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Security Committee
SECOM-M- 218
30 November 1978
Two Hundred and Eighteenth Meeting
Wednesday, 29 November 1978, 1000-1230 Hours
Room 5641, FBI Headquarters Building
Robert W. Gambino
Cha i rman
Mr. Karl Ackerman, D- artment of State
Defense Intelligence Agency
Mr. Merrill T. I , Department of Army
ational Security Agency
Mr. Harvey E. Lyon, Department of Energy
Col. Russell T. Newman, Department of the Air Force
Mr. Jerry Rubino, Department of Justice
Mr. David Ryan, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Mr. Dennis Southern, Department of the Treasury
Mr. Richard Welch, Department of the Navy
National Security Agency
Mr. Edward Grigalus, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Mr. David Humphrey- rtment of the Treasury
Central Intelligence Agency
National Security Agency
Mr. Charles R. Tar partment of the Air Force
Defense Intelligence Agency
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:i0 November 1978
Honorable William H. Webster, Director, Federal Bureau of
Mr. William 0. Cregar, Assistant Director, Intelligence
Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation*
Mr. Harold N. Bassett, Assistant Director, Records Management
Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation*
Mr. Francis X. O'Brien, Deputy Assistant Director, Records
Management Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation*
Mr. Maynard Anderson Office, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. William C. Johnson, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Defense Intelligence Agency
Maj. Simon Karton, Department of the Air Force
,entral Intelligence Agency
Central Intelligence Agency
National Security Agency
Mr. William an olph, Department of Commerce
Mr. L. Britt Snider, Office, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
Mr. Donald Stigers, Department of State
Executive Secretary, Security Committee
ecurity Committee
Security Committee
ecurity Committee
, Security Committee
resent. for Part of Meeting
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30 November 1978
Mr. Ryan, the FBI Member, opened the meeting by
welcoming the Committee to FBI Headquarters. He then intro-
duced the Honorable William H. Webster, Director of the FBI.
Judge Webster expressed his appreciation for the
work of the Security Committee and offered FBI support. He
shared his concerns about several security problems of broad
applicability (e.g., unauthorized disclosures of classified
information). Judge Webster acknowledged problems in the
investigation of leaks and said that he hoped they could be
resolved soon. He said he hoped that the Committee was
exploring new approaches for the control of document copying
and imaginative scientific methods of assessing truthfulness.
He said he was particularly concerned about potential security
problems that might arise during an individual's career of
which initial screening would give no indication. He closed
his remarks by reiterating FBI support to the Committee.
Mr. Ryan then introduced Mr. William O. Cregar
Assistant Director, Intelligence Division, FBI and the FBI
Member of the NFIB. Mr. Cregar gave an overview of hostile
intelligence threats in the U.S. and of the FBI's counter-
intelligence activities to counter that threat. He noted that
pursuant to Attorney General guidelines, the FBI had identified
some 20 "criteria countries" as posing a significant and continuous
threat and as meriting regular FBI coverage. Mr. Cregar described
and discussed security problems arising from the large Soviet
bloc diplomatic presence in the U.S., and from Soviet bloc
visitors, East-West exchange students, emigrants and ship crew-
men. He summarized counterintelligence procedures for the
identification of and appropriate follow-up action on hostile
intelligence activities in the U.S. At the conclusion of his
remarks, he invited and responded to questions. One of these
concerned the availability of FBI information identifying
hostile intelligence targets in the U.S. This was responded
to by referring the questioner to the FBI's quarterly Foreign
Counterintelligence Review.
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30 November 1978
The Chairman thanked the FBI for hosting the
meeting an expressed his appreciation for the remarks made
by Director Webster and Mr. Cre ar. Mr. Gambino also thanked
the FBI for agreeing to make available 25X1
to work with the Community Security Group. Mr. Ryan intro-
duced o Committee members at this point. Mr.
Cregar sal e appreciated the opportunity to address the
Committee and added that he thought it was doing an excellent
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30 November 1978
1. The Chairman introduced Mr. Karl Ackerman,
the Department of State member; Chief, 25X1
Computer Security Subcommittee; an Chief 25X1
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures u committee. Members
were advised of the scheduled retirements of Mr. Grigalus, FBI;
CIA; andi SA.
2. The Chairman advised that the conviction of
Frank Snepp a been appealed, and that the Federal Appeals
Court had heard oral argument on the case in November. Mr.
Gambino noted that the CIA attorney present at that hearing
had commented that the case had not seemed to go as favorably
for the Government as it had at the District Court level.
3. 0 The Chairman invited attention toX~
article concerning former Ambassador and classified X
documents I I. Mr. Gambino 25X1
said. he believed very strongly that the compromise of documents
involved in this case must be pursued by the Department of
Justice if the Community is to have reasonable expectation of
moving against others who violate security statutes and regu-
lations. The Chairman's comments were supported by Committee
members. Mr. Rubino agreed to bring the Committee's official
concern in this case to the formal attention of Mr. Michael
Kelley, Counselor to the Attorney General.
4. II The Chairman noted that William Kampiles had
been convicted on espionage charges and that his trial had
generated criticism of CIA's control of sensitive documents.
Mr. Gambino asked members to review document control procedures
in their agencies and to arrange for their strengthening where
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SECOM-M- 218
30 November 1978
S. 0 The Chairman reported that
efforts to develop a plan for the improvement of compart-
mentation and information dissemination were moving along
at a rapid rate. Mr. Gambino called on advised to describe
recent actions in this regard. I current thinking was to try to get as much intelli-
gence product as possible disseminated in non-compartmented.
channels and to have a smaller number (from 1 to 4) of product
compartments for particularly sensitive categories of infor-
mation. I observed that implementation of the
resultant plan would likely require considerable amount of
work over a relatively short period of time. It was noted
that the Security Committee could well be tasked to develop
implementation procedures.
6. 0 The Chairman advised that a proposed Community
guidance memorandum on implementation of E.O. 12065 was in
coordination but might not reach Community agencies until
after the effective date of that Order. He said that members
would have to rely in the interim on general classification
guidance from their own agencies with regard to sensitive
intelligence information.
7. 0 The Chairman said he wanted to arrange a 2-day,
overnight working meeting at the CIA's
in February (or possibly March). Mr. Gambino said he thought
this would be very useful in giving the members time to discuss
and develop approaches to some of the significant security
issues facing the Community. He asked if the members thought
this would be worthwhile. The response was positive. Mr.
Gambino said he would have the staff contact members for
suggestions on agenda items and to provide details on dates
and logistics.
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30 November 1978
ITEM 1: Approval of Minutes
The Chairman advised that the minutes of the 1 November
1978 meeting were approved as written in the absence of any
requests for change.
ITEM 2: Subcommittee and Working Group Reports
=The Chairman said that he would postpone most of these
because of the lateness of the hour and the need to deal with
other items on the agenda.
introduced to give a
brief report on work being done by the R&D Sub-
committee on document control. sum-
marized desirable characteristics o control
systems (e.g., capable of handling large volumes
at low cost); the desired solutions in several
areas; noted matters that were being explored
further and advised of tentative costs of
carrying these efforts to a successful con-
clusion. He said that a report on these matters
was being coordinated in draft, and that it would
later be provided to the Committee.
ITEM 3: Draft SCI Adjudication Policy
II The Chairman said he hoped that it would soon be 25X1
possible to submit this draft policy to the DCI for approval and
issuance as an annex to DCID 1/14. NSA, said he thought
the paper needed considerable editing and t at it should be issued
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30 November 1978
as committee guidance rather than as DCI policy. Mr. Rubino
noted that the FBI operated quite effectively under Attorney
General "Guidelines" and that he thought terminology was un-
important in this case. Mr. Ryan said that the FBI had found
the draft paper on this subject very useful and suggested that
it be put to a vote by the Committee. Mr. Gambino said that
he proposed to have the paper reviewed to see if it could be
made available as Intelligence Community guidance which should
be followed unless special circumstances in individual cases
required a different approach. He said that he would resubmit
the paper to members if there were any substantive changes.
All members stated their support for the substantive elements
of the draft adjudication paper.
ITEM 4: Postponed due to press of other business.
ITEM 5: New Business
Mr. Ryan advised that the FBI would accept responsi-
bility for the maintenance of a central index of SCI turndowns
subject to Department of Justice approval. He noted that an
internal FBI analysis had demonstrated that skillful manipula-
tion of FOIA requests could be used by a hostile intelligence
service to obtain information that in aggregate was significantly
sensitive. He advised that a briefing was being prepared on this
and that it would be provided to the Security Committee later.
ITEM 6: Next Meeting
The Chairman invited attention to the Committee
Christmas luncheon scheduled for Wednesday, 20 December 1978
at in Langley, Virginia. lie said he hoped we
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30 November 1978
would have good attendance, and he asked members, alternates,
and subcommittee and working group chairmen to respond to the
Committee Staff with their plans to join us for the occasion.
Mr. Gambino proposed, and the Committee agreed, to hold the
next regular business meeting on Wednesday, 24 January 1979.
Mr. Gambino closed the meeting by thanking Mr. Ryan and the
FBI again for arranging the meeting and for support of the
Committee's work.
Executive Secretary
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