that
they are cloaked in secrecy. Only two - the United States and West
Germany - admit their existence. In other countries, the very
existence of these organizations is never publicly acknowledged, is
known only to a few and these on a "need to know" basis. Usually
authority and control rests at the top-most echelon of power and it is
accepted that the disclosure of intimate details of a foreign intelligence
service would, in the opinion of all nations, paralyze their operations.
This is the dilemma our nation now faces for, despite the oversight
arrangements of the past, there remains evidence of wrongdoing -
sonic imagined - many exaggerated - but a few justified. As a result.
there is a clamor for closer supervision of intelligence operations and
especially clandestine activities....
The first problem is to establish understanding and confidence
between units of the Intelligence Community and the established
committees of the Congress. It is my firm belief that once confidence is
established, the results will be two. First, the committees - one in the
Senate and one in the House - will be satisfied that they are being
given all the facts relating to intelligence activities and operations, most
particularly covert political actions. The committees, being advised in
Vice Admiral Rufus L. Taylor, USN (Ret.)
Whispering Pines, NC
14 September 1978
Commander Winston W. Cornelius,
USN (Ret.)
Falls Church, VA
6 November 1978
Professor Douglas L. Wheeler, Dept. of History, University of
New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 Is carrying out a research
project on intelligence activities In Portugal In World War II.
All members, friends and associates of AFIO who have informa-
tion, papers, notes, old photos, memorabilia on intelligence
activities in Portugal during 1939.45 please contact Professor
Wheeler. This is a professional historical project and requests
for anonymity or confidentiality will be honored. Telephone
(703) 868-9633. -
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Among the speakers at AFIO's October Convention were, left to right, Congressman Bob Wilson, former
President and present Board member Dick Stilwell, and ADM. Ulysses S. Grant Sharp, USN (Ret.)
advance whenever possible, will be in the position to sanction
operations, give guidance and advice and, if they feel the contemplated
action not in the nation's best interest, ask the President to call it off.
To deviate for a moment, I might add that such an arrangement
existed for many years with the Joint Committee of Atomic Energy and
members of the Senate and the House. All in Congress were satisfied
with the Joint Committee's oversight of our nuclear affairs and nothing
of a classified nature went beyond that Committee. But with our
intelligence affairs, there are understandably many concerned com-
mittees - military affairs, foreign affairs and appropriations. There-
fore, in advancing the foregoing plan for a Select Committee on
Intelligence, I advocated the inclusion on such Committees of both the
House and Senate of representatives of the concerned committees -
preferably the ranking representatives of both parties....
Within the Executive branch of the government, changes of attitude
and procedure are indicated. The authority of the National Security
Council must be re-established. It's sub-committees, created first by
President Eisenhower, approved all covert operations - political, para-
military and recognizance. There must be no delegation of authority
and no disposing of these important matters by telephone or other
informal methods of communication between committee members.
And the President must always be advised of what is going on. Records
of proceedings must be kept for without them, responsibility cannot be
Even the most sensitive of operations must be brought before this
committee and through it, to the President for final approval. The
same can be said for the submissions to the congressional committees.
There is no need under the plan I envisage for withholding from
properly established channels in the Executive and Legislative branches
of government, complete disclosure of such sensitive operations as
intercepts, submarine and aircraft recognizance, covert operations of a
wide range- from political action to programs of misinformation and
on to paramilitary operations if required by our national interests.
All of this requires a sharp revision of the philosophy of many trained
intelligence officers. It is basic to their trade craft not to divulge to their
seniors complete information on planned operations. Thus. they
reason, as a result of their training, if the man most likely to be called
upon to answer questions is uninformed, he and the system or the pro-
gram will be protected. Such was the philosophy of the British Civilian
Intelligence Service as so lucidly explained by William Stevenson in his
best-selling book, "The Man Called Intrepid". Stevenson was
responsible for the creation of our own OSS and much of their
philosophy and practice became doctrinaire with the OSS and later,
with our ongoing organizations - the CIA, the NSA and so forth.
But the practice boomeranged. Congressmen now say - the press
say and some of the public say - unless those at the top know the
whole story, where is the control? A good question and one that can
only be answered by a switch in our practices - a departure from the
past and a determined decision to bring to the top authority and the
designated committees of Congress all sensitive matters. If this is done
without deviation, the President and his three principals - the Secre-
taries of State and Defense and his National Security Adivsor, will
know that intelligence operations are consistent with policy and the two
Select Committees on the Hill will feel equally assured. These
Committee members can then turn to their fellow members and say
with confidence that nothing is going on that is inconsistent with this
nation's principles and policies. The philosophy of "need to know" -
so important to Foreign Intelligence activities of all nations who
maintain a service, can once again be gradually but surely re-intro-
duced into our our national practices.,
Beyond this, anyone who has been seriously connected with the
responsibilities of national security will hope that the now completed
prolonged and painful review of the roles and missions and the conduct
of the Intelligence Community as a whole and the CIA and FBI in
particular, will end up preserving an organization that can serve our
security needs and rest comfortably within American political and
moral philosophy.
Our nation would hardly be safe without such an establishment.
SEPTEMBER 22,1978*
I do just want to take my few minutes to make a brief
statement about the hearings that we have had today and
...I think when we view these actions of sometime ago
today, we have to realize that at that time when these acts
were committed there was a national consensus that this
nation's security was in peril. So I think we would want
to be very careful how we make retroactive scapegoats.
There are those who betray one trust, their trust of
office, the trust of power; but they did so to preserve
another trust, their trust of national security.
In all of these hearings, Mr. Helms, in all of the
inquiry situations that you have been subjected to lately,
I don't think anyone has ever suggested that you ever
betrayed that other trust, of the national security. I think
in judging the actions of individuals in the past, we want
to consider who it was who called up those actions. In
large measures, the American people at that time were
calling up these measures out of fear that our national
security was in peril.
Mr. Helms, we appreciate your being here with us
today and answering all of these questions.
*These remarks were made at the conclusion of the
testimony of Ambassador Helms, formerly Director of
the Central Inteligence Agency.
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Excerpts from the Speech...
I appreciate the kind invitation to address the National Convention of this distinguished and valuable association. I welcome the opportunity to
share with you some thoughts on the future of our intelligence organizations. No subject is more important, and few subjects are surrounded today by
such controversy and misinformation.
This audience is all too well aware of what has happened to the
Intelligence community over the past several years, so it Isn't necessary
for me to itemize in detail the series of events which have led us to the
reduced capability which exists in intelligence today. However, it might
be well to summarize these events - to set the stage for current
happenings, and then project the direction I see intelligence following
Into the future.
We are all painfully aware of the factors which surfaced from Water-
gate and the subsequent investigation of intelligence: Allegations of
abuses by our Intelligence organizations - centering primarily around
the subject of Invasion of individual rights In the name of National
Security. These all have created battle lines with national security on
one side and individual rights on the other. This unnecessary, and
potentially harmful, division was further exploited by the press. The
situation progressed to the point where some of our citizens became
convinced that our intelligence agencies had become unnecessary, and
that intelligence operations were synonymous with abuses of power.
At the same time, representatives of the extreme liberal element of
our society - organizations such as the American Civil Liberties
Union, and the Center for National Security Studies - began an
intensive, and rather effective effort to dismantle, or at least sig-
nificantly alter activities of our intelligence organizations. This was
done, and Is still being done, in the name of individual rights. These
efforts were manifested in many ways - through publications such as
First Principles, later repeated in the major media; through extensive
lobbying efforts on both sides of the hill; and through legal defense or
former Intelligence employees, a few of whom I call traitors to the
cause, who have been publishing damaging and often false information
about our intelligence organizations, particularly the CIA. In addition,
You Can Count on AFIO Members
At the recent convention outgoing President
Dick Stilwell pointed out the need for additional
financial support for projects in the coming year,
particularly the "Charter Legislation" for the intel-
ligence community. The following members re-
sponded with contributions of $100 or more:
Maj Gen Harold E. Watson USAF Ret.
Middleburg, Virginia
COL Carl F. Eifler AUS Ret.
Salinas, California
Stan Phillips
North Palm Beach, Florida
Ray S. Cline
Arlington, Virginia
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Jr.
Narragansett, Rhode Island
Col. Walter S. Hammond USAF Ret.
Falls Church, Virginia
Hayden Channing
Tucson, Arizona
William E. Colby
Washington, D.C.
Nancy C. Fogarty
Washington, D.C.
Col George R. Weinbrenner
San Antonio, Texas
John Alex McCone
Los Angeles, California
The Honorable Clare Booth Luce
Honolulu, Hawaii
these organizations have mounted a massive analytical and legal
service, which has drafted legislation, analyzed various bills and pre-
pared legal briefs concerning perceived threats to individual rights.
The prime mover in these activities is Morton Halperin, a former
staff member of the National Security Council and a former Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense. He has the collaboration of other
former government employees such as John Marks, formerly Staff
Assistant to the Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of
the Department of State.
In September 1974 at the first conference on the CIA, organized by
Halperin's Center for National Security Studies, one Richard Falk
urged that, "CIA's program of covert activities be abolished".
However, he did make one exception - he would allow CIA covert
action against South Africa....
Agee is now publishing a new magazine to expose CIA activities and
personnel. It is called "Covert Action Information Bulletin". In the
first issue, dated July 1978 and introduced by Agee at a press
conference in Communist Cuba, is a statement that this magazine is to
replace "Counter-Spy". No one needs to be reminded that the exposure
of CIA official, Richard Welch, by "Counter-Spy" played a part in his
murder by Communist terrorists.
Last year Agee was expelled from England. One factor involved in
his expulsion was his role in revealing to the public that British
Intelligence was monitoring wave lengths used by the terrorist IRA to
detonate bombs. This information was very helpful to the terrorists.
It is interesting to note that in February 1977, when hearings were
held in England on the Agee deportation order, three Americans
traveled to England to serve as character witnesses and defend Agee.
These were: Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United
States; Mel Wuif, of the American Civil Liberties Union; and of course,
Morton Halperin, who is always available to help damage our intel-
ligence community.
These anti-intelligence activities have been aided by some in
Congress. Unfortunately, the Church and Pike Committees, in the
Senate and House, exposed many of the activities of our intelligence
community. Even operations that no one could find fault with were
curtailed as a result of the publicity.
Finally, in response to what appeared to be publicoutcries for effec-
tive controls over intelligence organizations, the last two Presidents of
the United States issued Executive orders which set out in detail restric-
tions under which intelligence organizations were required to operate.
In total, these developments had the following net effect on our
intelligence capabilities:
(1) Careers of some of our most promising intelligence officers were
shattered because of exposure.
(2) Intelligence officers, particularly overseas, became fearful for the
safety of themselves and their families.
(3) Sources discontinued working with the CIA, foreign intelligence
services became reluctant to exchange information for fear it would not
remain secret, and the Director of Central Intelligence Is unable to
estimate how many potential sources or liaison arrangements never
germinated because people were now unwilling to enter Into business
with the CIA.
(4) Morale in both the CIA and the FBI has eroded, and agents have
become reluctant to undertake operations for fear of being sued, or
because they could not guarantee their sources' protection.
(5) The ability to penetrate violence-oriented organizations with
informants was drastically reduced, due to restrictions imposed on such
operations by the Attorney General's guidelines, and finally,
(6) The Federal Loyalty-Security Program has been dismantled to the
point that meaningful background checks cannot be made. This has
happened because law enforcement officials feel constrained from
supplying necessary Information because of the Freedom of Informa-
tion Act, Privacy Act and various state laws. In point of fact, the Civil
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An address by the Honorable Clare Boothe Luce before the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers Annual Pearl Harbor Day
Luncheon on December 7, 1978
My subject today is Intelligence and the American Doctrine
of war. It is appropriate on this 37th anniversary of Pearl
Harbor to recall how crucial the relation is between them.
There is no law above the nations. All nations are equally
sovereign, independent, autonomous. The essence of sov-
ereignty is the right to use force in the nation's interest. But as
war is the most brutal, destructive, costly and risky of all
human enterprises, it has always raised two questions-its
necessity and its justice.
Down through the centuries, and until recent times, the
nations have all held the Machiavellian doctrine of war: "That
war is just, which is necessary." The interests of the state
determined the necessity of waging war, and the necessity
determined its justice.
Until this century, all nations have viewed war as a proper
instrument of national policy. The United States, in its early
days, was no exception. In his Farewell Address, our first
president, George Washington pleaded for the maintenance of
adequate military forces so that "we may choose war or
peace, as our interest guided by our justice, shall counsel."
The American doctrine of war, as it has developed in our
times, is a novelty in history. It unilaterally renounces the
ancient sovereign right to resort to force-to choose war-as a
solution to intractable international disputes. It holds that the
just war is the only necessary war and that the only just war is
the war fought in response to a direct attack. In the American
view both morality and justice demand that the United States
should not go to war, but should wait until war comes to us.
For example, despite the U.S. strategic, political, and
economic interest in maintaining a free and friendly South Viet-
nam, our war in Vietnam came to be seen by most of our
people as unjust, immoral and unnecessary because we went
to it. We were the wicked aggressor because we fought before
America itself was militarily attacked and we accepted military
defeat as punishment.
This peculiar American doctrine, which rejects all right to the
military initiative in the name of morality, obviously accords
many advantages to the enemy. It permits him all the time he
needs to build up offensive forces and perfect his war plans. It
leaves him free to choose the place and the hour of his first
attack and to get there "fustest with the mostest."
"The two cardinal virtues of war," wrote Thomas Hobbes,
"are force and fraud." The American doctrine also gives an
enemy as much time as he needs to conceal his hostile
intentions by creating the fraudulent diplomatic climate of
peace which will then allow him to maximize his first-strike
privilege by making it a surprise.
We are here together today because just such an event took
place 37 years ago-the catastrophic Japanese surprise attack
on Pearl Harbor.
When Admiral Yamamoto set to sea to launch his long-
planned strike on our Fleet, a Japanese diplomatic mission was
in Washington, ostensibly seeking what today we would call a
detente agreement. According to those "reliable White House
and Department of State sources" on which our reliable press
so heavily relies for its intelligence, the negotiations had been
making progress.
When the Japanese bombs began to rain down on our sitting-
duck ships and planes in Honolulu, our Chief of Staff, General
George Marshall, was enjoying a leisurely morning canter in
Rock Creek Park. (I believe this marked the last time any Chief
of Staff has ever been seen there on horseback).
When the Dies lrae was over, President Roosevelt pro-
claimed December 7th a day that would "live in infamy".
The day has lived less in infamy than as the day when
Murphy's Law worked with a vengeance. Everything that could
go wrong went wrong at Pearl, at Hickham, at Clark Air Field in
the Philippines, and in Washington. But what went most wrong
was the failure of Intelligence.
The official assessment of the blame for Pearl was delayed
until the Congressional investigations of 1946. These showed
that fragments of hard intelligence on the imminence of the
attack had been collected, and that the attack might have failed
of success if these fragments had been gotten together,
evaluated and disseminated to our top decision makers In time
for them to get their heads together. The investigations also
revealed there had been no U.S. intelligence out of Tokyo on
Yamamoto's secret plans to attack Pearl. Such intelligence
would have enabled the United States to take steps that would
have prevented the attack.
The Congressional investigations, In effect, exonerated Presi-
dent Roosevelt and his top foreign policy makers of any blame
for the disaster at Pearl. (In passing, the judgments of History
have not been quite so lenient. Historians are the "intelligence
agents" of Literature; they collect, analyze, evaluate, verify,
and produce the information and estimates about the past we
call History).
But as Congress saw things in 1947, through no fault of his
own, President Roosevelt, our Commander-in-Chief, did not
have right there on his desk the Intelligence he needed either
to meet or to prevent the attack on Pearl. Consequently Con-
gress decided that no American president must ever again be
left in such dangerous ignorance of enemy intentions.
This decision resulted in the passage of the National Security
Act of 1947, which created the Central Intelligence Agency.
There is a CIA because there was a Pearl Harbor.
Now there are always a certain number of fools and nitwits
in any society. But as we are a democracy, they, like every
other group, are also represented in Congress. Fortunately, on
the Committees which framed the 1947 Act, there was no
representative idiotic enough to think that the foreign intel-
ligence necessary to the prevention of "another Pearl" could
be openly, or legally, collected abroad. Congress well under-
stood that it had to be collected by clandestine means; and
that, as espionage in all sovereign nations Is considered a
criminal act deserving of death, American citizens engaged in
the dangerous business of spying on foreigners must be pro-
vided with "clandestinity", or cover.
1947 was the first year of the Cold War. It is interesting to
recall today that one of the Soviet acts which initiated the Cold
War was Stalin's refusal during the Immediate post-war period,
to withdraw his troops from Iran. Congress had no trouble in
perceiving that the Soviet Union was the only power capable of
attacking the war-devastated countries of Europe, and the
Middle-East. Congress also recognized that the Soviet Union's
Marxist-Leninist ideology committed it to a policy of World
Revolution and to the overthrow, by force or subversion, of the
political systems of all non-Communist countries. The Com-
munist threat in 1947 was worldwide, and required a worldwide
U.S. intelligence effort. The National Security Act of 1947 was
accordingly drawn to permit a wide range of clandestine activi-
ties in countries threatened with Communist take-overs or sub-
An oversight, or watch-dog senatorial committee was sub-
sequently designated with the power to monitor and review
CIA's clandestine activities, and to keep a watchful eye to its
observance of the terms of the charter.
The prime assignment implicity given to U.S. clandestine
agents was to uncover the secret military and political designs
of the Soviet Union. From the beginning, as you so well know,
this proved to be an almost Mission Impossible. The USSR Is a
hermetically sealed totalitarian society run by a handful of mes-
sianic, dogmatic, ruthless and congenitally secretive dictators.
Life for American undercover agents in the land run by the
pseudo-Tsars of the Politburo doesn't bear the slightest resem-
blance to the plush, lush, sexy lives of the spies popularized In
the James Bond-type novel. It is, in fact, pretty grim and
decidedly unhealthy. It is even unhealthier for Soviet defectors-
in-place. Big Brother is always watching. A Soviet citizen
caught passing over even non-strategic information to a
foreigner-say, statistics on the Ukrainian beet crop-if he Is
not shot as a traitor, winds up in the Gulag.
Understandably enough, Soviet defectors of any significant
importance have been few and far between. Consequently, the
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collection of enemy intelligence by human beings, or "humint",
as it is somewhat awkwardly called in the spy trade, has had to
rely heavily on foreign liaison and non-Soviet sources.
To overcome the impenetrability of the Soviet Union by
"humint", the United States progressively developed highly
sophisticated electronic equipment. Today most of the intel-
ligence input is produced by electronic means. But although
this "sigint" input is now enormous-indeed, almost over-
whelming in volume-much of it is fuzzy, fragmentary and
fragile. And (a fact which critics of the agencies tend to Ignore)
the quality of this vast quantity of electronic information can
only be analyzed, evaluated and verified by highly trained, and
objective minds, in other words by "humint".
By 1974, more than a quarter of a century had passed since the
enactment of the National Security Act. By 1974, the presumptive
evidence was that CIA had not failed to perform its mission. There
had been no armed attack by the Soviet Union on the NATO coun-
tries. On the contrary, Europe had been enjoying the longest period
of peace in the thousands of years of its history. All the Industrial
democracies were prosperous, and there had not been anywhere
in the west "another Pearl Harbor."
Was it not then reasonable to assume that the agencies had been
doing their job of providing the intelligence our government needed
to maintain the security of the Western Alliance? If so, wouldn't you
say that by 1974 the agencies were entitled to take a modest bow
for mission-so-far accomplished?
Far from being asked to take a bow beginning in 1974, the CIA
has suffered a sustained attack by the media and the Congress
which has not reached such destructive proportions that it can only
be described as the "Intelligence Pearl Harbor."
The CIA was accused not only of innumerable sins, failures,
errors and illegalities; it was also alleged to have committed
serious crimes.
You know-who better?-that 98% of these accusations were
false, and that for the rest, the actual Illegalities, i.e., those which
violated the terms of the National Security Act, were grossly exag-
gerated in numbers. And you also know-who better?-the shat-
tering effect of this three-year assault on CIA's purposes, methods,
and accomplishments, and on the professional integrity and the
loyalty of its leaders to our democratic ideals and institutions.
First, the attack has destroyed the public confidence that the CIA
had enjoyed for a quarter of a century.
The extent of the damage done to CIA's public image was noted
by President Carter in a recent TV interview. When he was asked by
his interviewer, Bill Moyers, to what he attributed the loss of public
confidence in government and the lack of respect and credibility
that America is now accorded abroad, Mr. Carter replied, "Water-
gate, Vietnam, and the CIA."
Second, the attack has left the agency not only discredited, at
home and abroad, but decimated, demoralized, torn by Internal
dissension over its trade-craft policies and Its leadership and re-
organized Into a state of disorganization.
But the worst effect of the attack on CIA is that it has now called
into question, on grounds of "morality" and constitutionality, the
principle of clandestinity, and this has adversely affected the effec-
tiveness of the entire Intelligence Community.
The principle of clandestinity will, most certainly, be recognized
by the new Security Charter now being written. But If the new
charter should continue as it does today, to require six or eight
oversight, or watchdog committees, U.S. Intelligence agents, In
practice, will wind up with about as much cover as the gentlemen In
Viva's centerfolds.
In view of the fact that the Intelligence Community had carried
out its essential mission in respect of U.S. security, how are we to
explain the violence and persistence of the attack that has been and
is still being made on it?
Many attribute it to the increasingly irresponsible appetite of the
media-nurtured by its Watergate and Vietnam successes-for
sensational exposes of "immorality" in government; and to Its-ar-
rogant assumption that, the First Amendment supercedes the Con-
stitution. Many also attribute it to the marked increase in Congress
of headline junkies who need their dally "investigation" fix.
But in my view, the correct explanation is that many
influential people In the media, politics, diplomacy, academe,
sincerely believe that the CIA is no longer necessary because
they no longer believe in any possibility of war with the Soviet
Union. The way they see it is that a) any conventional war
involving the two superpowers would "Inevitably" lead to a
nuclear war; that b) the leaders of both nations know that a
nuclear war would be a mutual suicide pact; and that c) there will
therefore be NO West-East war conventional or nuclear. Quod erat
demonstrandum. Moreover, these optimists hold that the climate
of peace, as exemplified by Detente and-SALT, Is constantly im-
proving, and that nyAjpp/eo%poiorRL4 gigr2@OWdttl0I
gradually achieved by diplomatic negotiation and compromise and
by technological aid, trade and cultural exchanges. Moreover, as
they see it, the Big News of the world is that the threat of world rev-
olutionary communism, under the domination of the USSR ended
with the Soviet-Sino rupture, and the alleged alienation of the Euro-
pean Communist parties from Moscow control. Everywhere around
the globe, these optimists opine the aspirations of peoples are for
more national independence, more economic progress, more in-
dividual liberties, more human rights, and in this new world in which
a thousand flowers of peace and freedom are budding, if not exact-
ly blooming, a worldwide, multi-billion dollar spy outfit is not only
unnecessary, it Is a horrendous and inflationary waste of the tax-
payers' money. And lastly, they hold that in these propitious cir-
cumstances a powerful professional cloak and dagger corps
messing about abroad is totally incompatible with the democratic
ideals, the morality, and the laws of our open, not to say, wide-
open mouth society.
Now I venture to suggest that few of you former Intelligence of-
ficers share this optimistic view of the inevitably benign future of
American-Soviet relations, much though all of you could wish it
were the correct one.
But neither, as I have known you, are you pessimists, In the Solz-
henitsyn mold, convinced of the inevitable collapse of the West and
the coming of the nuclear Armageddon.
You know that good things have happened and bad things have
happened in the past, and that good things and bad things can hap-
pen again in the future. You know from long experience, that the
only thing that can be said with certainty about the future is that
nothing can be said with certainty about the future.
By long training in your profession you are objectivists. Objec-
tivists base their judgments on the undeniable facts of yesterday
and today, and not on the hopes or fears they may entertain for
And the undeniable facts are these:
When the National Security Act was passed, the United States
was unquestionably the most powerful military power on earth. To-
day the forcesof the Soviet Union are as great as our own in all
categories of weapons, and in relation to our own they are
constantly increasing.
Today as yesterday the Soviet military doctrine of war is purely
Machiavellian. In contrast to ours, this doctrine holds that any war
is just that serves Soviet national and ideological interests. Soviet
ends justify Soviet means. In Soviet military doctrine, to strike first
is to be twice armed, and all weapons including nuclear and
chemical, are acceptable that will assure victory.
In pursuit of their ideological andnational ends in the past, the
Soviets have supported Hitler, broken their Yalta agreements, re-
duced all the East European nations to satellites, initiated the Berlin
blockade, supported and provisioned Mao's China, Communist
North Korea, and Castro's Cuba, planted Soviet nuclear missiles
90 miles off our shores, supported and provisioned North Vietnam,
supported and provisioned Egypt in the Yom Kippur war, and
broken the human rights clauses of the Helsinki agreement. Today
they are supporting and provisioning Syria, and the PLO and are
actively involved, together with Cuba, in projecting Soviet military
power into Africa. Today Soviet policy is ostensibly peaceful co-
existence. But when one objectively reviews the long and con-
sistently anti-West political and military record of the Soviet Union
and considers its growing military power, there is some reason to
believe its intentions towards the West are not, to put it mildly,
above suspicion of still being hostile.
To sum up:
"The beginning of all war", wrote Milton, three centuries ago,
"may be discerned not only by the first act of hostility, but by
counsels and preparations foregoing."
The American moral doctrine of war requires the United States to
accept and to absorb the first act of hostility and this makes it im-
perative for us to discern the "counsels and preparations fore-
going" or as we would call them today, the secret intentions and
concealed capabilities of the Soviet Union.
The Intelligence services cannot function effectively without dis-
cipline, continuity, esprit de corps, and trusted tradecraft leader-
ship. But they cannot function at all without clandestinity.
If the agencies are not permitted by Congress to do their job, the
President will be ill-informed and will not be able to do his. An ill-
informed President, as we learned the hard way on December 7,
1941, is a danger to our own security. Today an ill-informed Presi-
dent is a threat to the peace of the whole world.
And now forgive me. I realize that what I have been doing is even
worse than preaching to the choir. I have been sermonizing to the
pastors. But I am very grateful for the opportunity you have given
me to thank you as former members of the Intelligence Community,
for all you have done over the many years to prevent-or anyway,
pt,. IpprR9R8Gepl14t151R@.00100500001-1
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-
Commission has no criteria for determining the kinds of 11AY.1LI(1~11'~
Service 1..11AY 1 LK 1rJG
activities or affiliations that should raise questions about the loyalty of
applicants or employees....
During the next session of the Congress, we will be considering
legislation which is designed to provide a statutory basis for the
national intelligence activities of the United States. This bill is entitled
the "National Intelligence Reorganization and Reform Act of 1978".
This would provide statutory authorization for national intelligence,
counterintelligence, and counterterrorism activities. It also would pro-
vide budget authority, and define procedures, restrictions and pro-
hibitions relating to intelligence collection and special activities.
Finally, it would provide the statutory basis for oversight and account-
Ultimately, this legislation must provide the statutory authority for
intelligence organizations and operations for many years to come. The
tenor and thrust, and the content, of this legislation will, in large
measure, determine whether or not we have a strong, effective intel-
ligence organization.
The battle lines are being drawn. Many organizations - such as the
ACLU - have already published their views concerning this legisla-
tion, and have taken a stand which would be detrimental to our
national security. Their members are hard at work now in writing,
lobbying, and researching in order to influence to the maximum extent
possible the final version of this legislation. They are hard at work
lining up witnesses to testify before the Congress, and they are writing
in newspapers, appearing on TV, and publishing in academic journals.
In summary, they are committed to neutralizing the intelligence
capability of the United States.
What can be done to stop them? We must take the initiative - and
research the subject, and we must provide counterarguments. We need
assistance in doing research and basic analysis, in order that the other
side of the picture can be articulated effectively. We need publicity in
favor of intelligence across the nation - In various newspapers and
other media - because it remains a fact of life that legislation is
sometimes passed, not on the basis of information collected and
analyzed by Congress, but on the basis of the positions and Interests of
constituents back home.
In essence, we need an education program, to inform our citizens of
the basic issues. We need assistance, both analytical and legal, to
counter the effect of the opposition. We need witnesses, who under-
stand the need for a strong intelligence organization, and are willing to
testify to that effect. And finally, we need to have the subject examined
and discussed in publications which are widely read and respected by
legislators, and by influential citizens. AFIO has already made an
extremely significant contribution. Your presentation before the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence made clear a number of serious
conceptual flaws in pending intelligence reorganization legislation. I
solicit your continued support and active participation in the coming
months to ensure that the legislation adopted by the Congress
represents the proper balance between national security and individual
rights, as perceived by the entire population. We cannot permit a dis-
affected liberal enclave to succeed In their efforts to destroy the Intel-
ligence capabilities of this nation.
In summary, future U.S. Intelligence activities will be seriously
impaired unless we, - you - all of us do something about It.
Again, let me thank you for the privilege of addressing this dis-
tinguished association today.
Announcing the...
Thomas H. Karamessines
AFIO Memorial Fund
Through the initiative and generosity of
Nancy C. Forgarty of Washington, D.C. the
memory of Thomas H. Karamessines will be
perpetually honored in an AFIO fund.
Those who wish to contribute, or establish
similar funds for other deceased intelligence
officers, should auvise AFIO's national head-
CHAPTER, AFIO. Left to Right: Frank LiBrandi, Derek
A. Lee, CBE (chairman), Gus Vellios, Ralph Vollono
(Sec.-Treas.), William Hood. George Bookbinder, sixth
member of the Committee was not present for photo-
The Suncoast Chapter met in October at the Bath
Club in Reddington Beach, Florida to hear Francis and
Marea Wynn provide a first-hand report on the National
Convention. George McMichael was the host in this
reunion of the active Florida Chapter of AFIO whose
members are kept up to date in an informative news-
letter distributed by Dave Kelsey.
The new Southwest Chapter was created in August
when AFIO members from the area met at the home of
Herman and Martha Bly in Fort Myers. AFIO Florida
State Chairman Stan Phillips was on hand to install
officers. Among those in the forefront of the new group
are Gerald W. Davis, William T. Hornaday, and Mary E.
Evans. (Colonels Davis and Hornaday met for the first
time at the chapter's organizational meeting since they
served together in O.S.S.; Herman Bly has been an FBI
and CIA officer; and Mary Evans was with Department
of State Intelligence.)
The Goldcoast Chapter has pro-tem officers: Sally
O'Connell, president, Henry G. Ketchens, Vice Presi-
dent, and Eileen King, Secretary-Treasurer.
Stan Phillips, who was recently elected to AFIO's
Board of Directors, is expanding his efforts to include
the Southeastern states of South Carolina, Georgia,
Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, in addition to his
Florida responsibilities. Members outside of Florid& who
are interested in helping state organizations should con-
tact: Stan Phillips, Global Office Building, Suite 304A,
745 N. Federal Highway, N. Palm Beach, Florida 33408.
AFIO members wishing to join the Greater New York
Chapter, which includes Manhattan and its environs,
should contact Ralph Vollono, 2555 Wilson Avenue,
Bronx, New York 10469. The chapter had a pre-conven-
tion meeting on September 21 under the gavel of Chair-
man Derek A. Lee. Derek is a new member of AFIO's
Board of Directors. (See Photo).
Also, the New York State Chapter had an organiza-
tional meeting on October 12 at the Officers' Club,
Hancock Air Force Base, Syracuse. The following
pro-tem officers were elected: Robert R. Maguire, of
Pittsford, president; Joseph G. Vincent, New Hartford,
vice president; William W. Buhl, Syracuse, secretary/
treasurer; and Earl G. Yarnetsky, Sr., Buffalo, chairman
of the platform committee.
The Keystone State group met in Hershey, Penn-
sylvania on November 18, and Jack Maury from AFIO's
National Headquarters was on hand as a speaker.
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of interest to intelligence buffs and watchers of the world
scene. All reviews are by AFIO members.
David Atlee Phillips, THE CARLOS CONTRACT. New
York: Macmillan [1978]. 252 pp. $8.95.
Many a retired intelligence operator has this daydream now and then
in which the phone rings and a former colleague, speaking for the
Director, asks, even pleads, for him to go back to work to help out with
a problem that only he can solve. In fact, precisely this has happened
more than once in real life and not merely in daydreams. Now, along
comes retiree David Atlee Phillips, well known to AFIO members as
our principal founder and Chairman of our Board, to weave such an
approach into a fast-moving, suspenseful espionage thriller in which
the DCI's plea is made, accepted and, after hair-raising adventures and
misadventures in seven or eight countries, the problem is solved and the
retiree walks off with all the prizes - "the girl, the gold watch and
everything." Moreover, all this is done with skill and, as you would
guess, with faithfulness to the realities of covert operations. No in-
explicable and mysterious interventions here. All is plausibly explained
in due time and convincing operational detail.
The story begins with retiree William McLendon, aka "Mack the
Knife," known in his day as the best "street man" in the Agency,
sitting in his law office in Washington, wondering whether his after-
noon tennis match is going to be cancelled by rain. A rap at the door.
Two visitors enter and that is the last quiet moment for Mack
McLendon or the reader for the next 252 pages.
The visitors have a proposal to make that McLendon can't turn
down. It is no less than to neutralize the most dangerous of inter-
national terrorists, Ilyich Ramiriz-Sanchez, better known as Carlos,
the same who organized the kidnapping of the OPEC ministers in
Vienna and numerous other feats of bloody-minded terrorism around
the world.
At first McLendon is reluctant to accept because the Agency does not
wish to be involved and is merely acting as middleman between
McLendon and an international consortium upon whose employees
Carlos is working his mayhem. But when he finds out that Carlos has
turned to systematically eliminating Chiefs of Station who are all old
friends, he agrees to accept the contract -on his own terms.
The story then follows McLendon step by step as he rapidly pulls
together a team of technical wizards, weapons specialists, researchers
and linguists extraordinary, collects all the available information in the
files and begins to zero in on his target. His progress is delayed some-
what as Carlos becomes aware of his plans and strikes back viciously.
Only by virtue of the strictest compartmentation and the quickness of
his own reactions is McLendon able to survive the strategems of his
enemy. We have a succession of mini-climaxes: a duel to the death with
a hired gun; a flawless surreptitious entry in which the second story
artist is able to escape with the vital documents only by stripping down
to his skivvies and literally sliding out of the hands of his enemies,
having thoughtfully smeared his body with grease beforehand. Finally
the ultimate - and completely unexpected - climax as McLendon
and his team deploy to foil Carlos' daring plot intended to strike at the
heart of our government.
All of this is told with verve and superb color compounded of the
human foibles of the large cast of characters and the author' grasp of
technical detail as well as his connoiseur's knowledge of such critical
matters as food, drink, automobiles, lethal weapons and female attire
- or lack of it, as on Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro.
The narrative is studded with wry gems of human curiosa. For
example, there is a stunner of an interview with a cynically friendly
KGB officer which ends with his asking plaintively how thick is his file
at Langley. " 'Your file is impressive, Boris.' Mack held his thumb and
forefinger about an inch apart. 'That thick.'
Autographed copies of THE CARLOS CON-
TRACT are available for AFIO members, with the
retail profit going to the AFIO treasury. Send your
check made out to AFIO for $8.95 to the Virginia
office. Please indicate any special inscription
On. The Russian was crestfallen. 'That is not so thick. The file on
Mack the Knife is three volumes.' "
Or a pub and restaurant crawl in Madrid, where two of our char-
acters go "on foot from cantina to cantina drinking a glass of wine and
sampling the specialty. . .at each stop - crayfish in one, mussels in
another, clams, oysters, pork, chicken, skewers of beef - ending with
a glass of raw, red wine for the road they stood ankle-deep in
discarded shrimp shells."
McLendon knows what he likes in drink, food, women and tobacco.
Gauloise cigarettes (bleu of course); Barbancourt Five Star rum or
martinis with a dash of brandy instead of vermouth. He wears a
fur-lined raincoat and when necessary can drive his Cougar like Mario
Andretti. He is thoroughly bewitched by his CIA contact, a lovely
woman case officer named Janet Wilson, and she is a gem to match his
other tastes. The love affair takes a bit of a beating in the course of the
action but emerges intact in the end as the two driveoff into the night
together after having finally dispatched Carlos.
For people with intelligence experience there is one final plus in
"The Carlos Contract." The operational aspect is put together with full
respect for the verities of compartmentation, controlled conditions,
precautionary signals, alternative contact plans and all the other
essentials of successful clandestinity. To sum up this thoroughly
satisfactory suspense and action drama, while the reader is engrossed
in its pages it seems that Ian Fleming is alive and well and living under
alias in Bethesda. Moreover, since we last enjoyed his work, his trade-
craft has improved enormously.
Douglas S. Blaufarb
Macmillan [1978]. 671 pp. $16.95.
At first blush one wonders, is there really need for such a ponderous
tome as this, on such a chewed-over subject as this? Especially after the
ponderous tomes of Ladislas Farago (The Game of the Foxes, 1971)
and Anthony Cave Brown (Bodyguard ofLies, 1975), to cite but two, or
the far less ponderous but equally opposite volume by John C. Master-
man (The Double-Cross System, 1972)? The answer would seem to be
that Mr. Kahn makes his case. Begun as a doctoral dissertation under
H.R. Trevor-Roper at Oxford, eight years in the research and writing,
Hitler's Spies is a study that 'most any World War addict ought to have
by him. We do not specify which World War because the author
chooses to lead his reader back to Wilhelmine Germany and then work
forward to his topic after revealing its roots in that earlier day.
The research apparatus is impressive. The extensive bibliography
includes archival citations as well as a mass of published titles, manu-
script collections, and no fewer than 103 personal interviews. The
annotation at rear is meticulous and dense, the index very serviceable
(though far from exhaustive). There are fifty-two photographs, plus
numerous other illustrations. The author is, indeed, so totally
engrossed by his subject that many sections of the text, together with
their accompanying graphs and diagrams, should stand for some time
to come as measuring rods against any future assessment. And the
book is well written. Despite Mr. Kahn's disclaimer that he had ended
his chapters "on downbeats, with flattened prose," before the chapters
end the reader has been treated to a smooth, often quotable narrative.
The author has purposely excluded the following topics: mapping,
weather, radar, and counterintelligence. He has attempted the
following three approaches "never before used together in a book on
intelligence": coverage of all forms of information-gathering, not just
espionage; a basis on primary sources, not secondary; and an analysis
of not just the coups of intelligence but its failures or lack of utilization
by its requesters. Resultant therefrom it is the author's considered
opinion that "this gigantic, jerry-built apparatus, Germany's intel-
ligence system," was disastrously misused by Hitler and his captains
and, in the case of the Abwehr, "never once" scored a triumph. He
gives at length his reasons for this conclusion, which the reader may
pursue for himself. And he goes beyond it, to affirm: " the 4,000
years from the dawn of civilization to World War I, military intel-
ligence had little effect on warfare" (p. 28).
This reviewer doubts that the author fully makes his case there. Be
that as it may, the reviewer would yet like to repeat substantially what
he said of Mr. Kahn's earlier opus, The Codebreakers (in the New York
Times Book Review, January 7th, 1968) - here is a monumental piece
of work.
Curtis Carroll Davis
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We have two cassettes of the three principal speeches made at the
October National Convention which can be made available for showing
at chapter meetings or before civic groups. The speakers are the
Honorable John A. McCone, Congressman Bob Wilson and Admiral
Ulysses S. Grant Sharp USN Ret. The tape is 52 minutes in length and
is especially useful for AFIO members who were unable to attend.
....Handsome 13x15 walnut plaques with Lucite covering are available
on special order. Your original Membership Certificate with type-
written name will be replaced with a similar certificate with hand-
lettered name and dates for $25.00. In the past, the plaques have been
forwarded unmounted but we have now arranged for our supplier to do
the mounting for us. These attractive pieces are suitable for home or
office and AFIO makes a couple of dollars in the process. We have
previously asked for three week delivery time but we caution that can be
extended since we must buy at a certain quantity in order to obtain our
AFIO LIBRARY STILL LAGGING. . . . We are still very much
interested in receiving books - fiction or non-fiction - on the subject
of intelligence and national security. We are particularly interested In
obscure or out of print books which may someday be useful to
researchers in the field. A library of authoritative works has long been
an AFIO goal. You may want to check with your local public and
academic libraries for contributions. Such donations are tax-deductible
but the dollar value should be estimated by the donor. Hard-back or
soft-back books are welcomed.
have written us that our notices concerning the death of AFIO
members do not include an appropriate charity to which friends might
contribute. As much as we would like to provide such information, it is
something that AFIO cannot and should not do without consultation
with the family of the deceased. It is a matter of concern, however, that
we very often do not learn of the death of our members until we receive
a piece of returned mail. We urge you to let us know about the demise
of your fellow members so that we may honor them in the newsletter
and communicate the respects of association members to the survivors.
NEW DIRECTORY .... We hope to issue a membership directory
after the first of the year. We must do this with the Information now at
hand. Please check your present directory listing and mailing address
and send us any changes necessary. A supplement is planned for
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY? ....We know that dozens of
you have been out speaking and writing on behalf of the intelligence
community but we sit back here in the dark! We need to hear about
your activities. Not just for PERISCOPE - but to cite your efforts as
evidence that AFIO is an active national organization. Please keep us
POLITAN AREA: We are In need of part-time assistance in the follow-
ing fields: Convention and luncheon arrangements, legal matters,
legislation, publications (including the PERISCOPE, new brochures,
review of published material on intelligence), membership, etc. The
more volunteers the less time each will be required to spend on a given
subject. For additional information call AFIO Vice President Don
Huefner at 938-9352. If you can assist us, kindly contact the AFIO
office or call Don.
In a letter dated November 29, Jack Coakley advised the Board of
Directors that he has found it necessary to resign as AFIO's Executive
Director. Jack is becoming engaged in political activity which he
believes might be incompatible with his status as an AFIO executive. In
his letter Jack made it clear that he "will still be an active and en-
thusiastic member" in the important work which faces AFIO in the
coming years.
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., AFIO's outgoing Chairman of
the Board of Directors, was a speaker at the California
The following members have joined the growing ranks of
AFIO Life Members:
Paul A. Arsenault
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Mrs. Barbara F. Lee
Harwichport, Massachusetts
COL F. M. Brandstetter USA
Acapulco, Mexico Ret.
Mr. Charles V. Brewer
Bethesda, Maryland
Mr. Cecil J. Cartwright
Yazoo City, Mississippi
Bert E. Cohrs
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Mr. Robert E. Downard
Normandy, Missouri
Mr. George P. A. Forschler
Boise, Idaho
Mr. Billy L. Goodman
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Mr. Howard Grinn
Douglaston, New York
Mr. R.M.A. "Scotty" Hirst
Wiesbaden, Germany
Mr. Wilfred L. Kimble
Houston, Texas
The Honorable Clare Boothe Luce
Honolulu, Hawaii
The Honorable John Alex McCone
Los Angeles, California
Molly G. Pamplin
Falls Church, Virginia
Mr. Glen Eugene Pringle
Manassas, Virginia
Mr. George Roberts
Kaneohe, Hawaii
ADM U. S. Grant Sharp USN Ret.
San Diego, California
Mr. John E. Shirley
Hollywood, California
Warren A. Snyder
Bridgeport, Pennsylvania
Frank E. Squittieri
Bronx, New York
Maj George H. Stone USAF Ret.
Redondo, California
MAJ Robert S. Law AUS Ret. Mr. Jacob Weisman
Brooklyn, New York New York, New York
Sam S. Woolington. M.D.
Pomona. California
Li/i' Membership is available to both Full and Associate
Members. AFIO by-laws stipulate that Life Membership fees
will he at least ten times the cost of annual dues. With the
increase in annual dues announced in this issue, the fee is
$200.00 efli?ctive 1 January 1979. This contribution is tax-
Approved For Release 2004/11/01 :tIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
FROM A M F,9r VRbWRY94MAA- NP88-?13158000100500001-1
It is with great pride that I
embark on my duties as the
new President of AFIO. I
am honored indeed to suc-
ceed such fine leaders as
Dave Phillips and Dick Stil-
well with whom I have been
closely associated in both
intelligence work and com-
bat. Great progress has
been made and it seems to
me that the number one
objective must be to main-
tain that growth and
Continue The March
The very recent meeting of our Board of Directors
confirmed this feeling with policy guidance to that end.
First and foremost there is the realization that during the
coming year legislation of crucial importance to the
intelligence community will be considered in the next
Congress. We believe that AFIO can perform a sig-
nificant service by means of analysis, preparation of
views and testimony toward ensuring that the
legislation best serves the interest of the United States.
Any such law must guarantee the most accurate and
well prepared intelligence for our decision makers of
which the community is capable.
As mentioned in the last PERISCOPE, funding is a
problem always with us and it will increase in im-
Ray Cline, a member of our Advisory Committee, has told us
about progress in developing a ground-breaking program to
stimulate scholarly understanding and public discussion of the
key role good intelligence plays in our national security and
foreign policy.
A small group of academic and government career officers in
this field has formed the National Intelligence Study Center
(NISC), a private non-profit educational organization based in
Washington. Ray Cline is the President. NISC started up its
activities this year on the basis of a few volunteer donations and
plans to seek contributions from foundations as well as modest
annual membership dues from a large number of individuals
interested in the history and future of American intelligence
activities. The Internal Revenue Service has approved
tax-exempt status for NISC. A number of AFIO members may
wish to join.
As its first formal activity, NISC has announced plans to
award a prize of $1,000 for the best book, $500 for the best
scholarly article, and $500 for the best journalistic writing by a
U.S. citizen on an aspect of the role of American intelligence.
These awards will be made for published or unpublished writing
in 1978.
Anyone who would like more information, make a donation,
or become a member of NISC should write to the National
IntelligenceStudy Center, P.O. Box 34682, Washington, D.C.
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the As-
sociation of Former Intelligence Officers, Mc-
Lean Office Building, 6723 Whittier Ave., Suite
303A, McLean, VA 22101. Phone (703) 790-0320.
Annual Dues for AFIO, beginning in 1979, are
$20 per year. Life Memberships are available for
portance as we begin to provide support for some of the
substantive projects we have in mind. We are very
fortunate in having the volunteered services of Dick
Stilwell as the Executive Committee member who will
pursue this activity.
An organization must grow or lose effectiveness and
perhaps even die. We hope to increase our membership
by recruitment from those intelligence officers just
entering upon their retirement, and from those already
retired who have the proper qualifications but are as yet
"unsold" for one reason or another. Every member can
help in this respect and we hope that you will and ask
thatyou do!
One of my first tasks will be personal courtesy calls on
the leaders of the active intelligence community
agencies and upon those Congressmen who direct the
oversight of that community by the appropriate
committees. AFIO has credibility with all of these
gentlemen as to our independence of view, our
expertise and our integrity. They know that our interest
lies solely helping this country to produce the finest
intelligence possible and to protect this country with the
finest counter-intelligence possible. It is my aim to
ensure that this continues to be recognized by these
And so, as an old Marine takes over from an old
Soldier, it seems to hit just the right note to order,
"Continue the March" and keep AFIO on its upward
curve of growth, momentum and contribution.
25th Commandant of the Marine Corps
Robert Everton Cushman, Jr. was born Dec. 24, 1914 in St. Paul,
Minn. He attended Central High School there and at age 16, before
graduating, was appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy. Upon
graduation (10th in his class), he was commissioned a Marine second
lieutenant on June 6, 1935 and, after Basic School in Philadelphia,
served two years as a platoon leader with the 4th Marines in Shanghai,
China, where he earned his first campaign ribbon during Sino-
Japanese hostilities in 1937.
On Dec. 7, 1941, he was a captain aboard the USS Pennsylvania at
Pearl Harbor serving as commander of the ship's Marine Detachment.
For two years during World War II in the Pacific, he commanded the
2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division. He was a
29-year-old lieutenant colonel.
General Cushman earned the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism
from July 21, to Aug. 20, 1944, during the recapture of Guam. His 2nd
Battalion was ordered to seize and hold a strongly organized and
defended enemy strongpoint which had held up the Marine advance for
three days, and at one point during the fighting, the Japanese pushed
back the flank of the battalion. Lt. Col. Cushman personally led a
platoon into the gap and repelled the hostile force. The strongpoint was
overcome with the annihilation of one enemy battalion and the route of
During his career, General Cushman commanded the 3rd, 4th and
5th Marine Divisions, and was also the Commanding General of
Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, Calif. As a colonel, he served
with the Central Intelligence Agency in 1949-1951. He served four years
(1957-1961) on the staff of the then Vice President Richard M. Nixon,
as Assistant to the Vice President for National Security-Affairs.
General Cushman served in Vietnam as the Commanding General of
the III Marine Amphibious Force, which was the largest combined
combat unit ever led by a Marine.
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AFIO President Richard Stilwell told the Senate Select Committee on June 15 in Washington that S. 2525 - the draft
proposal for restructuring the intelligence community - contains crippling restrictions which will seriously diminish
future intelligence effectiveness. "As written," Stilwell said, "the bill is virtually a decision to stop all clandestine
operations, not only positive collection and counter-intelligence but also covert action." Referring to numerous presi-
dential approvals of certain clandestine activities required by the bill, Stilwell said that the procedures and personal
approval by the President of certain activities is a "mountain of red tape" and "an intolerable burden on the highest
levels of government."
John S. Warner, AFIO Legal Advisor, accompanied the
AFIO president during the morning-long session chaired by
Senator Birch Bayh (D-Ind.). Mr. Warner prepared the
lengthy written statement delivered to the Committee and
which served as the basis for Stilwell's oral testimony, and
answered legal questions posed by the Senators. A
number of Washington-area members of AFIO attended
the hearings which were held in the Dirksen Office Build-
Senator Walter D. Huddleston, (D-Ky.), explained that
the draft version of S. 2525 was written and submitted for
public consideration in order that comments could be
solicited from those concerned with the final version,
which will probably not be voted on by the full Senate this
year. Various critics of intelligence - including Morton
Halperin, director of the Center for National Security
Studies who was present during the June 15 testimony -
have described S. 2525 as insufficiently restrictive, claim-
ing that it contains loopholes which will allow repetition of
past abuses. On the other hand, a number of intelligence
establishment leaders, including three former CIA Di-
rectors, have labeled the bill as unnecessarily restrictive.
Stilwell, joined the latter group in assailing the proposed
bill as "an overreaction to a few abuses of the past", in the
face of a growing Soviet threat.
S. 2525 is known formally as the "National Intelligence
Reorganization and Reform Act of 1978." Stilwell told the
Committee that AFIO believes the bill is mislabeled: "The
word 'reform'," he stated, "has an unfortunate connota-
tion which is an affront to the thousands of dedicated
employees of the intelligence community who were never
aware of, (and never) participated in, the very few trans-
gressions which led to the many sensational charges of the
past few years."
In his statement, the AFIO President dealt with all
aspects of the proposed legislation which were considered
to cause difficulties for the efficient functioning of intel-
ligence. As an example, there are some 67 different pro-
visions requiring reports by intelligence agencies to the
Congress. Space is too brief to list all the issues but we
urge members to write for their copy of this statement.
After reading it,
munity and to you R ~9yh ngressmen ~+~~a n We ~Obc&rl
tO nao rs.
Following the testimony of the AFIO president Senator
Barry Goldwater (R-Az.), supported the positions de-
fended by Stilwell and Warner. "The American people
have no conception of intelligence," the Senator said.
Decrying unnecessary revelations and leaks concerning
intelligence, the Senator stated that he knew of "one
death" of an American intelligence officer following ir-
responsible disclosure.
In addition to the Senate appearance AFIO submitted
on 26 June its strong opposition to H. R. 7308 to the House
of Representatives' Subcommittee on Courts, Civil
Liberties and the Administration of Justice. The Subcom-
mittee is now holding hearings on the act entitled "Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978." (See page 8).
Legal Advisor Warner prepared the comprehensive
study of the Senate's S. 2525 in collaboration with three
AFIO members with extensive legal and Congressional
experience: Messrs. John M. Maury, Lawrence R.
Houston and Walter L. Pforzheimer.
(Copies of the AFIO statement and the complete letter
on H.R. 7308 are being distributed to members of the
Board of Directors and Chapter Executives. Members who
wish copies may obtain them by sending $1.50 to cover
mailing and printing costs to AFIO national headquarters).
The speaker at the May AFIO Washington luncheon was DCI Frank Carlucci. All the others are former colleagues you
may recognize no matter what your service or agency was.
Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to appear
before this Committee to present the views of the Association of
Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) on S. 2525, entitled the
"National Intelligence Reorganization and Reform Act of
1978." We are especially grateful because we are convinced that
our country's ability to cope effectively with the threats to
national and Free World security that we are certain to confront
over the remainder of this century will depend, in substantial
degree, on the professionalism and elan of the intelligence
community and the quality of its output.
A clarified charter for the intelligence agencies of this govern-
ment and clear-cut guidelines to govern thier activities are
needed. We, therefore, support legislation to that end. But in
our considered view, S. 2525 does not fill the bill. It is long on
restrictions, short on flexibility to adjust to changing situations
and lacking incentives for greater excellence in intelligence.
Many of its provisions are ambiguous and would require almost
as many lawyers as case officers. It goes far beyond legitimate
and necessary Congressional oversight. A 263-page draft -
incidentally, ten times the length of the entire National Security
Act of 1947 - can fairly be labeled over-management. It is out
of balance. While designed to empower and guide the entire
range of national intelligence activities, it concentrates
excessively on a miniscule - albeit vital - segment of the total
effort. Overall, the drafting of S. 2525 appears not to have been
preceded by a detailed appraisal of the extant and projected
international and domestic environment, and the role that intel-
ligence must play in meeting the resultant challenge to the
security of this nation.
I realize this is a strong statement, but I am sure that this
Committee desires nothing less than complete candor. Before
addressing the various provisions of the Bill which are of major
concern, let me outline AFIO's perception of the role and
responsibilities of our intelligence agencies in the years ahead.
In our judgment, our intelligence resources will shoulder
burdens far in excess of any experienced to date in support of
foreign policy and protection of national security.
I am confident that the members of this Committee are under
no illusions regarding the ultimate designs of the Soviet Union.
The last decade has been witness to prodigious efforts to achieve
dominance in every dimension of military power; and the results
of this drive have been well documented by intelligence. The
Soviet Union is prepared for the eventuality of war at any level
but its leadership aspires to advance toward world hegemony
step by step, by means short of war. Thus, the principal role of
its Armed Forces is to undergird political and economic
initiatives intended to disrupt our alliances, sap the vitality of
the free enterprise system, isolate the United States and extend
Soviet influence into every quarter of the globe. But awareness
of the Soviet grand strategy is not a sufficient basis for effective
countermoves. The indispensable condition precedent for U.S.
and/or Allied actions to checkmate the Soviet Union is advance
knowledge of the substance and timing of specific actions to
further its expansionist policy. Our intelligence capabilities
must coalesce to meet this requirement. Like the strategic
nuclear TRIAD, our various intelligence capabilities -
conspicuously including human intelligence - are inter-
dependent and mutually reinforcing. Yet S. 2525, in its present
form, imposes troublesome - approaching prohibitive -
operational restraints on the conduct of clandestine collection,
i.e. old fashioned espionage.
The Soviet challenge is not the only threat to our vital
interests abroad. Indeed, there is hardly an area on the globe
where one can safely assume that peace and stability will
endure. Never before has the security and well-being of the
United States been more susceptible to disturbance by events
abroad. Our dependence on foreign energy sources is the most
dramatic case in point. Our economic life is heavily dependent
on foreign trade and resources, and our national defense relies
on foreign alliances and overseas bases. Thus situations
continue to arise in which we will find it necessary to try to
influence the course of events in furtherance of our legitimate
national interests. Sometimes these situations may be most
prudently and effectively dealt with through means short of
direct U.S. involvement. But again, S. 2525 imposes significant
obstacles, inhibiting the flexibility which is essential to the
success of such operations.
These introductory comments would be out-of-balance
without a word on counterintelligence. Without effective
counterintelligence, neither intelligence operations nor covert
actions can be pursued with confidence. The examples of
audacious and aggressive KGB operations in the United States
and abroad, including the "bugging" of our Embassy in
Moscow, which have recently surfaced, are but the tip of the
iceberg. Senator Moynihan aptly described the counterintel-
ligence threat as "massive." He is so right. Moreover, that
threat is growing. Identification of the specifics of that threat
and the countering of penetrations of our security necessitates a
major effort, sophisticated means and a high degree of opera-
tional resourcefulness. Some of the provisions of S. 2525 are not
in consonance with the magnitude of that vital and difficult
Now, we turn to a detailed analysis of S. 2525 and those
specific provisions which we believe require thorough review and
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Purpose,' Deputy Director Says
CIA Deputy Director Frank C. Carlucci, in his first public address since coming to the agency, said he feels a
"changing mood" toward CIA in the public, the press and Congress, and that it is gaining "a new sense of national
purpose." He also told a luncheon meeting of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers at Fort Myer, Va., on 17
May that there are a number of "important changes" being made at CIA, including more stress on relating signal
intelligence to photographic imagery, and increasing use of automatic data processing to help analysts cope with the
increasing flow of raw information.
Carlucci, who had been U.S. Ambassador to Portugal before assuming
responsibility for the day-to-day operations of CIA under Director Adm.
Stansfield Turner, told an audience of several hundred that CIA is "very
vibrant, very much alive and very much looking toward the future. You
may say I'm absolutely crazy," but "I come at this agency with a
fundamentally optimistic outlook which I've always had."
At State Department posts in Africa, as director of the Office of
Economic Opportunity and in other positions, Carlucci said he had faced
dire predictions, but that "none of those things came to pass. There's a
much greater chance they will come to pass if that's all we dwell on."
Today, he said, intelligence agencies "find greater use for the end
product; there is greater access to high levels" of the Administration and
Congress; "there is a greater opportunity to build public support, and
there is an unparalleled opportunity to work with Congress."
He admitted there are four major problems facing CIA, but also said
there are bright spots.
'Unending Compromise'
"The first and most serious" is "what seems to be the unending com-
promise of sources and methods." He noted that previously in testimony
to the Senate Intelligence Committee, former CIA chief Richard Helms
said the agency is "hemorrhaging" with leaks. "Indeed," said Carlucci,
"that's the sensation you sometimes get. If you can't protect sources or
methods, you can't live. I've seen revelations where people's lives have
literally been put in danger. To this day, we can't tell whether they're alive
or dead."
But "the other side of that coin" is that- "there's not a lot that's come
out, particularly given the opportunity for financial gain. Leaks do not
come from those that work in the community. There's less and less from
the Hill, and none from retired officers. They come from officers who feel
ill-equipped or have personal grievances." Some have said, Carlucci noted,
that "Moral dilemmas often come on the heels of personal grievances."
"I feel the answer isn't solely in legislation," but in creating an
"atmosphere where there is a respect for professionalism. . .and high
standards. I have an idea some of these revelations are not falling on quite
as fertile ground as they fell on before."
A second problem is stories in the press about internal CIA affairs - for
instance, a study by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) that working conditions at headquarters in Langley, Va., are not
up to par. But, "If we're being criticized by OSHA, we're generating a lot
of sympathy around the country." Similarly, a recent newspaper story
about CIA want ads resulted in a jump in overall applications.
"We are in the public eye," but "the people (want) fair play. I think
they're becoming increasingly supportive." They are asking "who's
worrying about the other side (Soviet intelligence services)?" Carlucci said
Director Turner has "talked of an open policy," but stressed that "it's not
giving away classified information, but taking information that can be de-
classified and making it part of the public dialogue" so the public "can see
the very high quality" of CIA work. So far, this policy has not given away
"a source or a method."
A third major problem is "the role of Congress. There have been a lot of
sensational hearings, and there will probably be some more. . But Con-
gress has gradually learned more about (the intelligence community)." It
now has "separate committees" for intelligence matters and there are
"very few leaks (today), if any, out of those committees.
"Sure," said Carlucci, "we still have to define the difference between
oversight and micromanagement. But we are in a dialogue where we are
creating mutual confidence. We're closer to a national concensus that will
enable a return to professionalism."
The fourth problem is "charter legislation," specifically Senate Bill S.
2525, which is aimed at coming up with new ways for CIA to operate. It
"raises a lot of questions and problems," but "you have to look at the
legislative process: a bill introduced is not a bill that is passed." It must
come up for debate, and "we will speak up." Furthermore, "there are
signs we will gain significant support. . .It's a process of compromise.. .
After you do it in one house (of Congress), you do it in the other house, .. .
and it's all taking place" in a better atmosphere for CIA.
Carlucci noted that "the traditionalists say we oughtn't to have any
legislation. Indeed, this is a difficult and challenging task. But first, we
have passed the point of no return ...and second, given the problems and
the confidence issues raised. . .about the intelligence community. - the
best way to handle it is to get an agreed-upon charter and agreed-upon
standards, where they (Congress) agree and we go ahead.. .
Overall, said Carlucci, "I don't mean to leave you with the impression
that all is sweetness and light. I don't know how many more skeletons will
be dragged out of the closet." CIA, Carlucci said, has put in "109 man-
years of effort on 16,000 requests under the Freedom of Information Act. I
once told Congress that if the KGB (Soviet Committee for State Security)
put in a request (under FOI), we would have ten days to respond, and if we
turned their request down, they would have 20 days to appeal."
But in general, "I sense a changing mood and a more favorable climate
in which to operate."
'A Very Different Set Of Skills'
Along with the new climate, "the intelligence product has changed.
Today's intelligence (comes from) an integrated approach. . .You can't see
Ethiopia as an isolated country," for instance. It must be studied in
relation to "the Sudan, Kenya, Angola, and its impact on the Middle
Issues, such as strategic arms limitation and nuclear proliferation, are
now being viewed in the same way. A "cross-cutting" of intelligence is
And, said Carlucci, "new areas" are being covered. Drugs "are becom-
ing an_increasingly important part of the agency's activities;" terrorism is
being looked at more closely; theories of economics are being studied with
new emphasis - Soviet strategic developments are now evaluated "in the
light of economic prospects; and national resources, including oil, are
getting more attention from CIA.
"So we have a very different set of skills" that in the past. "It's why we
have a dual-headed system" of administration that covers both the CIA
and the intelligence community as a whole. Director Turner now "has
some budget clout and believe me, that is teeth."
(Reprinted with permission of Aerospace Daily.)
The following is a copy of a Mailgram sent to Attorney General Griffin Bell lauding his refusal, under the threat of
contempt of court charges, to release the names of former FBI informants in the civil suit brought by the Socialist
Workers' Party:
Recently the Association of Former Intelligence Officers was critical of your decision to proceed with the indictments
of three former high ranking FBI officials. We are still hopeful that those indictments will be withdrawn. It is now our
Association's turn to commend you for your strong stand on the release of the names of eighteen informants sought by
the Socialist Workers' Party. We applaud your personal courage in taking that position. It evinces your clear understand-
ing of the great harm which could befall intelligence and law enforcement agencies if they could not guarantee the
confidentiality of sources. We fervently hope that the courts will have the wisdom to uphold the essentiality of that
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The First Annual Florida State AFIO Conference was a successful
reunion in Lake Placid on 28 April, with AFIO National President Dick
Stilwell receiving a standing ovation from delegates after his speech. Alice
Stilwell and AFIO Executive Director Jack Coakley also attended the
initial Florida-wide conclave of former intelligence officers.
Chairman Stan Phillips reviewed the progress of the group and outlined
plans for chapters in Fort Myers and the Panhandle region north of
Gainesville. Stan also announced that planning will be beginning soon for
both the 1979 State Conference and the 1980 National Convention,
scheduled to be held in Florida. The meeting was brought to a successful
conclusion with short talks by Al Patti, Herman Bly and O.D. Simpson.
During the business meeting Stan Phillips unveiled his plans for a
Florida State Action Committee. Stan is forming this group to assist all
members interested in making speeches in their communities, media
appearances, or in other ways speaking out on behalf of AFIO and the
intelligence community.
In his Suncoast Chapter News, May edition, editor Dave Kelsey praised
Stan Phillips, Al Bembry and Marea Wynn for their roles in making the
first state-wide gathering a reality.
Volume 1, Number 1 of the newsletter of the Keystone State Chapter of
AFIO was circulated in June. It reported on the first general membership
meeting which met at the Carlisle Barracks Officers' Club on 6 May.
Chapter by-laws were adopted and plans approved for a program for the
coming year. Regular meetings will be held during the months of January,
March and May, with an annual meeting each November.
Officers have been elected for the chapter: President, Col. E.E. Welch;
Vice President, Edward L. Hickcox; Secretary/Treasurer, Barry Ryan;
Directors: COL. Thomas B. Hennessey and Frank M. Schramko. A
nominating committee for future elections is composed of Gen. Joseph E.
McCarthy, Col. Dale J. Hanks and Benedict M. Johnston.
AFIO members from five states convened in Newport, Rhode Island
on 20 May for a gathering of the New England Chapter. Helen Priest Deck,
who is also a member of AFIO's Board of Directors, presided. A
contingent of travelers from national headquarters was on hand, including
John Maury, Walter Pforzheimer, Larry Houston, Harry Rositzke and
Dave Phillips; as was the Chairman of the AFIO Board of Directors Lyman
B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., and his wife, AFIO member Rita Kirkpatrick.
In the principal address Senator Clairborne Pell spoke after luncheon.
The Rhode Island legislator, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, cited a need for new legislation, saying the 1947 act was overly
broad and been used to authorize "many unwise, unproductive and un-
democratic acts." But Pell cautioned against overlegislation. "A President
must be permitted enough flexibility under the law," he said, "to protect
national security."
The reunion received extensive publicity in the Providence Sunday
Journal and other media; with detailed reporting on the panel discussion
on impending legislation in which Messrs. Maury, Houston and
Pforzheimer were the principal participants.
The first membership meeting was held in New York on 16 May and,
despite a rainy, wet night, attracted a good number of AFIO members
from Manhattan and its environs. It was resolved the group will be known
as the Greater New York Chapter (plans are being made for another state
chapter with headquarters in Syracuse).
An Executive Committee was elected: a Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer,
and three members. These are, respectively, Derek A. Lee, Ralph Vollono,
George Bookbinder, William Hood and Gus Vellios.
The next meeting of the new group isplanned for September, just prior
to the National Convention in early October, so that the Greater New York
Chapter delegate to San Diego will be able to represent the membership at
the convention.
An especially noteworthy gathering celebrated the D-Day anniversary in
June when the Orange County Chapter held a dinner-meeting in Tustin,
California. The principal speaker was AFIO member Rear Admiral "Ben"
Bass, who discussed D-Day and the other two-thirds of the war: the fight to
VJ Day and the ongoing intelligence battle which has continued ever since.
Special guests included AFIO member Lt. General William R. Peers and
General Curtis LeMay. 82 guests from the area attended the evening
Rear Admiral "Ben" Bass was the speaker at a June meet-
ing of the Orange County, California AFIO Chapter.
Above: Tom Moon, Vice President, General Curtis LeMay
and President Dennis V. Cavanaugh.
CONVENTION SIGN-UP FORMS .... With this issue you have received
a form to Indicate your intention to attend the Fourth National Convention
In Coronado, California on October 1-2, 1978. Please complete and return
the form as early as possible to assist the Convention Committee. Please
note that the forms are to be mailed to the Convention Committee and not
to the AFIO office.
CIRA LUNCHEON SET FOR FALL .... The Central Intelligence Retiree
Association will hold its Fall Luncheon on October 20, 1978 at the
Kenwood Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland. The speaker will be
former Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger. CIRA's address is: PO Box
1150, Ft. Myer, VA 22211.
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE .... We are in the process of mailing applications
to those individuals listed in our files who were previously contacted but
did not join. The preliminary results have been excellent proving that
follow-up contacts are well worth the effort. We ask that you look through
your own address book for colleagues who are not yet members and either
contact them yourself or send us the names so we may forward them
information. Our primary source of new members is still through your
referrals. Don't overlook friends, neighbors and relatives who support your
ideas and would he pleased to join as Associate Members.
have received a mailing of the Concurrent Resolution introduced in both
Houses of Congress by Senator S.I. Hayakawa and Congressman Leo C.
Zeferetti. This mailing was done through the courtesy of Senator
Hayakawa's staff. Since the Resolution supports AFIO's position, we
provided address labels on a "one-time" basis. We have not released our
mailing list to anyone!
KEEP US POSTED ....Our AFIO on the Move column reports on
member activity so you can learn what your colleagues are doing. Un-
fortunately, we don't hear from everyone who is active in speaking or writ-
ing. That Information is also of value to the AFIO office as a demonstra-
tion of the nationalcharacter of the association. Anytime you speak in
public, have material printed, or appear on radio or TV please let us know
and include information about the nature of the event. Above all, include
pictures! We know you are tired of seeing pictures only of Washington area
members In PERISCOPE. All we need are some black and white glossies
from you to change that.
EUROPEAN MEMBERS....R.M.A. "Scotty" Hirst has written to point
out that we often overlook our overseas members. He suggests that those
residing in Europe should try to keep in touch and consider occasional get-
togethers. We urge the overseas contingent to contact "Scotty" at: 6200
Wisebaden, Gustav-Freytagstrasse 6, Federal Republic of Germany.
monthly lunch will continue through the summer at Hogates Restaurant at
9th St. and Maine Ave. in the District of Columbia. The luncheons are
held the LAST TUESDAY of every month at 1230 hours preceded by a
social hour. Reservations are not required but we would appreciate a
phone call the day before if you plan to attend. Guests are always
meeting. (See photo).
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Ap1aUjVLgTf ebF."r(9 1 VV~~ 1[VV~~~1-1
The extent of physical danger to which intelligence officers are exposed during their huggermugger careers has often
been exaggerated. There were some exciting episodes in my twenty-five years of service with the CIA when the adrenlin
ran fast, notably in Guatemala in 1954, during the Dominican crisis in Santo Domingo in 1965 and in Lebanon in 1958.
But in eight countries abroad I found that other foreign service officers ran risks equal to mine and American journalists
often had to brave gunfire and hostile crowds while I remained safe at the center of a communications net in a
comfortable Embassy office.
In fact, other than a few isolated James
incidents, the most tense moments in my
ligence career came after my retirement in
Bond Mr. Snepp and I led off, and our remarks were fol-
intel- lowed by a spirited but decorous question and
1975, answer period. Then the viewpoints of the other pair
when I ventured onto college campuses to defend
the CIA. Some of those excursions to academe were,
to use intelligence jargon, hairy.
Since 1975 a coterie of ex-intelligence people - all
members of the Association of Former Intelligence
Officers - have survived threats and unruly
audiences at universities and colleges across the
country. They have met with hecklers and handbills
and placards and protesters. At times they must
have wondered if it wouldn't have been wiser, and
safer, to have stayed home.
Only last September Bill Colby, Ray Cline and I
were confronted with a touchy situation at the
University of Southern California at Los Angeles.
Ray's debate opponent began by saying that Ray
should be the first CIA officer to be tried as a war
criminal. Then my adversary, assassination buff
Mark Lane, accused me of perjuring myself before
several Congressional Committees. And the year
before that in Madison, Wisconsin, scores of police-
men had been summoned to quell what appeared to
be an incipient riot when four hundred protesters
stormed and took over the hall where I was speaking
before a civic group.
But, in recent months, I had noted a remarkable
trend. Increasingly, when radicals attempted to dis-
rupt the dialog, other students would turn on them
and say, "Shut up; let's hear what he has to say."
Despite this improvement I was nervous recently
when I rode an elevator in New York to the fifteenth
floor auditorium at Columbia University to partic-
ipate in a debate on the CIA. The seminar was
sponsored by graduate students at the School of
International Affairs. Similar gatherings at other
schools, I had found tended to attract a small lunatic
fringe more inclined to be unruly than to discuss
issues. Surely, I concluded, given Columbia's history
of campus unrest, a lively day must be in store.
The debate from the podium held little promise of
being overly sedate either. Harry Rositzke and I,
representing AFIO, had been invited to defend intel-
ligence; the opposing speakers were Morton Hal-
perin, an indefatigable critic of the CIA, and Frank
Snapp, author of Decent Interval, a book which
made old-line spies shudder when they read in its
Foreward that one of Snapp's first actions on his
initial assignment overseas was to begin keeping a
Those who will not be at the October Convention are Invited to
submit to National Headquarters nominations for five new
members of the AFIO Board of Directors.
of speakers were heard, followed by some brisk ex-
changes with the audience. But even the most
agitated students spoke without excessive emotion.
About half way through, I decided it was developing
along the lines of a useful debate.
Yet, it just seemed too good to be true. Perhaps
this was only the calm before a shower of invective
would be directed against Harry Rositzke and me. I
inspected the crowd - 150 young people - and
spotted three likely suspects. Yes, I convinced
myself, they would be the ones who would trigger
the disturbance. There they were strategically
located in the audience, an old Commie tactic. I gave
them names: "Beads" for the first, "Long-hair" for
the next and the most likely culprit I dubbed
Soon my suspicions were being confirmed.
"Beads" and "Long-hair" and "Whiskers" posed
their questions: the rhetoric was uninhibited and the
Marxist bias, I decided, obvious. Yes, I had been
right - the three of them were trouble-makers.
But then in due time it was over. During four hours
there had been no accusations, no heckling, no
strident voices. The quality of the dialog had been
Afterwards "Beads" chatted with me for a few
moments. Then "Long-hair" shook my hand and
thanked me for making the trip to Columbia.
Only a few people remained as I prepared to
depart. "Whiskers" was one of them, standing near
the elevator. He spoke to me: "You know, it's really
difficult to thrash out these issues in such a large
group. We have smaller workshops here frequently.
Would you be willing to come back, another time, so
we can really bat it around?"
PERISCOPE is published bi-monthly by the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers,
Suite 303A, 6723 Whittier Ave., McLean, VA.
22101. Phone (703) 790-0320.
Editor: David Atlee Phillips
Assistant Editor: Douglas Blaufarb
Photography: George King, Eugene
and Dominique Doom Van Steyn.
Any material herein may be reproduced if
attributed to the Association of Former Intel-
ligence Officers. PERISCOPE is distributed widely
in Washington, with copies delivered to the office
of each member of Congress and key government
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ON THE Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : i6tL(n P ka3~i 00A ~06H~80t~i~l. The bona fides of
Nosenko is still very controversial in CIA circles. This book still leaves
INTELLIGENCE BOOKSHELF ... Current more questions unanswered than it answers with respect to the-assassina-
books of interest to intelligence buffs and watchers of the tion.
world scene. All reviews are by AFIO members' JONES, R.V.
Editor's note: We are deferring our regularly scheduled
book reviews in order to print this check list of recent pub-
lications on intelligence. It is excerpted from a list prepared
by AFIO member Walter L. Pforzheimer.
BEESLY, Patrick.
Very Special Intelligence: The Story of the
Intelligence Center, 1939-1945
New York: Doubleday, 1978
This excellent book, already published in England, and scheduled for
U.S. publication this month, is one of the most accurate of its kind. The
Operational Intelligence Center (OIC) In British Naval Intelligence was
established to furnish the all-source intelligence necessary to combat, in
particular, German submarine and raider elements, and their naval escort
ships, as well as other German operations, especially along American-
British supply routes in the North Atlantic. The vital convoys in this area
were particularly necessary for the survival of Britain. Beesly, who was
deputy chief of the Submarine Tracking Room in OIC, has had access to
many of the pertinent British naval records, including recently declassified
ULTRA documents. An important element of this book is the fact that the
Germans were reading many of the British naval codes until well into 1943.
[See also. Appendix 10 in The Critical Convoy Battles of March 1943 by
Jurgen Rohwer (Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1977)]
The Storm Petrels: The Flight of the First Soviet Defectors
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978
The author, a British journalist, has set forth a well written study of
early Soviet defectors from 1928 until the beginning of World War II. The
book commences with the defection of Boris Bajanov, personal assistant to
Stalin and secretary to the Politburo. Bajanov, still living in France,
defected in 1928 and was interviewed extensively by Brook-Shepherd. The
four other major defectors described are Grigory Bessedovsky, Georges
Agabekov, Walter Krivitsky, and Alexander Orlov. The stories of other
defectors are intertwined. As the author states in his preface, this book
sometimes reads like "novels of spy fiction", but it is highly authoritative.
The Luciano Project: The Secret Wartime Collaboration of the Mafia and
the U.S. Navy
New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1977
The author here describes the use of Mafia personnel (including the key
figure, the imprisoned Charles "Lucky" Luciano) to secure the New York
waterfront from sabotage and subversion of vital cargo shipments in the
early stages of World War H. There is also some indication of the use of
these persons for positive intelligence for the Invasion of Sicily. This book is
based on the official report of New York State Commissioner of Investiga-
tion William Herlands in support of Governor Dewey's earlier commuta-
tion of Luciano's prison term and the latter's subsequent deportation. At
Naval Intelligence request, the Herlands Report was kept secret until It
formed the basis of this book.
COLBY, William E.
Honorable Men: My Life in theCIA
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978
This book describes Colby's intelligence career, commencing with his
assignments in OSS in World War II when he parachuted behind the lines
on hazardous missions in France and Norway. He then details his CIA
career in which he rose from case officer and other assignments to become
Director of Central Intelligence during its most troubled and controversial
times - the aftermath of Watergate and the Congressional Hearings into
alleged misdeeds by CIA and the Intelligence Community. He also
discusses his role as an Ambassador in Vietnam and the pacification and
Phoenix programs there.
EPSTEIN, Edward Jay.
Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald
New York: Reader's Digest Press (McGraw-Hill), 1978
This highly controversial book, the result of extensive research, presents
the author's view of Oswald as a possible or probable KGB agent in the
assassination of President Kennedy. Included is extensive consideration
that the Soviet defectors, Yuri Nosenko, Anatoll Golltsln, and "Fedora"
The Wizard War: British Scientific Intelligence, 1939-1945
New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978
This book, already published in England and scheduled for June pub-
lication here, describes the author's experiences as a scientific intelligence
advisor to the RAF and the British Secret Intelligence Service, as well as
his associations with senior British scientific personnel throughout World
War II. It has received very favorable reviews in British circles.
KAHN, David.
Hitler's Spies: German Military Intelligence in World War II
New York: Macmillan, 1978
This is the most detailed study on this subject in English, written by the
author of The Codebreakers, a classic book on cryptology. As it has just
been published, there has been no time for professional review. This
volume Is based on personal interviews with participants and on extensive
research of documentary material. Mr. Kahn is an AFIO member.
Beyond Top Secret Ultra
New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978
This book is the World War II memoir of a British Naval Intelligence
Officer, Ewen Montagu. In particular, he was the Naval Intelligence
member of the Double-Cross (XX) Committee headed by John Masterman.
This Committee set the policy for running the doubled German agents in
England against the German Abwehr for intelligence and deception
purposes up to and through the Normandy invasion. Montagu handled all
of the ULTRA and Abwehr traffic pertaining to naval XX matters in
furtherance of the XX Committee's activities. Montagu also briefly
describes Operation Mincemeat, a major British deception operation in
connection with the Allied invasion of Sicily. He was the case officer for
this operation, which is described in greater detail in his earlier book, The
Man Who Never Was. These memoirs are highly authoritative.
MOSLEY, Leonard.
Dulles: A Biography of Eleanor, Allen, and John Foster Dulles and Their
Family Network
New York: Dial Press, 1978
This is a journalistic account of the lives of Allen Dulles, Director of
Central Intelligence, his brother, John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State in
the Eisenhower administration, and their sister, Eleanor, who had a long
career in government, largely in the Department of State. An attempt is
made to describe how their lives intertwined. Unfortunately, the book
contains so many errors that it must be read with great caution.
WALTERS, Lieutenant General Vernon A.
Silent Missions
New York: Doubleday & Co., 1978
Walters enlisted as a private in the U. S. Army at the beginning of World
War II and retired in 1976 in the grade of Lt. Gen. from the position of
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. During those years, he had a
unique intelligence career as a military and defense attache, and as an
interpreter at many'high level meetings between U.S. Presidents (and other
senior government officials) and foreign Chiefs of State. Many of Gen.
Walters' assignments were based not only on his great discretion but also
on his fine acumen and incredible command of foreign languages. As
Defense Attache in Paris, he was able to infiltrate and exfiltrate Henry
Kissinger (then Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs) in
and out of Paris well over a dozen times for secret talks with the North
Vietnamese. In addition, Gen. Walters initiated several meetings with the
Chinese leading up to President Nixon's historic trip to China in 1972. He
also includes a chapter on the CIA's rejection of White House attempts to
involve it in the Watergate cover-up. This book contains many footnotes to
history and is written with all of Gen. Walters' brilliance as a raconteur.
Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978
Weinstein, a professor of history at Smith College, has written the most
comprehensive study to date of the case of Alger Hiss, a former senior State
Department official. In this, the author was aided by the declassification
and release of thousands of pages of formerly classified government docu-
ments about the case. Weinstein began his work in the belief that Hiss had
been unjustly convicted. When he had ended his research, he was con-
vinced that Hiss was guilty. It is an important study of a major case of
(the FBI's Soviet agentAp proved or 2elease r 0g y1 1 : f!i'-Rb gnaYAWf18$'100500001-1
NBC-TV R ESPONDS TO For D-le TE1 4/11/01 RiE;iiTT J1 0~,WMA300500001-1
In the last issue we printed a letter sent by AFIO to
the Chairman of the Board of the National Broad-
casting Company which was critical of the program
"Spying for Uncle Sam" which was aired on March
28, 1978. The Law Department of NBC has re-
sponded. Following are some extracts from that
...."We regret that you were displeased by the
program. It was not the intent of NBC News to
condemn the CIA or question the need for its opera-
tions. The program had quite a different purpose -
to report on the personal experience of one couple
that had been involved in certain CIA operations.
NBC recognizes.....that other people might have
had a completely different experience.... .
..."In your letter you assert that broadcasting
the program obligates NBC, under the FCC's fairness
doctrine, to present the 'other side' of the 'con-
troversial issue of public importance' purportedly
discussed. We do not agree. In the first place, we do
not believe that the program dealt with 'a con-
troversial issue of public importance' within the
meaning of the FCC's fairness doctrine.... .
....."While we cannot agree with your views on
SPYING FOR UNCLE SAM, we thank you for sharing
them with us. We also assure you that NBC News
will continue to cover CIA subjects as they become
Remember when the then young Gordon McLendon
was known to sports fans across the country as The Old
Scotchman? McLendon was a prominent sportscaster in
the days when Big League games were not broadcast
nationally - until Gordon came up with the idea of "re-
creation", using sound effect records and a highly
developed sense of the dramatic to create the impression
that he was on the scene, live, instead of in a radio studio!
AFIO Life Member Honor Roll
We welcome the following AFIO members whose generous contributions increase the ranks of AFIO Life Members:
Mr. Earl S. Archibald Jr. COL Daniel J. Minahan USA Ret.
Washington, D.C. Ann Arbor, Michigan
LTC Charles T. R. Bohannon AUS Ret. Wilfred R. Mousseau
San Juan, Rizal, Phillipines Fair Haven, Michigan
Mr. John W. East Mr. Edward F. Regan
Arlington, Virginia West Springfield, Massachusetts
Mrs. Abigail Berlin Freed Mr. Angel Ricardo
Washington, D.C. Miami, Florida
Mr. Bella A. Hahn Mr. John Anson Smith
Bergenfield, New Jersey Naples, Florida
Mr. James F. Hoobler Mr. George W. Steitz
Bethesda, Maryland McLean, Virginia
Lloyd Pat Landry Mr. Austin J. Thoman
Groves, Texas Hilton Head, South Carolina
Mr. Edwin 0. Learnard Mr. Edward W. Vincent
San Diego, California Toledo, Ohio
COL A.F.S. MacKenzie USA Ret. Mr. James E. Walley
Holmes Beach, Florida Taylorsville, Mississippi
Thomas B. MacKie COL Emmett E. Welch USA Ret.
Chicago, Illinois Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Mr. John M. Maury Mr. Garland W. Williams
Washington, D.C. West Palm Beach, Florida
Remember that Life Membership is available to both Full and Associate Members. The contribution is $150.00
regardless of the age of the member and it is tax deductible.
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: clA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
FROM THQIDIo(WK4?STPLVMtE88,01315R000100500001-1
An AFIO Letter To The House Of Representatives
Dear Mr. Chairman:
As President of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), I have the honor to present the views of our
Association on H.R. 7308, the "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978" on which your Subcommittee is presently
holding hearings.
We vigorously oppose this bill insofar as it requires a judicial warrant to
obtain foreign intelligence by use of electronic surveillance of a "foreign
power" or "agent of a foreign power." The provisions which so require run
contrary to the national interest. They correct no known abuse, greatly
inhibit foreign intelligence activities, create substantial new security
hazards, afford no additional safeguards for rights of Americans, and are
inconsistent with the Constitution as repeatedly interpreted by the
Supreme Court. It is frankly incredulous that the Congress and the Execu-
tive should be joining hands in this bill - and its Senate counterpart - to
strip the President of his Constitutional prerogatives in the pursuit of no
known constructive purpose and at the price of major reduction of effec-
tiveness of intelligence.
The full substance of our position is set forth in my 15 June testimony
before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence with respect to S. 2525;
and I therefore attach a copy of that testimony. Incorporated therein is the
statement of John S. Warner, Legal Advisor to this Association, before the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on January 17, 1978.
His testimony is fully consistent with the dissenting views of that
Committee in its report on H.R. 7308 (Report 95-1283, Pt. I, dated June 8,
1978). I want to place on the record the position of AFIO as further endors-
ing both these dissenting views and the substitute bill sponsored by Mr.
McClory, subject to the latter's modifications as outlined hereinafter.
...But our principal concern relates to the standards themselves. Not
only must it be shown that the foreign power engages in clandestine
activities in the United States, it must also be shown that such activities are
contrary to the interests of the United States. If a foreign power is conduct-
ing intelligence activities in secret in the United States - and it would not
be prudent to assume that any foreign power is not - surely no one would
During the past year we changed our annual dues
payment system from a "Dues Year" (1 June-31 May)
to a twelve month period for each member. This was
done so members joining throughout the year would
receive full value for their payment. Those of you who
were previously on the "Dues Year" will find that your
annual renewal is now payable. The fee is still only
$10.00. To verify your payment date, check your blue
and white laminated Membership Card, reproduced
below. The DAY and MONTH shown as "Dues
Date" in the lower left corner are the day and month
your 1978 payment is required. Remember that your
annual dues remain the only significant source of
revenue for AFIO and they are deductible. We urge
you to be prompt with your remittance.
believe that the motivation for such activity is benevolence towards the
United States. The universally accepted meaning of "clandestine intel-
ligence activities," is espionage, pure and simple. The convoluted words in
the report which attempt to explain this statutory standard result in a
distortion of the generally understood meaning of words. The requirement
as stated in the report that the Government must "show that the foreign
power has demonstrated some pattern or practice of engaging in
clandestine intelligence activities in the United States contrary to the
interests of the United States" is far too restrictive and far too harsh. In
effect, it says you can't collect the first or second time such activities occur,
but only if there is a pattern or practice. How many times does it take to
establish a pattern or practice? We believe this is absurd. Even if it is the
first time, let intelligence collect!
The wording with respect to these two matters creates inflexibility and
denies opportunities. Such wording should never be in a statute. We
believe the collection of intelligence from foreigners should not be
regulated in detail by law so long as the rights of Americans are safe-
guarded. We do not believe the Constitution requires the Executive to
forego collection of needed intelligence from foreigners in the United
States. The Congress should have the wisdom not to limit the Executive
unduly, having in mind the vast responsibility placed on the President by
the Constitution in the field of foreign relations and national security. If
there is any balance to be struck in this area, surely it should be struck in
favor of the President, permitting him to have flexibility and to seize
opportunities to fulfill his awesome responsibilities.
Just a word concerning the Constitutional issue. The injection of the
Judiciary into the foreign intelligence arena, as this bill does, raises pro-
found issues bearing on basic Constitutional concepts to which the
Supreme Court has addressed itself many times. This legal history is
reviewed in the attachment to this letter and in the dissenting views on the
House Intelligence Committee Report on H.R. 7308. We are aware that
many witnesses have discussed this area. Therefore, we shall not dwell on
this except to say that to give the Judiciary approval, or disapproval, auth-
ority relating to intelligence collection activities conducted by the Executive
against foreigners is simply not consistent with the Constitution.
AFIO stands ready to testify on this most serious matter and will be glad
to answer any specific questions the Subcommittee may have. The more
than 2,500 members of AFIO are former intelligence professionals.
Included are officers thoroughly familiar with all aspects of intelligence
activities and many who have spent careers inapplying and interpreting
the law with respect to such activities. One such is Mr. John S. Warner,
former General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency who provided
the substance of this letter. AFIO offers you its full cooperation and
Richard G. Stilwell
General, USA (Ret.)
Wendell Blanchard, September, 1977, in Chevy
Chase, Maryland.
James P. Lee, on 16 December, 1977, in Chillum,
Maj. Newton S. Courtney, AUS, (Ret.) on 17
February, 1978, in Key West, Florida.
Charles B. Randall, February, 1978, in Harrisburg,
Frederick A. Porter, in Amherst, New Hampshire.
Marian L. Cooley, on 28 April, 1978, in La Jolla,
Dr. Dale Severtson, in June, 1978, in San
Antonio, Texas.
Edward Hunter, on 25 June, in Arlington, Virginia.
Approved For Release 2OU4/11/II 1 : - - -
Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP88-0131 F(WyPo'0~009uv1
C) 1~5
Public hearings on S. 2525 - The National Intelligence Reorganization and Reform Act of 1978 - began in Washing-
ton on April 4, the eve of a long period of deliberation which will ultimately result in new rules for America's secret
operations. Similar to but stronger than the Executive Order which nows prevails, S. 2525 has been described by AFIO
President Dick Stilwell as a potential "straight jacket" which would constrain effective intelligence gathering. Stilwell
has appointed an AFIO committee to study the proposed legislation; and AFIO representatives have been asked by the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which has prepared the proposed new charter, to present AFIO's case at
future hearings.
Clark M. Clifford, who was a key draftsman of the 1947 history of U.S. intelligence, and thus is a document each
National Security Act - which included the controversial AFIO member should try to read. The length of S. 2525
clause: "such other functions and duties..." - was the makes distribution to each member impractical, but it can
lead-off witness before Senator Walter D. Huddleston, be found in its entirety in the February 9th issue of The
chairman of the sub-committee which formulated the pro- Congressional Record. Copies should be available in your
posed legislation. Clifford urged the Congress not to public library. We urge you to study it and provide your
"enshrine" CIA curbs. William E. Colby, appearing the comments to your representatives in Congress. Because of
following day, posed no objection to specific laws against its complexity and significance, it is unlikely that the
such activities as assassination because there has been "so measure will come to a vote this year but your action
much noise" on these subjects. Appearing with Colby, should be now!
former DCI George Bush and ex-DDCI Hank Knoche
opposed an excess of clearly delineated restrictions.
On the Road for AFIO. . .
During questioning by the Committee Chairman,
Senator Bayh, Bush raised as significant the following
point when discussing prohibitions against intelligence use
of certain categories of people: "How (could) the use of a
v =~
teacher. . .possibly prostitute the educational system?"
Bush asked the Senators why they would legislate away
"that teacher's right to help his country?"
Most intelligence veterans who have reviewed the
contents of the proposed bill - 263 pages of "thou shall
nots" and some 50 references concerning required reports j
to the Senate and House Intelligence Committees - fear
that the bill, if enacted in its present form, would go IIIII "~
beyond mere oversight and raise the Constitutional UIY Wmll"~~1
question inherent in the doctrine of separation of powers.
"The Congress should be informed, fully informed," Bush
said, "but it ought not to micro-manage the intelligence
AFIO scrutiny of S. 2525 has been assigned to a National
Headquarters committee composed of John Warner,
Walter Pforzheimer, Larry Houston and Jack Maury; all
have extensive experience in the drafting of intelligence
legislation, as CIA Legislative Counsels or General (Legal)
Counsels. California State Chairman Lee Echols shows off his
While AFIO as a group will testify, as well as individuals license plate on his new automobile. Echols also has
who are AFIO members, S. 2525 will not be resolved until a been named Chairman of the 4th Annual Convention
parade of witnesses who will express oppsoing views of AFIO, to be held the first two days of October at
appears before the Select Committee and will find, as one the beautiful old Hotel Del Coronado, across the bay
critic put it, that S. 2525 is loaded with "exceptions and from San Diego. His committee is pulling out all the
loopholes". stops to see that it will be a memorable occasion for
The National I ~~i n e~~ Reorgga ization form the membership.
Art of 1978 will coil fi 1 `Wa s'R MI80W t'h CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
Man Bites Dog?. Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA DP8 -01 15R0001005 001-1
eW ictments or FBI Officials
Frank Wolf, a young Republican attorney running for
Congress in Virginia's 10th District wants public officials to
stand up for FBI and CIA personnel. "It is a great shame,"
Wolf stated, "that none of our Washington area Congress-
men have been willing to stand up and defend the men and
women who make up these two proven organizations."
"It is obvious that the years of attack on the FBI and CIA
have taken their toll on the effectiveness of these vital
operations," he continued. Wolf, a former Congressional
aide and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior, says it
is time to start defending the many good and worthwhile
actions and accomplishments of these two groups.
Pointing out that the headquarters of the CIA is located
in the 10th Congressional District and that many FBI per-
sonnel live in Northern Virginia, Wolf promised, if elected
to Congress, to boost and represent the needs and views
of the people who man the two services.
"We are not talking about defending the wrongful
actions of a few, but supporting the talents and abilities of
the skilled personnel who make up these two very superior
agencies," Wolf continued. "For the past three or four
years, it has been fair game to attack the FBI and CIA for
the errors of a few. Unfortunately, the attacks have con-
tinued both in the press and the Congress with harmful
effects on morale," Wolf reported.
In early April the Department of Justice dropped
its prosecution of former FBI Special Agent John J.
Kearney and produced new indictments against
three former high ranking FBI officials. Former
Director L. Patrick Gray, W. Mark Felt, and Edward
S. Miller were charged with authorizing surreptitious
entries in the FBI investigation of the Weather
Underground. Legal expenses in preparing the
defense for the now-dropped case against Kearney
exceeded $125,000.00! The money was raised by
private citizens as well as active and former FBI
employees. Obviously, some of the research done for
the Kearney case will be useful in the defense of the
new indictments but additional funds will be
required. AFIO members wishing to contribute funds
should mail donations to the fund established by
the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI at:
Special Agents' Legal Defense Fund
Security National Bank
2000 M St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
The Honorable Griffin B. Bell, Attorney General
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530
The need for protecting sources and techniques used in collecting intelligence was emphasized by Congressman Les
Aspin (D-Wisconsin), Chairman of the Oversight Sub-committee of the House Select Committee on Intelligence,
speaking to a record attendance at the Spring (almost) Luncheon of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers held
on March 10, 1978 at the Officers' Club in Fort Myer, Virginia.
After Dr. Edward L.R. Elson, Chaplain of the Senate,
delivered a prayer, AFIO President Dick Stilwell intro-
duced the speaker who is to be deeply involved in drafting
the new legislation which "will serve as a bible for the
intelligence community". Its 66,000 words, ten times the
length of the current National Security legislation, is "less
of a charter than a straight jacket", General Stilwell
The problem, Congressman Aspin told the audience of
more than 275 members and guests, in response to a ques-
tion from Ed Buchanan, is one of classification. "If you
could define sources and techniques, then you could pin it
down better. "The media does a better job of protecting
their sources than the Agency", the Congressman
asserted. "People coming out of the Agency have been
revealing sources; Journalists don't. We need a better
system of determining what is classified and what is not."
The Congressman devoted the -bulk of his prepared
address to the relationship between the intelligence com-
munity and the media. Both, he said, are in the same kind
of business. "They like each other. They are compatible,
smart, cosmopolitan in outlook. But the journalist is wary
of the Agency and the Agency is wary of journalists."
"Everyone is out peddling his point of view. The Agency
is so much better in this; this makes the journalist wary of
the Agency and in this era of investigative reporting the
Agency is wary of the journalist. So there is a gulf between
the two. Each is trying to use the other."
Mr. Aspin commented about stories in the paper about
media people on the CIA payroll. He observed that "the
number of people on the payroll is not the issue. The rela-
tionship is the issue. The numbers are meaningless unless
you know the relationship." The relationship can vary from
a call to confirm a story to something much more involved.
He added, "Pay is not the issue; objectivity is. You are
trying to retain the objectivity of the press. Pay is only one
way you can lose your objectivity. Friendship, patriotism,
career advancement can affect objectivity. The press has
been talking about pay - Pay is only one of the threats.
The issue is more a media issue than a pay issue."
The Turner directive, the Congressman said, is
important for objectivity reasons. (The Turner directive
defined CIA relations with the press). Mr. Aspin gave three
illustrations of how a journalist would lose credibility if it
were known that he worked for CIA. For example, if there
were a claim that CIA were behind the overthrow of a
leader of a foreign nation, and the claim is investigated by
a journalist who is known to work for the CIA, then who
would believe his story, even if true, that CIA had no part
in it.
The question has been raised as to whether the Turner
directive prohibiting payment of journalists in the United
States should apply to journalists abroad. Editors are
asking for the same standards to apply. "The issue," the
Congressman reiterated, "is not if they are paid, but what
are they doing. What ought they be doing about
propaganda?" Citizens of the United States say that CIA
ought to retain a foreign propaganda capability, but the
question is raised about how we should have it and what
controls should be placed on it.
In a most active question and answer period the Con-
gressman expressed disagreement with a suggestion
attributed to one of his colleagues that human intelligence
collection should be restricted to wartime.
There is need to devise a system of determining what
information, if disclosed, endangers national security.
There is agreement, as former director William Colby
testified, to protect sources and techniques. The Con-
gressman said that he preferred the word "techniques" to
the current usage of "methods" as he felt the former was
more restrictive.
Mr. Aspin said that we must rely on the good will of
persons in journalism for protection against persons on the
payrolls of foreign intelligence organizations.
In response to a question about intentional leakage by
politicians of information apparently of security interest,
the speaker said it is difficult to determine what is politics
and what is national security. Congress cannot write a law
explicit enough to make it stick.
John Warner asked if the Congressman felt that the
mood of Congress has changed since a bill, approved by
Bill Colby, was submitted to Congress in February, 1974.
This bill provided for criminal prosecution for disclosure of
sources and methods. Mr. Aspin replied, "What Colby
submitted has changed; Colby has changed; Congress
also has changed."
Walter Pforzheimer raised the question about sanctity of
contract. He wanted to know who would indict after the
secret is out as in the Victor Marchetti case. The speaker
said there is need for a procedure for people who want to
publish. If a person wants to publish, he suggested, he
should submit his manuscript to CIA for review. CIA must
have a time limit. Three or four years must not exist. When
the author gets the manuscript back, he should either
comply with the changes or should have some kind of
appeal. This ought to apply to everyone, those who
criticize and those who write favorably. It ought to apply to
everyone who gets a security clearance - even in other
parts of the government. The Snepp case appears as
though people go after him, but the system should apply
to Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon as well as to him. A
secrecy oath ought to apply to everyone.
When the speaker was asked why Congress did not
investigate the KGB's use of foreign journalists he replied
that the committee is doing this, but, at the request of
CIA, not in open session.
General Stilwell asked the Congressman if he thought
the committees need all the details required by the
proposed law to manage intelligence operations. Mr.
Aspin answered that this is a period of distrust. "The pub-
lic doesn't trust Congress; Congress doesn't trust the
Agency and the Agency doesn't trust Congress." While
we are in this position we must live with suspicion, over-
management and learn to be honest and straightforward
until confidence is restored. Meanwhile we will be over-
managing things. There is no immediate cure for the
problem. Hayden Estey
Approved For Release 2004/11/01 ~ CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
LETTERSp O YHETUs ,~ /11/01 :CIA-RQPa$$-A'bW'f WMVE.
1 have read Mr. Arthur Jacobs article "The Security LimitsonPublic
Discussion" in the Periscope, Vol. IV, No. 1, 1978 with much interest and
I believe that most of us will agree with nearly all of his suggestions.
However, there are two statements on which I would like to offer another
opinion. In the sixth paragraph he appears to disagree with the concept of
punitive legal action against those who violate security. It is because of
such laws that werarely if ever hear of anyone violating security in the
western European countries, I am sure that the official secrets act of
Britain has discouraged many an author in that country from divulging
official secrets.
Another statement that the author made In paragraph 8 relative to
naming any nation or nationality in discussing intelligence operations, I
cannot agree if this statement refers to potential enemies of the USA.
Certain creatures are still using the story of our involvement in Chile to dis-
credit the Intelligence operations of this country. I believe that we must
pass to the attack by casually mentioning the Soviet involvement in the
internal affairs of other countries to such an extent that their agents were
ejected from Ghana (1966); Congo (Zaire), 1963; Mexico, 1971; Britain,
1971; Egypt, 1971; Somalia, 1977; Canada, 1978 - ad infinitum. Why are
these cases forgotten? They should be publicized once a week for the next
ten years. And do not forget the military Invasions of Hungary, 1956, and
Czechoslovakia, 1968 - the friends of the Soviet hope that we have
forgotten all of these violations of national integrity. The UNO certainly
has. We should remind them as well as our own people, because these
attacks on our Intelligence community did not "happen" by accident. They
were well organized, and the hand of the KGB shows clearly to those who
Sydney U. Barnes
COL, AUS, (Ret.)
Regarding the January issue of the Periscope, the unidentified bearded
gentleman in the fourth photograph chatting with Bill Colby is Mr. Don
W. Minium, Vice President of the Gordian Corporation. Should it be
possible. I am certain that Mr. Minium would appreciate attribution.
John J. Strauchs
Editor's Note: Another "bearded one" turned out to be a national news
magazine reporter.
Have noted your references to current U.S. media stories relating to
intelligence with interest, and would like to suggest that you develop this
into a standard feature.
It would be helpful and interesting if you were to carry in each issue a
brief listing of such media activity in or affecting the intelligence field as
may come to your attention, with fleshing-out of important items as space
or Interest-level may permit. This would offer a sensing of trends and
attitudes on general rather than selective basis and, I think, it would be of
interest to all members. It should be of particular aid to chapter planners
and speakers/writers.
Douglas Burgoyne MacMullen
The Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, Mr.
Frank C. Carlucci, will be AFIO's guest speaker at a
luncheon for Washington-area members on May 17,
1978 at the Officer's Club in Fort Myer, Virginia, at
1230 hours.
A native of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Mr. Carlucci
graduated from Princeton, and served as an officer in
the Navy from 1952 until 1954. He attended the
Harvard Graduate School in 1954 and 1955.
After joining the Foreign Service in 1956, the new
DDCI served abroad in Johannesburg, Kinshasa,
Zanzibar and Rio de Janeiro. His most recent overseas
assignment was as U.S. Ambassador to Portugal. He
has also been the Director of O.E.O. and Under
Secretary of HEW.
Reservation forms for the luncheon have been
mailed locally, but any AFIO member who expects to
be in town should plan to-attend. Guests are welcome.
In Texas Gordon McLendon has been talking to local groups "Like a
Dutch Uncle" - according to the description used In a Dallas newspaper
headline - in advocating aggressive, unfettered intelligence-gathering
operations across the world. The September 22, 1977 edition of the
Congressional Record prints one of McLendon's excellent speeches,
inserted in the Record by Senator Barry Goldwater, who called it "a very
important speech."
Harold G. Williams has spoken out on the intelligence issue to the
University Club of Seattle and to a group of University of Washington pro-
fessors .... Ned Dolan was guest speaker at a combined meeting of the
Susquehana Chapter of the Retired Officers Association and the Associa-
tion of the U.S. Army .... Helen Priest Deck has been busy on the podium
in New England, with some nine invitations for the Fall of 1977 and the
Spring of 1978, with several of her talks receiving extensive newspaper
coverage....Another distaff AFIO lecturer, Helene Deschamps-Adams,
spoke to a Florida Rotary Club on the subject, "A Lesson Not To Forget:
The Fifth Column"....In Indiana Joseph V. Corcoran has made nine
public speaking appearances in support of AFIO positions before
Exchange Clubs, Kiwanis and business and professional womens'
Jack Maury continues to be a stellar media performer for AFIO. He has
traveled to Paris to appear on French National Television and to Toronto
for a nationwide telecast as an AFIO spokesman (in both cases, Jack's
expenses were paid by the stations requesting his appearance). He has been
filmed by NBC for Its nightly news and Today show; he teamed up with
Curtis Carroll Davis for a Baltimore television stint, and has been a guest
on Panorama, a Washington talk-show; flew to Tulsa to speak before civic
groups at the request of AFIO member Audrey Tucker; spoke to graduate
classes at Washington and Lee and the University of Virginia - toname
some of his appearances. And, following his participation with Dave
Phillips in a seminar at a convention of newspaper people in Baltimore,
extensive coverage resulted In the influential trade journal, Editor &
In late March, Harry Rositzke ventured forth from his Virginia farm to
engage in debate on the intelligence community at Columbia University in
New York, at a conference sponsored by the School of International
Affairs; other participants were Frank Snepp, Morton Halperin and Dave
Phillips.. . .The President (Pro-Tem) of the Riverside-San Bernardino
Chapter of AFIO, Robert H. Flaherty, has been the subject of several
newspaper stories in his area of California .... Bill Buhl "got his feet wet"
with his first television and radio interviews on the NBC affiliates in the
Syracuse area.
If present plans materialize two national television series may soon be
presenting an objective view of intelligence activities. In the first case,
Gordon McLendon -- a veteran broadcaster - has plans for a commercial
series on CIA. This will be a private venture, presenting fictionalized
episodes in U.S. Intelligence history. Meanwhile, Ray Cline, a member of
AFIO's Board of Directors, has reached an agreement with Boston Public
Broadcasting television station WGBH to serve as narrator and principal
advisor on a documentary series on intelligence. This is the type of Public
Broadcasting venture - It would appear across the country - which
requires a healthy dose of funding by one or more sponsoring corporations
- AFIO members who know of companies which might contribute should
AFIO's critics have long charged that we were a
CIA sponsored "front for the intelligence com-
munity". Now we have to admit that we have recently
received our first financial support from CIA.
No, it's not what the critics thought! Seems that
William R. Johnson of Boulder, Colorado received a
$100 cash award for a classified monograph he had
written for the Agency and he decided "there was no
better thing to do with the money than give it to
AFIO". Both he and hiswife Patricia used thecheck
to become AFIO members. We welcome them both
and.... "Thanks CIA, we really needed that!"
Approved For ReleaNAg4RCffy-01315R000100500001-1
Senator Claiborne Pell will be the featured speaker when the New
England AFIO Chapter meets on 20 May in Newport, Rhode Island at the
Sheraton Islander Inn. A member of the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, the senior Senator from Rhode Island will discuss "Intelligence and
Foreign Policy". AFIO members from several states are expected to be on
hand for the speech, which will be preceded by a panel discussion
conducted by a quartet of AFIO visitors from National Headquarters:
Walter Pforzheimer, John Maury, Larry Houston and David Phillips.
Helen Priest Deck, New England AFIO Chairman, will preside at the
reunion, which will be attended by the Chairman of the AFIO Board of
Directors, Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., and Rita Kirkpatrick, who is also an
AFIO member.
The groundwork for a New York City (Metropolitan Area) Chapter was
laid on April 20th in The Big Apple". Derek A. Lee and Ralph Vollono
have been working for several months to get a sizable group formed. At the
organization meeting they were joined by Bill Hood, George Bookbinder
and Gus Vellios. Members residing in the Metropolitan Area, including
suburban Connecticut and North Jersey, are urged to join the new chapter.
AFIO members who commute to the city may also be interested in signing
up. Ralph Vollono has agreed to act as Secretary for the chapter. He can
be reached at (212) 653-2715.
AFIO President Dick Stilwell was the after-dinner speaker at the first
statewide gathering of the Florida AFIO contingent held at Lake Placid,
Florida on April 28th. Business meetings at the one-day conference
included discussion of the newly-formed AFIO Florida State Board, a
review of the past year's activities and aims and objectives for the coming
year. Planning was begun on the formation of new chapters in addition to
the three now active. Florida State Chairman, Stan Phillips, with Dave
Kelsey and Al Bembry from the host Suncoast Chapter expressed the hope
that Statewide meetings will be an annual event. In addition to Dick and
Alice Stilwell; AFIO's Executive Director, Jack Coakley, was able to attend
while squeezing in a few days of "vacation."
The AFIO Chapter in Pennsylvania, formed last December, will have its
next meeting on the evening of May 6, 1978, starting at 1800 hours at the
Officers' Club, Carlisle Barracks. The plan is to approve By-Laws, elect
initial officers and discuss other appropriate business. Emmett E.
"Randy" Welch reports to National Headquarters that four such meetings
a year are planned for the Keystone State.
Congressman Bob Wilson, a member of the House Intelligence
Committee, recently presented a plaque to Mary Cragg, widow of former
AFIO member Rear Admiral E.E. Cragg, at a ceremony marking the
founding of an Explorer Scout Troop named for the late Admiral. The
troop is jointly sponsored by the AFIO San Diego Chapter and the local
group of the Air Force Association. The Boy Scout troop for older Scouts
interested in intelligence is another AFIO first from our enthusiastic
California members.
Among the many attractions available to AFIO pleasure trips are being made by Lee Echols'
members in conjunction with this year's convention Convention Committee. Plan on staying a few extra
are the world famous San Diego Zoo and a harbor days in the sun and...why not a side trip to nearby
tour aboard a boat especially arranged for by the San Mexico?
Diego Chapter. Special arrangements for other
October 1st and 2nd 1978
AFIO's Board of Directors met on 10 February and
decided to limit this year's Annual Convention at the Hotel
del Coronado in Coronado, California to a two-day session
to permit more time for visiting AFIO members to "play
With this issue you have received a reservation form from
the Convention Hotel. AFIO has set aside 200 rooms for
members and their guests and we urge you to make your
reservations early to ensure you can be accommodated.
Please note that you should deal directly with the hotel and
that reservations must be made before September 10, 1978!
The Main Building of the hotel will be the site of all
meetings and functions, however some members may prefer
to book into the newer Ocean Towers annex which is within
walking distance of the original "Del", as she is affec-
AFIO members looking for a detailed listing of published
works on intelligence will be interested in this 1978 work:
Vol. 2 International Relations Information Guide
Series. Blackstock Ft Schaf. 229 pp. cross-reference.
Gale Research Co. Book Tower. Detroit, MI 48226.
Colby Book Available
For AFIO Members
Honorable Men - My Life in the CIA, by William E.
Colby, will be reviewed in the next issue of PERI-
SCOPE. AFIO members who desire an autographed
copy should send a check for $12.95 (the bookstore
price) made out to AFIO. The retail profit will go to
the AFIO treasury.
tionately known tAPAI tW or Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
ON THE Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA PB&QJk3'I R09AJQ05PQA91fiJ the head of counter-
books of interest to intelligence buffs and watchers of the
world scene. All reviews are by AFIO members.
A Decent Interval, by Frank Snepp, Random House, New
York, 1977
intelligence for the GVN's Military Security Service was an NVA agent (not
impossible, of course), but that CIA knew this and refused to expose him
because of possible embarrassment. This claim is sheer fantasy, as any one
with knowledge of how CIA views hostile penetrations would understand.
These examples - and they could be multiplied many times - are
incidental to the heart of Snepp's case which is the charge that Polgar and
Martin chose to ignore intelligence from certain high-level Communist
sources declaring the enemy's intentions to be a direct military assault on
Saigon without awaiting the results of any negotiations. He further charges
Mat his two -ere uped by and other into
A few monthsago the name of Frank Snepp lit up the media skies like a cl
inging until c hef very last to the h peaofla negotiated surrender twhich
rocket. His book on the collapse of South Vietnam and the fall of Saigon would permit an orderly evacuation. About this charge much can be said in
was sprung on the public shortly before Christmas with no advance refutation but we will merely point out that the sources Snepp chose to
publicity. Nevertheless it captured headlines and attention as though it believe were by no means the impeccable fountains of fact he claims, but
were some new cure for foot rot. It supplied certain surefire commodities, merely certain voices of no confirmed credibility among many others - all
to wit: lardings of guilt to lay on the responsible U.S. officials and saying different things. Second, it was the responsibility of the leadership
agencies, sensational new charges of neglect and stupidity levelled against to pursue the negotiation option to the very end for it offered the only real
CIA, the State Department and the White House and much detail of intel- chance of an orderly withdrawal. Finally, if the NVA duped the U.S.
ligence operations and various alleged brutalities. Embassy they also duped the Hungarians in the ICCS who were supposed
Now Frank Snepp has slipped back into obscurity. Possibly he is lying to have had such influence over Polgar. For, when the end came, these
low for the moment because the Justice Department has brought suit same Hungarians frantically sought the protection of their alleged
against him for breach of contract in that the book violated his secrecy American dupes who, by that time, had little help to offer.
oath. A Decent Interval is no longer news. Nevertheless we think it worth In our view, the obstacles to an earlier and more complete evacuation
notice even at this date for, due to the efforts of others, we have garnered were such that it was beyond the powers of any one in the Mission to assure
comments from people who were in Saigon during Snepp's tours of duty it. A close study of the matter may reveal areas of failure, especially in
and who went through the agony he describes. As far as we know, no one planning ahead of time for the "worst case" option, namely military
else has bothered to do this. collapse of the GVN and a sweeping and rapid NVA take-over of Saigon.
The picture that emerges is of a cynical but talented job of distortion by The fact remains that as soon as the friendly Vietnamese became aware of
a man who was well-placed to tell the story but by no means the close the American intention to leave mass panic was inevitable and the
confidante he claims to have been of the principal Americans and who, planning was bound to unravel. Having seen the wild disorder which
above all, lacked the perspective, the sensitivity and the desire to tell an accompanied the American withdrawal from Danang and Nha Trang, this
honest story. Instead, he chose to exploit his assets to give the public what was painfully clear to Martin and Polgar, absent a division of U.S. Marines
he thought it wanted: gore, guilt and hindsight judgments which, in view of to protect the departure, which, in view of Congressional attitudes, had
the outcome, describe few heroes. become an impossible dream.
This could have been a good book. Snepp writes vividly, with a certain On April 27, the State Department notified Martin that a negotiated
hard-edged drive reminiscent of a good pulp writer. He was on hand when settlement was now unlikely. The following day he was informed that the
the roof fell in on the Saigon Embassy in April, 1975 and throughout the U.S. Mission should no longer attempt to maintain a presence there. The
crisis he kept in touch with officers in the vast U.S. apparatus up and down day after that, April 29, the final helicoptered evacuation commenced from
the country. During the last year of the U.S. Mission he was privy to many the Embassy roof and the Defense Attache's compound. Notwithstanding
of Ambassador Graham Martin's confidential dealings as well as those of the wild confusion, in the eighteen hours that it lasted nearly 9,000 persons
CIA station chief, Thomas Polgar. He obtained their confidence not by were evacuated, including 1,400 Americans. In all some 130,000
virtue of his mid-level official position as an intelligence analyst but by Vietnamese managed to leave during the month of April and virtually all
close personal association. His two chiefs befriended him while making use Americans got out. With the Americans safe, and over the protest of
of his able talents as an analyst and briefer of visiting VIPs. He has been Martin, the operation was halted with some 500 Vietnamese in the
described as Polgar's "surrogate son." He was welcomed into the Martin Embassy compound waiting to be picked up and thousands of others
household as, among other things, the squire of the Ambassador's scattered throughout the city, also waiting. Responsibility for this decision
daughter. lay with the White House where President Ford had already stretched his
With all these advantages, Snepp nevertheless chose to write an account authority to the limit in his employment of American military personnel to
which distorts the facts and leans heavily on certain preconceptions to protect and evacuate foreign nationals along with Americans.
make sensational accusations against the Ambassador, the COS, against In sum, we see the Ambassador and Station Chief as victims of bitter
Henry Kissinger, and the White House including Gerald Ford. He charges circumstance, swept up by events larger than they or any one could control.
them all in various degrees with blind stubbornness, fecklessness and Late in the game they were sent out to Vietnam because they were able,
egotism, all of which sins together resulted in the tragic failure to evacuate tough professionals who could be counted upon to stay the course and limit
all the Vietnamese with ties to the U.S. government and who wished to the damage. Stay they did, honorably doing their best to the end. Frank
leave. That a tragedy occurred and that mapy who should have been Snepp, on the other hand, has dishonored his former service and his
evacuated were left behind is not, of course, in doubt. Where Snepp goes friends and protectors, not to mention his country, in seeking to turn the
off the rails is in the claim that if the principals had seen things as he did tragedy of Vietnam to his own personal benefit and twisting the facts un-
the tragedy need not have happened. consionably to accomplish that end.
In makin
his case
maginative reconstructions of the
facts which, not to put too fine a point on it, are no more than "windies."
Thus, he would have us believe that he was a swashbuckling operational
wallah who "ran one of the Agency's most productive intelligence
networks." He did no such thing. On occasion he was permitted to debrief
NVA prisoners and the like but in no case did he conduct intelligence
operations because he was unqualified to do so.
Snepp claims that one prisoner he debriefed, Nguyen van Thai, the NVA
chief of counterintelligence, was murdered as the enemy approached
Saigon by being dumped out of an airplane at 10,000 feet. He has no
evidence at all for this statement, merely hearsay. In fact, to this day no
one in the West knows what happened to Thai but more than likely he is
alive and well and working at his old job in Hanoi. Why can we say this
with some plausibility? Because to his custodians Thai became a com-
modity of great value as the NVA moved into Saigon: a guarantee of safe
conduct and safe haven to those who could produce him and hand him
Again, Snepp claims that a Polish member of the ICCS. suffering from
VD, importuned a CIA officer for the curative tetracycline. In return, the
CIA demanded state secrets. Obviously, Snepp has been the victim of a
Polish joke for tetracycline was freely available in large quantities in any
Saigon pharmacy.
Spies & Spy-masters
Is a recently published concise history of intel-
ligence by a British author, Jock Haswell (Thames &
Hudson, 1977). It has 113 illustrations and is
crammed with anecdotes - did you know that
Chaucer and Daniel Defore were spies and that the
Boy Scout movement was formed by an ex-intelligence
officer? This book, which will be invaluable to AFIO
speakers and writers, may be obtained by sending a
check for the bookstore price, $10.95, to AFIO's
National Office.
Approved For Release 2004/11/061 : CIA-RDP8 - -
NOTES FRO v I e-2004/11/01 '00500001-1
the hard work of Mrs. Helen Priest Deck we have revised our kits and those
who waited for months should now have the new version. Since questions
from the public often go back to earlier events, we have retained some of
the older material. We hope to include some item in each bi-monthly Issue
of PERISCOPE to assist you In keeping the kit updated. That's the good
news. ? .now the bad news! The revised kit Is 105 pages in length and costs
$1.74 a copy for reproduction. Single copies mailed at the Third Class rate
cost $.56 each. First Class mail would be $1.01. Clearly, the price of kits
shown in our brochure as $1.50 has to be changed. We have therefore set
the price at $2.50 in anticipation of continuing increases In production
PLANS FOR CHARTER FLIGHT SHELVED - Although there was con-
siderable interest expressed by members in returns of convention planning
questionnaires, we have decided not to proceed with the proposed charter
flight to this year's convention. Members responding in favor of such a
flight expressed such a wide variation in the number of "extra days" they
would like to stay in California that we believe a charter.would not permit
enough flexibility. In addition, new reduced cross-country fares prove to be
so close to charter savings we believe independent travel arrangements are
the best bet.
for mounting Membership Certificates are available on request for $20.00.
ues are solid walnut (13"x15") with a lucite cover for the
e p
certificate. When ordered, your present typewritten certificate will be
replaced with one on which your name is hand-lettered.
in the last four months have not yet received your Certificates. You
happened to come on board when we were without a typewriter which had
suitable type. We now have such a machine and will be preparing
Certificates for all members.
BOOKS FOR LIBRARY STILL WANTED - We are still interested In
receiving copies of books on intelligence and national security for the AFIO
library. We have yet to reach the 1,000 volume level and we are sure that
many of you have books - fiction or non-fiction - which you could spare.
We would like to have enough significant material on hand to help
members do research In writing or speaking and to assist non-members
who can do objective writing on the Intelligence business. Your book
donations are a deductible Item on your income tax return.
A NATIONAL CAPITOL CHAPTER? - Some members in the
Washington area have expressed interest in forming a chapter in that area
to provide more frequent opportunity for business discussions and to assist
the national officers with local social functions. Members should contact
the national office so arrangements can be made to discuss the matter
MEET SUSAN BARTON - From our very beginning stages AFIO has
survived as an organization through the dedication and hard work of a
handful of volunteers taking on the administrative chores. Our growth rate
has been such that, even with continuing volunteer help, we have been
unable to keep pace with day-to-day activities. In early March we were
fortunate to find Susan Barton to handle the AFIO office. Susan, a former
CIA analyst, brings us a wealth of talent and enthusiasm and should do
much to Improve our poor record for responses to member Inquiries. She
will be available during regular office hours (LOAM-4PM) and can answer
your questions or assist you with problems. We have terminated the
answering service which covered non-office hours so our phones will no
longer be answered except between 10-4 Monday through Friday. Should
you need to get in touch after hours you may phone me at home at (703)
Jack Coakley
COL Walter E. Forry, AUS (Ret.)
Santa Ana, California
Lt. Col. Thomas L. Walker, USAF (Ret.)
Arlington, Virginia
Clarence E. Smith
Springfield, Vir inia
Is this the Red Baron preparing for a mission over enemy
lines? Not at all - the pilot is AFIO's Steve Hammond
when he was a Flying Cadet in 1940 in the U.S. Army Air
Corps. Steve later became a veteran of Air Force intel-
ligence, and is now AFIO's Vice President, after serving as
a member of the Board of Directors.
AFIO Life Member Honor Roll
The following AFIO members have joined the
growing ranks of Life Members:
Raymond I. Coffey Frank M. Schramko
Decatur, Alabama Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Dr. Norman L. Dodge Dr. Gustav N. Chron
Springfield, Virginia Chicago, Illinois
William 0. Johnson
Houston, Texas
John MacDonald
McLean, Virginia
(Remember that Life Membership is available to both
Full and Associate Members. The contribution is
$150. 00 regardless of the age of the member and it is
tax deductible.)
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers,
Suite 303A, 6723 Whittier Ave., McLean, VA.
22101. Phone (703) 790-0320.
Editor: David Atlee Phillips
Assistant Editor: Pat Stringham
Assistant Editor: Douglas Blaufarb
Any material herein may be reproduced if
attributed to the Association of Former Intelligence
Officers. PERISCOPE is distributed widely in Wash-
ington, with copies delivered to the office of each
member of Congress and key government officials.
C IA RDP88 01315R000100500001-1
FROM THliIbESKot ,1eMeKC S fLWEttP88-01315R000100500001-1
On March 28, 1978 NBC-TV presented a special report on network and affiliated stations. In our opinion that program
gave viewers a distorted view of intelligence. The following letter has been sent to the Chairman of the Board of the
National Broadcasting Com
Dear Mr. Goodman:
Pursuant to the regulations of the Federal Communications Commission
pertaining to the fairness doctrine in broadcasting, this letter is to advise
you of our deep concern resulting from a recent NBC-TV broadcast. The
program, "Spying for Uncle Sam", was aired in the Washington, D.C.
area at 10 p.m. on March 28, 1978, and presumably, was broadcast by
other NBC outlets across the country on the same date.
This show was written and produced for NBC News by Robert Rogers
and was narrated by Edwin Newman. The program was based on extended
interviews with Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Bach. Mr. Bach is a former employee
of the Central Intelligence Agency. Mrs. Bach apparently was never
employed by any intelligence agency of the U.S. Government.
This organization of some 2,500 members who have served in intel-
ligence is continually interested in media coverage of matters relating to
the intelligence community. As can be seen from the enclosed brochure,
AFIO's purpose is to promote public understanding of the need for an
effectve intelligence capability in this country. Our members regularly
monitor both the print and broadcast media to determine what informa-
tion is being presented to the public.
As a result, many of our members viewed "Spying for Uncle Sam" and
have expressed their dismay at the presentation of a patently one-sided
approach to an issue of great public importance - the future of the U.S.
intelligence community. Other than "Watergate", there has probably been
no issue more controversial since the war in Vietnam!
On April 4, 1978, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence began
hearings on the National Intelligence Reorganization and Reform Act of
1978 (S. 2525). It appears that NBC-TV chose this time to present a pro-
During the past year we changed our annual dues
payment system from a "Dues Year" (1 June-31 May)
to a twelve month period for each member. This was
done so members joining throughout the year would
receive full value for their payment. Those of you who
were previously on the "Dues Year" will find that your
annual payment for renewal should be made by 31
May again this year. The annual fee is still only
$10.00. To verify your payment date, check your blue
and white laminated Membership Card, reproduced
below. The DAY and MONTIS shown as "Dues
Date" in the lower left corner are the day and month
your 1978 payment is required. Remember that your
annual dues remain the only significant source of
revenue for AFIO and they are deductible. We urge
you to be prompt with your remittance.
ri ?
gram intended to influence public opinion with a negative portrayal of a
single aspect of intelligence activity.
The thrust of "Spying for Uncle Sam" questioned both the wisdom and
necessity of U.S. involvement in espionage to collect information on its
identified or potential enemies. No comment was offered on the value of
information so collected.
In limiting the content of the program to the experience of the Bachs,
NBC-TV provided the viewer with -a distorted view of the CIA and the
intelligence community. The viewer was given no contrasting point of view
nor was it made clear that espionage activities represent only about five
percent of the overall intelligence effort. No mention was made that every
"developed" nation - and many "under-developed" nations - engage in
espionage to protect or further their national interests.
Although NBC-TV took the time to report that the CIA had been offered
an opportunity to comment, this short disclaimer hardly satisfied the fair-
ness doctrine. CIA, we believe, quite correctly refrained from comment to
avoid charges of "censorship".
We have reviewed the transcript of the program, courteously provided by
the producer, and find that the negative thrust is even more clear in
printed form. It, in fact, confirms that NBC-TV consciously supported the
views of the Bachs on the morality of espionage. The highly respected
narrator, Mr. Newman, early on in the program comments " the real
world no matter how noble the-aim, the practiceof deceit carries dangers
for the deceiver, both the individual and the nation he serves. That danger
is to their sense of humanity, their morality, and indeed their own self
Mr. Newman later provides some interesting questions and comments,
such as, "It didn't seem to you as you were joining the CIA that it was a
dirty business?" After Mr. Bach responded, Mr. Newman wonders aloud if
Bach had not been "naive". The more important question for the
American public is whether this country needs the sort of intelligence
activity in which Mr. Bach had been engaged. NBC-TV doesn't seem t
think sol Mr. Newman speaking again: "Those experiences (the Bachs')
raise a question about the clandestine service that is different from the
familar arguments about certain CIA tactics and operations. It is the ques-
tion of the effect of the CIA's clandestine work on those who do it and on
their families." In other words, Mr. Newman supports the Bachs' belief
that those involved in this work will ultimately be corrupted by it.
One must wonder: Did NBC-TV intend to engage in moral condemna-
tion of the CIA and its practices? Does NBC-TV believe that the CIA
engaged in immoral practices, procedures, techniques, etc., which should
be controlled by new legislation? At the conclusion of the program, Mr.
Newman states that the Bachs' experience is "not unique" and therefore
that the American public had better remember their story when "we
Americans decide, as we are now deciding, what the future of the CIA is to
Suppose NBC had interviewed soldiers in World War II and then
editorially commented that it was a dirty business for the Army to teach
them how to kill human beings and how it endangered the soldiers' "sense
of humanity, their morality and indeed their own self-respect." Of course,
there was a war on - but there is a war on now. Granted, it is a different
kind of war, but the stakes are just as high - the survival of this nation.
Espionage and counterespionage are essential for the welfare of this
country and the men and women engaged in it are today's unsung heroes.
This is a viewpoint which AFIO wishes to present in direct contrast to the
NBC-TV portrayed viewpoint.
We believe that NBC-TV owes the American viewing public a
contrasting viewpoint to "Spying for Uncle Sam" so that they can be in a
position to form their own opinion on the use of espionage by their
Government. We know of no programs that NBC-TV has offered which
portray this subject in a different light. We would like to know what steps
you are planning to take to broadcast such a contrasting point of view. It is
especially important to do so at some time during the course of the present
hearings on the National Intelligence Reorganization and Reform Act of
1978 IS. 2525).
Richard G. Stilwell
General, USA (Ret.)
MEMBER NO.: 1000
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oft f /9
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A Flurry of Pink Slips, New Legislation, Spy Stories.. .
F ro
At the beginning of the fourth year of media
scrutiny and government reorganization of U.S.
intelligence activities there appeared to be little
prospect of a return to the days when clandestine
operations were conducted in total secrecy. TIME
and NEWSWEEK recently ran simultaneous cover
stories on the CIA. As this edition of PERISCOPE
goes to the printer, newspaper headlines and the
lead stories on national television highlight new
Executive and Congressional programs, appoint-
ments to key positions in the FBI and CIA, and
revelations of major foreign intelligence operations
in the U.S. and Canada. 1978, it appears, will be a
busy year for AFIO.
These are some of the recent developments which
indicate the continuing public interest in intelligence-
related developments:
- Dismissal of CIA Clandestine Service Officers.
The fallout from the accelerated retirement or dis-
missal of a number of CIA personnel in the
Directorate of Operations has created a major con-
troversy. A statement by GEN Richard Stilwell, USA
(Rat.), AFIO President, can be found on page 8.
- Executive reorganization. In late January the
White House announced its reorganization plan for
the U.S. intelligence community. It strengthened the
coordination role of the DCI, but did not give Admiral
Stansfield Turner Cabinet rank or sole authority to
speak publicly on intelligence matters. A surprise
was the authority granted to the Attorney General to
veto proposed covert actions.
- Senate Select Committee proposed legislation.
On 9 February the Senate Select Committee on Intel-
ligence unveiled its proposal for future intelligence
activities. It would ban "assassination, terrorism,
torture, the mass destruction of property, creation of
food or water shortages, or epidemics, the over-
throw of democratic governments or the support of
actions which violate human rights by police, foreign
intelligence or internal security forces of foreign
countries." The bill would also ban any federal
employee from revealing the identities of undercover
personnel, as in the Agee case, "if the agent could be
harmed." (AFIO comments were sought by the Com-
mittee during the preparation of this bill.).
H se C mittee a or bu a he
House of Representatives held its first public session
on 27 January on the issue of CIA use of American
newsmen. William Colby, John Maury and Ray Cline
testified during the opening session, as did David
Phillips, the latter invited as an AFIO spokesman.
And, on 17 January, Legal Advisor John S. Warner
appeared before the Committee to present AFIO's
views on proposed legislation to govern electronic
-Key appointments. The full Senate confirmed in
early February the appointment of William H.
Webster as Director of the FBI, and of Frank Carlucci
as Deputy Director of the CIA. In a public statement
Carlucci said he would take over "day-to-day
operating responsibilities" at Langley.
-In February two major spy stories were featured
in U.S. media. The first involved a U.S.I.A. employee
allegedly guilty of passing classified documents to
the North Korean government, and the second an
attempt by Soviet intelligence in Canada to recruit a
high-ranking member of the RCMP.
It would appear that those who predicted in 1975
that the intelligence controversy "would blow over
in a few months" were wrong - and that AFIO has a
decided role to play in the future.
I1' I It'!
While presiding at the AFIO Winter Luncheon
Dick Stilwell made a statement concerning reduc-
14-R~fnl5~ &07Se'~ page 8.
0-T-3 UU5
Permanent e CI
The Winter Luncheon for Washington-area AFIO members was held at Fort Myer, Virginia on 7 December. The program
featured a panel discussion on terrorism, with Dr. Robert Kupperman, Chief Scientist of the Arms Control and Dis-
armament Agency and the Assistant Chief of the Washington D.C. Police Robert Rabe. Among those present, top panel
left to right: Bob Wattles, Jim Washam, and Al Ginder; Art Jacobs makes a point; Jack Stent and Lou Conein. Middle
panel: Bill Colby; Meg Roney and Gen Murphy; Walter Bobbio and John Welch. Bottom panel: Bob Roth and Danny
Graham; Bob Amory chats with Walter Pforzheimer; Larry Houston and Don Gilman. Sorry, but your editor was unable
to identify the three bearded (real) gentlemen in photos 2, 3 and 4.
Representative Les Aspin, a member of the
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the
U.S. House of Representatives, will be the speaker at
the AFIO Spring Luncheon to be held at the Officers
Club at Ft. Myer, Virginia on March 10th. As in the
past, Cash Bar at 1115 with lunch at 1230. A notice
with reservation form will be sent to all AFIO
members in the Washington area at a later date.
AFIO members from outside the D.C. area are always
welcome if you should be nearby on that date. Of
course, as always, guests are cordially invited. We
encourage you to bring friends who may still be
working so they might meet with their former
Mr. Philip Agee, formerly with the Central
Intelligence Agency, has been advised by authorities
in The Netherlands that he must leave the country by
the end of March, 1978.
Vernet L. Gresham, on 3 January 1978 in
Lafayette, Louisiana.
Ralph S. Hairy, of Washington, D.C.
in February 1978 at sea in the Caribbean
William C. Sullivan, on 9 November 1977
In Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Robert N. White, Englewood, Colorado.
Approved For Release 2004/11/012: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
An organization such ~gd?v~def$$$S@pA/~~1'@~ffiIbl~~~b message, needs to
build an image. The article below, which we reprint with thanks to The New York Times, has appeared across the U.S. and
abroad - in the largest newspaper in Holland.
Even Spies Have Washington Lobby Group
Special to The New York Times
FORT MYER, Va.-The woman at
the reception desk handed the visitor
a badge with his name on it and said
with a smile: "That's so we make sure
we don't have any spies in the crowd."
Actually, there were about 200 spies
in the crowd, and they all wore name
tags. The occasion was one of the peri-
odic luncheons of the Association of
Former Intelligence officers, the spy
The association is one of hundreds
of odd groups in the Washington area
that promote various causes and spe-
cial interests. but it must rank as one
of the odder ones.
It was organized in 1975 after news-
paper articles and Congressional inves-
tigations spotlighted the darker side
of American intelligence activities
The December 13th story about AFIO in
the New York Times (reprinted on this page)
was also carried by other newspapers across
the country. The article prompted the fol-
lowing letter:
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
I have been deeply concerned for some
time relative the "whipping boy" our intel-
ligence activities have become not only by
the news media and others, but by the mem-
bers of Congress, who should know better.
It Is damn well time that some action is
taken to enlighten the public to the serious
consequences of 'letting it all hang out'.
As an ex-career Intelligence Officer, I was
overjoyed to find that 'The Association of
Former Intelligence Officers' has taken
some direct action.
I want to join this association. Please
forward my letter to their Membership Com-
Furthermore, I want to form a branch
office of 'The Association of Former Intel-
ligence Officers' here in the midwest to fill
speaking engagements at various functions
such as: Lions Club, Rotary, PTA, etc.,
utilizing former intelligence personnel now
located around Minneapolis.
I am periodically in demand as a speaker
and would like to do my part in educating
people to the tragedy of exposing the inner
workings of our vital intelligence gathering
since World War II. It now has more
than 2,000 members, who are about
evenly divided between retired civilian
and military officers.
The prime mover at the time the
group was organized was David Atlee
Phillips, a top official of the Central
Intelligence Agency who quit his job
to form the association. "Every group
in this country had a constituency ex-
cept the clandestine operator," recalled
Mr. Phillips, who supports himself by
writing and lecturing. "Everyone de-
serves to be represented."
"This organization is important be-
cause intelligence is important," added
Hayden Estey, another founding mem-
ber. "There was a need for some group
to prod the policy makers on the im-
portance of intelligence."
The group's members do their prod-
ding in the traditional ways: making
speeches, writing' letters, giving ? inter-
views. Their lobbying efforts are re-
stricted by their tax-exempt status, but
they have been asked to testify on
Capitol Hill on a number of issues,
among them Congressional oversight
of intelligence matters.
These are men and women who take
secrecy seriously, and nothing makes
them madder than former agents who
have published confidential informa-
tion. One of their pet legislative
proposals would make it a crime to
reveal the names of intelligence agents,
but they concede that it stands little
chance of enactment.
Members Acknowledge Mistakes
The former agents readily acknowl-
edge that they "made mistakes" and
that newspaper , accounts of those
errors were usually accurate. But they
deeply resent the notion that the intel-
ligence record contains more minuses
than pluses and that they alone were
responsible for the minuses.
"There are these constant insinua-
tions that the agency was plotting on
our own and going off half-cocked
without proper authority," said Bill
East, a 22-year veteran of the Central
Intelligence Agency, "It would be po-
litical suicide for the Congressmen to
admit it now, but not one of our opera-
tions was done without the direction
of the President and without Congress
being informed."
Association members are particularly
concerned about the skeptical attitude
of young people toward intelligence
work and speak often on college cam-
Bruce Baumgardner, a military intelli- battle. "We've got tom survive, we've
problems with their own families.
Mr. Baumgardner recalls the day
when his college-age daughter told him
that intelligence work was interfering
with other people's lives. "She didn't
stop to think," he said, "that the people
thee young people don't understand
that. I've talked to my own son and
daughter-my son's a pilot in the Air
Force-but they don't understand it.
They live in a different world."
we were interfering with were trying
to destroy our lives."
"It's a real sinking feeling," he
added, in describing the reaction he
felt after his daughter's strong disap-
proval. of his work in what he called
"an extremely noble cause."
'Discipline' and 'Honor'
"That's what hurts," said Betty
McIntosh, who started out with the
Office of Strategic Services in World
War II. "You've lived so long, you
thought you were doing it the right
way, and people now say you were
doing something terrible and dis-
Words like 'discipline' and 'honor'
mean a lot to the former spies, and
they feel a deep longing for an earlier
and less complex period. Mrs. McIn-
tosh, who WAS at Pearl Harbor on the
day it wa$ bombed, spoke for many
when she said "There was a real rea-
son for what we were doing in those
days. A lot of things we tried didn't
work, but it was war, and it was im-
portant. Today we seem to be swim-
ming around in a bowl of warm mush,
we don't know where we're going."
They insist that most intelligence
work is boring drudgery. "It's not like
James Bond," said Mr. East, a balding
man with a bow tie, "there's no blonde
under every bed, or even a brunette."
But that does not stop them from in-
dulging in a favorite pastime, trading
war stories.
Mrs. McIntosh recalled the time when
she was serving with a psychological
warfare unit, in China in World War
II. Since surrender was anathema to
Japanese culture, Mrs. McIntosh and
her comrades covertly paced on a dead
courier false documents that purported
to be a message from the Prime Minis-
ter. The documents, written by prison-
ers of war, said that it was all right
to surrender under certain circum.
stances, and Mrs. McIntosh believes
that they helped to weaken Japanese
.John J. Coakley, a retired lieutenant
colonel who serves as executive direc-
tor of the association, recalled the time
in Vietnam' when he was in charge of
a program to protect village leaders
trom assassination. His major innova-
tion was to narrow the definition of
assassination, and while the killings
did not drop, the numbers in his re-
ports did. Soon, he recalled with some
glee, units all over the country were
asking how he had been so successful.
But some of the group's members
suspect that they are fighting a losing
Approved For Release 2004/11/013: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
A IEDv&WU;RlFT '1Y? :QN-r 1 1ID5DI G=
By Arthur L. Jacobs
In publicly discussing the intelligence mission, the
former intelligence officer faces serious question of how
much can be said, based on his or her experience or
knowledge acquired through employment, without violat-
ing security. Those who attack the intelligence mission,
the intelligence agencies and their personnel feel little or no
restriction in revealing secret information or in making
allegations and charges based on wild speculation,
rumors, and vivid imagination, without regard to the law or
the damage to the national interests. In countering these,
the responsible former intelligence officer has no such
latitude and is constrained by the law and contractual
undertakings of government service which are still binding,
without incurring personal liability for any violation of
either and even damaging, unconsciously, the intelligence
Following World War II, the trickle of information
released to the public by the intelligence agencies has
become a noisy stream. It reached a new high in the recent
public congressional hearings and reports and the un-
authorized, open release or leaking of information by con-
gressmen and other individuals - disaffected former intel-
ligence officers and reporters and publications with more
interest in bylines, headlines, circulation, and personal
profit than the national interest. Former intelligence
officers still committed to the mission they served have
written serious books on their experience, most of which
were reviewed by the government for security considera-
tions. The intelligence agencies themselves have, in recent
years, manifested an increasing tendency to go public in
order to reduce the damage sustained by the flood of
public discussion. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
has served (and is still serving) to make even more informa-
tion publicly available.
It is evident that there are few who know all of the
information which has explicitly or implicitly become de-
classified. The totality would be difficult to acquire and
retain if one had access to all of it. And those of us who are
dependent on the media and publications to absorb all of it
have no way of knowing what has been released under the
Those who are anxious to preserve the integrity of the
intelligence mission and the intelligence capability find
ourselves in a dilemma. To even deny what we know to be
untrue from information still unclassified may be revealing
in and of itself. To deny or even refuse to comment on
what may later show to have already been released to the
public can be embarrassing. To deny knowledge of what
one knows to be true from official knowledge and experi-
ence may be stultifying and prejudicial to what AFIO and
other intelligence officers advocate in their defense of the
intelligence mission. Even more dangerous is the very
human impulse to fortify assertions by reference to one's
own employment experience and the knowledge acquired
therein. Those who write for publications may, in their
infatuation with their own prose, understandably strain the
limits of security in the current atmosphere. Those
engaged in public discussion can be expected to refute the
outrageous - and thus compromise secrecy. And, in
private discussion, the stimulus of injudicious amounts of
alcohol can induce one to say things which may be
regretted on sober reflection. The skilled bookwriter or
media reporter can elicit information from former intel-
ligence officers by techniques familiar to many of us who
used the same techniques against intelligence targets. The
problem is compounded by the sincere feeling that the
former intelligence officer has the same constitutional
rights in the defense of the intelligence mission as those
who would destroy, neutralize, or handcuff the intelligence
agencies to the point of ineffectuality.
In my own writings and public discussion, I have con-
sidered myself committed to the purposes of AFIO and as
security conscious as most of its membership. At the same
time, I must acknowledge, mea culpa, that I have strayed
into the gray area between what can and cannot
legitimately be revealed. I sense that my own security
consciousness has been eroded by the plethora of public
discussion of matters heretofor considered classified, and
reduced by the inexorable ticking of the clock since my
There is little purpose in talking about prior restraint by
the intelligence agencies which employed the former
intelligence officer to which the writer or speaker may
voluntarily subject himself, however prolonged and painful
that process may be. And there is little satisfaction in legal
action by the government after the fact against those who
innocently or deliberately violated security. Punitive action
cannot undo the damage to the national interests.
As one approach to this problem, I suggest a self-
monitored code of public conduct and self discipline on
what should and should not be discussed. As an integral
part of such a code, I subscribe to the "thou shalt not's"
proposed by the Chairman of AFIO at the 1977 National
Convention, namely:
1) the AFIO speaker will not speak to the interest of any
one intelligence agency but solely in the national interest;
2) that it is inappropriate to talk of day-to-day manage-
ment within the intelligence community;
3) that we should not enter into "useless debates with
irresponsible critics"; and
4) that we should take positions in the defense of the
intelligence mission in terms of the political and social
climate of the present and the future, and not in concepts
that prevailed in earlier times.
This is not to censor the individual AFIO member's
freedom of thought, speech, or writing. We may and
should direct our presentations to the uncommitted and
those with whom we may reasonably differ. We may still
challenge broad management policies within the intel-
ligence community - such as the limitations on the use of
journalists, which I considered overkill, unreasoned, and
The statutory bar against revealing sources and methods
is categorical in terminology but needs interpretation and
clarification. It is safe to say that within the term "source"
we should not only include foreign agents, but all
individuals knowingly made witting and any friendly intel-
ligence service. I believe it equally important not to couch
one's public statements naming any nation or nationality in
discussing intelligence operations. As to all of these, it
should be self-evident that any reference to a source
should not be susceptible of precise inference or identifica-
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
The restriction a,Q
?b K6j and main-
to define and ap vious y, in a igence, counter- taming a strong capability in intelligence, counterintel-
intelligence, and covert action no longer have any pejora- ligence, and covert action in the national defense, in main-
tive connotations, although they have sinister and taining internal security and constitutional government,
romantic implications with some. However, any discussion and in furthering our foreign interests and foreign policy.
of more specific methods of collecting intelligence, Second, we must obtain and retain the confidence of the
through technical means or human resources, brings one public that secrecy is an indispensable concomitant to this
into the gray if not the black area of secrecy. The same is capability. Third, it must be made clear that secrecy is not
applicable to counterintelligence. As to covert action, to being abused or misused and that the intelligence com-
deny that the term does not include propaganda or political munity and its personnel are accountable and responsible
action is to deny what has been officially acknowledged, to the top level of the executive branch of government,
however reduced and limited the extent. But to reveal any that intelligence operations are subjected to careful over-
particular technique of psychological warfare is to open a sight of the Congress, and that the constitutional rights of
Pandora's box which will be difficult if not impossible to our citizenry are protected by our courts.
close. Inevitably, any discussion of these generalities will lead
I suggest that our public expressions should be couched to more refined discussion, but the strategic objective of
in positive and general terms, avoiding the discussion of our education and informational dissemination efforts
particulars where possible. First, and foremost, the public should be focused to these ends.
must be convinced that there is, now more than ever, a
AFIO's 1978 Convention will be held in the San Diego area at the Hotel del Coronado in Coronado,
California. Hosted by the San Diego Chapter, this year's meeting promises to be our most successful to date with
more than 400 delegates expected.
Joining the large California contingent will be members from all our the country. Plans are underway to
charter a plane departing from Dulles Airport outside Washington, D.C. to bring AFIO members out for a stay of
five or six days. The historic Hotel del Coronado is an outstanding place for a relaxed vacation. Rates for AFIO
members are $30 for Single and $40 for Double occupancy.
A planning form has been mailed with this issue so you can indicate your tentative decision to attend and, for
Mid-Atlantic members, your interest in the proposed charter flight. Early return of the form will help us in
planning an outstanding program. Mark your calendar now!
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ON THE Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP8C1ApiER0NEWS1
books of interest to intelligence buffs and watchers of the
world-scene. All reviews are by AFIO members.
The Counterinsurgency Era: U.S. Doctrine and Perform-
ance: 1950 To The Present by Douglas S. Blaufarb, New
York: Free Press, November, 1977, $12.95.
AFIO member Doug Blaufarb has excellent credentials
for analyzing counterinsurgency efforts of the United
States during the past quarter century. Blaufarb served
with the Office of War Information in World War II, stayed
on in the United States Information Agency and then
spent twenty years in CIA. In many instances he was
directly involved in the area about which he writes.
Blaufarb has produced a study of exceptional value.
Using a chronological approach, difficult under any cir-
cumstances, he has produced a dispassionate and objec-
tive study of the major insurgencies since the Second
World War and the efforts to counter them. Opening with
a description of Communist rural insurgency he moves to
case-histories of two successful counterinsurgency ef-
forts: those in the Philippines and Malaya. In a brilliant
chapter entitled The Kennedy Crucible he describes the
initial development of American policy with practices for
combatting internal threats to friendly governments and
then devotes successive chapters to the opening phase in
Vietnam, to Laos and to Thailand. These are good but the
next two chapters on Vietnam are even better. The final
chapter devotes some attention to Latin America but con-
cludes with an analysis of the counterinsurgency "era",
under the approximate title Denouements.
Blaufarb never stoops to criticizing individuals or
castigating the ineptitudes of departments or agencies,
although it is not difficult to recognize those he admires.
With a care that verges on reticence he analyzes the
inability of our government to guide the South Vietnamese
to a winning effort although he praises the Post-Tet effort
by President Thieu.
The book emphasizes the oft-ignored fact that in nearly
every nation threatened by an insurgency the reforms
necessary for survival can destroy the power-base of the
incumbent elite. Thus the reticence of incumbent govern-
ments to undertake changes which seem obvious to
foreign advisers such as land-reform, removal of corrupt
and/or incompetent officials, or proper location of military
forces. Blaufarb does not neglect proper allocation of
blame to United States efforts. He focuses on the
American emphasis on a military solution to the detriment
of winning the people who became the victims rather than
the beneficiaries.
This book should be required reading for policy-level
officials and at the war colleges. Blaufarb may be over-
optimistic that the counterinsurgency is over: it may be
just beginning.
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr.
Kudos are In order for the admirable initiative of Southern California
members in launching an AFIO-sponsored Explorer Post of the Boy Scouts
of America. Inasmuch as one of AFIO's goals is `to create a desire in bright
young Americans to join the intelligence profession as a stimulating and
worthwhile career" the goal of this unique Explorer Post (for older Scouts)
will be: "To explain the purpose of intelligence in our society, and describe
various career opportunities in the profession of intelligence." Hank
Wechsler will serve as Post Advisor, with Don Perry as coordinator with the
San Diego County Council, Boy Scouts of America. The first meeting on
this commendable endeavor was held in San Diego on 3 November, with
AFIO members John De Nora, W.B. Hicks, Edwin O. Learnard, Don
Perry and Hank Wechsler present. Ms. Myrl McBride and Lee Echols have
also agreed to assist the group.... Lee, incidentally, continues to be one of
AFIO's most energetic public speakers. A recent note from him to
National Headquarters read, "Talked to 85 to 100 students today at San
Diego City College. P.S. Recruited the school teacher". . .More than 150
members of the San Diego AFIO Chapter were on hand at a recent
luncheon meeting to hear speaker Congressman Bob Wilson, a member of
the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of
Representatives ....On 7 February another chapter in California was
established in the Pasadena-Glendale-Burbank- area. The organizational
meeting was chaired by Col. Carl Eifler, Western Regional Coordinator for
AFIO, and the attendees included members from the San Diego, Rancho
Palos Verdes, Orange County and Los Angeles Chapters.
AFIO's New England Chapter reports, in a notice to National Head-
quarters from Helen Priest Deck, that Bruce Rounds, after providing
superior service as the New Hampshire coordinator, has found it necessary
to step down due to pressing personal obligations. Bruce is also finding he
must relinguish his position as a member of the New Hampshire Legisla-
ture. But the good news is that his AFIO duties will be assumed by another
member of the Legislature, former ASA officer George Mullin.
In September the Western Montana Chapter of AFIO was surfaced. The
following officers were elected at the first meeting In Victor: Sully de
Fontaine, President, Robert W. Weaver, Vice President, and Richard V.
Atkinson, Secretary/Treasurer. Other chapter members are Richard A.
Grant, Fred W. Thomson, Floyd R. Cowles, Norman R. Larum, John R.
Milodragovich and Tom Nicholson.
Col. Emmett E. Welch was the prime-mover in the newly-established
Pennsylvania Chapter of AFIO which convened for the first time on I
December in Harrisburg. Other members gathered from across the state to
launch the group: BG R. J. Eaton, BG J. E. McCarthy, LTC C. B. Randall
and F. M. Schramko (all with their wives); E. L. Hickcox, M. E. Ragus,
B. M. Johnston, J. F. McHale andLTC O. H. Stroh. Two representatives
from AFIO Headquarters, Jack Maury and Dave Phillips, missed the
afternoon inaugural meeting when bad weather grounded flights, but the
members of the new AFIO Chapter were on hand that night when Jack and
Dave did arrive in time to address the Harrisburg Foreign Policy Associa-
tion, an AFIO appearance arranged by Randy Welch and Gen. McCarthy.
National Headquarters Is receiving regular reports from State Chairman
Stan Phillips on the steady growth of the Florida AFIO contingent. A
number of reunions have been scheduled or have taken place during recent
months. The Suncoast Chapter prepared to elect officers at its quarterly
meeting on 25 January. Dave Kelsey organized this group in April of last
year, and Dave has taken the initiative in preparing for the first AFIO
State-wide meeting which will take place on 28 April In Lake Placid,
Florida. .. .The Southeast Chapter met on 4 December in Palm Beach at a
luncheon meeting to hear Walter Spaeth present a talk on the KGB. The
next business meeting is scheduled for February .... Also in February, the
first meeting of the Satellite Chapter took place near Orlando. Ed Kray has
been appointed President Pro Tern by the State Committee. Stan Phillips
urges Florida AFIO members not yet affiliated with one of the local
chapters to contact the nearest group. Satellite: Ed Kray, 309 Tampa Ave.,
Indialantic, 32903 (305-727.2191), Southeast: Cliff Ragsdale, P.O. Box
6726, West Palm Beach, 33405 and Suncoast: Dave Kelsey, 2590 63rd
Avenue, St. Petersburg, 33712 (813-536-8426).
AFIO members may obtain copies of Mr.
Blaufarb's book signed by the author at the
Bookstore price. Send your check for $12.95 to
AFIO headquarters.
Approved or Release 2004/11/01 CIA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
NOTES FR0I*NAtte04/11 /01
pointed out that nearly 200 members had moved without notifying
AFIO. The Postal Service provided us corrected addresses and our
records were updated. In December when the Membership Directories
were mailed we again requested address corrections. In addition, to
avoid having undeliverable directories laying around in post offices, we
guaranteed "Forwarding and Return Postage". We found that many of
our addresses were again incorrect. Each returned piece of mail cost
AFIO 53? and each address correction 25?. The material must be
remailed at a cost of about 301E Whenever we have an address change
there Is a charge of 40? for correcting the mailing plates. You can see
how that adds up over a year. Of greater concern is the fact that Bulk
Rate mail is not forwarded so members do not receive AFIO mailings!
PLAQUES FOR CERTIFICATES - We have received quite a few
requests for the walnut/plexiglass plaques for mounting Membership
Certificates. We want to remind you that the "handlettering" described
in our announcement includes the name and date of issue only! At
$20.00 each, they do make an attractive display for home or the office
- one member has them in both places.
Informal Last Tuesday luncheons for Washington area members
resumed in January. Remember that reservations are not required but
we would appreciate a call if you're coming. Lunch Is at 12:30 in
Hogate's Restaurant on Maine Avenue In D.C. Mark your 1978
calendar for the rest of the year and come meet with old friends.
long suffered awaiting their paid-for kits can at last take heart. After
months of trying to get a suitable revision, we will mail kits to all who
have requested them very soon. Thanks to the hard work of Mrs.
Helen Priest Deck, we think the revised kit will be of value whether you
speak in public or just write to your local publications. We apologize
for the unreasonable delay.
NEW MEMBERS - We fell far short of our goal of 2,500 members
by the 1977 convention standing now at 2,200 plus. Thanks to your
efforts since receiving the directory, new members have been averaging
about five per day. Please use the application form you received with
the directory and recruit a friend. We are sure you received Holiday
Greetings from former colleagues who are not ' listed in the AFIO
directory. If you will provide their names and addresses we will be
happy to forward an application. Member dues are still the only
significant source of income for AFIO and we need their support.
dicated that we would publish a list of corrections and additions to the
directory with this issue. Unfortunately, a continuing spell of bad
weather and dangerous road conditions "grounded" most of our
volunteer help and we were unable to do so. A supplement will be put
out with the next issue.
meeting of the Board of Directors it was decided to increase the
frequency of PERISCOPE from quarterly to bi-monthly. The Board
believes that the newsletter represents the only regular contact with the
membership and that the additional issues will provide for better com-
munication. We want to remind members that material for publication
Is always welcomed. Of interest are short anecdotal items and historical
notes. Most wanted, however, are serious, thought provoking articles
on topical intelligence matters. PERISCOPE reaches a sophisticated
audience within the membership but is also widely read elsewhere,
including those on Capitol Hill and influential members of the media.
Such authoritative articles are also of value to those members who
speak for AFIO. Articles of unusual significance can be placed by
AFIO in other publications as well.
library still has growing pains. We welcome member donations of any
books, fiction/non-fiction, hard cover/paper back, on intelligence-
related subjects. They need not be "good" books, "pro" books, or
"scholarly" books. Any book on the subject could be of value. Keep the
library in mind when you do your "Spring Cleaning."
More of those present at AFIO's Winter Luncheon in
Washington. Top panel, left to right: AFIO Director Bob
Amory talks with two Canadian TV representatives; Bob
Gaynor, Walter Pforzheimer and John Warner. Middle, left
to right, Frank McNamara and Alan Ryskind, Capitol Hill
editor of Human Events; Alice Stilwell, Gil Strickler and
Dick Davis; bottom panel, Giles Chapin and Otto Guthe;
NBC television reporter Ford Rowan, left.
AFIO Life Member Honor Roll
The number of AFIO Life Members has grown
with the addition of the generous contributors
listed below. In the last issue we inadvertently
omitted listing Rita Meade Kirkpatrick, wife of
Board Chairman Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., as a
Life Member. New Life Members are:
Paul Allen, Pomona, California
Mr. William E. Colby, Washington, D.C.
Mr. John D. Cole, Los Angeles, California
The Hon. Gordon Gray, Washington, D.C.
Dr. Gilbert Green, Natick, Massachusetts
Mrs. Clara Grace Harvey, Indianapolis, Indiana
Mr. Melvin S. Johnson, Laramie, Wyoming
Mr. Bruce R. Murchison, Los Angeles, Calif.
CWO Joseph P. Sullivan USA Ret., Fairfield,
Mr. Glen T. Warner, Phoenix, Arizona
Mr. H. G. Wolfe, Glendale, California
(Remember that Life Membership is available to both
Full and Associate Members. The contribution is
$ 150.00 regardless of the age of the member and it is
tax deductible.)
Approved For Release 2004/11/01: 9IA-RDP88-01315R000100500001-1
FROM TI PD KooreDre 4$1l'tL)1, fE[LP88-01315R000100500001-1
Against the background of the spate of stories
circulating on the rationale for and impact of the
impending reduction in CIA's Directorate of Opera-
tions, the AFIO President sought a meeting with a
Senior Agency representative to elicit the basic
facts. Admiral Turner and John Blake (Acting
Deputy Director) received me on 18 November.
The Admiral assured me that the reduction repre-
sented no change in philosophy as to the importance
of human intelligence in the overall scheme of
things, that its role was recognized to be as vital as
ever. He explained that the reductions in the Opera-
tions Directorate structure were concentrated
almost exclusively in the headquarters element (only
13 overseas positions are to be eliminated), with the
objective of developing a more streamlined, re-
sponsive and professionally challenged staff. He
further stated that the reduction was an Agency
initiative, not mandated by any external authority;
and that, in large measure, it conforms to a plan con-
ceived in the Operations Directorate itself prior to
the Admiral's appointment. The essential difference
is that whereas the original plan was to reduce the
size of that Directorate by some 1300 positions over
six years (with minimum "people" impact), the
decision was to eliminate 820 professional and
semi-professional positions prior to the end of 1978,
with none planned after that date. Parenthetically,
the doubling of rate of reduction heightens the
"people" impact. The Agency strength will not be
reduced correspondingly as substantial new require-
ments exist elsewhere in the organization.
The Admiral stated that the selection of the per-
sonnel to be terminated early next year was in accord
with standing Agency regulations. On the other
hand, he was frank to admit that the notification
procedures left something to be desired. Employ-
ment termination dates would be adjusted, on a
case-by-case basis and to the extent feasible, to
mitigate hardship. Overall, the Admiral was con-
vinced that the reduction could be implemented
without adverse impact on the Agency's clandestine
operational intelligence and counter-intelligence
collection capability.
PERISCOPE is published quarterly by the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers,
Suite 303A, 6723 Whittier Ave., McLean, VA.
22101. Phone (703) 790-0320.
Editor: David Atlee Phillips
Assistant Editor: Pat Stringham
Assistant Editor: Douglas Blaufarb
Any material herein may be reproduced if
attributed to the Association of Former Intelligence
Officers. PERISCOPE is distributed widely in Wash-
ington, with copies delivered to the office of each
member of Congress and key government officials.
The center line of AFIO interest in this matter
stems from its conviction that a viable human intel-
ligence capability is the indispensable complement
to other collection means. Thus, AFIO is gratified by
the assurance from the senior official of the U.S.
intelligence community that the programmed reduc-
tion in the clandestine services does not portend any
de-emphasis of the role of human intelligence.
Policy statement is one thing; implementation is
quite another. AFIO accepts at face value the
evaluation of the leadership echelon of the CIA that
the reductions can be accomplished without de-
leterious effect on clandestine intelligence collection
capabilities. None the less, two aspects of the
reduction process will continue to command AFIO's
attention. Both concern people who - more so than
in any other institution - are hallmarks of an intel-
ligence organization's competence, efficiency, and
The first recognizes the monumental problems of
managing a cut of such severity in such a
compressed time-period while still ensuring high
operational capability and the "fundamentally
healthy and patriotic attitude," that Admiral Turner
states to be a characteristic of the Agency today. The
designation of some 25% of the individuals to be
eliminated from a single directorate has quite
obviously generated morale problems of consider-
able magnitude. AFIO joins the chorus of voices
which deplores the curtness of the termination
notifications as well as the way those notifications
were communicated and recommends these pro-
cedures be thoroughly reviewed. It is to be hoped
that the lessons learned will be taken into account in
managing the much larger increment to be desig-
nated for elimination in late 1978. Above all, AFIO will
wish to be assured that there is no substantial loss in
the continuity of operational experience and ex-
pertise on which future performance depends.
Our other concern - no less important - has to do
with the welfare and future of the personnel being
eliminated. Given the reductions already sustained
by the Operations Directorate over the past four
years, and also given the very high quality cross-
section of that Directorate to begin with, the per-
sonnel involved are not "dead wood". To the
contrary, they represent - individually and collec-
tively - impressive talent, much of it unique. Unless
personal preferences lie elsewhere, they should all
be harnessed to key assignments, commensurate
with ability, in other segments of public or private
endeavors dealing with matters of national security.
Nothing less would be equitable for the individual
concerned or in the best interest of our nation. AFIO
undertakes to do everything in its power to assist in
this process. Several corporations have already ap-
proached us indicating interest in resumes of per-
sonnel being terminated. If the members of AFIO link
arms in this effort, there is much we can do to place
these worthy individuals in new fields of work.