Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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Approvr Releasqj=
'41COUNNTRY: UkrainianSSR
SUBJECT: Location of Heavy Industry
DATE OF INFORMATION: 1942 and prior
309 4 6
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1. Kharkov, Ukraine was the location of over twenty
(20) industrial enterprises with employment of over 10,000 persons each. They
were as follows:
1. The Kharkov Locomotive Works
2. Kharkov Aveo Factory
3. Machine Building Industry
4. Agricultural Machinery Enterprise
5. The Kharkov Tractor Works
6. Auto Parts Factory
7. The Turbine Factory
8. Metal Fabricating Plant
9. Four (4) large Sugar Refineries
10. Wire Factory
11. Several Benzene Refineries
12. Several Chemical Factories
2. Other cities in the Ukraine and their industries were as follows:
1. Chuguiv (on the Don River) - Several armament plants and storage
bases, the largest, "Slav'yansk-Galicia Enterprise"
2. Kramotorovka - large machine building factory (25,000 persons
3. Druzhkovka - large steel plant and chemical factory
4. Konstantynovka - glass factory and pharmaceutical plant on the
Torek River, also the Torek'tskyy Chemical Enterprise,
produced many synthetic and plastic products from phenols
and coal from neighboring chemical refineries and mines.
ApTT l release 1999/09/10: CIA-RDP83-0 00119 ,'', Mi "'1i1099'?
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Approved For Relgmo 1999/09/10 :, CIA-RDP83-00423RO01200800001-9
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Torlovka II - several coal mines and large chemical plants
Torlovka VIII - chemical and synthetic factories
Enakivko - steel plant and chemical works.
Makeyevka - two large steel plants and several chemical factories
Stalino - very large steel factory and several large chemical
factories, also many coal mines
Mariopol - steel and steel parts factory, largest called
"Azov'Steel", also chemical factory
Kerch - source of iron ore and the Kerch steel works and chemical
Krivo-rog - location of large deposits of iron ore and iron ore
preparation facilities
Ekaterynoslav - large hydroelectric facilities, also the Kalynskaya
Steel Enterprise, on the Dnepr River, 40 to 60 kilometers
from Ekaterynoslav
Alchevsk - steel factory and coal mines
Lisichansk - chemical works
Sulin - steel factory
Taganrog - steel factory and tannery
Shahkty - airplane motors factory and several coal mines
Pykolayev -Gavan - several large ship construction yards.
This %,'n for LS Officials
only is Sp. lied for t ti _ llo mto cst of
your analysts. It does not warrant dissemir
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Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423 R001200800001-9