Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved Foolease 20044H,%.
SUBJECT : BLACK SHIELD Technical Meeting
This report constitutes:
Part I - General Aircraft Items
Part II - Propulsion Items
Attachment I - Agenda
Attachment II - Decisions and Actions
Attachment III - SKYLARK II Mission Success Rates
Attention is called particularly to Attachment II for
follow-up actions required.
1. BLACK SHIELD aircraft modifications are reported by
Lockheed as on schedule except for flight test aircraft 121
which is two weeks late.
2. Discussion of the plastics problem was deferred pending
Headquarters. assessment of Mr. Johnson's letter setting forth
his position on the use of silicone-asbestos.
3. Test priorities were established for aircraft 122 and
129 as indicated in Attachment II.
4. Climate-environment testing on aircraft 132 is scheduled
to start 7 July at McCoy ABB. Parts availability is scheduled
for 15 June. These include a rain remover system, water separator
system, and a windshield de-icer system.
25X1 5. is currently paced by an installation relocation
of antennae to improve effectiveness.
Excluded from al omstL
da!;n^radin? and
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Approved Foolease 2004/11/29 : CIA-RDP71B003 000600120025-4
6. Mission success rate figures have improved with the
SKYLARK II modified aircraft. Current experience reflects a
56% success rate compared to a 25% success rate established in
the Fall of 1964 for SKYLARK I. Details are shown on Attachment
7. The Minneapolis-Honeywell Family improvement program
items listed on Attachment I were discussed with their problem
area definitions and corrective actions. Concern was expressed
that the availability of instrumented aircraft 132 will be
minimized by the climate-environment test program and that the
MH program therefore will be delayed aperhaps not be completed
Detachment indicated 25
prior to BLACK SHIELD deployment. The and
that incompletion of this program would not constitute a "no-go"
for BLACK SHIELD and further indicated that the MH systems were
in a "go" condition today. As indicated on Attachment II,
aircraft 132 will be held on flight status until its scheduled
modification date (and not go down two weeks earlq in order to
maximize availability for the MH improvement programs.
8. Mach 2.9 and 3.2 were established as the slow/fast
profile for BLACK SHIELD as indicated on Attachment III and as
amplified in Part II paragraph 9.
9. General Ledford and Mr. Parangosky stressed the
requirement for periodic progress reports covering flight
test programs in support of BLACK SHIELD by the contractors
and 0 components involved, and for meantime between
failure records of system components in order to better
schedule preventative maintenance and improve reliability.
1 :1
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Approved Fo*lease 2004/11/29: CIA-RDP71B0034000600120025-4
1. Single Engine Performance:
This item was reviewed by Mr. Johnson and
aircraft 129, flight 115 on 8 June 1965 were presented. The
flight was performed with Y engines with
single engine performance began at 3.2M
J afterburners and
at 79,000 ft.
Article weight at start of single engine
- 79,000 lbs.
Total single engine distance
Total fuel used during single engine
- 14,000 lbs.
Distance covered in descent to 30,000 ft.
- 215 Kn. mi.
Distance covered in cruise
- 170 Kn. mi.
Single engine cruise fuel consumption
- 25 nautical
miles per
1000 lb. of
25X1 I Icommented that a single engine emergency rating
could e oDT. ained with the J engine by increasing EGT to 845? C.
A similar emergency rating for the YJ engine is being investigated.
Mr. Brown also related that earlier concern for "freezing up"
of engine oil during windmilling operation was unwarranted and
a windmilling engine apparently receives enough heat to prevent
A relight was obtained on the windmilling engine on this
flight at 11,000 ft. with RPM of windmilling engine between
1100 and 1200 RPM. This relight was obtained with the 24 shot
TEB system.
2. Mr. Johnson discussed recent information developed on
the inlet system and briefly described plans for inlet investigations
I 25X1
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to be conducted in the immediate future. He indicated that most
of the possible modifications to the inlet have been completed
and the only two possibilities remaining to be explored are
tests to investigate improved spike centering and adding vortex
generators to the spike. Current levels of distortion and
recovery achieved on aircraft 129 were quoted as 9 to 13% and
77 to 78% respectively at Mach 3.2. The recovery at Mach 3.2
was quoted as 77 to 78% except for the bad area at the north-
west quadrant. A modified spike will be tested which is arranged
so that its centerline position can be varied. Mr. Johnson
described the situation at Mach 2.6 as a condition of maximum
q with the spike at its halfway axial position. The pressures
associated with the maximum q condition represent the maximum
side loads on the spike and when the spike is at its halfway
position its centering alignment in the duct is less rigidly
determined by possible flexibility of the spike and track.
Indications are that this miscentering of the spike at the
halfway position can amount to an equivalent difference of
3 inches in axial position of the spike between the northwest
and southeast quadrants. Mr. Johnson also indicated that this
miscentering effect could be related to the different engine
blowou% effect t certain flight conditions. Mr. Johnson
quoted as saying that "the flow pattern into the
engine is perfectly satisfactory at Mach 3.2," indicating that
at the design condition flow conditions into the engine are
satisfactory but it is at the intermediate Mach numbers that
improvement is needed.
Mr. Johnson said that the vortex generators will give more
angle of attack tolerance at all flight conditions but he does
not know as yet just where on the spike (presumably at what
portion of the subsonic flow portion of the spike) the vortex
generators should be positioned.
In summary, Mr. Johnson described the remaining work on the
inlet to be concentrated on more maneuver margin, more engine
blowout tolerance, and on making sure that the inlet is not
passing on any troubling conditions to the engine below Mach 3.2.
3. A brief discussion was held regarding the A-50 additive
to the engine fuel. was not sure of the status of
P&W's tests to find a new carrier fluid for the cesium additive
since new government regulations on the detergent industry have
eliminated the detergent byproduct used previously as the
%/ 25X1
Vr_X' w
Approved Foolease 2004/11/29: CIA-RDP71B0030000600120025-4
25X1 A-50 fluid. I will look into this and MD/OSA will
also check into the current status of this matter.
4. The engine relight tests were discussed briefly and
25X1 reaffirmed the intent of these tests as determining
the relight envelope of the 24 shot system to ascertain that the
quoted number of shots of the current 12 shot system can be
changed to 16 shots.
5. The designation of priority flight test items on aircraft
122 were discussed at several times during the course of this
meeting. Most of the current engine testing is being devoted
to roughness investigations with Bendix Main Fuel Controls which
is not a priority BLACK SHIELD test item. It does apply to
BLACK SHIELD however, insofar as some YJ engines for BLACK SHIELD
will have Bendix controls. The two main priority aircraft 122
engine test items for BLACK SHIELD should be the relight tests
with the 24 shot TEB system and testing of the "Frosty" Hamilton-
Standard Fuel Control. The fuel derichment system should also
be added here since this is a BLACK SHIELD item. However, the
testing of this system does not necessarily have to be done on
article 122 but it would be preferable to test this system on
an engine instrumented aircraft. The main objective of these
tests will be to ascertain that the system reduces the main
engine fuel flow to a low enough value to prevent over-temperatures
during inlet unstarts without dropping the main engine fuel-air
ratio below lean blowout.
25X1 6. I I and D/TECH personnel expressed concern over
the problems involved in attempting to equip engines with BLACK
SHIELD priority improvements and keeping these engines set aside
for BLACK SHIELD aircraft as they come out of the Mod program.
25X1 also expressed concern over the overall flight program
ana i lation to the engine management picture. He indicated
that with the current engine management procedures flight time
may be used on BLACK SHIELD priority engines before they are
needed for BLACK SHIELD and that some engines are being held out
West as vacuum cleaner engines when they should be returned to
overhaul so as not to suffer a loss in overall available engine
flight hours. The Florida developed FOD screens were discussed.
D/TECH will send P&W a wire in the very near future requesting
shipment of the two available screens to the Area in an effort
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Approved FoSlease 2004/11/29 : CIA-RDP71B003S000600120025-4
to reduce the need for so called vacuum cleaner engines. A
question arose here as to whether P&W had received an accounting
of the flight hours required for the BLACK SHIELD Validation
plan. This matter will be checked further and P&W will be
supplied with this information.
25X1 7. briefly reviewed his interpretation of what
constitutes a proper engine reliability validation flight test
125X1 program. read the applicable portion (Item 14A)
of the OPS paper on the BLACK SHIELD Validation plan and
la greed that this constituted a proper engine validation
program. concern was that engine validation flights
may be clouded by other tests and he was assured that all BLACK
SHIELD test flights would be "full blown" mission flights and
would be appropriate engine validation flights.
25X1 8. then gave a chart supported presentation on
recent engine flight test results and problems. This involved
primarily a documentation of substantial improvements in fuel
control performance and the status of the Main Gear Box situation
which resulted from a hydraulic pump idler shaft bearing failure
on Engine #219 outlining the action being taken to prevent
further gearbox bearing failures. Copies of the charts included
25X1 in presentation are available in D/TECH. The engine
contractor representatives in attendance in addition to Mr.
A rather lengthy and involved discussion developed on the
overall engine EGT trimming problem. The problem of difficulty
in trimming of the engine during and after tanker hook-up due
to lack of a CIT gage which reads below 0?C was discussed and
25X1 (LAC) agreed to investigate the possibility of obtain-
25X1 ing a better gage. I lalso proposed a procedure
whereby the tanker crew wou read a correct CIT for the existing
flight speed and altitude and would read a correct EGT setting
125X1 to the A-12 pilot. I Isaid he would establish a proper
procedure and check it out a eale AFB. It would appear that
this procedure would improve the trimming situation at the
tanker substantially especially if a proper CIT gage for the A-12
cannot be obtained. The problem of proper trimming of the fuel
control at cruise was discussed at some length and LAC personnel
indicated that the current trim tolerances as outlined by P&W
were unacceptable since they could result in a substantial cruise
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range loss. It was decided that a redefinition of proper cruise
EGT trimming tolerances would be deferred until after more
flight testing of the Hamilton "Frosty" control is completed
in aircraft 122. The error gage and auto trimmer are being
developed by LAC and P&W respectively but improvement in fuel
control trimming procedures is definitely required before and
during the period after these systems become available. It
would appear that the current cruise trimming procedures
outlined by P&W should be used in early BLACK SHIELD practice
flights with "Frosty" controls on aircraft 131 and other air-
craft as they complete the Mod program until more flight testing
is completed on aircraft 122.
9. The proper choice of cruise mach number for the various
legs of BLACK SHIELD missions was discussed and it was ascertained
that "slow" legs of the mission would be flown at Mach 2.9 and
the "fast" leg at 3.2. As well as could be determined at this
point is time Mach 3.0 is still the point above which more
severe engine distress may be experienced. Mach 2.9 for the
slow leg has the following advantages: 1) It is out of the
Mach 2.4 - 2.8 duct roughness regime; 2) It results in a sub-
stantial reduction in inlet distortion harmful to engine performance
and life; 3) It affords better aircraft performance (range).
Mach 3.2 is no longer characterized by poor inlet performance
and reliability. Choice of the above mach numbers for various
portions of BLACK SHIELD missions will allow the BLACK. SHIELD
mission to be accomplished at as high a mach number as possible
without accumulating Mach 3+ flight time on engines at an
excessive rate.
10. Engine related items requiring follow-up are as follows:
25X1 a. (LAC) will investigate availability
of improved gage.
b. I will investigate procedure whereby
EGT settings for A-12 pilot will be provided by tanker
at refueling
c. Engine flight test priorities will be reestablished
for aircraft 122.
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d. The overall engine availability situation will
be investigated by P&W and OSA/MD as it relates to BLACK
SHIELD. P&W will be supplied with current flight test
hour requirements for OXCART, KEDLOCK, and TAGBOARD
including the BLACK SHIELD Validation plan.
e. Correct cruise EGT trimming tolerances will
be established by P&W following further flight testing
of fuel controls on aircraft 122.
2. Go-ahead on auto'trimmer development.
3. Order for 30 additional derichment devices for
D/TECH/OSA has authorized go-ahead on the following:
1. Delivery of two FOD screens to
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Att. I to
General Ledford: Opening Remarks (0900)
1. Lockheed: (0915-1030)
a. Single Engine Performance
b. Limited Visibility and Climate Test
c. Plastics
d. A-50 Additive Tests
e. Engine Relight/TEB Capacity Tests
f. ARC-50 Installation Cooling
g. Major Modification Progress - Significant slippages
or parts shortages such as All Attitude Fuel Probes,
Air Data Computer
h. SKYLARK II Aircraft 125, 128, 132 (Mission Flight
and Overall Flight System) reliability figures for
period 1 May through 4 June.
i. Aircraft 121 Modification Progess - significant
slippages or parts shortages.
j. Recent aircraft 129 activity including inlet test
and cruise program.
k. Aircraft 122 activity
2. Pratt & Whitney (1030 - 1145)
a. Engine Durability Validation Clarification.
b. Fuel Controls - "Old" Hamilton, Bendix, "Frosty"
Hamilton Improvement Statistics.
c. EGT Trim Procedures.
d. Main Gearbox Inspection and Fix Status
3. Minneapolis-Honeywell: (1145-1215)
a. Mach Hold
b. Ste.ering Needle Bias
c. Asymmetric Bank
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5. Minneapolis-Honeywell South: (1315-1345)
a. INS Turn Program
b. World Wide Capability
c. INS/HF Interference
d. Battery to Isolate INS
25X1 6.
Detachment: (1345-1430)
a. SKYLARK Phase II Aircraft 125, 128, 132
Mission Success Rate 1 May through 4 June.
b. BLACK SHIELD Flight Validation Experience Applicable
to date.
7. Headquarters OXCART Division: (1430-1515)
Outstanding Items from 9 June meeting on BLACK SHIELD
Validation and Test.
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Approved. Foolease 2004/11/29: CIA-RDP71 80030000600120025-4
Att. II to
1. The following represents decisions and actions resulting
at the 10 June BLACK SHIELD meeting at be It is expected
that these decisions and actions will be o. owed and/or imple-
mented by the appropriate parties concerned:
a. Aircraft 122 Flight Test Priorities:
1) Engine Relight/TEB Evaluation
2) Hamilton-Standard "Frosty" main fuel control
3) A-50 AR Additive evaluation.
b. Aircraft 129 Flight Testing to focus on:
1) Single Engine Performance
25X1 2) Max: Range Demonstration
and designed to minimize engine overtemperature during
inlet unstarts will be evaluated on the flight test aircraft.
d. Lockheed generated product rule probability will
continue as a subsystem performance diagnostic tool within
the confines of OSA.
e. Detachment generated mission success rate concept
based on BLACK SHIELD aircraft and on SKYLARK II aircraft
will be used for briefing components inside and outside OSA.
f. Lockheed to continue effort to improve ARC-50
installation cooling.
3) Air Inlet Control Refinement
4) Mach Hold Improvement
The fuel derichment system available at
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g. Engines configured with BLACK SHIELD priority
improvements as designated by Pratt & Whitney including
such items as "Frosty" fuel controls will be earmarked
and assigned only to A-12 aircraft at 0 with priority
assignment to aircraft 122 flight test and BLACK SHIELD
h. Pending evaluation of anti-FOD screens, high time
engines heretofore assigned and held as vacuum cleaners
will be expedited to overhaul in order to improve and
maintain proper engine support posture for BLACK SHIELD.
i. In addition to the BLACK SHIELD Validation plan,
overall flight planning in terms of expected hours during
June, July, August, September, for OXCART, KEDLOCK and
aircraft 134 and 135 will be forwarded by Materiel Division
OSA to Pratt & Whitney in order that they may assess the
compatibility of the current sixty one engines with program
j. Lockheed will investigate and submit proposal
for an improved CIT gage which will increase range to read
to minus fifty degrees. centigrade, improve accuracy, and
k. As an interim measure CIT during refueling will be
provided to the A-12 by the tanker OAT readings with an
appropriate correction applied for RAM. Coordination and
procedures will be established by the Detachment, Lockheed,
and Pratt & Whitney.
1. "Frosty" control flight testing on aircraft 122
will permit Pratt & Whitney to define exact new EGT limits
for cruise with a nominal operating point within these
limits. When defined, Pilot Handbook procedures will be
established by the Detachment, Lockheed, and Pratt & Whitney
for no trim or "hands off" operation unless EGT wanders
outside these max and min limits.
M. Aircraft 132 will remain on flight status until
its scheduled modification date of 15 August in order to
maximize utilization for the Minneapolis-Honeywell Family
test program in addition to the climate test program
scheduled for 7 July.
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n. The slow/fast BLACK SHIELD mission profiles will
be flown at Mach 2.9 (slow) and Mach 3.2 (fast).
o. Materiel Division/OSA will check on A-50 AR
additive to insure continued supply source availability
and coordinate with Pratt & Whitney.
p. C&FE/OSA to report on critical
delivery schedules.
q. All concerned concentrate on meantime between
failure estimates of system components in order better
schedule preventative maintenance replacements to improve
overall systems reliability performance and reduce failures.
2. Periodic progress reports to Headquarters covering
flight test programs in support of BLACK SHIELD will be imple-
mented or included in currently existing contractual odic
reporting requirements by the Contractors and by
components involved.
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Approved,Foolease 2004/11/29 : CIA-RDP71 B003*000600120025-4
Att. III to
1 May_- 4 June 1965
Total Total % Successful
A/C Flights Grd. Weather Maint. Flights?..?Fl.ights of total flt
No. Sched. Abort Canx Canx Airborn Successful airborn
125 11 0 1 0 10 7 70
128 9 0 0 2 7 3 43
132 12 0 2 2 8 4. 50
Totals 32 0 3 4 25 14 56%
Breakdown: Total Functional Check Flights 70%
Total Operational Flights 47%
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(18 June 1965)
Cy 1&2 - ASD/OSA (all cys w/atts)
3 - D/FA/OSA
5 - AD/OSA
6 - MD/OSA
7 - PS/OSA
8 - C&FE/OSA
10 - CD/OSA
12 - chrono
13 - RB/OSA
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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2004/11/29 : CIA-RDP71B00399R000600120025-4
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