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Did Carter Cover-up
Allende's Downfall?.
By Jeffrey St. John
WASHINGTON - "The tale of the
United States in Chile," asserts former
U.S. Ambassador to Chile, Edward M.
Korry, "would reveal how our political
system has been converted into an
insiders' monopoly for the ac-
cumulation of power, wealth, and
status. That's why Carter himself has
had to lie to the.public about this case."
Korry wrote those words in the
March issue of Penthouse magazine,
insisting that President Carter last
November engaged in covering up the
real story of how Vice President Walter
Mondale and other ? powerful
Democrats sought to place all of the
blame for the overthrow of Chilean
Marxist President Salvadore Allende
on the Central Intelligence Agency and
Richard Nixon while concealing their
own involvement in Chile and that of
powerful multi-nationals and banks
headed by men like David Rockefeller.
In doing so, according to Korry,
senators like Frank Church, Democrat
of Idaho and head of the Senate CIA
investigating committee, engaged in
the obstruction of justice!
There are several remarkable
aspects of Korry's allegations.
First, he is a former newspaper
editor who, until the CIA probe by the.
Church committee, was a liberal in
good standing before alledging that
Sen. Church, Vice President Mondale
and President Carter had news media
help in covering up the real story of
Second, Korry was first appointed to
a diplomatic post with rank of am-
bassador by Presidents Kennedy and :
Johnson and had become a respected
and highly regarded member of the
liberal establishment. Yet, today he is
shunned and smeared by . that very
establishment and has been reduced to
trying to tell the real story of what
happened in Chile and why in a semi-
pornographic magazine like Pen-
thouse. .. _..-_1 . ` ._
This columnist interviewed former
Ambassador Korry and drew from his
revelations not contained in the March
Penthouse piece. For example, Korry
contends that despite the contention of
the Church CIA committee, the press
and others, the CIA did not engage in a
systematic campaign to destabilize the
Allende regime. This exchange bet-
ween Korry and this columnist on
Mutual's "Reporter's Roundup"
KORRY: "In- my judgement there
was no great destabilizing role carried
out by the CIA in Chile."
ST. JOHN "Are you saying that the
Church committee fabricated a myth
about the CIA? The headlines led us to
believe that the CIA mounted this
monstrous campaign to overthrow this
democratically elected Marxist!"
KORRY: "They have peddled that to
the whole world. . . On the contrary,
what brought down Allende was his
insane printing of money that led Chile
into committing -economic suicide. If
you read the Soviet press today about
'The Lessons of Child' they will tell you
that one of the main things they were
concerned with was why Allende
listened to the extremists in his
government and insisted on those crazy
economic policies."
. ST. JOHN: "So Allende brought
himself down, not the CIA?"
KORRY: "That's right. But you have
to also get on the record the
unquestioned fact that we interferred
in their affairs for twenty years."
KORRY contends that this aspect of
the Chile story was covered up by the
Church committee because it involved
the administrations of John F. Ken-
nedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. Korry
maintains three allegations:
1) The Democrats illegally used in
:Chile for political purposes funds from
the Agency for International
Development. Korry provided
documentation of this to the Church
committee. 2) Multi-nationals, such. as
International Telephone and Telegraph
(ITT), worked with the CIA to prevent
Allende's election, but Church chose to
cover up this documented fact by
refusing to call ITT officials as wit-
3) When the Ford administration's
Justice Department investigated
Korry's charges, the Church com-
mittee staff and the Idaho Democrat,
himself deliberately withheld evidence
from the Justice Department because
of what it would reveal "about the
heroes of the Democratic Party. All
this was hidden to advance their
(Church and Mondale) respective J
political careers. They preferred to
have the United States smeared rather
than give the truth to the American
Korry also maintains that the Church
committee refused to reveal to the
public the secret negotiations con-
ducted by Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger with the Soviets on Chile. As
a consequence of this and the Church
committee's coverup, Korry contends, i
the CIA "in terms of human resources
has been effectively destroyed." Korry
also charges that the Carter ad-
ministration's plea bargaining with
former CIA Director Richard Helms
last November was part of a continuing
effort on the part of the Democrats to
conceal their role in Chile while putting
all the blame on Richard Nixon and the
('IA. Yet; Mr. Carter has publicly
claimed he is reforming the agency!
"It is perfectly obvious," insisted
Korry, "with all the political at-
tachments- he (Carter) has and the
multi-national attachments he has in
his capacity as the leader of the
Democratic Party - because that is
what he is.- he was not the one that was
going to open Pandora's box and say
that Senator Church and Sen. Mondale,
after all the Vice President of the
United States, had done these things. !
The liberal establishment, of which
Korry was once a member in good
standing, sought to ruin both his
private and public career by
suggesting he was mentally un-,1
balanced and committed perjury. This:
same establishment bribed media
people with promises. of special con-j
sideration for future news. stories if
they dropped stories on Lorry's,
charges against - Church, Vicei
President Mondale and President!
Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002000090086-7