Approved For Release 2001/07/31 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000300310048-6
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Approved For Release 2001/07/31 :CIA-RDP78T05439A000300310048-6
TCS 1851/6+-KH
M/~ 222/61+
27 April 1961+
Copy _~
I~:a~'v'DUM rOR: (?'nief, Ballistic 2/tissiles and Space Division, OSI
TriROUGH: Chief, Requirezz~nts Branch, ReconnA~ssance Group, CGS
- FROM: Chief, CIA/PI:D (NPIC)
SLBJEG~i': Search for F3F' Broadcast Stations w~.thin 100 Nautical Miles
? of all Missile Izunc:a Complexes .in the USSR
REF'FRE"`CES: (a) Requirement C-SI-~+-?b1,170
(b) C1A/PZD Project C ~+9o-6~+
(c) emorandum M/'EB 198/61+
(d) E7ItN.660-ice' Signal Sources
1. T'nis memorandum is in r?dial response to yoar requirement dated
11 2farch 1Jo1+, requesting the location of all i~r' (1+-25 mc) radio broadcasting
stations : - thi : 100 nautical miles of all Soviet ICB:/, 2RBM, N~iBM launch
complexes a..d missile test centers, and the Shuang-Cheng-Tzu NLi.ssile Test
Center in ~ Cam- ~a that contain anter.:.:as Frnose orientations pass over-the launch
ccWp lex. C~1/PD/~~ Memo 198/61+ dated 16 April 1961 reported the results
of our work on t :e :..fissile test centers and ICB;~! launch complexes. Tnis memo
covers the :~' broadcast/cor.:-m~n;cation stations located within 100 nautical
..:. es of the 2R/i?'~Bb'I 1au_*ich complexes tirhich contain aniennas whose orientations
pass over the launch complexes.
2. A re-analyses o=..~1 previously repor~ed h< broadcast/co.~aunication
stations reveals the follcw~ .g statior...s which contain antenr~a.s whose orienta-
t-ior_s pass over an ~/.?~: 1au_?2ch complex. Reciprocal orientations of both
=~o:bics ar_d curtain arrays were utilized. An asterisk by a station inaicates
i~ :::-mss prez-io::sly reported :-~ ?~er a differer_t rR/Dt1'?BM launch complex. Item
nu :hers relate to 88 ~,L _: ~~:::anch complexes listed in an alphabetical form.
inose n _~~bera nc t 1 fisted i~c.icate that no HF stations were identified that fit
the par~~:.e ~~-rs of this stucy.
2. :~ty~ici__~__
~r stations at
a ? 1-r9- 59- 21+i~T 30-19- 3 GE
b. 1-'9-58-05:vT 30-1~15L
~ - ~+9- 59- ooN 30- 22- c;,~
~. ~+9-55-2oN jo-2C-1-lCR
'I`nese stations recuire detailed interpretation.
r.~ btu. iss .F R+s ?~
~ f/:~~ ~ ' v C . ...
SUBJECT: Search for Fi'r' Broadcast Stations within 100 TCS 1851/6-KH
Nautical Nliles of 1~7~. Missile Launch Complexes Nl~EB 222/61+
in the USSR
~+. ;:. rastasyevka.
a. 1+8-28-55~T 135-13-~+oy _
Orient~;.tion to launch coaplex (OLC) - degrees.
Distance to launch cc.._~_ax (DLC) 18 to 20 nautical miles-
Station consists of 13 r~.ombics.
i. One rhombic oriented 65/21+5 degrees
Estimated nominal design frequency (EDF.).11 me
b. 1+8-26-15N 135-21+-ooE
OLC ~ degrees
DLC ~ to 20 nautical miles
Station consists of at least 8 rhombics.
i. One rhombic oriented - degrees 25X1D
EDF 11.6 me
c. FiF' stations at:
~+8-321tiT 135-o3E
1-'8-25ti 135-21E
1+8- 27~T 135-2oE
1+8- 28=: 135- 20E
1+8- 2811 i35- o5E
i:ese stations rc.iuire detailed interpretation.
5. Salta
~+7- 57N 30- S~+E
OLC 275 to _ degrees
_;LC 55 nautical miles
iris station requires detailed interpretation..
6. Sarno-Orenburgskoye
a ? 1-13- 2N 1 1- 6E
OLC degrees
DLC '9 to 51 nautical miles
Station consists of two FTr linear arrays
i. One linear 3,570 feet long
Oriented degrees
EDF 7.5 me
8. Belo'orovichi
a. So-2g11 3o-1+1E
O~:C degrees '
LLr. .`v3 to 109 nautical miles
S~a.~ion consists of numerous cstain arrays, 8 rhombics,
amour V antenras, 5 horizontal dipoles, 6 cone antennas
i. Rhombic oriented aegrees
ii. Curtain oriented ~ degrees
iii. V antenna oriented 305 degrees
~ ?-~,~ --. .-.2..,
~',T3~TECT: Search for F r Broadcast Stations within 100 TCS 1851~6~+-KH
~.autical Nii.les o~ All i~ti.ssile Launch Complexes NI~EB 222~6~+
in the USSR
b. 50-371 25-35 -
OLC 65 to 75 degrees
DLC 100 nautical mile s=
Station consists of numerous rhombics.
This station requires-detailed interpretation.
10. Borshchev
a. 1+9-5~N 2~+-~+OE
25X1 D O~.C degrees
DLC 2 to 90 nautical miles
Station consists of numerous curtain arrays.
i. Sever~..~ curtains oriented 130/310 degrees
11. 'Brest '
-tea. 50-37N 25-35E
OLC degrees
DLC 93 to 95 nautical ~i1es
Station consists o~ ha]3--rhombics and ~ antennas.
This station requires detailed interpretation.
12. Brody
tea. 45-7~~ 21;--DOE
OLC 60 degrees
DLC 2-'+ nautical Hiles
ration consists o~ nu serous cu~,-fain arrays.
Several cu~~ains oriented 65/2+5 degrees.
5a-37N 25-3~:
=~,C 205 to 230 degrees
;yC 30 nautical miles
Station consists of numerous rho r'oics.
This station requires detailed interpretation.
1~ . Bylsh ov
a. 53-25id 28-31E
G~,C degrees
DLC 7 nautical miles
Station consists o~ two vez--tical radiators and one
~-~ linear array.
i. C__e h^r lir_ear array 6,775 meet long oriented
60/20 der;rees
ID:_. 1~+.5 me
SUBJECT: See.rch for HF Broadcast Stations within 100 TCS 1851/6+-KH
Nautical Nli.les of All Missile launch Complexes M/EB 222/6+
~... the USSR
1~:. Derazhnya
'tea. ~+9-S~+N 2~+-~O.E
OLC _ degrees
DLC 101 nautical miles
Station consists of numerous curtain arrays.
i. Several curtains oriented 90/270 degrees
EDF undetermined
b. 50-37N 25-35E
OLC 130 to 1~+0 degrees
DLC 100 nautical miles
..Station consists of numerous rhombics.
Station requires detailed interpretation.
17. ~ogobych
~a . 1+9- 5?+N 22;- ~+OE
OLC 235 degrees
DLC 52 nautical miles -
Station consists of numerous curtain arrays.
i. Several .curtains oriented 65/2+5 degrees.
18_ ~atlovo
a. 57-Z;i;~7 23-~8E
Station consists of 6 to 10 probable towers.
Station requires detailed interpretation.
21. Granov
~-a. 50-29N 30-~1E
OLC - 210 degrees
DLC 103 to 111 nautical miles
Station consists of numerous curtain arrays, 8 rhombics,
fc:~ V antennas, 5 horizontal dipoles, 6 cone antennas.
i. One rhombic oriented 30/210 degrees_
22. Gresk
-tea. 53-2587 2`-3-E
OLC 235 ~0 255 de~ees
DLC 25 to 31 nautical miles
Station consists o~ iwo ver-;.ical radiators and- one ice'
linear array.
i. One linear array 6,775 feet long oriented 60/2+0 degrees
EDr 1~- . 5 me
__._~.__..a.. _LC..: -
~~ TECT: Search for Imo' Broadcast Stations within 100 TCS 1851~6~--KH
Nautical Miles oi' All Missile launch Complexes NI~EB 222~6~+
in the USSR
23. Groznyy
a. ~2-o3N ~+-OlE
OLC -degrees
DLC 72 to 85 nautical miles
Station consists of 33 cvr-~ain arra
i. One curtain oriented 1~~~225
IDF 2 or ~+ bay 11. or 18.
ii. One cus-tain oriented
ys and 2
IDG ~+ or 8 bay 10.x+ or 18.7 me
a. 5~+--5o-15iv 19-56-1OF.
S~a~ion requires detailed interpretation.
'~`"b? 55-11N 23-~+8E
Station requires detailed interpretation.
~a. 5~+-~+o-15iv i9-56-ioE
Station requires detailed interpretation.
~b . 55-11N 23- ~+8s.
Station requires detailed interpretation.
Jelgava '
~. 55-1.L~T 23-~+SE
Station req?,,:.ires detailed interpretation.
~? 55-11id 23-~8E
Station requires detailed interpretation.
Ka.'~e~ its-Po~dolskiy
x-a: 47-S~irT 2~--ZFOE
OLC.- degrees
DLC 102 to 109 nautical miles
Station consists of numerous curtain arrays.
i. Several curtains at 130310 degrees
*-a. 50-37T~T 25-35E
OLC 350 to 10 degrees
DLC 15 nautical miles
Station consists of half rhombics and V antennas.
Station requires detailed interpretation.
25X1 D
25X1 D
Search for ice' Broadcast Stations 100 TCS 18j1~6~+-ice
Nautical :Miles of All Missile Launch Complexes M~EB 22261+
in the USSR
~. Iioro~ yen
tea. ~~_~~_~ 30-]+i?
II C~.C 20~ :~egrees
BLC 86 to 93 nautical miles
Station consists of numerous curtain arrays, rhombics,
and V antci-i:~~.s .
i,. :;,:~?~, ~?n I i?,,,?I,ra i,u, ?_L?i.r?l,r~,l ~l r'ff l.?n F'+f7
~! .i1. v,i~ 1?llul,iLiC oriented deices
IDF undetermined
2X1 D'
49- 55-2011
36- 20-1+0~
Wiese stations require. detailed interpretation.
:',rasp-gin o
-~~.-.-32_~ 131-56~
CLC 230 degrees
i~LC 71+ nautical .:~i1es
Station consists of two HF linear arrays.
i . Ore array 6, 51+5 feet long oriented ~ degrees
IDF 7 me
Nrasno zna.-~ens
x-a. 51r-1*o-15;~T 19-56-1oE
Station requires detailed interpretation.
Station requires detailed interpretation.
~'a. ~3-321tiT 131- 56E
CSC - degrees
DLC 37 nautical miles
S`~ation consists of two HF 1ir~ear arrays.
i. One linear array 6,sl+j feet long oriented - degrees
IDr 7 me
_~ stations at
3~. Lida
-~-a. 57-11N 23-?r8y
Statior, requires detailed interpretation.
SUB..yCT: Search for fi'r Broadcast Stations within 100 TCS 1851~6~+--KH
1Ta::tical Miles of All Missile Launch Complexes M,/EB 222~61~
in the USSR
1r~. Lutsk ~ '
-tea. 1+9- 51rN 2~--1+OE
OLC - degrees
DLC 51-58 nautical miles
Station co:~sists o~ numerous curtain arrays.
i. Several curtains oriented 0180 degrees
~_,=' undetermined
~ -mob. 50-3^, _: ~-37L
Station requires detailed interpretation.
1+3. oskovitsy
'i a ? 59- 3 ti 0-1+1E
OLC degrees
I DLC x+6-57 nautical miles
Station consists of one HF' linear array, 21+ curtain arrays,
two vertical radiators.
i. Linear array oriented 80260 degrees
EDr 3 _ 5 rzc
ii. Five curtain arrays oriented - degrees
I~DF undetermined
b- 59-52-3oTS 30-28-1oE
OLC 21+0 to _ degrees
DLC 1+5 to 57 nautical miles
St~.tion consists of two probable rhombics and six probable
..= :,ains .
', i. 3 curtains oriented degrees
~~ undetermined
ii. 3 curtains oriented degrees
F~F undetermi:ned
c. 59-~3-SON 30-02-20E
Station reouires detailed interpretation.
d. 59-1+3-20ZT 30-12-1OE
.:,-ration requires detailed interpretation.
1-'S. Nadvornaya
-tea . 1+9- 51+-~ 21;-1T GE
OLC degrees
;LC 76 to 77 nautical miles
Static . consists of numerous c,zr~ain arrays.
i . :several cu_ ~a,ins at 0180 degrees
:Wr undetermined
sua_--ECr: Search for F7'.~' Br0^4GC2St Stations within 100 TCS 1851/6:-KH
:autical Nii.les of ~l N.issile Launch Complexes M/EB 222/6+
in the ::SSR
4'; . ilovosysoyev?sa
~-a. 1-t-3-321J 131-76E
OLC - degrees
DLC 72 to 75 nautical miles
S..ation consists of two ~r'~ linear arrays.
i. One array 6,5+5 feet long oriented - degrees
IDF 7 me
~+8. Ostrog
-tea. ~+9- j1+N 2~+-1+OE
OLC ~ to 75 degrees
DLC 1 to 82 nautical miles
Station consists of nu.:.erous curtain arrays.
i. several cur-;,ains, at 90/270 degrees
EDF ur~deter:..ined
ii. Several curtains at 65/2+5 degrees
EDr ur_determined
-~b? 50-3711 25-35E
OLC 110 to 120 degrees
DLC 80 nautical miles
Statior. consists of half rho~nics and V antennas.
Station requires detailed interpretation.
51. Pervo.W..ys.~
tea. ~+5-57~ 30-5~r,
OLC - to 150 de~.ees
DLC 1 to 5 nautical miles
Staiion requires detailed interpretation.
52. - Pins_~
tea. ~ 50--373v 25-35E
OLC 5 degrees
DLC 95 nautical miles
Station consists cf half rhombics and V antennas.
Station requires detailed interpretation.
60. = :ry Oze=:
GLC 1j tc degre~:s
DLC 63 tc 67 nautical ..._les
Static=. consists of namerous curta~.__ arrays and six rhombics.
y. C. e rho ~bic oriented - negrees
- _ ~=~ . 6 We
Static: requires detailed in-terpre~ation.
~.J ~ Ci `.tee... -.... : ~'v ~ l?
SUBJECT: Search Por ~~~ Broadcast Stations within 100 TCS 1851~6~-KFi
nautical b:iles o~ A11 N,issile Iaunc:; Complexes NS~EB 222~6~+
in the USSR
61. Sateilsiai
~-a. 75-1 l N 23-~+8E
Station requires detailed interpretation.
62. Siuferopol
a. ~+3-33-00~ 33-33-3oE
Station requires detailed interpretation.
6~+. Smorgon
~-a. 55-11~T 23-~+~
Station requires detailed interpretation.
65. Solzal
tea. 50-37=~ 25-35i
OLC 250 to 260 degrees
DT_.C 50 nautical wiles
Station consists of halms rhombies and V antennas.
Station requires detailed interpretation.
66. sovetsk
tea. 55-111tiT 23-~+8E
Station requires detailed interpretation.
-mob. 51+-~o-15~v 19-56-1oE
Station requires detailed interpretation.
68. Tsa.~rage
tea. 55-lli~ 23-SSE
Station requires detailed interpretation.
xb. 5i:-~+o-15N 19-56-10
Station requires detailed interpretation.
ii. One rho~foic oriented -degrees
EL. undetermined
72 . V_~me_ ~ e
~G. 55-~~ 23-~88
S:,ation require detailed interpretation.
~~ ur_determined
69. Taybolu
a . 68- 07=~: 33- l~E
OLC _to 15 degrees
DEC 19 to 23 nautical miles
Static.. co.:.ists o~ 8 rhombies and one tall tower.
~. - .-o ruo:abics oriented- degrees
_ ~ -~ ~-
` ~ -
Search for ham' Broadcast Stations within 100
TCS 1851~6~+-KH
1'autical N~i1es of A11 Missile Launch Complexes
in the USSR
NEB 222~6~+
73. Uman
-~_ 50-29,~ 30-~:~
OLC dew ees
DLC 91 to 9 nautical miles
Station consists of numerous curtain arrays, rhombics and
V antennas.
i. One V a-henna oriented - degrees
mF undeterained
79. Zagare
~-a. 55-?1N 23-~+8E
Station requires detailed interpretation.
~-a. 50-2y~d 3o-1+1E
OLC _ to 260 degrees
DLC 92 to 95 r_autical miles
Station consists
V a_-iterr_cs .
of numerous curtain arrays,
rhombics oriented
r~o:aoics oriented
~~ . Z:~a"'.."ciiS::
Siai:~o.: reca:;.res detailed interpretation.
--moo. ~~-~+O-ll+i` 19-So-loF,
Station requires detailed interpretation.
SUB.7y'CT: Search forr3r 3roadcast Stations within 100 TCS 1851~6~+-KFi
Iautical Nliles of ~1 N~i.ssile Launch Complexes NI~EB 222~6~+
in the USSR
3. HF stations within approxi.:ately 100 nautical miles of launch
complexes ,zrich contain antennas whose orientations pass over launch complexes
were identified at 5 2CH:d and 23 IR~i~~til launch complexes.
~. ?.=:ne 3hoto analy~~s on this project are
who r..zy be contacted on extension 2?+21 should you have any
further questions concerning this project.
5. This ?project is not considered to be complete. It is estimated that
Three months ai.:itioral work is required to complete this requirement.