AUTHORS: Zv.,fagintsev, 0. Ye., Shubochkina, Ye. V. SOV/78-3-9-35/38.
TITLE: 7Inve`stigat~ion Ifn-0 the Kinetics of Reaction of Complex:
Rhodium Compounds (Izucheniye kinetiktreaktsiy kompleksnykh
soyedineniy rodiya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiif 1958, Vol 3,,Nr 9, pp 2214-2216
ABSTRACT: In order to explain the effect of trans-influence in rhodium
complexes, the kiretics of the exchange rea ction in rhodium
compounds was examined. The reactions were carried out with the
rhodium,amines PyH[RhC TITHPyl and NH, [Rh(NO Fyj with the
14 1 Rh-NO 1 2)4 2
reactive coordinates Cl-Rh-Cl and ITO27 2'
In the interaction of rhodium amines with pyridine only an ex-
change of pyridine takes place by an.acid group in a
trans-position to the other. The result Of 01030 exchtLnge re-
actions are compounds that correapond -to tho following equations:
Card 1/3
kn Investigation Into the Kinetics of Reaction of Complex~Rhodium Compounds
#02 py
/V//f N01
The values of K, E and 1g Z were determinedtfor the compound
P.YH [RhC14INH 3Pyl The kinetic oharactort'stieq tLre fjimilnr to
those of platinum-(IV)-compounds.
Card 2/3 There are 1 table and 4 references, 4 of which. are Soviet..
'~UTHOR3: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye4, Kurbanov, At 50'V/78-3-10-13/35
TITLE: Electrolytic Reduction of Some Nitrogo Compounds of Ruthenium,
(Elektroliticheskoye vosstanovleniye nekotorykh nitrozo-soyedi-
neniy ruteniya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958,~'Vol 3, Nr 10, pp 2305-2308
ABSTRACT: The electrolytic reduction of nitroso,compounds of ruthenium was
analyzed in order to ascertain the atate of valency of ruthenium
compounds. The method of electrolytic''reduction was applied
because no impurities are involved inAt. An investigation.was
carried out of the electrolytic reduction of compounds of~nitroao-
sulfate ruthenium, nitroso-nitrate ruthenium, nitroso-ooxalate
ruthenium and nitroso-acetate ruthenium. In the electrolytic
reduction of compounds of nitroso-oxalate ruthenium with the
formula H2 IRUNO (C204q three jumps aippear;in the reduction
curves. The first indicates the reduction of the NO-group, the
second indicates the reduction of Ru-(II) to Ru-(I) s-nd the third
indicates the reduction of Ru-(I) to Ru. The electrolytie're-
Card 1/2 duction of nitroso-nitrate ruthenium with tIhe formula RuNO(NO 3)2
Electrolytic Reduction of Some Nitroso Compounds of Ruthenium
shows only one jump in the reduction curve, probably in the re-
duction of NO The electrolytic reduction of nitroso-acetate
ruthenium shows also three jumps In th16 reduction curve. The
first of them is probably not caused by the-reduction of the NO-
group, but by the CH COO- ion.
There are 3 figures and 14 references,~A. of1which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: April 28, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS- Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye., Kubranov, A. 307/78-3-10i33/35
TITLE: On the Character of the Linkage-- of Ruthenium to NO-Grour
in Nitroso Compounds( 0 kharaktere s*yazi ruteniya s.
NO-gruppoy v nitrozosoyedineniyakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii 1958, Vol 3, Nr 10,
pp 2424-2427 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt For the production of ruthenium nitrosochloride
H C RuNOC1 3' 2H20 a method of thesolution of ruthenium
oxide in hydrochloric acid was described, to which a~'
considerable quantitv of NO is added. Bimultaneously.. The
reduction of the NO-group to the NH -group by means of zinc
is connectedwith color change. runs C1 H 0 is the final,
2 0 2
product. This compound is a brown powder which is insoluble
in water and organic solvents, but eaiiily dissolves in
diluted acids. The compound is paramagnetic with the magnetic
susceptibility (-,(, - -0,203-10-0). During the reduction of
ruthenium nitrosochloride three potential take place.
The first jump corresponds to the redvat 11 n ofIthe NO-group,
Card 1/2 the second indicates the reduction of Ru _:;~Ru , the third
On the Character of the Linkage of Ruthenium to SOV/.78-3-10-33/35
NO-Group in Nitroso Compounds
indicates the reduction of HU -~Ru.Th6 pot6ntiometric
curve of the reduction of ruthenium amidochloride shows
only one jump, which indicates the reduction of monovalent
ruthenium to ruthenium metal. The li.hkr~gc - of ruthenium
to the NO-group in nitroso compounds of ruthenium is
caused by the nitrogen atom.There are I figure
and 8 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
SU~MIVTED: May 28, 1958
Card 2/2
A " ~M' T~A'tq- M ~MA MA "t, tt
AUTHORS: Kyrsh, K. , Avy-kintsev, 0. ye. 507/76-3-11-23/23~
TITLE: On the Mechanism of the Inclusi'ons of Microquantities of
Cesium Berlin Blue (0 mekhanizme zakhvata mikrokoliche.stv
tseziya berlinskoy lazurlyu)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, pp 2502-2592
ABSTRACT: The mechanism of the coprecipitation of microquantities of the
cesium-iron-II-eyanide was investigat4d. The influence, of:the
nature of the cations on the solubility of the ferrocyanide
was investigated. The influence of the ratio of
Fe(CN)6 4- : Fe 3+ on the ooprecipitation of,cesium wab,investi-
gated as well. The authors conclude from the results that the
quantity of the coprecipitated cesiumidepends to an only small
extent on the ratio of the reagents and that the coprecipitation
of cesium is above all due to the formation of mixed crystals
or solid solutions, respectively. The investigations of the
influence of the various additions'on.the coprecipitation of
cesium as cesium ferrite cyanide showed that several cations
Card 1/3 exercise a great influence on the coprecipitations. The co-
. SOY/76-3-11-23/23
On the Mechanism of the Inclusions of Microquantitien of Cesium Berlin Blue
precipitation isothermal lines of the,cesium Berlin blue,were
plotted (Fig 2). Additional experimen'to were carried out in
order to explain the mechanism of the copr6cipitation of the
cesium Berlin blue. It was shown that in the case of an ad-
dition of cesium to finished Berlin blue sol the quantity of
the coprecipitated cesium is smaller,than in the case of,the
formation of sol in the case of the.presence of cesium, i. e.
the coprecipitation of cesium is much greater in the'formation
of Berlin blue sol. The coprecipitation of cesium with Berlin
blue was investieated as well in the precipitation in a homo-
geneous medium. The system ferrocyanide tartrate was used for
the precipitation in homogeneous medium. It was shown that the
coprecipitation of cesium with Berlin blue in the homoge neous
medium amounts to 99,97%, and in the:case of a rapid formation
of the precipitation to 99,86%. The coprocipitation,effect of
cesium with Berlin blue offers the possibility of a practical
application of this method for the c0precipitation of cesium
from diluted solutions. By means of this method of ion ex-
change the difference between the surface adsorption and the
coprecipitation was detected. Tho increase in the cesium
Card 2/3 quantity in the precipitation of Berlin blue does not increase
On'the Mechanism of the Inclusions of Microquantities df Cesium Berlin Blue
the dispersion of the precipitation.1
There are 5 figures, 6 tablesj and 16 references, 6, of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologiohaskiy,institut im. D. 1.
Mendeleyeva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imehi
D. I. Mendeleyev) Voyennaya teklinicheakaya akademiya im.
A. Zapototskogo (9;Y"3rno) ((Brno) Technical Military-Academy
imeni A. Zapototsk
SUBMITTED: April 20, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye., Kurbanov, A. SOV/78-3-12-li/36
TITLE: Concerning the Deq7ees of Oddation . of Ruthenium in Acid Nitroso
Compounds (0 stepenyakh okisleniya.ruteniya v ataidonitrozo-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 12,:pp 2662-2665
ABSTRACT: The step-wise oxidation of ruthenium'~in nitroso-oxalates't
nitrates, and acetates with potassium permanganate was inveati-
gated using the potentiometric method. By these investigations
it was posaible to det6rmine the valence'state of ruthenium
in the following acid zlitroso compounds: If (RuNO(C~O
1 2 2,4
ruthenium nitroso nitrate - 'RuNO(NO -311 0;~and~sodium
3)2 2
rutheni.u.m. nitrosotriaoetate - Na RUN,O(CH 1000) H O.'~In the
C, 3 31 2
oxidation potentiometric curve for~H 2[RUITO(C20 4)2] there were
found five clear and definite Jumps in potential, indicating
the oxidation of ruthenium from RU2+ to Ru8+ . The last jump
Card 1/2 indicates the oxidation of the (C2 04) 2- group. The end-product
Concerninetlie DegrtesafQddation of Ruthenium in Acid flitroso Compounds
of the oxidation is RuO 4* On the oxidation curv Ie for Rulk(NO 3)2'
#3H 20 were found potential jumps corresponding to the oxidation
2+ 8+
of Ru to RU . The end-product of'this.reaction is RuO The
- p ~ 4
potentiometric oxidation titration curve-forlia UNO(CH coo
P 3 )31
H 0 is characterized by four jumps In potentiall.indicating the
2+ 6+
oxidation of ruthenium from Ru to!Ru . The end-,product is
again RuO 4* The ruthenium in all the acidonitroeo.compounds
investigated was divalent. There are 5 figures and 5 references,
3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut obahchey I neorganicheakoy, khimii im. 11, S. Xurnakova
Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic ~Chemistry
imeni H. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences us�11)
SUBMITTED; JulY 171 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye. 7,5-13-2-23/27"
TITLE: Mh Congress on the Analysis of Precious Metals
(IV Soveshchaniye po analiny blagorodnykh metallov)
PERIODICAL: Zhiirnal Analiticheakoy Xhimii, 1958, Vol- 13, Nr 2
pp. 26o-26o (USSR)
A13ST-RACT: The 1Vth Congress on theAnalysis of Precious Metals which
was called by the Institute for General ana~lnorganid Che-
mistry imeni N.S. Kurnakov AS USSR (In i3titut obahchey i
neorganicheakoy khimii im. N. S. Xurnakova ~kademii nauk
SSSR) and by the Plant for Processing. Precious Metals..
(Zavod po obrabotke blagorodnykh metallov) in colla-
boration with the Ministry for Financea of the USSR, the
fifinistry for the Metallurgy of Nonferrous Metals of the
USSR and with the Ural House of Technical Engineering
U'rallskV dom tekhniki) took place at'Sveralovsk from.May
2o to May 23, 1957. This congress was attenaed by Ill de-.
logates and 32 organizations; 35 lectures and reports were
Card 1/4 attended. A group of reports was devoted to~probleme relating
IVth Congress
Card 2/4
on tl,c Analysis of Precious Metals
to technical methods of analysis. Fsh4nitsyn and
I. V. Prokoilysva;Kh. 1. Tsybulevskiy and I.,N. Firsova~ as:
well as revesentatives of various factories (M.S. U8070y:
and othi were the authors who delivered these lectures.
Some reports dealt with volumetric me0iode (A.. A. Grinberg'
and A. I. Dobrobor'skaya; M. A. Chentsova, T.,. P. Yufa and
V. G. Levian and others). A special meeting was devoted to
spectroscopic methods. Problems of the determination of all
precious metals and certain admixtures, in c6ncentrates, melts,
ores and other objekte were dealt with~ in the reports delivered
by V. P. Khrappay, V. L. Ginzburg, A,. 3). Gut1ko and N. 11.
Pankratcva, - A. D Kuranovt V. P. Ruk~uha and M. M. Sviri-
dova. Some repor;s ( S., It. Anisimov, K. A. Pomytov and
Ye. 1. Nikitina, N. I. Chentsova) dealt with problems,of the
preparation of poor samples for the spectroscopic analysis.
The problem of.the applicability of te:st- methods for the
determination of rhodium, iridium and ruthenium in ores and
other products raised discussion. A report delivered by S. K.
Shabarin and I. D. Fridman dealt with',this field. The 4
IVth Congreas on the Analysis of Precio)ls Metals 75-13-2-23/27
renorts delivered by the following authorot ir. K.
Pshenitsyn, 11. A. Yezerskaya and V. D. Ratnikova; Ye. K.
Kuznatsova; S. M. Anisimov. V. M. Klypenkov, 1'. G. Shulakov,
V. N. Alyanchik,ova- and P. A. Gtirin; Yu. S.. Lyalikov and M. B.
Bardin dealt with polarographic methods and the ap-,lication.
of ion-exchanGe. A series of reports elealt, -.7-Ith -..eotro- ,
photometric and photocolori-ablUric methods of anvlysi i6. V4K.
Levian and T. Yufa, N. K. Pshenitayn, S. I. Ginzb-arg &nd
L. G. Sallskaya, V. 11. Alel:sandrov and V. P. Barkovd%iy were
the authors.2 reports were dolivered,by V. B. Avilo4i The
leettires delivered by V. V. Kosova end S. M. Anisi,iov,; V. P.
Klypenkov and V. P. Tsimbal were devoted to the electromeltric
determination of silver in melts and factory products'. I.I. S.
Ruzhnikov delivered a report deali-nr,: %Tith: t-he method, of de-
termination of a .~,old test on a t.:-,uchstone. The last Croup
of reports dealt with physical met!-Iods of analysis. A. A.
Rudnitskiy, A. P. Adakhovskiy and V. it, Mtrbolin, A. I.
Kulak and 0. Ye. Zvya,-intsev, Z. II.Turovtseva ;:ere the authors
Card 3/4 of this -roup. Concluding, a report'dolivered by the repre-
IVth Con-,ress on the Analysis of Precious Metals
sentative of the Ministry of Finances of the MR, D. G.
Grebenkin, was attended.
The c3nGress decided on a resolution in whi da a series of.
progress and errors in the analysis of precious metals
within the last 2 1112 years is noticed~, The.con,-,ress also
pointed out the ways of further work in thi!-, field. Voreover,
a resolution for the pronpt publication of Otece works was
decided on.
1. Metals--Anal~ysis
Card 4/4
PSWITSYN, H.K., otv red..-,.ZVYAGINTSNV, O.Te., doktOr khi1a4naUk* OtV-
red.; LEVI, T:G.; 0,0- -v
red.izd-va,* GUSWA. I.N.,,
(Analysis of noble metalej Analiz blagorod4fth motallov.
Moskva, Izd-vo -Akad.nauk SSBR, 1959, 193 P.' (KIRA 12:10).
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inetitut obahchey ilne.organichaskoy
khimii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent IN SSSR (for ]Pshenitsyn).
(Platinum group) (Gold compounds) (Silver co.mpounds)
to 3i
I . It
vp *I.-
f co in A
Radloactivation analysiB applied to the determination of mi-
croimpurities In tellurium. Radiokhimiia' I no*6:717-723
'59. (MIRA 13:4)
(Tellurium-Analreis) (Metal 9--Anavo is)
5W SO'1/78-4-1-3of/481
. MI. Zvyagintg
0. Ye.
;TITLE: 1wrestigation of the,Co-Precipitation of Miero-Quantities of
Caesium.W~Lth Berlin Blue by the Method of Sudden Precipitation
i(Issledovaniye slaosazhdeniya mikrokolichestv tseziya s
b~rlinskoy lazurlyu metodom mg-novennogo soosa--hden-1ya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neozganioheskoy khimii, 1959,~Vol 4, Hr i,
pp 227-229 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The above method for the co-precipitaiion of micro-quant1ties
of caebium showed-that co-precipitation is'not dependent on
caesium being contained in one or the"other of the two solutions.
The dependence of the constant according to V. G. Khlopin on
the amount of the solid phase which i6 formed on sudden pre-
cipitation was determined. The results are shown in table 2.
The values of the Xhlopin conatant D depend on the cuncentration
of iron (III) in the solution. Several rulaG governing the
formation of anomalous mixed crystal:~ werelconfirmed. By the
method of sudden co-precipitation the oo-precipitation isotherm
of caesium with Berlin blue was obtained. The experimental
data are in accordance with the equation by Kirgintsev
Card 3 (Ref 7):
Investigation of the Co-Precipitation of Mioro-Q4anti ties of Cae.sium, With
Berlin Blue by the Method of Sudden Precipitation
B (T.- V G)
where B and .0 = constants, concentration of the micro-
componb~nt' ~-n -the - solids phasecL,~' 6onoentrati!orVb~ the
microcomponent in the solution, m - number of atoms which
form the molecule of the microcomponent (according to
There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and!8 references, 6 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im.,D. Id
Mendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical-Technologic Ial Institute imeni,
D. I. Mendeleyev) Voyennaya akadem'iya im. A. Zapptotskogo
(Brno) (Military Academy imeni A., &Totocbj (Brno))
Card 2/3
*5(4), 2 (7) SOV/78-4-4-26i'44
AUTHORS; Z-iyagintsev, 0, Ye., Kuznetaov, V. A~
TITLE: On Complex Compounds of Hexavalent. Uranium With Hydrbxylam'~;-.,.,
(0 komplekanykh soyedineniyakh shestivalentnogo urama G g.d::o-
PERIODICALi Zhurnal nearganicheskoy khimii, 1959 4, 1Tr 4, PP 066-666
ABSTRACT, The authors investigated,the complex. formation of
uranium with hydroxylamine in dependence of the PH -,raluc of "'4,p
solution. When mixing a solution of::uranyl-nitrate a. nou-.ra-1.
solution of hydroxylammonium chloride or ;hydroxylaim-orium
sulphate with a pH value of 8 and more, -uraniun is retaiaed en
a complex in the solution. At pH < 8 yellow, difficultid" Gclz*~IE
crystals are formed. These crystals,are insoluble in somi-- cz-
ganic solvents. The formula (RH OHI 0 resulted f-~om 'h,:!
3 'J 2UO4H 2
analysis. The complex solution of h~droxylammonium uxanate
(pH -> 6) remains stable for several, months. From these
uranium cannot be reduced or precipitated even by the 6ot-ioi~ -,f
Card 1/3 alkali liquor at high temperatures. In the case of a large ox-
907/78 - 4- 4-26/4~~
On Complex Compounds of Hexavalent Uranium With Hydroxylamine
coss of hydroxylamine and a pH value of 9-5 light absolrptirji-_'
responds to the Lambert-Beer law. Witii the action of
hyd:,oxylamine on an alcoholic solution of uranyl niftrati
amorphous precipitation of the composition H O~j 2U0 OaGa!'_"'
11, 3 4
The authors synthesized alkali salts of the uranji-hydro_-~yla,-_Ina
compounds in a ratio of Me , U i HE 20H = 1 2 (Me - the It on of
the aikali metal). Further, the authors prepared tha.siziiiai:
uranyl compounds with hydrazines mono~- ' di-, and trimet'~-~Vlaxinia'
di-, mono-, and triethylamine as we4as eth ylenediam'ino.' No
detailed experiments were made with this c Iompounds, The follo.7-
ing formula is suggested for soluble complex compounds of the
urany! ion with hydroxylamine~,
UO 4
The dilute aqueoili solutio of pure compounds of this ccm-
position can be hydrolyzed with the formation of sodium urar-atc,
The authors investigated some propertioa of tho com-pouridt .3 ,i~;.ch aa
oollability, density, and electric conductivity. Th ll~ : ri,
Card 2/3 P -_-t
On Complex Coms- 0
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye, SqV/78-4-9-43/44:.
TITLE: The 8th Mendeleyev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii,, 19591 Vol 4vNr 9P pp 21*2182
ABSTRACTs The Congress mentioned in.the title w&6 held in Moscow :from
March 16 to 23t 1959- More than 4000 delegates and guests from
19 countries participated# It was opened by #e President of the
Organizatory Committeep Academician Ai So Neam.eyanovo who asked
the participants to discuss the development of chemistry aild in the USSR in the.1light of the decision s o 10'
the 21st Congress of,the CPSIJ. The following Atembers read papers
in the plenary seadons: Ve S. Fedoroy Chail an of the
I ~Mq
Gosudarstvennyy komitet soveta Ministrov SSSR,po khimii (State
Committee on Chemistry of the Council of Ministers, USSR):
Tasks of Scientific and Tschnioal Progrjess in the Chemical
Industry; V. A. Kargin: Basic Problems of Polymer Chemistry;
A* N. Nesmeyanov-. The Periodic System and Organic Chemistry;
N. X* Semenov: Basic Problems of Chemical Kinetics; V.I. Spitsyn--
The Present State of D*Ie Mendeleyev's 'Periodic Law;
Card 1/6
The 8th Mendeleyev Congress on General and BOY/78-4-9-43/44'
Applied Chemistry
A. P. Vinogradov: Basic Problems of Radiochedistry, V.-A.0
Engellgardt: Basic Problems of Biochomisi'tryj'A. V. Sokolovs!
Chemical Problems of Agriculture in theASSRI V.B. Nikolayev:
Main Tasks of the Construction of Chemical Machinery and Apparatusi
Ya. K. Syrkint Basic Problems of the Theory 6 'f'Chemical Linkage;
and A. P, Aleksandrov: Chemical Prospects for the Use of Atomic
Energy. An appeal to all chemists of the 'USSR was drawn~up in
which they are exhorted to,aevote all their strength to the
fulfillment of the great tasks posed by the 2.1st-Congrees of the
CPSU' The following speakers at the Meetings of the individual
sections are mentioneds Section of Inordarlic Chemistry And
Technology (118 iectures): V. I. Spitoyn,; Io'V. Yanitakiy
(Kaunas) (Selo nopolythionate 9) 1 Liu.-Ta-kang (People I a Republic of
China); N. A. Godina (Leningrad - Q(Ilafhium dioxide);
P. I. Protsenkop L. No Venerovskaya (Ro0ov n/D); B.N. Ivanov-
Emin (Moscow - M); A. I. Grigorlyev (H) Lat the same time on
behalf of A. V, Novooelova, K. No Somenenkol Y. 0# Xuzne,tsov,
Zo V. Popova (9); V.Ya. Rosolovokiy (M)I;K. F'o Karlyahava; 1. A.
Shoka, To. V. Pevzner (Kiyev - K); To V. Permyakova, 1. So
Card 2/6 Lileyeva (L); On Peroxidesa Is As Kazarnovskiy, So Z. Makarov,
The 8th Mendeleyev Congress on,lz'eneral and SOT/78-4-9-43/44
Applied Chemistry
To 1. Arnolldf I. I. Vollnov (all M)I~T. V, Rodet Go'K,
Grishenkova,, A* V. Zachatakaya (11); S~#: A. Shohukarev,'I. V.
Vasilikova, M. P. Morozo,va, To If Likhainyi MAng Ghi~-V"
KIdng ffa~;~Ib& (L); A. Simon (East Germany), Z, Szabo (Hungary),
Go Be Bokiy Me Subsection on Physico'-chemioal Analysis:'
1. N. Lepeshkov (M), V. X. Mikheyeva (U)t L. Go Berg (Kazan'),
F. Us Perellman; A. Is Agayev (Baku),''L. So Itkinat V* F. Kokhova
(M)l I. Go Grig'orlyeir (kuybyshev), Ye.''.8. Bruyle (M); A. A.
ZinovIyev, V. Ya. Rosolovskiy (M); ff. Me Dombrovskiyf :Me So
IvanovW'(Chernovtsy);-E. Be Shternina-9 Ye.7, Prolova,(M); M. I.
Ravich..F. Yo. Borova; Os.K. Yanatlyeva, (M), B.A. BersMzhanov
(Alma-Ata), Do, I* Eristavi (Tbiliii)II. VO~Lapshin (Chertavtsy),
No No Sirota ~ (Minsk), A. P. Alkin (Voronezh); A. V. Nikolayev,
A. 6. Xurnakova, Is Is Yakorlev'(M); X's No Belyayev (Rostov n/D);
Be P. Markov, R. V. Cherftov (K); Yes Is Smaginat V. .9. Kutsevo
Be F, Ormont M; No No Yevoeyeva, He P. Lwhnayat Is P.
Vereshohaginap Lo 1. Antonova# Ya. 1, Zharkovskiy# K. So
Kranche-vich (M); L, A. Bulygin, P. To' Danillohenko (Simferopoll)t
Yes k. Akopov (Krasnodgr); A. A. Vakhrushev (1zhevsk).
Subsiction on the Chemistry of Complex',Compounds:
Card 316 Is 1. Chernyayev, L. A, Nazarova# V. So Orl(ows (M)i
The Oth Mendeleyev Congress on General and BOV/78-4-9!-43/44
Applied Chemistry
9% No Krasovskaya, V. A:# Taingister M; L.I. Ushakova (M, at
the same time on behalf:of A, V, Bab~yeva)p L. M. Volahteyn
(Dnepropetrovsk)t Do i. Gilldengerehell (L), Yu.N.'Kukushkin(L)v
S. P. Derendyayev (Izhovsk)t 0. Yee Zvyagintsev, A. Kurbanov,
S.-M,-Starostin (x);.s.'i..Ginzbuxg,,X. KO Pohenitsylal L. G.
Sallakaya. (M); 1. 1. Chernyayev (U,~41eo in the name of Yet 7*1'6
Shenderetskays.), A. D. Troitskaya (Xazan'~, V, G. Tronev,N),
L. Kolditz (East Germany), Be Thilo (Eaet,.Germany), 4. V, Ablovp
No M. Samual (Kiehinev)i I. Be Baranovskiyi, A. V. Bab.ayeva M;
Yu. P, Nazarenko WO Ro Ripang GoMArce. (Rumania); Ye. A.
Nikitinal Yet V. Prytkoy4f 0. No Sokolova (lit); N. K. Davidenko
(K, also on behalf of Ta. A. Pialkov); E. X. Deychman (M)t K. N.
Mikhalevioh V, Vo Kobzov (L'vov); Lu. Chaorita It V, Tananayev
IM); T. To Mityureva (K), A. M. Golub,(K),'K. B. Yatsimirokiy
Ivanovo), B. V. Ptitsyn, Do I. Vinogradova, Yee N. Tekster#
Le N. Sheronov (L)1 V. I. Yermolenkol(Xt also on behalf of Ta. A.
Pialkov), P. K. Migal't A. No Pushnyak; A* I. Shuarovich'.
(Chernovtoy)# Z..A# Shekii, Yee Yee Krive (K); 0. 1. Zakharov -
Nartsissov, 00' Zvyaginteev (M); 70 A. Latysbeva (L)p Yee A.
Card 4/6 Makeimyukl G. So,iQdnzburg (L); V. 1. Paramonovat At No MoBevich,
I j
The Oth Mendeleyev Cougress on General and ~OV/78-4-9-43A4
Applied Chemistry
A. SKoreychuk.(L); A. As Grinberg (L),.G. A. Shagisultanova(L),
L. Ye4 Nikollskaya (L),:I. Go Byaop'$, L.Idells(Dneprop6trovsk),
Yes Sh. Ganelina-W. Subsection on questions of Tachnologyt
So I. Vollfkovioho No He PoetaikovIL.' A. lonase, Ye,.'V,
Illarionov, R*.Ye. Romen.(M)l A. B. bekturo'v (Alma-Atd), L. V.
Yumanova, A. So Mikulikskiyj A. P. Solyanskiy, F., So Marok,
M. A. Berebrennikov. Sverdlov:k~, Ye. P. Ozhigov (Vladivostok),
Yu, So Falyshevskiy ~Sverdlov k p Vo,k~.Lekaye# A. Go Kasatkinp
L. No Yelkin (9); A. V. Baranov, E. A.: Liberzon (.Dnepropetrovsk)o
So V. Kushnirg YA, P. Berklman (L'vov)p,Ya..Ye. Ullyanskiy,
Ye.~-I. Savinkovt-Lo` A. Bo.rovskikht A. 1. Toterevkov, L'03.1
Bychikhin (Sverdlovsk)j,Vo,F.-Kovtukf A# Go.Lagutina, P. To
Danillehanko (Simferopoll)j To No Dymoyaj,Ao.A., VXshes1avts9v(Kj;-,
In cooperatio7n*with.the Section Ketals..and Alloys on the hilbjeet
of semiconductor alloys: No No Sirots. ~Minsk), B. P. Ormont (m),
L. Do Dudkin (M)* Z. Go Pinsker (M),.Ya. A. Ugay (Voronezh),
No A. Goryunova (L), B. To Kolomiyetal A* No GoryunDva, V. Pe
Shilo.(Q. Section Chemistry,and Technology of Silicates: More
than 60 lectures among which there were lectures by Ye. A.
Card 5/6 Poray-Koshits (L~q Do V. Mazurin (L). Section Metals and Alloys:
The 8th Mendeleyev Congress on General and ~07/78-4-9-43/44
Applied Chemistry
numerous papers (~o names given). Section Agronomical'Cheiistry
of-FOrtilizers-and Post Controls tbe.oInly naqQs mentioned:were
So 1.'Voll9kovioh (M), A*-'F.~Kalinkevich (M)# Seotipa Radio-
chemistry and Isotope Chamistrys 30 lea 'turest of whioh there were
mentioneds A. D. Gellman Wt Complex qompounds of Transuranic
Elements: A, go Gurevicht L. D. Preobrazhenakaya, L. P,
Polozhenskaya, Ye.,Vo Komarov (L)s Perioxide-0 Qf Hexavalent
Uraniuml A. K. Lavrukhina, So So Rodin, A.'A. Pozdnyalcov (M):
Chemical Properties of Fr"cium; Yu. Bo.Gerlit (M).- Ebctraction
of Technetium; 1. P. Alimarin Yu.,A. Zolotovy Yu. P. Novikov,
F. No Paleyt,Ye, So Pallshin,Wi Chemical Properties of ,
Neptunium; I. Yei,Starik (Q: Microquantitids of Radioactive
Elements in Soj~utjon; V. 1. Grebenshchikova,,R. V. Bryzgaloval
No B. dhernyavakdya, V. I. Bobrova (L)t on the Crystallization of
Transuranidee;.V.' M* Vdovenko and colldborators,(L); Extraction
of Uraniump Neptunium, aud Plutonium From an Aqueous Solution.
Further lectures dealt with the reactiona-of."hot" atoms of
various elemental the separation and elimination of isotopes,
radiation chemistryg and other problelps.
Card 616
TITLE: Review. V. M.,Krpyter,~V. V. AristovP 1. 34, Volynakiyo
A. N. Krestovnikov, V. V. Kuviohinskiy. IlBohavior of Gold
in the Oxidation Zone of Gold - Sulphide~Denosits"*
Gosgeoltekhizdat, Moacow, 1959, 268-p, Price 13t4o Rubleiii
PERIODICALt GeokhimiYai 1959, Nr 6, pp 560 561,(ussR)'
ABSTRACTs The book was Written by ateam of mi.neralogists, geologists
and chemists under the~direotion of V. M.'Krayter. The 60-
dation zones of the following depo6i~ts We're investigateds
Maykain (Kazakhstan), Dzhugaly (Kazakhstan), and Novyy j
Blyava (Southern Urals,% The dissolution prdqeBs of gold in the ;oxi-
dation zone wa, thoroughly investigated. The dissolution; by
Fe (SO ) in sulfuric acid solution is regarded as the most
2 4 3
probable one on the basis of experimantal'results. The con-
cepts by F. Freyze (transport in form,of organic solutio;as),
A. Ye. Fersman (transport in form of,ayanides)l F. 7, Chukh-
rov (transport in form of bromat6s and iodides), and~M~ 1D.
Allbov (transport in form of gold a Iu6pension) are ra~eotied.
Card 1/2
j7 A solution by Fe in hydrochloric acid solution islalso
2(SO4 3
'41, 7.111 1 E11 1. 1-1 11A. _4i_,Mfn I! I ~P~l ii 1 41, 1
30V/7-59-6-~, 1 3/i 7
Review. V. M. Kreyter, V. V. Aristov, 1. S Volynpkiy,~,A. N. Kr6atovz..Akovj
V. V. Kuvichinakiy. "Behavior of.Gold In t~e OxidatioM2'one of Gold Sul-
phide Deposits" - Goageoltekhizdat, Monilow, 1959?~266 1), Pride 13'p!4):IFubIe9
regarded as improbable~for gold ia~ 'transported together'. with
silver. Silver is, ch the other hand, converted. into a .soluble
complex by NaCl in hyd Irochloric acid solution. The formation
of gold - chloride complexes is also founUto exist' whereas'
the formation of iron sulfate - gold complexes has remained
a hypothesis. Another disadvantage of the' book is the large
number of printing errors and the Inferio Ir quality of the re-
preAentation of micro hot , h; ev'
p ographies. On the whole ow 0r#
the book is welcomedand regarded as very interesting.
SUBMITTED: May 20, 1959
Card 2/2
SOLOVIYET, Turiv Ivanovich; ZVYAGINTSEV, OreBt YevgOn~'~I&;_GRIGCWIW0'
i.Te,*profs, otvSre4_T ~_=M, A.r.._;__~e_dizd,_Va; KAMI
(Nikolai SBmenovich Kurnskov; his life and works] Nikolai Some-,
novich Kur'nakov; zhizn' I delatellnost'. Kaskv&.~Izd-vo Akad,
nauk s=, 1960. 205 pe (MIRA 13:4)
Murnakov. Hikolai Samenovich, 1860-1941)
ROZHKOV, P.L, laureat Stalinakoy premiij, otv,red.; PM JILTSTIT, U.K.,
retsionzent;.ZVYAGINTS", OJ~f, prof., doktor,
reteenzent; PRIT-37HATEV. # N,A*., prof*:, doktor fis.nauki retsen-
zent; ANISNOV, SiM., prof.$ red.; MUJUKOV,'P.G., red.; SHMINOVAi
HdTac, red..- GUTIKOV, A.D,, red.; DOLGIKH, V.I., red.; KAMAYEVA,
O.H., red,izd-va; ISLINTITEVA, P.G., tokhn.rod.
(Methods of analyzing platinum metals] Wtody analiza platinovykh
wtallov, zolota i serebra; abornik nouchnyklt trudov. Moakval
Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.1zd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi matellurgii,
196o, 256 pi (MIRA 1319)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Kraonoyerskiy okonomicheakiy admi-
nistrativnyy rayon.. Sovat narodnogo khozyayutva. 2. Chlen-kor-
respondent AN SSSR (for Pshenitayn).
(Platinum-Analysis) (Gold-Analysis)
KURNAKOV, Nikolay Semenovich# skademik (1860-19601- ZVYAGINT 0. YO"j
doktor khim.nauk,,; SHITCHWO'.0.14', tekhnored.
[Selected workal Imbrannye trudy. Moskva, X2d-vo Akad.nauk
4M. Vol.l. 1 60. 593 P. (MIRA 14.-3)
Murnakov, Nikolai Semenovich, 186o-iqla)
(Chemistry, Physical and theoretical) (Syntene (Chemistry))
Distribution of cyanosuric (1) acid between i%queous tiolutionn,
and same alcohols and ketones. Zbur.neorg.khim0- ~ no.1:124-130
ja 16o. OIII?A 13:5)
1. Moskovskiy ordens Lenipa khimiko-tekbnologichnskiy
institut im. D.I.Mandoleyeva.
(cyanoauric acid)
Zvya akharov4fartel ~ i,,~
Ochkin, A._V
T, ~O
TITLEt Sol~ationand Polym.eriza.tion of Cyanoauric (1) Acid in Aqueous
1 neorganioheskqy.khimil.,_,,196oriv
oI 5P Ur 1 y
PP 13141P (USSR)
ABSTRACT; Thin artic16 deals withIhe conditions'W extraction of cyano-
auric (I) acid andits,',salts from'aque'olps solutions by reans of
solventso The,authore investiga ,tedi !)the dependence
of ntratio~ [H+J,of the hydrogen
9n the equilibrium conce
ions' in the extraction of HAu(CN)- by-m~ans of various alcohols
cient of
(o( =
u(CII), among
organic phase) f~r which they derived .. a,quatign (6)'; 2) the
depende -of~the-aicohol content of
thb aqueous p4ase upon the
.'It was' found.tfiat.tho
sulfuric acid concentration (Table 1)
solubility of alcohols in the aqueous 1. phase decreases with
,the authors
rising concentration of H 2so 4* 3) Purth4.rmore~
studied the dependence of c< upon the equilibrium concentration
Card 1/2 of AuH(CN), in the organic phase (Table.2). It was found that
Solvation and Polymerization of Cyanoauric.(I) Acid in Aq~ieous Solutiong
solvates of the form HAu(Cby),*xSol aT Ie'~formed;by reacItion or
HAu( CH)2 with the aliphatic alcohols ufider'oonsideration.
These solvates are present in.the organic and'aqueous-phase
alike* The distribution coefficient deareasen with rising 'con-
centration of cyanoauric (I) acid in the aqueous phas6f, which
is explained by the formation of_221n~erslof,the form
EHAu(CN) 21n' Such,dimers are present in the aqueous phase,and
are not extracted by a Isl mixture of n-amyl,alcohol orcyclo-
hexanone and benzene. Vo polymers were detected in stropgl.-i di-
lute solutions. There arel figuret 2 t1ableep and 6 references#
5 of whioh arp Soviet..
ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy ordena Lenina khimiko-tekhnolbgicheskiy institut
im. D. 1. Hendeleyeva (Moscow "Order of~~Leninll Institute of
Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleye
SUBMITTED: July 9, 1959
Determination of certain microimpurities in high-purity
selenium. Report SO-3. Zhur.anal.khimo 15 no-3:325-328
YV-Je 160. (XI" 13 S 7)
1. D.I.Mendeleev Moscow Obemico-Tachnological Institute.
18-3000 775P0
AUTHORS: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye., Zakharov-Narts iissov, 0. 1.
TITLE: Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions Obtained
by Treatment of Gold Ores
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33v Nr 1, pp 55-58
ABSTRACT: The authors calculated distributionicoefficients for gold
and for metallic impurities silverf iron, arsenic, copper,
etc.) in extraction of gold, ~as HAu CN),) from acidified
(with H2so 4) technical cyanide isoamyl
alcohol. Two ore samples (submitted by Professor
M. D. Ivanovskiy) were treated extraction
(composition (in mg/kg are) or ore Nr 1 - Au, 16-18;
Ag, 20-25; sum of Sb, Fe, Cu, 300-46qj~ Zn, none; A .a,
none; ore Nr 2 - Au. 17-19; Ag) 0-6o; As, 50,000-6oooo;
Sb) 5; Zn, 8o; cu, 6,000-7,ooo; Fe 6b,000-80,000).
Card 1/5 Hundred-gram ore samples ground to 150 mesh were placed
Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions 77500
Obtained by Treatment of Gold Ores SOV/180-3~.1_9'Aq
into porcelain tumblers which were then filled up;with
solutions of NaCN (0.12 and 0 25 % weight in. sbl4~jors' of
ores 1 and 2, re8pectively) a~d alkili (0.12% Cao'and
0.2% NaOH, respectively). After 36-40 hr of mixing
the decanted solution was acidified with 0.1M sulfuric
acid with subsequent addition of radioactive indic ators
(NaAu(CN)2, NaAg (CN)21 Na. 4Fe(CN)61 or Na2 Zn( CN)4)~to
equal volume fractions of the solutions (for measure-.
ments of -activities). Copper aAd arbonic were
determined separately--(copper by the method of
Gillebrand, V. F., Lendel, 0. E., et al., (Practical
Manual for Inorganic Analysis (Pralcticheskoy rukovbdstvo
po neorganicheskomu analizu), Goskhimizdat, 268 (1557))
and arsenic by the method of Analysis of Raw Mineral
Materials (Analiz minerallnogo syr1ya, Goakhimizdat,
505 (1959)). These solutions were then shaken with
isoamyl alcohol, keeping the volume ratio of organic
(v i1.) and aqueous (vaq. equ 1.) phases equal
org. equ i
Card 2/5 to 1:5 in all experiments. Distribution coefficient of
Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions 77500
Obtained by Treatment of Gold Ores SOV/80-33-1-9/49
metals was calculated by the ;formula Mrg/
NaqI where No,g and N aq are -activities in org anic
and aqueous phases at equilibrium.~ For~:Cu and As)
was found by analysis, using the formulas:
v C
aq. init.* aq.,init. vaq. equil,l Caq, equix. + vorg. e4ull.
org. equil.;
org. equil./Caq. e'quil.j
where v is initial volume of the aqueous.phasej
aq. init.
and C(with respective indices) is concentration of metals
in these phases. Percent of gold relcovery
aq, init. - Nso. equil.
Naq. init. . .,100. 'No subsequent extra,c-
Card 3/5 tions resulted in 98.5% of gold recovery from both ores.
-Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions 77500
Obtained by Treatment of Gold Ores SOV/~O-33-1-9/49
Separation of gold from silver, copper,';aftd zinc is
complete (i.e.,-their distributionlooefticients were
found to be zero)" while of iron and arsenic admix-
tures is very low Fe 0.013 ' A,:n mfl,
Figure 1 shows variation of distribution coefficients with
concentration of sulfuric acid. There are 1 figure;,
2 tables; and 5 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: July 2, 1959
Card 4/5
'Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions 77500
Obtained by Treatment of Gold Ores If SOV/801-33-1-9/49.
Fig. 1. Variation of distribution~coefflcients.of gold,
iron, arsenic, and sulfuric acid in their distribution
between Isoamyl alcohol and cyanide solution obtained
from ore Nr 2 with concentration of the~acid in:aqueous
phase. (A) Distribution coefficient CLi C
concentration of or^~;
H2SO4 (in moles/1). (1) H SO
Card 5/5 As; (3) Fe; (4) Au. 2 4;
Preparation of aluminum oxychloridee Zhur.priklekh1me 33 no*53
1208-1211 16o. (MIRA 13:7)
(Aluminum chloride)
In membry of the first editor of the Journal,'of A ~Iied Chemis~try,'
A.I.Gorbov (1859-1939).~ Zhurp~prikle khime )j no.6jI404-1405~Je 160.
(MIRA 13:8).
(Gorbov, Alaksandr Ivanovich, 1839-1939)
ZVYAGINTSEVf Orest Yevgenlyevich, red.
[Nikolai Semenovich Kurnakov in the recolledtivwof hie
contemporaries and pupile],Nikolai Semenovich Kumakov v
vospominaniiakh sovremennikov i uchenikov. Moskva., Akad.
nauk SSSR, 1961. 99 p. I (MM 14--g)
(Kurnakov,, Nikolai Semenovich, 1860-1941)
M.P.; GORIUSHINAp V.0t; DWOVp A.M.; YEMS01r, S.V.;-M
CHMIKHOV, Yu.A.1 VINOGRADOV) A.Ft, akademik, otv. red.; RYABCHIKOV,
D.I., doktor kbim. nauk, prof., otv. red.; GUSIKOVA, O.v tekbn,, red,
[Methods for the determination and analysisof raro oloments): blet0ay
opredeleniia i analiza rodkikh elementov. Mo6kva,1961. 667 p.
1. Akademiya nauk SM. lustitut geokbirnii i analitlobesk-o-7 kbiynii-:
(Metalso Rare and minor)
AUTHORS3 ~j~ev; 0. Xe.0 Khromenkov, L. G.,
TITLE: Composition of thorium compounds with,malic acid
PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiit v. 6,: no. 3, 1961, M-6010
TEXT: The systems thorium. nitrate - malic acid - w&~kerf thorium nitrat4
acid sodium malate - water, and thorium nitrate - sodium malate - water. were
studied by determining electrical conductivity, pH,.-,and by~potentiometrio
titrations. Two types of complex compounds of thorium with malic acid with
a ratio of the components of I : I and 1 : 2 were f6und. These complexes
exist in different forms, depending on the pH. Determination of the trans-
ference number disclosed that thorium migrates to the cathode in an acid
medium'at a ratio of the components of 1 : 1, and to the anode in a weakly
acid medium at a ratio of the components of 1 : 3~: It may be seen.from this
that in the compound with the composition I 1 1, thorium appears in the com-
plex as the cationg and in the compounds with the composition 1 t 2, it is
in a complex anion. The following thorium malates were sythesized*t
Card 1/4
Composition of ... B121/B'208
(ThOH )2 Mal 20, Na2Th(OH),Mal2v 4H 20 and NaTh(OH)Mal 2 6H20. Two
3 * 4H
methods were use& for the production of basic thorium malate (ThOH)2Ma3 04H 20.-
methyl alcohol was added to an aqueous solution of,thorium nitrate and malic
acid. Basic thorium malate was obtained,in the form of a-khite. amorphous
precipitate which was washed out with water and acetone and then dried at~
1000C. In the second method, an aqueous solution of thorium. nitrate was ad-
ded to an aqueous solution of sodium malate in a ratio of Th(NO 3)4 : Na 2 Mal=
2 t 3. The composition of the compound with (ThOH )2Ma.l3 - 02 0 was deter-
mined by chemical analysis. This compound is insoluble inVater, alcohol,
benzene, acetone, and other organic solvents; it is decomposed when treated
with mineral acids. A stable complex compound with a ratio of the compo-
nents of 1 : 1 could not be isolated in an acid medium. At a ratio of tho
components Th(NO 3)4 ; Na-malate- I ; 3, and at PH - 4P a white precipitate
of the composition NaTh(OH)Mal 2 ' 6H20 results when methyl alcohol is added.
This compound is comparatively easily soluble in water$ but insoluble in
Card 2/4
Composition of ... B121/B208
alcohol, benzene, acetone, ether, and other organic,solvent6. Mineral acids
destroy this compound. No thorium hydroxide can be precipitated by adding
alkali lyes to the aqueous solution. The following structural formula is
suggested for thorium malate with a complex anion and cationt
coo COO---- _,--OOC
I \ ~! , v H20
CH Th~-~ cil H IH C
2 1 210 21
Lcoo H 20 H20 coo OOC~':
For the compounds Na Th( O;and NaTh(OH)Mal 6H 0. the fol-
2 OH)2Mal2* 4H2 2 2
lowing structural formulas are suggestedt
Card 3/4
S/07 61/006/003/012/022
B121 208'
Composition of
CO0__ 00C :____-OOC
CH01-1 11011C ROHO
6H 0 H 4H 0
CH H 2 0
1 2/ 2, IH2 2C,
The instability constant of the complex [ThMal ]2+1 w.~a calculated to, be:
Kin 5. 2 - 10- 7. The range of existence of the complex compounds was deter-
mined from potentiometric titrations. The ion [Th(OH)Malj - appears at a
Th(OH) Mal 3-
at a pH of 5-8t h(OH) Mald :at a
pH of less than 5, 1 2 21 IT 3
pH of more than 8. There are 4 figures, 1 table,,and 8 referencess 3 Soviet-
ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskuy khimii im.N. S.Iurniikova
Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General an& Inorganic
Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov, Academy of Sciences~USSR)
SUBMITTED: September 29,196o
Card 4/4
Tetravalent 6xyhydroxy compounds of trivalent Iron.
Zhureneorg.khim. 6~ no-4:863-869 Ap 161.: (KMA 14:4)
1. Institut obahches y Inoorganicheskoy kbwi imeni N.S.Kurnakova
(Iron compounds)
Complrx compounds of thoriua-with tartaric a4d. Zlmr.neorif.Ahimo
6 no'44:874-882 Ap 161. of= 14:4)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganichookoy khimii imani~N.S.Kurnakova~-
(Thorium compounds) (Tartaric acid)
AUTHdRSt Zvyagintsevp 0. Ye., and Kbromenkovt L41.
TITLEt Complex compounds of thorium with trihydroxy-'glutaric acid
PERIODICAM Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no- 5, 1961p
1074 - 1083
TEXTt The reaction of thorium.nitrate,with trihydroxy-gl~utaric acid,
with sodium trihydroxy-glutaratel and with sodium bia-trihydroxy-glutarate
was studied by measuring the electrical conductivityp by potentiometric,
titrations and determinations of the transference numbers. It may be seen
from the results that thorium nitrate and trihydroxy -glutaric acid form
complexes with a ratio of the components of 1 t 1 and 1 t,2. The basic
thorium trihydroxy-glutarate has a ratio of the components
Th(NO I. t H G1 - 1#2 t I (H Gl - C H 0 M trihydro Ixy-glutaric acid)*
3 4 4 4 5 8 7
The compound (ThOH is regarded as a simple Balt o:f thorium with
trihydroxy-glutaric acid. The complex having a ratio of the components of
Card 1/4
S/07 61/006/005/005/015
Complex compounds of B12IY3208
1 1 1 is stable in the pH-range of 4 7- At a higher pH, a precipitate
is formed which probably consists of the more sparingly soluble thorium
trihydroxy-glutarate complex. At a ratio of the components of 1 1 2
complex is formed in the pH-range of 6 - 70 that is stable also afa P'H
above 8. Some thorium trihydroxy-glutarate compounds were synthesized.
(ThOH )2 (H 2(;1)3 is obtained by mixing the aqueous solutions of thorium
nitrate and trihydroxy-glutaric acid. The compound is a whitep fine-ory-
stalline powder, nearly insoluble in water and organic solvents.
Th(OH)H 2G1-2H20 is prepared by adding'an aqueous solution of trihydroxy"-
-glutaric acid and sodium hydroxide to an aqueous solution of thorium ni-
trate at a ratio of the components Th(NO ) I H Gl a NaOH 1 t 1 114-1
3 4 5
By adding methyl alcohol, a white precipitate is formed from the clear or
slightly turbid solution. NaTh(OH)AS' H 20 was obtained by mixing so-
lutions of thorium nitrate, trihydroxy-glutaric acidp and sodium hydroxide
in a ratio of the components of 1 : 1~s 5- It is a whiteg fine-cryBtalline
powder, readily soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents. The
compound NaTh(OH)(H Gl *H 0 was obtained in the form of's white amorphous
3 )2 2
Card 2/4
S/078 6110661PO510051015
Copplex compounds of Bi Me
precipitate by mixing aqueous solutions of theoomponenta,Th(NO ) and
3 4
NA H 01 in a ratio of 1 1 3 and adding methyl aloohol. It ia easily
2 3
soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents. No thorium hydroxide
can be precipitated from the aqueous solution of this com5ound by adding
alkali hydroxide solutions. The compound Na Th(OH) 2(11 Gi2 is obtained as
2 3 .
a white, fine-crystalline precipitate by adding sodium hydroxide to an
aqueous solution of thorium'nitrate and sodium trihydroxy-glutarate at a
ratio of the components of 1 : 3-and subsequent addition of methyl alcoh 'ole
This precipitate is well soluble in water, but insoluble in organic Sol-,
vents. The aqueous solution of the complex is destroyed by mineral acidsp
no thorium. hydroxide precipitates when alkali hydroxide is addede- In
aqueous solution the complex dissociates into three ions.: The stability
constant of thorium trihydroxy-glutarate (ThR Gl)2+ was Calculated and
found to be 2.0-10-4. 3
There are 5 figures and 9 Soviet-bloc references*
Card 3/4
Complex compounds of-.... B1217N"08
ASSOCIATIONs Institut obshchey.-i.neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. B.,
Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S.
Kurnakov of-the Academy-of,,Sciences USSRY
SUBMITTEID-s September 29, 1960
Card 4/4
Extraction of gold hydrocyanic 2cid with n-trloct~lamkm. Zhur.neoIrg*
khIm. 6 no.8:1978-1979 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8)
(Hydrocyanic acid) (Gold compounds) (Trioctylamine)
Electrolytic reduction of some ruthenium acidonitroso compounds.
Zhur.neorOskhim. 6 no.9:2216-2218 S 161. (MIRk,14-9)
(Ruthenium compounds) (Reduction,,EleArolytic)
Complex compounds of thorium with tetrahydroxvadipic acid. Zbur.-
neorg.khim. 6 no.12%266)-2671 D 161. (MIRAil4-.12)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganichoskoy khimil, imeni Kurnakova~AN
(Thorium compounds) (AdIpic acid)
Fifth conference on the analysis of noble motals. Zhwi analf
khim. 16 no. 1:119 J~-P 161,~ (KERA, 14:2)
(Metalst Rare and minor--Congrasses)
G=WiGVi A.A.; Twt-,QJ*#,p 4*t4r kbim. naukj, prof.,, otv.
red.; VULMTJL,, T.%Pp
[Rilthenium and oamium; bibliogIraphy covering,the pqr~od 1804 -
19601 Rutenii i o=iii bibliograficheskii uk~zatell literaturys
1804-1960. Moskva,, zd-vo Akad. nauk S&'"Ap.1962. 250 P.
(KIRA 15z6)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sektor seti spetviall 'r7kh bibliotek.
(Bibliograp)w-Ruthemium) (Bibliograpiv-0smium)
Comments on the article Irf O.E.ZviagJntaov and V.P.
Tikhonov., "Reaction of praseodymium and neodymium
nitrates with bydroxymalonic acid." Zhur.noorg.khim.
10 no.8:1954 Ag 165. Mu l911)
Effect of the nature of the acid on the extraction f
01, 12- r0 M.
ruthenium in the [RuNo (NO 2)4 ?,hur.neorg.khims
11 no.13198-200 ~Ta 166. (%IFMA 19-1)
1. Sutmittad Plecember 10, 1.961..,
Vidrolysis of ('04)AN00151.
noelv200-= ya 166. (KM i9l
1, SuWtted Dooombar UP 19640
Cis effect. in nomplex plat"mun (IV) compolmd's. 2htr neorg,
kh'Am. 10 no.5tIO33-1037' Mly 165. iMIRA 18:6)
Is Institut obshchivy, neorganicheskoy khimA imeni Kurnakova~~
All SSSR i Ins'litu', neorga-Mcheskoy khimil Sl"alr3kago otdeleniYa
MV Y A at-Xa..vgwi!yeiap.h; SOLOv,yEv, Yuriy Ivanovich;
STAROSELISKIY, Pavell~kovich
Lov Alaksandrovich Churyiev. Moskv~nj 1965. t'V)7 p.:
(M,IRA 18:9)
Reaction of thorlim and rare-eerth' elements Vith tortaric acid
when present togethei. Zhur.neorgokhim, 16 8994- A 1650
1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina khim.Lko,-tekhncIo44cheski:r institA~
W4-th tartaric
Mechanism of the reaction of praseodymium nitrate
acid. 7hur. neorg. khim.,9 no.12:2789-2791 D 164.
(MIRA 18:2)
1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina khlraiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut
imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva.
SMITSYN, 1I.M,; Cl Yo I ET"I , V . F.
k"Xtrac-tiorl of CoRIJA a rl'Ahenitar n I trooopo4ritah,; I" flf,~n w~ rz, a I phai,.P~--
waines. Dokl. AN 01SOM 1(.-0 no.2070-372 Ja
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheokoy khirnii ha. U.S. Kurnakova
All SSSR. Submitted July 81 1964,
i. l1 jrliE~ .1 A H- A i- I
Z.VYA~MITSE V, ~Oxpst 'jgygqp.'ypyiqhj prof., doktor khim, nau-j
Tattyana D
rd.triye-7na., kand. khim. nn.,A, dots.j
GORYUHOV., Anatoliy Alekseyevich, kand.khim. muk, assistent;
KOIBIN, Nikolay lvanovlchj kand,khim.wuk, dots.IRYA3GV,
Allber Nikolayevich, kand. khim. nauk, assistant; KORCIMINAYA,
Ye.K., red.
[Chemistr7 of ruthenium) KhImiia. rutenila. (Dyl M-E.Zvla-g-in.-
taev i dr. Moskvaq Naukap 1965. 299 p. (MIRA 18:67
1. Leningradskiy gosudaro-tvannyy universitet An, A,A.ZhtiFL-
nova (for Kolbin. Ryabov, Gominov). 2. Moskovskiy institut
stall i splavov(ior kvtokratova).
ZVYAGINTSEV., O.Ye., prof. (Moskva)
Second birth of ruthenium. Priroda 54 no.5:71-74 My 165.
(MIRAI 5~)
GINZBURG, Susanna Illinichnn; GLADYSHEV.SKAYA, Kluvdlytl. Aritwwvrm;
YEMSKAYA, Natallya Anatollyovna; IVONOA, 011gri.
Mikhaylovna; PROKOF'YVIA, Ir1na Vasillyewa, FEVIRF21KO,
Nina Vladimirovna; FFDOROVA, Aleksandra Nikolayevna;
~YXAGINTS-TT,.,O.Ye.,,Aoktor khIm. nauk, otV. red.,
VOLYHETS, M.P., red.
[Manual on the chemic~al analysis of platinum metala and
gold] Rukovodstvo po khirdcheskomu analizu platinolpjkh me-
tallov i zolota. Moskva., Nauhaj 1965. 31.2 1).
flinth-All-Union Conference on the chemistry of complex
compounds. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.7tl776-1778. J1 164.
(MIRA 170)
......... w...w ...........
Interaction of praseodymium and neodym-ium nitrates with
tartaric acid. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no,7:1588-115:96 J-1, 164.
Interaotion of prasoodymium and neudymiura nitratoo with
hydroxymalonic acid. lbid.:1597-1605 (MIRA l7t9)
1. ~bskovskiy ordena Leninc khimiko-tekhnologiahookly Jnstitut
imeni Mendeleyeva.
V,=STCH NR: AP4041560 0018/64/000/007/1591/106
IAUMOR-. Uyagintsev, 0. Ye.;. Tikhonov, V. P.
;TITTZ: Interaction of praseodpiua and Aeodymium nitrates vith ox$zaloaia a.aide'
SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy le'll-Ji, v. 9, no Tv 1964,, 1597!-1605
TOPIC TAGS: praseodymium nitrate oxymalonic complex, neodymium nitrate mimalonia
!complex., praseodymiun nitrate, neodymium nitrate., oxymalon~c aci(l, rare earth Ion
:ABSTRACT: The present worls was imdertaken to provide a verification of an earlier
!conclusion by the some authors that the stability of'cation~complexes of ovcar~oxy-i
Ilic acids with ions of rare earths in an acid medim as wall as the differential
ibetveen instability constants of these complexes for neighboring rare earths shou3Al
iincrease with decreasing distance between carboxyl groups. Applying pbysico-
chemical methods of preparative chemistry) interaction of praoeodpdua and neodyzium.
!nitrates vith oxymalonia acid vas studied for a vide pH ranpe. The earlier iugl~
gested mechanim of trivalent rare earths interaction with dicarbozylie oxyaoids~
has been confirmed. It has been established that the pH of the inadium has M do-
cisive Influence on ram earth complex fo=atioas vith oxyacids. Was Wluence
T- 7
_ji -d
excess reagent addition is slight, It has been proven that with deereasing distance
,between the 6arboxylic groups,, both the complex stability and the difference be-
tween instability constants increase. Successive dissociation constants 0 K, and,
!K2 for oxymalonic acid have been calculated, ds well as-the instability const(Latal,
~of cationic oxymlonie complexes of praseodymi= and neod~alum. For the first time
the following compounds of praseodymium and neodymium, Ath oxyaaloaia acid were
prePared- Pr (C H 0 ) -3H 0- Nd 205) '3H20* /PrC3BO5-3H20/'2H20; /~OfO5'
2 gIL31,2 2(ct
3H20NH~O, Reir c on hZs een ditermined,, some pro:perties studiea atd.,
$tentative structural for=ilas proposed. It has been noted that the noodymi=,
compounds are somewhat more stable than those of praseodymiuta. Orig. art. h".
8 figures, 17 formulas, 2 tablese
ASSOCUTION: 14oskovskiy ordena, Lenina Ithimiko-tekbnologicheakiy iftstitut imo Do lot
Mendeleyeva (Moscov "order of lanin" Institute of Chemical Technology) I.A
1Wu163 -DATE AM: 00 00
SUB CODE: zio,rw sov: oo4
Wmal 001
i Card 2/2-
Nitrosoruthenium compound [Ru?,'O(NO2)2 N13) (If')- Doll. AN
SSSR 156 no. 4:891-~93 Je 164. (MIRA l716)
1. Institut obshchey 1 neorganicheskoy khImU Im. 11.S.
Kurnakova AN SSSII. Predstavleno akademlkOM J,.T.C'ht,,j-nyUyvM."
Bond strength of the-nitroso group in rutheni= compounds. Zhuro,
neorg. khim. 8 no.8t1988-1989 Ag 163, (KMA 160)
1. Institut obshchey-i neorganicheakoy khimii imeni N.S. Kurnako'va
(Ruthenium compounds) (Nitroso group)
Effect of outer-space antions on the stability of:11gand bonds
in complex comppunds. Zhur. neorg~ khim. 8 no.10i2329-2353 ) t0i
(MIRA 16: io)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimil im. N,S. Kurnakova
(Complex compounds) (Chemical.bonds)
IT.Yonotekite," a now sulfide of palladium and. nickel., Zap.Vees~.
min.ob-va 91 no.6t7l8-725 162. (MIRA l6t2)
1. Institut geologil rudnykh mestorozhdaniyr,p'.otrografiip
mineralogil i gookhimii AN SSSR i Institut obal,ichey.1 neorgani-
chaskoy khimii AN SSSRI Mbskva.-
(Sulfides) (Palladium) (Nickel)
AUTHORS: Zv.,fagintsev, 0. Ye., Shubochkina, Ye. V. SOV/78-3-9-35/38.
TITLE: 7Inve`stigat~ion Ifn-0 the Kinetics of Reaction of Complex:
Rhodium Compounds (Izucheniye kinetiktreaktsiy kompleksnykh
soyedineniy rodiya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiif 1958, Vol 3,,Nr 9, pp 2214-2216
ABSTRACT: In order to explain the effect of trans-influence in rhodium
complexes, the kiretics of the exchange rea ction in rhodium
compounds was examined. The reactions were carried out with the
rhodium,amines PyH[RhC TITHPyl and NH, [Rh(NO Fyj with the
14 1 Rh-NO 1 2)4 2
reactive coordinates Cl-Rh-Cl and ITO27 2'
In the interaction of rhodium amines with pyridine only an ex-
change of pyridine takes place by an.acid group in a
trans-position to the other. The result Of 01030 exchtLnge re-
actions are compounds that correapond -to tho following equations:
Card 1/3
kn Investigation Into the Kinetics of Reaction of Complex~Rhodium Compounds
#02 py
/V//f N01
The values of K, E and 1g Z were determinedtfor the compound
P.YH [RhC14INH 3Pyl The kinetic oharactort'stieq tLre fjimilnr to
those of platinum-(IV)-compounds.
Card 2/3 There are 1 table and 4 references, 4 of which. are Soviet..
'~UTHOR3: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye4, Kurbanov, At 50'V/78-3-10-13/35
TITLE: Electrolytic Reduction of Some Nitrogo Compounds of Ruthenium,
(Elektroliticheskoye vosstanovleniye nekotorykh nitrozo-soyedi-
neniy ruteniya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958,~'Vol 3, Nr 10, pp 2305-2308
ABSTRACT: The electrolytic reduction of nitroso,compounds of ruthenium was
analyzed in order to ascertain the atate of valency of ruthenium
compounds. The method of electrolytic''reduction was applied
because no impurities are involved inAt. An investigation.was
carried out of the electrolytic reduction of compounds of~nitroao-
sulfate ruthenium, nitroso-nitrate ruthenium, nitroso-ooxalate
ruthenium and nitroso-acetate ruthenium. In the electrolytic
reduction of compounds of nitroso-oxalate ruthenium with the
formula H2 IRUNO (C204q three jumps aippear;in the reduction
curves. The first indicates the reduction of the NO-group, the
second indicates the reduction of Ru-(II) to Ru-(I) s-nd the third
indicates the reduction of Ru-(I) to Ru. The electrolytie're-
Card 1/2 duction of nitroso-nitrate ruthenium with tIhe formula RuNO(NO 3)2
Electrolytic Reduction of Some Nitroso Compounds of Ruthenium
shows only one jump in the reduction curve, probably in the re-
duction of NO The electrolytic reduction of nitroso-acetate
ruthenium shows also three jumps In th16 reduction curve. The
first of them is probably not caused by the-reduction of the NO-
group, but by the CH COO- ion.
There are 3 figures and 14 references,~A. of1which are Soviet.
SUBMITTED: April 28, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHORS- Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye., Kubranov, A. 307/78-3-10i33/35
TITLE: On the Character of the Linkage-- of Ruthenium to NO-Grour
in Nitroso Compounds( 0 kharaktere s*yazi ruteniya s.
NO-gruppoy v nitrozosoyedineniyakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii 1958, Vol 3, Nr 10,
pp 2424-2427 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt For the production of ruthenium nitrosochloride
H C RuNOC1 3' 2H20 a method of thesolution of ruthenium
oxide in hydrochloric acid was described, to which a~'
considerable quantitv of NO is added. Bimultaneously.. The
reduction of the NO-group to the NH -group by means of zinc
is connectedwith color change. runs C1 H 0 is the final,
2 0 2
product. This compound is a brown powder which is insoluble
in water and organic solvents, but eaiiily dissolves in
diluted acids. The compound is paramagnetic with the magnetic
susceptibility (-,(, - -0,203-10-0). During the reduction of
ruthenium nitrosochloride three potential take place.
The first jump corresponds to the redvat 11 n ofIthe NO-group,
Card 1/2 the second indicates the reduction of Ru _:;~Ru , the third
On the Character of the Linkage of Ruthenium to SOV/.78-3-10-33/35
NO-Group in Nitroso Compounds
indicates the reduction of HU -~Ru.Th6 pot6ntiometric
curve of the reduction of ruthenium amidochloride shows
only one jump, which indicates the reduction of monovalent
ruthenium to ruthenium metal. The li.hkr~gc - of ruthenium
to the NO-group in nitroso compounds of ruthenium is
caused by the nitrogen atom.There are I figure
and 8 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
SU~MIVTED: May 28, 1958
Card 2/2
A " ~M' T~A'tq- M ~MA MA "t, tt
AUTHORS: Kyrsh, K. , Avy-kintsev, 0. ye. 507/76-3-11-23/23~
TITLE: On the Mechanism of the Inclusi'ons of Microquantities of
Cesium Berlin Blue (0 mekhanizme zakhvata mikrokoliche.stv
tseziya berlinskoy lazurlyu)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, pp 2502-2592
ABSTRACT: The mechanism of the coprecipitation of microquantities of the
cesium-iron-II-eyanide was investigat4d. The influence, of:the
nature of the cations on the solubility of the ferrocyanide
was investigated. The influence of the ratio of
Fe(CN)6 4- : Fe 3+ on the ooprecipitation of,cesium wab,investi-
gated as well. The authors conclude from the results that the
quantity of the coprecipitated cesiumidepends to an only small
extent on the ratio of the reagents and that the coprecipitation
of cesium is above all due to the formation of mixed crystals
or solid solutions, respectively. The investigations of the
influence of the various additions'on.the coprecipitation of
cesium as cesium ferrite cyanide showed that several cations
Card 1/3 exercise a great influence on the coprecipitations. The co-
. SOY/76-3-11-23/23
On the Mechanism of the Inclusions of Microquantitien of Cesium Berlin Blue
precipitation isothermal lines of the,cesium Berlin blue,were
plotted (Fig 2). Additional experimen'to were carried out in
order to explain the mechanism of the copr6cipitation of the
cesium Berlin blue. It was shown that in the case of an ad-
dition of cesium to finished Berlin blue sol the quantity of
the coprecipitated cesium is smaller,than in the case of,the
formation of sol in the case of the.presence of cesium, i. e.
the coprecipitation of cesium is much greater in the'formation
of Berlin blue sol. The coprecipitation of cesium with Berlin
blue was investieated as well in the precipitation in a homo-
geneous medium. The system ferrocyanide tartrate was used for
the precipitation in homogeneous medium. It was shown that the
coprecipitation of cesium with Berlin blue in the homoge neous
medium amounts to 99,97%, and in the:case of a rapid formation
of the precipitation to 99,86%. The coprocipitation,effect of
cesium with Berlin blue offers the possibility of a practical
application of this method for the c0precipitation of cesium
from diluted solutions. By means of this method of ion ex-
change the difference between the surface adsorption and the
coprecipitation was detected. Tho increase in the cesium
Card 2/3 quantity in the precipitation of Berlin blue does not increase
On'the Mechanism of the Inclusions of Microquantities df Cesium Berlin Blue
the dispersion of the precipitation.1
There are 5 figures, 6 tablesj and 16 references, 6, of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologiohaskiy,institut im. D. 1.
Mendeleyeva (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imehi
D. I. Mendeleyev) Voyennaya teklinicheakaya akademiya im.
A. Zapototskogo (9;Y"3rno) ((Brno) Technical Military-Academy
imeni A. Zapototsk
SUBMITTED: April 20, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye., Kurbanov, A. SOV/78-3-12-li/36
TITLE: Concerning the Deq7ees of Oddation . of Ruthenium in Acid Nitroso
Compounds (0 stepenyakh okisleniya.ruteniya v ataidonitrozo-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 12,:pp 2662-2665
ABSTRACT: The step-wise oxidation of ruthenium'~in nitroso-oxalates't
nitrates, and acetates with potassium permanganate was inveati-
gated using the potentiometric method. By these investigations
it was posaible to det6rmine the valence'state of ruthenium
in the following acid zlitroso compounds: If (RuNO(C~O
1 2 2,4
ruthenium nitroso nitrate - 'RuNO(NO -311 0;~and~sodium
3)2 2
rutheni.u.m. nitrosotriaoetate - Na RUN,O(CH 1000) H O.'~In the
C, 3 31 2
oxidation potentiometric curve for~H 2[RUITO(C20 4)2] there were
found five clear and definite Jumps in potential, indicating
the oxidation of ruthenium from RU2+ to Ru8+ . The last jump
Card 1/2 indicates the oxidation of the (C2 04) 2- group. The end-product
Concerninetlie DegrtesafQddation of Ruthenium in Acid flitroso Compounds
of the oxidation is RuO 4* On the oxidation curv Ie for Rulk(NO 3)2'
#3H 20 were found potential jumps corresponding to the oxidation
2+ 8+
of Ru to RU . The end-product of'this.reaction is RuO The
- p ~ 4
potentiometric oxidation titration curve-forlia UNO(CH coo
P 3 )31
H 0 is characterized by four jumps In potentiall.indicating the
2+ 6+
oxidation of ruthenium from Ru to!Ru . The end-,product is
again RuO 4* The ruthenium in all the acidonitroeo.compounds
investigated was divalent. There are 5 figures and 5 references,
3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut obahchey I neorganicheakoy, khimii im. 11, S. Xurnakova
Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic ~Chemistry
imeni H. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences us�11)
SUBMITTED; JulY 171 1958
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye. 7,5-13-2-23/27"
TITLE: Mh Congress on the Analysis of Precious Metals
(IV Soveshchaniye po analiny blagorodnykh metallov)
PERIODICAL: Zhiirnal Analiticheakoy Xhimii, 1958, Vol- 13, Nr 2
pp. 26o-26o (USSR)
A13ST-RACT: The 1Vth Congress on theAnalysis of Precious Metals which
was called by the Institute for General ana~lnorganid Che-
mistry imeni N.S. Kurnakov AS USSR (In i3titut obahchey i
neorganicheakoy khimii im. N. S. Xurnakova ~kademii nauk
SSSR) and by the Plant for Processing. Precious Metals..
(Zavod po obrabotke blagorodnykh metallov) in colla-
boration with the Ministry for Financea of the USSR, the
fifinistry for the Metallurgy of Nonferrous Metals of the
USSR and with the Ural House of Technical Engineering
U'rallskV dom tekhniki) took place at'Sveralovsk from.May
2o to May 23, 1957. This congress was attenaed by Ill de-.
logates and 32 organizations; 35 lectures and reports were
Card 1/4 attended. A group of reports was devoted to~probleme relating
IVth Congress
Card 2/4
on tl,c Analysis of Precious Metals
to technical methods of analysis. Fsh4nitsyn and
I. V. Prokoilysva;Kh. 1. Tsybulevskiy and I.,N. Firsova~ as:
well as revesentatives of various factories (M.S. U8070y:
and othi were the authors who delivered these lectures.
Some reports dealt with volumetric me0iode (A.. A. Grinberg'
and A. I. Dobrobor'skaya; M. A. Chentsova, T.,. P. Yufa and
V. G. Levian and others). A special meeting was devoted to
spectroscopic methods. Problems of the determination of all
precious metals and certain admixtures, in c6ncentrates, melts,
ores and other objekte were dealt with~ in the reports delivered
by V. P. Khrappay, V. L. Ginzburg, A,. 3). Gut1ko and N. 11.
Pankratcva, - A. D Kuranovt V. P. Ruk~uha and M. M. Sviri-
dova. Some repor;s ( S., It. Anisimov, K. A. Pomytov and
Ye. 1. Nikitina, N. I. Chentsova) dealt with problems,of the
preparation of poor samples for the spectroscopic analysis.
The problem of.the applicability of te:st- methods for the
determination of rhodium, iridium and ruthenium in ores and
other products raised discussion. A report delivered by S. K.
Shabarin and I. D. Fridman dealt with',this field. The 4
IVth Congreas on the Analysis of Precio)ls Metals 75-13-2-23/27
renorts delivered by the following authorot ir. K.
Pshenitsyn, 11. A. Yezerskaya and V. D. Ratnikova; Ye. K.
Kuznatsova; S. M. Anisimov. V. M. Klypenkov, 1'. G. Shulakov,
V. N. Alyanchik,ova- and P. A. Gtirin; Yu. S.. Lyalikov and M. B.
Bardin dealt with polarographic methods and the ap-,lication.
of ion-exchanGe. A series of reports elealt, -.7-Ith -..eotro- ,
photometric and photocolori-ablUric methods of anvlysi i6. V4K.
Levian and T. Yufa, N. K. Pshenitayn, S. I. Ginzb-arg &nd
L. G. Sallskaya, V. 11. Alel:sandrov and V. P. Barkovd%iy were
the authors.2 reports were dolivered,by V. B. Avilo4i The
leettires delivered by V. V. Kosova end S. M. Anisi,iov,; V. P.
Klypenkov and V. P. Tsimbal were devoted to the electromeltric
determination of silver in melts and factory products'. I.I. S.
Ruzhnikov delivered a report deali-nr,: %Tith: t-he method, of de-
termination of a .~,old test on a t.:-,uchstone. The last Croup
of reports dealt with physical met!-Iods of analysis. A. A.
Rudnitskiy, A. P. Adakhovskiy and V. it, Mtrbolin, A. I.
Kulak and 0. Ye. Zvya,-intsev, Z. II.Turovtseva ;:ere the authors
Card 3/4 of this -roup. Concluding, a report'dolivered by the repre-
IVth Con-,ress on the Analysis of Precious Metals
sentative of the Ministry of Finances of the MR, D. G.
Grebenkin, was attended.
The c3nGress decided on a resolution in whi da a series of.
progress and errors in the analysis of precious metals
within the last 2 1112 years is noticed~, The.con,-,ress also
pointed out the ways of further work in thi!-, field. Voreover,
a resolution for the pronpt publication of Otece works was
decided on.
1. Metals--Anal~ysis
Card 4/4
PSWITSYN, H.K., otv red..-,.ZVYAGINTSNV, O.Te., doktOr khi1a4naUk* OtV-
red.; LEVI, T:G.; 0,0- -v
red.izd-va,* GUSWA. I.N.,,
(Analysis of noble metalej Analiz blagorod4fth motallov.
Moskva, Izd-vo -Akad.nauk SSBR, 1959, 193 P.' (KIRA 12:10).
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inetitut obahchey ilne.organichaskoy
khimii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent IN SSSR (for ]Pshenitsyn).
(Platinum group) (Gold compounds) (Silver co.mpounds)
to 3i
I . It
vp *I.-
f co in A
Radloactivation analysiB applied to the determination of mi-
croimpurities In tellurium. Radiokhimiia' I no*6:717-723
'59. (MIRA 13:4)
(Tellurium-Analreis) (Metal 9--Anavo is)
5W SO'1/78-4-1-3of/481
. MI. Zvyagintg
0. Ye.
;TITLE: 1wrestigation of the,Co-Precipitation of Miero-Quantities of
Caesium.W~Lth Berlin Blue by the Method of Sudden Precipitation
i(Issledovaniye slaosazhdeniya mikrokolichestv tseziya s
b~rlinskoy lazurlyu metodom mg-novennogo soosa--hden-1ya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neozganioheskoy khimii, 1959,~Vol 4, Hr i,
pp 227-229 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The above method for the co-precipitaiion of micro-quant1ties
of caebium showed-that co-precipitation is'not dependent on
caesium being contained in one or the"other of the two solutions.
The dependence of the constant according to V. G. Khlopin on
the amount of the solid phase which i6 formed on sudden pre-
cipitation was determined. The results are shown in table 2.
The values of the Xhlopin conatant D depend on the cuncentration
of iron (III) in the solution. Several rulaG governing the
formation of anomalous mixed crystal:~ werelconfirmed. By the
method of sudden co-precipitation the oo-precipitation isotherm
of caesium with Berlin blue was obtained. The experimental
data are in accordance with the equation by Kirgintsev
Card 3 (Ref 7):
Investigation of the Co-Precipitation of Mioro-Q4anti ties of Cae.sium, With
Berlin Blue by the Method of Sudden Precipitation
B (T.- V G)
where B and .0 = constants, concentration of the micro-
componb~nt' ~-n -the - solids phasecL,~' 6onoentrati!orVb~ the
microcomponent in the solution, m - number of atoms which
form the molecule of the microcomponent (according to
There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and!8 references, 6 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im.,D. Id
Mendeleyeva (Moscow Chemical-Technologic Ial Institute imeni,
D. I. Mendeleyev) Voyennaya akadem'iya im. A. Zapptotskogo
(Brno) (Military Academy imeni A., &Totocbj (Brno))
Card 2/3
*5(4), 2 (7) SOV/78-4-4-26i'44
AUTHORS; Z-iyagintsev, 0, Ye., Kuznetaov, V. A~
TITLE: On Complex Compounds of Hexavalent. Uranium With Hydrbxylam'~;-.,.,
(0 komplekanykh soyedineniyakh shestivalentnogo urama G g.d::o-
PERIODICALi Zhurnal nearganicheskoy khimii, 1959 4, 1Tr 4, PP 066-666
ABSTRACT, The authors investigated,the complex. formation of
uranium with hydroxylamine in dependence of the PH -,raluc of "'4,p
solution. When mixing a solution of::uranyl-nitrate a. nou-.ra-1.
solution of hydroxylammonium chloride or ;hydroxylaim-orium
sulphate with a pH value of 8 and more, -uraniun is retaiaed en
a complex in the solution. At pH < 8 yellow, difficultid" Gclz*~IE
crystals are formed. These crystals,are insoluble in somi-- cz-
ganic solvents. The formula (RH OHI 0 resulted f-~om 'h,:!
3 'J 2UO4H 2
analysis. The complex solution of h~droxylammonium uxanate
(pH -> 6) remains stable for several, months. From these
uranium cannot be reduced or precipitated even by the 6ot-ioi~ -,f
Card 1/3 alkali liquor at high temperatures. In the case of a large ox-
907/78 - 4- 4-26/4~~
On Complex Compounds of Hexavalent Uranium With Hydroxylamine
coss of hydroxylamine and a pH value of 9-5 light absolrptirji-_'
responds to the Lambert-Beer law. Witii the action of
hyd:,oxylamine on an alcoholic solution of uranyl niftrati
amorphous precipitation of the composition H O~j 2U0 OaGa!'_"'
11, 3 4
The authors synthesized alkali salts of the uranji-hydro_-~yla,-_Ina
compounds in a ratio of Me , U i HE 20H = 1 2 (Me - the It on of
the aikali metal). Further, the authors prepared tha.siziiiai:
uranyl compounds with hydrazines mono~- ' di-, and trimet'~-~Vlaxinia'
di-, mono-, and triethylamine as we4as eth ylenediam'ino.' No
detailed experiments were made with this c Iompounds, The follo.7-
ing formula is suggested for soluble complex compounds of the
urany! ion with hydroxylamine~,
UO 4
The dilute aqueoili solutio of pure compounds of this ccm-
position can be hydrolyzed with the formation of sodium urar-atc,
The authors investigated some propertioa of tho com-pouridt .3 ,i~;.ch aa
oollability, density, and electric conductivity. Th ll~ : ri,
Card 2/3 P -_-t
On Complex Coms- 0
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye, SqV/78-4-9-43/44:.
TITLE: The 8th Mendeleyev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii,, 19591 Vol 4vNr 9P pp 21*2182
ABSTRACTs The Congress mentioned in.the title w&6 held in Moscow :from
March 16 to 23t 1959- More than 4000 delegates and guests from
19 countries participated# It was opened by #e President of the
Organizatory Committeep Academician Ai So Neam.eyanovo who asked
the participants to discuss the development of chemistry aild in the USSR in the.1light of the decision s o 10'
the 21st Congress of,the CPSIJ. The following Atembers read papers
in the plenary seadons: Ve S. Fedoroy Chail an of the
I ~Mq
Gosudarstvennyy komitet soveta Ministrov SSSR,po khimii (State
Committee on Chemistry of the Council of Ministers, USSR):
Tasks of Scientific and Tschnioal Progrjess in the Chemical
Industry; V. A. Kargin: Basic Problems of Polymer Chemistry;
A* N. Nesmeyanov-. The Periodic System and Organic Chemistry;
N. X* Semenov: Basic Problems of Chemical Kinetics; V.I. Spitsyn--
The Present State of D*Ie Mendeleyev's 'Periodic Law;
Card 1/6
The 8th Mendeleyev Congress on General and BOY/78-4-9-43/44'
Applied Chemistry
A. P. Vinogradov: Basic Problems of Radiochedistry, V.-A.0
Engellgardt: Basic Problems of Biochomisi'tryj'A. V. Sokolovs!
Chemical Problems of Agriculture in theASSRI V.B. Nikolayev:
Main Tasks of the Construction of Chemical Machinery and Apparatusi
Ya. K. Syrkint Basic Problems of the Theory 6 'f'Chemical Linkage;
and A. P, Aleksandrov: Chemical Prospects for the Use of Atomic
Energy. An appeal to all chemists of the 'USSR was drawn~up in
which they are exhorted to,aevote all their strength to the
fulfillment of the great tasks posed by the 2.1st-Congrees of the
CPSU' The following speakers at the Meetings of the individual
sections are mentioneds Section of Inordarlic Chemistry And
Technology (118 iectures): V. I. Spitoyn,; Io'V. Yanitakiy
(Kaunas) (Selo nopolythionate 9) 1 Liu.-Ta-kang (People I a Republic of
China); N. A. Godina (Leningrad - Q(Ilafhium dioxide);
P. I. Protsenkop L. No Venerovskaya (Ro0ov n/D); B.N. Ivanov-
Emin (Moscow - M); A. I. Grigorlyev (H) Lat the same time on
behalf of A. V, Novooelova, K. No Somenenkol Y. 0# Xuzne,tsov,
Zo V. Popova (9); V.Ya. Rosolovokiy (M)I;K. F'o Karlyahava; 1. A.
Shoka, To. V. Pevzner (Kiyev - K); To V. Permyakova, 1. So
Card 2/6 Lileyeva (L); On Peroxidesa Is As Kazarnovskiy, So Z. Makarov,
The 8th Mendeleyev Congress on,lz'eneral and SOT/78-4-9-43/44
Applied Chemistry
To 1. Arnolldf I. I. Vollnov (all M)I~T. V, Rodet Go'K,
Grishenkova,, A* V. Zachatakaya (11); S~#: A. Shohukarev,'I. V.
Vasilikova, M. P. Morozo,va, To If Likhainyi MAng Ghi~-V"
KIdng ffa~;~Ib& (L); A. Simon (East Germany), Z, Szabo (Hungary),
Go Be Bokiy Me Subsection on Physico'-chemioal Analysis:'
1. N. Lepeshkov (M), V. X. Mikheyeva (U)t L. Go Berg (Kazan'),
F. Us Perellman; A. Is Agayev (Baku),''L. So Itkinat V* F. Kokhova
(M)l I. Go Grig'orlyeir (kuybyshev), Ye.''.8. Bruyle (M); A. A.
ZinovIyev, V. Ya. Rosolovskiy (M); ff. Me Dombrovskiyf :Me So
IvanovW'(Chernovtsy);-E. Be Shternina-9 Ye.7, Prolova,(M); M. I.
Ravich..F. Yo. Borova; Os.K. Yanatlyeva, (M), B.A. BersMzhanov
(Alma-Ata), Do, I* Eristavi (Tbiliii)II. VO~Lapshin (Chertavtsy),
No No Sirota ~ (Minsk), A. P. Alkin (Voronezh); A. V. Nikolayev,
A. 6. Xurnakova, Is Is Yakorlev'(M); X's No Belyayev (Rostov n/D);
Be P. Markov, R. V. Cherftov (K); Yes Is Smaginat V. .9. Kutsevo
Be F, Ormont M; No No Yevoeyeva, He P. Lwhnayat Is P.
Vereshohaginap Lo 1. Antonova# Ya. 1, Zharkovskiy# K. So
Kranche-vich (M); L, A. Bulygin, P. To' Danillohenko (Simferopoll)t
Yes k. Akopov (Krasnodgr); A. A. Vakhrushev (1zhevsk).
Subsiction on the Chemistry of Complex',Compounds:
Card 316 Is 1. Chernyayev, L. A, Nazarova# V. So Orl(ows (M)i
The Oth Mendeleyev Congress on General and BOV/78-4-9!-43/44
Applied Chemistry
9% No Krasovskaya, V. A:# Taingister M; L.I. Ushakova (M, at
the same time on behalf:of A, V, Bab~yeva)p L. M. Volahteyn
(Dnepropetrovsk)t Do i. Gilldengerehell (L), Yu.N.'Kukushkin(L)v
S. P. Derendyayev (Izhovsk)t 0. Yee Zvyagintsev, A. Kurbanov,
S.-M,-Starostin (x);.s.'i..Ginzbuxg,,X. KO Pohenitsylal L. G.
Sallakaya. (M); 1. 1. Chernyayev (U,~41eo in the name of Yet 7*1'6
Shenderetskays.), A. D. Troitskaya (Xazan'~, V, G. Tronev,N),
L. Kolditz (East Germany), Be Thilo (Eaet,.Germany), 4. V, Ablovp
No M. Samual (Kiehinev)i I. Be Baranovskiyi, A. V. Bab.ayeva M;
Yu. P, Nazarenko WO Ro Ripang GoMArce. (Rumania); Ye. A.
Nikitinal Yet V. Prytkoy4f 0. No Sokolova (lit); N. K. Davidenko
(K, also on behalf of Ta. A. Pialkov); E. X. Deychman (M)t K. N.
Mikhalevioh V, Vo Kobzov (L'vov); Lu. Chaorita It V, Tananayev
IM); T. To Mityureva (K), A. M. Golub,(K),'K. B. Yatsimirokiy
Ivanovo), B. V. Ptitsyn, Do I. Vinogradova, Yee N. Tekster#
Le N. Sheronov (L)1 V. I. Yermolenkol(Xt also on behalf of Ta. A.
Pialkov), P. K. Migal't A. No Pushnyak; A* I. Shuarovich'.
(Chernovtoy)# Z..A# Shekii, Yee Yee Krive (K); 0. 1. Zakharov -
Nartsissov, 00' Zvyaginteev (M); 70 A. Latysbeva (L)p Yee A.
Card 4/6 Makeimyukl G. So,iQdnzburg (L); V. 1. Paramonovat At No MoBevich,
I j
The Oth Mendeleyev Cougress on General and ~OV/78-4-9-43A4
Applied Chemistry
A. SKoreychuk.(L); A. As Grinberg (L),.G. A. Shagisultanova(L),
L. Ye4 Nikollskaya (L),:I. Go Byaop'$, L.Idells(Dneprop6trovsk),
Yes Sh. Ganelina-W. Subsection on questions of Tachnologyt
So I. Vollfkovioho No He PoetaikovIL.' A. lonase, Ye,.'V,
Illarionov, R*.Ye. Romen.(M)l A. B. bekturo'v (Alma-Atd), L. V.
Yumanova, A. So Mikulikskiyj A. P. Solyanskiy, F., So Marok,
M. A. Berebrennikov. Sverdlov:k~, Ye. P. Ozhigov (Vladivostok),
Yu, So Falyshevskiy ~Sverdlov k p Vo,k~.Lekaye# A. Go Kasatkinp
L. No Yelkin (9); A. V. Baranov, E. A.: Liberzon (.Dnepropetrovsk)o
So V. Kushnirg YA, P. Berklman (L'vov)p,Ya..Ye. Ullyanskiy,
Ye.~-I. Savinkovt-Lo` A. Bo.rovskikht A. 1. Toterevkov, L'03.1
Bychikhin (Sverdlovsk)j,Vo,F.-Kovtukf A# Go.Lagutina, P. To
Danillehanko (Simferopoll)j To No Dymoyaj,Ao.A., VXshes1avts9v(Kj;-,
In cooperatio7n*with.the Section Ketals..and Alloys on the hilbjeet
of semiconductor alloys: No No Sirots. ~Minsk), B. P. Ormont (m),
L. Do Dudkin (M)* Z. Go Pinsker (M),.Ya. A. Ugay (Voronezh),
No A. Goryunova (L), B. To Kolomiyetal A* No GoryunDva, V. Pe
Shilo.(Q. Section Chemistry,and Technology of Silicates: More
than 60 lectures among which there were lectures by Ye. A.
Card 5/6 Poray-Koshits (L~q Do V. Mazurin (L). Section Metals and Alloys:
The 8th Mendeleyev Congress on General and ~07/78-4-9-43/44
Applied Chemistry
numerous papers (~o names given). Section Agronomical'Cheiistry
of-FOrtilizers-and Post Controls tbe.oInly naqQs mentioned:were
So 1.'Voll9kovioh (M), A*-'F.~Kalinkevich (M)# Seotipa Radio-
chemistry and Isotope Chamistrys 30 lea 'turest of whioh there were
mentioneds A. D. Gellman Wt Complex qompounds of Transuranic
Elements: A, go Gurevicht L. D. Preobrazhenakaya, L. P,
Polozhenskaya, Ye.,Vo Komarov (L)s Perioxide-0 Qf Hexavalent
Uraniuml A. K. Lavrukhina, So So Rodin, A.'A. Pozdnyalcov (M):
Chemical Properties of Fr"cium; Yu. Bo.Gerlit (M).- Ebctraction
of Technetium; 1. P. Alimarin Yu.,A. Zolotovy Yu. P. Novikov,
F. No Paleyt,Ye, So Pallshin,Wi Chemical Properties of ,
Neptunium; I. Yei,Starik (Q: Microquantitids of Radioactive
Elements in Soj~utjon; V. 1. Grebenshchikova,,R. V. Bryzgaloval
No B. dhernyavakdya, V. I. Bobrova (L)t on the Crystallization of
Transuranidee;.V.' M* Vdovenko and colldborators,(L); Extraction
of Uraniump Neptunium, aud Plutonium From an Aqueous Solution.
Further lectures dealt with the reactiona-of."hot" atoms of
various elemental the separation and elimination of isotopes,
radiation chemistryg and other problelps.
Card 616
TITLE: Review. V. M.,Krpyter,~V. V. AristovP 1. 34, Volynakiyo
A. N. Krestovnikov, V. V. Kuviohinskiy. IlBohavior of Gold
in the Oxidation Zone of Gold - Sulphide~Denosits"*
Gosgeoltekhizdat, Moacow, 1959, 268-p, Price 13t4o Rubleiii
PERIODICALt GeokhimiYai 1959, Nr 6, pp 560 561,(ussR)'
ABSTRACTs The book was Written by ateam of mi.neralogists, geologists
and chemists under the~direotion of V. M.'Krayter. The 60-
dation zones of the following depo6i~ts We're investigateds
Maykain (Kazakhstan), Dzhugaly (Kazakhstan), and Novyy j
Blyava (Southern Urals,% The dissolution prdqeBs of gold in the ;oxi-
dation zone wa, thoroughly investigated. The dissolution; by
Fe (SO ) in sulfuric acid solution is regarded as the most
2 4 3
probable one on the basis of experimantal'results. The con-
cepts by F. Freyze (transport in form,of organic solutio;as),
A. Ye. Fersman (transport in form of,ayanides)l F. 7, Chukh-
rov (transport in form of bromat6s and iodides), and~M~ 1D.
Allbov (transport in form of gold a Iu6pension) are ra~eotied.
Card 1/2
j7 A solution by Fe in hydrochloric acid solution islalso
2(SO4 3
'41, 7.111 1 E11 1. 1-1 11A. _4i_,Mfn I! I ~P~l ii 1 41, 1
30V/7-59-6-~, 1 3/i 7
Review. V. M. Kreyter, V. V. Aristov, 1. S Volynpkiy,~,A. N. Kr6atovz..Akovj
V. V. Kuvichinakiy. "Behavior of.Gold In t~e OxidatioM2'one of Gold Sul-
phide Deposits" - Goageoltekhizdat, Monilow, 1959?~266 1), Pride 13'p!4):IFubIe9
regarded as improbable~for gold ia~ 'transported together'. with
silver. Silver is, ch the other hand, converted. into a .soluble
complex by NaCl in hyd Irochloric acid solution. The formation
of gold - chloride complexes is also founUto exist' whereas'
the formation of iron sulfate - gold complexes has remained
a hypothesis. Another disadvantage of the' book is the large
number of printing errors and the Inferio Ir quality of the re-
preAentation of micro hot , h; ev'
p ographies. On the whole ow 0r#
the book is welcomedand regarded as very interesting.
SUBMITTED: May 20, 1959
Card 2/2
SOLOVIYET, Turiv Ivanovich; ZVYAGINTSEV, OreBt YevgOn~'~I&;_GRIGCWIW0'
i.Te,*profs, otvSre4_T ~_=M, A.r.._;__~e_dizd,_Va; KAMI
(Nikolai SBmenovich Kurnskov; his life and works] Nikolai Some-,
novich Kur'nakov; zhizn' I delatellnost'. Kaskv&.~Izd-vo Akad,
nauk s=, 1960. 205 pe (MIRA 13:4)
Murnakov. Hikolai Samenovich, 1860-1941)
ROZHKOV, P.L, laureat Stalinakoy premiij, otv,red.; PM JILTSTIT, U.K.,
retsionzent;.ZVYAGINTS", OJ~f, prof., doktor,
reteenzent; PRIT-37HATEV. # N,A*., prof*:, doktor fis.nauki retsen-
zent; ANISNOV, SiM., prof.$ red.; MUJUKOV,'P.G., red.; SHMINOVAi
HdTac, red..- GUTIKOV, A.D,, red.; DOLGIKH, V.I., red.; KAMAYEVA,
O.H., red,izd-va; ISLINTITEVA, P.G., tokhn.rod.
(Methods of analyzing platinum metals] Wtody analiza platinovykh
wtallov, zolota i serebra; abornik nouchnyklt trudov. Moakval
Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.1zd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi matellurgii,
196o, 256 pi (MIRA 1319)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Kraonoyerskiy okonomicheakiy admi-
nistrativnyy rayon.. Sovat narodnogo khozyayutva. 2. Chlen-kor-
respondent AN SSSR (for Pshenitayn).
(Platinum-Analysis) (Gold-Analysis)
KURNAKOV, Nikolay Semenovich# skademik (1860-19601- ZVYAGINT 0. YO"j
doktor khim.nauk,,; SHITCHWO'.0.14', tekhnored.
[Selected workal Imbrannye trudy. Moskva, X2d-vo Akad.nauk
4M. Vol.l. 1 60. 593 P. (MIRA 14.-3)
Murnakov, Nikolai Semenovich, 186o-iqla)
(Chemistry, Physical and theoretical) (Syntene (Chemistry))
Distribution of cyanosuric (1) acid between i%queous tiolutionn,
and same alcohols and ketones. Zbur.neorg.khim0- ~ no.1:124-130
ja 16o. OIII?A 13:5)
1. Moskovskiy ordens Lenipa khimiko-tekbnologichnskiy
institut im. D.I.Mandoleyeva.
(cyanoauric acid)
Zvya akharov4fartel ~ i,,~
Ochkin, A._V
T, ~O
TITLEt Sol~ationand Polym.eriza.tion of Cyanoauric (1) Acid in Aqueous
1 neorganioheskqy.khimil.,_,,196oriv
oI 5P Ur 1 y
PP 13141P (USSR)
ABSTRACT; Thin artic16 deals withIhe conditions'W extraction of cyano-
auric (I) acid andits,',salts from'aque'olps solutions by reans of
solventso The,authore investiga ,tedi !)the dependence
of ntratio~ [H+J,of the hydrogen
9n the equilibrium conce
ions' in the extraction of HAu(CN)- by-m~ans of various alcohols
cient of
(o( =
u(CII), among
organic phase) f~r which they derived .. a,quatign (6)'; 2) the
depende -of~the-aicohol content of
thb aqueous p4ase upon the
.'It was' found.tfiat.tho
sulfuric acid concentration (Table 1)
solubility of alcohols in the aqueous 1. phase decreases with
,the authors
rising concentration of H 2so 4* 3) Purth4.rmore~
studied the dependence of c< upon the equilibrium concentration
Card 1/2 of AuH(CN), in the organic phase (Table.2). It was found that
Solvation and Polymerization of Cyanoauric.(I) Acid in Aq~ieous Solutiong
solvates of the form HAu(Cby),*xSol aT Ie'~formed;by reacItion or
HAu( CH)2 with the aliphatic alcohols ufider'oonsideration.
These solvates are present in.the organic and'aqueous-phase
alike* The distribution coefficient deareasen with rising 'con-
centration of cyanoauric (I) acid in the aqueous phas6f, which
is explained by the formation of_221n~erslof,the form
EHAu(CN) 21n' Such,dimers are present in the aqueous phase,and
are not extracted by a Isl mixture of n-amyl,alcohol orcyclo-
hexanone and benzene. Vo polymers were detected in stropgl.-i di-
lute solutions. There arel figuret 2 t1ableep and 6 references#
5 of whioh arp Soviet..
ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy ordena Lenina khimiko-tekhnolbgicheskiy institut
im. D. 1. Hendeleyeva (Moscow "Order of~~Leninll Institute of
Chemical Technology imeni D. I. Mendeleye
SUBMITTED: July 9, 1959
Determination of certain microimpurities in high-purity
selenium. Report SO-3. Zhur.anal.khimo 15 no-3:325-328
YV-Je 160. (XI" 13 S 7)
1. D.I.Mendeleev Moscow Obemico-Tachnological Institute.
18-3000 775P0
AUTHORS: Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye., Zakharov-Narts iissov, 0. 1.
TITLE: Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions Obtained
by Treatment of Gold Ores
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol 33v Nr 1, pp 55-58
ABSTRACT: The authors calculated distributionicoefficients for gold
and for metallic impurities silverf iron, arsenic, copper,
etc.) in extraction of gold, ~as HAu CN),) from acidified
(with H2so 4) technical cyanide isoamyl
alcohol. Two ore samples (submitted by Professor
M. D. Ivanovskiy) were treated extraction
(composition (in mg/kg are) or ore Nr 1 - Au, 16-18;
Ag, 20-25; sum of Sb, Fe, Cu, 300-46qj~ Zn, none; A .a,
none; ore Nr 2 - Au. 17-19; Ag) 0-6o; As, 50,000-6oooo;
Sb) 5; Zn, 8o; cu, 6,000-7,ooo; Fe 6b,000-80,000).
Card 1/5 Hundred-gram ore samples ground to 150 mesh were placed
Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions 77500
Obtained by Treatment of Gold Ores SOV/180-3~.1_9'Aq
into porcelain tumblers which were then filled up;with
solutions of NaCN (0.12 and 0 25 % weight in. sbl4~jors' of
ores 1 and 2, re8pectively) a~d alkili (0.12% Cao'and
0.2% NaOH, respectively). After 36-40 hr of mixing
the decanted solution was acidified with 0.1M sulfuric
acid with subsequent addition of radioactive indic ators
(NaAu(CN)2, NaAg (CN)21 Na. 4Fe(CN)61 or Na2 Zn( CN)4)~to
equal volume fractions of the solutions (for measure-.
ments of -activities). Copper aAd arbonic were
determined separately--(copper by the method of
Gillebrand, V. F., Lendel, 0. E., et al., (Practical
Manual for Inorganic Analysis (Pralcticheskoy rukovbdstvo
po neorganicheskomu analizu), Goskhimizdat, 268 (1557))
and arsenic by the method of Analysis of Raw Mineral
Materials (Analiz minerallnogo syr1ya, Goakhimizdat,
505 (1959)). These solutions were then shaken with
isoamyl alcohol, keeping the volume ratio of organic
(v i1.) and aqueous (vaq. equ 1.) phases equal
org. equ i
Card 2/5 to 1:5 in all experiments. Distribution coefficient of
Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions 77500
Obtained by Treatment of Gold Ores SOV/80-33-1-9/49
metals was calculated by the ;formula Mrg/
NaqI where No,g and N aq are -activities in org anic
and aqueous phases at equilibrium.~ For~:Cu and As)
was found by analysis, using the formulas:
v C
aq. init.* aq.,init. vaq. equil,l Caq, equix. + vorg. e4ull.
org. equil.;
org. equil./Caq. e'quil.j
where v is initial volume of the aqueous.phasej
aq. init.
and C(with respective indices) is concentration of metals
in these phases. Percent of gold relcovery
aq, init. - Nso. equil.
Naq. init. . .,100. 'No subsequent extra,c-
Card 3/5 tions resulted in 98.5% of gold recovery from both ores.
-Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions 77500
Obtained by Treatment of Gold Ores SOV/~O-33-1-9/49
Separation of gold from silver, copper,';aftd zinc is
complete (i.e.,-their distributionlooefticients were
found to be zero)" while of iron and arsenic admix-
tures is very low Fe 0.013 ' A,:n mfl,
Figure 1 shows variation of distribution coefficients with
concentration of sulfuric acid. There are 1 figure;,
2 tables; and 5 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: July 2, 1959
Card 4/5
'Extraction of Gold From Cyanide Solutions 77500
Obtained by Treatment of Gold Ores If SOV/801-33-1-9/49.
Fig. 1. Variation of distribution~coefflcients.of gold,
iron, arsenic, and sulfuric acid in their distribution
between Isoamyl alcohol and cyanide solution obtained
from ore Nr 2 with concentration of the~acid in:aqueous
phase. (A) Distribution coefficient CLi C
concentration of or^~;
H2SO4 (in moles/1). (1) H SO
Card 5/5 As; (3) Fe; (4) Au. 2 4;
Preparation of aluminum oxychloridee Zhur.priklekh1me 33 no*53
1208-1211 16o. (MIRA 13:7)
(Aluminum chloride)
In membry of the first editor of the Journal,'of A ~Iied Chemis~try,'
A.I.Gorbov (1859-1939).~ Zhurp~prikle khime )j no.6jI404-1405~Je 160.
(MIRA 13:8).
(Gorbov, Alaksandr Ivanovich, 1839-1939)
ZVYAGINTSEVf Orest Yevgenlyevich, red.
[Nikolai Semenovich Kurnakov in the recolledtivwof hie
contemporaries and pupile],Nikolai Semenovich Kumakov v
vospominaniiakh sovremennikov i uchenikov. Moskva., Akad.
nauk SSSR, 1961. 99 p. I (MM 14--g)
(Kurnakov,, Nikolai Semenovich, 1860-1941)
M.P.; GORIUSHINAp V.0t; DWOVp A.M.; YEMS01r, S.V.;-M
CHMIKHOV, Yu.A.1 VINOGRADOV) A.Ft, akademik, otv. red.; RYABCHIKOV,
D.I., doktor kbim. nauk, prof., otv. red.; GUSIKOVA, O.v tekbn,, red,
[Methods for the determination and analysisof raro oloments): blet0ay
opredeleniia i analiza rodkikh elementov. Mo6kva,1961. 667 p.
1. Akademiya nauk SM. lustitut geokbirnii i analitlobesk-o-7 kbiynii-:
(Metalso Rare and minor)
AUTHORS3 ~j~ev; 0. Xe.0 Khromenkov, L. G.,
TITLE: Composition of thorium compounds with,malic acid
PERIODICALt Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiit v. 6,: no. 3, 1961, M-6010
TEXT: The systems thorium. nitrate - malic acid - w&~kerf thorium nitrat4
acid sodium malate - water, and thorium nitrate - sodium malate - water. were
studied by determining electrical conductivity, pH,.-,and by~potentiometrio
titrations. Two types of complex compounds of thorium with malic acid with
a ratio of the components of I : I and 1 : 2 were f6und. These complexes
exist in different forms, depending on the pH. Determination of the trans-
ference number disclosed that thorium migrates to the cathode in an acid
medium'at a ratio of the components of 1 : 1, and to the anode in a weakly
acid medium at a ratio of the components of 1 : 3~: It may be seen.from this
that in the compound with the composition I 1 1, thorium appears in the com-
plex as the cationg and in the compounds with the composition 1 t 2, it is
in a complex anion. The following thorium malates were sythesized*t
Card 1/4
Composition of ... B121/B'208
(ThOH )2 Mal 20, Na2Th(OH),Mal2v 4H 20 and NaTh(OH)Mal 2 6H20. Two
3 * 4H
methods were use& for the production of basic thorium malate (ThOH)2Ma3 04H 20.-
methyl alcohol was added to an aqueous solution of,thorium nitrate and malic
acid. Basic thorium malate was obtained,in the form of a-khite. amorphous
precipitate which was washed out with water and acetone and then dried at~
1000C. In the second method, an aqueous solution of thorium. nitrate was ad-
ded to an aqueous solution of sodium malate in a ratio of Th(NO 3)4 : Na 2 Mal=
2 t 3. The composition of the compound with (ThOH )2Ma.l3 - 02 0 was deter-
mined by chemical analysis. This compound is insoluble inVater, alcohol,
benzene, acetone, and other organic solvents; it is decomposed when treated
with mineral acids. A stable complex compound with a ratio of the compo-
nents of 1 : 1 could not be isolated in an acid medium. At a ratio of tho
components Th(NO 3)4 ; Na-malate- I ; 3, and at PH - 4P a white precipitate
of the composition NaTh(OH)Mal 2 ' 6H20 results when methyl alcohol is added.
This compound is comparatively easily soluble in water$ but insoluble in
Card 2/4
Composition of ... B121/B208
alcohol, benzene, acetone, ether, and other organic,solvent6. Mineral acids
destroy this compound. No thorium hydroxide can be precipitated by adding
alkali lyes to the aqueous solution. The following structural formula is
suggested for thorium malate with a complex anion and cationt
coo COO---- _,--OOC
I \ ~! , v H20
CH Th~-~ cil H IH C
2 1 210 21
Lcoo H 20 H20 coo OOC~':
For the compounds Na Th( O;and NaTh(OH)Mal 6H 0. the fol-
2 OH)2Mal2* 4H2 2 2
lowing structural formulas are suggestedt
Card 3/4
S/07 61/006/003/012/022
B121 208'
Composition of
CO0__ 00C :____-OOC
CH01-1 11011C ROHO
6H 0 H 4H 0
CH H 2 0
1 2/ 2, IH2 2C,
The instability constant of the complex [ThMal ]2+1 w.~a calculated to, be:
Kin 5. 2 - 10- 7. The range of existence of the complex compounds was deter-
mined from potentiometric titrations. The ion [Th(OH)Malj - appears at a
Th(OH) Mal 3-
at a pH of 5-8t h(OH) Mald :at a
pH of less than 5, 1 2 21 IT 3
pH of more than 8. There are 4 figures, 1 table,,and 8 referencess 3 Soviet-
ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskuy khimii im.N. S.Iurniikova
Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General an& Inorganic
Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov, Academy of Sciences~USSR)
SUBMITTED: September 29,196o
Card 4/4
Tetravalent 6xyhydroxy compounds of trivalent Iron.
Zhureneorg.khim. 6~ no-4:863-869 Ap 161.: (KMA 14:4)
1. Institut obahches y Inoorganicheskoy kbwi imeni N.S.Kurnakova
(Iron compounds)
Complrx compounds of thoriua-with tartaric a4d. Zlmr.neorif.Ahimo
6 no'44:874-882 Ap 161. of= 14:4)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganichookoy khimii imani~N.S.Kurnakova~-
(Thorium compounds) (Tartaric acid)
AUTHdRSt Zvyagintsevp 0. Ye., and Kbromenkovt L41.
TITLEt Complex compounds of thorium with trihydroxy-'glutaric acid
PERIODICAM Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no- 5, 1961p
1074 - 1083
TEXTt The reaction of thorium.nitrate,with trihydroxy-gl~utaric acid,
with sodium trihydroxy-glutaratel and with sodium bia-trihydroxy-glutarate
was studied by measuring the electrical conductivityp by potentiometric,
titrations and determinations of the transference numbers. It may be seen
from the results that thorium nitrate and trihydroxy -glutaric acid form
complexes with a ratio of the components of 1 t 1 and 1 t,2. The basic
thorium trihydroxy-glutarate has a ratio of the components
Th(NO I. t H G1 - 1#2 t I (H Gl - C H 0 M trihydro Ixy-glutaric acid)*
3 4 4 4 5 8 7
The compound (ThOH is regarded as a simple Balt o:f thorium with
trihydroxy-glutaric acid. The complex having a ratio of the components of
Card 1/4
S/07 61/006/005/005/015
Complex compounds of B12IY3208
1 1 1 is stable in the pH-range of 4 7- At a higher pH, a precipitate
is formed which probably consists of the more sparingly soluble thorium
trihydroxy-glutarate complex. At a ratio of the components of 1 1 2
complex is formed in the pH-range of 6 - 70 that is stable also afa P'H
above 8. Some thorium trihydroxy-glutarate compounds were synthesized.
(ThOH )2 (H 2(;1)3 is obtained by mixing the aqueous solutions of thorium
nitrate and trihydroxy-glutaric acid. The compound is a whitep fine-ory-
stalline powder, nearly insoluble in water and organic solvents.
Th(OH)H 2G1-2H20 is prepared by adding'an aqueous solution of trihydroxy"-
-glutaric acid and sodium hydroxide to an aqueous solution of thorium ni-
trate at a ratio of the components Th(NO ) I H Gl a NaOH 1 t 1 114-1
3 4 5
By adding methyl alcohol, a white precipitate is formed from the clear or
slightly turbid solution. NaTh(OH)AS' H 20 was obtained by mixing so-
lutions of thorium nitrate, trihydroxy-glutaric acidp and sodium hydroxide
in a ratio of the components of 1 : 1~s 5- It is a whiteg fine-cryBtalline
powder, readily soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents. The
compound NaTh(OH)(H Gl *H 0 was obtained in the form of's white amorphous
3 )2 2
Card 2/4
S/078 6110661PO510051015
Copplex compounds of Bi Me
precipitate by mixing aqueous solutions of theoomponenta,Th(NO ) and
3 4
NA H 01 in a ratio of 1 1 3 and adding methyl aloohol. It ia easily
2 3
soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents. No thorium hydroxide
can be precipitated from the aqueous solution of this com5ound by adding
alkali hydroxide solutions. The compound Na Th(OH) 2(11 Gi2 is obtained as
2 3 .
a white, fine-crystalline precipitate by adding sodium hydroxide to an
aqueous solution of thorium'nitrate and sodium trihydroxy-glutarate at a
ratio of the components of 1 : 3-and subsequent addition of methyl alcoh 'ole
This precipitate is well soluble in water, but insoluble in organic Sol-,
vents. The aqueous solution of the complex is destroyed by mineral acidsp
no thorium. hydroxide precipitates when alkali hydroxide is addede- In
aqueous solution the complex dissociates into three ions.: The stability
constant of thorium trihydroxy-glutarate (ThR Gl)2+ was Calculated and
found to be 2.0-10-4. 3
There are 5 figures and 9 Soviet-bloc references*
Card 3/4
Complex compounds of-.... B1217N"08
ASSOCIATIONs Institut obshchey.-i.neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. B.,
Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S.
Kurnakov of-the Academy-of,,Sciences USSRY
SUBMITTEID-s September 29, 1960
Card 4/4
Extraction of gold hydrocyanic 2cid with n-trloct~lamkm. Zhur.neoIrg*
khIm. 6 no.8:1978-1979 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8)
(Hydrocyanic acid) (Gold compounds) (Trioctylamine)
Electrolytic reduction of some ruthenium acidonitroso compounds.
Zhur.neorOskhim. 6 no.9:2216-2218 S 161. (MIRk,14-9)
(Ruthenium compounds) (Reduction,,EleArolytic)
Complex compounds of thorium with tetrahydroxvadipic acid. Zbur.-
neorg.khim. 6 no.12%266)-2671 D 161. (MIRAil4-.12)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganichoskoy khimil, imeni Kurnakova~AN
(Thorium compounds) (AdIpic acid)
Fifth conference on the analysis of noble motals. Zhwi analf
khim. 16 no. 1:119 J~-P 161,~ (KERA, 14:2)
(Metalst Rare and minor--Congrasses)
G=WiGVi A.A.; Twt-,QJ*#,p 4*t4r kbim. naukj, prof.,, otv.
red.; VULMTJL,, T.%Pp
[Rilthenium and oamium; bibliogIraphy covering,the pqr~od 1804 -
19601 Rutenii i o=iii bibliograficheskii uk~zatell literaturys
1804-1960. Moskva,, zd-vo Akad. nauk S&'"Ap.1962. 250 P.
(KIRA 15z6)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sektor seti spetviall 'r7kh bibliotek.
(Bibliograp)w-Ruthemium) (Bibliograpiv-0smium)
Comments on the article Irf O.E.ZviagJntaov and V.P.
Tikhonov., "Reaction of praseodymium and neodymium
nitrates with bydroxymalonic acid." Zhur.noorg.khim.
10 no.8:1954 Ag 165. Mu l911)
Effect of the nature of the acid on the extraction f
01, 12- r0 M.
ruthenium in the [RuNo (NO 2)4 ?,hur.neorg.khims
11 no.13198-200 ~Ta 166. (%IFMA 19-1)
1. Sutmittad Plecember 10, 1.961..,
Vidrolysis of ('04)AN00151.
noelv200-= ya 166. (KM i9l
1, SuWtted Dooombar UP 19640
Cis effect. in nomplex plat"mun (IV) compolmd's. 2htr neorg,
kh'Am. 10 no.5tIO33-1037' Mly 165. iMIRA 18:6)
Is Institut obshchivy, neorganicheskoy khimA imeni Kurnakova~~
All SSSR i Ins'litu', neorga-Mcheskoy khimil Sl"alr3kago otdeleniYa
MV Y A at-Xa..vgwi!yeiap.h; SOLOv,yEv, Yuriy Ivanovich;
STAROSELISKIY, Pavell~kovich
Lov Alaksandrovich Churyiev. Moskv~nj 1965. t'V)7 p.:
(M,IRA 18:9)
Reaction of thorlim and rare-eerth' elements Vith tortaric acid
when present togethei. Zhur.neorgokhim, 16 8994- A 1650
1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina khim.Lko,-tekhncIo44cheski:r institA~
W4-th tartaric
Mechanism of the reaction of praseodymium nitrate
acid. 7hur. neorg. khim.,9 no.12:2789-2791 D 164.
(MIRA 18:2)
1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina khlraiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut
imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva.
SMITSYN, 1I.M,; Cl Yo I ET"I , V . F.
k"Xtrac-tiorl of CoRIJA a rl'Ahenitar n I trooopo4ritah,; I" flf,~n w~ rz, a I phai,.P~--
waines. Dokl. AN 01SOM 1(.-0 no.2070-372 Ja
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheokoy khirnii ha. U.S. Kurnakova
All SSSR. Submitted July 81 1964,
i. l1 jrliE~ .1 A H- A i- I
Z.VYA~MITSE V, ~Oxpst 'jgygqp.'ypyiqhj prof., doktor khim, nau-j
Tattyana D
rd.triye-7na., kand. khim. nn.,A, dots.j
GORYUHOV., Anatoliy Alekseyevich, kand.khim. muk, assistent;
KOIBIN, Nikolay lvanovlchj kand,khim.wuk, dots.IRYA3GV,
Allber Nikolayevich, kand. khim. nauk, assistant; KORCIMINAYA,
Ye.K., red.
[Chemistr7 of ruthenium) KhImiia. rutenila. (Dyl M-E.Zvla-g-in.-
taev i dr. Moskvaq Naukap 1965. 299 p. (MIRA 18:67
1. Leningradskiy gosudaro-tvannyy universitet An, A,A.ZhtiFL-
nova (for Kolbin. Ryabov, Gominov). 2. Moskovskiy institut
stall i splavov(ior kvtokratova).
ZVYAGINTSEV., O.Ye., prof. (Moskva)
Second birth of ruthenium. Priroda 54 no.5:71-74 My 165.
(MIRAI 5~)
GINZBURG, Susanna Illinichnn; GLADYSHEV.SKAYA, Kluvdlytl. Aritwwvrm;
YEMSKAYA, Natallya Anatollyovna; IVONOA, 011gri.
Mikhaylovna; PROKOF'YVIA, Ir1na Vasillyewa, FEVIRF21KO,
Nina Vladimirovna; FFDOROVA, Aleksandra Nikolayevna;
~YXAGINTS-TT,.,O.Ye.,,Aoktor khIm. nauk, otV. red.,
VOLYHETS, M.P., red.
[Manual on the chemic~al analysis of platinum metala and
gold] Rukovodstvo po khirdcheskomu analizu platinolpjkh me-
tallov i zolota. Moskva., Nauhaj 1965. 31.2 1).
flinth-All-Union Conference on the chemistry of complex
compounds. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.7tl776-1778. J1 164.
(MIRA 170)
......... w...w ...........
Interaction of praseodymium and neodym-ium nitrates with
tartaric acid. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no,7:1588-115:96 J-1, 164.
Interaotion of prasoodymium and neudymiura nitratoo with
hydroxymalonic acid. lbid.:1597-1605 (MIRA l7t9)
1. ~bskovskiy ordena Leninc khimiko-tekhnologiahookly Jnstitut
imeni Mendeleyeva.
V,=STCH NR: AP4041560 0018/64/000/007/1591/106
IAUMOR-. Uyagintsev, 0. Ye.;. Tikhonov, V. P.
;TITTZ: Interaction of praseodpiua and Aeodymium nitrates vith ox$zaloaia a.aide'
SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy le'll-Ji, v. 9, no Tv 1964,, 1597!-1605
TOPIC TAGS: praseodymium nitrate oxymalonic complex, neodymium nitrate mimalonia
!complex., praseodymiun nitrate, neodymium nitrate., oxymalon~c aci(l, rare earth Ion
:ABSTRACT: The present worls was imdertaken to provide a verification of an earlier
!conclusion by the some authors that the stability of'cation~complexes of ovcar~oxy-i
Ilic acids with ions of rare earths in an acid medim as wall as the differential
ibetveen instability constants of these complexes for neighboring rare earths shou3Al
iincrease with decreasing distance between carboxyl groups. Applying pbysico-
chemical methods of preparative chemistry) interaction of praoeodpdua and neodyzium.
!nitrates vith oxymalonia acid vas studied for a vide pH ranpe. The earlier iugl~
gested mechanim of trivalent rare earths interaction with dicarbozylie oxyaoids~
has been confirmed. It has been established that the pH of the inadium has M do-
cisive Influence on ram earth complex fo=atioas vith oxyacids. Was Wluence
T- 7
_ji -d
excess reagent addition is slight, It has been proven that with deereasing distance
,between the 6arboxylic groups,, both the complex stability and the difference be-
tween instability constants increase. Successive dissociation constants 0 K, and,
!K2 for oxymalonic acid have been calculated, ds well as-the instability const(Latal,
~of cationic oxymlonie complexes of praseodymi= and neod~alum. For the first time
the following compounds of praseodymium and neodymium, Ath oxyaaloaia acid were
prePared- Pr (C H 0 ) -3H 0- Nd 205) '3H20* /PrC3BO5-3H20/'2H20; /~OfO5'
2 gIL31,2 2(ct
3H20NH~O, Reir c on hZs een ditermined,, some pro:perties studiea atd.,
$tentative structural for=ilas proposed. It has been noted that the noodymi=,
compounds are somewhat more stable than those of praseodymiuta. Orig. art. h".
8 figures, 17 formulas, 2 tablese
ASSOCUTION: 14oskovskiy ordena, Lenina Ithimiko-tekbnologicheakiy iftstitut imo Do lot
Mendeleyeva (Moscov "order of lanin" Institute of Chemical Technology) I.A
1Wu163 -DATE AM: 00 00
SUB CODE: zio,rw sov: oo4
Wmal 001
i Card 2/2-
Nitrosoruthenium compound [Ru?,'O(NO2)2 N13) (If')- Doll. AN
SSSR 156 no. 4:891-~93 Je 164. (MIRA l716)
1. Institut obshchey 1 neorganicheskoy khImU Im. 11.S.
Kurnakova AN SSSII. Predstavleno akademlkOM J,.T.C'ht,,j-nyUyvM."
Bond strength of the-nitroso group in rutheni= compounds. Zhuro,
neorg. khim. 8 no.8t1988-1989 Ag 163, (KMA 160)
1. Institut obshchey-i neorganicheakoy khimii imeni N.S. Kurnako'va
(Ruthenium compounds) (Nitroso group)
Effect of outer-space antions on the stability of:11gand bonds
in complex comppunds. Zhur. neorg~ khim. 8 no.10i2329-2353 ) t0i
(MIRA 16: io)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimil im. N,S. Kurnakova
(Complex compounds) (Chemical.bonds)
IT.Yonotekite," a now sulfide of palladium and. nickel., Zap.Vees~.
min.ob-va 91 no.6t7l8-725 162. (MIRA l6t2)
1. Institut geologil rudnykh mestorozhdaniyr,p'.otrografiip
mineralogil i gookhimii AN SSSR i Institut obal,ichey.1 neorgani-
chaskoy khimii AN SSSRI Mbskva.-
(Sulfides) (Palladium) (Nickel)