Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
1 Approved For Releast 2004/J1/30 : CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060075-8
Journal Office of Legislative Counsel
Tuesclay 20 January 1976
7? LIAISON OGC, called and 25
said he received a request yesterday from. a Capt. Kenneth Ruggles,
DDR&E, DOD, who will be testifying before Senator Claiborne Poll.'s
(D., R.I.) Senate Foreign Relations Arms Control Subcommittee, on
the subject of weather modification review. He said Ruggles expects to be
asked if CIA is involved. Harris said he has been in touch with.George Carver,
NIO; on this and worked out some language for Ruggles' use. I made a few
changes in it and he said he would check these out with Carver.
Committee, called and said he was writing an introductory statement for the
Chairman's use on Thursday when the Director appears for the world
wrap-up briefing. He said he is going to nut in the- s fF?mnnt the suggestion
couicl permit some associate staff members
(individuals who are on the Committee payroll, but who work for the
individual members) to sit in on the briefing Thursday. He said there are
about five people involved and they have OSD secret clearances. I told, him
I would check. this out and be back in touch.
9. LIAISON Called Clark McFadde4 Senate
Armed Services Committee staff, and told him that Mr. Colby would be
able to do the world wrap-up briefing on 28 January, but that as soon as
Mr. Bush is confirmed, Mr. Colby will be leaving. McFadden said that:
it looks like the confirmation will come up on the 26th, I told him that the
Director feels that if Mr. Bush is confirmed on Monday, he shouldn't
testify on Wednesday, and that I would talk to Mr. Bush and. ask him whether
he would want to testify on Wednesday if he is confirmed on Monday.
House Appropriations Committee staff, a memorandum. requesting comments
a 25 November article by Henry Taylor concerning conversations between
Leonid Brezhnev and six Soviet satellite leaders.
Approved For Release 2004/11130_: CIA-RDP78MO266OR000300060075-8