Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For ease 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T009718300020002-5
Top Secret
Central Intelligence Bulletin
State Department review completed
Top Secret
16 February 1971
Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A018300020002-5
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25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO18300020002-5
Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO18300020002-5
16 February 1971
Central Intelligence Bulletin
INDIA-PAKISTAN: Pakistani officials are "gravely
concerned over reported Indian military moves.
(Page 9)
USSR - LATIN AMERICA: Civil air service (Page 13)
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INDIA-PAKISTAN: Pakistani officials claim to
be "gravely concerned" over reported Indian military
moves in the wake of the recent hijacking and de-
struction of an Indian airliner.
The deputy chief of mission at the US Embassy
in Islamabad was briefed by the Foreign Ministry
yesterday on a series of alleged recent actions by
the Indian Army and air force. The moves could be
interpreted as foreshadowing imminent hostilities
between the two countries. Indian officials earlier
had complained of rumored moves by the Pakistani
armed forces near the West Pakistan - India border.
There is no confirmation of military moves by
the Indians, but both countries presumably will be
taking precautionary defensive action at a time when
bilateral relations are at their lowest point since
the brief war of 1965.
Events in both countries, meanwhile, tend to
cause further tension. Prime Minister Gandhi, cam-
paigning for the coming national elections, has con-
tinued to take a tough public stand against Paki-
stan, demanding not only compensation for the plane
and extradition of the hijackers but also a Paki-
stan pullout from that part of Kashmir which it has
"illegally" held since 1949. Across the border,
the hijackers, who apparently will not be prosecuted
by the government, are being treated as heroes by
the citizens of West Pakistan.
Officials of both nations, however, continue
quietly to seek a means for defusing the crisis.
The possibility of using the good offices of the
Central Intelligence Bulletin 9
Approved for Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A018300040002-5
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International Civil Aviation Organization is being
examined and, presumably, so is a reported offer by
the British to mediate the dispute. Meanwhile, the
Pakistanis have informed the UN Security Council by
letter of the facts of the case as seen from Isla-
mab ad.
16 Feb 71 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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USSR - LATIN AMERIC : o ero o he o-
viet airline, and Cubana Airlines expect to start
weekl air service from Havana to Santiago, Chile
is will be the tirst o
to ou America, and will include a refueling stop
in Lima. Cubana also has had no previous scheduled
service to South America, although it has been fly-
ing regularly to Mexico City. The Chilean airline
will have reciprocal rights and intends to schedule
flights to Havana via Lima. Aeroflot now flies
regularly twice a week from Moscow to Havana and
apparently will extend one of these flights onward
to Santiago. Moscow received overflight and emer-
gency-landing rights from Colombia late last year
and has been discussing civil air matters, includ-
ing the purchase of Soviet aircraft, with Peru over
the past several months
16 Feb 71 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Top Secret
Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO18300020002-5