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6 August 1963
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6 August 1963
2. Indonesia--Malaysia: The Manila conference
communique is a psychological victory for Indo-
nesia in its anti-Malaysia campaign. (Page 3)
25X1 3. Notes:
(Page 4)
India; Syria; Iran;. Chile;
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Indonesia- Malaysia: The communique issued at
the conclusion of the Manila conference on 5 August
is a psychological victory for Indonesia in its cam-
paign against the formation of a Malaysia federation.
The communique, approved by the Indonesian,
Malayan, and Philippine heads of state, recommends
that the UN secretary general or his representative
examine and verify the recent elections conducted
under the British administration in Borneo and Sara-
wak, two of the four areas which have agreed to join
Malaysia. Even though it may not delay formation of
the federation, this recommendation throws doubt on
the processes by which the federation project has
been developed so far. Furthermore, Indonesia will
use it to justify continued opposition to the federation
whether the provisions of the communique are carried
out or not.
The three heads of state agreed to the formation
of "Mapilindo"--a loose association for consultations
on area security and economic development. This as-
sociation gives Indonesia a voice it has not previously
had in area defense arrangements.
The communique also states that foreign bases
should not be used "directly or indirectly to subvert
the national independence of any of the three countries,"
and that the three governments would "abstain from
the use of arrangements of collective defense which
serve the particular interests of any of the big powers."
This section could be directed against the US's free-
dom to use bases in the area and, possibl a ainst
the ' particiiation in SEATO.
8Aug 85
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India: Nehru's cabinet, which had earlier rejected
an Indian-US agreement- -already signed- -providing
for partial use by the Voice of America of a trans-
mitter to be built for India by the US, now appears
somewhat more amenable.
This decision
is the result of second thoughts by some influential
Congress Party politicians, whose objections to the
greement have now been outweighed by their concern
or the consequences to the overnment's re utation
it re
6 Aug 63 DAILY BRIEF 4
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ria: The cabinet reshuffle of 4 August is de-
signed tO give the appearance of a more representa-
tive government. The new 18-man cabinet ostensibly
includes nine "independent unionists," but these in-
clude several individuals almost indistinguishable
from Baathists. Cairo almost certainly will not view
this cabinet as any improvement over its predecessor,
and will continue to oppose the Syrian regime.
Iran: The government has released from jail the
reactionar .mullahs who had been arrested for inciting
antigovernment riots last June. The regime apparently
hopes to reach a truce with the religious leadership
before the elections scheduled for 17 September. The
ringleaders are still not permitted to leave Tehran,
however, and their continued presence there could
excite their followers to renew agitation against the
Shah. Large crowds gathered late last week at the
residence of the most prominent of the released mullahs
but were dispersed by police,
Chile: President Alessandri has ordered the
Foreign Ministry to examine the pros and cons of
eventually re-establishing diplomatic relations with
the USSR and certain other bloc countries. The for-
eign minister said this move was motivated by bloc
overtures to a. Chilean trade mission which recently
toured Europe and to the expectation that international
tensions may relax following the conclusion of the
nuclear test-ban treaty. Another factor is probably
a fear that Bolivia, Chile's rival in the Rio Lauca
dispute, will move to re-establish relations with the
bloc fir t
6 Aug 63
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The Vice President
Executive Offices of the White House
Special Counsel to the President
The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
The Scientific Adviser to the President
The Director of the Budget
The Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The Department of State
The Secretary of State
The Under Secretary of State
The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council
The Director of Intelligence and Research
The Treasury Department
The Secretary of the Treasury
The Under Secretary of the Treasury
The Department of Defense
The Secretary of Defense
The Deputy Secretary of Defense
The Secretary of the Army
The Secretary of the Navy
The Secretary of the Air Force
The Assistant Secretary of Defense (international Security Affairs)
The Assistant Secretary of Defense
The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff
Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
Chief of Staff, United States Army
Commandant, United States Marine Corps
U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Commander in Chief, Pacific
Commander in Chief, Atlantic
The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
The Director, The Joint Staff
The Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff
The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army
The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force
The Department of Justice
The Attorney General
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Director
The Atomic Energy Commission
The Chairman
The National Security Agency
The Director
The United States Information Agency
The Director
The National Indications Center
The Director
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