U,';,2R/Cb.ami-qtry P,iysica; rhemiatry
a 11.
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Jan 1q56
Abs+.raot I -.rip tn the relation bet -4--jen adsorption &nd
s Une rever-
--E effect. of
Institution Acad, L-n t. of HetallurQr, Moscow
Submitted April
khlh~~ 3
r'117-0'reLt 6
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-sEc Wait& car ore: u
th~ 6i'houM with thd carbon ts practically irvairersibLe a % re-sult of
a chemical reaction or Afonual.fon o!- a solid Se solut tt~n in the carbon.
I'n , refp -.r.~~e-i: !-~A, re, - ad 1 -'.Urm. FN-- - i Tabl+1;
ree rt ncs. a
graph; draw, ng.
Electron microscopic and cytochemical study of. m'L tochondria
from yeast cells, ilikrobiologiia 33 no.33W-U,6 Y~y-,Te 164.
(t,11RA 18; 12
1. Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheskoy b1ologii
AN SSSR i Institut biokhimii imeni A.N.Bakha AN SSSTI. SubnLitted
June 27p 1963.
Cbelkar sal-i-ne mans-if In the northern part:of theiCaspian Sm region.
-Dokl. AN SSSR 121, no.6o.1065-1069 A 1$8.
-M Inn)
1. Moskovskly neftyanoy Inctitut Im. I.M. GubkInas; Prmlstavl6no i
akademikow S.I. Mir nnvym.
(chelka.r ragion--Mines and min6ral. rasourcee)
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j~-j Vta ~,j ll,%~I; lf3K. In the sv...rfaci-,
Of* Oo- fir&* 1-r;; Ca r 1 n r; o!, n Pr%Vz~tc,.. iyj was found.
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ApriJ by T. Mlrutjov, hiomb vr Ao!ttlemv olo '11)"'09 1
M T TT D A r! 1 2 C) 8
Ca r d 41
Effect of inhibitors an crxIdative phosphorylation I 'n the mitce-11pndria
of Endor7ces magnuall ve,.otn6., Mikrobdoleigiia nod*.2:t20/.--
O"..IPA 17 8, 2)
209 Yjr-Ap 164.
1. Inotitut biokhirdi Imeni A.N., Bakha AN SM.
ITM I 91T T I "I, NO i NMI I 1 "14 Mi.ALi
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Radio at the Guachooloyakian,exhibition. Radio no.l2sl3-14D 155.
(Moscow-Padio-Exhibitions) (MTAA 9t4)
';i! V 1,7
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12
and Their Application
Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31581
Author : Z A.A., Avetikov V.G.
Title : Ways of Improving the Quality and Indreasing
Reusability of Saggers at Insulator-Porcelain
Orig Pub: Sb.: Kapseli i karkasnyye ogneupornyy;e detal-i,
primenyayemyye v keram. prom-sti. M., Prom-
stroyizdat, 1956, 81-99
Abstract: Results are reported of studies of the effects,
on properties of saggers, of the following.factors:-
composition of the binder portidn of the mix; grain-
size composition of chamotte; preliminary,moistening
Card 1/3
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12
and Their Application
Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 9, 1957, ~1581
of chamotte; working the paste twice:and aging it
thereafter; addition of tale, alumina andIcar-
borundum, in amounts of 3-20%, to the chamotte
paste. For the usual chamotte pasteTor saggers
the following 0 timal composition is~,recommended
(in % by weights: clayey portion (Latnenakaya4-
Chasov-Yarska7ya Clay+kaolin) 45, chamotte 55,
including 17-20 of 5-2.5 mm grain, 25-29 of 2.5-
0.5 mm and 7-10 of less than 0.5 mm.~,Reusabilitr
of saggers containing 15-3C% alumina, when arti-
cles are fired-at 1400', is about 8 times, on
addition of 8-10% Shabrovskiy tale, it is of about
10 times, but the temperature at which the arti-
cles are fired in the furnace must not exceed 1320
C ard 2/3
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12
and Their Application
Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31581'
Most effective is incorporation intolUe paste of
20% SiC, having a grain size of less.than.1 mm;
reusability of such saggers is of about 20 times.
Card 3/3
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektratekhnika, 1957,Nr6, P43 (USSR)
AUTHOR: :Voronkov, G.N., Zvyagillskiy, A.A., and Kr4tova, I ,fF.
TITLE: High-Voltage Porcelain,of Better Electromiedhanicai Properties from Boron-
Containing Raw Material, (Vysokovol,* tnyy farfor s ~orvyshenaymi elektromekha-
nicheakimi evoystvami na osnove borosoderzhashcbep syr.tr,)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. issled. elektrokeram. in-tal 1956, Nrl., pp 5-16
ABSTRACT: A'.s it was necessary to improve the mechanical and eleetrical characteristics
of porcelain a new type of porcelain was developed in GIkXI on the basin of
a boron-containing (asharit) ore, alumina, clay wateriilu and a smal.l. amount
of alkali-earth compounds.No quartz or feldspar vas introduced. The use of
ascharite ore (2XgO-B203-H20) as a fusing agent, inst~ad,of CaC03 or
and also the introduction of commercial A1203 with an #eroased content of
kaolin insured the close-packed structure of porcelain, in which the crystals
of mullite formed a felt-like lattice and were uniformly distributed in the
vitreous phase. There Is a negligible amount or free sections of glass:in the
as6harite porcelain, but there are finely grainod clusters ofa-alumina.
As the ascharite porcelain has a lower coeffi cipat of,linear erpansion
(3.gxlQ-6) than-'the ordinary feldspar porcelain:(6xlO-6), two new glazes
Card 1/2 (white'and vere do'veloped having less alkali oxide content. Due to
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957,146, P-13 (USSR)
the more uniform structure and other factors the ascharite porcelain has
almost double mechanical strength as compared to the feldspar porcelain.
Nonalkallne vitreous phase insures higher values of volwgi electrical resisti-
vity and electric streng-th, and loiter values of the dielectric loss angle.
Preparatory procedures and the manufacture of inmOators can follow regular
methods of the electrical porcelain manufacture. The only additional opera-
tion is the introduction of sinter into the mass of ascharite porcelain.,
Optimum firing temperature 1310 -13300C. Aschari~a and feldsparinsulators
can be fired jointly, but the sinteriag interval of the ascharite units is
shorterthan that of the ordinary elecbrical porcelain (30-400 against
60-800C). Thermographic and ehemical investigations of the ascharite ore
have shown that for electrical porcelain purposes it should have at least
2,'$ B20~ and 2,4% NgO. The density of ascharite ore 13hould be at least 2.67
g/cm3, the firing loss should not be over 16%. Bibliography: 6 titles.
Card 2/2
AP6015633 SOURCF.' Cut: u~ftJMNWOG9/00 Von.
MENTOR: A-vettkov, Ve G oi; go Evyagil'skly, A. A. 4vadel fka E. Va.
ORG: qone
TITLE: Ceraaic material. Class 21, go. 191163
-SOURCE: Izobreteniye, promyshlehayye obraztey, tovaray-ye z*dki. no. 9, 19660 W
TOPIC TAGS: 6ceramic m*aterial, ceramic material composition -q
ABSTRAM This Author Certificate introduced ok ceramic Al 0 -bal e Materia.1 tonWnlag
B203 and CaO for use in electronic and radiaeleattonlic iriat entS 4 TO M
material with low dielectric losses and increased heat-couductivity, the compoeLtion
is set as follows: 96.0-98.5% ~a2031 0.5-0.6% 5203, 0-6-6.7% Ca.0, and 0.4-0.7%
ZrO2. [AZI
6 6 j546.
U 7-r-w
-/0 64'-
AP6029883 SOURCE CODE: U 0413/
INVENTOR: Avetikov, V. G.; Boldyreva, G. V.; Zvyagil'skiy, A. A.; Nedel'ko, H. Ye.
ORG: none
TITLE: Ceramic material. Class 21, No. .184303
SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 44
TOPIC TAGS: ceramic material, boron sesquioxide
refractory tric 108.9
ABSTRACT: This AlKhor Certificate introduces an A1203-b4ae ceramic material used-.
in electronicFand radioelectronic devices. The material contains 97-98%A12 39
1.7-2.2% B203~and 0.6-0.8% MgO and has low dielectric losseB' and high mechanica
atrength at high temperatures. IM, I
Card 1/1 - UDC: 621.315.6123 :546.621
Sintering of beiryllAum oxidt. Ognmupory:2-6,no .11:525-530 161.;
(KRA 11:2)
,ZVYAGILISKIY, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; 130h-UNYAYEVA, V.I.
Investigating feldspothic raw materials froM.the Urals. Trud~ GIEKI
no.4:3-17 #60.
(Ural Mountains--Feldspar)
ZVYAGILISK,11,-.-A.A.l-kand.tekhn,nauk; TIMKHOVAO M.10', inzh.
Investigating certain processes of bydrostatic pressing in rn~bber
molds. Trudy GIEKI no.4:106'-120 '60. (MIRA 15:1)
(Ceramics) (Electric insulators and insulation')
AUTHORS: Budnikov, P. P., and
Zvyagillskiy,,;A. A.
TITLEt Sintering of beryllium oxide
PERIODICALt Ogneupory, no. 11, 1961, 525 - 530
TEXT: The authors investigate the effect of mineralogical and physico-
chemical factors on the tendency to cake of beryllium oxide for the,
manufacture of dense ceramic products. Beryllium hydroxide with a a Iontent
of 98.7 % BeO, and MgO and CaO admixtures served as~,initial material. The
experiments were conducted at temperatures between 900 and 17000C in in'ter-
vals of 200 and 1000C. Shrinkage, water absorption, specific gravity,:
weight by volume, porosity, refractive index, dimensions of crystal grains,
total specific surface, degree of chemical activity during dissolving in
acid and alkali, adsorption properties, and dynamics of losses in weight as
a function of calcination temperature, were investigated,. The effect of
admixtures of hydroxides and slightly glowed BeO on the ceramic properties,
and the effect of plasticizers (7 - 10 % paraffin wax, 7.'5 % starch
solution, 5 1% BeC12 solution) were studied. Optimu Im tendency to cake is
Card 1/2
S/13 '1/61/000/011/001/002~
Sintering of beryllium oxide B105/B101*
obtained by: (1) precedingglowing of beryllium hydroxide at 1350 15000C;
(2) production of BeO with maximum specific gravi tY; (3) preceding -e
grinding of the calcined BeO up to an average grain size,of below 2 - 3/j-
with structural defects of the grains; (4) use of 20 - 30 %.material in..,
hydrate- and low-temperature calcined form, respectively; (5) use of :1
plasticizers to insure homogeneity; (6) high specific molding pressure;
(7) prolonged exposure at final firing temperaturesifor recrystallization.
Elevated firing temperature of beryllium oxide results in internal
rebuilding, change of physicochemical properties, shape and dimensions of
crystals, consolidation and solidification, sintering and recrystaftization.
There are 5 figures, 6 tables, and 8 referencest 6~Soviet-bloc and 2 non-
Soviet-bloc. The three references to English-language publications read
as follows: E. Ryschkewitsch. Microstructure of Sintered Beryllia., Trans
Brit. Cer. Soc., 1960, v. 59, no. 8; R. E. Lang and H. Z., Schofield,
Beryllia, Reactor Handbook v. 4. Materials, USA, Geneva, 1955; F. H.
Norton. Journ. Amer. Cer. Soc.t 1947, v. 30, p. 242.
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt Budnikovi P. F.0 Zvyagillskiyt A. A. WY/72-59-7-r2/19
TITLEt The Influence of the Idditions of BeU an':d Commercial Alumina,on
the Main Properties of the Electricall Riigine6rirg Fi-ocelain (Vliyr-niIye
d6lbavok BeO i tekhnicheakogo glinozema na osncviiyyc UVOYstva
elektrotekhnioheskogo farfora)
PERIODIGAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 79 PP 3 TIOSSIO
IMTRACTr The purpose of this paper was the completion of the studies carried
through formerly by P., PO: Budnikov (Fco-~note ;1)1. The initial,~mass
contained 32% feldspars 24% quartz, and44% clary mateiial~#' ; As
additions BeOp commercial alumina and "charity ore vere,use& The
samples were dried at a temperature of 11OPC in the theXVioartai.fand
burned at a temperature of 1220 till 14,~()c in; reverberatory :furnaces,,
In-table I the water absorption and theiweight by volume'off the
porcelain samples with addition of BeO ire given burned'at diffamt
temperatures. In figure 1 the linear shAnkage at dif ferent burning
temperatures is given. In table 2 and figurel'the water abs6 .rption
and the-weight by volume of the sampl6sjith addition of.commercial
alumina are given. These,values correspond to the investigation
results of the Chair of Ceramics and Refractories bf- the MKhT1 Jmenj
Card 1/3, MendeleYev as mw be seen' tvm -U-jjrva6Wpton Foluboyarinov
The Influence of the Additions of BeO and Commercial Alumiza,.WZ/72-59~-7-2/19
on the VAin Froperties of the Elsotrice"' Engliamering
(Footnote 2). In table 3 the average values of the bendint strength
of samples are given which were burned,at optimum temperatures.
The addition-of small amounts of BeO and .commercial alumina effects
a lowering of the modulus of extension (?ig. jY.corres~o'n'ding:tO
investigations of P. P, Budnikov, S. G.,TjekhqYptskiy and
Ao M. Cherepanoy (Footnote 3)0 Purthermoiv the authors giTe the
charge of the elelotro-physical propertle6 of the. porcelaiii.bodies
in dependence of the composition and anount of the additions '
(Table 4) by mentioning the study of s,, 1. 3kanavi (Footnote 41.
The dielectric losses are lowered by the addition of small an6unts
of Be2O2.as it results from the investigntiond of G. N.-Voronkov,
A, A. Zvyagil9skiy, N. F* Kretova (Footn6te 5)- Conclusions. 4a
addition of small amounts of BeO (0-5 tiil 11%) lowers both tne
sintering temperature for 40 till 60 degr~ees and the coefficient
of theimal exipansion and Increases the h
oat stability andAbe:
electrophysical characteristics of the electric po elaii 1
. r0 11 Ati
addition of small amounts of '2203 (up to 1. %) into the h1g:t4*
Card 2/3 aluminous porcelain bodies causes a strong mimeralizing effect and
The influence of the Ad4itions of BeO and Commercial Alwdna WY/72-59-7-;z/JLj
on the Main Properties of the Electrical Engineering Porclelaid
allows to obtain eleetrio porcelain of',high values and to improve,
strongly its insulating properties. There are 3 figures,'4 tables$
and 5 Soviet references.
Card 3/3
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnik,a, 1958, Nr 1,p 11, (USSR)
AUTHORt Zvyagillskiy, A. A.
TITLD Ways to Improve Refractory-Clay Containers for Calcination of Electrical
Porcelain (Puti povysheniya kachestva kapsellnogo ognepripasa dlya obzhiga
elektrotekhnicheskogo farfora)
PERIODICALI Inform. -tekhn. sb. M-vo elektrotekhn.~Iprom~-sti SSSR, 1956.,
Nr 3 (87), pp 23-28'
ABSTR.&CT: Refractory containers for calcinating electrical porcelain. are pre-
pared from an unseasoned mass; the refractory-clixy ma'am is treated once or
twice in screw-type or blade-type mixers; the containers are often molded
.;manually. They are calcinedat 900-10,000C. Withsuch the turn-
over of containers in insulator calcination is 2. 5-3 times, requiring insulator
plants to produce 1. 5 -Z. 0 tons or more refractory',-;clay! mass per ton of porce-
lain. It has been found that clay-grog. masses typical of most insulAtor plants
have low mechanical strength and differ little in. their thermal endurance. The
Card 113
Ways to Improve Refractory-Clay Containers for Calcination of Electrical . . . .
refractory roasses containing kaolin have higher bending: strength and compres-
sion strength compared to masses containing only Chasov-Yar or Latin clay
without kaolin. The type of clay bond does not influence shrinkage, volumetric
weight, or m4terial porosity. As grog content indreases at the expense of
clay components, the thermal endurance of refractory masses increases but
their mechaniqal strength decreases and their porosity increases. Increasing
grog-grain din~ensions (over 5 mm) drastically decreases the mechanical
strength and thermal endurance of the refractory product. The best, composi-
tion of a mold-type refractory tnass is: 45% clay bond and 5576 grog: with
grains 5-2. 5 mr4i. Preliminary humidification of gIrog a.nd triple Working of
steam-treated rr%aoa (within 16 hours) drastically increases the thermal.endur-
ance and mechanical strength of the samples. Cast-type refractor Iy;masses
secure a greater thermal endurance and mechanical strength compared to mold-
type masses. The following measures are recommended for improving exist-
ing processes at insulator plants: a layer-by-layeT placement of clay materials
Card 213
BOY/ 112-58-1.107;
Ways to Improve Refractory-Clay Containers for Calcinlation of ElectrIcal. . . . .
and grog, and a. unUorwly.distributea steam treatr~%ent Of the mass$, as Woll, as
uniform drying of molded containers (turning them~overafter 15-16% hurnidity
is reached) or use of conveyer-type dryers and calcination at a temperature of
~250-43000 C, or higher.
N. V. N.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Containers--Production 2. Clays-Properties 3. Ref~ractory
materials--Performanee 4. Refractory materials--Properties
5. Insulators (Electric)--Processing
Card 313
r4o'b- URI
1 a d
Zvva&Ln, Aleksandr 1~mitr4= h _~Jj!L aroj# 'in j rVl~ail avich
of of b
Testing the stability and vibration 0 a~~ (Ispytdniya
prochnoati i vibratsit iitidov na podvodnykh ~ryl'%Mkh) Leningred,
Izd-vo "Sudostroyentye," 1965. 211. P. illus.l 1il~lto.' tables.
Errata slip in3erted. 1900 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGSt shipbuilding engineering, marine einginearing, hydretfoil#
static test. -,ihracion test, strength tent, strain gage
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended foi- engineers add te:jch-
nicians studying problems connected with the actual testing 0-f
vessels and is recommended for use by studeilts L~i shipbuilding
institutes. In the book, methods for the experimental invest,iga-
tLon of strength and vibration in hydrofoil craf:t are presettteC
Since the book has practical value, particular av:ention has been
paid to the technique of conducting tests and the processing of
their results. The authors acknowledge asagntance rendered them
by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and
Engineers H. 1. PechLshche L441_11~1~qA ~do~y.$ and
Card 1/3 UDC
.MR. Iff:iflMniflMl
Ch. VI. The processing of measuretuent resulta and the evaluacion of
the accuracy 108
Meth ods for Strength and Vibration Tests on Hydrofoil Crift~
Ch. VII. Purpose and problems in testizig; dev-Latag lpro&rans ~4-
Ch. VIII. Static strength tests 135
Ch. IX. Sea tests 146
-,Ch. X . V ibration tests 173
Appendix 1. The re4ults of-strength" and v6ra4i6A t4isto perfo.rmeo on
the "VLkhrl". ocean-goitij hydro f o L 1~9
SUB ODE: 13, ~4/- SUBM DATE: 0 3J4,165 I ORIG 19~Ft 0,48 OT(I RE B'*' 010
L Card 1/3 C-
Combined milling cutter and drill for drilling anA milling openwa in
engine-cylinder aleavea. Inargomashinostroonle 4 no.19t43 S 150. (HIPA 11:11)
ZTYAGILISKIY Leo - kQylevich; TAKOYLET, Radomi Gerontevich;
~R~d TA r
SEHRIM0, P.A., inzh., red.; UDMOVA, N.H., tekhn.red.
(Pneumatic chucks for lathes; colletleas pneu'matic chucks for
turret lathes; collatless chucks with automatic feed for
turret lathes] Phevmaticheskie patrony k toiarnym otankam;
Besteangovyl pnevmaticheskii patron k revollvernym .stankam;
Beeteangovyi patron a avtomaticheakoi podachei materiala k
revolivernym stankam. Leningrad, 1959* 14 pe (Laningradskil
dom nauchno-tokhnichaskoi propegandy. Cbmen paredovym opytom.
Seriia: Makhanichooksis obrabotka metallov, vyp.9) (MIRA 131:3)
Zvyagillskiy, Leonid Yakovievich, and Radomir Gerontevich Yakovlev
Pnevmaticheskiye patrony k tokarnym stankam. Bestsangovyy pnevmat-
icheskiy patron k revollvernym stankam. Bestsangovyy patrop. a,
avtomaticheskoy podachey materiala~k revollvernym.stankam (Pneu-
matic Chucks for Lathes. Pneumatic Chuck Without Collet for ,
Turret Lathes. Chuck Without Collet With Automatic Feed-of Work
for Turret tathes) Leningrad,'1959. 17 p. 6,500 copies-printed.
(Series: Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriya: Otekhanicheakaya obra-
botka metallov,~ Vyp . 9)
Sponsoring Agencies: Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politiche6kikh
i nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR; Leningradskiy dom nauchno-tekhnichoskoy
Ed.: P.A. Semenenko, Engineer; Tech, Ed.: M*M, Kabneva.
PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for tool designer.s, production
engineers, and students of machine and tool'design.
Card 1/2
Pneumatic Chucks (Cont.) SOV/3803
A description is given of new designs of pneumatic chubking
devices without collet. These hew pneumatio chu*oks are the self-
looking type, easy to mount on existing lathes, Wid said tobe
superior to the three-jaw pneumatio,,chucks now used. The text
contains numerous detailed drawings of the new chucking devices
accompanied by a description of operating characteristics.
Schematic diagrams of the pneiunatio n1rcalts for the actuation of
the chucking devices are also presented. No persondlities
are mentioned. There are 4 Soviet references.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 ~6-1T-60
!K-(m)/E P(h)/EWP(w) IVPQ) JJP(a). ~ EMPT4
A~F NR - YL /E
AR6034734 (/V) SOURCE CODE: uR/oi24/66/000.1Q08/V052/V052
AUTHOR: Zvyagin, A. D.
TIN LE: Procedure Of lesting the strength and vibration of.hydrofoil boat's
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanikaj 'Abs. 8V424
REFSOURCE: Tr. Gor1kovsk. politekhn. in-ta, v. 21, no. .1, 1965*' 26.;35
T, PIC TAGS: hydrofoil, structure stability, vibration,, static test, vibration: test,...
r4rine vibration test, strength test.
"STRACT: General problems have been discussed for the organization and
performing of strength and vibration tests of hydrofoil boats, ;inciluding'the equip!-~'.-
ment to be used and standard test program. Methods are recommended for stress;-A
loading hulls and individual structures. Examples of tes'ts conducted arel:given,~,
and the data obtained are presented for static and marine tests: with general and,
local vibrations. G. S~ Migirenko. ~[Translatlon of,abstract)
Card 11 -,A
ZVYAGIN,-Aleksandr Dm#riyoyj~4j SHABAROV, Vladimir Vasil4yovichl
KRUPITSKIY -9 Z.-',-in-zh.-O retsenzent; GEUVIKOVSKIT, G.S.p inzh.
retsenzent., BOOKOV, B.F.1 kamd, takhn, nauk, nauchn. red.;
(Testing the strength and vibrations of ships on lar4erwater
wings] Ispytanila procbnosti i vibrataii sudov napodvod-
mykh krylliakh. Leningrad, Sudostroanie., 1965. 211 P,
WIRA 18: 22)
JACCESSION NRs AP4028422 S/0181/64/006/004/1613/1017'
AUTHORSt Yeremenkop V. V.; Zvy
TITLEt tight sbsorptioz~ by cobalt fluoride crystals above and below the Real
.SOURCE:. Fizika tyerdogo telat v.,6p no- 4, 1964, 1013-1017
t TOPIC TAGSz light absorption, cobalt fluoride, Neel temperature, antiferromagnetlic
statef.eldotron phonon interaction, Van Vleck mechaniamo absorption band
: terval 20-400K
;ABSTRACT3 The authors considered the effect of temperature in the in
an the absorption band.in single crystals of CoF2 in the near' infrared region (wave-:,
~~-length-of- 1.4 microns), above and below the point of antiferr,omagnbtio ordering
;'(Neel temperature of about 38K). The para6etera of the absor tion band do not
ange anomalously during transition of the material at the 11 el'temperature. To
'find aA explanation for thisp the limits of the absorption bimd were defined, and
J'possible mechanisms for the formation of the band were considered. It.is concluded
!'that the principal causes are the great force of eleotron-phonon interaction and the
I;Van Vleck mechanism of allowed transition. As for the,temperature dependence ofthe.-
absorption maximum in the frequency scale# it is found thatsben the optical I
Car~_L, 1/2
-A-C-G-kSSION NR: AP4028422
transition of the ionic spin moment does not change, t6 absorption band:may:shift
jn-t6-Trequency scale (because of exchange interaction)*only. when there~isa
Imarked chzi~ge in the exchange integral during.transition to the exoitea*state~. "In
conclusion, we take this opportunity io thank ProfeS8Or!B* to: VOrkildq corresponding
Imember of the AN UkrSSRt'for his constant intoirest in the wdrkg and we-'-thank,V. GoI
Yurko for participating in the measurements."" Orig. art. Ilia' 4 figures.and.2
ASSOCIATIOM Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperaf6 AN UkrS82 Kharkov
.(Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatureaq AN UlcrSSR)
SUMC=8 16Sep63 ENCLs 00~
~b LVA -~-J tt P J,
L-: 10572-66 EWT(1)/&ff(M)/TAWPCtjA;~v
---ACC:tqRi-_-- 10 10
AUTHOR*. Z!Xajin, A..I..* yell nmenk2
ORG: Physicotechnical lna~titute ot Lou. rt R, 0arkd*:,:(tiz:'1ko-tekh.A
,Temp4raturebAp kr'
I nicheskiy institut All UkrSSR)
TITLE, Infrared absorption spectra of ~ntiferrom la cristals in th6 Cd'r
SOURCE: Mika tverdogo tela, v. 1965, 310~2?-31011,
fund, floarlde 11011d sol Ion,! S'ingle~
_TOPIC TAGS: cobalt compound, manganese~compc
crystal, crystal theory, antiferromagnetic material, M speattum, absorptloit spectA%"
ABSTRACT: The nuthars study the 1%frared absorption sMSCtra of single crystal specl-
mens containing 100, 90, 10 and V -coF2 in -rstems idiei-e. cobaltous and manganous
uorides form solid solutiops.-)4he spectral measurements stere made in the 15-3000K
range. The IR spect 1~ a of single crystal specimens of nixed composition are very airti-
lar to those of purel CoFz. The absorption intensity in the 100-200 cm-1 range de-
creases with a r-e-du-ction in cobalt concentration without any noticeable dertation
from Beer law, and may be compensated by an appropriato increase In the thickness of
the specimen. The differences between the spectra of mixed specimens and those of
pure cobaltous fluoride were a broadening of the bands in mixed specimens apparently
AUTHOR: Iveronoval V.I., Zvyagin., A.P. and Xatsn;6113on, A.A',
TITLE: The distortion of the crystal lattice in solid solutions.
(Iskazhen3*-ya kristallicheskoy reshetki v tverdykh a
PERIODICAL: "KristallogTaLzall (Crystallography), 1957,
Vol.2, No*3, pp. 4.14 - 418 (U.S.$,R,)
ABSTRACT: The values of the mean.square 'static displaaement-of
atoms w6:~e calculated by means of the elastic model of solid
solution. J.comparison. of the results o~ calculations with
the experimentally measured values of Ut. are given. The
values of, Ust. determined expezrimentally agree in order.of
magnitude with the calculated values; however,~the theoretic-
ally required proportionality in the difference of atomic
radii is not observed. An.ana.17sis of the probable causes of
this divergence is given. The most essential must be them
comparison of the values of the mean square displacements with
the short-T=ge order, determined according to- the intensity of
the background of the X-ray pattern.
The dependence of the value of the mean square-static
mrd 1/2 displacements was studied in Cu-Sn, Fe-Co, Xi-Or, Ni-Ti and
Fe-C alloys. Foz. low concentrations all the curves show a
The distortion of the crystal lattlVer, in solid solution.~
linear dependence of a on concentration, which agrees,with
the xa;~lculations carried out on the gro;uind. of the elastic;
model. A saturation of the value of the mean square ?sta'tic
displacements is observed at high concbntrations; for Ni-Fe
alloys the outline a = f(c) was obtained, which does not
coincide wi the theory. It was shown that in this.case the
values of Ui~, determined.from X-ray p~atterns, with Molaind
Cu radiation not show mutual agreement.. 'The picture
observed is explained by the influence'of primary extinj~tion.
A curve of the dependence of the Debye temperature u on
concentrations was deduced:for Ni-Fe a,lloys. Using Ou and
Ni Fe alloys, the dependence of the Debye temperature_ on the
loRg-range older was shovm. The Debyeltemperature of the
ordered solid solution was found to b6 lower than that of the
disordered one. There are 4 fi~ires and 18 references, 13 of
which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University im. MOV. Lomonosov.:
(Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Un'ivers'itet im,~~
M.V. Lomonosova)
SUBMITTE.D: March 8, 1957.
AVAILAB18: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
mAcTNI A. V.
KIRICEMiKO, Vasiliy Stepanovich, inzh ; FRYGELISONO.B.Tuolk4nd.tekba.'I
nauk, reteenzent; SJJDAKIU, Ta:A., red.inzh,,; 'pri lichastli:
insh.; ROGOZHKIIT. P.1., Inzh.; MDOXOMDV, F1N., Insh.; STMIK.
A.N., SIROTIN, A.M., red.izd-va,
inzh., ELIKIND, ..D., takhn.rad.
(Water-cooled chill molds] 7odookhIazhdaaqre4okiii. Maskia"Gos.
naucbno-tekhn.i2d-vo mashinostrait. lit-rY, 1950. 95 P. NIU.11:12)
(Molding (Founding))
Xlectron diffraction refinement of the muscovite structure. Kristal-
lografiia 5 no.416OO-604 R-Ag~ 160.
1. Vaesoymn7y nauchno-iseledoiatellskiy geologichaskiy institut.
F, F
Acmd. Sci. U.S.S.R.). Poki4dy Akad!, Nda S.K.S. I
69, 65-70940).-The etcctr~nAiITrkctIuq pattew ii f,-
r' -
n5kitnitt (montniorlilonite) is cklcd. &q,4 yields tht: folio
ing tamWinic tlernmlwy cell dilmiloost c# - 531 4
0.02 A,;, bo 8.91 * 0.03 A.;~ cj - 0,93 * QJIOW. *
0 - 90,54, 30'. The "Pace Ilroop is Mh, the skisi or
etly Of:thc pvqphyllitt Llytri Call., The hiph
it v6hich the Llecum diffraction 1-1
excess water content of ordinary moot"loriltmito to O~tq jt~
a glegreg thot the crintlio, Is procticatIr AI,(8(,Nt(0W(
with cheilamilmle. art) A(volvilig 14 At. ~ I'mig by fit; I
and pf.Sll~ hyq Al"~ The Agriettlent'ni tht regulm lot
the Otfl, of tiff. Stnactum by X-ray diffiaction 14 cwlpl~tk I_
The porudohexagonal character of the strmctlo~ Is vrutie
ularly sms in, the palitioll of the' reflections it Ill A114 02
on the first, of.(.qfll) and (MI) on the second. 14112
"Con". ~
and (041) on the thitd, of (3,11 1) ml (11, fit
aild (m
llii5i curve v3f the diffrio itivalb. w. Hit& i~
41111 1'.
Nature of the Askan clays and their mother roas. Ii.
It. ZVY:46111, R. L. Ltitidul. and V, 11, I?vtruv (Akad.
11,441Y AW. Nook S.S.S,R. 68.
377, rhe holkW1.1ot 010111 owgillol lite ClArt tit
A4411 at,. fofilled fly deemillos. 4
tutyl. r"o, tylic, if irr .1141illsiliAlml:
the lic-Aly-eatthy cL&y and the collohlAl
"Alk3ogd.- Tilt fifNt 41"e$ not (unit %tAbte sailistmIlosis
, itikmix 1. (lit thr other limid, tonni vey stAble
fit wAttr- o
$135prissioliq of 11 hijill thilutrully, Itti'l pl'I'ticity. but of
low Low VAllavitY, In rontrnst toAsUnglin. which
ILks it ld$lt 111V LOntAill
c.tvificm with vri4lolmlitr. I 111"I'lvoil-lillt filmitits Aeolitr,
and K attillih-wi. -my, with AlMelille
isr, The trock li III
"oldille, and Motile. 11.4-44itts is (hit tylli-
11.1114 In lite 91414. rho rTeritoll stilh-fim-tillic vil-koill.
%Jumo,j Ilse ctyitall tva 44 tilt, villmite
litioviral, with thr fellsollftty evll .8.
4 - 0,14, ri, - 13.1 A.: io - 99'56'. They mtolitfutest
t,. lie ptevi.xititnictural tlAtm itivrit fly PAuling and Me-
iMutchy. From the senctic viewixlillt- ttlv "t
io 41ml,er Ipwitons, Illoor'lWAY 41.1ve the tnothin
oj .11 Ask-41114fill in 111" lolther is jet.1ted to
the 1;Irth-tiNtly flott-rk-itly Charild'-f 1-r the lir,t fit OW
vlectroll inkfultwIllti. it I',! howvvvsr, vry,t. ill it
troll 41117miltion, but "lilt "iltOlvil ,o'1 mi'llov,sh't"
tiller lillel. lie 4vil diinvolli. indis;
14 -it" J, - A.1"; j% .!
M-91. cis - O.U.1 A.. d "Ifl, 10 JIV Ill 9-uhl istree,
nient with that d Tit.! p,krticlc4 of
t"kanigliti hivv 4 nuch c%,L%mrcrY4j. type, with lisdicatej
w1fultshmillinjAl sh,11,sq, &,i,1 mo,h Illore distifirt fit;
I'motiolut lines, ill, is stront Amor
I !thoo4 limAgrosind. All
111"'c"tialls' 11to Itisit'll ill-it ill I It a4singfin in(we jolos.
filljoill 11141"flisl is litewfit flislif in .1. -lie
t )it t,Ljug, I
frosit mk4olgel it) wsk.koglin is Aw-urntly Ool"holet)
with 4 1110WOU111 j it,e tvital-ldly tit ills: istroo.
111(v, .411d Ow rocilliflon o( dilhillill'"Is livitat'll, [lilt tsonol.
hill"lisily wilh it v,%ljWF:j4jjjY 11'sifulm, 'I'lls, 4# .110 bi,
111111ollOonq lilt! tilt, %,till,, Ill both tvlwi, A%kinti-I is tilt
'jiltr4thor ot'vIt.
asinknalln remwimi .% trAnittion plu*. lutmed lit autt,gee~
ocar lutrixnm (k.tAin tVi.,.l W_ Ritd
: A
400 A
c" OfWalkiMe Sid WkW4 domtmkdmkdm-:
fthma tku xbv~* md: WAWAWQWI&'
' .00
00 a 0 (N4& 3) W4 (IM) It PAU".
nd Piuka, (A (A(O~ 1) (190)L two worwUftkl -00
so 9 Wirwiwma mkwah wm vwr*w. 9 dwatnt 400
0 0& IYTO 0( rimphyllito IRYOM (SIP,) VA Omw 4"4 400
lmY be m&dLoJ In vaWs %vn The urjl all a
+ 0*
)w(9-47 * 0-07)J~ JOErW!j 30' bw it
sea impmokk to radve reffoakm *Wcb
Id kwkw
ft k
ycn am vtxv$
(w' wit
a pyfOpk
' see
6-9-"*0-02' Cmjl-54;~
0- JOA. &W 100
Jr * 43
. am twii Awm:iwo
0( ammdry. c" Od a
Ott= or
s 400
od it 41#4 ald Ow0awkv k"n to, dkOAWw by iol
Tho vim r9tv h C14 - CU : Maummilkw#
hPoe woup CU - C21m) bu do "Am kon Wh
pk*w ot
ty-bay caft**'6- A. L. MACOT
. . ..... %Ia. ".4mv too
1444 w ONO, Ot
lpdb ML
u I AV 03 111;
- M
6 a *so 0
e K"40 A" A t 0 , it 0 1 W. 0 9 A
l; o
4 41 0 W; ;
so as 004 0) 0
00 0 0100
0 0- 4
0 0
: 0
- -0 10-0 0-0 0-se 0 0 0 00,0000 0 o.'4 0 0 0-444 ;s 0 *Q'0~0 0 0
... ........ .. .
L 335646 DIM b UP
AMESSION MR.. APS013474 -W diatAj OWN! ts -1
1fAUT1E0'*Rt Zvyahin, A. 1. (Zvyaen. A. t.); Yer4Auk*, V~ V.,
~TITLE- Infra-red absorption speara. of _crysttls of antiferrowgnittic coba i=-11
:SOURCE: Ukrayiaslkyy fizycbnyy thurnal, V. 10, n .,5. L9:6;5 1, 525 -030
-tid materials, 010 ~It,cl~
TOPIC TAGS: IR absorption, antiferronWe
ABSTRAM The absorption of light was studiod in the cejj~ laftial-irod,regloq Overi i
wide temperature ninge (from 1*L0 to 400'0K) in a number of ceibalt comNunds (OoVZ'~
CoO, CoCO3, CoCI) and crystalline ZnS with a Small additift (1-111) Of Cos all, or
Which become antiferraw;agnetic at saw definite tezWrattmet S;=ples wire In tht
form of thin (0.03-0.05 an) slices. Special care was takno to maiatain the CoC12
Eme from water. In aLll the above compounds an absorption band ;ms obsemd in the
,rang -LOW CM-4 A
e which ww relatively wide (half width 6 q: 2000 ca I and
J.03 C33 1), associated with the transition lbatweein energy levels r6-
sultilag ftva a oplittkq of the gr*und level of Co by internaL eleclW9C
TM.Infra red h=4 corresponds to ths trwtiftud l4+ rt, which Lai forbid-
L 3356-66
den In the electVic dipole apprcmiuation V and it' is a"! that:. ihis t" it
made possible by the interaction of the eledmils with t~dl! 6ptl~ai Ooino-n~. 1 uy~i-
paring the experimental values of the total intensity of the tr4o"Ition wItli tj~-* 1:
theoretical calculations of A. D. Liehr and C. J, Hallhau4iea, Phys. Rev. , 1,06, 1161 i
(1957), an estimate was made of the frequency wo of phonous effdctive in the Me-
chanism of the r4+ r5 transition. The estimated values obstained were wo%400 cz1-1
for CoO, CoF2, CoCO3 and w()n,240 cm-1 for CoCIZ. Abvorptimn measm-ements tmre made
in the far infra-red region ,u 000-1400 CM-1) to werify the assumption of electron-
optical phonon interaction. They shaved an increase in absorption, at frequencies
in good agreement with the above estimates of uo evidently connected with the ex-
citation of the crystal lattice ascillatioms. Also the wo for CoC12 is in good
,agreement with the intervals (Av z 235 t 5 cm-1) observed In the optical spectra of
MuCl crystals. The variation of the maxitum of the absouption band with tempera-
1) the Posi-
.ture was studied. Within the resolution of the spoctrowiter 0400 cm
. tion of the mwd was found to vary linearly with temperature even in ttie v4-cinity
'of 7,. Graphs show the variation of the balf width of the aboorption band with tem-
1)/EW M Wp
1, 104-~M V )/TjWP(t)/Z (b~ X4p( X)044
'AUTHORS: ahin, A. I. (Zvyggin, A. 1.); Yeretmnko V V.
TITLE: Investigationo or'Infrared absorption spq tra of' crystals of
129! ___ C - -and GoF
antiferromagnetic cobalt compounts. II. Absorption Ln oO 2
caused by the spin-orbit splitting of the lowest level
'SOURGEa, Ukrayinsklyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. lo, no. 6, 1965, 636-644
TOPIC TAGS: ir spectrum, absorption spectrum, colfialt e~otripound, antt-
ferroniagnetic material
ABSTRiCT: This, is a continuation of earlier work by the, authors (FTT
v. 5, ioi3, 1964; Mr. fizychn. zh. v. 10, no- 5, 1965). With the
aim of ascertaining the eff6ct of the transition to a ~agneto-o-Mered i
loompound on the optical spectrum of antiferromagnets, the authors in.-
iveatigated (in polarized light) over a range of 10 -- 400K the be-
~havior of absorption bands due to transitions between components of I
;spin-orbit splitting of the lowest level of the term V 9/2 of the 00
Lcsrlt J/3
L 15W-66
I ion of--th lk~ J~:
e antiferromaghetia :compounds"66~6:"d in J~he'~ ~dno
region 600 -2-006. am' An 10;44 a eatrometerl: ~!s u:Uldo Thd,:,!
P 00,
and ZnS + Co++~sampj6s~wereopolished vlat4lihts a a, 03, _:M5j!: - 7
0-3 -- 0.5o 0.4 -- 10 nn thick with an area 3 x 5"Mm. The
'ber of absorption bands in the doF2 spectrum than, expea ted from a. 6'.
sideration of the spin-orbit splitting of the4F.1b team in a D
field at temperatures above the Neel point can be und~rmtood by,as-i,
suming removal of translational degeneracy. The 13troog frequenqy
shift of a number of band maxima (up to 30 ctil-1) Oil mognetict ot ~njg
to the long -wave length side is related to the fact thdt t~e zeeman;
splitting of the ground state of the Co++ ion in the oxchange field
Is smaller than that of the excited states. The anomalous intensity
decrease observed by Vewman and 0,hrenko (Phys. Rev. v. 115, 114T,
1959) of the 1235 am--L band with unpolarized light on transition
through the Neel point was not observed in polarized light. The sharp
change in the temperature dependence of the half-iddth of the band$
~at the Neel point is apparently connected witb a diff1dronce in h6
dominant mechanism responsible for the shape of the bands: aboyle the
Neel point interaction with phonons is dominant,, while below it inter-
action with spin waves predominates. 'The authori3 thank Corpspondini
Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, B. Im YyerkineMd
Professor Borovik-Ronianov or Interest in thEFTo7RC,-aiid-'-1T. H. YurAlp/,15~
for assistance in ca.~r-~rylfivj/fft the expertment.l Orig. art. hast,
formulas, I table, and 6 figures
!ASSOCIATION: Fizko-tekbnicbnyy instytut nyztkykh~ temple-ratur- AH,UR Rj
lKharkiv (Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy instilmt nIzkikh tetliperitLtur A14
Wbartkov] (Pbyei0oteohnical inst1tuto for Low Temperalturos,, AU
:Uk SH
iSUBMITTED: 29jun64 ENCL., 00 am CODE: 38,~ OF
:NR REF SOV: 006
OTliM. 009
t 11, -7i
Card 1/1
Authors Zvyagin, B. B. and Refeidov, E. 1.
Title About Cookeite
Periodical Dokl. AN SSSR 95, 6, 1305 - 1308, 21 Apr 51t.
Abstract The article azyi thit noWto has been founl in thm 14. W. of the
USSR, and deacrlbts cookmite charmeterletias ob3arvad through
microscoFic, physical (optical., thermal, -ile~ulfrona-grii-pkLtc), and
c h,! m i c al ~i -i a I- y sq Ei .There, iixn .2 tablets compl.lad frv:)m Lha technic4
o.nalysi5 t)f cookelte.
Institution t P.11 Union Research 3ciantLftc Craclogica.1 Inet. Leningrad
Submitted : 22 Feb 1954
ihe r id 10-1-
Authors Zvoyagin, B. B.
Title Electronographic Investigation of minorals of the kdoliinite
Periodical i Dokl. AN SSSR, 96, Ed. 4, 809 - 812, June 14954
Abstract Structural data are presetited regardlilg ml)nerhi grog
including the elayey minerals of the kiloliwitte group.
Data, obtained through electronographic Investigation of
34 samples, gave a more complete idea about the structural
characteristics of kaolinites. Six referonces. Table.
Institution All-Union Scientific-Research Geologioal Institute
Presented by: Academician N. V. Belov, March 23, 1954
-0 11 H 11MMOMM"I"I'l 11111
hor Zvyagin, B B
Title i Certain characteristics of diffraction charts of Immt1lar dtic&~&S
Periodical : Dokl. AN SSSR, 97, Ed. 2, 251 - 253, Jul5r 1954
erAi,, which
Abstract : Thesis on the structure of lamellar silicates conAlitting of 1~ly
in each concrete case reoresent a definite citimbination of two-4dizension&I
tetrahedron lattices populated with Si, Al at,.ans xnd two-dimensional octa-
hedron lattices populated with k1, Mg, Fe atavas. Vata are givtn ot the
atoms oriented in the centers and summits of the pnlyhodrons. The atoms
of various layers oriented on procar levelv have identical z1-coordinates.
The atoms on each ltvel are arranged either liaxagor4,11y-centrically or
hexagonally-noncentrically. One reference.
Institution All-Union Scien-Research Geological Institute
Presented by Academician N. V. Salov, Harch 23, 1954
Ctmnslatorl; MIK-KAMMTSKATA, LA.,
CrVFa--n`storfte a6o;B-.: ~T[~~
anslator re a or; TSOM400' A.M., redaktor; UtBOVA, M.P.
takhnicbeakiy redaktor.'
(X-ray identification and crygtal structures of cl Inerals;
collection of articles. Translated from the Inglishl 'Rentganovskis
matody opredelenila i kristallicheskoe stroenie minaratov glin;
9'bornik statel. Perevod s avgliiskogo B.B.ZvIagina i T.A.Frank-
Kamenetskoi-Pod rid. I a predliel. V.A.Frank-Kax&netskogo. Moskva.
izd-vo inostrannot lit-ry, 1955. 4o2 p. (KTAA 8:~11)
(Glay) (X-rays)
Some diffraction properties of Olaysy minerals represented in
electronogra~ms'of oblique textures. Trtuly liketArts-t0no"11:85-93
155. 04LRA 9:6)
lJoessoyusnyy nauctmo-iseledovatellekiy geolo~gichesk iy institut.
IM lph, X. [translator]; MIMMYSTA, Y. [translAtor];
141MYxv. 1 tr~nslatorll;
V.I, trandlator); RAZMGAY&VA,'G'-I-
redaktor; YAKOYRNKO, H.Te., redaktor; DUM, takhnichbakly
(Clay mineralogy..-Translated from the Ingli.sh) Hineralogiia glin.
Perevod anglitskogo B.B.2viagina i dr. Pod r6d, i s predial. V4.
Irank-Kamenetskogo. MoBkva. Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-~ry. 1956.
454 p. (KM 9:,10)
Card 1/2
from., Referativnyy,zhurnal, Geplogiv~o 1957 ~Nr 1)
p 66 (-USSR)
Zvyagin, B. B.
`:---t-heIden ti f ica tion of Clay Minevals.~,by the Blectiono-
graph (Opredeloniye'glinistykh miner'alov meto,dom
Vopr. mineralogii osadoch. obrazovaniy'. Books'3-4)
L'vov, Ltvovsk. un-tj 1956, pp 654-66,L
In its present stage of development,'.the electronograph,
as a method of structural analysis inAdentifyin'g clay
minerals, permits the solution of,the'followibg,
problems: 1) the identification of clay minerals
forming clay deposits,and the cla'y' fraction of o',thei-
rocks (minerals of the kaolinite, montmorillonit'd.
hydromica, beidellite-monothermito, and chlorite,
groups); 2) the qualitative identification of these
minerals in natural mixtures if they are distinguished
by the parameters a, and b; 3) the recognition
The Identification of Clay Minerals by the Blect~onograph (Cont.
Within each group of the degree of perfection of,the structure,
reflecting the conditions of formation of the minerals; and 4) the
separation of formations consisting of intergrowths of different
components of two-layer and three-layer structures (beidellite-
Card 2/2 v, K.
USSR/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. BI-5
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 59 1957, 14492
Author B. B. Zvyagin
Title An Electron Diffraction Study of Hydromicas'.
Orig Pub; Kristallografiya, 1956, lp No 21 214-217
Abstract: An electron diffraction determination was conducted of
the elementary nuclei of 56 samples, of hydro micas. II
Various hydromicas differ from one another, according
to their phys-chem. and genetic properties, in LThe
degree of their7 structural perfection, 'dimensions of
their elementary nuclei and the distribution,of the
reflexes' intensities. The nuclei, depending' on their
chem. composition and the period of thealternation.of
their three-storied silicate layers into one or two
layers are characterized by the values: a 5.16-5.29,
b 8.90-9.20p c 10.1-10.3 kX,, P99.50-101.60 (in the
transition to one layer) or with c 20.0-20.6 kX,
Card 1/2
U SR Physical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1957, 14492
Abstract: P.93.50-960 (in the transition to two layers'), Five
groups of samples were isolated, differing from one
another by the distribution of the refldxesl~intensities.~
Card 2/2
~Biectronographic method for determining clay miuer~als. vop.min.
osadoobr. 3/4:654-667 156. (MLBA 9:11)
1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologichoskiy institut,
(Clay) (Blectronograpby)
Yo.1.1 UAKHOVA, R.A.; IVANOVA, I.I.; TAMINOT, P.M., prof.j red.;
GRYSUR, A.U., prof.red.; DOMINIKOVSKIT. 7.N., kand.geologo-,
mineralogicheakikh nauk, red.; KNIPOVICH, Tu,,N., kand. geologo-
mineralogicheakikh nauk; SHUROV, A.A., kand, geologo-mineraloglc6-
skikh nauk; YRAUK-KAIWIWTSKIY. Y.A., kand. ;eologo-mineralogithe-
skikh nauk; B&BIVrSXV. 11.1., red.izd-va; KRY110CHKIIIA, K-V-, tekhn.red,
(A methods manual on the petrographic and mineralogical study,of clays]
Metodicheakoe rukovodstvo po petrografo-mine.rologicheekomu izuebaniiu
glin; trudy Institute. Soot. kollektivom avtorov pod rukovod9tvowM-F-
Vikulovoi. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Lad-vo lit-ry po gaol, I
okhrane nedr, 1957. 447 p. (MIRA lls2)
1. Leningrad. Veasovusnyy geologicheskiy inatitut.. 2. Chlen-,
korreepondent AN SUR kfor Tatarinov)
Reflection metbod used in electron diffraotion ~Oxaminntioa of
~owdarad calAdonite, KriatAllograflia 2 no.1:181-181 157.
011RA 10: 7)
1. Vseaoyu%v-yy nnuchro-tesledavetellakiy geologichefW~ inatitut.
(.PjleC4 ror dIffrnctior. examination) (Coladonite)
AUTHOR: ZvyagiA, B.B.
TITLE: Determination of the Structure of se.lado.Tiite by means~of
electron diffraction.. (Mektronografichesko, a opredeleni e
struktury seladonita)
PERIODICAL: "Kristall6= ixa" (Crystallograph 1957,
Vol-- 2, NO-3t~ Pp- 393 - 399 (U-S--S.E~
ABSTRACT: -11he possibilitie s, of electron diffraction are titijiBed
for the complete determination of the istructure of deladonite
KO.8(MO.7Fel.4)1AlO-46'3.6Pl0j( OH)2. The unit cell is
a = 5.20, b = 9.00, e = 10.25 kX9 V='100.1 , The atomic
co-ordinates and interatomic distanaes~.were~detexmindd by means
of Fourier syntheses. Themean ratio of the.linear,dimensions
of the octahedrons and tetrahedrons, kl2z-1.11. A iaimb6r of
distortions were revealed of the ideal arrangements and.of-the
regular forms of the polyhedrons and of the central locations
of the cathions in these.
Acknowledgments are made to Va nsht6yn, K., Doc or~of
Physical and Mathematical Sciences, for his valuable~advice
and to Lazarenko, E.K., Malkova, K.M. 'and Shashkin -V,P.
QU-d 1/2 f or making ava J 1 able specimens and their chemical data.
There are ? figures and 12 references,.8 o9 which are Slavic.
AUTHORS: Popov, ii.M. andl~~~~
TITLE: Application of a 400.kV ElectronoGraph to the Study of
Single Crystals (Primeneniye 14.00-1tV elektronografadlya
issledovaniya monokristallov)
+ 4 plates
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 19158, Vol 3, bix 6, pp ?06-?08/(IJSSR)
ABSTRACT: The principal difficulty in the electron diffraction
examination of clay minerals is that so many reflections
overlap. Even in texture pictures the,re is much over-
lapping while powder photognaphs are v ery difficult to
interpret unambiguously. Diffraction from sIngle 6rystals
of dimensions about 11i in chance'orientations is one
solution to the problem. However, if high-energy
electrons are used, a crystal big~enough to be manipulated
can be examined. A new Soviet 400 kV electron microscope
(described by N.M. Popov in Izv.A4.nauk ESSR, Ser.Fiz.,
1958) has been applied for this purpose, The a6cel.erating
voltage is measured to 0-5% by an electrostatia~voltmeter.
The i.p. voltage is stabilised with a synchronous motor-
generator Afresistance/capacity~.filteT reduced voltage
fluctuati;ns to less than 0.005/06. Four-stage focussing
produces a concentrated electron beam.. The relativistic
Application of a 400 kV Blectronograph to the Study of Single
speed of the electron is up to 60.0'kdV. A universal
stage permits the movement of tlie~spec'imen up to r6U
in all directions~ 6~objects can-be examined serially
in the same holder without breaking the vacuum., Both
transmission and reflection techniques can be u8ed,~. A
semi-automatic camera keeps the X~-ray~background on the
plates to a-minimum. Specimens up t03 11 thickIcan be
Specimens of kaolinite and dickite were used for testing
the diffraction performance. A spot pattern from single
crystals of kaolite and dickite are reproducedo Indexing
the spots is therefore extremely easy., The minimum value
of d recorded is about 0.4 KX .. The technique o:t very
high-voltage diffraction is thought to be extremely
valuable for such dispersed systems.
Card 2/3
Conference on X-ray examination of clay min"rals bold in Lvov~, q
December 1957. Zap. Toss. min. ob-va 87 no.2:245 158.
(HIAA 11%9)
1. Deystvitallnyy chlen Veasayuzaogo mineraleigicbeakago obahchestva
(for Frank-Kamenatekly).
(Clay--Analysis) (X rays--Industrial soplication)
POPOV, N.M.; 2nem"a-z-
Use of a 400 kv. electron diffraction unit for,the investigation
of single crystals. Kristallograflia U*0.6:7q6-708 158,
(MIRA 12--2).
1. Vuenoyunnyy geologicheskiy Institut.
(Ilectron diffraction apparatus)
Card 1/2
Popov, N. M., Zvyag~Rj_ B. "0v/413-2 A-1/28
Investigation of Minerals by Means of the hl~:thod of Mibrodiffrao-
tion in an Electronic Microscope-Ele6tronograph With an
Accelerating Voltage of 400V (Izu"el,iiyo 11ineralov metodom
mikrodifraktsii v elektrontom mikroskopO-elaktronografe s us-
koryayushchim napryazheniyem 400 kV)
Izvestiya, Akadomii nauk 5 1NE. Seriya fizichaskaya, 190v Vol 23,
Nr 6, pp 670 - 672 (USSRY
The method of microdiffrao'tion is a considerable advantagel'both
for electron-microscopy and for electronography, and in th~
introduction the possibility of imaging any micropart of a pre-
paration and the quantitative structural analysis are discussed.
The analogy between the here discussed method and the,use Of
polarized light in opticaI microscopes.is briefly discussed.,
after which the usual structural analysin, by means of,which them
relative intensity of reflections is determined, and the dark-
ground image is discussed. Finally) the':'~microaeope-elec ono-
graph constructed by N. M.Popov is discussed, which has ant .
accelerating voltage of 400kV; the diameter of~~the electrod~beam,
is O.Oqu . This exceedingly: small diameter makes it possible
to inv7stigate minerals composed of very amalIIparticles' and to
Investigation of Minerals by Moans of the'Method ot SOY/48-23:6 I/
Microdiffraotion in an Electronic Microscope-Electronograph With an
Accelerating Voltage of 400 kV
watch the structural transitions on tKe vartiole boundarits.
In the last part of the paper the 12figurea shorn ate discussed.
Of these, 8 are X-ray pictures, and the re-miiining four are
dark-ground images. Investigations areloarried out of kaolin#
gallusite, montmorlllonite, aerpeutine,minerais, antigorite,,
ohrysotile, and sepiolite. There are 14" figures and 3references,
1 of which is Soviet.
ZVYAGIN. Boris Sorisovich
"The Contribution of Electron Diffraction to the.Crystali!
Chemistry of Clay Minerals"
a report presented at Symposium,of the lnterna~tlonal Union of
Crystallography Leningrad, 21-27 May 1950
24 ~7100
Card 1/7
OV/ -5-1-6/30
r e Electr"n
Determination of Kaolinite Structu e1by ~,h 0
Diffraction Method
KristallograiViya, !960, Vol 5, Nr l,';pp 40-50 (USSR)
The structure of kaolinite has remained unclear I
despite continuous studies for over 25 years. The
difficulty is related to.the occurre4ce of t h i s
mineral in several modifications, such as
monoolinic with the unit translation~c throiigh 1,,
3, and perhaps 6 sheets of t-etrahedra and triclinici
through I sheet, The direct determinatiot'L or the
kaolinite structure became possit)le:by employing the
electron diffraction method. The diffraction patterns
from oriented kaolinite flakes were obtained by device.
01-4 and the Datterns from s-ingle crystals, by Popov's
device (theses at the Fedarov Session on Crystallo-
graphy held in Leningrad, lc)5Q. Publishing. House
Determinatir.ri of Kao-IInIte Structure by 74097
the Electron DI.LOfrac.!;I-.n Met;hod
AS USSR, 1959). The diffr,actlon from
polycrysta-111ne sipecimen:~ rW the mio,,3t, cominon
tric-11n1c. kaolin-Ite r-esemible. thoole from
monoc~.Ilnic crystal 1,,ecause of the orlentation
of' flakes with ab parallel planes. The author
analyzes several equations that permi~r orte- to
distinguish the triclinic pat-tern and to 'tridex the
diffractions. Thus, the lattice constants for
triclinic kaolinite could be determinbd as a 5.13 A;
b 8.89 A; c = 7.25 Aj cL= gio 4o ; ~ 0,= 1o40 40'.-, , -~
900. Having obtained the two-17 nsional intensity
projections and calculated structure faetor5, a
preliminary model was made, which proved to be far
off the real structure because of numerous~defects In
the latter. Consequently, the Infinite sheets of
SiO, tetrahedra ani their linIcs wIth'the -adjacent
octahedral sheets were established coaipar'n~
-I ,the
exoerimental intensities, with those on the
()I,' KlaolInIto LILVUCLUVO by ? 97
Mu. Electron DII.Tvaction Method so, o -.i - 6/3 c)
Card 3/7
baolo ol' Ideal mode"I.O. The new prellminaxiy model,
based on the,.~c data, had polar uhcet:;~ no 'center
of symmetry, and no iriirrors* The rci.'Irleme~,nt of tile
model by a repeated calculatIon ot' th6~ sca~.tterlng
denulty VunetIono d1ocloood that bot)Coctzahc
d ra
and tetrahedra sheets exhibit,much better brder
than the kaolinite otructure as a whole. TI Ae
latter consist2 of two-sheot Layero of' whle,4 the
upper sheet (Fig. 6) IS, composed or 8101, tetrahedra,
and the lower of (Al) octahedra, slightly flattened
because of the reduced length of' the edge3 common
with neighboro. Al atoms are displaced from the
octaliedron centers toward the OH bases. Similarly,
Si atoms are displaced from the tetrahedroh centers
toward the bases. The tetrahedra nhe ets are shifted
relative to those oV octahedra by 1/3~b. The accuracy
of atomic coordinates is +0.02 A for Si and Al and
-1-0-03 A for 0.
Determination of Kaolinite Structure by 78097
the Electron Diffraction Method SPIV/70-5-1-6/30
14 7
Card 4/7 Fig. 6. Caption an Card 5/
Determination of Kaolinite Structure by 7 0 097
the Electron Diffraction Method 3,011170 -5 -1 -6/30
Fig. 6. Schematic repre~;entation old,^ kaollylite, structure
In ortho,ronal xyO projection. (1) hiisal face-9 of' octa
2) PpeI, Praces of' Oct
hedra; u ahedra, ~ (3) bases of'
terahedra; (4) basal faces in the next loWer sheet;
(5) Si; (6) Al
Table 2. Atomic Coordinates in the~btructw-e of'
Card 5/7
0,223 0175
, 17 1
-(),696 -0: -0,136 0,(11) 0,763 0,186 OJ5~',
03(11) -0,723 0 3m -(),12,9
' -0,105 0,455
_O, jqj
0i -0,2W 0:3= 0, 155
0, -0,2(
19 0,177 0,475 0
o OJI2 -0.041 Mai ,
Determination of Kaolinite Structure by
the Electron Diffraction Method
Tablc 3. Interatomic distances in the structure of'
ATOM X Al-- X x AT611
)I - 0- 2,88 Al,-01 1,88 10s-01 2.71 "Lit 016 J.92 uq~ - 07 2, or) ov-Sit 1,68
0~, 2,88 All-01 1,94 100 03 2) 75 Ali - OAa 1 88 08-0, 2,63 Of- Sit 1,58
14 2,84 A I t- Os 1 80
' D4 05 2:(;6 0,--All 1:06 ( 1:1 -- (-), 2 ,n)8 Sir. -0, 1,114
)3-01 2, W, 04-All 92
1 10o - 0, 2,641 01., -Al, Iof) n I,-- (J., 2,1;5 0,- 1sit I'm
)3 - 02 2,52 01- A], 2,0U 07 - 04 2,50 01~-AI2 02) 3,11i 011 - Si2 1,.',4
2,42 0. Al, 1,95 10, - 07 2,(;Z Sl,-(), 1 48 011-01
) 0
: V0 0 , Si,
9 1, w
1-- 02 2,G8 A I
1- 0 1 t,87 10s -- 0, 2, 58 01 1
The structural data of the author qudhtitatively
differ from the figureu givert L'ov dickitt- (U.S.
reference 1) . Qualitatively, they ai,(~ Identical.
N. V. Belov and B. K. Vaynshteyn are acknowledged for
advice' in the construction of models and in the
Card 6/7 Interpretation of data, respectively. The-re are 6
Determination of Kaolinite Stnicture by .78097
the Electron Diffraction Method soVio-5-i-6/30
figures; 3 tables; and 13 refererc0s., 9 Soviet,
2 U.S., I German, I Danish, The U.S, references
are- G.-W. Brindleyj M. Nakahira, Mines Mag., 31,
24o, 781., 1~58;JG. W. Brindley, K.-Robitnson., Mines
Mag., 27, 2 2, 946.
ASSOCIATION-. All-Union Geological Imztitute (Vse3oYuznYY
"ogicheskiy institut)
SUBMITTEDt July 7, 1959
Card 7/7
Mapping of a crystal -lattice in reoiproca1,-,y=qt2-Y space.
Kristallograftia 8 no.2:1/+7-157 Mr-Ap 163.6 .(MIRA 17:8)
1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR1. .~ Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-'
issledovatellekly geologichaskiy in6titut,
Electron diffraction data on the Structures of sepiolite and
palygorskite. Kristallograftia 8 no.2:201-206 Mr-Ap 163.
. (MIRA 17:8)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy
U,';,2R/Cb.ami-qtry P,iysica; rhemiatry
a 11.
T'~ t
Jan 1q56
Abs+.raot I -.rip tn the relation bet -4--jen adsorption &nd
s Une rever-
--E effect. of
Institution Acad, L-n t. of HetallurQr, Moscow
Submitted April
khlh~~ 3
r'117-0'reLt 6
(W n n ex uft'i'!
tr4 a
S 1
11i 4 `4
-sEc Wait& car ore: u
th~ 6i'houM with thd carbon ts practically irvairersibLe a % re-sult of
a chemical reaction or Afonual.fon o!- a solid Se solut tt~n in the carbon.
I'n , refp -.r.~~e-i: !-~A, re, - ad 1 -'.Urm. FN-- - i Tabl+1;
ree rt ncs. a
graph; draw, ng.
Electron microscopic and cytochemical study of. m'L tochondria
from yeast cells, ilikrobiologiia 33 no.33W-U,6 Y~y-,Te 164.
(t,11RA 18; 12
1. Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheskoy b1ologii
AN SSSR i Institut biokhimii imeni A.N.Bakha AN SSSTI. SubnLitted
June 27p 1963.
Cbelkar sal-i-ne mans-if In the northern part:of theiCaspian Sm region.
-Dokl. AN SSSR 121, no.6o.1065-1069 A 1$8.
-M Inn)
1. Moskovskly neftyanoy Inctitut Im. I.M. GubkInas; Prmlstavl6no i
akademikow S.I. Mir nnvym.
(chelka.r ragion--Mines and min6ral. rasourcee)
Th n .h- --;,I) C !t in a r, R L, it
H j '!,7) ;j V r,~j Nr b p CN b 067
IT ir!"l 1l,? t, n R c ~J lra-s:i a `s
-leprefm, iori o n.ly t h,~-
01, li~- i:all
lp'l ~i.,; o".-il It n Ltie 1-i hatv roavain-id In
.4 P
ra v m e t 7,:: c a I Ly cl 1; c o v e r 3j!lc
, . -
bool cp-rxled
n mi n 1 Apn of it~r gre:alogi-
!'3 G, ril I ft C!d c; t., i,-., *rrt Ttie mentioned massif
j~-j Vta ~,j ll,%~I; lf3K. In the sv...rfaci-,
Of* Oo- fir&* 1-r;; Ca r 1 n r; o!, n Pr%Vz~tc,.. iyj was found.
of P-11 DA, 0:41- itl rricog-
tIll 7 Ll:l S U rfaC e 0 X 1, j)s 1) k:ft~ '11)) tie ' .',I j Iraq 4 if is C)V
8-') ;tIO zlwk~ b4uger !,Vlar, a wil-Irmi dome an I Tj I, n .~typic5l
C Cv- t rL 9 r (:fgio 11 . Trie ce, re Of 7 nf-,,
a n~ i n n t! lio r h - ra i;~i r1 C ...0
b P- r ng ma v u wh~cl, ozia YurAw- "ge Th pri
i -,I ~z h r., r t V V 9 1 m :t
r'; i y c vy n e v 0 L 11: t' o
wi !'~n erwi nzil
11 ia c e..~ . 1`11YY ~'Vf:2 r 11', k' r( -
_lid I is of pirk and
1I:', ;trwi rhi- ine core is
"~T"-At.?d z,vivirli q'ir, o'cour.
by no
Of whi !in-
r i:I n n ~i i,,4 rk -R. rkiy I oam 1, 1 m e a n d r) i om,-, t? lens es o c c u r
.a ro i_v . Trie whcIE maus ls r.IongideriOlly avd on snirp
'~hallge(i to bvlacc'.U. Fig"ire g'l"'ofl If Fllol-r(~Y~ ':1r. "tie -tr-
!I I i -"A m u;-,l r I r, o 11
-~r., ,~wtv otI une mjinEjJI_' . Vrom Jw,;lNi e:i I ~lw.
c rcus n-c ~ I o rv; b &.3 i c f rm t u r-~V n i:t; ~ r,
mtwr r:,r tae mariuif in tho Mpso-C.-~ttozoic :wty ve,-
4re t I.; L' r
J'Nd of 83-i-tO. rl 1: li-I 11) r, n
ab ras 1"m -I!
i i Mw ii -i ti
11 lin s 1e o v.,i k i y v ty v i,,:v i rL;; t- t,, n-
S '. I t Ll t e o V Petrolsm ui O~trvl I k i,~
ApriJ by T. Mlrutjov, hiomb vr Ao!ttlemv olo '11)"'09 1
M T TT D A r! 1 2 C) 8
Ca r d 41
Effect of inhibitors an crxIdative phosphorylation I 'n the mitce-11pndria
of Endor7ces magnuall ve,.otn6., Mikrobdoleigiia nod*.2:t20/.--
O"..IPA 17 8, 2)
209 Yjr-Ap 164.
1. Inotitut biokhirdi Imeni A.N., Bakha AN SM.
ITM I 91T T I "I, NO i NMI I 1 "14 Mi.ALi
u it i7f,;P~071%
0 0
0 41
witit sAuldi"
Stich as or KNO, to
sad to increase tbq;A.
0* ~Vlvm of wt*k oklitift
ulmim the funnatlim a rr. -i
A 10 1 L A MITALLURGICAL 4.11104vtoll CLAHIFICA111" c Z.- - ~r. tie 0
4. ~19 ~L An 1 0 P4 0 1 w IN 0 43 n :1 4 11
rp to 0 44 9 It
0 : :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 a 04 0 0 0,
00000 0 0o000 0 111 0. e 0 a 0 go o :0 0 0.0-t/
Radio at the Guachooloyakian,exhibition. Radio no.l2sl3-14D 155.
(Moscow-Padio-Exhibitions) (MTAA 9t4)
';i! V 1,7
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12
and Their Application
Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31581
Author : Z A.A., Avetikov V.G.
Title : Ways of Improving the Quality and Indreasing
Reusability of Saggers at Insulator-Porcelain
Orig Pub: Sb.: Kapseli i karkasnyye ogneupornyy;e detal-i,
primenyayemyye v keram. prom-sti. M., Prom-
stroyizdat, 1956, 81-99
Abstract: Results are reported of studies of the effects,
on properties of saggers, of the following.factors:-
composition of the binder portidn of the mix; grain-
size composition of chamotte; preliminary,moistening
Card 1/3
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12
and Their Application
Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 9, 1957, ~1581
of chamotte; working the paste twice:and aging it
thereafter; addition of tale, alumina andIcar-
borundum, in amounts of 3-20%, to the chamotte
paste. For the usual chamotte pasteTor saggers
the following 0 timal composition is~,recommended
(in % by weights: clayey portion (Latnenakaya4-
Chasov-Yarska7ya Clay+kaolin) 45, chamotte 55,
including 17-20 of 5-2.5 mm grain, 25-29 of 2.5-
0.5 mm and 7-10 of less than 0.5 mm.~,Reusabilitr
of saggers containing 15-3C% alumina, when arti-
cles are fired-at 1400', is about 8 times, on
addition of 8-10% Shabrovskiy tale, it is of about
10 times, but the temperature at which the arti-
cles are fired in the furnace must not exceed 1320
C ard 2/3
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12
and Their Application
Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31581'
Most effective is incorporation intolUe paste of
20% SiC, having a grain size of less.than.1 mm;
reusability of such saggers is of about 20 times.
Card 3/3
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektratekhnika, 1957,Nr6, P43 (USSR)
AUTHOR: :Voronkov, G.N., Zvyagillskiy, A.A., and Kr4tova, I ,fF.
TITLE: High-Voltage Porcelain,of Better Electromiedhanicai Properties from Boron-
Containing Raw Material, (Vysokovol,* tnyy farfor s ~orvyshenaymi elektromekha-
nicheakimi evoystvami na osnove borosoderzhashcbep syr.tr,)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. issled. elektrokeram. in-tal 1956, Nrl., pp 5-16
ABSTRACT: A'.s it was necessary to improve the mechanical and eleetrical characteristics
of porcelain a new type of porcelain was developed in GIkXI on the basin of
a boron-containing (asharit) ore, alumina, clay wateriilu and a smal.l. amount
of alkali-earth compounds.No quartz or feldspar vas introduced. The use of
ascharite ore (2XgO-B203-H20) as a fusing agent, inst~ad,of CaC03 or
and also the introduction of commercial A1203 with an #eroased content of
kaolin insured the close-packed structure of porcelain, in which the crystals
of mullite formed a felt-like lattice and were uniformly distributed in the
vitreous phase. There Is a negligible amount or free sections of glass:in the
as6harite porcelain, but there are finely grainod clusters ofa-alumina.
As the ascharite porcelain has a lower coeffi cipat of,linear erpansion
(3.gxlQ-6) than-'the ordinary feldspar porcelain:(6xlO-6), two new glazes
Card 1/2 (white'and vere do'veloped having less alkali oxide content. Due to
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957,146, P-13 (USSR)
the more uniform structure and other factors the ascharite porcelain has
almost double mechanical strength as compared to the feldspar porcelain.
Nonalkallne vitreous phase insures higher values of volwgi electrical resisti-
vity and electric streng-th, and loiter values of the dielectric loss angle.
Preparatory procedures and the manufacture of inmOators can follow regular
methods of the electrical porcelain manufacture. The only additional opera-
tion is the introduction of sinter into the mass of ascharite porcelain.,
Optimum firing temperature 1310 -13300C. Aschari~a and feldsparinsulators
can be fired jointly, but the sinteriag interval of the ascharite units is
shorterthan that of the ordinary elecbrical porcelain (30-400 against
60-800C). Thermographic and ehemical investigations of the ascharite ore
have shown that for electrical porcelain purposes it should have at least
2,'$ B20~ and 2,4% NgO. The density of ascharite ore 13hould be at least 2.67
g/cm3, the firing loss should not be over 16%. Bibliography: 6 titles.
Card 2/2
AP6015633 SOURCF.' Cut: u~ftJMNWOG9/00 Von.
MENTOR: A-vettkov, Ve G oi; go Evyagil'skly, A. A. 4vadel fka E. Va.
ORG: qone
TITLE: Ceraaic material. Class 21, go. 191163
-SOURCE: Izobreteniye, promyshlehayye obraztey, tovaray-ye z*dki. no. 9, 19660 W
TOPIC TAGS: 6ceramic m*aterial, ceramic material composition -q
ABSTRAM This Author Certificate introduced ok ceramic Al 0 -bal e Materia.1 tonWnlag
B203 and CaO for use in electronic and radiaeleattonlic iriat entS 4 TO M
material with low dielectric losses and increased heat-couductivity, the compoeLtion
is set as follows: 96.0-98.5% ~a2031 0.5-0.6% 5203, 0-6-6.7% Ca.0, and 0.4-0.7%
ZrO2. [AZI
6 6 j546.
U 7-r-w
-/0 64'-
AP6029883 SOURCE CODE: U 0413/
INVENTOR: Avetikov, V. G.; Boldyreva, G. V.; Zvyagil'skiy, A. A.; Nedel'ko, H. Ye.
ORG: none
TITLE: Ceramic material. Class 21, No. .184303
SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 44
TOPIC TAGS: ceramic material, boron sesquioxide
refractory tric 108.9
ABSTRACT: This AlKhor Certificate introduces an A1203-b4ae ceramic material used-.
in electronicFand radioelectronic devices. The material contains 97-98%A12 39
1.7-2.2% B203~and 0.6-0.8% MgO and has low dielectric losseB' and high mechanica
atrength at high temperatures. IM, I
Card 1/1 - UDC: 621.315.6123 :546.621
Sintering of beiryllAum oxidt. Ognmupory:2-6,no .11:525-530 161.;
(KRA 11:2)
,ZVYAGILISKIY, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; 130h-UNYAYEVA, V.I.
Investigating feldspothic raw materials froM.the Urals. Trud~ GIEKI
no.4:3-17 #60.
(Ural Mountains--Feldspar)
ZVYAGILISK,11,-.-A.A.l-kand.tekhn,nauk; TIMKHOVAO M.10', inzh.
Investigating certain processes of bydrostatic pressing in rn~bber
molds. Trudy GIEKI no.4:106'-120 '60. (MIRA 15:1)
(Ceramics) (Electric insulators and insulation')
AUTHORS: Budnikov, P. P., and
Zvyagillskiy,,;A. A.
TITLEt Sintering of beryllium oxide
PERIODICALt Ogneupory, no. 11, 1961, 525 - 530
TEXT: The authors investigate the effect of mineralogical and physico-
chemical factors on the tendency to cake of beryllium oxide for the,
manufacture of dense ceramic products. Beryllium hydroxide with a a Iontent
of 98.7 % BeO, and MgO and CaO admixtures served as~,initial material. The
experiments were conducted at temperatures between 900 and 17000C in in'ter-
vals of 200 and 1000C. Shrinkage, water absorption, specific gravity,:
weight by volume, porosity, refractive index, dimensions of crystal grains,
total specific surface, degree of chemical activity during dissolving in
acid and alkali, adsorption properties, and dynamics of losses in weight as
a function of calcination temperature, were investigated,. The effect of
admixtures of hydroxides and slightly glowed BeO on the ceramic properties,
and the effect of plasticizers (7 - 10 % paraffin wax, 7.'5 % starch
solution, 5 1% BeC12 solution) were studied. Optimu Im tendency to cake is
Card 1/2
S/13 '1/61/000/011/001/002~
Sintering of beryllium oxide B105/B101*
obtained by: (1) precedingglowing of beryllium hydroxide at 1350 15000C;
(2) production of BeO with maximum specific gravi tY; (3) preceding -e
grinding of the calcined BeO up to an average grain size,of below 2 - 3/j-
with structural defects of the grains; (4) use of 20 - 30 %.material in..,
hydrate- and low-temperature calcined form, respectively; (5) use of :1
plasticizers to insure homogeneity; (6) high specific molding pressure;
(7) prolonged exposure at final firing temperaturesifor recrystallization.
Elevated firing temperature of beryllium oxide results in internal
rebuilding, change of physicochemical properties, shape and dimensions of
crystals, consolidation and solidification, sintering and recrystaftization.
There are 5 figures, 6 tables, and 8 referencest 6~Soviet-bloc and 2 non-
Soviet-bloc. The three references to English-language publications read
as follows: E. Ryschkewitsch. Microstructure of Sintered Beryllia., Trans
Brit. Cer. Soc., 1960, v. 59, no. 8; R. E. Lang and H. Z., Schofield,
Beryllia, Reactor Handbook v. 4. Materials, USA, Geneva, 1955; F. H.
Norton. Journ. Amer. Cer. Soc.t 1947, v. 30, p. 242.
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt Budnikovi P. F.0 Zvyagillskiyt A. A. WY/72-59-7-r2/19
TITLEt The Influence of the Idditions of BeU an':d Commercial Alumina,on
the Main Properties of the Electricall Riigine6rirg Fi-ocelain (Vliyr-niIye
d6lbavok BeO i tekhnicheakogo glinozema na osncviiyyc UVOYstva
elektrotekhnioheskogo farfora)
PERIODIGAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 79 PP 3 TIOSSIO
IMTRACTr The purpose of this paper was the completion of the studies carried
through formerly by P., PO: Budnikov (Fco-~note ;1)1. The initial,~mass
contained 32% feldspars 24% quartz, and44% clary mateiial~#' ; As
additions BeOp commercial alumina and "charity ore vere,use& The
samples were dried at a temperature of 11OPC in the theXVioartai.fand
burned at a temperature of 1220 till 14,~()c in; reverberatory :furnaces,,
In-table I the water absorption and theiweight by volume'off the
porcelain samples with addition of BeO ire given burned'at diffamt
temperatures. In figure 1 the linear shAnkage at dif ferent burning
temperatures is given. In table 2 and figurel'the water abs6 .rption
and the-weight by volume of the sampl6sjith addition of.commercial
alumina are given. These,values correspond to the investigation
results of the Chair of Ceramics and Refractories bf- the MKhT1 Jmenj
Card 1/3, MendeleYev as mw be seen' tvm -U-jjrva6Wpton Foluboyarinov
The Influence of the Additions of BeO and Commercial Alumiza,.WZ/72-59~-7-2/19
on the VAin Froperties of the Elsotrice"' Engliamering
(Footnote 2). In table 3 the average values of the bendint strength
of samples are given which were burned,at optimum temperatures.
The addition-of small amounts of BeO and .commercial alumina effects
a lowering of the modulus of extension (?ig. jY.corres~o'n'ding:tO
investigations of P. P, Budnikov, S. G.,TjekhqYptskiy and
Ao M. Cherepanoy (Footnote 3)0 Purthermoiv the authors giTe the
charge of the elelotro-physical propertle6 of the. porcelaiii.bodies
in dependence of the composition and anount of the additions '
(Table 4) by mentioning the study of s,, 1. 3kanavi (Footnote 41.
The dielectric losses are lowered by the addition of small an6unts
of Be2O2.as it results from the investigntiond of G. N.-Voronkov,
A, A. Zvyagil9skiy, N. F* Kretova (Footn6te 5)- Conclusions. 4a
addition of small amounts of BeO (0-5 tiil 11%) lowers both tne
sintering temperature for 40 till 60 degr~ees and the coefficient
of theimal exipansion and Increases the h
oat stability andAbe:
electrophysical characteristics of the electric po elaii 1
. r0 11 Ati
addition of small amounts of '2203 (up to 1. %) into the h1g:t4*
Card 2/3 aluminous porcelain bodies causes a strong mimeralizing effect and
The influence of the Ad4itions of BeO and Commercial Alwdna WY/72-59-7-;z/JLj
on the Main Properties of the Electrical Engineering Porclelaid
allows to obtain eleetrio porcelain of',high values and to improve,
strongly its insulating properties. There are 3 figures,'4 tables$
and 5 Soviet references.
Card 3/3
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnik,a, 1958, Nr 1,p 11, (USSR)
AUTHORt Zvyagillskiy, A. A.
TITLD Ways to Improve Refractory-Clay Containers for Calcination of Electrical
Porcelain (Puti povysheniya kachestva kapsellnogo ognepripasa dlya obzhiga
elektrotekhnicheskogo farfora)
PERIODICALI Inform. -tekhn. sb. M-vo elektrotekhn.~Iprom~-sti SSSR, 1956.,
Nr 3 (87), pp 23-28'
ABSTR.&CT: Refractory containers for calcinating electrical porcelain. are pre-
pared from an unseasoned mass; the refractory-clixy ma'am is treated once or
twice in screw-type or blade-type mixers; the containers are often molded
.;manually. They are calcinedat 900-10,000C. Withsuch the turn-
over of containers in insulator calcination is 2. 5-3 times, requiring insulator
plants to produce 1. 5 -Z. 0 tons or more refractory',-;clay! mass per ton of porce-
lain. It has been found that clay-grog. masses typical of most insulAtor plants
have low mechanical strength and differ little in. their thermal endurance. The
Card 113
Ways to Improve Refractory-Clay Containers for Calcination of Electrical . . . .
refractory roasses containing kaolin have higher bending: strength and compres-
sion strength compared to masses containing only Chasov-Yar or Latin clay
without kaolin. The type of clay bond does not influence shrinkage, volumetric
weight, or m4terial porosity. As grog content indreases at the expense of
clay components, the thermal endurance of refractory masses increases but
their mechaniqal strength decreases and their porosity increases. Increasing
grog-grain din~ensions (over 5 mm) drastically decreases the mechanical
strength and thermal endurance of the refractory product. The best, composi-
tion of a mold-type refractory tnass is: 45% clay bond and 5576 grog: with
grains 5-2. 5 mr4i. Preliminary humidification of gIrog a.nd triple Working of
steam-treated rr%aoa (within 16 hours) drastically increases the thermal.endur-
ance and mechanical strength of the samples. Cast-type refractor Iy;masses
secure a greater thermal endurance and mechanical strength compared to mold-
type masses. The following measures are recommended for improving exist-
ing processes at insulator plants: a layer-by-layeT placement of clay materials
Card 213
BOY/ 112-58-1.107;
Ways to Improve Refractory-Clay Containers for Calcinlation of ElectrIcal. . . . .
and grog, and a. unUorwly.distributea steam treatr~%ent Of the mass$, as Woll, as
uniform drying of molded containers (turning them~overafter 15-16% hurnidity
is reached) or use of conveyer-type dryers and calcination at a temperature of
~250-43000 C, or higher.
N. V. N.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Containers--Production 2. Clays-Properties 3. Ref~ractory
materials--Performanee 4. Refractory materials--Properties
5. Insulators (Electric)--Processing
Card 313
r4o'b- URI
1 a d
Zvva&Ln, Aleksandr 1~mitr4= h _~Jj!L aroj# 'in j rVl~ail avich
of of b
Testing the stability and vibration 0 a~~ (Ispytdniya
prochnoati i vibratsit iitidov na podvodnykh ~ryl'%Mkh) Leningred,
Izd-vo "Sudostroyentye," 1965. 211. P. illus.l 1il~lto.' tables.
Errata slip in3erted. 1900 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGSt shipbuilding engineering, marine einginearing, hydretfoil#
static test. -,ihracion test, strength tent, strain gage
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended foi- engineers add te:jch-
nicians studying problems connected with the actual testing 0-f
vessels and is recommended for use by studeilts L~i shipbuilding
institutes. In the book, methods for the experimental invest,iga-
tLon of strength and vibration in hydrofoil craf:t are presettteC
Since the book has practical value, particular av:ention has been
paid to the technique of conducting tests and the processing of
their results. The authors acknowledge asagntance rendered them
by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and
Engineers H. 1. PechLshche L441_11~1~qA ~do~y.$ and
Card 1/3 UDC
.MR. Iff:iflMniflMl
Ch. VI. The processing of measuretuent resulta and the evaluacion of
the accuracy 108
Meth ods for Strength and Vibration Tests on Hydrofoil Crift~
Ch. VII. Purpose and problems in testizig; dev-Latag lpro&rans ~4-
Ch. VIII. Static strength tests 135
Ch. IX. Sea tests 146
-,Ch. X . V ibration tests 173
Appendix 1. The re4ults of-strength" and v6ra4i6A t4isto perfo.rmeo on
the "VLkhrl". ocean-goitij hydro f o L 1~9
SUB ODE: 13, ~4/- SUBM DATE: 0 3J4,165 I ORIG 19~Ft 0,48 OT(I RE B'*' 010
L Card 1/3 C-
Combined milling cutter and drill for drilling anA milling openwa in
engine-cylinder aleavea. Inargomashinostroonle 4 no.19t43 S 150. (HIPA 11:11)
ZTYAGILISKIY Leo - kQylevich; TAKOYLET, Radomi Gerontevich;
~R~d TA r
SEHRIM0, P.A., inzh., red.; UDMOVA, N.H., tekhn.red.
(Pneumatic chucks for lathes; colletleas pneu'matic chucks for
turret lathes; collatless chucks with automatic feed for
turret lathes] Phevmaticheskie patrony k toiarnym otankam;
Besteangovyl pnevmaticheskii patron k revollvernym .stankam;
Beeteangovyi patron a avtomaticheakoi podachei materiala k
revolivernym stankam. Leningrad, 1959* 14 pe (Laningradskil
dom nauchno-tokhnichaskoi propegandy. Cbmen paredovym opytom.
Seriia: Makhanichooksis obrabotka metallov, vyp.9) (MIRA 131:3)
Zvyagillskiy, Leonid Yakovievich, and Radomir Gerontevich Yakovlev
Pnevmaticheskiye patrony k tokarnym stankam. Bestsangovyy pnevmat-
icheskiy patron k revollvernym stankam. Bestsangovyy patrop. a,
avtomaticheskoy podachey materiala~k revollvernym.stankam (Pneu-
matic Chucks for Lathes. Pneumatic Chuck Without Collet for ,
Turret Lathes. Chuck Without Collet With Automatic Feed-of Work
for Turret tathes) Leningrad,'1959. 17 p. 6,500 copies-printed.
(Series: Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriya: Otekhanicheakaya obra-
botka metallov,~ Vyp . 9)
Sponsoring Agencies: Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politiche6kikh
i nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR; Leningradskiy dom nauchno-tekhnichoskoy
Ed.: P.A. Semenenko, Engineer; Tech, Ed.: M*M, Kabneva.
PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for tool designer.s, production
engineers, and students of machine and tool'design.
Card 1/2
Pneumatic Chucks (Cont.) SOV/3803
A description is given of new designs of pneumatic chubking
devices without collet. These hew pneumatio chu*oks are the self-
looking type, easy to mount on existing lathes, Wid said tobe
superior to the three-jaw pneumatio,,chucks now used. The text
contains numerous detailed drawings of the new chucking devices
accompanied by a description of operating characteristics.
Schematic diagrams of the pneiunatio n1rcalts for the actuation of
the chucking devices are also presented. No persondlities
are mentioned. There are 4 Soviet references.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 ~6-1T-60
!K-(m)/E P(h)/EWP(w) IVPQ) JJP(a). ~ EMPT4
A~F NR - YL /E
AR6034734 (/V) SOURCE CODE: uR/oi24/66/000.1Q08/V052/V052
AUTHOR: Zvyagin, A. D.
TIN LE: Procedure Of lesting the strength and vibration of.hydrofoil boat's
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanikaj 'Abs. 8V424
REFSOURCE: Tr. Gor1kovsk. politekhn. in-ta, v. 21, no. .1, 1965*' 26.;35
T, PIC TAGS: hydrofoil, structure stability, vibration,, static test, vibration: test,...
r4rine vibration test, strength test.
"STRACT: General problems have been discussed for the organization and
performing of strength and vibration tests of hydrofoil boats, ;inciluding'the equip!-~'.-
ment to be used and standard test program. Methods are recommended for stress;-A
loading hulls and individual structures. Examples of tes'ts conducted arel:given,~,
and the data obtained are presented for static and marine tests: with general and,
local vibrations. G. S~ Migirenko. ~[Translatlon of,abstract)
Card 11 -,A
ZVYAGIN,-Aleksandr Dm#riyoyj~4j SHABAROV, Vladimir Vasil4yovichl
KRUPITSKIY -9 Z.-',-in-zh.-O retsenzent; GEUVIKOVSKIT, G.S.p inzh.
retsenzent., BOOKOV, B.F.1 kamd, takhn, nauk, nauchn. red.;
(Testing the strength and vibrations of ships on lar4erwater
wings] Ispytanila procbnosti i vibrataii sudov napodvod-
mykh krylliakh. Leningrad, Sudostroanie., 1965. 211 P,
WIRA 18: 22)
JACCESSION NRs AP4028422 S/0181/64/006/004/1613/1017'
AUTHORSt Yeremenkop V. V.; Zvy
TITLEt tight sbsorptioz~ by cobalt fluoride crystals above and below the Real
.SOURCE:. Fizika tyerdogo telat v.,6p no- 4, 1964, 1013-1017
t TOPIC TAGSz light absorption, cobalt fluoride, Neel temperature, antiferromagnetlic
statef.eldotron phonon interaction, Van Vleck mechaniamo absorption band
: terval 20-400K
;ABSTRACT3 The authors considered the effect of temperature in the in
an the absorption band.in single crystals of CoF2 in the near' infrared region (wave-:,
~~-length-of- 1.4 microns), above and below the point of antiferr,omagnbtio ordering
;'(Neel temperature of about 38K). The para6etera of the absor tion band do not
ange anomalously during transition of the material at the 11 el'temperature. To
'find aA explanation for thisp the limits of the absorption bimd were defined, and
J'possible mechanisms for the formation of the band were considered. It.is concluded
!'that the principal causes are the great force of eleotron-phonon interaction and the
I;Van Vleck mechanism of allowed transition. As for the,temperature dependence ofthe.-
absorption maximum in the frequency scale# it is found thatsben the optical I
Car~_L, 1/2
-A-C-G-kSSION NR: AP4028422
transition of the ionic spin moment does not change, t6 absorption band:may:shift
jn-t6-Trequency scale (because of exchange interaction)*only. when there~isa
Imarked chzi~ge in the exchange integral during.transition to the exoitea*state~. "In
conclusion, we take this opportunity io thank ProfeS8Or!B* to: VOrkildq corresponding
Imember of the AN UkrSSRt'for his constant intoirest in the wdrkg and we-'-thank,V. GoI
Yurko for participating in the measurements."" Orig. art. Ilia' 4 figures.and.2
ASSOCIATIOM Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperaf6 AN UkrS82 Kharkov
.(Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatureaq AN UlcrSSR)
SUMC=8 16Sep63 ENCLs 00~
~b LVA -~-J tt P J,
L-: 10572-66 EWT(1)/&ff(M)/TAWPCtjA;~v
---ACC:tqRi-_-- 10 10
AUTHOR*. Z!Xajin, A..I..* yell nmenk2
ORG: Physicotechnical lna~titute ot Lou. rt R, 0arkd*:,:(tiz:'1ko-tekh.A
,Temp4raturebAp kr'
I nicheskiy institut All UkrSSR)
TITLE, Infrared absorption spectra of ~ntiferrom la cristals in th6 Cd'r
SOURCE: Mika tverdogo tela, v. 1965, 310~2?-31011,
fund, floarlde 11011d sol Ion,! S'ingle~
_TOPIC TAGS: cobalt compound, manganese~compc
crystal, crystal theory, antiferromagnetic material, M speattum, absorptloit spectA%"
ABSTRACT: The nuthars study the 1%frared absorption sMSCtra of single crystal specl-
mens containing 100, 90, 10 and V -coF2 in -rstems idiei-e. cobaltous and manganous
uorides form solid solutiops.-)4he spectral measurements stere made in the 15-3000K
range. The IR spect 1~ a of single crystal specimens of nixed composition are very airti-
lar to those of purel CoFz. The absorption intensity in the 100-200 cm-1 range de-
creases with a r-e-du-ction in cobalt concentration without any noticeable dertation
from Beer law, and may be compensated by an appropriato increase In the thickness of
the specimen. The differences between the spectra of mixed specimens and those of
pure cobaltous fluoride were a broadening of the bands in mixed specimens apparently
AUTHOR: Iveronoval V.I., Zvyagin., A.P. and Xatsn;6113on, A.A',
TITLE: The distortion of the crystal lattice in solid solutions.
(Iskazhen3*-ya kristallicheskoy reshetki v tverdykh a
PERIODICAL: "KristallogTaLzall (Crystallography), 1957,
Vol.2, No*3, pp. 4.14 - 418 (U.S.$,R,)
ABSTRACT: The values of the mean.square 'static displaaement-of
atoms w6:~e calculated by means of the elastic model of solid
solution. J.comparison. of the results o~ calculations with
the experimentally measured values of Ut. are given. The
values of, Ust. determined expezrimentally agree in order.of
magnitude with the calculated values; however,~the theoretic-
ally required proportionality in the difference of atomic
radii is not observed. An.ana.17sis of the probable causes of
this divergence is given. The most essential must be them
comparison of the values of the mean square displacements with
the short-T=ge order, determined according to- the intensity of
the background of the X-ray pattern.
The dependence of the value of the mean square-static
mrd 1/2 displacements was studied in Cu-Sn, Fe-Co, Xi-Or, Ni-Ti and
Fe-C alloys. Foz. low concentrations all the curves show a
The distortion of the crystal lattlVer, in solid solution.~
linear dependence of a on concentration, which agrees,with
the xa;~lculations carried out on the gro;uind. of the elastic;
model. A saturation of the value of the mean square ?sta'tic
displacements is observed at high concbntrations; for Ni-Fe
alloys the outline a = f(c) was obtained, which does not
coincide wi the theory. It was shown that in this.case the
values of Ui~, determined.from X-ray p~atterns, with Molaind
Cu radiation not show mutual agreement.. 'The picture
observed is explained by the influence'of primary extinj~tion.
A curve of the dependence of the Debye temperature u on
concentrations was deduced:for Ni-Fe a,lloys. Using Ou and
Ni Fe alloys, the dependence of the Debye temperature_ on the
loRg-range older was shovm. The Debyeltemperature of the
ordered solid solution was found to b6 lower than that of the
disordered one. There are 4 fi~ires and 18 references, 13 of
which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University im. MOV. Lomonosov.:
(Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Un'ivers'itet im,~~
M.V. Lomonosova)
SUBMITTE.D: March 8, 1957.
AVAILAB18: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
mAcTNI A. V.
KIRICEMiKO, Vasiliy Stepanovich, inzh ; FRYGELISONO.B.Tuolk4nd.tekba.'I
nauk, reteenzent; SJJDAKIU, Ta:A., red.inzh,,; 'pri lichastli:
insh.; ROGOZHKIIT. P.1., Inzh.; MDOXOMDV, F1N., Insh.; STMIK.
A.N., SIROTIN, A.M., red.izd-va,
inzh., ELIKIND, ..D., takhn.rad.
(Water-cooled chill molds] 7odookhIazhdaaqre4okiii. Maskia"Gos.
naucbno-tekhn.i2d-vo mashinostrait. lit-rY, 1950. 95 P. NIU.11:12)
(Molding (Founding))
Xlectron diffraction refinement of the muscovite structure. Kristal-
lografiia 5 no.416OO-604 R-Ag~ 160.
1. Vaesoymn7y nauchno-iseledoiatellskiy geologichaskiy institut.
F, F
Acmd. Sci. U.S.S.R.). Poki4dy Akad!, Nda S.K.S. I
69, 65-70940).-The etcctr~nAiITrkctIuq pattew ii f,-
r' -
n5kitnitt (montniorlilonite) is cklcd. &q,4 yields tht: folio
ing tamWinic tlernmlwy cell dilmiloost c# - 531 4
0.02 A,;, bo 8.91 * 0.03 A.;~ cj - 0,93 * QJIOW. *
0 - 90,54, 30'. The "Pace Ilroop is Mh, the skisi or
etly Of:thc pvqphyllitt Llytri Call., The hiph
it v6hich the Llecum diffraction 1-1
excess water content of ordinary moot"loriltmito to O~tq jt~
a glegreg thot the crintlio, Is procticatIr AI,(8(,Nt(0W(
with cheilamilmle. art) A(volvilig 14 At. ~ I'mig by fit; I
and pf.Sll~ hyq Al"~ The Agriettlent'ni tht regulm lot
the Otfl, of tiff. Stnactum by X-ray diffiaction 14 cwlpl~tk I_
The porudohexagonal character of the strmctlo~ Is vrutie
ularly sms in, the palitioll of the' reflections it Ill A114 02
on the first, of.(.qfll) and (MI) on the second. 14112
"Con". ~
and (041) on the thitd, of (3,11 1) ml (11, fit
aild (m
llii5i curve v3f the diffrio itivalb. w. Hit& i~
41111 1'.
Nature of the Askan clays and their mother roas. Ii.
It. ZVY:46111, R. L. Ltitidul. and V, 11, I?vtruv (Akad.
11,441Y AW. Nook S.S.S,R. 68.
377, rhe holkW1.1ot 010111 owgillol lite ClArt tit
A4411 at,. fofilled fly deemillos. 4
tutyl. r"o, tylic, if irr .1141illsiliAlml:
the lic-Aly-eatthy cL&y and the collohlAl
"Alk3ogd.- Tilt fifNt 41"e$ not (unit %tAbte sailistmIlosis
, itikmix 1. (lit thr other limid, tonni vey stAble
fit wAttr- o
$135prissioliq of 11 hijill thilutrully, Itti'l pl'I'ticity. but of
low Low VAllavitY, In rontrnst toAsUnglin. which
ILks it ld$lt 111V LOntAill
c.tvificm with vri4lolmlitr. I 111"I'lvoil-lillt filmitits Aeolitr,
and K attillih-wi. -my, with AlMelille
isr, The trock li III
"oldille, and Motile. 11.4-44itts is (hit tylli-
11.1114 In lite 91414. rho rTeritoll stilh-fim-tillic vil-koill.
%Jumo,j Ilse ctyitall tva 44 tilt, villmite
litioviral, with thr fellsollftty evll .8.
4 - 0,14, ri, - 13.1 A.: io - 99'56'. They mtolitfutest
t,. lie ptevi.xititnictural tlAtm itivrit fly PAuling and Me-
iMutchy. From the senctic viewixlillt- ttlv "t
io 41ml,er Ipwitons, Illoor'lWAY 41.1ve the tnothin
oj .11 Ask-41114fill in 111" lolther is jet.1ted to
the 1;Irth-tiNtly flott-rk-itly Charild'-f 1-r the lir,t fit OW
vlectroll inkfultwIllti. it I',! howvvvsr, vry,t. ill it
troll 41117miltion, but "lilt "iltOlvil ,o'1 mi'llov,sh't"
tiller lillel. lie 4vil diinvolli. indis;
14 -it" J, - A.1"; j% .!
M-91. cis - O.U.1 A.. d "Ifl, 10 JIV Ill 9-uhl istree,
nient with that d Tit.! p,krticlc4 of
t"kanigliti hivv 4 nuch c%,L%mrcrY4j. type, with lisdicatej
w1fultshmillinjAl sh,11,sq, &,i,1 mo,h Illore distifirt fit;
I'motiolut lines, ill, is stront Amor
I !thoo4 limAgrosind. All
111"'c"tialls' 11to Itisit'll ill-it ill I It a4singfin in(we jolos.
filljoill 11141"flisl is litewfit flislif in .1. -lie
t )it t,Ljug, I
frosit mk4olgel it) wsk.koglin is Aw-urntly Ool"holet)
with 4 1110WOU111 j it,e tvital-ldly tit ills: istroo.
111(v, .411d Ow rocilliflon o( dilhillill'"Is livitat'll, [lilt tsonol.
hill"lisily wilh it v,%ljWF:j4jjjY 11'sifulm, 'I'lls, 4# .110 bi,
111111ollOonq lilt! tilt, %,till,, Ill both tvlwi, A%kinti-I is tilt
'jiltr4thor ot'vIt.
asinknalln remwimi .% trAnittion plu*. lutmed lit autt,gee~
ocar lutrixnm (k.tAin tVi.,.l W_ Ritd
: A
400 A
c" OfWalkiMe Sid WkW4 domtmkdmkdm-:
fthma tku xbv~* md: WAWAWQWI&'
' .00
00 a 0 (N4& 3) W4 (IM) It PAU".
nd Piuka, (A (A(O~ 1) (190)L two worwUftkl -00
so 9 Wirwiwma mkwah wm vwr*w. 9 dwatnt 400
0 0& IYTO 0( rimphyllito IRYOM (SIP,) VA Omw 4"4 400
lmY be m&dLoJ In vaWs %vn The urjl all a
+ 0*
)w(9-47 * 0-07)J~ JOErW!j 30' bw it
sea impmokk to radve reffoakm *Wcb
Id kwkw
ft k
ycn am vtxv$
(w' wit
a pyfOpk
' see
6-9-"*0-02' Cmjl-54;~
0- JOA. &W 100
Jr * 43
. am twii Awm:iwo
0( ammdry. c" Od a
Ott= or
s 400
od it 41#4 ald Ow0awkv k"n to, dkOAWw by iol
Tho vim r9tv h C14 - CU : Maummilkw#
hPoe woup CU - C21m) bu do "Am kon Wh
pk*w ot
ty-bay caft**'6- A. L. MACOT
. . ..... %Ia. ".4mv too
1444 w ONO, Ot
lpdb ML
u I AV 03 111;
- M
6 a *so 0
e K"40 A" A t 0 , it 0 1 W. 0 9 A
l; o
4 41 0 W; ;
so as 004 0) 0
00 0 0100
0 0- 4
0 0
: 0
- -0 10-0 0-0 0-se 0 0 0 00,0000 0 o.'4 0 0 0-444 ;s 0 *Q'0~0 0 0
... ........ .. .
L 335646 DIM b UP
AMESSION MR.. APS013474 -W diatAj OWN! ts -1
1fAUT1E0'*Rt Zvyahin, A. 1. (Zvyaen. A. t.); Yer4Auk*, V~ V.,
~TITLE- Infra-red absorption speara. of _crysttls of antiferrowgnittic coba i=-11
:SOURCE: Ukrayiaslkyy fizycbnyy thurnal, V. 10, n .,5. L9:6;5 1, 525 -030
-tid materials, 010 ~It,cl~
TOPIC TAGS: IR absorption, antiferronWe
ABSTRAM The absorption of light was studiod in the cejj~ laftial-irod,regloq Overi i
wide temperature ninge (from 1*L0 to 400'0K) in a number of ceibalt comNunds (OoVZ'~
CoO, CoCO3, CoCI) and crystalline ZnS with a Small additift (1-111) Of Cos all, or
Which become antiferraw;agnetic at saw definite tezWrattmet S;=ples wire In tht
form of thin (0.03-0.05 an) slices. Special care was takno to maiatain the CoC12
Eme from water. In aLll the above compounds an absorption band ;ms obsemd in the
,rang -LOW CM-4 A
e which ww relatively wide (half width 6 q: 2000 ca I and
J.03 C33 1), associated with the transition lbatweein energy levels r6-
sultilag ftva a oplittkq of the gr*und level of Co by internaL eleclW9C
TM.Infra red h=4 corresponds to ths trwtiftud l4+ rt, which Lai forbid-
L 3356-66
den In the electVic dipole apprcmiuation V and it' is a"! that:. ihis t" it
made possible by the interaction of the eledmils with t~dl! 6ptl~ai Ooino-n~. 1 uy~i-
paring the experimental values of the total intensity of the tr4o"Ition wItli tj~-* 1:
theoretical calculations of A. D. Liehr and C. J, Hallhau4iea, Phys. Rev. , 1,06, 1161 i
(1957), an estimate was made of the frequency wo of phonous effdctive in the Me-
chanism of the r4+ r5 transition. The estimated values obstained were wo%400 cz1-1
for CoO, CoF2, CoCO3 and w()n,240 cm-1 for CoCIZ. Abvorptimn measm-ements tmre made
in the far infra-red region ,u 000-1400 CM-1) to werify the assumption of electron-
optical phonon interaction. They shaved an increase in absorption, at frequencies
in good agreement with the above estimates of uo evidently connected with the ex-
citation of the crystal lattice ascillatioms. Also the wo for CoC12 is in good
,agreement with the intervals (Av z 235 t 5 cm-1) observed In the optical spectra of
MuCl crystals. The variation of the maxitum of the absouption band with tempera-
1) the Posi-
.ture was studied. Within the resolution of the spoctrowiter 0400 cm
. tion of the mwd was found to vary linearly with temperature even in ttie v4-cinity
'of 7,. Graphs show the variation of the balf width of the aboorption band with tem-
1)/EW M Wp
1, 104-~M V )/TjWP(t)/Z (b~ X4p( X)044
'AUTHORS: ahin, A. I. (Zvyggin, A. 1.); Yeretmnko V V.
TITLE: Investigationo or'Infrared absorption spq tra of' crystals of
129! ___ C - -and GoF
antiferromagnetic cobalt compounts. II. Absorption Ln oO 2
caused by the spin-orbit splitting of the lowest level
'SOURGEa, Ukrayinsklyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. lo, no. 6, 1965, 636-644
TOPIC TAGS: ir spectrum, absorption spectrum, colfialt e~otripound, antt-
ferroniagnetic material
ABSTRiCT: This, is a continuation of earlier work by the, authors (FTT
v. 5, ioi3, 1964; Mr. fizychn. zh. v. 10, no- 5, 1965). With the
aim of ascertaining the eff6ct of the transition to a ~agneto-o-Mered i
loompound on the optical spectrum of antiferromagnets, the authors in.-
iveatigated (in polarized light) over a range of 10 -- 400K the be-
~havior of absorption bands due to transitions between components of I
;spin-orbit splitting of the lowest level of the term V 9/2 of the 00
Lcsrlt J/3
L 15W-66
I ion of--th lk~ J~:
e antiferromaghetia :compounds"66~6:"d in J~he'~ ~dno
region 600 -2-006. am' An 10;44 a eatrometerl: ~!s u:Uldo Thd,:,!
P 00,
and ZnS + Co++~sampj6s~wereopolished vlat4lihts a a, 03, _:M5j!: - 7
0-3 -- 0.5o 0.4 -- 10 nn thick with an area 3 x 5"Mm. The
'ber of absorption bands in the doF2 spectrum than, expea ted from a. 6'.
sideration of the spin-orbit splitting of the4F.1b team in a D
field at temperatures above the Neel point can be und~rmtood by,as-i,
suming removal of translational degeneracy. The 13troog frequenqy
shift of a number of band maxima (up to 30 ctil-1) Oil mognetict ot ~njg
to the long -wave length side is related to the fact thdt t~e zeeman;
splitting of the ground state of the Co++ ion in the oxchange field
Is smaller than that of the excited states. The anomalous intensity
decrease observed by Vewman and 0,hrenko (Phys. Rev. v. 115, 114T,
1959) of the 1235 am--L band with unpolarized light on transition
through the Neel point was not observed in polarized light. The sharp
change in the temperature dependence of the half-iddth of the band$
~at the Neel point is apparently connected witb a diff1dronce in h6
dominant mechanism responsible for the shape of the bands: aboyle the
Neel point interaction with phonons is dominant,, while below it inter-
action with spin waves predominates. 'The authori3 thank Corpspondini
Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, B. Im YyerkineMd
Professor Borovik-Ronianov or Interest in thEFTo7RC,-aiid-'-1T. H. YurAlp/,15~
for assistance in ca.~r-~rylfivj/fft the expertment.l Orig. art. hast,
formulas, I table, and 6 figures
!ASSOCIATION: Fizko-tekbnicbnyy instytut nyztkykh~ temple-ratur- AH,UR Rj
lKharkiv (Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy instilmt nIzkikh tetliperitLtur A14
Wbartkov] (Pbyei0oteohnical inst1tuto for Low Temperalturos,, AU
:Uk SH
iSUBMITTED: 29jun64 ENCL., 00 am CODE: 38,~ OF
:NR REF SOV: 006
OTliM. 009
t 11, -7i
Card 1/1
Authors Zvyagin, B. B. and Refeidov, E. 1.
Title About Cookeite
Periodical Dokl. AN SSSR 95, 6, 1305 - 1308, 21 Apr 51t.
Abstract The article azyi thit noWto has been founl in thm 14. W. of the
USSR, and deacrlbts cookmite charmeterletias ob3arvad through
microscoFic, physical (optical., thermal, -ile~ulfrona-grii-pkLtc), and
c h,! m i c al ~i -i a I- y sq Ei .There, iixn .2 tablets compl.lad frv:)m Lha technic4
o.nalysi5 t)f cookelte.
Institution t P.11 Union Research 3ciantLftc Craclogica.1 Inet. Leningrad
Submitted : 22 Feb 1954
ihe r id 10-1-
Authors Zvoyagin, B. B.
Title Electronographic Investigation of minorals of the kdoliinite
Periodical i Dokl. AN SSSR, 96, Ed. 4, 809 - 812, June 14954
Abstract Structural data are presetited regardlilg ml)nerhi grog
including the elayey minerals of the kiloliwitte group.
Data, obtained through electronographic Investigation of
34 samples, gave a more complete idea about the structural
characteristics of kaolinites. Six referonces. Table.
Institution All-Union Scientific-Research Geologioal Institute
Presented by: Academician N. V. Belov, March 23, 1954
-0 11 H 11MMOMM"I"I'l 11111
hor Zvyagin, B B
Title i Certain characteristics of diffraction charts of Immt1lar dtic&~&S
Periodical : Dokl. AN SSSR, 97, Ed. 2, 251 - 253, Jul5r 1954
erAi,, which
Abstract : Thesis on the structure of lamellar silicates conAlitting of 1~ly
in each concrete case reoresent a definite citimbination of two-4dizension&I
tetrahedron lattices populated with Si, Al at,.ans xnd two-dimensional octa-
hedron lattices populated with k1, Mg, Fe atavas. Vata are givtn ot the
atoms oriented in the centers and summits of the pnlyhodrons. The atoms
of various layers oriented on procar levelv have identical z1-coordinates.
The atoms on each ltvel are arranged either liaxagor4,11y-centrically or
hexagonally-noncentrically. One reference.
Institution All-Union Scien-Research Geological Institute
Presented by Academician N. V. Salov, Harch 23, 1954
Ctmnslatorl; MIK-KAMMTSKATA, LA.,
CrVFa--n`storfte a6o;B-.: ~T[~~
anslator re a or; TSOM400' A.M., redaktor; UtBOVA, M.P.
takhnicbeakiy redaktor.'
(X-ray identification and crygtal structures of cl Inerals;
collection of articles. Translated from the Inglishl 'Rentganovskis
matody opredelenila i kristallicheskoe stroenie minaratov glin;
9'bornik statel. Perevod s avgliiskogo B.B.ZvIagina i T.A.Frank-
Kamenetskoi-Pod rid. I a predliel. V.A.Frank-Kax&netskogo. Moskva.
izd-vo inostrannot lit-ry, 1955. 4o2 p. (KTAA 8:~11)
(Glay) (X-rays)
Some diffraction properties of Olaysy minerals represented in
electronogra~ms'of oblique textures. Trtuly liketArts-t0no"11:85-93
155. 04LRA 9:6)
lJoessoyusnyy nauctmo-iseledovatellekiy geolo~gichesk iy institut.
IM lph, X. [translator]; MIMMYSTA, Y. [translAtor];
141MYxv. 1 tr~nslatorll;
V.I, trandlator); RAZMGAY&VA,'G'-I-
redaktor; YAKOYRNKO, H.Te., redaktor; DUM, takhnichbakly
(Clay mineralogy..-Translated from the Ingli.sh) Hineralogiia glin.
Perevod anglitskogo B.B.2viagina i dr. Pod r6d, i s predial. V4.
Irank-Kamenetskogo. MoBkva. Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-~ry. 1956.
454 p. (KM 9:,10)
Card 1/2
from., Referativnyy,zhurnal, Geplogiv~o 1957 ~Nr 1)
p 66 (-USSR)
Zvyagin, B. B.
`:---t-heIden ti f ica tion of Clay Minevals.~,by the Blectiono-
graph (Opredeloniye'glinistykh miner'alov meto,dom
Vopr. mineralogii osadoch. obrazovaniy'. Books'3-4)
L'vov, Ltvovsk. un-tj 1956, pp 654-66,L
In its present stage of development,'.the electronograph,
as a method of structural analysis inAdentifyin'g clay
minerals, permits the solution of,the'followibg,
problems: 1) the identification of clay minerals
forming clay deposits,and the cla'y' fraction of o',thei-
rocks (minerals of the kaolinite, montmorillonit'd.
hydromica, beidellite-monothermito, and chlorite,
groups); 2) the qualitative identification of these
minerals in natural mixtures if they are distinguished
by the parameters a, and b; 3) the recognition
The Identification of Clay Minerals by the Blect~onograph (Cont.
Within each group of the degree of perfection of,the structure,
reflecting the conditions of formation of the minerals; and 4) the
separation of formations consisting of intergrowths of different
components of two-layer and three-layer structures (beidellite-
Card 2/2 v, K.
USSR/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. BI-5
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 59 1957, 14492
Author B. B. Zvyagin
Title An Electron Diffraction Study of Hydromicas'.
Orig Pub; Kristallografiya, 1956, lp No 21 214-217
Abstract: An electron diffraction determination was conducted of
the elementary nuclei of 56 samples, of hydro micas. II
Various hydromicas differ from one another, according
to their phys-chem. and genetic properties, in LThe
degree of their7 structural perfection, 'dimensions of
their elementary nuclei and the distribution,of the
reflexes' intensities. The nuclei, depending' on their
chem. composition and the period of thealternation.of
their three-storied silicate layers into one or two
layers are characterized by the values: a 5.16-5.29,
b 8.90-9.20p c 10.1-10.3 kX,, P99.50-101.60 (in the
transition to one layer) or with c 20.0-20.6 kX,
Card 1/2
U SR Physical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1957, 14492
Abstract: P.93.50-960 (in the transition to two layers'), Five
groups of samples were isolated, differing from one
another by the distribution of the refldxesl~intensities.~
Card 2/2
~Biectronographic method for determining clay miuer~als. vop.min.
osadoobr. 3/4:654-667 156. (MLBA 9:11)
1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geologichoskiy institut,
(Clay) (Blectronograpby)
Yo.1.1 UAKHOVA, R.A.; IVANOVA, I.I.; TAMINOT, P.M., prof.j red.;
GRYSUR, A.U., prof.red.; DOMINIKOVSKIT. 7.N., kand.geologo-,
mineralogicheakikh nauk, red.; KNIPOVICH, Tu,,N., kand. geologo-
mineralogicheakikh nauk; SHUROV, A.A., kand, geologo-mineraloglc6-
skikh nauk; YRAUK-KAIWIWTSKIY. Y.A., kand. ;eologo-mineralogithe-
skikh nauk; B&BIVrSXV. 11.1., red.izd-va; KRY110CHKIIIA, K-V-, tekhn.red,
(A methods manual on the petrographic and mineralogical study,of clays]
Metodicheakoe rukovodstvo po petrografo-mine.rologicheekomu izuebaniiu
glin; trudy Institute. Soot. kollektivom avtorov pod rukovod9tvowM-F-
Vikulovoi. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. Lad-vo lit-ry po gaol, I
okhrane nedr, 1957. 447 p. (MIRA lls2)
1. Leningrad. Veasovusnyy geologicheskiy inatitut.. 2. Chlen-,
korreepondent AN SUR kfor Tatarinov)
Reflection metbod used in electron diffraotion ~Oxaminntioa of
~owdarad calAdonite, KriatAllograflia 2 no.1:181-181 157.
011RA 10: 7)
1. Vseaoyu%v-yy nnuchro-tesledavetellakiy geologichefW~ inatitut.
(.PjleC4 ror dIffrnctior. examination) (Coladonite)
AUTHOR: ZvyagiA, B.B.
TITLE: Determination of the Structure of se.lado.Tiite by means~of
electron diffraction.. (Mektronografichesko, a opredeleni e
struktury seladonita)
PERIODICAL: "Kristall6= ixa" (Crystallograph 1957,
Vol-- 2, NO-3t~ Pp- 393 - 399 (U-S--S.E~
ABSTRACT: -11he possibilitie s, of electron diffraction are titijiBed
for the complete determination of the istructure of deladonite
KO.8(MO.7Fel.4)1AlO-46'3.6Pl0j( OH)2. The unit cell is
a = 5.20, b = 9.00, e = 10.25 kX9 V='100.1 , The atomic
co-ordinates and interatomic distanaes~.were~detexmindd by means
of Fourier syntheses. Themean ratio of the.linear,dimensions
of the octahedrons and tetrahedrons, kl2z-1.11. A iaimb6r of
distortions were revealed of the ideal arrangements and.of-the
regular forms of the polyhedrons and of the central locations
of the cathions in these.
Acknowledgments are made to Va nsht6yn, K., Doc or~of
Physical and Mathematical Sciences, for his valuable~advice
and to Lazarenko, E.K., Malkova, K.M. 'and Shashkin -V,P.
QU-d 1/2 f or making ava J 1 able specimens and their chemical data.
There are ? figures and 12 references,.8 o9 which are Slavic.
AUTHORS: Popov, ii.M. andl~~~~
TITLE: Application of a 400.kV ElectronoGraph to the Study of
Single Crystals (Primeneniye 14.00-1tV elektronografadlya
issledovaniya monokristallov)
+ 4 plates
PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 19158, Vol 3, bix 6, pp ?06-?08/(IJSSR)
ABSTRACT: The principal difficulty in the electron diffraction
examination of clay minerals is that so many reflections
overlap. Even in texture pictures the,re is much over-
lapping while powder photognaphs are v ery difficult to
interpret unambiguously. Diffraction from sIngle 6rystals
of dimensions about 11i in chance'orientations is one
solution to the problem. However, if high-energy
electrons are used, a crystal big~enough to be manipulated
can be examined. A new Soviet 400 kV electron microscope
(described by N.M. Popov in Izv.A4.nauk ESSR, Ser.Fiz.,
1958) has been applied for this purpose, The a6cel.erating
voltage is measured to 0-5% by an electrostatia~voltmeter.
The i.p. voltage is stabilised with a synchronous motor-
generator Afresistance/capacity~.filteT reduced voltage
fluctuati;ns to less than 0.005/06. Four-stage focussing
produces a concentrated electron beam.. The relativistic
Application of a 400 kV Blectronograph to the Study of Single
speed of the electron is up to 60.0'kdV. A universal
stage permits the movement of tlie~spec'imen up to r6U
in all directions~ 6~objects can-be examined serially
in the same holder without breaking the vacuum., Both
transmission and reflection techniques can be u8ed,~. A
semi-automatic camera keeps the X~-ray~background on the
plates to a-minimum. Specimens up t03 11 thickIcan be
Specimens of kaolinite and dickite were used for testing
the diffraction performance. A spot pattern from single
crystals of kaolite and dickite are reproducedo Indexing
the spots is therefore extremely easy., The minimum value
of d recorded is about 0.4 KX .. The technique o:t very
high-voltage diffraction is thought to be extremely
valuable for such dispersed systems.
Card 2/3
Conference on X-ray examination of clay min"rals bold in Lvov~, q
December 1957. Zap. Toss. min. ob-va 87 no.2:245 158.
(HIAA 11%9)
1. Deystvitallnyy chlen Veasayuzaogo mineraleigicbeakago obahchestva
(for Frank-Kamenatekly).
(Clay--Analysis) (X rays--Industrial soplication)
POPOV, N.M.; 2nem"a-z-
Use of a 400 kv. electron diffraction unit for,the investigation
of single crystals. Kristallograflia U*0.6:7q6-708 158,
(MIRA 12--2).
1. Vuenoyunnyy geologicheskiy Institut.
(Ilectron diffraction apparatus)
Card 1/2
Popov, N. M., Zvyag~Rj_ B. "0v/413-2 A-1/28
Investigation of Minerals by Means of the hl~:thod of Mibrodiffrao-
tion in an Electronic Microscope-Ele6tronograph With an
Accelerating Voltage of 400V (Izu"el,iiyo 11ineralov metodom
mikrodifraktsii v elektrontom mikroskopO-elaktronografe s us-
koryayushchim napryazheniyem 400 kV)
Izvestiya, Akadomii nauk 5 1NE. Seriya fizichaskaya, 190v Vol 23,
Nr 6, pp 670 - 672 (USSRY
The method of microdiffrao'tion is a considerable advantagel'both
for electron-microscopy and for electronography, and in th~
introduction the possibility of imaging any micropart of a pre-
paration and the quantitative structural analysis are discussed.
The analogy between the here discussed method and the,use Of
polarized light in opticaI microscopes.is briefly discussed.,
after which the usual structural analysin, by means of,which them
relative intensity of reflections is determined, and the dark-
ground image is discussed. Finally) the':'~microaeope-elec ono-
graph constructed by N. M.Popov is discussed, which has ant .
accelerating voltage of 400kV; the diameter of~~the electrod~beam,
is O.Oqu . This exceedingly: small diameter makes it possible
to inv7stigate minerals composed of very amalIIparticles' and to
Investigation of Minerals by Moans of the'Method ot SOY/48-23:6 I/
Microdiffraotion in an Electronic Microscope-Electronograph With an
Accelerating Voltage of 400 kV
watch the structural transitions on tKe vartiole boundarits.
In the last part of the paper the 12figurea shorn ate discussed.
Of these, 8 are X-ray pictures, and the re-miiining four are
dark-ground images. Investigations areloarried out of kaolin#
gallusite, montmorlllonite, aerpeutine,minerais, antigorite,,
ohrysotile, and sepiolite. There are 14" figures and 3references,
1 of which is Soviet.
ZVYAGIN. Boris Sorisovich
"The Contribution of Electron Diffraction to the.Crystali!
Chemistry of Clay Minerals"
a report presented at Symposium,of the lnterna~tlonal Union of
Crystallography Leningrad, 21-27 May 1950
24 ~7100
Card 1/7
OV/ -5-1-6/30
r e Electr"n
Determination of Kaolinite Structu e1by ~,h 0
Diffraction Method
KristallograiViya, !960, Vol 5, Nr l,';pp 40-50 (USSR)
The structure of kaolinite has remained unclear I
despite continuous studies for over 25 years. The
difficulty is related to.the occurre4ce of t h i s
mineral in several modifications, such as
monoolinic with the unit translation~c throiigh 1,,
3, and perhaps 6 sheets of t-etrahedra and triclinici
through I sheet, The direct determinatiot'L or the
kaolinite structure became possit)le:by employing the
electron diffraction method. The diffraction patterns
from oriented kaolinite flakes were obtained by device.
01-4 and the Datterns from s-ingle crystals, by Popov's
device (theses at the Fedarov Session on Crystallo-
graphy held in Leningrad, lc)5Q. Publishing. House
Determinatir.ri of Kao-IInIte Structure by 74097
the Electron DI.LOfrac.!;I-.n Met;hod
AS USSR, 1959). The diffr,actlon from
polycrysta-111ne sipecimen:~ rW the mio,,3t, cominon
tric-11n1c. kaolin-Ite r-esemible. thoole from
monoc~.Ilnic crystal 1,,ecause of the orlentation
of' flakes with ab parallel planes. The author
analyzes several equations that permi~r orte- to
distinguish the triclinic pat-tern and to 'tridex the
diffractions. Thus, the lattice constants for
triclinic kaolinite could be determinbd as a 5.13 A;
b 8.89 A; c = 7.25 Aj cL= gio 4o ; ~ 0,= 1o40 40'.-, , -~
900. Having obtained the two-17 nsional intensity
projections and calculated structure faetor5, a
preliminary model was made, which proved to be far
off the real structure because of numerous~defects In
the latter. Consequently, the Infinite sheets of
SiO, tetrahedra ani their linIcs wIth'the -adjacent
octahedral sheets were established coaipar'n~
-I ,the
exoerimental intensities, with those on the
()I,' KlaolInIto LILVUCLUVO by ? 97
Mu. Electron DII.Tvaction Method so, o -.i - 6/3 c)
Card 3/7
baolo ol' Ideal mode"I.O. The new prellminaxiy model,
based on the,.~c data, had polar uhcet:;~ no 'center
of symmetry, and no iriirrors* The rci.'Irleme~,nt of tile
model by a repeated calculatIon ot' th6~ sca~.tterlng
denulty VunetIono d1ocloood that bot)Coctzahc
d ra
and tetrahedra sheets exhibit,much better brder
than the kaolinite otructure as a whole. TI Ae
latter consist2 of two-sheot Layero of' whle,4 the
upper sheet (Fig. 6) IS, composed or 8101, tetrahedra,
and the lower of (Al) octahedra, slightly flattened
because of the reduced length of' the edge3 common
with neighboro. Al atoms are displaced from the
octaliedron centers toward the OH bases. Similarly,
Si atoms are displaced from the tetrahedroh centers
toward the bases. The tetrahedra nhe ets are shifted
relative to those oV octahedra by 1/3~b. The accuracy
of atomic coordinates is +0.02 A for Si and Al and
-1-0-03 A for 0.
Determination of Kaolinite Structure by 78097
the Electron Diffraction Method SPIV/70-5-1-6/30
14 7
Card 4/7 Fig. 6. Caption an Card 5/
Determination of Kaolinite Structure by 7 0 097
the Electron Diffraction Method 3,011170 -5 -1 -6/30
Fig. 6. Schematic repre~;entation old,^ kaollylite, structure
In ortho,ronal xyO projection. (1) hiisal face-9 of' octa
2) PpeI, Praces of' Oct
hedra; u ahedra, ~ (3) bases of'
terahedra; (4) basal faces in the next loWer sheet;
(5) Si; (6) Al
Table 2. Atomic Coordinates in the~btructw-e of'
Card 5/7
0,223 0175
, 17 1
-(),696 -0: -0,136 0,(11) 0,763 0,186 OJ5~',
03(11) -0,723 0 3m -(),12,9
' -0,105 0,455
_O, jqj
0i -0,2W 0:3= 0, 155
0, -0,2(
19 0,177 0,475 0
o OJI2 -0.041 Mai ,
Determination of Kaolinite Structure by
the Electron Diffraction Method
Tablc 3. Interatomic distances in the structure of'
ATOM X Al-- X x AT611
)I - 0- 2,88 Al,-01 1,88 10s-01 2.71 "Lit 016 J.92 uq~ - 07 2, or) ov-Sit 1,68
0~, 2,88 All-01 1,94 100 03 2) 75 Ali - OAa 1 88 08-0, 2,63 Of- Sit 1,58
14 2,84 A I t- Os 1 80
' D4 05 2:(;6 0,--All 1:06 ( 1:1 -- (-), 2 ,n)8 Sir. -0, 1,114
)3-01 2, W, 04-All 92
1 10o - 0, 2,641 01., -Al, Iof) n I,-- (J., 2,1;5 0,- 1sit I'm
)3 - 02 2,52 01- A], 2,0U 07 - 04 2,50 01~-AI2 02) 3,11i 011 - Si2 1,.',4
2,42 0. Al, 1,95 10, - 07 2,(;Z Sl,-(), 1 48 011-01
) 0
: V0 0 , Si,
9 1, w
1-- 02 2,G8 A I
1- 0 1 t,87 10s -- 0, 2, 58 01 1
The structural data of the author qudhtitatively
differ from the figureu givert L'ov dickitt- (U.S.
reference 1) . Qualitatively, they ai,(~ Identical.
N. V. Belov and B. K. Vaynshteyn are acknowledged for
advice' in the construction of models and in the
Card 6/7 Interpretation of data, respectively. The-re are 6
Determination of Kaolinite Stnicture by .78097
the Electron Diffraction Method soVio-5-i-6/30
figures; 3 tables; and 13 refererc0s., 9 Soviet,
2 U.S., I German, I Danish, The U.S, references
are- G.-W. Brindleyj M. Nakahira, Mines Mag., 31,
24o, 781., 1~58;JG. W. Brindley, K.-Robitnson., Mines
Mag., 27, 2 2, 946.
ASSOCIATION-. All-Union Geological Imztitute (Vse3oYuznYY
"ogicheskiy institut)
SUBMITTEDt July 7, 1959
Card 7/7
Mapping of a crystal -lattice in reoiproca1,-,y=qt2-Y space.
Kristallograftia 8 no.2:1/+7-157 Mr-Ap 163.6 .(MIRA 17:8)
1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR1. .~ Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-'
issledovatellekly geologichaskiy in6titut,
Electron diffraction data on the Structures of sepiolite and
palygorskite. Kristallograftia 8 no.2:201-206 Mr-Ap 163.
. (MIRA 17:8)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy