Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
. _Approved For ReIeaW 2000& JI N -1.83-00764&00300090019-1
SUBJECT: Details to be included and general points to
be considered in preparing CS historical
I Details which will properly stage and validate the paper.
a. Identify the drafter and his relationship to the
area or substance of the study.
b. Specify the overall period being covered, the
date the paper is drafted or revised and the
limit of the field under consideration.
c. Maintain a record of document collections used --
ER, SGO, RI, OGC, DC, Desk files, Compt., Pers.,
Log., Cover, DDP/PG, etc.
d. Develop abibliography of contributive material
either byjfootnote or as a terminal listing.
e. Include cable and dispatch references in the
body of the report -- post designation, control
number an4 date.
f. Compile alist of all persons interviewed for
substantive contributions and attach separate
summaries of 1: ie info .-oration contributed by
interviewee o) -:.copy of his actual paper if
drafted by hin at your request or taped.
g. List at least the senior officers responsible
for the activities giving their positionsand periods
of tenure, and any personalities whose individual
talents and contributions were significant to the
h. Classify the total paper. Separately evaluate
the sensitivity of each annex and footnote.
ppjoved For Relea 0/
"Approved For Releadlw2000/0899 1.1 RR 00764000300090019-1
i. Have a "table of contents" for ease of handling
any complex report.
j. Consider ;the probable value of an index or indices
to a paper; i.e., persons, organizational entities
with alphabetical abbreviations, topics (clandes-
tine techniques or lessons learned).
k. If the paper covers an extended period and is a
complicated narrative, prepare a chronological
listing of important incidents and dates which
can assist in weaving the total manuscript into
a cohesive paper.
II. Probable uses of the paper, for consideration in organi-
zation and writing.
a. As a summarization of operations to speed up and
support urgent requirements for papers on the
b. As documentation to facilitate debriefings.
c. As a basic' chronicle for the indoctrination of
new Chiefs of Station, Branch Chiefs, Desk
Chiefs and other key officers.
d. As a type of case history for use by the Office
of Training in the conduct of operations courses.
e. As a monitoring review and summation of opera-
tions for later analysis and postmortems.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP83-00764R000300090019-1