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MAY 1961
SUBJECT : Proposed
to DCI-Designated Representatives
Reference is made to your memorandum of 17 May 1961, subject as
above, which submitted a draft dispatch to certain overseas installa-
tions regarding coordination of clandestine activities abroad. The
dispatch, as written, meets with our approval.
Deputy D ector
xnP ges 3, F-8
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C Attachment
0 USIB-D-1. 5/8
P 4 May 1961
MEMORANDUM FOR : Chairman, United States Intelligence Board
SUBJECT Implementation of Recommendation No. 38
of Joint Study Group Report
1. The Cost Estimates Committee has considered Recommendation
No. 38 of the Joint Study Group on. which this Committee was directed
to develop. data and recommendations for USIB consideration.
2. Recommendation. No. 38(a) proposes that clear and specific
determinations be made as to those activities which are subject to
the coordination of the Director of Central Intelligence and the
guidance of the USIB. It is not believed that the Cost Estimates
Committee, is the appropriate element of the Intelligence Community
to prepare basic recommendations concerning this proposal in view of
the area of responsibility assigned to the Committee. For this reason,
it is suggested that this item be'eferred to the Assistant for Coordina-
tion for the preparation of recommendations for USIB consideration.
3. Recommendation No. 38(b) proposes that cost and manpower
data be prepared in such a form so that the resulting figures will
permit. the USIB to review and coordinate the effort expended on foreign
intelligence activities, especially through the review referred to in
Section VII, Recommendation No. 32. Since the Coordination. Staff has
been assigned the responsibility for the development of procedures in
carrying out Recommendation No. 32, the Cost Estimates Committee
will be available to work with the Staff in developing reasonable and
workable cost reports which will aid in the review and coordination of
effort expended on foreign intelligence activities.
4. The development, however, of instructions concerning and
the form of a report on costs and manpower data on foreign intelligence
cannot be made in its. final form until the determinations proposed in
Recommendation No. 38(a) and the policy questions involved in the
latter part of Recommendation No. 38(b) concerning the review and
coordination of the effort expended on foreign intelligence activities
as proposed in Recommendation No. 32 (paragraphs 2 and 3 above)
have been finally consummated.
/ s / E. R. SAUNDERS
Cost Estimates Committee
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7 April 1961
SUBJECT: JSG Recommendation No. 39
1. On 6 April 1961, the informal working group* on recommenda-
tion 39 was briefed by Dr. Tordella, Deputy Director, NSA, and by
members of his staff, on research and development activities of NSA
and the extent and method of coordination with CIA.
2. The following general points emerged from this briefing and
the questions and answers which followed it:
a. With respect to the development of specific items of
equipment required for operational purposes, coordination is
effective, and is stimulated by the pressure to utilize whatever
equipment can be made available or adapted to the purpose.
b. With respect to research on new techniques, coordination
is much less thorough. The thought was expressed that this lack
of coordination was not necessarily harmful; for marrproblems
it is useful to take several approaches, and in any case the
actual costs of this type of research are minor, compared with
other types of r and d expense.
c. One problem area clearly emerged. This was the lack of
consideration often given to the consequences of the successful
development of a new collection tool, in terms of the necessary
equipment and techniques which might need to be developed for
readout and technical analysis. It has happened in the past that
a new collection technique was developed and put into service,
with no coordination with those elements responsible for analysis
and interpretation of the data collected. This has led to hasty,
expensive, and unsatisfactory development of readout equipment.
* General Strong, CIA; Messrs.
DOD; Mr. Nordbeck, Coordination a .
I and Col. Smith,
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5 May 1961
. MEMORANDUM FOR: Members of the Security Committee
SUBJECT : Implementation of Recommendation No. 42
of the Joint Study Group Report
. In accordance with the discussion at the Committee meeting
on 4 May, there is attached a copy of the Committee?s report to
the Board concerning recommendation No. 42. This report re-
flects those changes agreed to at the meetings on 27 April and
4 May. A copy of the attached has been forwarded to the Board.
Secre ry
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5 May 1961
MEMORANDUM FOR: Members of the United States Intelligence
Report of the Security Committee in Imple-
menting Recommendation No. 42 of the
Joint Study Group Report re "Foreign Intel-
ligence Activities of the United States
Government" dated 15 December 1960
REFERENCE : Memorandum from Chairman, Security Com-
mittee to the USIB. Subject: Initial Report of
Progress in Implementing Recommendations
Nos. 14, 18 and 42 of the Joint Study Group Re-
port re "Foreign Intelligence Activities"
(IBSEC-PR/2, 30 March 1961). Memorandum
from Chairman, USIB to the Board. Subject:
Implementation of Approved Recommendations
(USIB-D-1.5/4, 21 February 1961).
1. In.accordance with the reference memorandum from the
Chairman, USIB, as concurred in by the USIB at its 28 February
meeting, there is set forth the report of the Security Committee
concerning its consideration of recommendation No. 42. Action by
the Security Committee concerning recommendations Nos. 14 and 18
is pending before the Committee and reports concerning these recom-
mendations will be submitted to the Board as completed.
2. In response to the request by the Security Committee, the
Chairman, National Security Council Special Committee on technical
Surveillance Countermeasures submitted a memorandum dated
21 April 1961 identifying the areas of support desired from the USIB
of those efforts initiated by the NSC Special Committee in the counter-
audio surveillance field. A copy of this memorandum is attached.
It is our understanding, that a similar requirement for the collection
of,that information requested by the Chairman of the Special Committee
has previously been levied upon the intelligence community.
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w/ Vi
3. In addition, it is recommended that the United States Intel-
ligence Board strongly support and recommend to the appropriate
USIB member departments and agencies that necessary action be taken
to implement the following in their areas of interest:
a. Insure that appropriate officials are made aware
of the audio threat by briefings or publications.
b. Insure that countermeasures recommended by
the NSC Special Committee on Technical Surveillance
Countermeasures are adopted as far as practicable.
c. Insure that research.and development facilities
are available on a higher priority basis for audio counter-
measure equipment and projects.
d. Indoctrinate appropriate officials in the fact
that the audio countermeasure field is a professional
field and therefore requires professional personnel as-
signed on a permanent basis.
4. It is also recommended that the USIB review the Annual
Report to the NSC by the NSC Special Committee on Technical Sur-
veillance Countermeasures and support the recommendations oon-
tained therein.
5. The Chairman of the CODIB Committee was consulted
concerning this recommendation and advised that CODI$ has been
concerned with security problems in the development of remote
systems input devices. It was noted that this problem is before
the Committee on Compromising Emanations of the U. S. Corn-
munications Security Board for appropriate action. Therefore,
no further action is contemplated by the Security Committee in
this matter, and the Chairman of the CODIB Corrnmittee, has. been
so advised.
Acting Chairman
cc: Chairman,. CODIB Committee
Assistant for. Coordination
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21 April 1961
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, Security Committee
United States Intelligence Board
Recommendation No. 42 of the Joint Study
Group Report on Foreign Intelligence
Activities of the United States Government,
Dated 15 December 1960
The National Security Council Special Committee is most
appreciative of the interest reflected and strong support offered
through Recommendation No. 42 of the Joint Study Group Report
on Foreign Intelligence Activities of the United States Government.
One of the most pressing problems confronting the Special
Committee is the demand for continuing information on the capa-
biliiits of foreign governments in audio-surveillance and counter-
measures. Whereas the primary interest is in the capabilities
of the Sino-Soviet Bloc, any intelligence relating to new develop-
ments in these fields by other foreign nations and particularly
indications of use or intended use of audio or counter audio-
surveillance equipment and techniques against the United States
would be of extreme interest. Such intelligence would include:
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Any assistance that the USIB, through its member agencies,
can render to the Special Committee by collecting such information
on a continuing basis will be appreciated. Such intelligence should
be disseminated to the Chairman of the NSC Special Committee.
William 0. Boswell
NSC Special Committee on
Technical Surveillance
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