t 39399-65 EPR/_T-rjT(ix) /54P(b) /T/SWA (d)/7-,4? M /MVP W'Ps-4 tS
ACCESSION NR,. AT4046214 S/0000/63/000/000/0032/0039
AUTHOR: Panin,-V. 'Yes; Zenkova, E. K.; Sol6vsyev, L. A.; Fadin. V. P
TITLE: High-temperature anomalies of the prooortles of Cu-Al alloys in the solid
solution region 17 17
SOURCE: Yubileynaya konferentstya po firiko-khtmicheskomu analizu. Novosibirsk,
1960. Fiziko-khtmictieskly analiz (Physicochemical ainalysis); trudy konferentsil.
Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sib. otd. AN SS:LRj_k963_j,_32-3.9
TOPIC TAGS: solid solution, solid solution transition, activation energy, vacanc
mobility, copper alloy, aluminum alloy, high temperature anowly, alloy physical
propertyKalloy crystal,structure
__~;~_CA Earlier studies showed (see, e.got C, R. Hounks, B. L. Auerbsch, J6
Appl. Physo, v. 30, no. 10, 1959 .9. 1525; V. S, Kagan, V. A, Somenkov, Ye. S.
Umanskiy, Kristallografiya, v. 5, no. 4, 1960) that solid Cu-Al solutions may
undergo high temperature transitions accompanied by thermal effects and anomalous
variations in heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and mechanical properties of
the alloy. The present study investigated these anomalies in detail for solid
Card 1/2
L 39399-65
Cu-Al solutions'of varying eon6entratton. Special attention was paid to solutions.
near the solubility limit-because of the possible abrupt changes in the concentra-.
tion limits. Tests using very pure (ftom 99.95% pure C)a and 99.99% pure At) and
technically pure alloys heated up to BOOC showed ~10 1) the anomalous changes
at increased temperatures in the properties of solid Cu-Al solutions are caused
neither by impurities nor by changes In the limits of solubility of At in Cu;
they are rather connected with the ordering processes within the alloy; 2) in
alloys close to the solubility limit the ordering process way be supplemented by
another process connected with the changes in the solubility limit for T/'400c;
3) the kinetics of the ordering processes within the Cu-Al alloys depend, however#
very much on the purity of the alloy; an increase in purity shifts the ordering
process in-to the lower temperature region. The associated decrease in activation
energy is probably related to the increased mobility of the excess tLirdening
vacancies which, otherwisel become bound by the impurity atoms. Oria. art. has:
3 figures and 1 table,
NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 010
Card 2/2/~
Panin, V. Ye.f Fadin,,V. P. and Dudarev, Yee Fe
TITLE: Effect:of hardening temperature on the ordering prooee~
aea in solid solutions of 0u-Al
k&RIODICAL: Ukrayinalkyy fizyohnyy zhurnalt v. 8, no. 2, 1963,
TEXT: The authors investigated the alloy Cu + 14.3 at.% Al har-
dened at T = 3200t 6000 and 90000. The electric resistance P was
.,;chosen as the characteristic of state, and its temperature varia-
;tion is considered. The'ordering processes during tempering.-are
;very slow for T. 32001but very intense for Th = 6000C. Values for
,the activation energy of the ordering process are given for the
:above values of T h and for T h = 400009 and i.t is found that the
,activation energy is independent of T h for T h = 400 - 900 but,iA-
icreases sharply for T 320 0. There are 3 figures and I tables
1,Pqrd - ---- --
V. Ye. and Fadins V. P.
~TITLE: Effect of parity of the alloy on the character of or-
dering in solid solutions of Cu-Al
pl~ IODICAM Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 8, no. 2, 1963,
.:TBXT: The alloys investigated were: 1) Cu + 14.3 at.% Al of high
~purity, 2) Cu + 14.9 at.% Al with 0.025 and 0.07 weight% P. The de-
,pendence of the electrical conductivity p on the hardening tempera-
Iture ThO Ithe temperature variation of p and of 0 p are considered.
.The activation energies B of the ordering process are given. Con-
.clusions: the temperature interval of the ordering is displaced
towards higher-temperatures with increasing concentration of P; E
.increases at the same time. B is independent of Th when the latter
;ia between 4000 or 50000 and 90000. Atomic mobility in Cu-AI alloys
!can be sharply dQcreased by adding.small quantities of P. There.
Card 1
AUTHORS: Panin, V. Ye., Y-adin, 09 Bushnev, Le 5, and
Minayeva, G. Go
~!.'TITLEs Imperfect long-range order in solid solutions Cu-Al
PERIODICAL: Ukrayinelkyy fizychnyy zhurnalf v. 8, no* 2# 19631
TEXT: The authors calculate the theoretical isotherms of the va-
.riation of short-range parameter crduring tempering of the harden-
alloy Ou + 14.3 at.% Al. Experimental curves, obtained from the
tempering isotherms of electrical conductivity, are compared with
theoretical curves Temperatures of hardening were 3200 and
~.that of tempering 6000 c
i309C. There is considerable disagreement between
'~theory and experimental results for 600009 which is attributed to
the epstence of impe feet long-range order. Thin foils (1000 -
10 er
;2000 A thick) of the 1 y W e investigated with an electron
30 M17.
''croseope, and paired iislocations, with distances of 150 0
in a..pair,,wsLa observid. These are typical for alloys with long-
;Imperfect long-range D234/D308
Jrange order. There are 2 figures.
Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheekiy institut (Siberian
Physicotechnical Institute), Tomsk
Nature of ordering in Cu-Al solid solutions. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no 2:
210-216 F 163. (MIRA 16.21
1. Sibirokiy fiziko-tekhaicheokiy institut, 90 Tomsk.
(Coppet-aluminum alloys)
ALTHORS: Panin, V.Ye., Fadin, V.P., Redllcin, V.P. and
1,gonatyuk, V.4r.
TITLE: The temporaturo-dopendonce of short-ranro order in
solid Cu-Al solutions
PERIODICAL: riziRa metallov i metallovocloniye, v. 15, no. 2,
1963, z64 - 268
TMM The object of the present invostigation was to evaluate
the contribution of the variation in ishort-ran.r.*c or(;or to the
variation in properties of Cu-Al alloys during hoat-treat;nent.
Using the theoretical concepts of %idin and Shtremell (nz:, 1961,
11, no. 5), Le Clairo and Loner (Acta met., 19511, 2, 11) and the
experimental data. due to Houska and Averbach (J. Appl. Phys., 1959,
30, no. 10) on the equilibrium probability p,".. of a Zivc-n bond
of an atom A being, satisfied by an atom 13 , the prez;ent authors
calculated the values of p,, and the parameter of the short-ran.Se
order 4cr for 'the 14-3 at.OP' Al-Cu alloy at 0 - 1 000 0C. The
results indicated that a considerable degree of short-range order
Card 1/3
The tomperaturo-dopendenco E193/2383
't-,ras retained in the alloy studied even at. temperatures approaching'
its melting point. The values of cr obtained uere used to
ostii-ziate the variation in electrical resistivity due to the
gradual destruction of short-range order on hoatin5; it was shown
that the resistivity of the alloy should gradually increase with
increasing temperature. The tenporature-dopendence of p., was'.
used to determine the tomporaturo-dopendence of '-he energy required
to destroy the short-range ordor~. Finally, the heat effect
associated with disordering uras experimentally determined by
studying the tmperature-depand one o of the specific heat of th 'e
17.5 at.% Al-Cu alloy. The results obtained for this alloy are
reproduced in Fig. 3, showing the temperature-dependence of the
short-raligo order parameter (o- , righthand scale, curve 1), the
energy requ ired to destroy the short-range order (e~N L, ctl/m:)le,
lefthand scale, curve 2) and the heat effect due to disordering
(aQ, cal/nole, lefthand scale, curve 3). The fact that curves 2
and 3 in Fig. 3 did'not coincide at high temperatures was taILCen to
indicate that transformations in the solid Cu-Al solution trcre
Card 2/3
The temporaturo-depondonce r.193/1-:383
associat '4id not only with changes in the degree of short-range
order but with other phenomena. There are 3 figures and l.table.
ASSOCIATION: Sibirslciy fizilco-t-cichnichaskiy institut
(Siberian Physicotechnical Institute)
SUBMITT ID: july,io, 1962.
Fir, 3:
"6 018 gj:
? 9
Z 06
600. & 0 Ic
Card 3/3
Kinetics of near order.changes In copper--aliminiun solid solutions. Fiz.
met. I. metalloved. 17 no.2r192-196 F 164. (MIRA 171t2)
1. Sibirskly fizI,ko-tekhnichesk%- !.nstitut.
-range order oontribution
Cu - Al solid solutions due to
zav.; fiz. 8 no.23119-124 165.
to the change in the properties of
thermal treatment. Izv. vys. ucheb.
(MIRA 180)
1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut iment Kuzret8ova.
Concentration dependence of the ordering energy in Cu - Zn solid solu-
tions. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz, 8 no.2al77-179 165. (MIRA 180)
1. Sibirskiy fiaiko~-teMi%khaskiyInstitut Imeni Kuznetsova.
L 46327-65 EWT(m)/T/EWA(m)-2
ACCESSION M: AP5009215 S/OOL)0/65/161/(M/0074/00
AUTHOR: Bayer, V. No ~Iadln V. 11.
TITLE: Polarization effects In the production of particles In colliding bean ex-I
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady,,,.Y. i6is no. 1,, 1965v 74-77
TOPXC TAGS: colliding beam experiment# electron polarization, electron positron i
annihilation, pair production
ABSTRACT- To estimate the Influence of electron polarization on the fundamental
two-particle processes occurring dving annihilation of an electron-positron pair,
the ~uihors calculated the cross sections for the production of pairs of pions,
muons, nucleons, and vectons by polarized electrons and positrons. The polarlza~
tion is produced when the electrons move in a magnetic field and radiate. The
calculations show that polarization of the initial electrons and poeitrone causes
the cross sections of two-particle annihilation to be appreciably deformed com-
pared with the cross sections of the process for nonpolarized particles. Such de-
formation must be taken into account in experiments with colliding beams. On the
LCard 1/2
L 22136-66 EWT (1)
ACC 11R.- Ar6oo4934 SOURCE CODE: uR/Oo56/66/O50/oOj/Ol56/O168
Khozep V. A.
AUTHOR: Bayer, V. No; J!Sn
ORG: Novosibirsk State University (Navosibirskiy gosudarstvenny universitet)
TITLE: Electromag ic.particle pair production
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikij v. 50, no. 1p 19"p
TOPIC TAGS: pair productionp particle collision,, photon emission, fermion,, col-
lision cross section, electromgnetic interaction, nuclear spin, charged particlep
dbifferential cross section, integral cross sectionp quantum electrodynamicB
ABSTRACT% This is a continuation of a series of e4Lrlier papers (ZhETF Y. 48,
1708j, 1965 and elsewhere) dealing with bremsstrahlung occurring upon collision of
two charged particles, and the emission of a photon following two-particle anni-
hilation of a pair of particles. The method used in these investigations con-
sisted of integrating individual parts ok the diagrams and using the properties
of relativistic, gaugej and aharge invariance. In the present article this method
is used to calculate the cross sections for electromgnetic pair production under
the simplifying assumption that all the charged particles are distinguishable*
Card 112
L 22136-66
ACC BR: AP6004934
The cross sections for the 'creation of pairs offermions vith spin 1/2 or Of
scalar particles upon collision of a photon vith a charged particle are calcu-
lated. Exact expressions are dbtained for the differential cross sections in
terms of the invariant mass of the pair of charged particles. The obtained cross
sections are discussed from the point of view of the study of the form factors of
the particles and the check on the validity of quantum electrodynamics at small
distances. This is followed by an analysis of the annihilation of a pair of
particles into two'pairs of charged particles. The exact value of the differen-
I tial, cross section is obtained in terms of the invariant masses of the produced
i pairs, and the properties of these cross sections are discussed. Approximate ex-
pressions are also obtained for the integral cross section. 7he calculation takes:
into account the recoil and the contribitcion of the dispersionj and the Compton
tensor of the fourth rank is integrated over the final states of the fermion pairo
j Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 3 formulas.
SUB CODE: 2o/ sum DATst o9ja65/ oRm Rm oo8/ oTR mw: ook
lCard 2/2~
o3o-66 01
L 5o
ACC NRt AF602oJ15 SOURCE. COD91 UR7036-7166160100PIO ~'710)1
AUV1611: -Bayer, V. 11.ij'adin, Vo S-1 Khoze, V, A#
ORGt flovosibirsk -Alite University (Novosibirokiy gomAarstvemw wdvorsitat)
TITIL31' Elastic ft"I Inolastic forykfactors in the crone-sootions of electromagmt1o
SOURCEt Yadernaya fizika, ve 3, no* 2, 1966g 327-331
TOPIC TAGSi photon, elastic scattering, inelastic ficatterim. particle annihilation,,
particle crons Dootion, electromagnetic interaction
ABSTRAM General formulae for the cross-sections of tj&qtj2_jcatterInr and the two-,
and throe-particlo annihilation of a pair of arbitrary particles are dorivod In a
one-photon approximation, The creation of a pair of particles in interactions of
photons with oharrad particles and In the Inelast16 elogtrovarnetic annihilation or
a pair is qonpide od Origs art, hAst 3 figures and 26 fornulAse( Diftsed on authors'
En * abst. i
9 J L
SUB CODEt 20 / SUBM DATE, 23Jun65 / MIG REF1 004 / Unt REFt 005
ACC NRs AXW20217 SOURCE CODE: UPv/0056/66/050/006/1611/16-b
AUTHOR: Bayer, V. N.; Fadinj V. S.; Khoze) Vo A
ORG: Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirskiy gosudarstvenny universitet)
TITLEs Emission of two photons in a specified angle during electron collisions
SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 50, no. 6, 1966, 1611-1616
TOPIC TAGS: photon emission, electron collision, radiation detector, scattering crosi
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by one of the authors (Bayer, with
V. M. Gal-itskiy, ZhETF Pislma v. 21 259, 1965 and earlier) dealing with the emission
of two photons of arbitrary energy as a result of electron collisions. In view of th,
great interest that attaches to this process in connection with colliding-beam experi.
ments, and in view of the fact that earlier calculations were based on the assumption
that the angular dimensions of the photon detectors greatly exceed the characteristic
emission angle, the authors calculate Im this article the cross section for the emis-
sion of two photons into a specified angle, which is shown to be only a fraction of
the cross section of the radiation integrated over all the angles. The final expres-
sion, obtained by a combination of analytic and computer techniques, is in the form
of a polynomial in the powers of the frequencies of the two photons. The numerical
values of the coefficients of the powers of the frequencies are obtained in the case
when the detector dimensions are of the order of magnitude of the characteristic
L 41742-66
Atc'NR, Ap6620217
emission angle. An analytic expression for the cross section is obtained when the
detector dimensions-are much larger than the characteristic angle. The results of
this analytic expression agree well with the numerical calculations. The authors
thank A. P. Onuchin for a discussion of questions connected with the experiment,
and G. I. Rusova.and E. Z. Borovskaya for help with the numerJ-,al caiL-,~Iations.
Orig. art. hase 1 figure, 14 formulas, and 2 tables.
SUB CODE: SU13M DATE: loian66/ oRiG REF: oo3/ ov REF: ool
Card 2/2
'ACC NRI AP6036055 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/004/1135/1142
AUTHOR: Ba;er, V. N.; Fadin, V. S
y. Khoze, V. A.
ORG: Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirskty gosudarstvennyy universitet)
TITLE: Bremistrahlung in high energy electron pollisions
SOURCE: Zhu nal ekspertmentallnoy i teoreticheskoy ftziki, v. 51, no. 4, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: ibr emsstrah lung. electron collision, photon emission, center of
mass, - -- .F mass system-1 I I
'~o n
ABSTRACT: S ngle bremsstrahlung in high electron collisions is considered.
The angular di 'tribution and spectrum of the emitted photons in the center of
mass system aTd the laboratory system are calculated. Radiation due to the inciJ
dent particle and recoil particle is considered in the 1. s. case. The classical
current and Weizaacker-Williams methods are analyzed and it is shown that the
latter method is not valid for calculating the spectrum of photons emitted by recoil
Card 1 / 2
CNRI AP603-6-05~
particles if 61 > n/2 The authors are very grateful to V. M. Galitskiy
and Ye. M. Lif4hits for discussions. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 28 formulas.I
(Authors' abstrdet]
SUB CODE: 20)SUBM DATE: 09Apr66/ORIG REF: 005/OTH REF: 005/
YADIN, V., Inxhener; IFADIN, Yo., inzhoner.
Automatic control. Tekh.sol.24 no.6:16-18 Ja '56. (MLRA 9:9)
(Automatic control)
FADN, Ye.A., (Leningrad)
Riddle of the "red displacement." Nauka i zhizn' 22 no.10:43-45
(Spoetrum analysis) (MMIA 9:1)
AUTHOR: Rayevskiy, P.D., Lt Col, and Fadin, Ye.S., Capt
TITLE: Party Organization Fights for High Standards in Train-
ing (Partiynaya organizatsiya v bor'be za vysokoye
kachestvo ucheby)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 8, pp 9-14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors describe the role played by party organiza-
tions in the training of personnel in general, and of
flying pklrsonnel in particular. They are members of
an outstanding bomber unit, which has had no aircraft
accidents during the last 10 years.
Card 1/1
lxhbition hall for Soviet goods in Accra. Tnesh. torg. 30 no-12:
25 160. 1- (MIRA 13:12)
(Accra-ExhibitionaY .1.
Republic of Ghana, Vnesh.torg. 41 no.5i27-31 161.
(MIRA 14:4)
(ahana-1conomic conditiona)
Commerce with Ghana is on the upsurge. Vnesh. torg. 42 no.lOi8-3-1 162.
kMMA 15:10)
(Ras sia-Commorce--Ghana) (Ghana-r-Commorce-Rassia)
ASTAKHOV, A.S.; DARONYAN, M., red.; MOSKVINA, R., tekhn.
[Africa in figures; a statistical manual] Afrika v tsif-
rakh; st;itisticheskil spravochnik. Moskva, Sotsekgiz,
1963. 566 p. (MIRA 16:11)
KIEdIfY 1.11.; 1j-,YK('1VSrrY, K.K.; FIGUZOV, Yu.V.; FADI 111 At, L . Ve
investipaLlng the isothermal decomposItion off auo,*.~n-L-- by the
internal Prict-Im mothcd. FIz. mat. i metalleved. 1-8 nc.2:316-
317 Ag 164. (MIRk 18:8)
1. Mnskcvakly In5tltuL I olpl'avov.
VAYIISIITEYN, Ya.l., inzh.; iADIM, N.M., inzh.
Adjustment of slit-type gas burners. Teploonargetika 8 no."':
i-l..42 mr . 161. (MIIUI 14:91,
1. Energonaludka.
(G&s burners)
VAYNSHTEYN, Ya.I.; inzh.1 FADINA, N.M., inzh.
Indrease in the evaporative capacity of' Loilers. Energetik 10
no.4313-16 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4)
"Honey inspection and determination of its quality."
Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No- 5, 196o, p. 82
A CaT v a - ar--t4d - S,--t
Properties of fine-frain nuclear emulsions dependent on the pAg
and the temperature of emulsification and first ripening.
Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 9 no.ls2l-27 Ja-F'64.
(MIRA 17t2)
Pyrogallolamidol developer for nuclear e=lsions, Zhur.naucb.
i prikl.fot, i kin, 9 no.63422-425 N-D 164- - (MIRA 18s1)
ACC NR, AT70UO923 SOURCE COM tM/3180/66/012/000/0005/0015
AUMOH: Novikova. N. H.; Zakharov, V. I.; Fadinao Ye. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Use of synthetic polymers in the manufacture of fine grain nuclear emulsions.
Part I. Properties of fine grain emulsion when the gelatine is partially replaced by
polyvinyl acetals
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Komissiya po khimii fotograficheakikh protneasov. Uspekhi nauchnoy
fotografii, Y. 12, 1966. Yadernaya, fotografiya (Nuclear photography), 5-15
TOPIC TAGS: nuclear emulsion, emulsion polymerization, film grain, polyvinyl acetate
ABSTRACT: The authors report experiments aimed at improving the properties of nuclear
emulsions by replacing the gelatin with poly-vinyl acetals, using PF-2 nuclear emul-
sions as examples, and investigated the physical'. mechanical, and recording proper-
ties of emulsions prepared on this basis. The emulsions were prepared essentially by.
diluting the initial PR-2 emulsion with a solution of polyvinyl acetal. The prepara~'
tion of the polyvinyl acetal and of the emulsion are briefly described. Several types
of polyvinyl acetal were Investigated, The tests consisted of determining the avell-I
ing of the gelatin, and polymer-gelatin emulsion layers, the changes in the linear
dimensions, the mechanical strength, pad the photographic grain density and the fog-
Lq--rA-i 12--
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cultivated Plants* Grains. IM
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-j No 5, 1958, 2c)26o.
Author J_ Fndr1chn-
Inst Hot given.
Title Me Selection of Short-Stalked Fqe. (Selektsiya rzhi a
korotkoy solomoy).
Orig -Pub: Sbor. Ceskool. akad. zemed. ved. Rostl. vyroba) 19%,
29, No 7, 645-652.
Abstract: The problem is solved for the possibi.Uty of selecting
rye with short stalks in order to provide them 'with
greater resistance to stem wilting. A new select
variety of Dobrovitskiy winter rye with a short culm
in comparison with the standard variety of Czech rye
is distinguished by its resistance to stem wilting,
Card 1/P
The possibility of use of indigoca=ine for the determination
of nitrates. Ceske hyg. 9 no.6067-373 J1164
1. Vodohospodarska sprava, Bmoe
NEDOROST, Geatimir., I.nz.j FADRUS Hubert, prcm-wany ::,~ezrdk; ,!AlY, JcBeff.,
promovany chemiki !nz.
Experiences in waste water purM.-ation in Brn3. Vodni h3sP 14
no.8:293-298 164.
1, Water Resources Menagement Agency ~,,f the city of Bmo (f,-r
all except NenLvIch). 2. Hydroprojekt.., Brn.) (for Nentvll.li).
I; ub~ rz,, promovany
Lxporlonnevv in waot.,.~ watfr n Brno. Vc,jr,.-I hoop 1-1 no.9:
339-347 1611,
1. Brno (Aty Wator f~o-tuur,,io ;',hrm,,:cmorTll, I'a 7,, le raI
llyirol:roickt, Prim (~',-)r 1',
A contribution to the quick determint.-tion of iron cortent In
water. Cesk. hyg. 10 no.2t97-99 ~lr 165
1. Vodohospidarska sprava mesta Brna.
01 r
'~jty of 5rno odarska
".-,Coilo!,,Iy of the
Bnio (-or bot',)
Do.. of Iron in 'Na-tor."
,,on tilc QlliL;,l Lectioll
iC7j],�Y, 'A. P. MNIKY 1'. P., FADRYGA, V. Li::C,
"Agriculture of thk~.- Magadan Oblast"' (boov) 1957
Tells of the Experience of aGriculturRl workers oil the Maj~adan GLI-ant,
which is the more Jnteresting because of the utilizatton of new areas in the
north. InGpite of the many of authors the book is a c=plete and finished wor"r..
AUTHORS: Kotelfnikov, V.K. and Fady~shinq I',L, 598
TITLE: Built-up Reamers and Boring Disc Cutters provided with Carbide
Inserts for the machining of Cast Iron Housing Components.
(Razvertki Sbornyye I Rastocbnyye Plastinyq Osnashchennyye
Tverdym Splavom, Dlya Korpusnykh Detaley Iz Chuguna).
PERIODICAL: "Stanki i Instrument" (Machine Tools and Cutting Tools, No-3,
v pp-31-33
ABSTRACT: Ahe All Union Scientific Research Institute of the Tool Indus
try (VNII) designs of built-up adjustable reamers and floating
disc shaped boring cutters with carbide cutting tips have been
developed which permit repetition work to class 1 and class 2
precision and are claimed to reduce machining time by a factor
of two or three. Designs for reamers between 40 and 300 mm
diameter are illustrated in cross-section. The design of boring
disc cutters between 70 and 400 mm diameter is also illustrated.
In both tools regrinding is preceded by the shimming of the
carbide tips to restore the original size. Detailed instruct-
ions for re-sharpening are given.
There are 4 illustrations.
Card 1/1
Moncow. Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy.
rezhulichly Instrument (abornik] (Ifighly
Iv,.- Tooln; Collection of Articles) Moscow,
Mafj~t- -. )J61- 354 p. Errata allp inserted. 10,000 copies
print.,- 1.
Spowirwitur AFenry: Obvhchc3tvo po ranprostraneniyu politichenk1kh
I wi-,%rhny1,h zrianly RSKSR. Mookovskly dom nauchno-tokhnicheakoy
propa~;andy imcni F. E. Dzerzhinakogo.
Ed. (Tltl,-- page): 11. S. D~gtyarenko, Candidate of Technical
Oclences; Ed. of Publishing House: I. I. Lo3nichenko; Tech.
Fri.: Z. 1. Chernova; ManagIng Ed. for Literature on Cold
Trcatfrmnt of Metals and Machine-Tool Making: V. V. Rzhavinakiy,
PURPOSE , Thin colleatton cr articles in intended for technical
peraonnZil of machine, Instrument, and tool plants.
11trhly ProllizctIve Cutting Tooln (Cont.) SOV/5551
COVUAq~:: Tile ccjll,~,Ptlon contains information on the fallowing:
now brund,3 of h1cli-npred iteL,13 and hard alloys; des1rna of
built-up tooln and tooln for the machining of holes; tools
for inachintrig, heai-rT,,:jjsttne, :i~id llght-wtal Mloyn and plautIce;
toolo for unIt-tcid machinati 'Ind automatic productInn lineu;
and m-ithodi for the sharpening and maintenance of carbide-
tlpj),~(t tools. No personalities are mentioned. There are 56
referencea, mostly Soviet. References accompany some of the
Foreword 3
Geller Yu. A. (Doctor of Technical Sci
encea, Professor]. Highly
Productive High-Speed Steels 7
C ard~-2/_6
Highly ProductIvo Cutting Tools (Cont.) 3OV/5581
Smirnov, F. F. (Candidate of Technical Sciences). flew Types of
Carbide Alloys for Cutting Tools 22
Akirov, A. V. [Cindidate of Technical Sciences]. Advanced Designs
oi Sln~;lc-Point Tools 43
Morozov, P. 1. (From the Experience of the Zavod Imani Kalinina--
Plant imani Kalinin). Application of Coraml-i Materials 65
Yercmeyeva, N. 14. Goometry of Tools for the Machining of Holos 79
Fad~yujil Carbido-Tipped Boring Tools for Machining adios
1-n Frzano-Type Parts go
Erankrants, L. 0. Tool Dooigna for Machining Precision Holes ill
Markov, R. 1. Now Design or a Broach With Carbide Blades 128
Heads for annular boring of through holes in cast iron. Stan.i
instr. 33 no.3:26-27 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:2)
(Drilling and boring machinery)
Controlled two-edge floating reamers:'Stan. I J-nntr. 36
no. 12:31-33 D 165 (MIM 1911)
Microscopic method of determining decarbonization in tool steels.
Zav.1ab. 26 n0-3:307-310 16o. (MIRA 13*6)
1. Vessoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy instrumentalln.Vy institut.
(Steel alloys--metallography)
V"I HOPP): Geller. Yu. A.,-Fadyushina. M. N.
F Determination of residual austenite by the magneto-metaliogr~iphtc
j N 7 ~A Reff,!at Ivnyy zhurnal. Metallurglya. no. '11, 1()0,'), "?(,, O~F-t raf I
(V nh. "Metodika I praktika metallogr. ins-trurr. s,it] i".
Mo~;cow, Krishgtz. 1961, 10-50)
iFX; 1he mqgneto-metallographic method proposed by the author.~ mqkenz it
a, on 0
to establish the presence of residual auAenite by examIn 41 f
,F-Imeris tinder a microscope and to determine the distribution of residual
aiisterite In the structure. The magneto-metallographic method was checked by
testing the steelsXBF, 9XC, P9, andP18 (KhVG, 9KhS, R9, and R18). It Is
shown that the results of the magneto-metallographic method coincide with the
da-a obtained by the magnetic X-ray structure analyses. The magneto-metallo-
graphic method possesses a high sensitivity and Is very expedient for determining
.he residual austenite In a multiphaze alloy, and is also convenient for c n o1-
1 0 tr
ling 'he tempering of high-speed steel. r, Nikitina
FAbstrai~,terls notej Complete translationi
a rd ! /I
AUTHORS- Geller, Yu. A., Fady-ushina, M. N.
"TLE: Determining decarbonization In alloy steel from Intermediat~E- trans-
FERIOD~',I-AL: ReferatIvnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 2, 1962, 71, abstract 21474
(V sb. "Metodika I praktika metallogr. Issled. instrum. stali",
Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 60-65)
TEXT; A description is given of the comparative determination of the thick-
ri~_ss of the decarbonized layer using three methods - the method of chemical
aralysls, the method of V. D. Sadovskiy, and the method of A. A. Popov and M. S..
Mikhalev, carried out in order to estimate the precision of the last mentioned
method and the feasibility of its application to tool steels. The steel grades
Y112,Y I I X8, X . gxc, A Br, 95X[ZB, and 800012. U I 1KhV, Kh, 9KhS, KhVG.
95Khr,SV, and &SVM) were investigated. The specimens had a cross-section 8 x 8M
All *he steels to be decarbonized were soaked in a hydrogen stream at 900 0 C.
in order to obtain the Initial structure the specimens were annealed at 780 6C
for 4 hours. Then the specimens were heated up In a reducing vat and cooled to
Card 112
V 137/62/000/00 2/09 1 / 11; 4
Determining decarbontzation In alloy ... A060/A101
4'% - 3COOC (the region of Intermediate transformation) and were scaked for 180
Ee,:. The dark-staining zone, representing the transformation produ~~ts in the
intermediate region was taken as the thickness of the det,,arbonized layer. It
was e-.tablished that the method proposed by A. A. Popov and M. S. Mikhalev Is
applicable only to alloy tool steels, but not to carbon steels. For hyper-
eutectold steels the method yields somewhat low values of the thickness of the
dezarbonized layer. This method may be used to check the decarbonization in a
finished tool, where the specimens or parts of the instrument should have a
diameter or thickness < 10 mm. Treatment schedules for the specimens are cited.
V. Ferenets
~Abstracterls note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
Ao6o/A 10 1
AUTHORS. Smol'nIkov, Ye. A., Fadyushina, M. N.
TTLTLE. Determining decarbonization in steel containing 12% Cr, by the use
of' pearlitic transformation
FERYD:CAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 2, 1962, 71, abstract 21476
(V sb. "Metodika I praktika metallogr. issled, instrum. stali".
Moscow, MashgIz, 1961, 66-68)
TEX7: An investigation was carried out upon two methods of fixing the
decarbonized layer and determining Its depth in steel gradeX 12 (Khl2) . The
first mefl7od Is based on the fact that the bainite transformation in the zone
with lowered -. content occurs earlier than in regions with higher C content.
The second method is based on the nonsimultaneous transformation of supercooled
austenite in the pearlitic region in zones with differing C contents. The
r(-I-ommended hardening schedule for the first method is, heating up for hardening
to 1,000 - 1,025 0C, cooling in saltpeter at 375 - 390 0C for 10 20 min and
thereupon In water. According to the second method the heating temperature for
hardening Is 1,000 - 1,025 0C, cooling In a salt vat (7N BaC12 22% NaCl) at
Sard 112
Determining decarbonization In steel ... A0601AI01
72501- f,:,r 10 min and then in oil. It is noted that both methods yield results
whl-~i coin,-,Ide. The values of the depth of the decarbonized layer obtained by
the two mr-thods are cited.
V. Ferenets
jAbsT.racter'5 note: Complete translationi
Card 212
AUTHORS: Gulyayev, A. P., Fadyushina, M. N.
TITLE: Red-heat resistance of high-speed steel
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 62 - 63, abstract
51373 (V sb. "Metodika i praktika metallogr. issled. instrum. stali",
Moscow,.Mashgiz, 1961, 70 - 75)
To develop a method of testing red-heat resistance of high-speed
steel, the authors studied the effect of the method and duration of heating and
repeated heating upon the reduction in hardness, measured at room temperature.
The investigations were made on grade P 9 (R9) steel quenched from 1,2300C and
tempered 3 times at 5600C. -Red-heat resistance teSts are conducted as follows:
specimens of a given heat are treated under conditions recommended for the given
steel grade; they are then heated to 5750C with 4 hours holding time, air-cooled,
and their hardness is measured. These specimens are then heated to 6000C, held
for 4 hours, and the same operation is repeated and extdnde 'd to 7000C. The re-
sults obtained are used for the plotting of a "hardness versus 4-hour heating-
Card 1/2
Red-heat resistance of high-speed steel A006/A101
temperature" c4rve. The temperature causing a decrease in the steel hardness
down to a given value, as e.g. to 58 RC, is taken as a red-heat resistance
standard. Standards of red-heat resistancP are given for 9 h-igh-Gpeed steel
N. Kalinkina
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
9&0 0
S/03 61/027/001/015/037
AUTHORS: Smollnikovp Ye. A., Fadyushina, M. N.
~`-- ---": ~ -A
TITLE: New Method of Determining the Decarbonized Layer in
X-12 (Kh-12) Steel
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1961, Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 62
TEXT: Gradual hardening was recommended to develop the decarbonized layer
in the perlite region of Kh-12 steel. The steel specimen was heated-to
1000-105000, then cooled down to 7500C, kept at this temperature for
10 min, and subsequently hardened in oil. After development by etching,
the decarbonized layer in steel becomes visible as a dark stripe. Gradual
hardening was also recommended to develop the decarbonizod 0layer in the
beynite region. The steel specimen was heated to 1000-1025 C, cooled down
to 375-390 C, kept at this temperature for 10-20 min, and then hardened
in water. The deoarbonized layer in steel shows a needle structure after
development by etching.
Card 1/2
New Method of Determining the Decarbonized B/032/61/027/001/015/037
Layer in X-12 (Kh-12) Steel B017/BO54
ASSOCIATION; Vaei3oyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy instrumentallnyy A
institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of
Card 2/2
S/O 3 2 /6 1102 7/ 00 5 A9 5/017
B1 19/B215
AUTHORS: Geller, Yu. A. and Fadyushina, M. N.
TITLE: Application of the magnetic-metallographic method for the
determination of residual austenite in the steel structure
eERIODICAL: Zavodokaya laboratoriyat v. 27, no- 5, 1961, 562-565
TEXT: Tile magnetio-metallograph1c method is based upon the principle that
in spontaneous magnetization colloida2 magnetic particles evenly distrib-
uted on the polished steel surface are attracted by the ferromagnetic
piiases of the alloy. Non-magnetic phases (austenite, alloyed cementite, and
carbides of alloying metals) no longer contain such particles and, thus,
appear an light spots under the microscope (in contrast to the magnetic
phases which are darkened by the particles covering them). The authors
studied the possibility of applying this method for the determination of
residual austenite in martensite-base steels and alloys (alloy instrument
steels: '/Br (KhVG), 9XC (9KhS) ; high speed steels: P 9 (R9), P 18 (R18) ) after
different heat treatment of specimens and finished instruments. The results
Card 1/2
Application of the ...
obtained are in good agreeme-it with those of magnetic and X-ray structural
analysis. This method was also suited for determining very small amounts
of austonite which could not be determined by the other two methods. It
was also possible to eliminate differences in the results obtained by
dilatometric and magnetic analyses. The method is especially suited for the
determination of residual austenite in multiphase alloys and the continuous
control of annealing high-speed steel immediately in instruments. There
are 4 figures and 1 Soviet-bloc reference.
413SOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-insledovatelickiy instrumentallnyy
institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Instru-
Card 2/2
%! - - - I . I . V ;i
,- .~ . , I N: ~' " N A , ~ t-, , I . -, I,f ; I N , 7 . N , ; - A D " ~ T., ; , i 1, N." , , 1. , I , , :1.1. ; I I , -. . , .
,'* a carb,.qe on ~.;'
I . :';f.rndartinLnl I q "I V no . I ~.' -, 2.,l - 3 1 --l I ;, " . 1 14110 !'1 :1. /'
w)/TJEWP(t)1ET1 IJP(c) JD
ACC NK: AP6019204 SOURCE CODE: UR/0121/66/000/006/0030/0031
AUTHOR: F-43nisbina, H. N. *, Malinkina, Ye. I.
ORG: None
TITLE: Industrial use of R12 Isteel
SOURCE: Stanki i inst ent, no. 6, 1966, 30-31
TOPIC TAGS: tool steels hardness, plasticity, metal welding, crack propagation,
h- ---B~60~UdL ductility/ R12 steel, R18 steel
ABSTRACT: The sults of tests carried out at various plants inditiate that R12 steel
~an replace R181 teel satisfactorily. Many cutting tools have been made from this
steel in recent years. The chemical composition for R12 steel is 0.8-0.9% C, 12-13% W,
3,,1-3.6% Cr and 1.5-1.9% V. Impurity elements are vitbin the limits specified for
hi'Fh-speed cutting steel. R12 steel does not present any problems,# far as produc-
tir is concerned. Various specimens were made from both R12 and.118 steel and sub-
jetted to various tests. Analysis shows that R12 steel is 4JUg~Ujel.ln the 900-12000C
range and has a higher ductility Jban that k R18 steel by a factor of 1.5-2. R12
steel was tested by welding to.!!Pj%md 40KOsteels under conditions for velding R18
steel. No difficulties vere'encounter;d d ing welding. Crack formation during veld-
i4g vaa checked by periodic inspection of the specimens. Cracks re noticed in W
1/2 uDc: 669.
ACC mt AP6"l
steel with a decarbonized surface. Crack formation was not observed in the majority
of cases when similar experiments were performed using samples whose surfaces were
not decarbonized. Cutting tools were made from R12 steel using the same production
techniques as required for R18. The results show that R18 ste products require less
polishing than R12, while the two grades are othervise similail The effects or heat
treatment(,~-r,e considered. The results show that red hardnesklTs normal (RC 58) for
RM -ateel\onlV in specimens with a diameter of less than 5 mm. Samples with larger
diameters show reduced red hardness. These results show that R12 is only slightly
different from R18. The operational properttes of R12 and R18 steels are compared.
Cutting tools made from R12 steel are as good as those made from R18. Only one case
was reported where R12 steel prodlicts were considered inferior to R18 products. This
is explained Irl the fact that the materials machined by the cutters made from R12 stee
were harder. Cutting tools made from R12 steel may be used for working structural
steel with a hardness of up to HB 250. Among the various advantages of R12 steel are
the fact that it is less expensive than R18 steel and may be polished more easily thun
R9. Orig. art. has: 4 tables.
CODE: ll/ SU13M DATE: none/ ORIG REF: G02/ OTH REF: 000
FADY11SHINA? M.P,, inzh.j RYSAKOV, N.F., kand. tokhn. nauk, dotsent
Study of the mixing unit of a reactor. Izv. vys. ucheb. zavs; energe 7
no.8:121-125 Ag 164- (MIRA 17:12)
1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inBtitut 4-eni S.M.Kirova. P-redstavlena
kafedroy teplovykh elektricheskikh stantsiy.
L 69 18 -65 ElvT1 -1) 10-Pi'f n) F1 -/EnD
'!Or-%dW, - -
'_~~ACCESSION NR:1 AY4640436"'-"~"/~
AS(Mp)-2/ASD(m)-3 S/0020/ 4/158/00 416/0447-
'AUTHOR: Faerman, Ve T&;_Goryachko, Go Vol Slonimskiy, Go L
TITLE: Roleof supramolocula structure in the destruction of got
;mera in an ultrasound field 7
!SOURCE: AN SSSR. D(iktady*g v. I56& no* 2% 1.964, 446-447t and. insert
Ifacing p. 446
iTOPIC TAGSt polymers# amorphous polymer# cryotalline polymer, supra-
~molecular structureg spherulitis,,ultraeound,.ultrasound treatment,
polymer destruction
'The effect of ultrasound on the structure and mechanical
-properties o-f--po-tymer&-has-beett-jitudied-for--amo-rphous-pol-f(Vitiyl-
I ch lori dgL--WPVC) for-crys ta-I I L-n-01IP lyethylens-~kPE)Iand volyproaK.-
f I I'Kill distill -t h _et
ma n ad watev, The destruction stag
films were ~_bservid with a polarizing microscope. Micrographs in- ich
dicated that ultranound,causes tensile and compreasive stresses 'wh
I can resul t in various Aes tcuctive mt-thadisas t rdepending on- the I supra-
Destruction of emorphouspvc,
I'molecular structure of the-polymerso
- 1/4
igeneous-Ma T Stalline Structure results out th47- -
[ *-- and- coars C 7 T. in
I destruction of coarse soherul Lte- iskions along well-defined bound rw
owing to the higher overstresses in these vagions. It is concluded
that the destruction process of crystalline polper fUms in an ultrasonic
field depends an the.aLze of,elemeuts of supranolecular structure and
probably, an the Inner struciure of these claimants. The dependence
of the strength of PP with various supramolecular structures on the
duration of treatment with ultrasound Is given in Fig. I of the Ea-
closure. Orig. art. hast 4 figures.
ASSOCIATIONt Kslininskiy.' t-schow-A ledovatat skly-institut-t
Inoy-.promy- tMe asea C atitute Of-tho
h- In
I Textile, -1 n-4--us try) -Pedlustitut (Kalinin, d C_Jkj~
Ind ti tute) TU-Stitut Levies toorgani chtskikh _ao_y_eMneniy Akademit nauk
fiSSSR (Institute of Organoetexamtel Compounds, Academy of Sciences
Accustom MRS
fig.. 1. Change of the strength
a fLImis with v&rL*'** gtr t
a effect of
under th trasound-
I - Flne-crystallittej, films t 2 a d
crystalline f itme t. 3' -hot*
ft III$
Duration of uttrasonic
dl~7 tl~ccusanlc' ~Iotyss. 1). 5.
HOL'IK Sl U:: ZITI-LiA. (Cemtrala -Rclnicze,
polai-I(i. j
Vol. 8, ne. 32, Au, 1c)55.
c" 17;'St Furopecan Acccssimt: no.
First decennial. p- 3,- HOLNIK SPOLDZIELCA- (Centrala Rolnicza
Spoldzielni "Samoponoc Chlopska") Warszawa; Vol. 8, no. 18, May 1955.
SOURCE: East 7~uropean Accessions List (EFIAL), Library of Congress,
Vol. 4 No. 12, December 1955.
health C,)O-.)eraA,,rc.
2,"6 of-
Vol. "o.
.'onth~ 0"
FAFARA, E. - Rolnik Spoldzielca Vol. 81 No. 29, July 1955 - Warszawa
The peasants themselves fight against deficiencies. p. 8.
SO: Monthly list of East #uropean Accessions List, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 11
Nov. 1955, Uncl.
After a Party-economic conference in Lomza, P-3.
-ICL*;Il: SPOKSMICA. (Centrala Roln4-,czij bpolkzIelni "bampopmoc Ghlopska")
Warsziwa, Poland. Vol. 8, no. 36, Sept. 1955.
Monthly list of Last !:&twopean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. ig6o
107, 2 per cent of the plan in August. P. 4
WLI (Centrala Rolniczej Spolkzielni IIL21~.popomoc Chlopska")
Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 8, no. 37, Sept 1955.
Monthly list Of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb 1960
FAFA1,1, E. how ti.ey accomplish their Flans. i . -1. Vol. E, no. 47, flov. 1955.
h0IIIIK 5FULLIELCA, Warsz&wa, Poland.
Som-,-E: ast European Accessions List (F-T-?AL) LC I!ol. 5, no 6, June 1956
TFA ",17, -~ I " .
At the -.-;Intuf~r F*,iir in Ootr,),,,Tia ", -,,owiccka. p. 4.
Frecon-ross conpeUtion. p.'.
(KS). 'Iow inconfdw~:-, 'or the(bmlopment o:*
Vol ", no. 50, Dec. 1955. Coon,~r!ition, -1 -,-ondition of corv!ress
ple,3,-(-,s, p. 1. SPOLMMIC.Ii. '.hrsaw,
So: 7hstern Iuropean Accesilon. Vol ' , no. 4, April 195".
FAFARA, E. Fertilizers in Grojec District. p. 8.
Vol. 9. no. 6p Feb. 1956
So: East European Accessiony Vol* 69 Noe 5P May 1957
FAFARAI E. The vadium fines can be avoided. p. h. Fain should be
prepared better in Jedwabnee pe lie
Vol. 9j no. 20j May 1956
So: East European Accession,, Vol. 6s No. 5, may 1957
Influence of soaking seeds in borjkx solutions on their vigor,
germinating power., and boron content. Rooz nauk roln rool 87
no.2:409-415 163.
Polish-made bindors In this year's harvest work. p. 25. We build clay pits for
silag,. p. 26. (PLON. Vol. 4, No. 7, 1953.)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, April, 1954
ONema thresher, a product of the German Democratic Republic" (p. 13) aGWIZACJA
I ElXnRv.FIKACJA ROLITICTWA (Panstvawe Wydawnictwo Polnicze i Leene) Warazawa, Vol 6,
No 2, A-pr/June 1953-
SO: vast European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 1954
"A straw and husk gatherer constructed bv the Institute for Mechanization and
Electrification of Agriculture, adjusted to an S-4 combine" (p. 60) 10,'GHANIZAC.TA
I ELE`KTRTFIKACJA ROLNICTWA (Panotwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leone) Warszawa, Vol 6,
No 2, Apr/June 1953.
SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug, 1954
"Studies concerning the Automat 10/700, a thresher." p. 111, OCCMNIKI NAUY. SIMIA C-
MECHANIZACJI, Vol. 66, No. 1, 1953, Warsaw, Pcland.)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol 2 nolO.' Q~t 1953, Uncl.
115tudie5 on clover threshers." p I N jK Sez; TA
no 1, 1953, Warsaw, Poland). . 112, (ROCZINIKI ' A" - --::, I - ~2 : YA2 ; -~ ' ~' , 7c, I . 6 6 ,
SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol 2 no,261 Oct 1953, Uncl.
"testing the Tractor-and Horse-Drawn Agrostroj Binder mde in Czech oslavakia # "
P. 63- (Rommi NAuK RomiczycH, voi. 66, No. 2, 1953. 'elarszavra, Poland)
SO; Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, (EUL), LC, Vol. 4,
No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl.
"Testing Potato Diggers," P. 77. (ROCZNMI 11AUX ROU'ar,'ZZYCH. Vol. 66,
No. 2. 1953. Warmayra, Poland)
SO; Ybnthly U.-it of F-tst European Accessions, (EFAL), LC. Vol. 4,
Vo. 1. Jan. 1955 Uncl
TestE with the Automat 10/100 threshing mat-111ne mnwifactured in Czechotlevakia, P. 41.
(POCZNIY,l NAUK POLIVICZYCH, Wartzawa, Vol. 66, no. 3, 1951~)
SO- Mcnthly Ustof I-r-cTstEluropean Acce3elons) (EEAL), LC, Vol. L, Me. 6, Jun. 1955,
Ilainiticr AWN.
pp. 37-10, d Jigs.
The nmlhur mviews thet adv;tLigoi folic, 1~-,
;md -!-cils with thu thoory of brvAltiq :-t-t r llo,-
")ut h,v mill'i of tills type: t!7 U1,6 j~Vt~,~
nt MDUA and
41011-2) type hammer mills. Conn'truOicil.",
'~vlth 1y ~ td 16 tfwi~iw, CU.-anit),C
fc.ed hopper supp t1
Icedfrig the plvotM a dirv', ni-d v
vecond'at 3300 r-OW It Nltn.-,
4:!qf!trc* per
a !O-hcr 'inolsturn coatent-In the rnr;l,~-Hcil Nv,;-; 1
or.kr to vilsure Unvarled pcr1ojmaw,,Q ,-1 In".
Sp"(13. Experimenb have v--ve,i 1,A !Itlik p:,
Ivinimers tire more rrilversol and va:l 11v 1~:o.,;
norl rhaff bay conV.-Uilng up in 2r) vw, k,-.
-cruhing at higher %*eda- Is more
w tile axis of rotaUtift in"O cift-CEvo --I
luty - ~lncc better use can be mw1a, of (fie z;,- cii~ ri,
lh~- rotor. The harmners should be r)l fr--nzluf~r ,,l i:i I: ~3 T";a
V,v- incan arb-tcl In grains Is obtialtialAc. -,iith 31/- to i 2,; ir,;
~~ 2 ta 29/1 mm. slava Is requlrLfi fnr crti-hir.;! ri:Aff I i~ to
powder. A 10 kW electric inotor with
to be the most oultable for dilvin', fli- PU-
111-IC,I)ICAL: ROUNRI LAUK hCLN IC ZYC !'I VG11-67, no. 3, 1958
FAFAhA, R. Tide problem of wrappinr in tYresUn,, machine beaters. P-323.
Monthly List of East Euro~)ean Accessions ('.1 UI) T,C, Vol 8, no 4.
April 1959, Uncla~-.s
Development trands In the technology of grain drying and
storing In Poland. Zesz probi post nauk roln no. 44:257-292
1. Institute of liechanization and Flectrification In Agriculture,
red.; DANILOVA, V.V., red.
[Stabilization of aircraft and automatic pilots] Stabili-
zatsiia letatelinykh apparatov i avtopiloty. Moskva,
VysBhaia f3hkola, 1964. 483 p. (MIRA 17:8)
FAFL, B., Dr.
Iya injurteI. Cask.pediat. 10 no.4:261-263 May 55.
(MI: wounds and injuries,
in inf. & child. incidence & ther.)
eye, in inf. and child, incidence & ther.)
D13pensary services for children with ocular disoases and defects.
Zdrav. aktuality no'.147sUSY157 161.
(PEDIATRICS hosp & clin)
Ophthalmological viewpoints in the preparation of children with
myopia for their future occupations. Cesk. oftal., 20 no.W"l
1. Detska fakultni. nemocnice a poliklinikou. v Praze, Otral-
mopedicky ustav v Praze.
Ru'llip, Slawomir; FAFF Jerzy
Treatment of phospho-organic insectiolde Fol.
lek. 19 no.51,.197-1-1980 21 D t64
1. Z Osrodka BRdawczego %cprzetu Cliemicznego.
Distr3 WAY'-, kl
Qed,M, VI-dI
'T --Pmgut).'
Rovcl 0 --c ra.so 1057.17-22--t
:ac-hxof. v PI
4h& In
Sbom ryso CO,,'aud (KH.NCrA UP t0 ' -
On tollIn Kocrort I )ducts were fortned
,,,a-gmy gukrocryst. N.M. % ~Soo,
coned. He fomuw: acrv( A
HSo..3HiO, rt'P- M. H
SCCAS04N.2 n;lj