Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
' Approved For Releasb?1000/08/08 : CIA-RDP83-00764RWO300090011-9
Kxp1 anat ion
his .ory of th Ag ncy j`fo t in Vietnam is to he
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?13 1t 4~-al A and ii A- ['r?svr'ft a.K'tu to ti`hv, pru?.B nt
Will h . Ir s rPci
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xp r red1 a ti the request of t` p 4~t : r fca
ian se x.(11,!ri ,m a *x1st inr~T record r )r documenting
re t ~' of Agency actI it ios Tarr. adequately re(:( d.~c.
i?i1tes and reports drafted. in r!-'sj-oorsp to. Other
lxC u i r?E-e'Clt:i !)"it sati.sf, "nlz spe a r ^ PReds ,J
rr. .anon.
~.ori other nan?nyrs oi= t~1eAg.rcy 4ic-11
4e4 s' x` anon t.h' history of 4e .et.nam . 1ndocgina 1950
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