Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2005 /jjT,,(
; 8 '88-0131
JUN 2.4 1964
Moxico is staging a last-ditch
fight to prevent Organization of
American States action pun-
ishing Communist-Cuba for sub-
version in Venezuela.
Mexico's OAS Ambassador
Viconto Sanchez Gavito startled
the New World diplomatic corps
in caucus recently by affirming
that "the Mexican government
may fall" if Mexico abandons
its pro-Cuba policy.
flu had previously raised dip-
lomatic eyebrows by insisting
the OAS meeting on Cuba could
not be held before Mexico's
presidential elections on July 5.
Nothing in hemisphere politics
is so cut-and-dried as a illexi-
can election, in which the candi-
date named by the ruling Party
of the Institutionalized Revolu-
tion is elected with machine-
like regularity.
The Ambassador's excuse was
i recognized as an undisguised
delaying tactic.
"Noveclades," one of Mexico's
leading newspapers, reports he
"spoke disdainfully" of the OAS.
The forthcoming meeting on
Cuba will test the stability of
the inter-American system, said
the paper.
Chile and Brazil are the only
countries backing Mexico. Bra-
zil may change at any minute,
since its pro-Cuba attitude is
considered a carry-over from
the Goulart regime.
Both the Mexican and Brazil-
ian opposition is credited in part
to the per= al slant of the re-
spective countries OAS repre-
sentatives. Dr. Sanchez Gavito,
has been an untiring personal
friend of the Communist Cuban
And tho Brazilian, Ambas-
sador Ilmar Pennamarinho, is
a career diplomat whose loyalty
is more likely to follow already
laid-down Brazilian Foreign ' Of-
fice policies than those of the
new revolutionary governrmnt.
Brazil's Foreign Office quite
often follows a policy that
varies from that of the Brazil-
ian presidency.
Dr. Juracy Magalhaes, the
newly arrived Brazilian ambas-
sador to Washington, in con-
trast is closely related to the
new Brazilian president. Politi-
cal gossip already mentions him
as a possible candidate for vice
president, or even president, in
the next elections.
Chile's case is simpler. The
Alesssandri government is not
unwilling to go along with sanc-
tions against Communist Cuba-
to break all diplomatic and
economic relations and cut com-
munications, as Venezuela de-
sires, but Chile is in the midst
of a hot-fought presidential
Neither the communist-Marx-
ist candidate, Sr. Salvador
Allende, nor the Christian
Democrats' c a n d i d a t e, Sr.
Eduardo Frei, wart to break
relations with Cuba. The Ales-.
sandri government feels that if
it severs relations now and
Sen. Allende, for instance, re
news them after he is elected,,
it will be "much worse" for.
I \'\A4 tCC
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