Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R000100040010-9
Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R000100040010-9
Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R000100040010-9
Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R000100040010-9
Approved For Release 2000/ RE IA-RDP83-01,D22R000100040010-9
PANEL (AKA: Compartmentation Review Team)
The Panel was established in response to
action item number 9 of the 2 May 1971 Director's Planning
"The Director instructed that Colonel White have
an objective look taken at CIA security compartmentation
and the requirements and procedures for communication
and handling of various source materials as they relate
to both CIA or the Community. The Director indicated
he was in favor of simplifying the entire range of clearances
and handling procedures. "
The statue, 50 U. S. C. A. 403, provides "That the
Director of Central Intelligence shall be responsible for pro-
tecting intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized
The - Panel has been tasked to review security
compartmentation in the Agency in accordance with the assumptions,
tasks and objectives.
This review team will limit itself to CIA activities
and operations.
A. To identify possibilities for the reduction of compartmenta-
tion of intelligence activities and products.
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~: CIA-RDP831022R000100040010-9
B. To anticipate a possible need for a unified
Director of Central Intelligence policy for the security of
intelligence sources and methods by which the Director can
insure the establishment and maintenance of essential com-
partments of intelligence activities, operations and products.
Approved For Release 2000/09N i-RDP83-01 022R0001 00040010-9