Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : C~~![)P9~B01090R002600180004-7
The base plan should show accurately all the streets without names
of the particular city, plus trolley lines, railroad lines and stations,
mayor natural features such as rivers and lakes, and all parks in the
city. Word designations other than the city identification are not
desired. The direction of north should be indicated. The scale should be
as large as possible providing the finished product is not unwieldy, but
in any ease no smaller than 1 to 25,000. Unclassified versions are
desired, although "Confidential" is preferred to "Secret". The quality
of the paper should be such that the maps can 'be overmarked by pen,
standard or colored pencil, or cryon.
1. Stalinabad, Tadzhik SSR
2. Riga, Latvian SSR
3. Sukhumi, Georgian SSR
~+. Gorki (east of Moscow) RSFSR
5. Slavyanak, Ukrainian SSR
6. Yuzhno-Sakhalinak, RSFSR
7. Karshi, Uzbek SSR
8. Tallin, Estonian SSR
9. Asters, Azerbaydzhan SSR
10. Saratov, RSFSR
11. Uzhgorod, Ukrainian SSR
12. Irkutsk, RSFSR
13? Mary, Turkmen SSR
1~+. .Kaunas, Lithuanian SSR
15? Nakichevan', (Nakhichevan' ASSR) Azerbaydzhan SSR
16. Smolensk, RSFSR
AppY~ved ?~Qy1~?7~2dn: RDP92B01090R002600180004-7
r t CR~~
Approved For Release?Z,Q01/07/27 s~~I~R~R92B01090R00260~80004-7
18. Vladivostok, RSFSR
19. Petropavlovsk - Kamchatskiy, RSFS.R
20. Chardzhou, Turkmen SSR
21. Klaypeda, Lithuranian SSR
22. Chkalov, RSFSR
23. Frumze, Kirghiz SSR
2~. Liepaya, Latvian SSR
25. Molotov (perm), RSFSR
26. Chimkent, Kazakh SSR
27. Ventspils, Latvian SSR
28. Ternopol', Ukrainian SSR
29. Gomel', Belorussian SSR
30. Tomsk, RSFSR
31. Mogilev, Belorussian SSR
32. Krasnoyarsk, RSFSR
33? Vinnitsa, Ukrainian SSR
34. Sevastopol', Ukrainian SSR
35? Vorkuta (Komi ASSR), RSFSR
36. Yalta, Ukrainian SSR
37. Alushta, Ukrainian SSR
38. Stalino, Ukrainian SSR
39. Zaporozh'ye, Ukrainian SSR
Approved For Release 2001/07/27: CIA-RDP92~01090R002600180004-7
Approved For Release~.01/07/27 :~~2B01090R00260Q~,$0004-7
~+0. Pyarnu, Estonian SSR
41. Komisomolsk-na-Amur, RSFSR
~+2. Novosibirsk, RSFSR
~+3. Kazag (Tatar ASSR), RSFSR
~~+~+. Alma Ata, Kazakh SSR
45. Voronezh, RSFSR
~+6. Qmsk, RSFSR
~ This city is the subject of an existing special ORR pro3ect.
Approved For Release 2001/07/27: C~~P92B01090R002600180004-7