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01 C
8 November 1978
OLC: 78-3299
MEMORANDUM FOR: All Morning Meeting Participants
FROM: Frederick P. Hitz
Legislative Counsel
SUBJECT: Preliminary Election Results
1. Senators Anderson (D., Minn.), Brooke (R., Mass.), Clark (D., Iowa),
Griffin (R., .Iv'[ ), Haskell (D., Colo.), Hathaway (D., Me.) and McIntyre
(D., N. H.) have been defeated. In Texas, Senator Tower has a slim lead
over Bob Krueger. Warner appears to have edged out Miller in Virginia,
and Democratic Senator Jennings Randolph seems to have narrowly defeated
former Governor Arch Moore in West Virginia.
2. In the House, Koreagate appears to have done in Democrat John
McFall of California, but the two other California Democrats reprimanded
in the House investigation of South Korean influence buying, Edward Roybal
and Charles Wilson, were re-elected. Pennsylvania Democrat Joshua
Eilberg, who is under federal indictment, was defeated, along with Florida
Republican J. Herbert Burke, who had pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct
and resisting arrest charges. But Michigan Democrat Charles Diggs, who
has been convicted on federal fraud charges, was re-elected, as was
Pennsylvania Democrat Daniel Flood, whose trial on several Federal
perjury counts begins in January.
3. An analysis of the effect of the election and of retirements on our
key Senate and House Committess is attached.
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Original - Addressees w/att. 1-ER w/att.
1-OLC Subject w/att. 1-DDCI w/att.
1-OLC Chrono w/o att.
OLC:(IC:mlg (8 Nov 1978)
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Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Birch Bayh (D., Ind.), Chairman
Daniel K. Inouye (D., Hawaii)
Adlai E. Stevenson (D., Ill.)
1 William D. Hathaway (D., Me.)
2 Walter D. I=Huddleston (D., Ky.)
3 Joseph R. Biden (D., Del.)
Robert Morgan (D., N.C.)
Gary Hart (D., Colo.)
Daniel P. Moynihan (D., N. Y. )
Barry M. Goldwater (R., Ariz.),
Vice Chairman
4 Clifford P. Case (R., N.J.)
Jake Garn (R., Utah)
Charles McC. Mathias (R., Md.)
5 James B. Pearson (R., Kans.)
John H. Chafee (R., R.I.)
Richard G. Lugar (R., Ind.)
Malcolm Wallop (R., Wyo.)
1. Senator Hathaway was defeated by Republican Representative William S.
2. Senator Huddleston easily defeated Republican State Representative
Louie Guenthner.
3. Senator Biden had little problem defeating Republican James H.
Baxter Jr.
4. Senator Case was defeated by conservative Jeffrey Bell in the Republican
primary. Bell lost to Democrat Bill Bradley.
5. Senator Pearson is retiring.
NOTE: Senators Morgan and Hart are due to rotate off the SSCI in January,
and Senator Mathias could also leave if the size of the Committee
is reduced. This is tentative, however, and we will have to see
how the Committee organizes itself in January.
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Senate Appropriations Committee
Warren G. Magnuson (D., Wash.),*
John C. Stennis (D., Miss. )*
Robert C. Byrd (D., W.Va.)*
William Proxmire (D., Wis. )*
Daniel K. Inouye (D., Hawaii)*
Ernest F. Hollings (D., S. Car.)*
Birch Bayh (D., Ind.)
Thomas F. Eagleton (D., Mo. )*
Lawton Chiles (D., Fla.)
1 J. Bennett Johnston (D., La.)
2 Walter D. Huddleston (D., Ky.)
Quentin N. Burdick (D., N. Dak. )
Patrick J. Leahy (D., Vt.)
James R. Sasser (D., Tenn.)
Dennis DeConcini (D., Ariz.)
Dale Bumpers (D., Ark.)*
Milton R. Young (R., N. Dak. ),
Ranking Minority Member
3 Clifford P. Case (R. , N. J. )*
4 Edward W. Brooke (R., Mass.)*
5 Mark O. Hatfield (R., Ore.)
6 Ted Stevens (R., Alaska)*
Charles McC. Mathias (R., Md. )
Richard S. Schweiker (R., Pa.)*
Henry B ellmon (R., Okla.)
Lowell P. Weicker (R., Conn.)
*Defense Subcommittee
1. Senator Johnston was unopposed in the general election by virtue of his
primary victory under Louisiana's new (and unique) voting system.
2. Senator Huddleston easily defeated Republican State Representative
Louie Guenthner.
3. Senator Case was defeated by conservative Jeffrey Bell in the Republican
primary. Bell lost to Democrat Bill Bradley.
4. Senator Brooke was defeated by Democratic Representative Paul Tsongas.
5. Senator Hatfield beat Democratic State Senator Vernon Cooke.
6. Senator Stevens overwhelmed Democratic nominee Donald Hobbs.
NOTE: Senator Case's departure and Senator Brooke's defeat opens two slots
on the Defense Subcommittee.
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Senate Foreign Relations Committee
1 John J. Sparkman (D., Ala.),
Frank Church (D., Idaho)
2 Claiborne Pell (D. , R.I.)
George S. McGovern (D., S. Dak.)
3 Dick Clark (D., Iowa)
4 Joseph R. Biden (D., Del.)
John Glenn (D. , Ohio)
Richard Stone (D., Fla.)
Paul S. Sarbanes (D., Md.)
5 Clifford P. Case (R., N.J.).
Ranking Minority Member
Jacob K. Javits (R., N.Y.)
6 James B. Pearson (R., Kan.)
7 Charles H. Percy (R., Ill. )
8 Robert P. Griffin (R., Mich.)
9 Howard H. Baker (R., Tenn.)
1. Chairman Sparkman is retiring.
2. Senator Pell handily defeated Republican candidate James G. Reynolds.
3. Senator Clark lost to conservative former Lt. Governor Roger Jepsen.
4. Senator Biden had little problem defeating Republican James
H. Baxter Jr.
5. Senator Case was defeated by conservative Jeffrey Bell in the
Republican primary. Bell lost to Democrat Bill Bradley.
6. Senator Pearson is retiring.
7. Senator Percy prevailed over the Democratic nominee, attorney Alex
S eith.
8. Senator Griffin was defeated by former Detroit City Council President
Carl Levin.
9. Senator Baker had little trouble defeating Democratic nominee
Jane Eskind.
NOTE: Senator Church is in line for the Foreign Relations Chairmanship,
and Senator Javits will be the Ranking Minority Member next year.
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Senate Armed Services Intelligence Subcommittee
Harry F. Byrd (I., Va.), Chairman Barry M. Goldwater (R., Ariz.),
John C. Stennis (D., Miss.) Ranking Minority Member
NOTE: No Members were up for re-election.
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House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Edward P. Boland (D., Mass.), Bob Wilson (R. , Calif.),
Chairman Ranking Minority Member
Clement J. Zablocki (D., Wis.) John Ashbrook (R., Ohio)
Bill D. Burlison (D., Mo.) Robert McClory (R., Ill.)
Morgan F. Murphy (D., Ill.) J. Kenneth Robinson (R., Va.)
Les Aspin (D., 'Wis. )
Charles Rose (D., N.C.)
Romano L. Mazzoli (D., Ky.)
Norman Mineta (D., Calif.)
Wyche Fowler (D., Ga.)
NOTE: There are no retirements among the HPSCI Members. All of
the Committee's Members appear to have been re-elected.
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House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee
1 George H. Mahon (D., Texas), Jack Edwards (R., Ala.),
Chairman Ranking Minority Member
2 Robert L. F. Sikes (D., Fla.) J. Kenneth Robinson (R., Va.)
3 Daniel J. Flood (D., Pa.) Jack F. Kemp (R., N.Y.)
Joseph P. Addabbo (D., N.Y.)
4 John J. McFall (D., Calif.)
5 John J. Flynt (D., Ga. )
Robert N. Glaimo (D., Conn.)
Bill Chappell (D., Fla.)
Bill D. Burlison (D., Mo.)
Chairman Mahon is retiring.
2. Sikes is retiring.
3. Flood has been indicted on several Federal perjury counts, but was
re-elected to his sixteenth House term. His trial is not scheduled
to begin until next January.
4. The "Koreagate" issue probably cost the 11 term veteran McFall his seat-
he was defeated by Republican Norman Shurnway. McFall was reprimanded
by the House on 13 October for failing to report a $3, 000 1974 campaign
contribution from Tongsun Park.
5. Flynt is retiring.
NOTE: The remaining Subcommittee's Members appear to have
retained their seats. Jamie Whitten's chances for assuming
Chairmanship of the full Appropriations Committee are probably
75-25. Addabbo's chances for assuming Chairmanship of the Defense
Subcommittee are even better.
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House International Relations Committee
Clement J. Zablocki (D., Wis. ),
L. H. Fountain (D., N. Car.)
Dante B. Fascell (D., Fla.)
1 Charles C. Diggs (D., Mich.)
.2 Robert N. C. Nix (D., Pa.)
3 Donald M. Fraser (D., Minn.)
Benjamin S. Rosenthal (D., N.Y.)
Lee H. Hamilton (D., Ind.)
Lester L. Wolff (D., N.Y.)
Jonathan B. Bingham (D., N.Y.)
Gus Yatron (D., Pa.)
4 Michael J. Harrington (D., Mass.)
Leo J. Ryan (D., Calif.)
Cardiss Collins (D., Ill.)
Stephen J. Solarz (D., N.Y.)
Helen S. Meyner (D., N. J.. )
Don Bonker (D., Wash.)
Gerry E. Studds (D., Mass.)
Andy Ireland (D., Fla.)
Donald J. Pease (D., Ohio)
Anthony C. Beil.enson (D., Calif.)
Wyche Fowler (D., Ga.)
E. (Kiki) de la. Garza (D., Texas)
George E. Danielson (D., Calif.)
John J. Cavanaugh (D., Neb.)
William S. Broomfield (R., Mich.).
Ranking Minority Member
Edward J. Derwinski (R., Ill.)
Paul Findley (R., Ill. )
John Buchanan (R., Ala.)
5 J. Herbert Burke (R., Fla.)
6 Charles W. Whalen (R. , Ohio)
Larry Winn (R., Kan. )
Benjamin A. Gilman (R., N.Y.)
Tennyson Guyer (R., Ohio)
Robert J. Lagomarsino (R., Calif.)
William F. Goodling (R., Pa.)
7 Shirley N. Pettis (R., Calif.)
1. Diggs was re-elected, but he could face a move for expulsion, censure,
or reprimand if his conviction is upheld on appeal. Diggs has been
convicted of mail fraud and other charges involving fraudulent handling
of office payroll accounts. He faces a maximum sentence of 5 years
imprisonment on each of 29 counts and almost $200, 000 in fines.
2. Nix was defeated in the Democratic primary.
3. Fraser was defeated in a bid for the Democratic nomination for the
late Senator Hubert Humphrey's Senate seat. Bob Short, who beat Fraser,
was defeated by David Durenberger.
4. Harrington is retiring.
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5. Burke was defeated by Broward County Sheriff Edward Stack.
In September, Burke pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and resisting
arrest charges growing out of an incident earlier this year in the
parking lot of a night club in his district. He also pleaded no
contest to a charge of witness tampering.
6. Whalen is retiring.
7. Pettis is retiring.
NOTE: The rest of the Committee's Members appear to have retained
their seats. At least two Subcommittee Chairmanships will open
up in January. Harrington has headed the Subcommittee on International
Development, and Fraser has chaired the Subcommittee on International
Organizations. Diggs chairs the Subcommittee on Africa.
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House Armed Services Subcommittee on Intelligence
and Military Application of Nuclear Energy
Melvin Price (D., In.), Bob Wilson (R., Calif.),
Chairman Ranking Minority Member
1 Charles Wilson (D., Calif.) William L. Dickinson (R., Ala.)
Jack Brinkley (D., Ga.) Marjorie S. Holt (R., Md.)
Dan Daniel (D., Va.) Robert Daniel (R., Va.)
G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery (D., Miss.)
Ronald Dellums (D., Calif.)
Bob Carr (D., Mich.)
Charles E. Bennett (D., Fla.)
Samuel S. Stratton (D., N.Y.)
1. Wilson was re-elected despite having been reprimanded by the House for
failing to tell the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct about a
$1, 000 wedding present from Tongsun Park.
NOTE: The remainder of the Subcommittee's Members have apparently
retained their seats.
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