Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Chapter I
Chapter II
A. Organization
B. Internal Operation
1. FI
2. CI/CE
3. CA
4. PM
5. S&T
6. Support
Chapter i11
Apprpd4Eor Release 2001'CIA-RDP83-007614*b?300090004-7
A. Organization
B. Internal Operation
1. FI
2. CI/CE
3. CA
4. PM
5. S&T
6. Support
C. External Operations
25X1 C
. External Operations
A. Organization
B. Internal Operations
1. FI
2. CI/CE
3. CA
4. PM
5. S&T
6, Support
C. External Operations
A. Organization
B. Internal. Operations
1. FI
2. CI/CE
3. CA
4. PM
5. S&T
6. Support
C. External Operations
D. Coordination
D. Coordination
25X1 C
Chapter VI Chapter VII
1959-66 1966-67
A. Organization A. Organization
B. Internal Operations B. Internal Operation
1. FI 1. Fl
2. CI/CE 2. CI/CE
3. CA 3. CA
4. PM 4. PM
5. SI&T 5. S&T
6. Support 6. Support
C. External Operations C. External Operation
25X1 C
25X1 C
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 ; CIA-RDP83-00764R000300090004-7
Approved For'elease 2000/6/68 ? d1AER'bP8340764R000300090004-7
a. Title Page (include date and name of writer)
b. Table of Contents (subheadings within Chapters or Parts
if it is a long or complex history)
d. Chronology (If the paper covers an extended period and
the inclusion of a chronology of important events in the
country concerned would add measurably to the setting
and meaning of the paper)
e. Body (If there is more than one operation, activity, or
major grouping or trend of events, treat them in phases,
parts, or chapters; hypersensitive assets and operations
should be referred to only generally in the main paper
and then written up in detail in a separate related
f. Constructive Conclusions (attachment) (This should
deal with lessons learned that could be of value to an
officer assuming responsibility for the station or
g. Consultants and Contributors (list of interviewed
persons and other contributors; where written debriefings
or historical reports are included as attachments and are
referred to in the body of the paper, they are to be on
the Reference List)
Reference List (each referral
must be followed by 1 tT2i3umber
Reference List, e.g.,
to a supporting document
as it appears on the
Index (only to be prepared where the Table of Contents
is inadequate for tho needs of the originating component)
NOTE: A background paper, review, or chronological summary
may already be written which meets the basic requirements of
an historical paper. Even though such a paper may not have
all of the desired component parts, it may be made a
permanent part of our history. When located, such papers are
to be submitted to the C$ Historical Board for consideration
and decision as to their possible inclusion in the Catalog
of CS Histories.
Approved For Release 2000/08108 CIA-RDP83-00764R00030-0090004-7