Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : G A-RDP83-01022 R.000100070001-6
v,- V a Mn%!W.i,M?-SJUN~I'`?Y-;
tor's Rotes' illioiis of. dise and iiioney are beingsto when I say it (the losses for;some stmen
dailars In cash and other value' lea , :from the U S mails by a would 'ego into the' million's, 1 It: # ok 2;.-, Some mailmen have
abler' flow tirough: the 11 S.. faceless new crIinal the pi ? that might be low "." ontlis before eePist n two proved all too willing to take
postal system each day one fering postman n?::. Office credit. cards instead of cash never, reaches its.d tina rests of .;postai workers even fqund Gut the ;~t-re is- The unsuspecting victim nev.
.es r$dit Lards, cash, Christ for theft tered envelo sent
tion 'because'- it 3s stolen by mar ? if snd rifling mail have e y a
er. knows a new, card coming
posta,l employes T1rig re ort g ~ ;guns, rich stocks, jumped by.. one half min, less ma., oir "New .'.York City.; o in the mail was stolen until he
from the Aoyes Tin l s s rsi gn ` heoks for charity and even than gets
two years,now running Boston was: missing The :con ahge bill from the cred?
h eiit`` Team: exam the e ' s h i p in eu.t, s have well beyond 1,100 a year. '. tents $15 '.million In stocks it firma.
month or more later.
worsemn been vanishing from the mails The percentage of postmen aril bands In Brooklyn,
stal g postaltheft prob,'; mgrowing numbers.. dippin into the. mall-usuall ,The Wall: Street firm: that pocketing crediitt cardso have
lei, that can. affect everyone , g Y
Officials' can t
who uses the mails
a;:sorting clerk rather than' the suffered he dos isn't alone: A been link tuft i organized
dollar figure on the theft loss. friendly ,:neighborhood mail top ' in ector.. in New York crime. A stolen, card can
es, but the nation's top postal man =is ve low. But losses City said; `There are several bring $200 on the black mar
By J.414gS R POI g copy thief' Inspector , Williarri still : run. hi h
Associated ress Writer j Cotter said g firmsdoyvi there ,that have ket theie In Washington, D.
VVAS dated (AP):. Mil An Associated Press study lost:, millions of dollars in se C., losses have climbed so
bons.; of dollars in A merchan lays a day in the mail
and thi
ng that: moves may be prey" period of time. now refuse to send their cards
to sassol a[geZts 2ut
Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : Clix--RDP83-01022R000100070001-6
Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP83-01022R000100070001-6
through. 'tile'