Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R00030
"' Leland Reports
Ramming Incident
YKJAV K, Iceland. Dec 6
tutoday after cujting
wl g wires of a $ritislj
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Iceland's dec
ing limit.
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200-mile fish-
kipper radioed
ships . pro ting
was quoted as saving
the ,ncident were the civili
Si*ius.andJ the Bri hto,'t. r ~I
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fit, Coast
Chile Paper Denies
C.I.A. Support -,
SAN TAGO, Chile, Dec. 6
(AP) -- Chile's most important
newspaper chair said today
that it "energetically rejects"
a United States Senate cornmit-
tee report tiiat.the Central In.
telligence Agency paid out SI.6
million to keep it publishing
during the era of the late, presi?
dent, Salvador Alieade Gos.
The chain's Santiago new,
paper, El Mfercurlo, said in a
front-page editorial that the re-
port by a Senate special com.
mittee investigating G.I.A.
activities "ventures far beyond
reality and is an incredible
maneuver to daTnage the pres-
tige of a news organ and those
who direct it."
G d ?v_ ~,1 aZ l~f 14 E, a
1 r,al,i confirming information pre-
viously made public, t e star: of the
Senate Select Committee on Intelli-
gence says the Central Intelligence
Agency was not directly involved in
the 197 coup. that overthretiv' the.
Chile 1 government of President Sal-
vadr.r r'S.itende Ccossens.
. However, the staff's 62-page report..
covcri. a ten-year history of United
States involvement in Chile, affirmed
that the' C.I.A. had made several major -
covert tempts to prevent Dr. Allen
.de's accession to power, including
suriert for `t military coup before hia
erection in 1870. Moreover, the United
States had advocated and e couraged
D:. .?itende's overthrow after 1.970,
and provided Covert suppo: t to op-0.
sition groups. But no e.-dance of direct
i... 1 States i :riven Cnt was found,
ti:?_ poCi Said. ?
For Release 2004/10/28 CIA-RDP88-01314R00030045001'6-7