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Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Approved For Release 2003/16/EQQRI -' DP79T00975A012300010001-3
No. 0280/68
7 October 1968
Central Intelligence Bulletin
South Vietnam: Situation report. (Page 1)
Czechoslovakia: Leadership to be tested by popular
reaction. (Page 3)
Peru: The new government is proceeding with restraint.
Page 4)
Chile: The Christian Democrats and Communists are
cooperating at the University of Chile. (Page 5)
India-Sikkim: Growing Sikkimese demands for greater
autonomy are unlikely to loosen India's hold. (Pagel)
Latin America: Che Guevara Day (Page 8)
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C South Vietnam: Several heavy engagements in
the Mekong Delta highlighted military activity' in
South Vietnam over the weekend.
Allied forces operating against large-scale
Communist troop concentrations and base areas in the
northern delta killed more than 300 of the enemy in
a series of battles in Vinh Long, Dinh Tuong, and
Kien Phong provinces. Moreover, ground exploitation
of B-52 strikes west of Can Tho in Phong Dinh Prov-
ince yielded an additional 29 Viet Cong killed. Al-
lied casualties in all of these actions were light.
Nearer Saigon, the Communists stepped.up their
terrorist and sabotage activity. Portions of the
eastern flank of the Ben Luc bridge southwest of
Saigon astride Highway 4--the capital's economic
lifeline to the delta--were destroyed by an under-
water demolition charge. A pontoon bridge was
erected as a temporary bypass, but military and ci-
vilian traffic was snarled along approach routes
throughout the weekend.
Since 21 August, the Viet Cong have damaged or
destroyed nine important bridges in the IV Corps
area, four in the past week. Captured documents
have placed increased emphasis on the interdiction
of overland lines of communication, especially
Highway 4, in an effort to strangle Saigon econom-
ically by disrupting the flow of vitally needed ag-
ricultural products from the delta to the capital.
Through their interdiction efforts the Communists
also hope to force farmers to rely more heavily on
the delta's inland waterways rather than allied-
patrolled roadways for the transport of their pro-
duce, because this greatly facilitates Viet Cong
taxation and control measures.
Elements of three North Vietnamese regiments--
the 21st,.31st, and 141st--continued to harass the
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allied Special Forces camp at Thuong Duc southwest
of Da Nang, but no major ground contacts developed.
The allies have launched a multi-battalion sweep
operation to relieve the enemy's 10-day siege.
7 Oct 68 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Czechoslovakia: Statements by Czechoslovak
leaders attempting to soften the impact of the recent
Moscow communique probably will have little effect
on the popular impression that the Dubcek leadership
has all but caved in to Soviet demands.
The rather bleak outcome of the talks may have
generated a Western press report that the current
leadership is about to resign. According to a UPI
story of 6 October, high government sources in Prague
claim that Dubcek, President Svoboda, Premier Cernik,
and National Assembly President Smrkovsky may resign
at a plenum to be held sometime this week. Rumors
concerning the resignation of the Dubcek leadership
have been heard in the past, however, and there is
nothing to confirm this latest report. 7
. Dubcek reportedly was in tears when he embraced
Smrkovsky at the airport upon arrival from Moscow
just before midnight on 4 October. Only Cernik stopped
to comment to reporters, saying the talks had been
"very serious, very calm, and without complications."
He further claimed that the delegation had pointed to
Soviet "shortcomings" in carrying out previous agree-
ments, but made clear that the delegation was recon-
ciled to active Soviet "assistance" in carrying out
the "normalization" process.
Details of the communique apparently were known
in Prague several hours before the delegation re-
turned. Significantly, there was no crowd of Dubcek
well-wishers on hand, probably indicating popular dis-
satisfaction over the outcome of the talks. Should
the leadership in fact lose public support or become
divided, the Soviets could be expected to make short
work of erasing the Dubcek reforms.
On 5 October, Prague radio carried an interview
with Czechoslovak Defense Minister Dzur, who expressed
optimism over prospects for an early withdrawal of
Warsaw Pact troops from Czechoslovakia. Dzur said
he counted on the departure of the large majority of
these forces before Czechoslovakia's 50th anniversary
on 28 October. He qualified this, however, by claim-
ing that much will depend on Prague's implementation
of the recent Moscow protocol.
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Peru: The new military government's restraint
has helped to avoid strong public reaction, and pro-
test demonstrations are dwindling.
Members of ousted President Belaunde's cabinet
have been released from detention. Rumors that other
political leaders would be arrested apparently were
groundless, although constitutional guarantees have
not yet been restored. Most important political
groups still criticize the coup, but two have justi-
fied it. One of these is a faction of Belaunde's
own party which broke with him on 21 September.
I the principal
extremist student organization has decided to refrain
from violence in the belief that the new government
is strongly progressive and nationalist, as well as
in the hope of preserving university autonomy.
The military government's caution not to alien-
ate the public will help it realize its apparent
plans to retain power for some time. A formal noti-
fication of its assumption of power sent to the US
Embassy mentioned "cordial relations," but there is
little indication that the officers expect an early
resumption of relations by the US.
The government promptly canceled the agreements
which Belaunde had reached last summer with the US-
owned International Petroleum Company. It called
the agreements "injurious to national interests."
7 Oct 68 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Chile: The Christian Democrats and the Commu-
nists-Fa-ve formed an alliance at the University of
Chile that may enable them to gain control of most
of the university machinery.
An earlier attempt at cooperation was short-
lived, but the Christian Democrats evidently believe
that such an alliance is their only way to maintain
influence in the university. The Christian Democrats
presently control the student federation but have
very little strength among the teachers.
The university student federation, headed by a
Christian Democrat, joined Communists in riots on 5
October. The US Consulate and the Uruguayan Embassy
in Santiago were attacked during the melee, and the
son of Christian Democratic presidential hopeful
Radomiro Tomic was injured.
The Communists have cooperated with the more
extremist Socialists in the past, and they report-
edly wanted to continue this partnership during the
convention on university ' reform that ended on 29 Sep-
tember. The Socialists, however, believed that they
had to take an independent position, and their chief
participant reportedly was extremely hostile to the
If the alliance between the Christian Democrats
and the Communists holds together, it should score
an overwhelming victory in next month's election of
new officers for the student federation and may also
obtain control of other university bodies.
7 Oct 68 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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India-Sikkim: Sikkimese demands for greater
autonomy are growing, but they are unlikely to lead
to any loosening of India's hold.
si imese resent their protectorate status, which
imposes Indian control over Sikkim's defense and
foreign relations and has permitted India to place
its officials in prominent positions throughout the
Sikkimese Government.
Sikkim's ruling maharaja, in his contacts with
foreign diplomats, has voiced considerable frustra-
tion over the inhibitions imposed on Sikkim by the
treaty. Although in September his government offi-
cially deplored a small anti-India demonstration in
Gangtok, the capital, it probably sympathized with
the demonstrators' demand for independence.
India reportedly is willing to loosen its con-
trol over Sikkim's internal administration, but the
already poor prospects for any broad treaty revision
will probably diminish even further in reaction to
Sikkimese pressure tactics.
The kingdom's strategic location astride the
Tibetan border makes it a vital link in India's
border defense against China. Increased Indian at-
tention has been drawn to the region by the recent
redeployment of Chinese troops along Sikkim's border
and by Indian parliamentary and press allegations of
sinister motives behind American scholarly research
projects in the Himalayas. In September, India
revoked its newly permissive attitude toward travel
to Sikkim and is now issuing permits only
ceptional cases.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Latin America: Terrorist attacks against US
personnel and facilities may occur in various Latin
American countries this week in commemoration of
the first anniversary of Che Guevara's death on 9
7 Oct 68 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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