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of. giy
= an M
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wl (1111i
d G
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1811 -
-The abitty of tile muscles to s~uihcsize jlycog6 l
aWr being cLarged with am elLv.
In increased quantii
rent vms Investipti The "pts. were performed mvniis
by direct exciution Of tibialls filit6rior witli'd.c. doihj~ il~e
course of 16 inin. At thc end ofAbis finte a &)% Ow6im..
soln. w" IntvAU&4 Into the wwwWO ttolmich, Allile
2. 4. and 0 hrs., Me &lycopn in t1te am-scies was: ddl
The gradual loss of the glycogen supercomptmotlawin tile
muscle after mispwLsIon: of svinatic initervation, aud aft~cr
'Myelotomy and tewtolay Was
N 1
%fodifications in the striated nerve following section of the
nerve and their relation to the conditions in the peripheral
nerve stump. Cesk. fysiol. 4 no.2:181-185 May 55.
1. Fysiologicky ustav Cs. akadenie ved, Praha.
(MUSCLES, metabolism.
glycogen, off. of nerve section)
(GLTCOGMI, metabolism,
musc., eff. of nerve section)
1-1 - . I H;_ N il !11*11 ! j I iH I I lip. 11 1 11 t A i u
A 0 X44gen la muse 04.
lax: (fled t%(, U Mot
After dfrect'60mUilkin. &1pmi;cna sym-
'txqt (4umE [a dcma-vRmj taude,ja wMen- (114 m4rst~ 9
'ea a MOPIC t1try(11W metibit.
;Tile 04alwU froqattic* of dlectt.stirmstatiou dctWitiul:
statc of the mcbral c(~.tex induotced the
tute d cs%~/mtheib. i
,aurj~v of
After adwillistlation at' Nhur tile L
resembRA Umt U z dettavateA, -'awd-t. m41WNN:CLw.
dEswso somidlux to the wacLillg hypatllesis urtliOt defiacs
the traptiLic Wam - cf the tim"auq System ax the mrvouq'
Resynthasla of muscle glycogen following work. Cask. fysiol.
4 no.4:419-,426 22 Oct 55.
1. Fysiologicky ustav CSAV. Praha.
(GLYCOGEN, metabolism,
musc., resynthesis after work)
("LIUSCLES, physiology.
glycogen, resynthesis after work)
(WORK. physiology,
musc. glypagen resynthesis after work)
:11, 1- 1 "1 -, --
Physiopathology of pain. Prakt. lek., Praha 35 no.18:421-424
20 SOP 55.
(PAIN. pathology.
of nerves. Ftneqt Gutmann ftesko-,T)
~Xlov'opakad. v6d, Prague).
45" 1955).~A more Lx,,ict definition of the tropic function
hasheensought. NteLibelicprocr-~.-,oofrmvvcryin tissues
after flinctional load and daninge form the primary task of
a study of tropic function. Glycogen (1) synthesis is
linfalred slid tfic pendolom reaction (supervoinpenriation)
of lcvrl lit muscle following activity jj supprmsed in dener-
vated muscle. Mycloton)y prevents the normal course or I
change in inuscle. Administration of caffeine or Dr aiso
change., postfunctinual I level. Degradation and msyjillie-
sis of I call also be elicited by conditioned reflex. it 1-ind ol
Ilenduluin reaction of I level in muscle call nho be olklerved
after reinnervation.
smaller in traint(I aniatak. Previons repeated painful
stimulation tends to an increa.4e of glyceinla and nitwele I
following glucose intake. Impaireil protein fornattilmi from,
jimviou.-I denervafion it stiggotcd by tile reversal of the,
change lit arterio-venoir; differcticc of non-prolcin N P-Itex
muscular ex6tatlun. Following water intake, water cniv-
wnt lit muvle iticrea-.W.1; ItiallOnlrily Iffit fidli tilcli JVCI(JIY
the original level in normal muscles. 'ihi-q stiptntotntensa-
fiqu, dakni not occur in dencrvalcil trusOcs. 1. M, linis,
CZECHOSLOVAM/Humn and Animal Physiology - The Nervous
System. V
Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 27421.
Author G. Vrbova and E. Gutmann
Title Recovery of Conditioned Motor Reflexes After
Interruption of a Nerve.
Orig Pub: &Bkosl- 1-isiol., 1956, 5, No 1, 1-12.
Abstract- Reflex spreading of the phalanges of .,he extremi-
ties can be produced in the rat by truddenly inter-
rupting the animal's equilibrium (by removing the
support upon which it is leaning). Such an un-
conditioned stim1us served as reinforcement in the
formation of a conditioned response to the sound
of a bell. Eight combinations were performed
Card 1/3
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Human and Animal Physiology. The Nervous V
Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol.,, No 6., 1958y 27421.
each ez~y~ on the ninth day the conditioned reflex
attaired 100%. It was quite stable and had not
undergone extinction even after a month. Following
denervation of an extremity by pinching the sciatic
nerve, reflex spreading of the phalanges of the
extremities disappeared and became reestablished
between the 8th and 12th day. In rats in which
production of the conditioned reflex was undertaken
the day after the operation, it appeared on the
average on the llth day after recovery of the uncon-
ditioned reflex. In rats in which reinforcement
was begun 16 to 18 days or one month after denerva-
tion, 90 to 1000i'o showed positive responses on the
very first trial. This phenomenon is explained
Card 2/3
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/H't=n and Animal. Physiology. The nervous
System V
Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, Ly-,421.
by the emergence of inhibitory processes in the
motor analysor within the period of denervation
and recovery. When the posterior roots were
sectioned at the level of Ll--L2, the unconditioned
reflex remained, but fatigued rapidly. The condi-
tioned reflex was produced with great difficulty,
and during its elicitation the phenomenon of ex-
tinction took place, the cause of which was the
absence of afferent signalization.
Card 3/3
Nervous control of tropbic processes in striatia muscle.
Physiol. bohem. 5:14-16 Suppl. 1956.
1. Institute of Physiology. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
(MUSCLES, metab.
glycogen, control by- nerves in striated mlisc.)
(GLYCOG'TN, metab.
musc.. control by nerves in striated musc.)
CZECFASUYIA'JU:,/Hm-mn and i'mirml Physiolo(V. Nuui%)i.iuscLLIar Phys-_*o- T-11
Abs Jour R.:!f ?2-,ur - Biol., Plo 14, 1958, "Ti 656o4
;'.uthor Drahota Z.., Gutmann E.) Vrbo", G.
, _QSPA~ Praha.
Inst -Fys iologickY__Yjt-Lv
Title 'Bic Potassium Coatent of Norrml Denervated and Innervated
Oria Pub CQskosl. fYsiol., 1956, 5, No 3, 276-252
,,bstr~7Lct The potassiu::i content of tha nuscles of the ex-I'mri-itic.-s of
v-.ts watdeter-Aned photr,:.;ctricclly after an intraparitonen'll
di,-.1yols, wrts porforned bj the Injection of Tyrode's solu-
tion (12 ti-ics within a 24 hour pc-riod). In rom,:O_ j:=-
cla the possiun content nfter dl,~.lysia was reduced bY 7.924io'
on tho avoragt~; aftor a 1.1% solution of KU (5 'Llf; 'Per 100
.0,I) was injected into the pcritorio,~l cuvity, thQ pov~jsiwi
content incroased by 10-77%, i-c.-, it aPProximted the
levQl. 'Bic potassimi content of denenrated i-.iusclc
Card 1/2
CZECHOSLOV;',KL-,/HLI;r.n nlid 'minal Physicl,~LZ-.
ibo Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 14, 1958, Diu 65604
decr,=ed by 11-07%; after the injoction of KCI t1w
t::~ssiu:~i level did not chm-C. The -I)otassiw., cz)nt,2nt 04,
r,!-innQrvated ;.iuselc &Ldnishad by 31.13% and increased
bY 58.45% after the injection of KC1. The exTeri!.--,nts
corroborate the influence of a nouroragulatory i-,echrmis:::
on the 2xcIaan,-,,-O processes of tho
Card 2/2
Disorders of motor function in polioTmIelitis with Bpecial
referqnce to signal system. Cesk. pediat. 11 no.6:420-426
June 56.
1. Pysiolog. ustav CSAV.
(POLIOMIYALITIS, physiology,
motor disord., role of signal system (Cz))
~o in If. of fA rlip it) if I!o 1:0 ;1 N. 3~ 1, tit w fI,;
77 i5 II
r, Tho oliti I illf I 31wil niawil, A !uOiliJ: fir
111-~ rate of 4~ljpltllmls~ '1111
-witabitity of the 13;r i!Ndtilfloi k. ti'l'l.,
'cvl cw~vn hil
777 1 '~,, .I
1. MrIMAIM 7
7-n~rvritian changeS 4r- :-m-c of insectc: ,Iycorl-n
,!erervated mu3cles of av!ericnns. Ceqlt.
1. GIV)70gen v normaln~,:Ih ri denervoiranych avnlech Per
denervAti,)r, eff. an f-,Iv(-ogerL riet,0% in --rcrts
nmerlepr.- ('V'z yl)
muse. ef,. ml denervntion in iniect%~ :,ri" wnerleftwx
Periplpnct- -l -.cricawi. eff. of -n glycogen
(C7 ))
Denervatiorl Changes in Insect Muscle; Glycogen in Normal and Denervated
muscle of Periplaneta americana. Physiol. bohem. 6 no.2:188-192 1957.
1. Institute of Pbarsiology. Czechoslovak Academy of Science.
(MUSCIM, metab.
glycogen in normal & denervated muscle of Periplaneta
americana (Ras))
(GLYCOGIN, metab.
in normal & denervated musc. of Periplaneta americana
eff. of denervation on glycogen metab. in =ac. of
Periplaneta americana (Rus))
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/HuLian and Animal Fhysic-ilogy (Noxiial and Patho- T
logical). Nerve and Muscle Physiology.
fibs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 79913-
Author Zak, A.; Gutrmn. E.; Vrbov, G.
Title Quantitative Changes In Muscle Proteins After Direct
Stimulation of Muscle.
Orig Pub: Ceskoal. fysiol., 1957, 6, No 3, 323-328.
Abstract: During direct electric stimulation of the anterior
tibialis af a rat at the rate of 120 pul/rlin. there
was noted imr-w-diately after stimulation an increase
of the content of non-protein N by 20-W; after 4
hours, the increase was maintained at 20.6%. Ime-
diately after stimulation at a rate of 300 Pul/min.,
the content of non-protein N decreased by 17.1~, and,
Card 1/2
I if it DN;i~- II ~; II I R31 NO I
T 1A
cyoch" w1euronjuscular Physjo~
1 siolovy,
n ~,!n. 5 --)59, 2--376
has. "
Bass, A.
A.; (It.itmann
S muscle Of
tile Skeletal
l'~Clisln it'
Teri *ata
(;YCOF'r - ,t A I; L imil). at j Ort
te 7
, d to NocAco
"j"Its 3XII)JOC
01' 1957. f3, Na. 354--2
muscLes Of
of Lhe ske I e t:? I
jtC!q(j-< atrup
v ed e,,,tVe1T1jty WZ
thie tissue!3
s u NA t3 tetl
1, tl3rpentine: level
m-1 OL I n
h e
an (i I inal)
of tbe fo".1t (A a
y -fell afte" 3
i the fll USc I e 9*1' it d UL11 .1. -e
l1 wa
ayS this
first 3 d WtDr
creaj,,er thnix aft-Cr Aarda-
w a E; rE
Paz L1.2.rj
W, S
j ;7~yathe_
t 1 c
, a
je 11t
of both
-Ptive Sti)nklia
of Tloc
glycogI.M, JAI t1le ~)1*1!~Seltl -
Ater than af~
t i c1r, however this rertaAlt 1011 V
Card- 1/2
A D3 T ru, C q ter
ecilon ()f the I!,
j~,) nerve.
at 'In y
c depf?jj~'C; ) C tc: e t
abolic,- J.i 2PE a_orcsoi iVe ~-;tjmu_
e t ~C,
njuscu nil be twe,'L -On of Zle
rer,/,p and
"ard: 2/2
GUTMANN. Ye. (Praga)
Conference on the problems of neural regulation of metabolism.
Usp. sovr. biol. 43 n0-1:130-132 Ja-F '57 (KLRA 100)
Disorders of ener&v metabolism in normal and denervat~,d muscles in
ischemia. Cesk. fyziol. 7 no.1:26-27 1958.
1. Pysiologicky ustav =AV, Prahn Predneseno na pravIdelne schusi
fysiologicke spolecuosti v ?raze dne )0. X. 1957.
(NMCIM, metabolism,
carbohydrates, in normal ?a denervated muse. in ischemia (Gs))
(GAITMOHYDRATRS. metabolism,
muse., in normal & denervated muse. in ischemia. (Cs))
Periodical CESKOSLOVDISKA FYSIOLOGIE. Vol. 7, no. 1, Feb. 1958.
GUTMANN, E. 1nternational symposium on the innervation of the muscle. p. 63.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959,
"A conference on the biological basis for tissue transplantation, October U-16,
1957-11 P. 300.
CESKOSLOVENSKA FYSIOLOGIX. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 3, May 195B.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (ETAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August,, 1959,
"Problonns of or78T-izIrp,, syrrosic."
-KCC T'NSKA Fv-ST-T,"GI7, Pr,ht-., C7,echnslovFIri[,, Vol. 7p nc. 4, u], 191~8
Monthlir list rf F,83t, Europe Accesulons (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, '~o. 6, ~~'ent 119
E,~,`RP`A VK1,-A 2 121-:: -hy-sio L or
_j May 59
S'l A It VATION IN DPNEI(VATI-.*D MUS( LE. -Gut in a tin E. and Vrnov A
G, Inst. of Physiol., Czechoslovak Acad. oT-S-c_i"s-,__P_rague - PHYSIOL.
11011EM. 1958, 7/5 (42,1-430) Graphs 3 I'ables 2
The adaptation of carbohydrate metabolism to intermittent starvation in normal
and denervated striated muscle was studivd. Increased glycogen 1;yntliesis which
develops during a 6 weeks' adaptation process persists if denervation is carried
out just prior to final -refeeding. The decrease of the glycogen level in denervnted
muscle during further refeeding is slower thnn in normal muscle. In muscle de-
nervated 6 weeks previously the ad2Pt2tion reaction of increased glycogen syn-
thesis cannot be elaborated. The increase in the glycogen content if; small and
does not exceed the original glycogen content it) non-adapted animalB. During the
final 3 days' feeding the glycogen level does not fall as it does in normal muscle.
Effect of tubocurarine administered during pregnancy in rabbits on off-
spriz~rq. Cesk. fYsiol; 7 Tio.5:459.Sept 58.
1. Fvsiologicky ustav Gsav, Praha.
tubocurarine, eff. of admin. in pre~;n. i-abbits on offspring
eff. of admin. of Whocurarine in pregn. ribbits on off-
Continuation of adaptation reaction in internipted hypot-iermia in normal
and denervnted muscles. Gesk. fYRio1- 7 no-5:459-46o Sept 58.
1. Fyslologicky uqtav GSAV, Praha.
(COM, effects,
adaptation. reactions of normal & denervatel muse. (CZ))
cold adaptation reactions in normal eA dener-vated muse. (Cz))
(MUSGL3S, physiol.
of motor oignalization in formation of conditioned motor food
reflexes. Cesk. fYsiol. 7 no.3:461 Sept 58.
1. Fysiologicky ustav Csav, Praha.
motor signaling in form. of conditioned motor food reflexes
Turnover of methinnine 33 8 in the cerebellar, dience,.)halic and spinal
tissupq in normal conditions and following nociceptive stimulation in
rats. Cook. fysiol. 8 no.3:221-222 Apr 59.
1. ustav GSAV, Prahn. Predneoeno na III. fyoiologickyah
dnech v Brne dne 14, 1. 1959.
inethionine, off. of pain stimulation in rats (c2
CM, off. of spin stimulation in rats (Cz))
(PAIN, exper.
eff. on CM nethionine motab. in rats ((;z))
Dissociation of the synthesis of nucleic acids from proteins in
denervated muscles. Gesk. fyeiol. 8 no.3:264-265 Apr 59.
1. Fysiologick;y ustav CSAV, Praha. Predneseno na III. fysiologiclWch
dnech v Brne dne 11s. 1. 1959.
(WJSCLES, pbWaiol.
eff. of denervation of
from proteins (Cz))
synthesis in denervated
nucleic acid synthesis dissociation
muoc., dissociation from proteins
Neural regulation of induced glycermic reaction. Cask. fysiol.
8 no-5:404-405 S 159
1. Pysiologic]W ustay GSAV, Praha.
ASRATIYAIT, A. (Moskva); GUTMAIIN. Z.; XONORSKIY, Yu. Elconornky, J.] (Varshavti)
liechanisms of the motor activity of animals. Zhur. v-ys. nerv.
deiat. 9 no.2:301 l4r-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:7)
Fxperimental metabolic reactions to muscle work. Cesk. fysiol.
9 no.1:13-14 Ja 60.
1. rysiologic "I ustav GSAV. Praha.
(IMTION, blood)
Early changes in protein and nucletc acid metabolism in denervated
muscles. Cesk.fysiol. 9 no.3:231-232 My 160.
1. Fysiologicky ustav CSAT. Praha.
(MUSCLIS pbysiol)
(PROTRINS metab)
11 -- --- I
Nervous regulation of nucleic acid level in cross-striated'muscle
changes in denervated muscle. Physiol Bohemoslov 10 no.6:493-500
1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academ~ of Sciences, Prague.
Nervous regulation of nuc-.eic acid level in cross-striated muscle.
resynthesis of nucloic acids and proteins in normal and denervated
muscle. Physiol Bohemoslov 10 no.6:501-509 161.
1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
(NUCLEIG ACIDS metab) (WSCLES inetab)
(PROTEII-IS metab)
Significance of afferent signaling for reflex motor activity. Trudy
1-go MI 1DI17-128 161. (MIRA 15;5)
1. Fiziologicheskiy institut Chekhoslovatskoy Akademii nauk, Praga.
~,~NN I E ~
Trophic functions of the nervous system. Vestnik CSAV 70 no.l:
74-75 '61.
1. Fyziologicky ustav, Ceskoslovonsk~ akademia ved.
Effect of age on proteosynthesis in spinal motoneurons following nerve
interruption as shown by histoautoradiography of S35 labelled mothionine.
Physiol. Bohomoslov. ll no-5:437-442 162.
1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prag'ue.
GUTMANN, E. (Praga)
Trophic function of the
323-346 My-Je 162.
nervous system. Usp.sovr.biol. 53 no.3:
(MIRA 15:9)
NOVAK, Vladimir J.A., dr.; GUTMANN, Ernp t, doe. dr.
- is-.
The gliosecretion (gliosomata) and other Gomori positive structures
in the central nervous system of the cockroach Periplaneta americana
L. Cas entom 59 no-4:314-322 162.
1. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Entomological Institute, Praha 2,
Vinicna 7 (for Novak). 2. Physiological institute, Praha,6, Na cvicisli
2 (for Gutmann).
Neurotrophic relations in the neuromusculix apparatus in old age.
Cas.lek. cesk. 101 no.36:1081-1086 7 S 162.:
1- Fyziologicky ustav CSAV, Prahap prednosta prof. dr Zd. Servit,
GUPMANN, E.; Institute of Physiology of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
(Fysiologicky ustav CSAV,) Prague.
"The Physiology Curriculum as Viewed by the Research Physiologist."
Prague, Ceskoslovenska Fysiolo~ie, Vol 12, No 4, July 1963; pp 292-293.
Abstract: World problems in teaching physiology have been produced by the
impact of biochemical and biophysical advances; in Czechoslovakia the problems
are aggravated by the inadequate time for lab exercises and excessive stres
of producing clinicians rapidly, neglecting research sciencists. Three faccors
are singled out: 1. decrease stress on data memorization and clarify the basic
principles first; 2. speed up the use of new techniques; 3. integrate
mechodologic principles.
Effect of increased motor activity on regeneration of the
peripheral nerve in young rats. Fhysiol. Bohemoslov. 12 no-5:
463-468 163.
1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
Changes in protein metabolism of peripheral nerve during
functional activity. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 12 no.6~553-561
1. Institute of Phvsioloi~rv, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
Influence of activity and inacti-vity on the nouromuscular
functions. Vestnik CSAV 72 no.1:95-96 16).
Proteolytic activity and denervated and reinnervated muscle.
Fhysiol, Bohemoslov. 13 no.1t 32-38 t64-
1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
GIITAUN, n. ; , ; .
Metabolic differentl.-iLiort and ::,!L;rl-.
- 13 no.!,:368-3',13 ,
fvsiol, I I
.., 4 e.
1. Fysiologicky .istav Geskonlovenske akfide, fi, ~ ,-aha.
Proteolytic activity of isolated protein fractions in normal
and denervated nruscle. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 11+ no.ltl2-16 165
Degradation of proteins of M. latissimus d)rei anterior and
posterior of the chicken. Ibid.tl7-22
1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of ScienceB,,
aCIF,-ct.~ng the Increased rataboilin, of
-,heral rievrH. during motor activity. ?hyslol. BoLemos..01.1.
no.4:312-316 165.
ns r Czechoqlovaic Ac~ademy of Scericesi,
At~.,,te oc Physiology
tl,apfi. SubmAtted Jamiary 9, 1965.
SYROVY. I. . HAJEK, I:j GUTRANIN, E; Physiolof-jeal Institute,
Cz echo s lovak-Ka-STe-ruy of Sclencd's---(4~~slologlcky Ustav CSAV),
"Factors Influencin& Proteolytic Activity In Unnerved
Prai,7ue, Ceslcoslovens~-.a Fysiologie,Vol 15, No 2. Feb 66, 1
Abstract: Froteolytic activity was determined by measuring
amount of substrate decomposed by muscle extract from a noriiial
and a denerved muscle. As substrate denatured hemoglobin, gly-
cyl-L-phenylalanyl-D-nitroanalid, leucine-p-nitroanilid
and glycine-p-nitroanilld were used. The increased proteolyt1c
activity shown by a denerved muscle is not due to a change in
concentration of activators or InhIbItcrs of proteolytic
enzymes or to the release oil bound lysosomal enzymes or to
structural changes of muscle proteins, but probably is due t(
an Increase In synthesis of active proteolytic enzymes.
2 Western. ) Czech, 2 Russian references. Submitted at
"16 Days of Physlology" at Kosice, 29 Sep 65.
E. , HANZLIKOVA, V; Physiological Insuitute, Czeclioslovae
Academy of Sciences (Fysiologicky Ustav CSAV), PrGgue.
"Motor Unit in Old Age."
Prague. Ceskoslovenska Fysiologle,Vol 15, No 2, Feb 66,
Abstract: Investigation of motoric reactions of rats is reviewed.
The actual condition of the neuroniuscultir unit ic discussed. 1n
aging, some regressive changes and decreased cholinesterase activity
are observed. The limitations of the motor unit in old al-e are
a result of terminal rel-ressions in the neuroniusetilitr connectinns.
Release of acetylcholine and cholinesterase activity are
2 Western, 2 Czech references. Submitted al. "16 Days of Physiol-
ogy" at Kosice, 29 Sep 65.
149 -
so= rormuUs of Knke
~Uhnsnn M. Quelques fOMW66 Stoldennes. Bul.
Inst. Politehn. bucureoti 18 (1956), no. 3-4, 119-128.
(Romanian. Russian and French summaries)
By use of various vector identities, the. I&PnPrp i tbpnrpm
of Stgkfa (relating line integrals to surface integrals and
surface integrals to volume integrals) is expressed in
different forms. Five formulas are derived for possible
use in electromagnetic theory and fluid mechanics,
Finally the variation of the circulation is considered.
N. Coburn (Anti Arbor, Mich.)
Sow Remarks on a Group of Transformations
Que1ques remaques un
[do bansformations i Un Paramitre Bur ilespa" Z'
Politehn. Bucure�ti 19
Ins (1957), no. 3/4,
(Romanian. Russian and French summaries)
The group ouz,(O, A), defined above (,*6061), can be-
transformed into d by
where e is a constant vector. The space may be coniplex'
It is shown how certain relations based on this equation
can be generalized to more general vector spaces,
_R J. Struik (Cambridge, Mass.)
Ort the areTuTion of
chloride-l- 4n. Rov chzmie Roum 9 no.11-727--?41 N '61..
i s t itnte , Buchare.--.t, I Po n t r for ;--arr-is-'
1. Poly tacli ni 1r
Gutmann) . 2. In3titute c'L' Atomic ~Iiys~co,
'Jr.. ~ I q~
The problems of nourotrophy.Acta physiol. hung. Suppl. no-6:9-10
1. Phystologis6hes Inatitut der Tochechoslowakiwehan Akademis der
WissenscWten., Prag.
(MVBS. phystol.
Regult5 of mass vaccination , inDt tubnrculosin in Prague In 1949
to 1950. 1. communication. Complications after 13CG vaccination.
Cas.lelc.cesk. 91 no-5:129-138 1 Feb 52.
1. St. zdrav. ustav, Odbor pro m1krobiologtt a epidemiologit. Odd.
pro vyzkum a diagnostiku tuberdulosy.
(BCG VACCINATION, complicatione,
in ftech. in mass vacc.)
AL_r'_Y5A1Mi9tTIGL J., GRdtB6,,ffSKA Z., GUTMANO-4o. I., K!:Kl,~, f3., Jo/".*,, J.1 T. '.NL
PACHONS,,~ 'A J. Univ. in Cracow. 1.4plyw iperytil azotowefro na 1.isteoowanie gorazen Vi.
91,11zliczym zapaleniii opon mosFowo-rdzen~:owych 1ec7,oi-*!ch strer)11oY*,c.,na the influence
of nitrogen mustard on the regression of Paralysis in cerebrmiirvil men~nritis
treated with streptomycin Polsk. TyF. Lek. l9h9, )I/hL) (1151-11,~2)
A decrease of paralysis in Tb spondylitis, obser%ed a few hours after the administration
of nitroFen mustard, encouraged the authors to investif,.ate its influence ~n ot er para-
lytic states especially in the -ourse or TB. There j,ression of paralysis in b children
treated in Clinic for ihildren's Diseases in 'Rarsaw. This chem-41cal coyli.,)ound was also
.found to ciire paralysis of the per'Joheral ner,.,es in meninf.-itis of some week's standinp,
but it does not pre'.rent the develooment of paralysis. Nitrol-en m,7_,tarL1 was ii,-,cd in-
travenously in doses of 0.01 g. ger kg. 1)ody weij-ht daily, rer)natdnj_- doeses every 24
hrurs from 2-~ times. The therapeutic results are perhaps due to the resorptive and
anti-inflarbnator; action of the chemical, or to irritant action on "he nervoiis tissue.
The latter h,vnothes-;s is confirmed by observations nil certain effects on paral sis of
varin-us origin (peri,oheral neiiritis, radiculitis, cranial nerve, pals:~-x also in spastic
contractures is rheumatiod carthritis) and bvsamt- evidence of relief in cases v~th the
clinicals symptoms of optic nerved atm.)h (obuerved in the ootahlnotirical clinical
of Jariel Univers;t.,.,). It may be thaL in the phenoitena described there is a chain ~e
reactions, ne 1-ink ,-)f which Js the 9peciric action of the nervous system and throuf-,h
it, dim-inlitinn of the clinical symptoms of 'InflanuRation.
Aleksan lrovric4t - Gracow
So: Neurolory --- Psychiatry Section 11111, Vol. 4, No. 1-6,
TIPorous sponor plastic materials" p. 278 (Cheml , Vol. 6, No. 10, Get. 1953, Katawice)
'East European Vol. 3, No. 3
SO. Monthly List of j(WZ4( Accessionsi Library of Congress, March 19J, Uncl.
I . . ; ;~~ 1 T M.; - -- I
BEJ AN I . ; TIGUREA"Ill , "' , ;'X! ~ U, I IJ ,E ~ ; , ,!~ , ;~ i" ,:~
Study oV the pulverization lirilformity i,-. r-,,I~qLL,je
Bul St s-i Telin Tim 9 n(-),1;57-64 Ja-.Te 16L,
IIt"s vt L
M~~~ I ----.. ..- __
A~ /17.
USSR/ElecLronics - Self-anode modulation uf LransmitLers FD - io54
Card Pub 90-2/12
Author Z. 1. Model', S. V. Person (deceased), and B. M. GuLner
Title Problem of the theory of self-anode modulation
Periodical Radiotekhnika 9, 22-32, Jul/Aug 1954
AbstracL The article treats operating conditions of a high-power
ampliVier in N. G. Kruglov's basic self-anode modulation
circuit., sets forth procedure for calculating its modulation
characteristics, and discusses the ques~lon of ite rhanging
power consumption under modulation. The power Indexes of
self-anode modulation are compared with those of Class B
anode modulation. Three references: USSR, 1939, 1940, 1949.
Graphs; tables.
Submit~ed 1 February 1951
"Automatic Tuning of the Terminal Stage Circuit of a High-
Fre,uency I'Yn-icrophasotron Oscillator at 10 Billion Electron
Volts," G. I!. Drabkin, L. M. Gurevich, B. 14. Gutner, and
N. K. Kaminskiy, Radioteklinika i Elektronika. No 7, Jul 56,
pp 965-973
A system is described for the automatic tuning of the terminal cir-
cuit of a high-frequency synchrophasotron track to competisate for the
varying frequency of the excitation voltage in the process of accelera-
tion. The tunifig of the circuit is produced by magnetizing the ferrite
core inductance.
The control signal of the system was found to be proportional to
the phase difference between the input and the output voltages of the
terminal ezzscade.
The notion was first introduced in 1952 by Prof I. n . Nevyazhskiy,
and persons contributing to it at various times were K. N. Bulychev, 21.
V. Trunova, Yu. M. Lebedev-Krasin, B. M. Murin, and A. I. Prokop'yev.
Application of the system to a synchrophasotron was accomplished in the
period 1955-1956, and persons affiliated at this staN-e were V. V. Yeklmov,
A. I. Prokop'yev, Yu. F. Tsibullskiy, K. V. Chekhlov, and S. N. Yurav.
AUTHOR: --.Gutner-, B.M. amd Fuzik, N.S.
TITLE: Frequency distortions in phase modulation
PFAIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 9, 1961, 2, abstract 9 K5 (Nauchno-tekhn. in-
form. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, no. 9,
TEXT: It is pointed out that the modulation index of
phase modulation in the preliminary amplification stages does not
exceed 20 - 300. This means that the frequency spectrum which must
be passed by the oscillating circuit does not, in practice, differ
from that of amplitude modulation, and the character of frequency
distortion will be the same as in the emplification of the modula-
ted oscillations. The position is different in the penultimate and
final stages of a transmitter. Frequency distortions in these
stages are investigated, in the case of phase modulation in under-
Card 1/2
S/19 61/000/009/049/053
Frequency distortions... D271~302
saturated operation. M equivalent circuit of penultimate stages
is formed, in which tubes are replaced by current generators. Mak-
ing a nur..iber of assumptions (e.g. D = 0, etc) the author obtains
analytical relations which make it possible to construct amplitude-
frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the apparent resi-
stance, for various degrees of coupling between channels. It is
shown that the law of amplitude and phase modulation of output vol-
tages differs from the law of modulation of currents. Further on,
frequency distortion is investigated in final ower stages. It
is shown that they ive rise mainly to linear ~amplitude-frequency
and phase-frequencyl distortions; furthermore, the character of
these distortions differs substantially from those occurring in the
amplification of modulated waves. Results of experimental checking
of obtained data are given showing their good agreement with com-
puted data. 2 references. fAbstracter'S note: Complete transla-
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Rubchinskiy, S.M., Batskikh, G.I., Vasillyev, A.A.
Vodoplyanov, F.A., Guiner_,___B.M Kuzlm in, A.A.,.
KuzImin, V.P., Lebedev-Krasin, Yu.N., Uvarov, V.A.
TITLE: The electronic system of the 7.Gev proton synchrotron
PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.4, 1962, 20-26
TEXT: The article surveys the electronic system of the 7 Gev
proton synchrotron, the individual parts of which are described in
individUai articles in the same number of the journal. The
electronic circuits control the continuous increase of the energy
of the accelerated particle&. For the chamber aperture. used in
the apparatus, the deviation of the momentum froM the equilibrium
value cannot exceed + 5 x 1o-3. The ins'tantancous values of H
must be held to withTin 10-3 at the start (f = 0.67 Mc/s) and '
5 x 10-5 at the end of the acceleration cycle (f = 8.31 Mc/s)-
The synchrotron frequency varies from 3600 to 130 c/s. To keep
the oscillations of phase with passage through resonance less than
the adiabatic damping of these oscillations, the harmonic frequency
modulation of the accelerating potential by the synchrotron
frequency should not exceed 0.5 c/s and the harmonic amplitude
Card 1/3
The electronic system of ... E140/E420
of the modulation at the same frequencies should be less than
2 x 1o-4 at the start and 5 x lo-3 at the end of the cycle, The
spectral density of noise modulation should be of the order of
2 x 1o-3 cs2/cs. The precision of me%suring H at the instant
of injection was prescribed as 3 x I- . These requirements are
met by a programmed frequency control with correction for the
radial and phaseogositions of the beam, calculated for beam
intensities of 1 to 1012 particles. The beam measuring system
consists of a precise discrete integrator and a meter for the
initial level of the magnetic field intensity. Special
equipment is required for the automatic measurement of the
instantaneous values of frequency and field intensity, the
measurement of micromodulation of the frequency and amplitude of
the accelerating potential, variations of beam intensity over the
acceleration cycle, the azimuthal distribution of particle density
in the bunch,and the position of the beam in the vacuum chamber.
An overall block diagram of the system is given and also summary
descriptions of the systems for generating the accelerating fieldl
the acceleration control and the measuring equipment. The
Card 2/3
The electronic system of
particles are accelerated at the seventh harmonic of their
frequency of revolution - in the band from 0.67 to 8.31 Mc/s-
The energy increase is 4.3 keV per revolution. The accelerating
elements are 2.4 m drift tubes located in fl compensating
electromagnets. The transit angle in each tube i.-3 about 25* and
the ratio of accelerating potential to the potential across the
tube is about 0.43. The system ensure*s a phase oscillation of
the beam below 0.05 r and stabilizes the radial position to
within , I mtzi. There is I figure.
ASSOCIATION: Radiotekhnicheskiy institut GKAE
(Radio Engineering Institute GKAE)
SUBMITTED: April 23, 1962
Card 3/3
,j)0(,cv-i'rasij-L, Yu.,M. Gutner, U.M. Pisarevskiy, V.Ye.,
AUT11OVZ: 1, o
A.S., Barabash, L.Z. and
T et-,tkin, Ku~~shav, V.S.
1-ioiseyev, A.I.
TITLE: The acceleratii-LL, clet-iients of tile proton synchrotron
t1tc sy-tom of their high-frequency feed
P-17RIODICAL: Pribory i tel-;:hnika eksp-orimenta, no. 4, 1960.,
94 - 97
TEXT: Tile description, principal characteristics and the
results of tile control of the h.f. acceleratin-g system' of the
7 GeV proton cyclotron are reported. The acceleratin- elomeats,
are in the fori.,) of drift tubes situated in 11
I'miglicts Each of the 11 electrodes is 'ed from a
s e pa ra ta
system of hi-h-frecluency amplifiers consisting of a 7-st~---e
wideband amplifier and an autoniatically-tuned resonance output
ai,a P I i -i or. The inciuctances of tile resonant circuit in the out-out
Stages are in tile Aori,,i of coils fitted with ferrite cores. Th e
amplitude of the high-frequency field of each acceleratin~~
electrode is 2.5 kV + 10% over the frequency of
Card 1/2
Tile acceleratinr., elementS .... E3 92/ E3 8 2
0.65 - 8.7) Mels. The phase-shift between the output voltages
0. all
of any two channals is less than 30 The over, power us od
by tile supply systei;i is 1100 kVA. By using tuned amplifiers in
tile outpl,lt stages the power consumption was re(luced by about
30 times, as compared with a non-tuned ampliXier.
There .11-0 It figulles.
SUBMITIM: March 29, 1962
Card 2/2
GUTNER Old age changes in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellar
cortex in man Archiv Patologiyi, Moscow 1949, 11/6 (58-63) Tables 7
Illus. 4
Changes found in the Purkinje calls in old age have been previously
described. The present study is concerned with senile changes in the
dendrites and axons of the calls. Localized swellings and condensed
areas of argyrophil fibres, some of which are large and superficially
resemble nerve calls, are seen in some of the dendrites. Varicosities
of the dendrites are more common than the above changes. Lentil-like
swellings are seen along the course of the axons. These swellings aro
more numerous in the inner part of the molecular layer than in the gran-
ular layer of the cerebellum. The author concludes by giving a short
description of ecto-pic Purkinje cells seen in his material.
Cromo - (World Medical Abstracts) (V, 8)
So: Neurology A Psychiatry Section VIII Vol. 3 No. 7-12
PA 2/50T86
um/adicine - 1kiwin SOP 49
Serve Cells
"Nerve Cells in the Human Brain which contain
Melanin," L 1. Gutner, A. M. Levikova, 3 PP
"Dok Ak Rauk SSSIR'l Vol LxVIII, No 1
Used tens of embryos (3-10 months) and tens of
brain$ from both children and adults for the
study. Shoved that process of melanin accunula-
tion begins in its first phase (prepigmentation)..
in the prenatal period, and Is completed in its
second phase (pigmentation) in the first months
and years (not later than 2 years) of life.
Subui-tted I?y Uad L. A. Orbell 4 Jul kg.
M* . - - - .e/5M6
C, U T ~, ~- f-% r. L-
Specific granulation in the nerve cells of tha human brain.Doklady
Akad.nauk SSSR 77 no-1:105-107 I Mar 51. (CL14L 20:6)
1. Presented by Academician K.I.Skryabin 2 Jan-ary 1951.
.USSR/Biology - Histology Jul 5,2
fichange's Due to Age and Occurring In a Special Fuch-
ainophilic Granularity of the Nerve Cells of the Human
Brain," I. I. Gutner, G. D. Nosova, Yaroslavl' State
Med Inst
'Tok Ak Nauk BAR" Vol IJXM, No 1, PP 195-197
Found that the granularity in question is absent in
young children, slowly increases (reaching a max at
the age of 18-30 yrs), and begins to drop off at an
age of about 50 yrs. Presented by Academician K. I.
Skryabin 6 May 52.
Bet-*Is spindle calls of the cerebral cortex in man. Zhur.nevr.i
poikh. 54 no.4:349-350 AP '54. (MMA 7:5)
1. Kafedra gistologil Yaroslavskogo maditainakogo instituta.
(COLEBRAL CORTXX, an touW and histology,
*spindle calls
*spindle cells in cerebral cortex)
USSR/ Biolou Lmbryolot,-f
COXd 1/1 t Pub. 22 - 45A6
Authors Outner, 1. 1. and Faynberg, V. B.
Title t Evolution in the structure of the yolk pocket in 3 10 weeks old
human embryos
Periodical t Dok. AN 353R 97/4, 745-748, Aug 1j 1954
Abstract I Medical report on the evolution of the yolk pocket structure in 3
10 weeks old human embryos. Twelve references: 4-German; 2-USA;
4-US3R; 1-French and 1-Itallan (1896-1950). Illustrations.
Institution : State Medical Institute, Yaroslav
Presented by : Academician K. I. Skryabin, May 3, 1954
USSR/MoxThologj of Man wand Animals - Embryology and Developmental
Anomalies. 3-5
Abs jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., '-Ro 1, 10 Jammry, 1958p 2919.
Ixthor Gutner TZ, Fainberg V.B.
Title Evolutional Development of the Yolk Sac from the 10 Week ftbryo
to the End of Uterine Life.
Orig Pub: Dokl. AN SM, 1955, 103, HO 5, 933-936.
Abstract: Tmmrd 10 weeks of gestation the internal endoderm&I yolk
sac e:pithellum is destroyed and is sloug
'hed off. Detritus
which includes epithelium and disintegrating phagocytes is
found in the yolk sac cavity. rArge numbers of phagocytes
are forund in mesenchym bordering the cavity. The*mesenchyma
becomes loose toward the periphery and contains unattached cellu-
larx elements. On the periphery of the yolk sac, the meienchyma
becomes denser and Is vascular. After 12-13 weeks the vessels
card 1/2 -7-
USSR/14orphology of Man and Animals. Embryology and Developmental
Anomalies. S-5
Abs Jour: Refe-rat Zh.-Biol., 110 1, 10 January, 1958, 2919.
located ev the periphery undergo degeneration. Mesenchymal
mitoses &Lsawear after 14-15 weeks. After six months, the
yolk sac waU consists of cicatricial tissue with tonofibrils
In it.
Card 2/2 -8-
Iffectiveaess of therapeutic measures in nurseries for children
ill with chronic dysentery. Vop.okh.mat. i det. 1 no.4:79-81
ii-A,g 156. (KLI;% 9 -.9)
1, Iz yasley No.85 Petrogradekogo rayoaa Uningrada dlia bollnykh
khronicheskoy dizentariyey (glavnyy vrach Te.A.Sbubina)
AUTHOR. Gutner, 1. 1.,
TITLE: On the Esuphageal Innt;:rvation of Man in the Embryonic Period (K
innervatsii pishchevoda u cheloveka v embrionallnom periode)
PERIODICAL: Dokludy Ali' SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, Ur 6, pp. 1057-1059 (USSR)
ABSTRACTz In contrast to the -ood elucidation of this innervation in adults
there exist only a fevi ,)apers concerning the subject mentioned ill
the title. The author impregnated the esophagi of 2o human fetuses
(5-8 lunar montlis old) according to Kakhal, - Favorskiy. In 5
ulonths old embryos very sperse nerve elements with 4-8 processes
were found in the ganglions of the Auerbach plexus. The processes
were 2-6 times longer than the diazaeter o~. qells. The dendrites of
these elements ramified on the way and fo died si:iall dilitations of
a netlike structure in the place of ramifioation (figure 1 a). In
6 months old eiabryos wore nerve cells had processes whose number
amounted to lo and more per cell. Dendrite ramifications occurred
iaore often (figure 1 b). in 8 months old e:abrios the number of
cells of this plexus provided with large -,)roce!;ses seemed to be
still hi-her. Neurons with 15-2o and, more dendrites were to be
found in many ganglions. Almost all of them were to a different
degree raLlified and had dilitations of a netlike structure (figure
Card 1/3 1 V). To judge from the figures of earlier authors (reference 3-6)
On the Esophageal Innc~-rvation of Man in the Embryonic Period. 20-6-38/47
no differences of manj of these nerve cella of the intk-rui-.,scular
plexus a-ainst the nearona ina fully differentiated state were
to be dtormined. At the 3ametime the vast majoritj of the elementE
of this plexus seeLied completelj to lack the processes. Besides
these elements were much suialler than the mentioned process-bea-
ring cells. It is not out of the question that the processes due to
their s::,all thickness cannot be impregnated with silver and there-
fore re:..,aia invisible. Extremely fine fibrils which ended in tinv
and firle rin-letswere noticed in the ganglions of the Auerbach
ploxuj. It 13 to be assumed that they are sjnaptic formations. It
was, ho,;.,ever, not possible tu find out aith which structures they
cam-~ into thouch. In the sawe e4ibrjos nerve terminations could be
o,~served in the epithelia-,.i (figure 2). Fi-,ure 3 shovs a nerve fiber
together with its collaterals cozipletely lay in the region
of the su)Eausco8a. Motor terminations viere from time to time no-
ticed in the transversely striated musculature of the 8 months
old e..iuryos (figare At). Thus all these facts justify the assumpt-
io~.'. that in the last third of the eutbryonic period enough condi-
tions exist for the reflexive activity of the esopha6us, directed
tow---rd sustainin~3 the life outside the mother's body of a child
Card 2/3 L)--iln several munths too early.
On the Esophage-il Innervation of Man in the Embryonic Period. 20.6
There are 4 fi.-Yures, and 8 references, 7 of which are Slavic.
9 MMIC" JngUtm%6..- (Yaroslavikiy meditsinskiy in3titUt).
PRESENTED: Au.-ust 15, 1957, by L. A. Orbeli, Academician
SUB.MITTiZ: June 8, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
GUTIM, I.I., doktor med.nauk
On innervation of the trachea In human fetusea. Vop.otorin. 21
no.6:86-88 N-D '59. (MIRA 13: 5)
1. 1% kafedry gistologil (zaveduyushchi3r - prof. I.1. Gutner) Taros-
lavskogo meditsinskogo inotituta.
(TRACHRAV innervation)
170) SOV120-124-2-53/7,
AUTHORS: Gutner, I. I., Zubryakov, S. V., Solov'yeva, Ye. 11.
TITLE: On 3tomach and Intestine Innervation in Human Embryos (K
innervatsii zheludka i kishechnika u cheloveka v embrionallnom
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, PP 426-431
ABSTRACT: The plexus myentericus was described already at the beginning
of the sixties of last century and since then has been con-
tinuously investigated. However, the structure of the nerve
cells mentioned in the title has been investigated only in the
last decades. A survey of publications is then given (Refs 1-8).
Data on the nerve cells of the plexus myentericus, especially
concerning the length of the appendages are very contradictory.
The authors investigated the structure of the nerve cells of
the plexus myentericus in 25 embryos and fetuses (length:
7-41 cm, age: 2.5-8 months) in the stomach (body and pylorus),
duodenum, in the caudal section of the small intestine and in
the rectum. The appendages of the nerve cells were found in
Card 1/3 e.,,ibryos and fetuses of different age (Figs 1-ij). In any case a
On Stomach and Intestine Innervation in Human Embryos SCV/2C-124-2-53/71
great number of neurons with 5-6 appendages which are longer
than the cellular bodies, can be found in all intestinal sec-
tion3 at an age of about 5 months (length: 24-26 cm); more-
over, they have a very long axon. The shape of the cells be-
comes slightly or considerably more complicated some months
later. The main part of the elements of the plexus myentericus
remained without appendages on cuts. Since the silvering methods
applied are not reliable it is uncertain whether the observa-
tions made fully correspond to reality. Therefore, the authors
use very carefully the denotations undifferentiated or neuro-
blasts of the cells which are "apolar" according to their ex-
terior. For the same reason the data of appearance of the
elements with appendages of the various sections of the stomach
and intestine can hardly be ranged as such. In any case it was
proved by the investigations mentioned that beginning with the
5th or 6th month of the embryo's life complex nerve cells can
be found in Auerbach's plexus of the stomach and intestine.
They have dendrites as well as neurites and tire thuu able to
enter these or those reflex arches. Complex receptors were
found in embryos 12, or 22-45 cm lonC. i.e. in the individual
Card 2/3 parts of the intestine (Refs 8,9). Also the authors found com-
On Stomach and Intestine Innervation in Human Embryos SOV/20-124-2-53/71
plex nerve endings in fetuses of an age of 5-7 months (Fig 4)-
The above data make it possible to form an idea of the nerve
substratum which permits intestinal and ga8tric activity of the
fetuses beginning with the 6th month. It is generally known
that such premature bixths can be bred with the necessary care.
There are 4 figures and 11 references, 9 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Yaroslavskiy meditsinskiy institut (Yaroslavl' Medical Insti-
PRESENTED: September 18, 1958t by N. N. knichkov, Academician
SUBMITTED: September 16, 1958
Card 3/3
Structure of the wall of the terminal ventricle of the spinal cord
in man. irkh.anat.gist.i embr. 38 no.4:94-96 Ap '60.
(MIRA 14:5)
1. Kafedra gistologii (zav. - prof. I.I.Gutner) Yaroslavokogo
~edits~mskogo instituta. Adres a~wtora: Yaroslavl', Revolyutsionnaya
u1., 5, Meditsinskiy institut.
GU-TXER,-I-I---(T.eniijgrad, 51, Beloostrovs~aya, 39, korp-4, kv-48);
LEVIN, N.A. (Yaroslavl', u1. Tolbukhina, 37/17, kv-31)
Phenomena of "fenestration" and "balls" in the neurons of sensory
ganglia. Arkh.anat.,gist.i embr. 44 no.lt93-100 Ja 163. (MIRA 1635)
1. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.G. Chudakov)
Leningradskogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo instituta i kafedra
normaltnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. A.N. Alayev) Yaroslavskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
Childbirth and skull injuries of the newborn Leningrad, VGcinnG-morskai med.
aka-demii, 1945. 145 p.
~f, 1), S'Furfi T~~.
tv*T'lcfl d.vily wl,t~,tionl for 51 Jk~~,
nl-r. Uf Ut
t c r a n,3 prcircat~td at
us, injcctina i Ivoth harnmrsvi rc~..e tjjj~
Whole thn diml it wm wr;~l (',I wii,mviki pli4i~wi;,
b-ought about by a ref,.tivo chariga ia trin co;u-p, mul wn 1)), ld~;.
lov I cither -6no ~ffrnin)O. (UcKllt w)
KOSTYGOV, ~gorl Hikiforovioh; SHIMN, Shilin Shimiylovich; BOGUSIAVSKIT,
B,L*,' prof., reteenzent; ,G.UTMM, N*G., inzh., red.; CHM, N.A.,
red.,izd-va; SOKOUNA. L.T., tekhn. rede
[Automatic sitralght turning lathes] Avtomty prodollnogo'tochenita.
Kbskwa. Gba. nwaahno-tekhn. lzd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry, 1958.
239 pe' (MIRA 11:10)
"Ifti-m P1
KITROFANOV, S.P., kand.tekhn.nauk, laureat Leninskoy premii, red.;
AZAROV, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.;,GUTM.-l[-Q., inzh., red.;
KAMM, F.V.. kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; MAY, A.K., kand.tekhP.
nauk, red.; RRZHIKOV, R.A.. inzh., red.; SHALGIN, G.R., kand.
ekon.nauk, red.; SIKONOTSKIY. N.Z., red.izd-va; SPERANSKAYA,
(Group techniques in the manufacture of machinery and Instruments]
Grappovais takhnologiis v mashinostroenii i priborostroanii. Koskys.
Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo, 1960. 378 p.
(MIRA 13:9)
Nachinery industry) (Instrument manufacture)
TABAEOV, P.M.; zZALLRIJKlY, Ye.l., inzh., retsenzent~ CITNER,
irzh., red,
(Jig baring] Koord inn tne-rastoch-Ve rabot7o Mosk-va,
Mashinost:Menie. 1965. 238 p. (MIPIA 18-.12)
ZAZIRSKIY, Yavgeniy Ivenovich; OUTUR, Naum Grigorlyevich; KaOPIVIIITSKIY,
N.H., inzh., retsenzent; red.;
LEYKINA, T.L.. red.izd-va; SHCHETININA, L.V.,
(Boring-machina operator] Tokarl-rastochnik. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-
tokhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 414 p. (MIRA 13:9)
(Drilling and boring machinery)
(Metal cutting)
MITROFANOV, Sergey Petrovich; GUTNER, Naum qKjg2r~ yech; KUCHER, I.M.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ANSEROV, M.A., kand. tekhn. nauk,
red.; CHFAS, M.A., red. izd-va; KUMPIMAj G.N., red. izd-va;
SHCHETININAP L.V., tekhn. red.
(turret lathes and their efficient use]Revollvernye stanki i ikh
ritsionallnoe lspollzovanie. Moskva, Mashg1z, 1962. 349 p.
(MIRA 16:3)
(Lathes) (Turning)
MITROFANOV, S.P., doktor takhn. nauk, prof.; GUTNEII,.,N.G., inzh.
... -- -
(Scientific fundamentals of technological preparation
of group production] NauchrVe asnovy tekhnologichaskol
podgotovki gruppovogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Mashino-
stroenie, 1965. 394 p. (MIRA 19t1)
PA 6,1,.//.c,)1'76
WO/Od IdUw - ftUldlve Am/kay/jun 49
Medicine - Stmatology
"Purther Observ tions on the Use of Sulfidine In
Stomatologleal Practice.," rrof I. X. Starovinskiy,
Chief, Chair of YAxiUsry Surg, Docent Ya. 1.
Gutner, Chair of Maxillary Surg, Second Moscow Mel
Idat imni I. V. Stalin,. 5 1/3 Pp
'Stmatollv No 2
Reccomends sulfidine ln the form of- sulfanalgesine
for bypereethesia of Us dentine and for Insertion
in treating acute peri~Aontitis, albucid solutions
or norsulfasol sodium in treating infected canals,
and sulfocalcium pastes in pronounced carieB,
rilliwp Fdoitie, etc.
. L .------64/4cM6
Sulfonazddev in stonatologic practice. Uchen. xapiski vtor. mookov. led.
Inst. Stalin& Vol 2:134-141 1951. (CIRL 21:4)
1. Professor for StarobinWdy and Docent for Gutner. 2. Department
of Maxillary Surgery (Read--Prof. I.M. Starobinak7).
1~ ~- -z~z~*,,.O::I~-,Al~~-wz-~;~l.;-~!,t-~,~~
Modification of incisions in maxillary sirrus operations. Vest.oto-rin. 15
no.5:46-48 S-0 '53. (MLRA 6:11)
1. Stomatologicheskaya klinika II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta im.
I.V.Stalina. (Mose, Accessory sinuses of--Surgery)
(RJTIF-,'R, Ya.I., dotsent
Review of "Soviet medical abstracts. No.6: Stomatolog7.
Reviewed by Gatner. Stomatologiia no.,3:56 My-jo '55.
GUTN'MR, Ta.I., dotsent.
Tsr.minolog7 in the classification of certain forms of pulpitin
Stomatologiia no.4:17-18 Jl-Ag '55. (MLRA 8:10)
(DENTAL PULPS, diseases
pulpitis, terminol. & classif.)
GUTNER, Ya.I.,dotsent (mosicva)
Alveolar pyorrhoea amphodontosts. 7911d i akush,no.12:10-14 D 155.
(14IMA 913)
GUTM, -fa.I.,dotsent
"Physical examination and therapy methods in stomatology" by
L.R. Rubin. Reviewed by IA. I. Gutner. Stomatologila 35 no.5:58-61
S-0 156 (NLRA io:4)
GUTNER, Ya.I., dotsent (Moskva)
- - ,
Development of the problem of the treatment of ~jsriodontitis
(pericementItis) In Soviet stomatology in the past 10 years.
Stomatologiia 36 no.1:3-8 Ja-F '57. (MIRA 11:1)