STANDARD FORM 4pproved For Release 2006/1 fl
?rw rr
Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOV '_--
TO : Chief, ICAPS
FROM : Assistant Director, Collection and Dissemination
SUBJECT: Interdepartmental Liaison
DATE : 3 Deer
I. Liaison requir3d betmeen OCD and the War Departaant:
a. Requirements Branch
(1) Already established contac
Chief, Intelligence Group
Chief, Scientific Branch, Ia
Chief, Security Group
(2) Additional desired contacts.
Chief, British Empire Bran ch, IG
Chief, Eurasian Branch, IG
Chief, Far Eastern Branch, IG
Chief, Pan American Branch
Chief, Western suropean Branch, IG
b. Collection Branch
(1) Already established contacts
Chief, Intelligence Group i
Chief, Plans and Collection Unit, IC-
Chief, Cable Branch, ID
Chief, Collection Branch, IG
Chief, Dissemination Branch, IG
Chief, Map and Photo Branch, Training Group, IG ?/
Chief, Scientific Branch, IG v
Chief, 4ecial Distribution Branch, IG
(2) Additional desired contacts
Chief, Plans Branch, Plans and Collection Unit, IG
Chief, Reading Panel Branch, Plans and Collection Unit, p,
co Dissemination Branch
(1) Already established contact
Chief Reading
Panel Branch, Plans and Collection Unit, Lf
vj0PI/ : ' F ICS // 187784
Approved For Release 2006/12/11 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003500090042-3
Approved For Release 2006/1 ON ;RQ11(L_ A[ 31 R003500090042-3
,.. - 1 11 '*I -w-
(2) Additional desired contacts
-Executive for Planning, ID
Executive, Intelligence Group
Chief, Cable Branch, IL'
Chief, Reproduction Branch, ID
Chief, Special Distribution Branch, ID
II. Liaison required between OCD and Army Air Forces.
a. Requirements Branch
(1) Already established contacts
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, A-2
Chief, Air Intelligence Requirements Division
Chief, Air Intelligence Division
Chief, Plans and Policy Branch, Executive Divisia_.i
b. Collection Branch
(1) Already established contacts
Chief, Library Branch, Air Intelligence Requirements
Chief, Collection Branch, Air Inte lligen ce Requirements Div_ Y' i o- ,
Dissemination Branch
(1) Already established contact
Chief, Collection Branch, A-2
(2) Additional desired contacts
Executive, AC/AS-2
Chief, Library Branch
Chief, Photographic Branch
III. Liaison required between OCD and the State Department.
a. Requirements Branch
Deputy Director, Office of Intellig Collection & Di .,e 7 G. SA-
(2) Additional desired contacts.
Already established contacts.
Director, office of Intelligence Collection & Diss3ninat on ,
Chief, Acquisition an c1 Distribution Div: sion, Offi
ollection and Dissemination, SAS;
Chief, Reference Division, Office of Intelligence ~;oliee
Dissemination, SA-9
2 pf'KIDEN1
Approved For Release 2006/12111 : CIA IIM
Approved For Release 2006/12/1 8003500090042-3
."o t'MmmTrA ," .0
b. Collection Branch
(1) Established contacts
Director, Office of Intelligence Collection ?1d Dissea _natz -? st
Deputy Director, Office of Intelligence Colleectjon & j -s.ssem - s on,SA.9
Executive Officer, office of Intelligence Collection &: Director, Office of Controls, Af Diarri?tion,SA-
(2) Additional desired contacts
Chief, Acquisition and Distribution Division, Office Inc! .:.ence
Collection aid Dissemination, S.l
Chief, Reference Division, Office of intelligence Coda cti . id
Dissemination, SA-E
co Dissemination Branch
(1) Already established contact
Deputy Director, Office of Collection and Dissem1nati ci , Sh--;
(2) Additional desired contacts
Deputy Special Assistant for Research and Intellj_genceE
Director, Office of Intelligence Collection and
Disse iat c _: 31-F,
Chief, Acquisition and Distribution Division, OCU, SA-
Chief, Reference Division, OCD, SAS'
Chief, Division of Communication aid Records, ODA
Chief, Division of Foreign Activity Correlation, Office of C v :-als
Director, Office of Intelligence Coordination & Liaisor, S.
IV. Liaison desired between OCD and Navy Department
as Requirements Branch
(1) Already established contacts
Chief, Collection and isseminatioi Branch
Chief, Technical Intelligence Center
(2) Additional desired contact
Assistant Chief, Foreign Branch
b. Collection Branch
(1) Already established contacts
Special Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval IritaUigt Ijoe
ion and Dissemination Branch
Chief, Operational Intelligence Branch
Chief, Technical Intelligence Center
Approved For Release 2006/12/11: CIA-FJPJw1
Approved For Release 2006/12/11 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500090042-3
c, Dissemination Branch
(1) Already established contact
Chief, Collection and Dissemination
(2) Additional desired contacts
Chief, Technical Intelligence Center
Chief, Photographic Intelligence Center
Chief, Special Publications
Chief, Mail and Dispatch Section
Chief, Naval Records and Library
Captain, U. S. N.
Assistant Director for
Collection and Dissemination
Approved For Release 2006/12/11 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500090042-3