fV `i ~ sb i~+`17
ichardsolra ~ x~ec~ed
'?`~'" fl?S.'~~r~01
On Law ?f the Sea~Treaty
9peclal to The Ne~V Yark Times
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., Jan. 24-Elli-
ot L. Richardson; who has held four Cabi-
net positions in Republican. .administra-
tions, :has been c~hJAos~een by PresidentgC~arpt~-
~~~~~eR~+i6n~~~~~h~l~l:C~A i
The selection of Mr. Richardson, .ac-
nnrrlinn to nffirial White T~Lrtn eP ennrr,Pc
wiil be announced imminently. Learson, a former chairman of the board
.The appointment is certain to be seen of International BusinessMachines.-
rEf~?q~~g merican delega-
~~r~~dthit~iStr~t~~f1'~ 7O gTo~ one ~~ine"~mat~er of ilis~pute last
Law of the Sea negotiations that -are to year when the second-ranking member,
produce a comprehensive international John Norton Moore, resigned and later
treaty covering all uses of the oceans- charged the Ford Administration with
shipping sand navigation, fishing and min- giving inadequate attention to the treaty.
ing of seabed minerals.
As early as last fall it was known that
the newly elected Derrlocratic Administra-
tion had begun an in-depth review of
American policies that had brought th?e
United .States into a Hardening ?conflict
with less-,developed countries on the issue
of sharin seabed resources.
/03/1~an~t~B~0697 0004001 0 01-1
It also ?had been expected that there
wpuld be a changC in `the' negotiating
taam }'Flat 'haR IY.PPTI haarlPri by T Vinr.Pnt
A rov P Rel~
At U.N. Spa Conference
Sr~ecia] to The Wushis,~~ton Post
7 -.Intensive U.S. lobbying
in Third World capitals and
arm-twisting` by American
dele~ates:in U.N. corridors
won major victories in the
U.N. Conference on the Law
of the Sea that ended here
Overcoming objections of
'T'hird World nations, the
[lnited States won agree-
inert for a fifth session of
t:he conference in New Yorke
du]?iug August -and Septem-
~bcr _
?' ':Cl~ie United States also
won a.major-victory in the
revision of. sea law treaty ar=
tides dealing with the ex-
ploitation of nodules on the
beep seabed which contains
an estimated. $3 trillion
worth of `nickel, copper,' co-
halt and manganese:
The U,S: lobbied for a
suminer session because it is
]finder pressure by Congress
and the mineral interests` to
resolve the many other out-
standing issues in revision
of the tr.~aty. Tlie mineral
interests want to speed the
declaration of a 2U0-mile
fishing limit off ~ the U.S.
coasts, now set for next
March, so deep sea mining
can begin .while American
technology-still has a lead.
`Che ne~v treaty text,
which is still informal and
will be discussed further at
the summer session-, guaran-
tees American corporations
access to the deep sea min-
eral wealth, and a fair share
of the profits. It says that
the international authority
to be set up to regulate deep-
sea reining shah grant con-
cessi~nls to corporations, as
well as entering into ,joint
ventuyes to mine the miner-
als itself.
This was among .many
American proposals, set
fortll~by Secretary of State:
Tlenry A. Kissinger in an
April 8 speech, that were in-
corparated virtually .intact
into the revised text.
The "group of 7T-com-
posed of over l00 Tliird
World nations-decided- this
morning. to withhold .its ap-
proval of this portion of.'the
revised- text. Many of its
,members feel that.. the. new
version favors corporate in-
terests without providing as-
surances that substantial
revenue "would accrue- 'to
poorer nations.
l;ecause of their"fears of
being railroad into~a quick
and .unfavorable treaty,.. a
number of the more radical
Third World countries
sought to postpone the_ncxt
coilferenc,a session until
next January.
Another ? interesE group
that felt' outmahr;uvereri
by the text revisions was the
olio made up of the 51 coun-
tries that are landlocked or
have limited coastal zones.
They protested the not.
dominate Law of -the; Sea .policy'. at
ahe expense of other :;U.S: ;iriteres'ts.
No; Professor Knight's "appalling"
U.S. "concessions" on deep :seabed;
mining would not `injure U.5. interests.
` .and had ,the approval of .responsible.:
representatives of the U.5. daep sea-
]bed mining. companies, who are ecru= ` "
ing as active advisers to the U.S.
,delegation to the; L.O.S. Conference.
'No, the U.S. has not acquiesced 7n -
production. and price controls for deep
seabed minerals:
No, it is not clear that U.S.. granting
of_.leases'.for deep- seabed `m~nin$ an
specific sites -1,00Q milts ; from oua~
PAY Warner
On the contrary, Ambassador Lear-
son's able U;S. delegation should can-
tinue to press for a comprehensive
and widely. accepted Law of the` Sea
treaty. Ii ?thls can be achieved; peace- '
ofyan assumed U;S: ?"right" to conduct of ocean resources, and- protection of.
oceanographic research' an, other, ocean environment, are'hetter served;
states' continental she+lve"s ?'vrithowt as' well "as ocher vital U.S. interests..
their consent. And an important step. toward world
Nor doss Professor Knight's pro- order will have been taken.
pospecd policy of backing these and SAMUEL R. LEVERINf,
Approve~'r?~r`~`~ "mi hts'dx~~~~1~'~ :~IA~Fi~R~3h2~t0~~~F~p19QA~4001
commend itself as the preferred way- .Advisory Committee 'to the U.S. Law
to further U.S.- interests. of -the Sea delegation. ,
Approved For Release 2001/03/17 :CIA-RDP82S00697R000400130001-1
I.I.N. TaI~~ ~e~ing a ,lea-L.aw .Ace?~?d
~'I~se it>~ .~"iff~re~ccs U~~es~I~~d
By KATHLEEN TELTSCH meeting the coalition members' i
demands. Tate also cteplorecl
s?kl''t"Th?`E"'Y?rkt?im~, '. what he described as the grow-
UNI'TED NATIONS, N.Y., ing trend among coastal coon- ~jE6Y YQR,K TIbIES
May 7-Fight weeks of ne- dries to extend their national $ 41AY X976
gotiations for, a treaty covering jurisdictions.
the -uses of the oceans and U. S. Pushing for Accord
mining of deep seabed minerals President Ford recently
closed today with ample signed into law legislation ex-
evidence that basic disputes( tending United States fisheries
+remained unsettled.
Representatives of 147 coun-
tries participating in the United,
Nations Law of the Sea Con-~
ference agreed today to hold
is seven-wee'k session in New
York beginning Aug. 2, in a
}urtsdtctlon to 200 miles as of
next March 1. Chile, Ecuador
and Peru, among others, have
long maintained such offshore
The United States, in an ef-
fort to prod the conference
toward agreement, has also
'further effort to complete work Ij explore and mina the seabed ~
begun in 1973, l unless a treaty agreement is
The pact the conferees havel~~reached soon. -
been working on wo-old cover~i The warning was given last
shipping, fisheries, scientific re-i month by Secretary of Stag
search, pollutiatt and sharing? Henry A. I{issinger when h~.
~of the resources of the seabed. i offered a series. of new pro-~
'The clash of interests that posals and announced that he
would lead the American dele-
(has marked the current closed, i gatior. to the next negotiating
eight-week session eras re- round.
fleeted again at.today's meet-~ It was unclear today k~aw the
current, largely inconclusive
tog' ~ ~ session would affect the cam-
Alen Beesley of Canada said ~ ; paign of .American prix-zt?
;the major unresolved issue was ~+ interests that are serkinn
the deadlock between 'the 100
coastal countries, on the one
side, and on the other a coali-
tion of nations that are }and-
locked or have inadequate
Federal legislation in Congr.~ss
to issue sea-mining licenses
before a treaty is completed.
Revised texts of a draft
,treaty wece produced today,
coasts. The .coalition membersi ~ tentative documents, a basi,>
are demanding guaranteed ac-1'for future negotiatiors.
cess to the sea and a share in i Conference participants-were
offshore resources and- fish- reluctant to offer irrmediate
arias. appraisals of the complex, ~IGO-
Mr. Beesley said the impasse article text. Hav.-ever, the
must be given priority atten-i Lnited States and other teY:^-
tion at the next negotiating!jnologically advanced countries
ioound. ,were expected to see si;;nifi?
1 Karl Wolf of Austria, a~ cant gains in provisions cwer-
spokesman for the coalition, ing an international authority
protested in -a, statement that I ;that is to negotiate r+ining of
'no noticeable progress" had' seabed minerals.
been made at this session in
10 blay 1916 j~
~~~~~~~~~~~ I:~iJ~
kmnesty Unit Lists 67 Whc~
'13isappczreti' nr Al?eTailed
for Pali#ical Reasons
F, eels] t~o Thn Neva York :Imes
LONDON, May 9--1i list of G7
,journalists ~.vha havt~ bcctt do-~
tame : ~~,r political reasorv or
have "di::.tnpcared" in I7 cnztn-
irlrs was?issued today by Am-
nasty: International, a BritSsh-
based human rights organiza-
The list, one of the mast
comprehensive sa far to deal
with imprisoned journalists, in-
cludes men and women who
stave allegedly been subjected
to torture or "d^?rading treat-
mrnt." 1 he countries named
arc Bangl.~ucsh, Brar~.l, Chile,
Cuha, India, Inc!onesia, South
I{orea, the Phitin*tin^s, 5in^a-
jtorc, South Africa, Taiwan,
Tanzania, 7 hai(and, Turkcv, the
Soviet Union, Uruguay and 1'u-
Officials of Amnesty Intcrna-
`ional said ih;tt pubicration of
the list had been timed to coin-
Bide with fhr aprnin~ io;-~or-
rn"N f7f th>r ..'.111t ljracr;ll 9~~- ':71-
b!y of lhc: lntcrnat.a~lli I'rr,ss
institute in i"'hila:teip: ia. The
~ss~e~ ~n ?c~ara. ~ar~l~~
The fourth session of the Third Conference en the
Law of .the Sea, which ended inconclusively yesterday,
was the latest in a series of .attempts by the United
Nations to frame new rules for activities thmuf;hout the
world's oceans and to spur interrationat maritime coop-
eration that lsegan almost three decades ago.
PARTICIPANTS-All members of the United Nations
and I2 countries outside the wor'.d organizatiot7, 156
nations together,- were invited, and 147 actively partici-
pated in the session, which began vlarch 15.
ISSUES--~'Vegotiations behind closed doors and dehate
in a few public meetin; s centered or, the proposed exten-
sion of the territorial sea from three miles to 12 miles;
a crew concept of an exclusive economic zone beyond the
territorial sea to a 200-mile limit from the shoreline;
passage throug}t straits a.nd mining of the deep ocean floor.
Other issues included international regulations for fisheries,
measures to curb ocean pollution and the claims of land-
locked countries sod nations with short coastlines to be
accorded special consideration.
kiI5TORY--The efforts to write new }nternatiar.al
maritime law started in the 1940's.:lfter almost 10 Fears
~f preparatory work by the United Nations' International
Law Commission, two world conferences were convened
in I95>3 and I950. The first parley produced new rules
dealing with the territorial sea, fishiri~ and other problems;
the second conference failed to adopt any major proposals.
The ihird conferenre opened at United Nations head-
quarters in December 1973, devoted mainly to procedure.
Two more sessions on substantive issues were held in
Caracas, Venezuela, in 1974, and Ili Geneva in 1975.
-The United States has been p,essi,g for agreement
on a new international sea-law treaty within this year.
Today,-the conference adopted a proprsal to hold another
sessian in Neer York, Aug. 2 to Sept. 17.
if the conference, during the surmer sessian or in
ar. additional sessian some time next year, reaches cc. -
sensus on a draft. treaty, the document will be signed by
participating government represents*.ives at a meeting
in Caracas.
institute includes publishers,
editors and news~tper execu-
'There are almost certainly
more journalists detained in the
world and ~qualfr certainly
more countries thafarp holding
journalsts in custody," said
Amnesty, a group i?tat was es-
tablished in ]9SI 4o work far
the release of ;tersans impris-
orcd for political or religious
reasons. It now has chapters
in 33 countries.
flntissions Explained
The organizatiag said: `?'1`he
fact that a countrpora particu-
lar journalist is xaL included
vttly means that say such cases
nave oat yet been Laken up by
nr tome to t.hr alt+nrttan of Ant-
r+esty Intcrr,:ttion:.l"
Almost al! the ~oucnallsts
"are detained in violation of.
Article IR of the United Natins
Universal Dec!aratior: of H;t-?
man Ri>;!-ts. ~h~!:ich asserts Lr:e
right of ever}?one to 'receive
and impart information through
any media' as an integral part.
of the ri,:i;t to freedom of cx-~
pression," it asserted-
"A1any of the jrtarnalists are!
held without charge or trial.]
Some ha?;e ticen subjected ta}
'torture or to cruet, inhumaa
or degrading treatment or putt.i
ishmrnt,' in ~ iofatinn of Ar-
ticlr 3 of the dre!arar~Yn."
Amresiv said that t!1Moskva<
og >Leningrad< og sidste ~r of
dot ferste russiske hangarskib,
>KiavMinskKiav< indgA i fl5den i ~r og
>Minsk< sandsyniigvis i 1978.
Sely om >Kiav< er udstyret
mad et skriit flyvedsek, har
-man hidtil ikke set den forsy-
net mad katapulter og dot
gear, der er nedvendigt for
lnnding pA dskket mad al-
mindelige flyvemaskiner. Men
bide den og >Minsk< vii kunne
anvendes til maskiner, der
starter lodret eller pd kort
startbane, og her rider 5ovjet
over et egnet fly, Yak-36, som
allerede har gennemfert start-
og landingsforsog til ass p~ et
of helikopter-skibene.
Den russiske fl>lde har fun-
det god anvendelse for den
.store styrke of bombemaski-
ner, som er ved at olive forael-
dede. De anvendes til rekog?
noscering for fl~den. >Cra>,v-
lingen< mad en operationsra-
dius elf sm& 6.500 km og
>+Bjernen< mad mere end dot
dobbeite, er de fly, der oftest
ass kredsende over NATO ma-
nevrer ogvestlige sefartsruter.
De vestlige fl~der har derimod
p8taget sig udgiften ved at
bygge specielkonstruerede re-
kognosceringsmaskiner uden
at; have opn+~et noggin.,aasvne-,~
va;rdig gevinst i form of sterre
St~? ildlu'aft -
rings plods
Admiral Gorsjkov har be?
nyttet den store indflydelse,
han har haft under sine 20 &r
som fl~dens ~averste Ieder, til at
presae p~ for at fig en mere of-.
balanceret flilde -mad storre
vaegt p& luftrekognoscering,
marinefly, der kan laude p~
havet, og amfibie-langangsfar-
tejer. Sovjets fl&de har iT.000
quarters that the delay rafleots Fard proposed to replace the
Soviet concern shout the ward "d@tente," had failed .to
Americas election campaign bring its authors anyttcing but
rather than technical considers- 'failures like the defea Haf ~t1ie
Lions. One well-placed Soviet .aggressors in Indochina.
source thou ht that Moscow Pravda, the Communist Party
g newspaper, also recently criti-
naight have given up on a new cited the election-time "fashion
feeling of faultfinding" against relaxa?
arms accord this year
that it could net 'be completed tion of tensions, but it can- ~. No Brezhnev 1?eadilna
daring Lila heat of am Atnerl- tended that respansibie Ameri
Carr election. can politicians still uncFerstoad ~ while the Kremlin was not
that better East-West pelations .expected to respond to the new-
But another Soviett source headed off the_threat of nuclear hest American arms-limitation
felt that the Kremlin did not ~vaT. Other articles, whale proposal during the Soviet Com-
yet view the election campaign freely in tone, have stressed- monist Party Congress, it was
as a major obstacle to a new cantihuing American public thought that Sob-ict military
arms agreement, which it can- support for ddtente, specialists might be working on
eiders to be in -the interest of Conferencs~ Poste a reply that Mascaw could of-
both nations, fez after the Congress, which
j Though it may be acorried,' ended more than two weelc~a
;: Question of IJBtente the Kremlin has net e~rressed Aga One Soviet source Point>~d
~- related theory here fs that Public anger aver Washcngtan's but that Mr. Brezhnev had
the Russiank might be holding postponement last week of made a new strategic-arms;
back out of pique over l;rotving joint conferences on energy, agreement the first goal of his
criticism in the United States; housing and .commerce I+ecause nA~v .,peace program ?
of file d~iente relationsirip. Sutj of Soviet invoivernent fn An-, But a ranking Lvestern dipla-
aunts American diplomats andj Bola. Snot noted that bin. Brezhnev's
Soviet insiders discounted this It is foolish to thletk we leclrre at the Can~ress to "clo
hecause They felt Moscow at- would withdraw suppca't for e e>yth.ing to Cnrnplete tin
our friends in Angola lust to
ta.chcci a hih priority to con- hold mectinAs that art of aSi preparation of anew Sovir~t-,
eluding the .agreement outlined much benefit to you," one Sa- U.S. agreement o limiting; a~~rl~
by 1t,; f4rezhnrv and Pr sid_nt reducing strategic armanierit:,,"
Ford near 'Lladivostok 16 viet source said. Itt feet, ~t00) tvas not linked to any dcadlir,c?,
months z; ea. ir;lividual and group exr~.inges> and that this
b~lhilti stcr~ping up 1Ls crlti- between the two countri?~s have mare fle~iltiiity. Pave 14Tosco~v
ci ;,n of thy: 4Jr?iiteri 5tab~s re- bz"n scheduled far the seat of *,nil7assarlor Irohrynin is in
, eenti+, ~ibe Soviet rc~s has
+nrtro reportedly conveyed nto~~ ~ p Soviet .and Americana neg;o- hfnsco`,v, by one account be-
t:ncrally soft-pc?+i E.led it4 die- ?c:~.tise of flu, but an .American
'than a month ago #hroug;h .l1ItA-~ ap rav:il of the tGil~;iie~ liar? orgy iiators have -been meeisssg+daily
.bassador Anatol F. Boor nini p ~ regiment c~tinin~ diplomat said thtrt a n.k;w l~ro-
y f d.6tentc Shat 13resxtz.nt 1t).a1 has ,,,
to seek sit ary ~ .al ruaid be iv+*n to r.
,fi21 Washfnglkon. An Amertc3ni t.akcn r"n r~'.rt-nt ,rx~.r..licq 1`tn r"~ limitation of nut.,e~ to t h~t;in,er thrau,?h ilt~7 3,ov.,.~?
'diplomat a:tid that a rr~p?ly ^,vss iureig~t ait