Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release i40W
15 June 1976
Counterspy magazine,
Which rose to promi-
ervatIOil ?1 hence recently when
intelligence officials charged that its disclosures
of operatives in foreign nations resulted in the
death of a CIA roan in Greece, has attacked the
posse comitatus movenu:ent. In a full page analy-
sis, the leftist publication described the movement
as "emerging as, an organization to unite rightist
paramilitary ... around the U.S." and admits an
"upsurge in vigilante activities." Also, in the dis-
approving report Counterspy notes that posse
comitatus "has already equalled the size of the
Minutemen organization at its zenith." Noting
that the posse has interfered with the strongly
left wing United Farm Workers recruitment ef-
forts, Counterspy says it is watching the move-
ment and urged readers to transmit information
on it to them. . . . WO 917 said that "The Israeli
sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty is about to get hack
in the news." Of course, it was an "attempted
sinking." Though 34 Americans were killed, the
Liberty was not sunk. Since then, as predicted,
Penthouse magazine has run two amazingly re?-
vealing articles on the atrocity and The Spotlight
claims that the secret (Court of Naval Inquiry re-
port calls the attack "deliberate." But WO re-,
grets the careless wording.
The U.S. Census Bureau has been asked to in-
clude a question on religious affiliation in the
1980 census by 15 directors of the Religious Re-
search Association, 'The question about religious
affiliation was dropped from the 1960 and 1970
census due to the demand of Jewish groups. Re-
velation of the true number of Jews in the U.S.
would undermine the myth that the Nazis killed
six million Jews. The truth is, there are six million
more Jews in the U.S. than Jewish organizations
admit... The Immigration Service reports that
there are 8 million illegal immigrants in the V.S.
Actually, there are at least 14 million.
Columnist Jack Anderson, a loyal camp follower
of the Anti-Defamation League (which can and
does put pressure on newspaper publishers to
carry or not carry his column) says that he- knows
but will not reveal who the "Deep '11iroaC was
who snitched all that. inside information to \Vash--
ington Post reporters Woodward and. lsernstein
in regard to Watergate. I-lowever, says Jack, Tic-
knows that "'Deep Throat' has to, be a source-
inside the FBI's Washington Field Office."'What
Jack knows but won't tell was revealed. in the
Nov. 1, 1974 issue of \VO: "Deep Throat'" was
W. Mark Felt, J. Edgar Hoover's long-time Jewish
assistant who served as his liasion with th ADI,
and who was passed over for promotion by Welt-
and Nixon when he instead appointed L. Patrick. i
Gray to succeed hoover. _ . . Perhaps one reason
why Jack is reluctant. to finger Felt is because
Felt was his own chief snitch in the Flil. Evidence
is that for years Felt illegally passed on FBI sec-
rets not only to the ADI. and to the Washington
Post but also to sanctimonious Jack.... According
to Newsweek (April 5, 1976, p. 25), "Ki-ssing r
regarded. Nixon as a dangerous anti-Semite."
Surprise unveiling of international banked
silver salesman/money changer Nicholas beak as
a CIA agent (WO 217) should make some of his
fleeced customers note his obvious conflict of
interest. While taking their money through a pla-
toon of commission agents for "silver claim ac-
counts," and promising rewards because of alleged
future price appreciation, he was actually wording
with the U.S. governrnent to depress the price of
the metal. This could be the basis for fraud suits
by some of his customers. . . . As aftermath to
exposure of the CIA connection, Deak has come
under investigation by customs official,, for pos-
sible illegal currency dealings. . .. If you have
any money in beak's Foreign Commerce Bank
of Zurich, you may as well reconcile yourself to
the knowledge that what Deak knows the CIA
also knows. WO warned yon }-ears ago.
Approved For Release' 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100360016-9