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CE:LIU -!3
Mhimbera, Mhil and Courier Task Force
DD/8 Cbatrman
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Agenda for Meeting of Mail and Courier Task Force
12 March 1963
1. The next meeting of the Mail and Courier Task Force will be
held at u5030 hours, 26 March in the DD/S Conference Room (7D34).
2. Since the last meeting actions indicated below have been under.
a. Test Rune '.Tests Which were made of the carrying of mail
by couriers between registries reveal excellent service within the RID
system and the Mail and Courier Branch system, including runs to other
buildings. The time taken for delivery from the north to the south por-
tion of the building also appears reasonable (average time - 2 hours,
8 minutes), but delays occur in the reverse direction when rail has to
stop2 for legging Out of SM. Steps are in process which Should lead to
elimination of such logging.
b. Duplication of External Courier Service '.External runs
of all known services but NPIC were charted and carefully scrutinized
and it was found that generally speaking the duplication was more appar-
ent than real and complicated by special security factors. However, con-
siderable savings have been effected through excellent cooperation of the
components concerned. The Mail and Courier Branch has absorbed scheduled
runs Dade by the OCR Library and the Office of Personnel and FDD has agreed
to use the Mail and Courier Branch service
preclude such use. Consolidation of systems was explored at the working
level) but no action taken.
c. Mail Control Questionnaire - The questionnaire revealed
specific information on the lack of uniformity in procedures, forms and
interpretation of security requirements, indicating need for authorita-
tive guidance) possibly in the form of an updated handbook.
3. Our basic goal is to provide effective and efficient mail
and courier services with minimum essential controls. Our meeting will
be devoted primarily to the presentation and exchange of ideas which upon
enthesis and evaluation should lead to accomplishment of that mission.
4. An analysis of the problem leads to the conclusion that we
Should consider it from four related, but somewhat independent stand-
points. These are:
a. External Courier Service
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b. Internal .tl delivery and pick-up service.
Receipts for classified aterie.l.
d. Internal control (2 of classified material.
It is believed desirable at this point to consider primarily
the bulk of ssteri&l classified SICRIFf and below. TOP smaur and other
pecial handling material constitutes a small fraction of the total and
generally adequate controls prevail. However, ideas for improvement in
handling this material are solicited and will also be considered. General
guidelines for review and discussion of the above listed points are con-
tained in succeeding paragraphs.
5. Rxternal Courier Service
a. This service encompasses service to locations in the
Washington area outside Beadquarters. It includes service to Agency
and non-Agency buildings.
b. Consider the possibility of xi consolidation of the
service. It is possible that requirements for this service have developed
on an ad hoc basis over the years without complete consideration of ser
vice already available. Once established as special the service may have
ontinued without extensive review.
c. A periodic review Should be made of the number of runs and
delivery ick-up points. This review should reflect the basic needs
of the Agency and include the costs involved. By whom and at what inter
was should review be mode?
d. Is it desirable to establish a central point for consoli-
of requests for additional regular service? If arfirastive, who
be designated and What criteria should be applied.?
e. Should requirements for special runs and intermittent
service be referred to a central control point? If so.t where
authority should be delegated. to the control officer
f. Should inter4geney relay points be istablishedl Would
s unduly delsy service? Consider the cost factors of multi le
ints versus relay poiats.
It has been suggested that the publication of schedules or
termittent courier runs would be of value to users of the
ould have an effect on the number of requests for special
is not practicable, are there other alternatives?
Consider the possibility of including within the courier
service the considerable umber of documents now moved inter-Agency on
an ad hoc basis.
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1 Delivery and Pick.up Service
a. Have we established mail delivery points aM schedules
best suited. to the requirements of the customer? Are there too many or
too few delivery points? Ars:deliveries made more or less frequently
than necessary for effective onward movement to action offices or deskT
Are adjustments in service indicated? Does the tube system adequately
service expedite material and eliminate or decrease requirement for
hand carry?
b. Is it possible to interchange mail between couriers
each floor without return to a central mail room for resort and. onward
e. The publication or a complete detsUed mailing addressof
all components with office symbols, room and telephone niers would
of assistance to all mail senders and would considerably reduce the sort
ing and handlieg time for delivery. Is such a list feasible and if so,
how frequently should it be published.
d. There are probably as many systems for intconponent
movement of mail as there are components. Most of these undoub
service adequately the needs of the component. However, it is possible
that no one component actiag independently has been able to achieve the
ultimate In this field. It is desired, that a detailed discussion be held
on this subject with the view to consideration for adoption of applicable
good Motes for improvement.
e. Most outgoing U. S mail reqi
he Office of Logistics ce
operational postage stamp eccoun
laprove service?
T. Receipts for Classified Nell
a. Inter...Agency. Section 8 of
is here qacted:
e is now forwarde
e establishment
ropriate sending
Order l)5L ae
Section 8. TWiinsmissiont For transmission outside
of a department or ege-Trcified defense materiel at the
three categories originated under the provisions of this order
:Knell be prepared and transmitted as follows:
(a) Preparation for Trensmiseion: Such material
is opaque inner and outer covers. The inner
sealed vrapper or envelope plainly marked
assigned classification and address. The outer cover
and addressed with no indication of the class
Meat contents. A receipt form shall be attached
to or enclosed in the inner cover, except that Confidential
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returned to the
ipt only if the sender deems it
*hall identify the addressor,
but Shall contain no classified
s gried by the proper recipient end
(b) Tzi tt Secret
Top Secret asterla shall effected preter*b1
ntact of officials
lly desisnated perso
pouch, by a messenger-courier system especially
that purpose, or by electric means in encrypted
, or in the case of information transmitted by the
Federal Bureau, of Investigation,such mesas of transmiseion
may be used as ere currently epproved by the Director,
?federal Bureau of Inmestisation, unless express reservation
to the contrary is mode in exceptional cases by the originat-
ing agency.
(e) Tranpmitting Sec
Secret information and msasrial shall
and between the forty-eight contiguous states and the
of Columbia, or wholly within Alaska, Bewail, the Como/wealth
of Puerto Rico, or a United States possession, by one of the
means established for Top Secret information and material, by
authorized courier, by United States registered mail, or by
the use of protective services provided by commercial carriers,
air or surface, under such conditions as may be prescribed by
the head of the department or agency concerned. Secret infor.
motion end material may be transmitted outside those areas by
one of the mesas established for Top Secret information and
material, by commaaders or masters of vessels of United States
registry, or by the United States registered mail through Army,
Navy, Air Force, or United States civil postal facilities; Pro-
vided that the Information or material does not at any time
pass through a foreign postal system, For the purposes of this
section registered mail in the custody of a transporting agency
of the United States Post Office is coneidered within United
States Government control unless the transporting agent is
foreign controlled or operated. Secret information and material
mey, however, be transmitted between United States Government
or Canadian Government installations, or both, in the forty-
eight contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska,
and Canada by Uhibed States and Comedian registered mail with
registered mail receipt.. Secret information and material nay
aleo be transmitted over communications circuits in accordance
with regulations pr ted for such purpose by the Secretary
of Defense.
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(d) Transmitting Confidential Inforation and
Confidential Information and material shall te
within the forty-eight coutiguous states andthe
f Columbia, or wholly within Alaska, Fisnaii, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or a United. States possession,
by one of the means established for higher classifications,
or by certified or first-class mail. Outside those areas
Confidential information and material shall be transmitted
in the same maaner as authorized for higher classifications.
(e) within an Amengy, Preparation of classified
rial for transmission, and tranamission of it,
partment or agency shall be governed by regulations
by the head of the department or agency, insuring a
degree of security equivalent to that outlined above for trans
mission outside a department or agency.
b. It will be noted that receipts are
agency transmittal of material classified Secret and
fidential material requires a receipt only if the seeder
sary. It is desired to discuss the matter of courier end document receipts
with the view of a uniform approach to the problem and possible standard-
ivation of the forms to be used.. Please bring samples of forms used.
Intra-Agenoy. The Director of Security has advised the
Task rman that ftecutive Order 10501 does not require the use
of receipt forma for trensmittal of Secret and below material within an
agency, but leaves this matter to the discretion of the head of the agency
specifying only good. accountability records." Discussion is desired con-
cerning a uniform policy in this matter. Individual statements concerning
use of receipts such as I want to be sure the document was received or
I vent to be able to prove I-sent it should not be overlooked. On the
other band, serious consideration of the time and cost involved in print-
ing, preparation and handling of receipt forms and their actual value in
mail handling is indicated. In spot checking on temporarily lost or mis-
laid documents it will be found the occurrence is rare and the result of
human error. It is not believed that any control system will produce mis-
sing documents--therefore, the arguments for controls should be examined
vith this fact in mind.
b. Internal Control (logging) of Classified Material
a. A consolidation of the replies to a recent Mail Control
revealed a variety of practices current to the Agency. In
it appears that the same material is logged at several
component prior to delivery to the action desk. As indi-
ph 7C, above, the basic requirement is for lamol aecounta-
bil " Is it believed possible to provide adequate accountabi-
lity for records by logging material only once within a major component
of a DD area? If so where within the cosponent? In Headquarters should
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the unit manning the tube station do the logging If done at
comparable level what if an prior mail receiving and sorting
branch or
points are
b. The replies to the estiotmaire cited indieated. a
wide variety of logging procedures and fo use. Please be prepared
to discuss this matter in detail and bring copies of the forms in use.
Your ideas on standardization of procedures and forms are solicited.
c. It has been noted that many registries thru which terinl
Fosses assign a unit registry control 'weber which results in as maay as
a half dozen control number* being assigned to the same document4 ould
originators assign a control number which could be universally used. as is
done in the D11/10 dispatch correspondence system? Is it desirable to develop
form such as the dispatch form for internal correspondence purposes?
9. Two separate but related subjects have beea brought to the atten
f the Task Force Chairman, e.g., (s) the matter of classification of
al more specifically, overclassification end CO a mail procedure
a. It is suggested. that here of the Ta
(and BO 10501 if avsilable) pertaining to class
that a general discussion on this ratter will
11 be helpful in our mail control problem.
b. A handbook on mail procedures undoubtedly would be he
ly in training new employees and for reference purposes. Ques
as include Is it possible to publish an all inclusive
or 'Should each compoaent prepare one tailored tolis opt,-
ts? Can we have an Agenel handbook establiabing Certan-
a and forms to be supplemontidlyy cosponert
? If a handbook is to be prepared who would
ID. Officers
the meeting for subj
ated below are
covered in the
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 8
as monitors at
phs of this
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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Minutes of Meetings
Minutes of Ymil and Courier Tank Force Meeting
of 26 March 1963
2. The meetingwas devoted to discussion of the Agency External
Courier System. Major points discussed and actions taken were:
a. The Agency external courier system (OL) has developed from
an initial personnel complement of about 10 to & at the present time.
The increase has been gradual over the years and has been based on an in..
creased number of points served and frequency of required service. There
are currently 59 scheduled daily runs serving approximately 170 points
throughout the Washington area, including the Agency, other U. S. Govern-
ment departments,' 1 and one or two commercial
establishments, ine service includes both delivery and pickup. In only
very rare instances are deliveries made to CIA by outside originators of
material. It was the consensus of the Task Force that delivery and pickup
by Agency couriers is probably the most efficient and economical means of
handling the material.
b. Upon examination or the question of duplication of courier
service between various Agency components, it was determined that any
apparent duplication is based on requirements for special handling of
various types of material, i.e., point-to-point delivery by certain de-
signated, identified couriers, special clearances for handlers of this
material, etc. It was concluded that further review would be made with
the objective of including as much as possible of the special handling
al within the regular Agency courier service. I
25X1 I 7ViIi present further information on this subject at a subsequent
?c. It was determined that s. published listing of all regularly
scheduled, courier runs, including the estimated time for point-to-point
delivery, would be furnished Agency originators of material on a "neat-
to-kaow" basis. It was felt that such a listing should result in a reduc-
tion of requests for special deliveries and would be the basis for a perio..
die review leading to consolidation of service, elimination of duplication,
and reduction in operating costs. The Office of Logistics is preparing the
list for early release.
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d. As * positive control measure, it was determined that desig-
nated officers within each component should be authorized to place requests
for addit anal regular or special delivery courier service. The Chief,
Nail and Courier Branch, would be del/tweeted to receive such requests with
authority to determine the best sn of providing the service. This item
will be considered for incorporation in an appropriate Agency issuance.
e. Upon consideration or the possibility of establishing inter
Agency reley points for delivery/pickup of material, it was determined to
be unfeasible. Of the l7k0 outside delivery pants, only 3, e.g., Pentagon
(34), State (11), and Arlington Nall (9) have multiple delivery potato.
(All points are not serviced every delivery.) The bulk of Agency material
is considered in the expedite category; and, because of the time element
involved, should reach the recipient promptly. letabligheent of Mein/
permanently assigned courier service' within these buildings would be unee
onomical. An attaapt was made to consolidate the seven stops within DIA
without success.
f. One significant accomplishment was reported.
uriers, two records center and one administrative, have
service I
. 'This service has now
the headquarters system utilizing only two couriers--a
curter and one vehicle.
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Teak Force MeetieS
or 2 April 1963
2, Handouts of a proposed schedule of courier rune were distri-
buted Ito the Task lOrce. It was explained that it was
a two-package proposal--the first section of the package being distri-
buted Agency-wide and giving details on the courier runs, both incoming
sad outgoing, that Agency personnel would be interested in; the second
more detailed package would be distributed otay to the Deputies--further
distribution of the second package would be at the Deputies discretion.
The listieg of all runs includes both regular and special runs. The pro-
posals will be discussed at a subsequent meeting after review by Task
Force Members.
3. The minutes of the previous
and the following Changes were made;
a. Page
:ler 26
963, were read
to delete the word
ph, it was decided
Discussion arose as to paragraph 2e and the teasibility
very within the Pentagon. It was decided that a sub-atm..
very room for CIA would have to be located in the Pentagon.
tense Deportment is not willing to give us that room.
veinal that additional personnel would be needed to run
e minutes were edopted with changes indicated.
the station.
c. Further discussion was based on saresraph 2b. and the poe-
cation of the courier service between various Agenei factors of of time, special clearances, baby sitting, etc.,
sed with the outcome being that the Task Face decided that
out just what the requirements are for carrying certain
Were these rules that could be Chaoged if other protective
I Would the office or customer Waage his special
a subcommittee to study external service of OCI
nate soy implication.
was raised that the Pentagon and State Departmen
ice than our own buildings. Points raised in
Lability to coMbine runs because of the volume
to for special expeditious_ handling such as
from a security standpoint.
c.ibles and (2
It was decided that copies of the CIA Records Administration
would be distributed to ,Ahe eibers of the Tea Force.
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The point was raised on reducing the number of runs into town.
now 8 scheduled runs into the D. C. area. It was expressed that
1 runs mey be cut down Vhea the proposed schedule of runs Is
on the other hand, it amy cause more requests for ;special runs
el see how Iong some of the runs take to deliver the materiel.
4, The nesting was then turned over to the discussion of the Agency
Courier System. Major points discussed and actions taken were:
a. Based cu recent surveys it was determined that the umber
of runs within Headquarters is;
In coned
Imre made:
Mail and Courier Branch
Cable Secretariat
8 times a day
8 times a dey
5 times a day
6 times a day
14. The Chairman indicated the Task Three
ions re deliverY points:
(i.)The reduction of a large nunber
consolidation, etc.
eived two
(2) Eliminate central istry facilities o
ver mail direct to organizational level nearest aet o
ration of these divergent recommendations the following
Delivery of mail to a point as near as possible
desk results in the most efficient service with. least inter-
processing. This system has been in effect within the DD/P for
years with excellent results. It VRA noted that this system can
led effectively within DD/P because of the general uniformity of
of all DD/P elements and the central correspondence eeelysis
system vhiCh leads to simplified sorting and delivery procedures. The
several major components of the DD/I, DD/S, and DD/R on the other head
have no general uniformity of functions. Within DD/I there are 8or
offices all with separate and distinct functions and within OCR there are
separate functional areas. The same pattern applies similarly to the
0/S and DD/R. While it is theoretically possible to distribute mail from
tra2 point within the Agency or within a HD office it would be a very
Ural solution, This *Object ties in closely with internal control
) procedures and will be considered further at a later nesting.
C. Discusaion of the number of daily deliveriet led to the
basic conclusions;
(1) It is highly des
not essential that mail
ptly from point to point. The neny requirements to meet tight
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deadlines end for expeditious handling of mail would result in additional
hand carry with resultant cost for non-productive man?hours.
(2) The frequent delivery of mall to recipients results
en flog throughout the Agency and elimination of peeks and
(3) The extremely heavy voluns of mail received and die*
utres constant onward movement in order to prevent overtaxing
at the central mail rooms and major receiving/dispatch points.
tter of interchange of mail on each floor between
re was discussed. Currently the DO' requirement
ng mail in A/D prevents this interchange and mug**
This subject will be discussed further in connection
peon reported that the pneumatic tube system is
a limited degree and suggested that the Tata Force
greater use. I 25
gate this matter for the D3/10 DD/P and other
at the next meeting.
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Mantes of Mail and Courier Task Force Meeting
of 6 April 1963
Minutes of the 2 April 1963 Task ?twee Meeting were dis-
cussed and the following changes were made:
a. Page 2, lest paragraph change from 5 to 8 e
a. At the
tube systems rep.
Average daily utilization and ca
rcentage of the
At first glance it might appear that the system is not worth
the operating costs involved. On the other hand the elimination of a
potential 1700 daily hand carries of documents (carriers normally return
empty) presents a considerable man hour savings.
b. A discussion of reasons why we do not obtain greater utili-
(1) The plans f
date there have been
tube stations to be
For instance, one DD/R compon
/P tube stations are located. Nei
to pees thru the vstem. Likewise, ft
pared in 7-58-
hanges vh ch have
or no use can be
in 411 area where
11 allow their
omponents are located
where tube stations were not planned. Special Activities Staff
vision Support Staff) It is either impossible or too costly to
stations at those locations.
(2) In all offices the preponda
bulky to be handled in tube carriers.
(3) Restrictions are placed by scs
of specte.1 handling or sensitive documents by tube.
e of mail is too
off ices on
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(4) Resistance on the part of some senders to trust the
(5) The Cabl
(6) The mail and courier service is ettic,
use by offices located some distance from a
reluctance on the part of tube station opera
c. It was dote
utilization of the
allowing actions should lead to
(1) The BBYP is making a study relative to lifting of re-
placed on BTBAT and KAPOK, and other special handling dom..
ly the nuMber of rejects averages about 2.5 to 3 per cent.
is average is being sought which. will Increase the senders
teiiehiltty in the system.
(2) Publication of a tube station directorj which will
lade all offices the receiving office is *
tion. A1ito attach a copy of current instructions on operation of
ready reference by operators.
(3) A carrier modification program is under %Fey
1viii provide for positive locking of the dila rings. The carrie
have smooth dial rings which Wks led to some inaccuracies
proper alignment.
(4) Indoctrination and, training of
(5) Furnisju use by originators of mai
(6) Provide additic
ticket printed
litas designated to review the possible
with Secretariat officere.
3. employ
next meeting has been set for 16 April 1963 at 9:30 a.m.
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Minutes of Mal and Courier Teak Force Meeting
of 16 April 1963
2. The draft needquarters Notice re Mail Service, forwarded to
Task force member' with the minutes of the 9 April meeting was consid.
The draft was approved with the exception of that portion which
require reimbursement for special courier services. A study re-
vealed that currently, approximately 78c,0 special trips are made annuallY
at an average cost of 43.25 each, totaling about 425,000. It was felt
that the cost of processing 78)0 vouchers was cot Justified even though
reimbursement might result in fewer spec requests.
3, a. A samp e sticker ?Priority . sea b Tube was approved for
on. The Chief, Logistics Services Division and CIA Rcords Muinte-
Officer were requested to prepare, publish end arrange for diatri-
button.Several ideas for posters to encourage '.we of the tube sys
were considered. The draft material was handed to the Chief, Logistics
Services Division for consideration for possible future use.
4reDorted he had had a discussion with the Cable
ube system. The major obstacle at pre
and KAPOK material. Currently these
sore efficient to carry all cables. When
Cable Secretariat will be much interested
tailed rail
tained in the c
sufficient for na
discussion concerning publication of a complete
Let, it was concluded that the listing now eon.
directory part of the telephone directory was
lug purposes.
6. The matter of intra-eomponent raovement of mail was discued
iderable detail. It was concluded tha
responsibilities of the various office
impractical. This subject ties in closely with
ts and will be considered further at ft later meeting.
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7. Consideration was given to the decentralisation of the central
account to users of postage. Currently, there are 28 opera
stanp accounts throughout the Agency, using about 425 each
month. The central account requires approxinately $100,000
year, shout haat of which its bandied through a postage meter.
alization would require considerable training of personnel
postage rates also, considerable expenditure for scales,
and other equipment. It was concluded that the present
or ndling Postal mailing should eontinue.
d. The next meeting has been set for 23 April 1963 at 930 a.11.
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of 23 April 1
Force Meeting
of the previous
the meetiog was cour
discussion was devoted to
11 as the content of the documeat. it was
of Security has held that anything going to
Secret co* Top Secret Should be processed oa
tion of the installations even though the
of a lower classification. This pertains to
IA review of the classi.
and material ehoulol be t*de, es any lowerieg
result in. *Image in processiag of material
sion time and cost. This matter will be Cott
ion on the matter of classification ceatered
ts Secret and Confidential as contained
Begulationa. It was the consensus of
bile meaningful, were not explicit
most Agency document originators;
ly between Secret and Confidential,
o use Secret either from habit or to be
t the mail processing handboOk
ion which would include both the
cific Agency ea:melee of the ,
wouldbrns which normally fall under each classi-i
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Secret and below, that courier receipts should be used for trans
buildings and eliminated where movement is only within a build'
proposed that this procedure be incorporated in the handbook.
. The use of document receipts vas considered on two bases:
and intra-Agency.
a. It was agreed that all offices use
scribed regulations for movement of in
ever, it was found that generally there is no
esure return of receipts from recipients.
e inquiries on a spot basis revealed receipt
even though the recipient failed to return the receipt. The Central Mail
Room also reported receiving a considerable aunber of receipts (Fora 1615)
without the return address of the sender, making it impossible to forward
the receipt. Two proposals resulted from the discuseion: (1) that Agency
regulations be revised to prescribe an effective follow-up to assure return
of receipts and (2) that the handbook include instructions in the prepare-
ion and use of the receipt.
b. Document receipts are not required for intre-Agencymovemen
of Secret and below material; however, they maw be used when the sender con-
siders it deairable, It was the consensus of the meeting that document re-
ceipts are unnecessary with the possible exception or certain sensitive
material, end should be eliminated. It was felt that courier receipts
would suffice for control purposes. It is proposed to include this item
in the handbook.
C. A
of the courier and document receipt forms generally
next meeting with a view to design a single form
r and document receipts and provide for effective
SONO exception was made to the statement, 'It is not believed
that any control system will produce missing documents, contained in
paragraph 7c. of the Agenda. It was pointed out that controls are essen-
tial to place responsibility and that use of the control system has led
to recovery of missing documents. It was also pointed out that upwards
of 500,000 pieces of mail are handled monthly by the Nhil and Courier
Service with only 60-70 inquiries for trace. The question of whether
the cost of the control system is justified was not conclusively resolved
the general feeling being that recovery of only one document could be
worth the entire cost.
7. Throughout the discus on many referenceswere made to paragraph
25X1 pertaining to document receipts and logging. These
paragraphs appear to be subject to broad interpretation- I
agreed to prepare a draft revision or consideration at the next meeting.
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_ =
Approved For Release 2005/07/11:-,CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
The next meeting vas scheduled for Mufti 29 April at 9;30
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 200510T/13,: cjAzKIP70-00211R000800070003-2
of Mail and Courier Task Force Meeting
of 29 April 1963
2. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted with one excep-
Paragraph 5a(1) contains the statement that Agency regulations be
d to prescribe an effective follow-up to assure return f receipts.
pointed out that AXecutive Order 10501 prescribes the use of docu
ment receipts; however, it places the responsibility for sigosture and
return on the seeder. The establishment of a comprehensive follow-up
system in the Agency would require a substantial manpower increase which
is not believed justified for this purpose. It was concluded that the
courier receipt which is maintained in Agency control is eufficient dom.-
aentation to initiate a search for any missing document.
3. Samples of the principal document receipt forms in current
usage were reviewed. Several or these are special purpose such as for
film, maps, intelligence reports, etc. It was concluded that these forms
should continue in use. It was the consensus of the meeting, however,
that the use of 's general purpose coribined courier and document form
would have many advantages. The CIA Records Administration Office agreed
to draft a coMbination form for consideration by the Task Force. The form
will include a feature which will allow Agency mail rooms to ass fly iden-
tify the originator of the dpcument so that receipts may be forwarded
promptly upon return.
4. A proposed redraft of c
2)(1 ezice of logs, prepared
members were requested to rake rurtner
comments to the Chairman for considera
5. A general discussion of tote
the following.
Regulations on mainte-
was considered. Task Force
? or the draft and submit
he next meet tog.
logging practices revealed
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 2005/07413 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
k of uniform and.
of our internal control
of the mail processing
of this matter. It will give s
sion ended with the conclusion that tbe o
a lot of unnecessary logging around here,.
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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Rele4s. 5ialit34.CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
onsolidation of Courier Runs
and Annual Savings
2. Combined ThursdaY
3. Ccobined daily special ptcLp and.
regular service.
Combined special daU7 Airgram ran
Combined special
with regular se
Combined cable delivery
Combined daily OP run to
Combined daily OCR ran to Library of Congress vlth
regular service.
deUvezy of
lar service.
uler service.
er to AID with
Street with regular
TOTAL Annual Savings
Approved For Release 2 .05Y117/13 Y!dit 1RDP70-00211 R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Registry Thee Date
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Ti)216 Date
0910, 'Dee 11
- ?
? 6740, OM* Dee 11
MI It Street MO* Dec 11
GB3909 OM Dec 11
7015 3.005i. Dec 11
1600, Dec Li
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?CPA) Oa01/438 1) Dec 11
OMAR 1034 10030: Dec 11
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?CHO iii614, 103,3e Dec 11
OCRAD ..Ca1t0 06s? Dee 11
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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RD 70-00211R000800070003-2
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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
0./Mt 7E41 iLcj
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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Regtry TIze
7E47 146. 6Cc.:, 11
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Reogive,J, Returned
'..21e Date
Time Date
Dec 12 DD ,,, TDI..0 Illn 0659, Dec 12
OBI 21'28 k'345 10401 Dec 12
VIC Steuart Bwail!ng ,_Y948 0840, Dec 13
?SI 67140 Cie42 1040, Dec 12
OLD/C 1717 li Street 1335 0640, Dec 13
ORR GH0905 W20 1040, Dec 12
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O:R/LY,AB C)645 1135, Dec 12
AxiLnzton Tevere
OCRiSE 2011 052 10400 Dec 12
OCRJXD 0B0438 ()640 1040, Dec 12
OCR/IB 134 0845 1135) Dec 12
CatiGR 1E4810 124'; 0940, Dec 13
0011,11i 11164 0845 1040, Dec 12
OCR/DD VW.) 0950 1135, Dec 12
oaR A4mLIT 3t4ff 2E61 0900 1040, Dec 12
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Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
C ? LI
,?.P.1 ' ? ?
, ?z? ??? ???
Recommended Changes in Agency Regulation
25X1 I. Recommended Additions
25X1 b.
(a) When delivery is to be made by authorized courier-secure-
lY attach Form 240a, Courier Receipt, to1110..outer envelope or wrap-
ping. (Re-letter present (a), 0:0, (c) and (d) accordingly)
a) When delivery is to be made by authorized courier, secure-
ly attach Fora 240, Courier Receipt, to the outer envelope or wrap-
ping. (Re-letter present (a) and (b) accordingly)
(a) When delivery is to be made by authorized courier, secure-
ly attach Form 240a, Courier Receipt, to the outer envelope or wrap-
ping. (Re-letter present (a), (b), (c) and (d) accordingly)
(a) No change.
(b) When delivery is to be made by authorized courier to
another CIA building, securely attach Form 240, Courier Receipt,
to the outer envelope or wrapping. Courier Receipts will not be
used for courier delivery within a CIA building. (Re-letter CO,
(e) and (d) accordingly)
25X1 II. Recommended Change to
25X1 a.
(1) No change.
Secret and Confidential Logs shall be maintained by respon-
sible persons designated specifically for that purpose by Deputy
Approved For Release ;2005/07/13 : 'C1A-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Directors, Operating Officials
InspectorOenl, the Comptroller and the
smer and CONFIDENTIAL material, not registered, eh3!l be lodged
at the action point of receipt in the immediate office o .
the above.named officials or any component under their jurisd
tion and shall be logged out at the final point of disptach when
bound for destinations outside of the component under the ebove-
named officials, or when dispatched to a field office or between
subdivisions of the aforementioned component located in different
building*. Organizationsa.umits not Included in the foregoing
may maintain Logs when deemed desirable for operational reasons
or because of the nature of the activity involved. Field offices
shall maintain Logs of all SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL material re-
ceived and dispatched by them. If, during the course of optra-
Um's, it is necessary or expedient at times to hand carry SECRET
or CONMUMITIALdocuments, the control points at each end must be
(3) No Change.
(4) No change.
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Mail Processing Handbook
I. Purpose
A. To outline various types of flowing throughout the Agency
B. To outline the procedures for processing
IL Types of Mal
A. CIA /Uteri 1
3.. Dispatches
s. Operational
b. Administrative
b. Marini atmtive
a. Pouched
b. Cabled
Other (specify types)
a. Operational
b. Administrative
5. Intelligence Publications
6. Regulations
7. Phone Directories
8. Forms
Approved For Releiase 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
i 1 Handling
a. Top Secret
d. Other (
Non-CIA Material
1. Intelligence Reports
2* Intelligence Publications
3. Cables
b. AcbdiiBtrattve
ial Handling
Top elecret
b. Other (specify)
papers MagazinePeriodical
A. Categories
1. Top Secret
2. Secret
3. Confidential
4. Administrattwe - Intern e Oij
5. Unclassified
Types of documents vithia each category
IV. interiai Control Procedures
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2
4nere maintained
3. Procedures
1. Couriers
b.ilhen used
c. edures
C. Top Seeret Control procedures
D. Special handling procedures
Di tribution CIA, Material
Readquarters Building
1. Messengers
3. Band Cam!'
B. lying buildings
C. eadquarters
I. Pouch
2. U.S. mail
Ret?ar ser'rice to other departments and agencies
i. Secia.1 ler service
Approved For Release 2005/07/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800070003-2